90 resultados para Scalable Nanofabrication


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Millennium Development Goals point out the necessity of actively promoting maternal-child health care status, especially in underserved areas. This article details the development actions carried out between 2008 and 2011 in some rural communities of Nicaragua with the aim to provide a low-cost tele-health communication service. The service is managed by the health care center of Cusmapa, which leads the program and maintains a communication link between its health staff and the health brigades of 26 distant communities. Local agents can use the system to report urgent maternal-child health care episodes to be assessed through WiMAX-WiFi voice and data communications attended by two physicians and six nurses located at the health care center. The health and nutritional status of the maternal-child population can be monitored to prevent diseases, subnutrition, and deaths. The action approach assumes the fundamentals of appropriate technology and looks for community- based, sustainable, replicable, and scalable solutions to ensure future deployments according to the strategies of the United Nations.


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Background: Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies for e-learning have been adopted to provide ubiquitous training and serve as structured repositories for the vast amount of laparoscopic video sources available. However, these technologies fail to offer such features as formative and summative evaluation, guided learning, or collaborative interaction between users. Methodology: The "TELMA" environment is presented as a new technology-enhanced learning platform that increases the user's experience using a four-pillared architecture: (1) an authoring tool for the creation of didactic contents; (2) a learning content and knowledge management system that incorporates a modular and scalable system to capture, catalogue, search, and retrieve multimedia content; (3) an evaluation module that provides learning feedback to users; and (4) a professional network for collaborative learning between users. Face validation of the environment and the authoring tool are presented. Results: Face validation of TELMA reveals the positive perception of surgeons regarding the implementation of TELMA and their willingness to use it as a cognitive skills training tool. Preliminary validation data also reflect the importance of providing an easy-to-use, functional authoring tool to create didactic content. Conclusion: The TELMA environment is currently installed and used at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre and several other Spanish hospitals. Face validation results ascertain the acceptance and usefulness of this new minimally invasive surgery training environment.


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Algorithms for distributed agreement are a powerful means for formulating distributed versions of existing centralized algorithms. We present a toolkit for this task and show how it can be used systematically to design fully distributed algorithms for static linear Gaussian models, including principal component analysis, factor analysis, and probabilistic principal component analysis. These algorithms do not rely on a fusion center, require only low-volume local (1-hop neighborhood) communications, and are thus efficient, scalable, and robust. We show how they are also guaranteed to asymptotically converge to the same solution as the corresponding existing centralized algorithms. Finally, we illustrate the functioning of our algorithms on two examples, and examine the inherent cost-performance tradeoff.


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Wireless sensor networks are posed as the new communication paradigm where the use of small, low-complexity, and low-power devices is preferred over costly centralized systems. The spectra of potential applications of sensor networks is very wide, ranging from monitoring, surveillance, and localization, among others. Localization is a key application in sensor networks and the use of simple, efficient, and distributed algorithms is of paramount practical importance. Combining convex optimization tools with consensus algorithms we propose a distributed localization algorithm for scenarios where received signal strength indicator readings are used. We approach the localization problem by formulating an alternative problem that uses distance estimates locally computed at each node. The formulated problem is solved by a relaxed version using semidefinite relaxation technique. Conditions under which the relaxed problem yields to the same solution as the original problem are given and a distributed consensusbased implementation of the algorithm is proposed based on an augmented Lagrangian approach and primaldual decomposition methods. Although suboptimal, the proposed approach is very suitable for its implementation in real sensor networks, i.e., it is scalable, robust against node failures and requires only local communication among neighboring nodes. Simulation results show that running an additional local search around the found solution can yield performance close to the maximum likelihood estimate.


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In the last several years, micro-blogging Online Social Networks (OSNs), such as Twitter, have taken the world by storm, now boasting over 100 million subscribers. As an unparalleled stage for an enormous audience, they offer fast and reliable centralized diffusion of pithy tweets to great multitudes of information-hungry and always-connected followers. At the same time, this information gathering and dissemination paradigm prompts some important privacy concerns about relationships between tweeters, followers and interests of the latter. In this paper, we assess privacy in today?s Twitter-like OSNs and describe an architecture and a trial implementation of a privacy-preserving service called Hummingbird. It is essentially a variant of Twitter that protects tweet contents, hashtags and follower interests from the (potentially) prying eyes of the centralized server. We argue that, although inherently limited by Twitter?s mission of scalable information-sharing, this degree of privacy is valuable. We demonstrate, via a working prototype, that Hummingbird?s additional costs are tolerably low. We also sketch out some viable enhancements that might offer better privacy in the long term.


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Aiming to address requirements concerning integration of services in the context of ?big data?, this paper presents an innovative approach that (i) ensures a flexible, adaptable and scalable information and computation infrastructure, and (ii) exploits the competences of stakeholders and information workers to meaningfully confront information management issues such as information characterization, classification and interpretation, thus incorporating the underlying collective intelligence. Our approach pays much attention to the issues of usability and ease-of-use, not requiring any particular programming expertise from the end users. We report on a series of technical issues concerning the desired flexibility of the proposed integration framework and we provide related recommendations to developers of such solutions. Evaluation results are also discussed.


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In the last recent years, with the popularity of image compression techniques, many architectures have been proposed. Those have been generally based on the Forward and Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT, IDCT). Alternatively, compression schemes based on discrete "wavelets" transform (DWT), used, both, in JPEG2000 coding standard and in H264-SVC (Scalable Video Coding) standard, do not need to divide the image into non-overlapping blocks or macroblocks. This paper discusses the DLMT (Discrete Lopez-Moreno Transform) hardware implementation. It proposes a new scheme intermediate between the DCT and the DWT, comparing results of the most relevant proposed architectures for benchmarking. The DLMT can also be applied over a whole image, but this does not involve increasing computational complexity. FPGA implementation results show that the proposed DLMT has significant performance benefits and improvements comparing with the DCT and the DWT and consequently it is very suitable for implementation on WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) applications.


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The presented work aims to contribute towards the standardization and the interoperability off the Future Internet through an open and scalable architecture design. We present S³OiA as a syntactic/semantic Service-Oriented Architecture that allows the integration of any type of object or device, not mattering their nature, on the Internet of Things. Moreover, the architecture makes possible the use of underlying heterogeneous resources as a substrate for the automatic composition of complex applications through a semantic Triple Space paradigm. Created applications are dynamic and adaptive since they are able to evolve depending on the context where they are executed. The validation scenario of this architecture encompasses areas which are prone to involve human beings in order to promote personal autonomy, such as home-care automation environments and Ambient Assisted Living.


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Primary-care pediatricians could play a key role in early detection of development disorders as quick as they might have enough time and knowledge for suitable screenings at clinical routine. This research paper focuses on the development and validation of a knowledge-based web tool whose aim is to support a smart detection of developmental disorders in early childhood. Thus, the use of the system can trigger the necessary preventive and therapeutic actions from birth until the age of six. The platform was designed on the basis of an analysis of significant 21 cases of children with language disorders that supported the creation of a specific knowledge base, its ontology and a set of description logic relations. The resulting system is being validated in a scalable approach with a team of seven experts from the fields of neonathology, pediatrics, neurology and language therapy.


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Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on today’s smart phones. The state of the art in mobile activity recognition uses traditional classification learning techniques. Thus, the learning process typically involves: i) collection of labelled sensory data that is transferred and collated in a centralised repository; ii) model building where the classification model is trained and tested using the collected data; iii) a model deployment stage where the learnt model is deployed on-board a mobile device for identifying activities based on new sensory data. In this paper, we demonstrate the Mobile Activity Recognition System (MARS) where for the first time the model is built and continuously updated on-board the mobile device itself using data stream mining. The advantages of the on-board approach are that it allows model personalisation and increased privacy as the data is not sent to any external site. Furthermore, when the user or its activity profile changes MARS enables promptly adaptation. MARS has been implemented on the Android platform to demonstrate that it can achieve accurate mobile activity recognition. Moreover, we can show in practise that MARS quickly adapts to user profile changes while at the same time being scalable and efficient in terms of consumption of the device resources.


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En los últimos años, debido al notable desarrollo de los terminales portátiles, que han pasado de ser “simples” teléfonos o reproductores a puros ordenadores, ha crecido el número de servicios que ofrecen cada vez mayor cantidad de contenido multimedia a través de internet. Además, la distinta evolución de estos terminales hace que nos encontremos en el mercado con una amplísima gama de productos de diferentes tamaños y capacidades de procesamiento, lo que hace necesario encontrar una fórmula que permita satisfacer la demanda de dichos servicios sea cual sea la naturaleza de nuestro dispositivo. Para poder ofrecer una solución adecuada se ha optado por la integración de un protocolo como RTP y un estándar de video como SVC. RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), en contraposición a los protocolos de propósito general fue diseñado para aplicaciones de tiempo real por lo que es ideal para el streaming de contenido multimedia. Por su parte, SVC es un estándar de video escalable que permite transmitir en un mismo stream una capa base y múltiples capas de mejora, por lo que podremos adaptar la calidad y tamaño del contenido a la capacidad y tamaño de nuestro dispositivo. El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en integrar y modificar tanto el reproductor MPlayer como la librería RTP live555 de tal forma que sean capaces de soportar el formato SVC sobre el protocolo RTP y montar un sistema servidorcliente para comprobar su funcionamiento. Aunque este proceso esté orientado a llevarse a cabo en un dispositivo móvil, para este proyecto se ha optado por realizarlo en el escenario más sencillo posible, para lo cual, se emitirán secuencias a una máquina virtual alojada en el mismo ordenador que el servidor. ABSTRACT In recent years, due to the remarkable development of mobile devices, which have evolved from "simple" phones or players to computers, the amount of services that offer multimedia content over the internet have shot up. Furthermore, the different evolution of these terminals causes that we can find in the market a wide range of different sizes and processing capabilities, making necessary to find a formula that will satisfy the demand for such services regardless of the nature of our device. In order to provide a suitable solution we have chosen to integrate a protocol as RTP and a video standard as SVC. RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), in opposition to general purpose protocols was designed for real-time applications making it ideal for media streaming. Meanwhile, SVC is a scalable video standard which can transmit a single stream in a base layer and multiple enhancement layers, so that we can adapt the quality and size of the content to the capacity and size of our device. The objective of this project is to integrate and modify both MPlayer and RTP library live555 so that they support the SVC format over RTP protocol and set up a client-server system to check its behavior. Although this process has been designed to be done on a mobile device, for this project we have chosen to do it in the simplest possible scenario so we will stream to a virtual machine hosted on the same computer where we have the server.


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The Video on Demand (VoD) service is becoming a dominant service in the telecommunication market due to the great convenience regarding the choice of content items and their independent viewing time. However, due to its high traffic demand nature, the VoD streaming systems are faced with the problem of huge amounts of traffic generated in the core of the network, especially for serving the requests for content items that are not in the top popularity range. Therefore, we propose a peer assisted VoD model that takes advantage of the clients unused uplink and storage capacity to serve requests for less popular items with the objective to keep the traffic on the periphery of the network, reduce the transport cost in the core of the network and make the system more scalable.


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This paper presents a W-band high-resolution radar sensor for short-range applications. Low-cost technologies have been properly selected in order to implement a versatile and easily scalable radar system. A large operational bandwidth of 9 GHz, required for obtaining high-range resolution, is attained by means of a frequency multiplication-based architecture. The system characterization to identify the performance-limiting stages and the subsequent design optimization are presented. The assessment of system performance for several representative applications has been carried out.


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Los sistemas de proyección multi-proyector han adquirido gran popularidad en los últimos años para su uso en un amplio rango de aplicaciones como sistemas de realidad virtual, simuladores y visualización de datos. Esto es debido a que normalmente estas aplicaciones necesitan representar sus datos a muy alta resolución y a lo largo de una gran superficie. Este tipo de sistemas de proyección son baratos en comparación con las resoluciones que pueden conseguir, se pueden configurar para proyectar sobre prácticamente cualquier tipo de superficie, sea cual sea su forma, y son fácilmente escalables. Sin embargo, para hacer que este tipo de sistemas generen una imagen sin discontinuidades geométricas o colorimétricas requieren de un ajuste preciso. En la presente tesis se analizan en detalle todos los problemas a los que hay que enfrentarse a la hora de diseñar y calibrar un sistema de proyección de este tipo y se propone una metodología con una serie de optimizaciones para hacer el ajuste de estos sistemas más sencillo y rápido. Los resultados de esta metodología se muestran aplicados a la salida gráfica de un simulador de entrenamiento. Multi-projector display systems have gained high popularity over the past years for its use in a wide range of applications such as virtual reality systems, simulators or data visualization where a high resolution image over a large projection surface is required. Such systems are cheap for the resolutions they can provide, can be configured to project images on almost any kind of screen shapes and are easily scalable, but in order to provide a seamless image with no photometric discontinuities they require a precise geometric and colour correction. In this thesis, we analyze all the problems that have to be faced in order to design and calibrate a multi-projector display. We propose a calibration methodology with some optimizations that make the adjustment of this kind of displays easier and faster. The results of the implementation of this methodology on a training simulator are presented and discussed


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Este proyecto se ha enmarcado en la línea de desarrollo del Laboratorio Virtual de electrónica, desarrollado en la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación (EUITT), de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Con el Laboratorio Virtual los alumnos de la universidad, de cualquiera de las escuelas de ingeniería que la componen, pueden realizar prácticas de forma remota. Es decir, desde cualquier PC con el software adecuado instalado y a través de Internet, sin requerir su presencia en un laboratorio físico. La característica más destacable e importante de este Laboratorio Virtual es que las medidas que se realizan no son simulaciones sobre circuitos virtuales, sino medidas reales sobre circuitos reales: el alumno puede configurar una serie de interconexiones entre componentes electrónicos, formando el circuito que necesite, que posteriormente el Laboratorio Virtual se encargará de realizar físicamente, gracias al hardware y al software que conforman el sistema. Tras ello, el alumno puede excitar el circuito con señales provenientes de instrumental real de laboratorio y obtener medidas de la misma forma, en los puntos del circuito que indique. La necesidad principal a la que este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera da solución es la sustitución de los instrumentos de sobremesa por instrumentos emulados en base a Tarjetas de Adquisición de Datos (DAQ). Los instrumentos emulados son: un multímetro, un generador de señales y un osciloscopio. Además, existen otros objetivos derivados de lo anterior, como es el que los instrumentos emulados deben guardar una total compatibilidad con el resto del sistema del Laboratorio Virtual, o que el diseño ha de ser escalable y adaptable. Todo ello se ha implementado mediante: un software escrito en LabVIEW, que utiliza un lenguaje de programación gráfico; un hardware que ha sido primero diseñado y luego fabricado, controlado por el software; y una Tarjeta de Adquisición de Datos, que gracias a la escalabilidad del sistema puede sustituirse por otro modelo superior o incluso por varias de ellas. ABSTRACT. This project is framed in the development line of the electronics Virtual Laboratory, developed at Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación (EUITT), from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). With the Virtual Laboratory, the university’s students, from any of its engineering schools that is composed of, can do practices remotely. Or in other words, from any PC with the correct software installed and through the Internet, without requiring his or her presence in a physical laboratory. The most remarkable and important characteristic this Virtual Laboratory has is that the measures the students does are not simulations over virtual circuits, but real measures over real circuits: the student can configure a series of interconnections between electronic parts, setting up the circuit he or she needs, and afterwards the Virtual Laboratory will realize that circuit physically, thanks to the hardware and software that compose the whole system. Then, the student can apply signals coming from real laboratory instruments and get measures in the same way, at the points of the circuit he or she points out. The main need this Degree Final Project gives solution is the substitution of the real instruments by emulated instruments, based on Data Acquisition systems (DAQ). The emulated instruments are: a digital multimeter, a signal generator and an oscilloscope. In addition, there is other objectives coming from the previously said, like the need of a total compatibility between the real instruments and the emulated ones and with the rest of the Virtual Laboratory, or that the design must be scalable and adaptive. All of that is implemented by: a software written in LabVIEW, which makes use of a graphical programming language; a hardware that was first designed and later manufactured, then controlled by software; and a Data Acquisition device, though thanks to the system’s scalability it can be substituted by a better model or even by several DAQs.