44 resultados para New materials
The traditional teaching methods used for training civil engineers are currently being called into question as a result of the new knowledge and skills now required by the labor market. In addition, the European Higher Education Area is requesting that students be given a greater say in their learning. In the subject called Construction and Building Materials at the Civil Engineering School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a path was set three academic years ago to lead to an improvement in traditional teaching by introducing active methodologies. The innovations are based on cooperative learning, new technologies, and continuous assessment. The writers’ proposal is to offer their experience as a contribution to the debate on how students can be encouraged to acquire the skills currently demanded from a civil engineer, though not overlooking solid, top-quality training. From the outcomes obtained, it can be concluded that using new teaching techniques to supplement a traditional approach provides more opportunities for students to learn while boosting their motivation. In our case, the introduction of these changes has resulted in an increased pass rate of 29% on average, when such a figure is considered in the light of the mean value of passes during the last decade.
Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. One of the main issues is the problem of liquid metals breeder blanket behavior. The knowledge of eutectic properties like optimal composition, physical and thermodynamic behavior or diffusion coefficients of Tritium are extremely necessary for current designs. In particular, the knowledge of the function linking the tritium concentration dissolved in liquid materials with the tritium partial pressure at a liquid/gas interface in equilibrium, CT =f(PT ), is of basic importance because it directly impacts all functional properties of a blanket determining: tritium inventory, tritium permeation rate and tritium extraction efficiency. Nowadays, understanding the structure and behavior of this compound is a real goal in fusion engineering and materials science. Atomistic simulations of liquids can provide much information; not only supplementing experimental data, but providing new tests of theories and ideas, making specific predictions that require experimental tests, and ultimately helping to a deeper understanding
Desde que el Hombre era morador de las cavernas ha sido manifiesto su deseo innato por grabar y reproducir "instantáneas con las que perpetuarse o sobre las que mirarse ". La aparición y desarrollo de la fotografía como medio para poder captar y fijar "la imagen directa de la realidad circundante " pronto se convierte en un nuevo lenguaje estético y poético que permite al artista la interpretación y reflexión de lo observado. Se imprime a la imagen el carácter de la mirada del fotógrafo, estableciendo un diálogo conceptual con el juego de luces. La presente Tesis plantea la creación de una nueva piel de arquitectura mediante la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales pétreos. La búsqueda de la expresividad de los materiales como soporte de expresión artística implica un cambio de escala al trasladar la instantánea fotográfica a la arquitectura y la aplicación de un nuevo soporte al imprimir la fotografía sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se justifica la elección del dispositivo láser CO2 como sistema de impresión fotográfica sobre los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos, como la técnica que permite la unión física de la imagen y el proyecto arquitectónico, generando un valor añadido a través del arte de la fotografía. Se justifica la elección de los materiales investigados, Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria, de forma que la investigación de esta nueva piel de arquitectura abarca tanto la envolvente del edificio como su volumen interior, permitiendo cerrar el círculo arquitectónico "in&out" y dota al proyecto arquitectónico de un valor añadido al introducir conceptos sostenibles de carácter estético y medioambiental. Se realiza una consulta a las empresas del sector arquitectónico relacionadas directamente con la producción y distribución de los materiales Silestone® y GRC®, así como a las empresas especializadas en sistemas de impresión fotográfica sobre materiales, acerca del estado del arte. Se recorre la Historia de la fotografía desde sus orígenes hasta el desarrollo de la era digital y se analiza su condición artística. Se recopilan los sistemas de impresión fotográfica que han evolucionado en paralelo con los dispositivos de captura de la instantánea fotográfica y se describe en profundidad el sistema de impresión fotográfica mediante dispositivo láser CO2. Se describen los procesos de fabricación, las características técnicas, cualidades y aplicaciones de los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria. Se explica la técnica utilizada para la captación de la imagen fotográfica, su justificación artística y su proceso de impresión mediante dispositivo láser CO2 bajo diferentes parámetros sobre muestras de los materiales arquitectónicos investigados. Se comprueba la viabilidad de desarrollo de la nueva piel de arquitectura sobre Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria sometiendo a las piezas impresas bajo diferentes parámetros a tres ensayos de laboratorio. En cada uno de ellos se concreta el objetivo y procedimiento del ensayo, la enumeración de las muestras ensayadas y los parámetros bajo los que han sido impresas, el análisis de los resultados del ensayo y las conclusiones del ensayo. Ensayo de amplitud térmica. Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas bajo la acción de contrastes térmicos. Series de muestras de Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresas con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de contraste frío-calor de 12 horas de duración para una amplitud térmica total de 102°C. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías microscópicas con lupa de aumento de cada pieza antes y después de los ciclos frío-calor y la observación de las transformaciones que experimentan los materiales bajo la acción del láser CO2. Ensayo de exposición a la acción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas al activar la capacidad autolimpiante de partículas orgánicas. Una serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de exposición de radiación ultravioleta de 26 horas de duración. Se somete la serie a un procedimiento de activación del aditivo TX Active®. Se simula la contaminación orgánica mediante la aplicación controlada de Rodamina B, tinte orgánico, y se simula la radiación UV mediante el empleo de una bombilla de emisión de rayos ultravioleta. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías macroscópicas de la serie de muestras ensayadas: antes de aplicación de la Rodamina B, momento 00:00h, momento 04:00h y momento 26:00h del ensayo. Se procede a la descarga y análisis del histograma de las fotografías como registro de la actividad fotocatalítica. Ensayo de la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® impreso con láser CO2. Se comprueba si la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® se ve alterada como consecuencia de la impresión de la imagen fotográfica impresa con láser CO2. Serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a test de capacidad autodescontaminante: atmósfera controlada y contaminada con óxidos de nitrógeno en los que se coloca cada pieza ensayada bajo la acción de una lámpara de emisión de radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se registra la actividad fotocatalítica en base a la variación de concentración de óxido de nitrógeno. Se recopila el análisis e interpretación de los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio y se elaboran las conclusiones generales de la investigación. Se sintetizan las futuras líneas de investigación que, a partir de las investigaciones realizadas y de sus conclusiones generales, podrían desarrollarse en el ámbito de la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se describe el rendimiento tecnológico y artístico generado por las investigaciones previas que han dado origen y desarrollo a la Tesis Doctoral. ABSTRACT Since ancient time, humanity has been driven by an innate wish to reproduce and engrave "snapshots that could help to perpetúate or to look at one self". Photography's birth and its development as a mean to capture and fix "the direct image of the surrounding reality" quickly becomes a new aesthetical and poetical language allowing the artist to interpret and think over what has been observed. The photographer's eye is imprinted onto the image, and so the conceptual dialogue between the artist and the light beams begins. The current thesis suggests the creation of a new architectural skin through photography imprinting over stony materials. The search for material's expressiveness as a medium of artistic expression involves a change of scale as it transfers photographic snapshot into architecture and the use of a new photographic printing support over architectural materials. CO2 laser is the chosen printing system for this technique as it allows the physical union of the image and the architectonic project, generating an added value through the art of photography. The researched materials selected were Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. This new architectural skin contains the building surrounding as well as its interior volume, closing the architectonic "in & out" circle and adding a value to the project by introducing aesthetical and environmental sustainable concepts. Architecture companies related to the production and distribution of materials like Silestone® and GRC®, as well as companies specialized in photography printing over materials were consulted to obtain a State of the Art. A thorough analysis of photography's History from its origins to the digital era development was made and its artistic condition was studied in this thesis. In this study the author also makes a compilation of several photographic printing systems that evolved together with photographic snapshot devices. The CO2 laser-based photographic printing system is also described in depth. Regarding stony materials of architecture like Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria, the present study also describes their manufacture processes as well as technical features, quality and application. There is also an explanation about the technique to capture the photographic image, its artistic justification and its CO2 laser-based printing system over the researched materials under different parameters. We also tested the feasibility of this new architectural skin over Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. The pieces were tested under different parameters in three laboratory trials. Each trial comprises of an explanation of its objective and its process, the samples were numbered and the printing parameters were specified. Finally, with the analysis of the results some conclusions were drawn. In the thermal amplitude trial we tried to determine how printed images were affected as a result of the action of thermal contrasts. Series of samples of Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria printed with CO2 laser were subjected to several 12h warm-cold cycles for thermal total amplitude of 102oc. Each sample was captured systematically with microscopic enhanced lenses before and after cold-warm cycles. The changes experienced by these materials under the effect of CO2 laser were observed and recorded. Trial regarding the Ultraviolet Radiation (UR) effect on images. We determined to which extent printed images were affected once the self-cleaning organic particles were activated. This time GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser were exposed to a 26h UR cycle. The samples were subjected to the activation of TX Active® additive. Through the controlled application of Rodamine B and organic dye we were able to simulate the organic contamination process. UR was simulated using an ultraviolet beam emission bulb. A systematic capture of macroscopic pictures of the tested sample series was performed at different time points: before Rodamine B application, at moment 00:00h, moment 04:00h and moment 26:00h of the trial. Picture's histogram was downloaded and analyzed as a log of photocatalytic activity. Trial regarding the self-decontaminating ability of GRC® with TX Active® printed with CO2 laser. We tested if this self-decontaminating ability is altered as a result of CO2 laser printed image. GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser, were subject to self-decontaminating ability tests with controlled and nitrogen oxide contaminated atmosphere. Each piece was put under the action of an UR emission lamp. Photocatalytic activity was recorded according to the variation in nitrogen oxide concentration. The results of the trial and their interpretation as well as the general conclusions of the research are also compiled in the present study. Study conclusions enable to draw future research lines of potential applications of photographic printing over architecture materials. Previous research generated an artistic and technological outcome that led to the development of this doctoral thesis.
Environmentally friendly molybdenum disulfide (INT-MoS2) inorganic nanotubes were introduced into an isotactic polypropylene (iPP) polymer matrix to generate novel nanocomposite materials through an advantageous melt-processing route. The effects of INT-MoS2 content on the thermal, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated. The incorporation of INT-MoS2 generates notable performance enhancements through reinforcement effects, highly efficient nucleation activity and excellent lubricating ability in comparison with other nanoparticle fillers such as nanoclays, carbon nanotubes, silicon nitrides and halloysite nanotubes. It was shown that these INT-MoS2 nanocomposites can provide an effective balance between performance, cost effectiveness and processability, and should be of some interest in the area of multifunctional polymer nanocomposite materials.
Concepts of lateral ordering of epitaxial semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are for the first time transferred to hybrid nanostructures for active plasmonics. We review our recent research on the self-alignment of epitaxial nanocrystals of In and Ag on ordered one-dimensional In(Ga)As QD arrays and isolated QDs by molecular beam epitaxy. By changing the growth conditions the size and density of the metal nanocrystals are easily controlled and the surface plasmon resonance wavelength is tuned over a wide range in order to match the emission wavelength of the QDs. Photoluminescence measurements reveal large enhancement of the emitted light intensity due to plasmon enhanced emission and absorption down to the single QD level.
Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) is a widely used technique to simulate the evolution of radiation damage inside solids. Despite de fact that this technique was developed several decades ago, there is not an established and easy to access simulating tool for researchers interested in this field, unlike in the case of molecular dynamics or density functional theory calculations. In fact, scientists must develop their own tools or use unmaintained ones in order to perform these types of simulations. To fulfil this need, we have developed MMonCa, the Modular Monte Carlo simulator. MMonCa has been developed using professional C++ programming techniques and has been built on top of an interpreted language to allow having a powerful yet flexible, robust but customizable and easy to access modern simulator. Both non lattice and Lattice KMC modules have been developed. We will present in this conference, for the first time, the MMonCa simulator. Along with other (more detailed) contributions in this meeting, the versatility of MMonCa to study a number of problems in different materials (particularly, Fe and W) subject to a wide range of conditions will be shown. Regarding KMC simulations, we have studied neutron-generated cascade evolution in Fe (as a model material). Starting with a Frenkel pair distribution we have followed the defect evolution up to 450 K. Comparison with previous simulations and experiments shows excellent agreement. Furthermore, we have studied a more complex system (He-irradiated W:C) using a previous parametrization [1]. He-irradiation at 4 K followed by isochronal annealing steps up to 500 K has been simulated with MMonCa. The He energy was 400 eV or 3 keV. In the first case, no damage is associated to the He implantation, whereas in the second one, a significant Frenkel pair concentration (evolving into complex clusters) is associated to the He ions. We have been able to explain He desorption both in the absence and in the presence of Frenkel pairs and we have also applied MMonCa to high He doses and fluxes at elevated temperatures. He migration and trapping dominate the kinetics of He desorption. These processes will be discussed and compared to experimental results. [1] C.S. Becquart et al. J. Nucl. Mater. 403 (2010) 75
The tsunami deposits of the valley of Agaete (Pérez-Torrado et al., 2006), north-western Gran Canaria, attributed to the Guimar flank collapse in Tenerife, have been revisited and new data are presented here. Besides the occurrences reported by Pérez-Torrado et al. (2006) a new outcrop was found and named “La Ruina” (at 28º 05’ 47,41” N; 15º 41’ 52,04” W; 71 m asl). The above-mentioned authors suggested the possibility that more than one marine conglomerate deposit could be present in the outcrops of “Llanos de Turmán” and “Berrazales”. At “La Gasolinera” and “La Aldea 1” the conglomerates are formed by a single layer representing one depositional event; at “La Aldea 2”, the conglomerates are composed of two layers directly contacting with each other, but evidence of a time hiatus between them was not found. Although the hypothesis of stacking of two depositional units within the same episode versus deposition of two distinct layers in different time-moments is debatable at the present state of knowledge, the first possibility is favoured. The field evidence at “Llanos de Turman” and “Berrazales” unquestionably shows that terrestrial sediments (colluvia; paleosols) are present and separate two marine conglomerate deposits, indicating that at least two distinct tsunami inundations are needed to explain the stratigraphy. However, at the new “La Ruina” outcrop, besides the two deposits mentioned above, a third and older marine conglomerate was found, clearly separated in time from the ones cited above. The existence of marine conglomerates emplaced in different moments is evidenced by the occurrence of intercalated paleosols, colluvia and other subaerial materials, implying significant time intervals between the emplacement of marine conglomeratic layers. A number of gastropod operculae from the tsunamiites were sent for U-Th dating to try to further constrain the age span of these deposits. The field evidence presented above shows that the emplacement of the deposits is related to, at least, three tsunami events. The lateral correlation between different outcrops is difficult due to variable number of deposits in each outcrop, lateral discontinuity and variability, and to compositional and textural similarity between distinct tsunami sediments. The occurrence of three Pleistocene tsunami deposits in the same area points to a relatively high frequency of tsunamis (generated by landslides, surface rupturing earthquakes, fast entry of voluminous volcanic deposits into the sea or large submarine eruptions). It is possible that this recurrence of tsunami inundations may reflect multiple-phased landslides responsible for the mega-landslide scars prominent in the geomorphology of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. This is a contribution from project “Estabilidad de los edificios volcánicos en Canarias: análisis de los factores geológicos, geomecánicos y paleoclimáticos. Aplicación a los flancos N y S de la isla de Tenerife” financed by MCT, Spain.
A new material, C12A7 : electride, which might present a work function as low as 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, was recently proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Arising from heating under space operation, current is emitted by thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment. A preliminary study on the space-charge-limited (SCL) double layer in front of the cathodic segment is presented using Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes and orbital-motion-limited ion-collection sheath. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects and the transition from SCL to full Richardson-Dushman emission included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission leads to a short cathodic section and may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas feed requirements and power subsystem, which results in a truly “propellant-less” tether system for such basic applications as de-orbiting low earth orbit satellites.
In Navea, north of Spain, a medieval arch bridge shows a visible distortion (fig.1a). A stone falls down from the web of a gothic vault in a big parish church in Burgos (fig. 1b), and a voussoir falls down from the rib of another gothic vault in Oviedo (fig. 1c). An oval dome collapses in Zaragoza, though another four identical domes remain safe (fig. 1d). Sometimes the building has to support new, heavier loads. The ruin of the abandoned (since the 19th Century) monastery of Melón should be consolidated, some vaults are rebuilt and the visitors can walk over them. A Franciscan Convent is going to be turned into a Cultural Centre, the loads to be supported being multiplied by a factor of two. A little medieval bridge is asked to support the pass of heavy lorries. These are some of the cases I have studied in the last two decades, all of them referring to questions of structural safety. These are the kind of situations which often occurs in the field of Historic Structures. They require a study and an answer. This is no scholarly work (though in some cases new lines of future research will emerge). A judgement must be made by the expert and this judgement affects the safety and economy, in the last instance, of people. As there are rarely unique answers, the behaviour of the expert, then, can also be judged as "ethical", if he proposes an intervention that is necessary and adequate (or, recommends no intervention, judging the situation safe), or "non-ethical", if recommends an unnecessary or disproportionate intervention. In relation to the monument, also, the proposal can be judged ethically; any intervention damaging seriously the character of the monument may be labelled un-ethical.
At present, photovoltaic energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources. The demand for solar panels has been continuously growing, both in the industrial electric sector and in the private sector. In both cases the analysis of the solar panel efficiency is extremely important in order to maximize the energy production. In order to have a more efficient photovoltaic system, the most accurate understanding of this system is required. However, in most of the cases the only information available in this matter is reduced, the experimental testing of the photovoltaic device being out of consideration, normally for budget reasons. Several methods, normally based on an equivalent circuit model, have been developed to extract the I-V curve of a photovoltaic device from the small amount of data provided by the manufacturer. The aim of this paper is to present a fast, easy, and accurate analytical method, developed to calculate the equivalent circuit parameters of a solar panel from the only data that manufacturers usually provide. The calculated circuit accurately reproduces the solar panel behavior, that is, the I-V curve. This fact being extremely important for practical reasons such as selecting the best solar panel in the market for a particular purpose, or maximize the energy extraction with MPPT (Maximum Peak Power Tracking) methods.
It is common to find structures that need to be reinforced due to deterioration or because the function of the building changes. The economic cost involved in these forms of interventions is considerable. Therefore, it is interesting to progress in the existing strengthening techniques and the study of new reinforcement systems. This paper analyses the behaviour of timber beams reinforced with carbon and basalt fiber composite materials. The main objective of this study is to test the stiffness increase produced by the carbon and basalt FRP on reinforced beams. The results show the stiffness increase produced by the different types of reinforcement.
Over the last decade the intense activity of the building sector has generated large quantities of construction and demolition waste (CDW). In particular, in Europe around 890 million tons of CDW is generated every year; however, only 50% of them are recycled. In Spain, over the last years 40 millions of tons of construction and demolition waste have been generated. On the other hand, since the implementation of the Technical Building Code regulation the use of mineral wools as building insulation materials has become a widespread solution in both rehabilitation and new construction works, and because of that, this kind of insulation waste is increasing. This research analyzes the potential of a new composite (gypsum and fiber waste) including several mineral wools waste into a plaster matrix. For this purpose, an experimental plan, characterizing the physical and mechanical behaviour as well as the Shore C hardness of the new composite, was elaborated fulfilling UNE Standards.
En los últimos años, y asociado al desarrollo de la tecnología MEMS, la técnica de indentación instrumentada se ha convertido en un método de ensayo no destructivo ampliamente utilizado para hallar las características elástico-plásticas de recubrimientos y capas delgadas, desde la escala macroscópica a la microscópica. Sin embargo, debido al complejo mecanismo de contacto debajo de la indentación, es urgente proponer un método más simple y conveniente para obtener unos resultados comparables con otras mediciones tradicionales. En este estudio, el objetivo es mejorar el procedimiento analítico para extraer las propiedades elástico-plásticas del material mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada. La primera parte se centra en la metodología llevada a cabo para medir las propiedades elásticas de los materiales elásticos, presentándose una nueva metodología de indentación, basada en la evolución de la rigidez de contacto y en la curva fuerza-desplazamiento del ensayo de indentación. El método propuesto permite discriminar los valores de indentación experimental que pudieran estar afectados por el redondeo de la punta del indentador. Además, esta técnica parece ser robusta y permite obtener valores fiables del modulo elástico. La segunda parte se centra en el proceso analítico para determinar la curva tensión-deformación a partir del ensayo de indentación, empleando un indentador esférico. Para poder asemejar la curva tension-deformación de indentación con la que se obtendría de un ensayo de tracción, Tabor determinó empíricamente un factor de constricción de la tensión () y un factor de constricción de la deformación (). Sin embargo, la elección del valor de y necesitan una derivación analítica. Se describió analíticamente una nueva visión de la relación entre los factores de constricción de tensión y la deformación basado en la deducción de la ecuación de Tabor. Un modelo de elementos finitos y un diseño experimental se realizan para evaluar estos factores de constricción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, las curvas tension-deformación extraidas de los ensayos de indentación esférica, afectadas por los correspondientes factores de constricción de tension y deformación, se ajustaron a la curva nominal tensión-deformación obtenida de ensayos de tracción convencionales. En la última parte, se estudian las propiedades del revestimiento de cermet Inconel 625-Cr3C2 que es depositado en el medio de una aleación de acero mediante un láser. Las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de cermet son estudiadas mediante la técnica de indentación instrumentada, haciendo uso de las metodologías propuestas en el presente trabajo. In recent years, along with the development of MEMS technology, instrumented indentation, as one type of a non-destructive measurement technique, is widely used to characterize the elastic and plastic properties of metallic materials from the macro to the micro scale. However, due to the complex contact mechanisms under the indentation tip, it is necessary to propose a more convenient and simple method of instrumented indention to obtain comparable results from other conventional measurements. In this study, the aim is to improve the analytical procedure for extracting the elastic plastic properties of metallic materials by instrumented indentation. The first part focuses on the methodology for measuring the elastic properties of metallic materials. An alternative instrumented indentation methodology is presented. Based on the evolution of the contact stiffness and indentation load versus the depth of penetration, the possibility of obtaining the actual elastic modulus of an elastic-plastic bulk material through instrumented sharp indentation tests has been explored. The proposed methodology allows correcting the effect of the rounding of the indenter tip on the experimental indentation data. Additionally, this technique does not seem too sensitive to the pile-up phenomenon and allows obtaining convincing values of the elastic modulus. In the second part, an analytical procedure is proposed to determine the representative stress-strain curve from the spherical indentation. Tabor has determined the stress constraint factor (stress CF), and strain constraint factor (strain CF), empirically but the choice of a value for and is debatable and lacks analytical derivation. A new insight into the relationship between stress and strain constraint factors is analytically described based on the formulation of Tabor’s equation. Finite element model and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate these constraint factors. From the results, representative stress-strain curves using the proposed strain constraint factor fit better with the nominal stress-strain curve than those using Tabor’s constraint factors. In the last part, the mechanical properties of an Inconel 625-Cr3C2 cermet coating which is deposited onto a medium alloy steel by laser cladding has been studied. The elastic and plastic mechanical properties of the cermet matrix are studied using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) on the micro scale.
La construcción en la actualidad de nuevas fuentes para el uso de haces de neutrones así como los programas de renovación en curso en algunas de las instalaciones experimentales existentes han evidenciado la necesidad urgente de desarrollar la tecnología empleada para la construcción de guías de neutrones con objeto de hacerlas mas eficientes y duraderas. Esto viene motivado por el hecho de que varias instalaciones de experimentación con haces de neutrones han reportado un número de incidentes mecánicos con tales guías, lo que hace urgente el progresar en nuestro conocimiento de los susbtratos vítreos sobre los cuales se depositan los espejos que permiten la reflexión total de los neutrones y como aquellos se degradan con la radiación. La presente tesis se inscribe en un acuerdo de colaboración establecido entre el Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL) de Grenoble y el Consorcio ESS-Bilbao con objeto de mejorar el rendimiento y sostenibilidad de los sistemas futuros de guiado de neutrones. El caso de la Fuente Europea de Espalación en construcción en Lund sirve como ejemplo ya que se contempla la instalación de guías de neutrones de más de 100 metros en algunos de los instrumentos. Por otro lado, instalaciones como el ILL prevén también dentro del programa Endurance de rejuvenecimiento la reconstrucción de varias líneas de transporte de haz. Para el presente estudio se seleccionaron cuatro tipos de vidrios borosilicatados que fueron el Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 y SBSL7. Los tres primeros son bien conocidos por los especialistas en instrumentación neutrónica ya que se han empleado en la construcción de varias instalaciones mientras que el último es un candidato potencial en la fabricación de substratos para espejos neutrónicos en un futuro. Los cuatro vidrios tiene un contenido en óxido de Boro muy similar, approximadamente un 10 mol.%. Tal hecho que obedece a las regulaciones para la fabricación de estos dispositivos hace que tales substratos operen como protección radiológica absorbiendo los neutrones transmitidos a través del espejo de neutrones. Como contrapartida a tal beneficio, la reacción de captura 10B(n,_)7Li puede degradar el substrato vítreo debido a los 2.5 MeV de energía cinética depositados por la partícula _ y los núcleos en retroceso y de hecho la fragilidad de tales vidrios bajo radiación ha sido atribuida desde hace ya tiempo a los efectos de esta reacción. La metodología empleada en esta tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la estructura de estos vidrios borosilicatados y como esta se comporta bajo condiciones de radiación. Los materiales en cuestión presentan estructuras que dependen de su composición química y en particular del ratio entre formadores y modificadores de la red iono-covalente. Para ello se han empleado un conjunto de técnicas de caracterización tanto macro- como microscópicas tales como estudios de dureza, TEM, Raman, SANS etc. que se han empleado también para determinar el comportamiento de estos materiales bajo radiación. En particular, algunas propiedades macroscópicas relacionadas con la resistencia de estos vidrios como elementos estructurales de las guías de neutrones han sido estudiadas así como también los cambios en la estructura vítrea consecuencia de la radiación. Para este propósito se ha diseñado y fabricado por el ILL un aparato para irradiación de muestras con neutrones térmicos en el reactor del ILL que permite controlar la temperatura alcanzada por la muestra a menos de 100 °C. Tal equipo en comparación con otros ya existences permite en cuestión de dias acumular las dosis recibidas por una guía en operación a lo largo de varios años. El uso conjunto de varias técnicas de caracterización ha llevado a revelar que los vidrios aqui estudiados son significativamente diferentes en cuanto a su estructura y que tales diferencias afectan a sus propiedades macroscópicas asi como a su comportamiento bajo radiación. Tal resultado ha sido sorprendente ya que, como se ha mencionado antes, algunos de estos vidrios eran bien conocidos por los fabricantes de guías de neutrones y hasta el momento eran considerados prácticamente similares debido a su contenido comparable en óxido de Boro. Sin embargo, los materiales N-BK7 and S-BSL7 muetran gran homogeneidad a todas las escalas de longitud, y más específicamente, a escalas nanométricas las subredes de Sílice y óxido de Boro se mezclan dando logar a estructuras locales que recuerdan a la del cristal de Reedmergnerita. Por el contrario, N-ZK7 y Borofloat muestran dominios separados ricos en Sílice o Boro. Como era de esperar, las importantes diferencias arriba mencionadas se traducen en comportamientos dispares de estos materiales bajo un haz de neutrones térmicos. Los resultados muestran que el N-BK7 y el S-BSL7 son los más estables bajo radiación, lo que macroscópicamente hace que estos materiales muestren un comportamiento similar expandiéndose lentamente en función de la dosis recibida. Por el contario, los otros dos materiales muestran un comportamiento mucho más reactivo, que hace que inicialmente se compacten con la dosis recibida lo que hace que las redes de Silicio y Boro se mezclen resultando en un incremento en densidad hasta alcanzar un valor límite, seguido por un proceso de expansión lenta que resulta comparable al observado para N-BK7 y SBSL7. Estos resultados nos han permitido explicar el origen de las notorias diferencias observadas en cuanto a las dosis límite a partir de las cuales estos materiales desarrollan procesos de fragmentación en superficie. ABSTRACT The building of new experimental neutron beam facilities as well as the renewal programmes under development at some of the already existing installations have pinpointed the urgent need to develop the neutron guide technology in order to make such neutron transport devices more efficient and durable. In fact, a number of mechanical failures of neutron guides have been reported by several research centres. It is therefore important to understand the behaviour of the glass substrates on top of which the neutron optics mirrors are deposited and how these materials degrade under radiation conditions. The case of the European Spallation Source (ESS) at present under construction at Lund is a good example. It previews the deployment of neutron guides having more than 100 metres of length for most of the instruments. Also, the future renovation programme of the ILL, called Endurance, foresees the refurbishment of several beam lines. This Ph.D. thesis was the result of a collaboration agreement between the ILL and ESS-Bilbao aiming to improve the performance and sustainability of future neutron delivery systems. Four different industrially produced alkali-borosilicate glasses were selected for this study: Borofloat, N-ZK7, N-BK7 and SBSL7. The first three are well known within the neutron instrumentation community as they have already been used in several installations whereas the last one is at present considered as a candidate for making future mirror substrates. All four glasses have a comparable content of boron oxide of about 10 mol.%. The presence of such a strong neutron absorption element is in fact a mandatory component for the manufacturing of neutron guides because it provides a radiological shielding for the environment. This benefit is however somewhat counterbalanced since the resulting 10B(n,_)7Li reactions degrade the glass due to the deposited energy of 2.5 MeV by the _ particle and the recoil nuclei. In fact, the brittleness of some of these materials has been ascribed to this reaction. The methodology employed by this study consisted in understanding the general structure of borosilicates and how they behave under irradiation. Such materials have a microscopic structure strongly dependent upon their chemical content and particularly on the ratios between network formers and modifiers. The materials have been characterized by a suite of macroscopic and structural techniques such as hardness, TEM, Raman, SANS, etc. and their behaviour under irradiation was analysed. Some macroscopic properties related to their resistance when used as guide structural elements were monitored. Also, changes in the vitreous structure due to radiation were observed by means of several experimental tools. For such a purpose, an irradiation apparatus has been designed and manufactured to enable irradiation with thermal neutrons within the ILL reactor while keeping the samples below 100 °C. The main advantage of this equipment if compared to others previously available was that it allowed to reach in just some days an equivalent neutron dose to that accumulated by guides after several years of use. The concurrent use of complementary characterization techniques lead to the discovery that the studied glasses were deeply different in terms of their glass network. This had a strong impact on their macroscopic properties and their behaviour under irradiation. This result was a surprise since, as stated above, some of these materials were well known by the neutron guide manufacturers, and were considered to be almost equivalent because of their similar boron oxide content. The N-BK7 and S-BSL7 materials appear to be fairly homogeneous glasses at different length scales. More specifically, at nanometre scales, silicon and boron oxide units seem to mix and generate larger structures somewhat resembling crystalline Reedmergnerite. In contrast, N-ZK7 and Borofloat are characterized by either silicon or boron rich domains. As one could expect, these drastic differences lead to their behaviour under thermal neutron flux. The results show that N-BK7 and S-BSL7 are structurally the most stable under radiation. Macroscopically, such stability results in the fact that these two materials show very slow swelling as a function or radiation dose. In contrast, the two other glasses are much more reactive. The whole glass structure compacts upon radiation. Specifically, the silica network, and the boron units tend to blend leading to an increase in density up to some saturation, followed by a very slow expansion which comes to be of the same order than that shown by N-BK7 and S-BSL7. Such findings allowed us to explain the drastic differences in the radiation limits for macroscopic surface splintering for these materials when they are used in neutron guides.