54 resultados para Methods for Multi-criteria Evaluation


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We introduce a dominance intensity measuring method to derive a ranking of alternatives to deal with incomplete information in multi-criteria decision-making problems on the basis of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) and fuzzy sets theory. We consider the situation where there is imprecision concerning decision-makers preferences, and imprecise weights are represented by trapezoidal fuzzy weights.The proposed method is based on the dominance values between pairs of alternatives. These values can be computed by linear programming, as an additive multi-attribute utility model is used to rate the alternatives. Dominance values are then transformed into dominance intensity measures, used to rank the alternatives under consideration. Distances between fuzzy numbers based on the generalization of the left and right fuzzy numbers are utilized to account for fuzzy weights. An example concerning the selection of intervention strategies to restore an aquatic ecosystem contaminated by radionuclides illustrates the approach. Monte Carlo simulation techniques have been used to show that the proposed method performs well for different imprecision levels in terms of a hit ratio and a rank-order correlation measure.


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Background Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides a direct measure of brain activity with high combined spatiotemporal resolution. Preprocessing is necessary to reduce contributions from environmental interference and biological noise. New method The effect on the signal-to-noise ratio of different preprocessing techniques is evaluated. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was defined as the ratio between the mean signal amplitude (evoked field) and the standard error of the mean over trials. Results Recordings from 26 subjects obtained during and event-related visual paradigm with an Elekta MEG scanner were employed. Two methods were considered as first-step noise reduction: Signal Space Separation and temporal Signal Space Separation, which decompose the signal into components with origin inside and outside the head. Both algorithm increased the SNR by approximately 100%. Epoch-based methods, aimed at identifying and rejecting epochs containing eye blinks, muscular artifacts and sensor jumps provided an SNR improvement of 510%. Decomposition methods evaluated were independent component analysis (ICA) and second-order blind identification (SOBI). The increase in SNR was of about 36% with ICA and 33% with SOBI. Comparison with existing methods No previous systematic evaluation of the effect of the typical preprocessing steps in the SNR of the MEG signal has been performed. Conclusions The application of either SSS or tSSS is mandatory in Elekta systems. No significant differences were found between the two. While epoch-based methods have been routinely applied the less often considered decomposition methods were clearly superior and therefore their use seems advisable.


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(SPA) La eleccin de localizaciones para la implantacin de actividades industriales es un problema complejo, donde a los criterios de coste y eficiencia se han ido aadiendo otros nuevos relativos tanto al impacto en el medio ambiente como a la imagen de la empresa reflejada en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Los criterios medioambientales han ido adquiriendo gran relevancia en la decisin final, hasta convertirse, gracias a la obligacin de someter los proyectos a evaluacin ambiental, en elementos clave en la decisin final. Por ello, resulta relativamente frecuente que los promotores consulten previamente con la Administracin sobre la viabilidad de sus proyectos antes de iniciar un dilatado procedimiento administrativo. En este trabajo se plantea la utilizacin de indicadores de sostenibilidad y su aplicacin, a travs de un modelo de decisiones multicriterio, para la ordenacin de las distintas opciones de ubicacin inicialmente consideradas, de tal forma que se conviertan en instrumento de tanteo y ayuda en la toma de estas decisiones. Para mostrar su utilidad se propone la utilizacin de la herramienta de apoyo basada en la metodologa PROMETHEE y su aplicacin en la ordenacin de cinco emplazamientos alternativos para la instalacin de una cementera en la Comunidad de Madrid segn criterios de sostenibilidad. (ENG) The choice of locations for the implementation of industrial activities is a complex problem where the cost and efficiency criteria have been adding new ones relating to the environment impact and the companys corporate image reflected in Corporate Social Responsability. The environmental criteria have been getting big importance in the final decision, to become key elements in the final decision, due to the duty of submit of environmental assessment projects. Therefore, promoters, quite often, ask previously to the Administration about the viability of their projects before starting a lengthy administrative procedure. This paper proposes the use of sustainability indicators and their application through a multi-criteria decision model for managing the establishment options initially considered, so that they become an help instrument of estimation in order to making these decisions. To show its usefulness we propose the use of the support tool for decision making based on the PROMETHEE methodology and its application in the management of 5 alternative sites for the installation of a cement factory in the Community of Madrid under sustainability criteria.


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Climate change is already affecting many natural systems and human environments worldwide, like the semiarid Guadiana Basin in Spain. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change adaptation in the Guadiana irrigation farming region. The study applies a solution-oriented diagnostic framework structured along a series of sequential analytical steps. An initial stage integrates economic and hydrologic modeling to evaluate the effects of climate change on the agriculture and water sectors. Next, adaptation measures are identified and prioritized through a stakeholder-based multi-criteria analysis. Finally, a social network analysis identifies key actors and their relationships in climate change adaptation. The study shows that under a severe climate change scenario, water availability could be substantially decreased and drought occurrence will augment. In consequence, farmers will adapt their crops to a lesser amount of water and income gains will diminish, particularly for smallholder farms. Among the various adaptation measures considered, those related to private farming (new crop varieties and modern irrigation technologies) are ranked highest, whereas public-funded hard measures (reservoirs) are lowest and public soft measures (insurance) are ranked middle. In addition, stakeholders highlighted that the most relevant criteria for selecting adaptation plans are environmental protection, financial feasibility and employment creation. Nonetheless, the social network analysis evidenced the need to strengthen the links among the different stakeholder groups to facilitate the implementation of adaptation processes. In sum, the diagnostic framework applied in this research can be considered a valuable tool for guiding and supporting decision making in climate change adaptation and communicating scientific results.


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The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.


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La acuicultura, el cultivo y cra de animales y plantas acuticas, representa en la actualidad una fuente esencial de protena animal y vegetal altamente saludable y nutritiva, proporcionando un sistema de vida y de ingresos en todo el mundo. La acuicultura adems de ser un motor para el desarrollo social y econmico de las reas costeras marinas y fluviales mundiales, supone en muchas regiones subdesarrolladas una garanta de alimento de alta calidad y es clave en la seguridad alimentaria de sus poblaciones. El desarrollo de la acuicultura se ha realizado fundamentalmente en los ltimos 50 aos, y ha sido sobre todo en la dcada de los aos 80, cuando la acuicultura ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con tasas anuales que superan el 6%. Con el estancamiento de la produccin pesquera y el incremento de la poblacin mundial, la acuicultura se presenta como la nica fuente posible de suministro de protenas (vegetales y animales) de alta calidad, ricas en aceites omega 3 (EPA y DHA) de origen acutico. En la actualidad la produccin procedente de la acuicultura supera los 95 millones de toneladas anuales, siendo ligeramente superior a los 94 millones de toneladas anuales provenientes de la pesca extractiva. De este total mundial acucola, la produccin asitica representa el 89%, mientras que la europea el 4,2% Aunque el 46% de la produccin mundial acucola se concentra nicamente en solo 10 especies, una de las principales caractersticas de la acuicultura es la gran diversidad de especies cultivadas, ms de 500, realizndose su cra bajo diferentes tecnologas y sistemas productivos. El mbito de esta tesis, es nicamente la acuicultura marina que se desarrolla en las aguas del mar mediterrneo, indistintamente de los sistemas y tecnologa de produccin utilizados. Los principales grupos de cultivo que se realizan en las aguas del Mediterrneo son los moluscos y los peces, siendo muy escasos los cultivos de otros grupos como crustceos y macroalgas. La piscicultura marina mediterrnea est dominada por el cultivo en jaulas flotantes de dos especies, la dorada (Sparus auratus) y la lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax). Estas dos especies y tras 30 aos de experiencia de cultivo, mantienen todava una ineficiencia productiva alta (reducida seleccin gentica, lento crecimiento hasta talla comercial, alto factor de conversn del pienso) y adems ocupan un estrecho nicho de mercado, ya que prcticamente toda la comercializacin de la dorada y lubina se realiza en fresco y sin elaborar ni transformar, a una talla media de 500 g. Para dar respuesta desde la acuicultura mediterrnea al alto consumo y a la creciente demanda que en la Unin Europea existe de los productos acucolas, y en especial los productos elaborados y transformados, es necesario de manera urgente, un aumento de la produccin de las especies ya cultivadas (dorada y lubina) mediante la mejora de su eficiencia productiva, al mismo tiempo que se debe iniciar la produccin industrial de nuevas especies pisccolas, mediante la diversificacin de los cultivos. Para llevar a cabo esta diversificacin, se hace necesario el establecimiento de una metodologa clara, que asegure una seleccin de especies apropiadas y rentables para la industria acucola mediterrnea, cuyo cultivo sostenible debiera cumplir con los desafos que el sector tiene. Nuevas especies que complementen y cubran las demandas actuales y futuras del mercado Europeo e Internacional de productos acucolas. Nuevas especies con parmetros productivos eficientes, que garanticen unos costes productivos competitivos. Nuevas especies que puedan ser cultivadas utilizando como base la tecnologa de produccin ya existente en el sector. El objetivo de esta tesis es la definicin y desarrollo de una metodologa sencilla para la seleccin de nuevas especies pisccolas marinas para su cultivo eficiente y sostenible Y bajo la aplicacin de esta metodologa, la seleccin de un grupo de especies pisccolas para su cultivo rentable a corto y medio plazo (6-8 aos) en el Mediterrneo. Para ello se ha definido y aplicado una metodologa con la que se han evaluado diez especies candidatas, previamente escogidas de una serie de listas previas originadas en los distintos estudios y trabajos de diversificacin realizados con anterioridad por otros equipos de investigacin. Estas especies candidatas han sido: Seriola dumerili. (Seriola) , Argyrosomus regius (Corvina), Polyprion americanus (Cherna), Ephinephelus marginatus (Mero), Dentex dentex (Dentn), Pagrus pagrus (Pargo), Solea senegalensis (Lenguado del Senegal), Thunnus thynnus (Atn rojo), Mugil cephalus (Lisa), Coryphaena hippurus (Lampuga). El conjunto de estas especies ocupa un amplio y variado espectro dentro de las distintas reas de mercado, productiva, tecnolgica, y medioambiental . Y en todas ellas existe una experiencia mnima en sus diferentes fases de cultivo. En el desarrollo de la metodologa de seleccin, en esta tesis se han definido diversos parmetros de evaluacin, considerados como los ms significativos y sencillos de aplicar. Los parmetros se han agrupado en tres bloques, el comercial, el productivo y el medioambiental. El Bloque de Mercado, comprende aquellos criterios que estn relacionados con la comercializacin de la especie. Calidad de la carne del pescado. Competencia con otras especies en el mercado. Potencial de Transformado. Precio de venta del pescado. El bloque Medioambiental incluye criterios del grado de idoneidad de la especie en la regin y del grado de impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Rango de temperaturas del agua ptimo para el cultivo. Potencial impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Eslabn trfico de la especie.. El bloque Productivo, engloba los criterios y parmetros relacionados con el nivel de conocimiento y control que sobre su cultivo existen ( larvario, engorde, tecnologa) Grado de control de la fase larvaria. Disponibilidad de alevines en el sector Crecimiento. Factor de conversin Aprovechamiento de la capacidad productiva instalada, Coste de inversin. Previa a la evaluacin se han descrito las principales caractersticas de las especies candidatas en funcin del estado y experiencia actual sus cultivos. En la aplicacin de estos criterios se han establecido matrices de evaluacin y a cada criterio se le ha asignado un valor diferente en funcin de sus caractersticas y propiedades selectivas. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicacin de la metodologa de evaluacin propuesta, han sealado la seriola y la corvina como especies ms recomendadas para su puesta en cultivo en el Mediterrneo a corto y medio plazo. Las otras dos especies seleccionadas han sido la lisa y la lampuga. Como conclusin final podemos sealar que el cultivo de nuevas especies es fundamentalmente para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura mediterrnea. Esta diversificacin debe basarse en la aplicacin de una metodologa sencilla y prctica, que garantice una seleccin de especies cuyo cultivo sea rentable y abarquen nuevos segmentos de mercado. ABSTRACT Aquaculture, the cultivation and breeding of aquatic animals and plants, currently represents an essential source of highly nutritious and healthy protein that provides a way of life and income all over the world. Apart from being a social and economic driver in coastal and marine areas, it also entails a guaranteed high quality nourishment in many undeveloped areas being key to the alimentary safety of their population. Aquaculture has developed mainly in the last 50 years and experienced a high growth especially during the Eighties when the annual rates were above 6%. With fishing production stagnating and the global population increasing, aquaculture emerges as the only possible animal and vegetable protein source of aquatic origin, high in quality and omega 3 oils (EPA and DHA). Here and now, aquaculture production is over 95 million tons per year, which is slightly higher than the 94 million tons per year that come from extractive fisheries. From this aquaculture total, Asiatic production represents 89% while Europes is only 4.2%. Even though 46% of the global aquaculture production focuses just on 10 species, one of the main characteristics of aquaculture is the wide diversity of cultivated species over 500 using different technologies and production systems. This PhDs scope is only marine aquaculture in Mediterranean water, regardless of the technology or systems used. The main crop groups in the Mediterranean sea are molluscs and finfish, while crustacean and macroalgae cultivations are very limited. Mediterranean fish culture is dominated by the cultivation in floating cages of two species: Bream (Sparus auratus) and Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). After 30 years of farming, these two species still keep a high productive inefficiency reduced genetic selection, slow growth to marketable size, high feed conversion rate and fill a narrow niche market as practically all bream and bass is sold fresh and whole, unprocessed and untransformed, with an average size of 500 grams. To meet the high consumption and growing demand of aquaculture products, in the European Union (especially those prepared and transformed), Mediterranean aquaculture needs to urgently increase the production of the species already under cultivation (Bass and Bream) by means of improving its productive efficiency and at the same time begin initiating industrial production of new species by diversifying the cultivation. To carry out this diversification it is necessary to establish a clear methodology that ensures the selection of adapted and profitable species for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry. The sustainable farming of these new species needs to meet the challenges this sector faces: New species that complement and meet the current and future needs of the European and International markets for aquaculture products. New species with efficient production parameters that ensure competitive production costs. New species that can be cultivated using already existing production technologies. The aim of this PhD is to define and develop a simple methodology for the selection of new marine fish species for their efficient and sustainable cultivation. And by applying this methodology, to select a group of fish species for its profitable crop in the short and medium term (6-8 years) in the Mediterranean. For this, a methodology has been defined and applied evaluating ten candidate species selected from a series of lists originated from different studies and from diversification works previously conducted by other research teams. These candidate species are: Seriola dumerili. (Greater amberjack), Argyrosomus regius (Meagre), Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish), Ephinephelus marginatus (Dusky grouper), Dentex dentex (Common dentex), Pagrus pagrus (Red porgy), Solea senegalensis (Senegal sole), Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin tuna), Mugil cephalus (Grey mullet), Coryphaena hippurus (Dolphinfish). All these species occupy a broad and varied spectrum within different productive, technological and environmental market areas. There is minimal experience in their different stages of cultivation for all of them. While developing the selection methodology several evaluation parameters have been defined in this PhD, considered the most significant and simple to apply. The parameters are grouped in three blocks: commercial, productivity and environmental. Market block comprises criteria related to the marketing of the species. Quality of the fish meatCompetition with other species in the marketTransformation potentialFish selling price Environment block includes criteria related to the degree of suitability of the species in the region and the degree of environmental impact of their cultivation. Optimal water temperature range for cultivationPotential environmental impact of their cultivationTrophic chain level. Productivity block includes criteria and parameters related to the level of knowledge and control over their cultivation (larval, ongrowing, technology) Degree of control of the larval stageAvailability of alevin in the sector GrowthFeed conversion rate. Exploitation of installed capacityInvestment cost Prior to the evaluation, the main characteristics of the candidate species have been described based on the current status and experience of their cultivations. When applying these criteria evaluation matrices have been established assigning to each criteria a different value depending on their characteristics and selective properties. The results obtained by applying the proposed assessment methodology have identified the Greater Amberjack and Meagre as the most recommended species for farming in the Mediterranean in the short and medium term. The other two selected species were the Grey Mullet and the Dolphinfish. In conclusion, the cultivation of new species is crucial for the sustainable development of Mediterranean aquaculture. This diversification has to be based on the application of a simple and practical methodology that guarantees a selection of species whose cultivation is profitable and covers new market segments.


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La estructura econmica mundial, con centros de produccin y consumo descentralizados y el consiguiente aumento en el trfico de mercancas en todo el mundo, crea considerables problemas y desafos para el sector del transporte de mercancas. Esta situacin ha llevado al transporte martimo a convertirse en el modo ms econmico y ms adecuado para el transporte de mercancas a nivel global. De este modo, los puertos martimos se configuran como nodos de importancia capital en la cadena de suministro al servir como enlace entre dos sistemas de transporte, el martimo y el terrestre. El aumento de la actividad en los puertos martimos produce tres efectos indeseables: el aumento de la congestin vial, la falta de espacio abierto en las instalaciones portuarias y un impacto ambiental significativo en los puertos martimos. Los puertos secos nacen para favorecer la utilizacin de cada modo de transporte en los segmentos en que resultan ms competitivos y para mitigar estos problemas moviendo parte de la actividad en el interior. Adems, gracias a la implantacin de puertos secos es posible discretizar cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena de transporte, permitiendo que los modos ms contaminantes y con menor capacidad de transporte tengan itinerarios lo ms cortos posible, o bien, sean utilizados nicamente para el transporte de mercancas de alto valor aadido. As, los puertos secos se presentan como una oportunidad para fortalecer las soluciones intermodales como parte de una cadena integrada de transporte sostenible, potenciando el transporte de mercancas por ferrocarril. Sin embargo, su potencial no es aprovechado al no existir una metodologa de planificacin de la ubicacin de uso sencillo y resultados claros para la toma de decisiones a partir de los criterios ingenieriles definidos por los tcnicos. La decisin de dnde ubicar un puerto seco exige un anlisis exhaustivo de toda la cadena logstica, con el objetivo de transferir el mayor volumen de trfico posible a los modos ms eficientes desde el punto de vista energtico, que son menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, esta decisin tambin debe garantizar la sostenibilidad de la propia localizacin. Esta Tesis Doctoral, pretende sentar las bases tericas para el desarrollo de una herramienta de Herramienta de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones que permita establecer la localizacin ms adecuada para la construccin de puertos secos. Este primer paso es el desarrollo de una metodologa de evaluacin de la sostenibilidad y la calidad de las localizaciones de los puertos secos actuales mediante el uso de las siguientes tcnicas: Metodologa DELPHI, Redes Bayesianas, Anlisis Multicriterio y Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica. Reconociendo que la determinacin de la ubicacin ms adecuada para situar diversos tipos de instalaciones es un importante problema geogrfico, con significativas repercusiones medioambientales, sociales, econmicos, locacionales y de accesibilidad territorial, se considera un conjunto de 40 variables (agrupadas en 17 factores y estos, a su vez, en 4 criterios) que permiten evaluar la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones. El Anlisis Multicriterio se utiliza como forma de establecer una puntuacin a travs de un algoritmo de scoring. Este algoritmo se alimenta a travs de: 1) unas calificaciones para cada variable extradas de informacin geogrfica analizada con ArcGIS (Criteria Assessment Score); 2) los pesos de los factores obtenidos a travs de un cuestionario DELPHI, una tcnica caracterizada por su capacidad para alcanzar consensos en un grupo de expertos de muy diferentes especialidades: logstica, sostenibilidad, impacto ambiental, planificacin de transportes y geografa; y 3) los pesos de las variables, para lo que se emplean las Redes Bayesianas lo que supone una importante aportacin metodolgica al tratarse de una novedosa aplicacin de esta tcnica. Los pesos se obtienen aprovechando la capacidad de clasificacin de las Redes Bayesianas, en concreto de una red diseada con un algoritmo de tipo greedy denominado K2 que permite priorizar cada variable en funcin de las relaciones que se establecen en el conjunto de variables. La principal ventaja del empleo de esta tcnica es la reduccin de la arbitrariedad en la fijacin de los pesos de la cual suelen adolecer las tcnicas de Anlisis Multicriterio. Como caso de estudio, se evala la sostenibilidad de los 10 puertos secos existentes en Espaa. Los resultados del cuestionario DELPHI revelan una mayor importancia a la hora de buscar la localizacin de un Puerto Seco en los aspectos tenidos en cuenta en las teoras clsicas de localizacin industrial, principalmente econmicos y de accesibilidad. Sin embargo, no deben perderse de vista el resto de factores, cuestin que se pone de manifiesto a travs del cuestionario, dado que ninguno de los factores tiene un peso tan pequeo como para ser despreciado. Por el contrario, los resultados de la aplicacin de Redes Bayesianas, muestran una mayor importancia de las variables medioambientales, por lo que la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones exige un gran respeto por el medio natural y el medio urbano en que se encuadra. Por ltimo, la aplicacin prctica refleja que la localizacin de los puertos secos existentes en Espaa en la actualidad presenta una calidad modesta, que parece responder ms a decisiones polticas que a criterios tcnicos. Por ello, deben emprenderse polticas encaminadas a generar un modelo logstico colaborativo-competitivo en el que se evalen los diferentes factores tenidos en cuenta en esta investigacin. The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this research we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.


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Cover crop selection should be oriented to the achievement of specific agrosystem benefits. The covercrop, catch crop, green manure and fodder uses were identified as possible targets for selection. Theobjective was to apply multi-criteria decision analysis to evaluate different species (Hordeum vulgareL., Secale cereale L., Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) and cultivars according to theirsuitability to be used as cover crops in each of the uses. A field trial with 20 cultivars of the five specieswas conducted in Central Spain during two seasons (October?April). Measurements of ground cover, cropbiomass, N uptake, N derived from the atmosphere, C/N, dietary fiber content and residue quality werecollected. Aggregation of these variables through utility functions allowed ranking species and cultivarsfor each usage. Grasses were the most suitable for the cover crop, catch crop and fodder uses, while thevetches were the best as green manures. The mustard attained high ranks as cover and catch crop the firstseason, but the second decayed due to low performance in cold winters. Mustard and vetches obtainedworse rankings than grasses as fodder. Hispanic was the most suitable barley cultivar as cover and catchcrop, and Albacete as fodder. The triticale Titania attained the highest rank as cover and catch crop andfodder. Vetches Aitana and BGE014897 showed good aptitudes as green manures and catch crops. Thisanalysis allowed comparison among species and cultivars and might provide relevant information forcover crops selection and management.


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In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in systems comprised of several autonomous mobile robots, and as a result, there has been a substantial amount of development in the eld of Articial Intelligence, especially in Robotics. There are several studies in the literature by some researchers from the scientic community that focus on the creation of intelligent machines and devices capable to imitate the functions and movements of living beings. Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) can often deal with tasks that are dicult, if not impossible, to be accomplished by a single robot. In the context of MRS, one of the main challenges is the need to control, coordinate and synchronize the operation of multiple robots to perform a specic task. This requires the development of new strategies and methods which allow us to obtain the desired system behavior in a formal and concise way. This PhD thesis aims to study the coordination of multi-robot systems, in particular, addresses the problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks. The main interest in these systems is to understand how from simple rules inspired by the division of labor in social insects, a group of robots can perform tasks in an organized and coordinated way. We are mainly interested on truly distributed or decentralized solutions in which the robots themselves, autonomously and in an individual manner, select a particular task so that all tasks are optimally distributed. In general, to perform the multi-tasks distribution among a team of robots, they have to synchronize their actions and exchange information. Under this approach we can speak of multi-tasks selection instead of multi-tasks assignment, which means, that the agents or robots select the tasks instead of being assigned a task by a central controller. The key element in these algorithms is the estimation ix of the stimuli and the adaptive update of the thresholds. This means that each robot performs this estimate locally depending on the load or the number of pending tasks to be performed. In addition, it is very interesting the evaluation of the results in function in each approach, comparing the results obtained by the introducing noise in the number of pending loads, with the purpose of simulate the robot's error in estimating the real number of pending tasks. The main contribution of this thesis can be found in the approach based on self-organization and division of labor in social insects. An experimental scenario for the coordination problem among multiple robots, the robustness of the approaches and the generation of dynamic tasks have been presented and discussed. The particular issues studied are: Threshold models: It presents the experiments conducted to test the response threshold model with the objective to analyze the system performance index, for the problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multitasks in multi-robot systems; also has been introduced additive noise in the number of pending loads and has been generated dynamic tasks over time. Learning automata methods: It describes the experiments to test the learning automata-based probabilistic algorithms. The approach was tested to evaluate the system performance index with additive noise and with dynamic tasks generation for the same problem of the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks in multi-robot systems. Ant colony optimization: The goal of the experiments presented is to test the ant colony optimization-based deterministic algorithms, to achieve the distribution of heterogeneous multi-tasks in multi-robot systems. In the experiments performed, the system performance index is evaluated by introducing additive noise and dynamic tasks generation over time.


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El sector ganadero est siendo gradualmente dominado por sistemas intensivos y especializados en los que los factores de produccin estn controlados y en los que los caracteres productivos son los criterios principales para la seleccin de especies y razas. Entretanto, muchos de los bienes y servicios que tradicionalmente suministraba el ganado, tales como los fertilizantes, la traccin animal o materias primas para la elaboracin vestimenta y calzado estn siendo reemplazados por productos industriales. Como consecuencia de ambos cambios, las razas seleccionadas intensivamente, las cuales estn estrechamente ligadas a sistemas agrcolas de alta produccin y altos insumos, han desplazado a muchas razas autctonas, en las que la seleccin prcticamente ha cesado o es muy poco intensa. Actualmente existe una mayor conciencia social sobre la situacin de las razas autctonas y muchas funciones del ganado que previamente haban sido ignoradas estn siendo reconocidas. Desde hace algunas dcadas, se ha aceptado internacionalmente que las razas de ganado cumplen funciones econmicas, socio-culturales, medioambientales y de seguridad alimentaria. Por ello, diferentes organismos internacionales han reconocido que la disminucin de los recursos genticos de animales domsticos (RGADs) es un problema grave y han recomendado su conservacin. Aun as, la conservacin de RGADs es un tema controvertido por la dificultad de valorar las funciones del ganado. Esta valoracin es compleja debido que los RGADs tiene una doble naturaleza privada - pblica. Como algunos economistas han subrayado, el ganado es un bien privado, sin embargo debido a algunas de sus funciones, tambin es un bien pblico. De esta forma, el aumento del conocimiento sobre valor de cada una de sus funciones facilitara la toma de decisiones en relacin a su conservacin y desarrollo. Sin embargo, esta valoracin es controvertida puesto que la importancia relativa de las funciones del ganado vara en funcin del momento, del lugar, de las especies y de las razas. El sector ganadero, debido a sus mltiples funciones, est influenciado por factores tcnicos, medioambientales, sociales, culturales y polticos que estn interrelacionados y que engloban a una enorme variedad de actores y procesos. Al igual que las funciones del ganado, los factores que afectan a su conservacin y desarrollo estn fuertemente condicionados por localizacin geogrfica. Asimismo, estos factores pueden ser muy heterogneos incluso dentro de una misma raza. Por otro lado, es razonable pensar que el ganadero es el actor principal de la conservacin de razas locales. Actualmente, las razas locales estn siendo Integration of socioeconomic and genetic aspects involved in the conservation of animal genetic resources 5 explotadas por ganaderos muy diversos bajo sistemas de produccin tambin muy diferentes. Por todo ello, es de vital importancia comprender y evaluar el impacto que tienen las motivaciones, y el proceso de toma de decisiones de los ganaderos en la estructura gentica de las razas. En esta tesis doctoral exploramos diferentes aspectos sociales, econmicos y genticos involucrados en la conservacin de razas locales de ganado vacuno en Europa, como ejemplo de RGADs, esperando contribuir al entendimiento cientfico de este complejo tema. Nuestro objetivo es conseguir una visin global de los procesos subyacentes en la conservacin y desarrollo de estas razas. Pretendemos ilustrar como se pueden utilizar mtodos cuantitativos en el diseo y establecimiento de estrategias de conservacin y desarrollo de RGADs objetivas y adecuadas. En primer lugar, exploramos el valor econmico total (VET) del ganado analizando sus componentes pblicos fuera de mercado usando como caso de estudio la raza vacuna Alistana-Sanabresa (AS). El VET de cualquier bien est formado por componentes de uso y de no-uso. Estos ltimos incluyen el valor de opcin, el valor de herencia y el valor de existencia. En el caso del ganado local, el valor de uso directo proviene de sus productos. Los valores de uso indirecto estn relacionados con el papel que cumple las razas en el mantenimiento de los paisajes y cultura rural. El valor de opcin se refiere a su futuro uso potencial y el valor de herencia al uso potencial de las generaciones venideras. Finalmente, el valor de existencia est relacionado con el bienestar que produce a la gente saber que existe un recurso especfico. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la importancia relativa que tienen los componentes fuera de mercado sobre el VET de la raza AS. Para ello evaluamos la voluntad de la gente a pagar por la conservacin de la AS mediante experimentos de eleccin (EEs) a travs de encuestas. Estos experimentos permiten valorar individualmente los distintos componentes del VET de cualquier bien. Los resultados los analizamos mediante de uso de modelos aleatorios logit. Encontramos que las funciones pblicas de la raza AS tienen un valor significativo. Sus valores ms importantes son el valor de uso indirecto como elemento cultural Zamorano y el valor de existencia (ambos representaron el 80% de VET). Adems observamos que el valor que gente da a las funciones pblicas de la razas de ganado dependen de sus caractersticas socioeconmicas. Los factores que condicionaron la voluntad a pagar para la conservacin de la raza AS fueron el lugar de residencia (ciudad o pueblo), el haber visto animales de la raza o haber consumido sus productos y la actitud de los encuestados ante los conflictos entre el desarrollo econmico y el medioambiente. Por otro lado, encontramos que no todo el mundo tiene una visin completa e integrada de todas las funciones pblicas de la raza AS. Por este motivo, los programas o actividades de concienciacin sobre su estado deberan hacer hincapi en este aspecto. La existencia de valores pblicos de la raza AS implica que los ganaderos deberan recibir compensaciones econmicas como pago por las funciones pblicas que cumple su raza local. Las compensaciones aseguraran un tamao de poblacin que permitira que la raza AS siga realizando estas funciones. Un mecanismo para ello podra ser el desarrollo del turismo rural relacionado con la raza. Esto aumentara el valor de uso privado mientras que supondra un elemento aadido a las estrategias de conservacin y desarrollo. No obstante, los ganaderos deben analizar cmo aprovechar los nichos de mercado existentes, as como mejorar la calidad de los productos de la raza prestando especial atencin al etiquetado de los mismos. Una vez evaluada la importancia de las funciones pblicas de las razas locales de ganado, analizamos la diversidad de factores tcnicos, econmicos y sociales de la produccin de razas locales de ganado vacuno existente en Europa. Con este fin analizamos el caso de quince razas locales de ocho pases en el contexto de un proyecto de colaboracin internacional. Investigamos las diferencias entre los pases para determinar los factores comunes clave que afectan a la viabilidad de las razas locales. Para ello entrevistamos mediante cuestionarios a un total de 355 ganaderos en las quince razas. Como indicador de viabilidad usamos los planes de los ganaderos de variacin del tamao de las ganaderas. Los cuestionarios incluan diferentes aspectos econmicos, tcnicos y sociales con potencial influencia en las dinmicas demogrficas de las razas locales. Los datos recogidos los analizamos mediante distintas tcnicas estadsticas multivariantes como el anlisis discriminante y la regresin logstica. Encontramos que los factores que afectan a la viabilidad de las razas locales en Europa son muy heterogneos. Un resultado reseable fue que los ganaderos de algunos pases no consideran que la explotacin de su raza tenga un alto valor social. Este hecho vuelve a poner de manifiesto la importancia de desarrollar programas Europeos de concienciacin sobre la importancia de las funciones que cumplen las razas locales. Adems los pases analizados presentaron una alta variabilidad en cuanto a la importancia de los mercados locales en la distribucin de los productos y en cuanto al porcentaje en propiedad del total de los pastos usados en las explotaciones. Este estudio reflej la variabilidad de los sistemas y medios de produccin (en el sentido socioeconmico, tcnico y ecolgico) que existe en Europa. Por ello hay que ser cautos en la implementacin de las polticas comunes en los diferentes pases. Tambin encontramos que la variabilidad dentro de los pases puede ser elevada debido a las diferencias entre razas, lo que implica que las polticas nacionales deber ser suficientemente flexibles para adaptarse a las peculiaridades de cada una de las razas. Por otro lado, encontramos una serie de factores comunes a la viabilidad de las razas en los distintos pases; la edad de los ganaderos, la colaboracin entre ellos y la apreciacin social de las funciones culturales, medioambientales y sociales del ganado local. El envejecimiento de los ganaderos de razas locales no es solo un problema de falta de transferencia generacional, sino que tambin puede suponer una actitud ms negativa hacia la inversin en las actividades ganaderas y en una menor capacidad de adaptacin a los cambios del sector. La capacidad de adaptacin de los ganaderos es un factor crucial en la viabilidad de las razas locales. Las estrategias y polticas de conservacin comunes deben incluir las variables comunes a la viabilidad de las razas manteniendo flexibilidad suficiente para adaptarse a las especificidades nacionales. Estas estrategias y polticas deberan ir ms all de compensacin econmica a los ganaderos de razas locales por la menor productividad de sus razas. Las herramientas para la toma de decisiones ayudan a generar una visin amplia de la conservacin y desarrollo de las razas locales. Estas herramientas abordan el diseo de estrategias de conservacin y desarrollo de forma sistemtica y estructurada. En la tercera parte de la tesis usamos una de estas herramientas, el anlisis DAFO (Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades), con este propsito, reconociendo que la conservacin de RGADs depende de los ganaderos. Desarrollamos un anlisis DAFO cuantitativo y lo aplicamos a trece razas locales de ganado vacuno de seis pases europeos en el contexto del proyecto de colaboracin mencionado anteriormente. El mtodo tiene cuatro pasos: 1) la definicin del sistema; 2) la identificacin y agrupacin de los factores influyentes; 3) la cuantificacin de la importancia de dichos factores y 4) la identificacin y priorizacin de estrategias. Identificamos los factores utilizando multitud de agentes (multi-stakeholder appproach). Una vez determinados los factores se agruparon en una estructura de tres niveles. La importancia relativa de los cada uno de los factores para cada raza fue determinada por grupos de expertos en RGADs de los pases integrados en el citado proyecto. Finalmente, desarrollamos un proceso de cuantificacin para identificar y priorizar estrategias. La estructura de agrupacin de factores permiti analizar el problema de la conservacin desde el nivel general hasta el concreto. La unin de anlisis especficos de cada una de las razas en un anlisis DAFO comn permiti evaluar la adecuacin de las estrategias a cada caso concreto. Identificamos un total de 99 factores. El anlisis revel que mientras los factores menos importantes son muy consistentes entre razas, los factores y estrategias ms relevantes son muy heterogneos. La idoneidad de las estrategias fue mayor a medida que estas se hacan ms generales. A pesar de dicha heterogeneidad, los factores influyentes y estrategias ms importantes estaban ligados a aspectos positivos (fortalezas y oportunidades) lo que implica que el futuro de estas razas es prometedor. Los resultados de nuestro anlisis tambin confirmaron la gran relevancia del valor cultural de estas razas. Las factores internos (fortalezas y debilidades) ms importantes estaban relacionadas con los sistemas de produccin y los ganaderos. Las oportunidades ms relevantes estaban relacionadas con el desarrollo y marketing de nuevos productos mientras que las amenazas ms importantes se encontraron a la hora de vender los productos actuales. Este resultado implica que sera fructfero trabajar en la motivacin y colaboracin entre ganaderos as como, en la mejora de sus capacidades. Concluimos que las polticas comunes europeas deberan centrarse en aspectos generales y ser los suficientemente flexibles para adaptarse a las singularidades de los pases y las razas. Como ya se ha mencionado, los ganaderos juegan un papel esencial en la conservacin y desarrollo de las razas autctonas. Por ello es relevante entender que implicacin puede tener la heterogeneidad de los mismos en la viabilidad de una raza. En la cuarta parte de la tesis hemos identificado tipos de ganaderos con el fin de entender cmo la relacin entre la variabilidad de sus caractersticas socioeconmicas, los perfiles de las ganaderas y las dinmicas de las mismas. El anlisis se ha realizado en un contexto sociolgico, aplicando los conceptos de capital cultural y econmico. Las tipologas se han determinado en funcin de factores socioeconmicos y culturales indicadores del capital cultural y capital econmico de un individuo. Nuestro objetivo era estudiar si la tipologa socioeconmica de los ganaderos afecta al perfil de su ganadera y a las decisiones que toman. Entrevistamos a 85 ganaderos de la raza Avilea-Negra Ibrica (ANI) y utilizamos los resultados de dichas entrevistas para ilustrar y testar el proceso. Definimos los tipos de ganaderos utilizando un anlisis de clster jerarquizado con un grupo de variables cannicas que se obtuvieron en funcin de cinco factores socioeconmicos: el nivel de educacin del ganadero, el ao en que empez a ser ganadero de ANI, el porcentaje de los ingresos familiares que aporta la ganadera, el porcentaje de propiedad de la tierra de la explotacin y la edad del ganadero. La tipologa de los ganaderos de ANI result ser ms compleja que en el pasado. Los resultados indicaron que los tipos de ganaderos variaban en muchos aspectos socioeconmicos y en los perfiles de sus Integration of socioeconomic and genetic aspects involved in the conservation of animal genetic resources 9 ganaderas. Los tipos de ganaderos determinados toman diferentes decisiones en relacin a la modificacin del tamao de su ganadera y a sus objetivos de seleccin. Por otro lado, reaccionaron de forma diferente ante un hipottico escenario de reduccin de las compensaciones econmicas que les planteamos. En este estudio hemos visto que el capital cultural y el econmico interactan y hemos explicado como lo hacen en los distintos tipos de ganaderos. Por ejemplo, los ganaderos que posean un mayor capital econmico, capital cultural formal y capital cultural adquirido sobre la raza, eran los ganaderos cuyos animales tenan una mayor demanda por parte de otros ganaderos, lo cual podra responder a su mayor prestigio social dentro de la raza. Uno de los elementos claves para el futuro de la raza es si este prestigio responde a una superioridad gentica de las animales. Esto ocurrira si los ganaderos utilizaran las herramientas que tienen a su disposicin a la hora de seleccionar animales. Los tipos de ganaderos identificados mostraron tambin claras diferencias en sus formas de colaboracin y en su reaccin a una hipottica variacin de las compensaciones econmicas. Aunque algunos tipos de ganaderos mostraron un bajo nivel de dependencia a estas compensaciones, la mayora se manifestaron altamente dependientes. Por ello cualquier cambio drstico en la poltica de ayudas puede comprometer el desarrollo de las razas autctonas. La adaptacin las polticas de compensaciones econmicas a la heterogeneidad de los ganaderos podra aumentar la eficacia de las mismas por lo que sera interesante explorar posibilidades a este respecto. Concluimos destacando la necesidad de desarrollar polticas que tengan en cuenta la heterogeneidad de los ganaderos. Finalmente abordamos el estudio de la estructura gentica de poblaciones ganaderas. Las decisiones de los ganaderos en relacin a la seleccin de sementales y su nmero de descendientes configuran la estructura demogrfica y gentica de las razas. En la actualidad existe un inters renovado por estudiar las estructuras poblacionales debido a la influencia potencial de su estratificacin sobre la prediccin de valores genmicos y/o los anlisis de asociacin a genoma completo. Utilizamos dos mtodos distintos, un algoritmo de clsteres basados en teora de grafos (GCA) y un algoritmo de clustering bayesiano (STRUCTURE) para estudiar la estructura gentica de la raza ANI. Prestamos especial atencin al efecto de la presencia de parientes cercanos en la poblacin y de la diferenciacin gentica entre subpoblaciones sobre el anlisis de la estructura de la poblacin. En primer lugar evaluamos el comportamiento de los dos algoritmos en poblaciones simuladas para posteriormente analizar los genotipos para 17 microsatlites de 13343 animales de 57 ganaderas distintas de raza ANI. La ANI es un ejemplo de raza con relaciones complejas. Por otro lado, utilizamos el archivo de pedigr de la raza para estudiar el flujo de genes, calculando, entre otras cosas, la contribucin de cada ganadera a la constitucin gentica de la raza. En el caso de las poblaciones simuladas, cuando el FST entre subpoblaciones fue suficientemente alto, ambos algoritmos, GCA y STRUCTURE, identificaron la misma estructura gentica independientemente de que existieran o no relaciones familiares. Por el contrario, cuando el grado de diferenciacin entre poblaciones fue bajo, el STRUCTURE identific la estructura familiar mientras que GCA no permiti obtener ningn resultado concluyente. El GCA result ser un algoritmo ms rpido y eficiente para de inferir la estructura gentica en poblaciones con relaciones complejas. Este algoritmo tambin puede ser usado para reducir el nmero de clsteres a testar con el STRUTURE. En cuanto al anlisis de la poblacin de ANI, ambos algoritmos describieron la misma estructura, lo cual sugiere que los resultados son robustos. Se identificaron tres subpoblaciones diferenciadas que pudieran corresponderse con tres linajes distintos. Estos linajes estaran directamente relacionados con las ganaderas que han tenido una mayor contribucin a la constitucin gentica de la raza. Por otro lado, hay un conjunto muy numeroso de individuos con una mezcla de orgenes. La informacin molecular describe una estructura estratificada de la poblacin que se corresponde con la evolucin demogrfica de la raza. Es esencial analizar en mayor profundidad la composicin de este ltimo grupo de animales para determinar cmo afecta a la variabilidad gentica de la poblacin de ANI. SUMMARY Summary Livestock sector is gradually dominated by intensive and specialized systems where the production environment is controlled and the production traits are the main criteria for the selection of species and breeds. In the meantime, the traditional use of domestic animals for draught work, clothes and manure has been replaced by industrial products. As a consequence of both these changes, the intensively selected breeds closely linked with high-input highoutput production systems have displaced many native breeds where the selection has practically ceased or been very mild. People are now more aware of the state of endangerment among the native breeds and the previously ignored values of livestock are gaining recognition. For some decades now, the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and food security function of livestock breeds have been accepted worldwide and their loss has been recognized as a major problem. Therefore, the conservation of farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) has been recommended. The conservation of FAnGR is controversial due to the complexity of the evaluation of its functions. This evaluation is difficult due to the nature of FAnGR both as private and public good. As some economists have highlighted, livestock animals are private goods, however, they are also public goods by their functions. Therefore, there is a need to increase the knowledge about the value of all livestock functions since to support the decision-making for the sustainable conservation and breeding of livestock. This is not straightforward since the relative importance of livestock functions depends on time, place, species and breed. Since livestock play a variety of roles, their production is driven by interrelated and everchanging economic, technical, environmental, social, cultural and political elements involving an enormous range of stakeholders. Not only FAnGR functions but also the importance of factors affecting the development and conservation of FAnGR can be very different across geographical areas. Furthermore, heterogeneity can be found even within breeds. Local breeds are nowadays raised by highly diverse farmers in equally diverse farms. It is quite reasonable to think that farmer is the major actor in the in situ conservation of livestock breeds. Thus, there is a need to understand the farmers motivations, decision making processes and the impact of their decisions on the genetic structure of breeds. In this PhD thesis we explore different social, economic and genetic aspects involved in the conservation of local cattle breeds, i.e. FAnGR, in Europe seeking to contribute to the scientific understanding of this complex issue. We aim to achieve a comprehensive view of the processes involved in the conservation and development of local cattle breeds and have made special efforts in discussing the implications of the research results in this respect. The final outcome of the thesis is to illustrate how quantitative methods can be exploited in designing and establishing sound strategies and programmes for the conservation and development of local livestock breeds. Firstly we explored the public non-market attributes of the total economic value (TEV) of livestock, using the Spanish Alistana-Sanabresa (AS) cattle breed as a case study. Total economic value of any good comprises both use and non-use components, where the latter include option, bequest and existence values. For livestock, the direct use values are mainly stemming from production outputs. Indirect use values relate to the role of livestock as a maintainer of rural culture and landscape. The option value is related to the potential use of livestock, the bequest values relate to the value associated with the inheritance of the resources to future generation and the existence values relate to the utility perceived by people from knowing that specific resources exist. We aimed to determine the relative importance of the non-market components of the TEV of the AS breed, the socio-economic variables that influence how people value the different components of TEV and to assess the implications of the Spanish national conservation strategy for the AS breed. To do so, we used a choice experiment (CE) approach and applied the technique to assess peoples willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of AS breed. The use of CE allows the valuation of the individual components of TEV for a given good. We analysed the choice data using a random parameter logit (RPL) model. AS breed was found to have a significant public good value. Its most important values were related to the indirect use value due to the maintenance of Zamorian culture and the existence value (both represent over 80% of its TEV). There were several socioeconomic variables influencing peoples valuation of the public service of the breed. In the case of AS breed, the place of living (city or rural area), having seen animals of the breed, having eaten breed products and the respondents attitude towards economic development environment conflicts do influence peoples WTP for AS conservation. We also found that people do not have a complete picture of all the functions and roles that AS breed as AnGR. Therefore, the actions for increasing awareness of AS should go to that direction. The farmers will need incentives to exploit some of the public goods values and maintain the breed population size at socially desirable levels. One such mechanism could be related to the development of agritourism, which would enhance the private good value and provide an important addition to the conservation and utilisation strategy. However, the farmers need a serious evaluation on how to invest in niche product development or how to improve product quality and brand recognition. Using the understanding on the importance of the public function of local cattle we tried to depict the current diversity regarding technical, economic and social factors found in local cattle farming across Europe. To do so we focused in an international collaborative project on the case of fifteen local cattle breeds in eight European countries. We investigated the variation among the countries to detect the common key elements, which affect the viability of local breeds. We surveyed with interviews a total of 355 farms across the fifteen breeds. We used the planned herd size changes by the farmer as an indicator of breed viability. The questionnaire included several economic, technical and social aspects with potential influence on breeds demographic trends. We analysed the data using multivariate statistical techniques, such as discriminat analysis and logistic regression. The factors affecting a local breeds viability were highly heterogeneous across Europe. In some countries, farmers did not recognise any high social value attached to keeping a local cattle breed. Hence there is a need to develop communication programmes across EU countries making people aware about the diversity and importance of values associated to raising local breeds. The countries were also very variable regarding the importance of local markets and the percentage of farm land owned by the farmers. Despite the country specificities, there were also common factors affecting the breed viability across Europe. The factors were from different grounds, from social, such as the age of the farmer and the social appreciation of their work, to technicalorganizational, such as the farmers attitude to collaborating with each other. The heterogeneity found reflects the variation in breeding systems and production environment (in the socioeconomic, technical and ecological sense) present in Europe. Therefore, caution should be taken in implementing common policies at the country level. Variability could also be rather high within countries due to breed specificities. Therefore, the national policies should be flexible to adapt to the specificities. The variables significantly associated with breed viability should be positively incorporated in the conservation strategies, and considered in developing common and/or national policies. The strategy preparation and policy planning should go beyond the provision of a general economic support to compensate farmers for the lower profitability of local breeds. Of particular interest is the observation that the opportunity for farmer collaboration and the appreciation by the society of the cultural, environmental and social role of local cattle farming were positively associated with the breed survival. In addition, farmer's high age is not only a problem of poor generation transfer but it is also a problem because it might lead to a lower attitude to investing in farming activities and to a lower ability to adapt to environment changes. The farmers adaptation capability may be a key point for the viability of local breeds. Decision making tools can help to get a comprehensive view on the conservation and development of local breeds. It allows us to use a systematic and structured approach for identifying and prioritizing conservation and development strategies. We used SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis for this purpose and recognized that many conservation and development projects rely on farmers. We developed a quantified SWOT method and applied it in the aforementioned collaborative research to a set of thirteen cattle breeds in six European countries. The method has four steps: definition of the system, identification and grouping of the driving factors, quantification of the importance of driving factors and identification and prioritization of the strategies. The factors were determined following a multi-stakeholder approach and grouped with a three level structure. FAnGR expert groups ranked the factors and a quantification process was implemented to identify and prioritize strategies. The structure of the SWOT analysis allowed analyzing the conservation problem from general down to specific perspectives. Joining breed specific analyses into a common SWOT analysis permitted comparison of breed cases across countries. We identified 99 driving factors across breeds. The across breed analysis revealed that irrelevant factors were consistent. There was high heterogeneity among the most relevant factors and strategies. The strategies increased eligibility as they lost specificity. Although the situation was very heterogeneous, the most promising factors and strategies were linked to the positive aspects (Strengths and Opportunities). Therefore, the future of the studied local breed is promising. The results of our analysis also confirmed the high relevance of the cultural value of the breeds. The most important internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) were related farmers and production systems. The most important opportunities were found in developing and marketing new products, while the most relevant threats were found in selling the current conventional products. In this regard, it should be fruitful to work on farmers motivation, collaboration, and capacity building. We conclude that European policies should focus on general aspects and be flexible enough to be adapted to the country and breed specificities. As mentioned, farmers have a key role in the conservation and development of a local cattle breed. Therefore, it is very relevant to understand the implications of farmer heterogeneity within a breed for its viability. In the fourth part of the thesis, we developed a general farmer typology to help analyzing the relations between farmer features and farm profiles, herd dynamics and farmers decision making. In the analysis we applied and used the sociological framework of economic and cultural capital and studied how the determined farmer types were linked to farm profiles and breeding decisions, among others. The typology was based on measurable socioeconomic factors indicating the economic and cultural capital of farmers. A group of 85 farmers raising the Spanish Avilea-Negra Ibrica (ANI) local cattle breed was used to illustrate and test the procedure. The farmer types were defined by a hierarchical cluster analysis with a set of canonical variables derived from the following five the socioeconomic factors: the formal educational level of the farmer, the year the farmer started keeping the ANI breed, the percentage of the total family income covered by the farm, the percentage of the total farm land owned by the farmer and the farmers age. The present ANI farmer types were much more complex than what they were in the past. We found that the farmer types differed in many socioeconomic aspects and in the farms profile. Furthermore, the types also differentiate farmers with respect to decisions about changing the farm size, breeding aims and stated reactions towards hypothetical subsidy variation. We have verified that economic and cultural capitals are not independent and further showed how they are interacting in the different farmer types. The farmers related to the types with high economic, institutionalized and embodied cultural capitals had a higher demand of breeding animals from others farmers of the breed, which may be related to the higher social prestige within the breed. One of the key implications of this finding for the future of the breed is whether or not the prestige of farmers is related to genetic superiority of their animals, what is to say, that it is related with a sound use of tools that farmers have available to make selection decisions. The farmer types differed in the form of collaboration and in the reactions to the hypothetical variation in subsidies. There were farmers with low dependency on subsidies, while most of them are highly dependent on subsidies. Therefore, any drastic change in the subsidy programme might have influence on the development of local breeds. The adaptation of these programme to the farmers heterogeneity might increase its efficacy, thus it would be interesting to explore ways of doing it. We conclude highlighting the need to have a variety of policies, which take into account the heterogeneity among the farmers. To finish we dealt with the genetic structure of livestock populations. Farmers decisions on the breeding animals and their progeny numbers shape the demographic and genetic structure of the breeds. Nowadays there is a renovated interest in studying the population structure since it can bias the prediction of genomic breeding values and genome wide association studies. We determined the genetic structure of ANI breed using two different methods, a graphical clustering algorithm (GCA) and a Bayesian clustering algorithm (STRUCTURE) were used. We paid particular attention to the influence that the presence of closely related individuals and the genetic differentiation of subpopulations may have on the inferences about the population structure. We first evaluated the performance of the algorithms in simulated populations. Then we inferred the genetic structure of the Spanish cattle breed ANI analysing a data set of 13343 animals (genotyped for 17 microsatellites) from 57 herds. ANI breed is an example of a population with complex relationships. We used the herdbook to study the gene flow, estimation among other things, the contribution of different herds to the genetic composition of the ANI breed. For the simulated scenarios, when FST among subpopulations was sufficiently high, both algorithms consistently inferred the correct structure regardless of the presence of related individuals. However, when the genetic differentiation among subpopulations was low, STRUCTURE identified the family based structure while GCA did not provide any consistent picture. The GCA was a fast and efficient method to infer genetic structure to determine the hidden core structure of a population with complex history and relationships. GCA could also be used to narrow down the number of clusters to be tested by STRUCTURE. Both, STRUCTURE and GCA describe a similar structure for the ANI breed suggesting that the results are robust. ANI population was found to have three genetically differentiated clusters that could correspond to three genetic lineages. These are directly related to the herds with a major contribution to the breed. In addition, ANI breed has also a large pool made of individuals with an admixture of origins. The genetic structure of ANI, assessed by molecular information, shows a stratification that corresponds to the demographic evolution of the breed. It will be of great importance to learn more about the composition of the pool and study how it is related to the existing genetic variability of the breed.


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These slides present several 3-D reconstruction methods to obtain the geometric structure of a scene that is viewed by multiple cameras. We focus on the combination of the geometric modeling in the image formation process with the use of standard optimization tools to estimate the characteristic parameters that describe the geometry of the 3-D scene. In particular, linear, non-linear and robust methods to estimate the monocular and epipolar geometry are introduced as cornerstones to generate 3-D reconstructions with multiple cameras. Some examples of systems that use this constructive strategy are Bundler, PhotoSynth, VideoSurfing, etc., which are able to obtain 3-D reconstructions with several hundreds or thousands of cameras. En esta presentacin se tratan varios mtodos de reconstruccin 3-D para la obtencin de la estructura geomtrica de una escena que es visualizada por varias cmaras. Se enfatiza la combinacin de modelado geomtrico del proceso de formacin de la imagen con el uso de herramientas estndar de optimizacin para estimar los parmetros caractersticos que describen la geometra de la escena 3-D. En concreto, se presentan mtodos de estimacin lineales, no lineales y robustos de las geometras monocular y epipolar como punto de partida para generar reconstrucciones con tres o ms cmaras. Algunos ejemplos de sistemas que utilizan este enfoque constructivo son Bundler, PhotoSynth, VideoSurfing, etc., los cuales, en la prctica pueden llegar a reconstruir una escena con varios cientos o miles de cmaras.


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The numerical strategies employed in the evaluation of singular integrals existing in the Cauchy principal value (CPV) sense are, undoubtedly, one of the key aspects which remarkably affect the performance and accuracy of the boundary element method (BEM). Thus, a new procedure, based upon a bi-cubic co-ordinate transformation and oriented towards the numerical evaluation of both the CPV integrals and some others which contain different types of singularity is developed. Both the ideas and some details involved in the proposed formulae are presented, obtaining rather simple and-attractive expressions for the numerical quadrature which are also easily embodied into existing BEM codes. Some illustrative examples which assess the stability and accuracy of the new formulae are included.


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Using a laboratory impact tester, impacts were applied to fruits of different varieties of apples and pears. The response to impact was analized, and many parameters were recorded, to be correlated to bruise susceptibility and to ripeness changes. Different methods for the detection and evaluation of the bruised Area and its features were studied, using direct observation and various reactives. Different types of bruises were established.


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En la interaccin con el entorno que nos rodea durante nuestra vida diaria (utilizar un cepillo de dientes, abrir puertas, utilizar el telfono mvil, etc.) y en situaciones profesionales (intervenciones mdicas, procesos de produccin, etc.), tpicamente realizamos manipulaciones avanzadas que incluyen la utilizacin de los dedos de ambas manos. De esta forma el desarrollo de mtodos de interaccin hptica multi-dedo dan lugar a interfaces hombre-mquina ms naturales y realistas. No obstante, la mayora de interfaces hpticas disponibles en el mercado estn basadas en interacciones con un solo punto de contacto; esto puede ser suficiente para la exploracin o palpacin del entorno pero no permite la realizacin de tareas ms avanzadas como agarres. En esta tesis, se investiga el diseo mecnico, control y aplicaciones de dispositivos hpticos modulares con capacidad de reflexin de fuerzas en los dedos ndice, corazn y pulgar del usuario. El diseo mecnico de la interfaz diseada, ha sido optimizado con funciones multi-objetivo para conseguir una baja inercia, un amplio espacio de trabajo, alta manipulabilidad y reflexin de fuerzas superiores a 3 N en el espacio de trabajo. El ancho de banda y la rigidez del dispositivo se han evaluado mediante simulacin y experimentacin real. Una de las reas ms importantes en el diseo de estos dispositivos es el efector final, ya que es la parte que est en contacto con el usuario. Durante este trabajo se ha diseado un dedal de bajo peso, adaptable a diferentes usuarios que, mediante la incorporacin de sensores de contacto, permite estimar fuerzas normales y tangenciales durante la interaccin con entornos reales y virtuales. Para el diseo de la arquitectura de control, se estudiaron los principales requisitos para estos dispositivos. Entre estos, cabe destacar la adquisicin, procesado e intercambio a travs de internet de numerosas seales de control e instrumentacin; la computacin de equaciones matemticas incluyendo la cinemtica directa e inversa, jacobiana, algoritmos de deteccin de agarres, etc. Todos estos componentes deben calcularse en tiempo real garantizando una frecuencia mnima de 1 KHz. Adems, se describen sistemas para manipulacin de precisin virtual y remota; as como el diseo de un mtodo denominado "desacoplo cinemtico iterativo" para computar la cinemtica inversa de robots y la comparacin con otros mtodos actuales. Para entender la importancia de la interaccin multimodal, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para comprobar qu estmulos sensoriales se correlacionan con tiempos de respuesta ms rpidos y de mayor precisin. Estos experimentos se desarrollaron en colaboracin con neurocientficos del instituto Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Comparando los tiempos de respuesta en la interaccin unimodal (auditiva, visual y hptica) con combinaciones bimodales y trimodales de los mismos, se demuestra que el movimiento sincronizado de los dedos para generar respuestas de agarre se basa principalmente en la percepcin hptica. La ventaja en el tiempo de procesamiento de los estmulos hpticos, sugiere que los entornos virtuales que incluyen esta componente sensorial generan mejores contingencias motoras y mejoran la credibilidad de los eventos. Se concluye que, los sistemas que incluyen percepcin hptica dotan a los usuarios de ms tiempo en las etapas cognitivas para rellenar informacin de forma creativa y formar una experiencia ms rica. Una aplicacin interesante de los dispositivos hpticos es el diseo de nuevos simuladores que permitan entrenar habilidades manuales en el sector mdico. En colaboracin con fisioterapeutas de Griffith University en Australia, se desarroll un simulador que permite realizar ejercicios de rehabilitacin de la mano. Las propiedades de rigidez no lineales de la articulacin metacarpofalange del dedo ndice se estimaron mediante la utilizacin del efector final diseado. Estos parmetros, se han implementado en un escenario que simula el comportamiento de la mano humana y que permite la interaccin hptica a travs de esta interfaz. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este simulador estn relacionadas con entrenamiento y educacin de estudiantes de fisioterapia. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos mtodos que permiten el control simultneo de robots y manos robticas en la interaccin con entornos reales. El espacio de trabajo alcanzable por el dispositivo hptico, se extiende mediante el cambio de modo de control automtico entre posicin y velocidad. Adems, estos mtodos permiten reconocer el gesto del usuario durante las primeras etapas de aproximacin al objeto para su agarre. Mediante experimentos de manipulacin avanzada de objetos con un manipulador y diferentes manos robticas, se muestra que el tiempo en realizar una tarea se reduce y que el sistema permite la realizacin de la tarea con precisin. Este trabajo, es el resultado de una colaboracin con investigadores de Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. ABSTRACT When we interact with the environment in our daily life (using a toothbrush, opening doors, using cell-phones, etc.), or in professional situations (medical interventions, manufacturing processes, etc.) we typically perform dexterous manipulations that involve multiple fingers and palm for both hands. Therefore, multi-Finger haptic methods can provide a realistic and natural human-machine interface to enhance immersion when interacting with simulated or remote environments. Most commercial devices allow haptic interaction with only one contact point, which may be sufficient for some exploration or palpation tasks but are not enough to perform advanced object manipulations such as grasping. In this thesis, I investigate the mechanical design, control and applications of a modular haptic device that can provide force feedback to the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user. The designed mechanical device is optimized with a multi-objective design function to achieve a low inertia, a large workspace, manipulability, and force-feedback of up to 3 N within the workspace; the bandwidth and rigidity for the device is assessed through simulation and real experimentation. One of the most important areas when designing haptic devices is the end-effector, since it is in contact with the user. In this thesis the design and evaluation of a thimble-like, lightweight, user-adaptable, and cost-effective device that incorporates four contact force sensors is described. This design allows estimation of the forces applied by a user during manipulation of virtual and real objects. The design of a real-time, modular control architecture for multi-finger haptic interaction is described. Requirements for control of multi-finger haptic devices are explored. Moreover, a large number of signals have to be acquired, processed, sent over the network and mathematical computations such as device direct and inverse kinematics, jacobian, grasp detection algorithms, etc. have to be calculated in Real Time to assure the required high fidelity for the haptic interaction. The Hardware control architecture has different modules and consists of an FPGA for the low-level controller and a RT controller for managing all the complex calculations (jacobian, kinematics, etc.); this provides a compact and scalable solution for the required high computation capabilities assuring a correct frequency rate for the control loop of 1 kHz. A set-up for dexterous virtual and real manipulation is described. Moreover, a new algorithm named the iterative kinematic decoupling method was implemented to solve the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator. In order to understand the importance of multi-modal interaction including haptics, a subject study was carried out to look for sensory stimuli that correlate with fast response time and enhanced accuracy. This experiment was carried out in collaboration with neuro-scientists from Technion Israel Institute of Technology. By comparing the grasping response times in unimodal (auditory, visual, and haptic) events with the response times in events with bimodal and trimodal combinations. It is concluded that in grasping tasks the synchronized motion of the fingers to generate the grasping response relies on haptic cues. This processing-speed advantage of haptic cues suggests that multimodalhaptic virtual environments are superior in generating motor contingencies, enhancing the plausibility of events. Applications that include haptics provide users with more time at the cognitive stages to fill in missing information creatively and form a richer experience. A major application of haptic devices is the design of new simulators to train manual skills for the medical sector. In collaboration with physical therapists from Griffith University in Australia, we developed a simulator to allow hand rehabilitation manipulations. First, the non-linear stiffness properties of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger were estimated by using the designed end-effector; these parameters are implemented in a scenario that simulates the behavior of the human hand and that allows haptic interaction through the designed haptic device. The potential application of this work is related to educational and medical training purposes. In this thesis, new methods to simultaneously control the position and orientation of a robotic manipulator and the grasp of a robotic hand when interacting with large real environments are studied. The reachable workspace is extended by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. Moreover, the human hand gesture is recognized by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user during the early stages of the approximation-to-the-object phase and then mapped to the robotic hand actuators. These methods are validated to perform dexterous manipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator, and different robotic hands. This work is the result of a research collaboration with researchers from the Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. The developed experiments show that the overall task time is reduced and that the developed methods allow for full dexterity and correct completion of dexterous manipulations.


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Connectivity analysis on diffusion MRI data of the whole-brain suffers from distortions caused by the standard echo-planar imaging acquisition strategies. These images show characteristic geometrical deformations and signal destruction that are an important drawback limiting the success of tractography algorithms. Several retrospective correction techniques are readily available. In this work, we use a digital phantom designed for the evaluation of connectivity pipelines. We subject the phantom to a theoretically correct and plausible deformation that resembles the artifact under investigation. We correct data back, with three standard methodologies (namely fieldmap-based, reversed encoding-based, and registration- based). Finally, we rank the methods based on their geometrical accuracy, the dropout compensation, and their impact on the resulting connectivity matrices.