66 resultados para Jose , Carlos Mariátegui, Religión, ideología, pensamiento marxista latinoaméricano
One of the more aspects that have shaped the landscape is the human impact. The human impact has the clearest indicator of the density of settlements in a particular geographic region. In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Kingdom of Valencia, Spain Geographic Atlas (AGE) of Tomas Lopez (1788), and their correspondence with the current ones. To meet this goal we have developed a specific methodology, the systematic study of all existing settlements in historical cartography. This will determine which have disappeared and which have been renamed. The material used has been the historical cartography of Tomas Lopez, part of the AGE (1789), the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), sheets numbers (78, 79, 80 and 81); Current mapping of the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Castellon, Teruel, Tattagona and Cuenca; As main software ArcGis V.9.3. The steps followed in the methodology are as follows: 1. Check the scale of the maps. Analyze the possible use of a spherical earth model. 2. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 3 Digitize of all population settlements or cities. 4 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 5. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 6. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps, i.e. the linear distance between the points of both maps. 7 draw in the GIS, the settlements without correspondence, in the current coordinates, and with a circle of mean error of the sheet, in order to locate their current location. If there are actual settlements exist within this circle, they are candidates to be the searched settlements. We analyzed more than 2000 settlements represented in the Atlas of Tomas Lopez of the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), of which almost 14.5% have no correspondence with the existing settlements. The rural landscape evolution of the Valencia, oldest kingdom of Valencia, one can say that can be severely affected by the anthropization suffered in the period from 1789 to the present, since 70% of existing settlements actually have appeared after Tomas Lopez¿s cartography, dated on 1789
Nowadays one of the challenges of materials science is to find new technologies that will be able to make the most of renewable energies. An example of new proposals in this field are the intermediate-band (IB) materials, which promise higher efficiencies in photovoltaic applications (through the intermediate band solar cells), or in heterogeneous photocatalysis (using nanoparticles of them, for the light-induced degradation of pollutants or for the efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water). An IB material consists in a semiconductor in which gap a new level is introduced [1], the intermediate band (IB), which should be partially filled by electrons and completely separated of the valence band (VB) and of the conduction band (CB). This scheme (figure 1) allows an electron from the VB to be promoted to the IB, and from the latter to the CB, upon absorption of photons with energy below the band gap Eg, so that energy can be absorbed in a wider range of the solar spectrum and a higher current can be obtained without sacrificing the photovoltage (or the chemical driving force) corresponding to the full bandgap Eg, thus increasing the overall efficiency. This concept, applied to photocatalysis, would allow using photons of a wider visible range while keeping the same redox capacity. It is important to note that this concept differs from the classic photocatalyst doping principle, which essentially tries just to decrease the bandgap. This new type of materials would keep the full bandgap potential but would use also lower energy photons. In our group several IB materials have been proposed, mainly for the photovoltaic application, based on extensively doping known semiconductors with transition metals [2], examining with DFT calculations their electronic structures. Here we refer to In2S3 and SnS2, which contain octahedral cations; when doped with Ti or V an IB is formed according to quantum calculations (see e.g. figure 2). We have used a solvotermal synthesis method to prepare in nanocrystalline form the In2S3 thiospinel and the layered compound SnS2 (which when undoped have bandgaps of 2.0 and 2.2 eV respectively) where the cation is substituted by vanadium at a ?10% level. This substitution has been studied, characterizing the materials by different physical and chemical techniques (TXRF, XRD, HR-TEM/EDS) (see e.g. figure 3) and verifying with UV spectrometry that this substitution introduces in the spectrum the sub-bandgap features predicted by the calculations (figure 4). For both sulphide type nanoparticles (doped and undoped) the photocatalytic activity was studied by following at room temperature the oxidation of formic acid in aqueous suspension, a simple reaction which is easily monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The spectral response of the process is measured using a collection of band pass filters that allow only some wavelengths into the reaction system. Thanks to this method the spectral range in which the materials are active in the photodecomposition (which coincides with the band gap for the undoped samples) can be checked, proving that for the vanadium substituted samples this range is increased, making possible to cover all the visible light range. Furthermore it is checked that these new materials are more photocorrosion resistant than the toxic CdS witch is a well know compound frequently used in tests of visible light photocatalysis. These materials are thus promising not only for degradation of pollutants (or for photovoltaic cells) but also for efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water; work in this direction is now being pursued.
Knowledge of the development of hydrographic networks can be useful for a number of research works in hydraulic engineering. We thus, intend to analyse the cartography regarding the first work that systematically encompasses the entire hydrographic network: Tomas Lopez’s Geographic Atlas of Spain (1787). In order to achieve this goal, we will first analyze –by way of the Geographic Information System (GIS) – both the present and referred historical cartographies. In comparing them, we will use the then-existing population centres that correspond to modern ones. The aim is to compare the following research variables in the hydrographic network: former toponyms, length of riverbeds and distance to population centres. The results of this study will show the variation in the riverbeds and the probable change in their denomination.
Es suficientemente conocido el viaje que realizó Alvar Aalto a España en 1951, para impartir conferencias primero en Barcelona y después en Madrid. Aquella visita tuvo entonces gran influencia en nuestro país y, posteriormente, con efectos retardados, en la década de los sesenta. Aunque, lógicamente, las mencionaremos, no pretendemos incidir en cuestiones ya tratadas por otros autores como, por ejemplo, su negativa a contemplar una arquitectura que le distrajese de su quehacer edilicio habitual, como fue la Sagrada Familia, El Escorial, la Plaza Mayor de Madrid o el edificio del Museo del Prado; o su gusto por la arquitectura popular que tuvo ocasión de ver y dibujar en aquel viaje; sino intentar buscar las razones que le indujeron a elogiar el que parece ser el único edificio que le interesó: la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Químicas de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid, obra de Miguel de los Santos.
Las nuevas tecnologías de medición han supuesto una revolución para la investigación del Patrimonio, permitiendo estudios de la arquitectura histórica hasta ahora inabordables que llegan a cuestionar tesis tradicionalmente admitidas. La presente comunicación se inscribe en este contexto. La medición realizada con estación total, nos ha permitido llevar a cabo un profundo análisis constructivo de las bóvedas sexpartitas de la catedral de Sigüenza y del Monasterio de Santa María de Huerta. Lambert, entre otros investigadores, nos habla de numerosas analogías entre ambas obras e incluso llega a afirmar la presencia de un mismo maestro. Sin embargo, el análisis llevado a cabo nos ha permitido determinar ciertas características de su construcción que ponen en duda esta teoría.
Se proyectó y ejecutó la sustitución del capitel, centrando la carga y arriostrando la columna, sin observar movimientos durante el proceso, pero no se reforzó la cimentación. Paulatinamente se fue retirando el apeo de la columna, acompasado con la incidencia de las obras del aparcamiento.
La obra cartográfica de Tomás López siempre despertó controversias y no le han faltado detractores que señalan la falta de exactitud de sus mapas. Aun así la obra de Tomás López tiene un gran reconocimiento por su carácter compilatorio de toda la información cartográfica disponible en hasta la época. En general es poco conocido el vínculo entre la obra de López con el ?laboriosísimo desarrollo? de los mapas de Polo y Catalina, que se responsabilizó de la organización de la información para el Censo de la riqueza territorial e industrial de España (1803). Para ello, planimetró por el método de los triángulos uno a uno los mapas de la serie de reinos y provincias peninsulares y las islas del Atlas Geográfico de España (AGE) de Tomás López de 1804. En este trabajo se muestra un ejemplo de la precisión del AGE y alto grado de correlación de toponímico con la cartografía actual en las tres ?Provincias Bascongadas? que comprendían el ?Señorío de Vizcaya?, la ?Provincia de Guipuzcua? y la ?Provincia de Alava?.
The goal of this communication is to offer, through computer-aided design tools, a methodology to recover and virtually reconstruct disappeared buildings of our industrial historical heritage. It will be applied to the case of the flour factory "El Puente Colgante" (The Suspended Bridge) in Aranjuez, which was demolished in 2001. The process is as follows: After a historical analysis of the evolution in time of the flour factory, a field work provides data allowing an info graphic reconstruction of the factory. Once this information has been processed, a lifting of the current state is made with AutoCAD, and a three-dimensional model is built with the Rhinoceros application. Then images of the ensemble are obtained with the applications Rhinoceros and V-Ray, ending with a postproduction with Photoshop. The proposed methodology has permitted to obtain a three-dimensional model of the flour factory ?El Puente Colgante? in Aranjuez, with an accurate virtual reconstruction of its original state prior to demolition. The procedure exposed is susceptible to be generalized for any other example of industrial architecture.
Purpose: In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Province of Madrid, sheet number 1 of AGE (Atlas Geográfico de España of Tomas Lopez 1804) and their correspondence with the current ones. This map is divided in to zones: Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita. Method: The steps followed in the methodology are as follow: 1. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 2 Digitize of all population settlements or cities (97 on Madrid and 42 on Almonacid de Zorita), 3 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 4. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 5. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps. 6 draw in the GIS, the settlements accuracy. Result: It was found that all AGE settlements have good correspondence with current, ie only 27 settlements lost in Madrid and 2 in Almonacid. The average accuracy is 2.3 and 5.7 km to Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita respectively. Discussion & Conclusion: The final accuracy map obtained shows that there is less error in the middle of the map. This study highlights the great work done by Tomas Lopez in performing this mapping without fieldwork. This demonstrates the great value that has been the work of Tomas Lopez in the history of cartography.
Título del trabajo presentado: Las bóvedas de crucería españolas S.XV y XVI Entidad organizadora: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción Congreso: Tercer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción
Título del trabajo presentado: La Concha de la Platería en la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela: la estereotomía de las bóvedas cónicas Entidad organizadora: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción Congreso : Tercer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción
La Estereotomía como Fundamento Constructivo del Renacimiento Español. Mayo-junio 87 Revista: Informes de la Construcción. ISSN 0020-0883- VOL 39, Nº 389
La Estereotomía de la esfera
La construcción de una bóveda de crucería en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
The principle of complexity as the evolution vector of the gothic style was an idea largely developed by Paul Frankl. The high complexity reached in the 15th and 16th centuries was possible thanks to the geometrical resources developed in the workshops of the medieval stonemasons. The search for more sophisticated designs was possible also with the higher standardization, so that the most complex ribbed vault could be built with ribs that had all the same curvature and with voussoirs that were therefore identical. Spanish Gothic architecture has been deeply studied from a historical and artistic point of view. The present paper, as a complement to these analyses, aims to point out some of the geometrical methods and technological improvements that late medieval masons were able to develop. In that way, some selected vaults have been measured, in order to study their geometry and design process. Also scale models of some vaults have been built at the Escuela de Arquitectura (Madrid) to validate these geometrical principles. More than just a research method, the scale models allow to understand the medieval construction techniques, and they are a powerful pedagogical tool with which pupils can reach a rewarding experience based on the “medieval-way” praxis.