38 resultados para Highway Infrastructure
The city of Madrid keeps not meeting the GHG and air pollutant limits set by the European legislation. A broad range of strategies have being taken into account to reduce both types of emissions; however traffic management meas ures are usually consigned to the sidelines. In 2004, Madrid City Council launched a plan to re-design its inner ring-road supported by a socioeconomic study that evaluated the environmental and operational benefits of the project. For safety reasons the planned speed limit for the tunnel section was finally reduced from 90km/h to 70km/h. Using a Macroscopic Traffic Model and the European Air Pollutant and Emissions Inventory Guidebook (EMEP/EEA), this paper examines the environmental and traffic performance consequences of this decision. Results support the thesis that reduced speed limits leads to GHG and air pollution reductions in the area affected by the measure without substantially altering traffic performance. The implementation of the new speed limit policy brings about a 15% and 16% reduction in both CO2 and NOx emissions respectively. Emissions’ reduction during off-peak hours is larger than during peak hours.
Global demand for mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important issue in transportation network planning and decision-making, as well as in the operational management phase. Suitable methods are required to assess emissions and fuel consumption reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and furthering decarbonization. This study describes the development and application of an improved modeling framework – the HERA (Highway EneRgy Assessment) methodology – that enables to assess the energy and carbon footprint of different highways and traffic flow scenarios and their comparison. HERA incorporates an average speed consumption model adjusted with a correction factor which takes into account the road gradient. It provides a more comprehensive method for estimating the footprint of particular highway segments under specific traffic conditions. It includes the application of the methodology to the Spanish highway network to validate it. Finally, a case study shows the benefits from using this methodology and how to integrate the objective of carbon footprint reductions into highway design, operation and scenario comparison.
El viento, como factor medio-ambiental, ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios por los efectos que induce tanto en vehículos como en estructuras. Dentro del ámbito ferroviario, las cargas aerodinámicas debidas a la acción del viento transversal pueden poner en compromiso la seguridad de los vehículos en circulación, pudiendo llegar a ocasionar el vuelco del mismo. Incluso el sistema de cables encargado de realizar el suministro eléctrico necesario para la tracción del tren, conocido como catenaria, es sensible a la acción del viento. De hecho, al igual que ocurre en ciertas estructuras de cables, la interacción entre las fuerzas aerodinámicas no estacionarias y la catenaria puede ocasionar la aparición de oscilaciones de gran amplitud debido al fenómeno de galope. Una forma sencilla de reducir los efectos no deseados de la acción del viento, es la instalación de barreras cortavientos aguas arriba de la zona que se desea proteger. La instalación de estos dispositivos, reduce la velocidad en la estela generada, pero también modifica las propiedades del flujo dentro de la misma. Esta alteración de las condiciones del flujo puede contribuir a la aparición del fenómeno de galope en estructuras caracterizadas por su gran flexibilidad, como la catenaria ferroviaria. Estos dos efectos contrapuestos hacen evidente la importancia de mantener cierta visión global del efecto introducido por la instalación de barreras cortavientos en la plataforma ferroviaria. A lo largo de este documento, se evalúa desde un enfoque multidisciplinar el efecto inducido por las barreras cortavientos en varios subsistemas ferroviarios. Por un lado se analizan las mejoras en la estabilidad lateral del vehículo mediante una serie de ensayos en túnel de viento. La medición de la distribución de presiones en la superficie de un modelo bidimensional de vehículo ferroviario proporciona una buena estimación del nivel de protección que se consigue en función de la altura de una barrera cortavientos. Por otra parte, se analiza la influencia del mismo juego de barreras cortavientos en las características del flujo situado sobre la plataforma ferroviaria, mediante la utilización de anemometría de hilo caliente (HWA) y velocimetría de imágenes de párticulas (PIV). En particular se centra la atención en las características en la posición correspondiente a los hilos conductores de la catenaria. En la última parte del documento, se realiza un análisis simplificado de la aparición oscilaciones en la catenaria, por el efecto de la inestabilidad de galope. La información obtenida sobre las características del flujo se combinan con las propiedades aerodinámicas del hilo de contacto, obtenidas en mediante una serie de ensayos en túnel de viento. De esta manera se realiza una evaluación del riesgo a la aparición de este tipo de inestabilidad aeroeslástica aplicada a una catenaria ferroviaria situada sobre un viaducto tipo. ABSTRACT Wind as an environmental factor may induce undesirable effects on vehicles and structures. The analysis of those effects has caught the attention of several researchers. Concerning the railway system, cross-wind induces aerodynamic loads on rolling stock that may increase the overturning risk of the vehicle, threatening its safe operation. Even the cable system responsible to provide the electric current required for the train traction, known as the railway overhead or catenary, is sensitive to the wind action. In fact, the interaction between the unsteady aerodynamic forces and the railway overhead may trigger the development of undamped oscillations due to galloping phenomena. The inclusion of windbreaks upstream the area that needs wind protection is a simple mean to palliate the undesirable effects caused by the wind action. Although the presence of this wind protection devices reduces the wind speed downstream, they also modify the flow properties inside their wake. This modification on the flow characteristics may ease the apparition of the galloping phenomena on flexible structures, such as the railway overhead. This two opposite effects require to maintain a global perspective on the analysis of the influence of the windbreak presence. In the present document, a multidisciplinary analysis on the effect induced by windbreaks on several railways subsystems is conducted. On the one hand, a set of wind tunnel tests is conducted to assess the improvement on the rolling stock lateral stability. The qualitative estimation of the shelter effect, as function of the windbreak height, is established through the pressure distribution measured on the surface of a two-dimensional train model. On the other hand, the flow properties above the railway platform are assessed using the same set of windbreaks. Two experimental techniques are used to measure the flow properties, hot-wire anemometry (HWA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). In particular, the attention is focused on the flow characteristics on the contact wire location. A simplified analysis on the catenary oscillations due to galloping phenomena is conducted in the last part of the document. Both, the flow characterization performed via PIV and the aerodynamic properties of the contact wire cross-section are combined. In this manner, the risk of the aeroelastic instabilities on a railway overhead placed on a railway bridge is assessed through a practical application.
This document contains detailed description of the design and the implementation of a multi-agent application controlling traffic lights in a city together with a system for simulating traffic and testing. The goal of this thesis is to design and build a simplified intelligent and distributed solution to the problem with the traffic in the big cities following different good practices in order to allow future refining of the model of the real world. The problem of the traffic in the big cities is still a problem that cannot be solved. Not only is the increasing number of cars a reason for the traffic jams, but also the way the traffic is organized. Usually, the intersections with traffic lights are replaced by roundabouts or interchanges to increase the number of cars that can cross the intersection in certain time. But still there are places where the infrastructure cannot be changed and the traffic light semaphores are the only way to control the car flows. In real life, the traffic lights have a predefined plan for change or they receive information from a centralized system when and how they have to change. But what if the traffic lights can cooperate and decide on their own when and how to change? Using this problem, the purpose of the thesis is to explore different agent-based software engineering approaches to design and build a non-conventional distributed system. From the software engineering point of view, the goal of the thesis is to apply the knowledge and use the skills, acquired during the various courses of the master program in Software Engineering, while solving a practical and complex problem such as the traffic in the cities.
In the last decade energy utility sector has undergone major changes in terms of liberalization, increased competition, efforts in improving energy efficiency, and in new technological solution such as smart meter and grid operations. There are new information technology solutions (e.g. Advanced Metering Infrastructure /AMI ) on the horizon that will not only introduce new technical and organizational concepts, but have a very strong potential to radically change modus operandi of utility companies. Coordinated, multi-utility programs can help accelerate the development and market success of new high-efficiency technologies. These programs provide opportunities for researchers to develop new high-efficiency equipment for manufacturers to sell this new equipment with utility help, for utilities to increase the amount of energy they save from incentive programs, and for consumers to benefit from lower utility bills and a cleaner environment (as energy is reduced, pollutants produced at power plants decline).
México es de los pocos países en el mundo que ha realizado dos grandes programas para la construcción de autopistas en colaboración con el sector privado. El primero, fue realizado entre 1989 y 1994, con resultados adversos por el mal diseño del esquema de concesiones; y, el segundo con mejores resultados, en operación desde 2003 mediante nuevos modelos de asociación público-privada (APP). El objetivo de la presente investigación es estudiar los modelos de asociación público-privada empleados en México para la provisión de infraestructura carretera, realizando el análisis y la evaluación de la distribución de riesgos entre el sector público y privado en cada uno de los modelos con el propósito de establecer una propuesta de reasignación de riesgos para disminuir el costo global y la incertidumbre de los proyectos. En la primera parte se describe el estado actual del conocimiento de las asociaciones público-privadas para desarrollar proyectos de infraestructura, incluyendo los antecedentes, la definición y las tipologías de los esquemas APP, así como la práctica internacional de programas como el modelo británico Private Finance Initiative (PFI), resultados de proyectos en la Unión Europea y programas APP en otros países. También, se destaca la participación del sector privado en el financiamiento de la infraestructura del transporte de México en la década de 1990. En los capítulos centrales se aborda el estudio de los modelos APP que se han utilizado en el país en la construcción de la red de carreteras de alta capacidad. Se presentan las características y los resultados del programa de autopistas 1989-94, así como el rescate financiero y las medidas de reestructuración de los proyectos concesionados, aspectos que obligaron a las autoridades mexicanas a cambiar la normatividad para la aprobación de los proyectos según su rentabilidad, modificar la legislación de caminos y diseñar nuevos esquemas de colaboración entre el gobierno y el sector privado. Los nuevos modelos APP vigentes desde 2003 son: nuevo modelo de concesiones para desarrollar autopistas de peaje, modelo de proyectos de prestación de servicios (peaje sombra) para modernizar carreteras existentes y modelo de aprovechamiento de activos para concesionar autopistas de peaje en operación a cambio de un pago. De estos modelos se realizaron estudios de caso en los que se determinan medidas de desempeño operativo (niveles de tráfico, costos y plazos de construcción) y rentabilidad financiera (tasa interna de retorno y valor presente neto). En la última parte se efectúa la identificación, análisis y evaluación de los riesgos que afectaron los costos, el tiempo de ejecución y la rentabilidad de los proyectos de ambos programas. Entre los factores de riesgo analizados se encontró que los más importantes fueron: las condiciones macroeconómicas del país (inflación, producto interno bruto, tipo de cambio y tasa de interés), deficiencias en la planificación de los proyectos (diseño, derecho de vía, tarifas, permisos y estimación del tránsito) y aportaciones públicas en forma de obra. Mexico is one of the few countries in the world that has developed two major programs for highway construction in collaboration with the private sector. The first one was carried out between 1989 and 1994 with adverse outcomes due to the wrong design of concession schemes; and, the second one, in operation since 2003, through new public-private partnership models (PPPs). The objective of this research is to study public-private partnership models used in Mexico for road infrastructure provision, performing the analysis and evaluation of risk’s distribution between the public and the private sector in each model in order to draw up a proposal for risk’s allocation to reduce the total cost and the uncertainty of projects. The first part describes the current state of knowledge in public-private partnership to develop infrastructure projects, including the history, definition and types of PPP models, as well as international practice of programs such as the British Private Finance Initiative (PFI) model, results in the European Union and PPP programs in other countries. Also, it stands out the private sector participation in financing of Mexico’s transport infrastructure in 1990s. The next chapters present the study of public-private partnerships models that have been used in the country in the construction of the high capacity road network. Characteristics and outcomes of the highway program 1989-94 are presented, as well as the financial bailout and restructuring measures of the concession projects, aspects that forced the Mexican authorities to change projects regulations, improve road’s legislation and design new schemes of cooperation between the Government and the private sector. The new PPP models since 2003 are: concession model to develop toll highways, private service contracts model (shadow toll) to modernize existing roads and highway assets model for the concession of toll roads in operation in exchange for a payment. These models were analyzed using case studies in which measures of operational performance (levels of traffic, costs and construction schedules) and financial profitability (internal rate of return and net present value) are determined. In the last part, the analysis and assessment of risks that affect costs, execution time and profitability of the projects are carried out, for both programs. Among the risk factors analyzed, the following ones were found to be the most important: country macroeconomic conditions (inflation, gross domestic product, exchange rate and interest rate), deficiencies in projects planning (design, right of way, tolls, permits and traffic estimation) and public contributions in the form of construction works.
The emergence of new horizons in the field of travel assistant management leads to the development of cutting-edge systems focused on improving the existing ones. Moreover, new opportunities are being also presented since systems trend to be more reliable and autonomous. In this paper, a self-learning embedded system for object identification based on adaptive-cooperative dynamic approaches is presented for intelligent sensor’s infrastructures. The proposed system is able to detect and identify moving objects using a dynamic decision tree. Consequently, it combines machine learning algorithms and cooperative strategies in order to make the system more adaptive to changing environments. Therefore, the proposed system may be very useful for many applications like shadow tolls since several types of vehicles may be distinguished, parking optimization systems, improved traffic conditions systems, etc.
Increasing foreign private investment in developing countries explains why the Public-Private Investment (PPI) is becoming a key tool to reach the development goal. This article analyzes the relation between PPI in infrastructure and agricultural exports in developing countries. We use the panel data approach (52 countries and 17 years). Results show that PPI in infrastructure has a positive impact on agricultural exports of developing countries. The impact is greater in developing countries with higher income rates. This suggests that the lower income countries require the intervention of public sector without which private investment cannot help to economic development.