65 resultados para Femur, HIP, Finite element, Strain, Cement
In a Finite Element (FE) analysis of elastic solids several items are usually considered, namely, type and shape of the elements, number of nodes per element, node positions, FE mesh, total number of degrees of freedom (dot) among others. In this paper a method to improve a given FE mesh used for a particular analysis is described. For the improvement criterion different objective functions have been chosen (Total potential energy and Average quadratic error) and the number of nodes and dof's of the new mesh remain constant and equal to the initial FE mesh. In order to find the mesh producing the minimum of the selected objective function the steepest descent gradient technique has been applied as optimization algorithm. However this efficient technique has the drawback that demands a large computation power. Extensive application of this methodology to different 2-D elasticity problems leads to the conclusion that isometric isostatic meshes (ii-meshes) produce better results than the standard reasonably initial regular meshes used in practice. This conclusion seems to be independent on the objective function used for comparison. These ii-meshes are obtained by placing FE nodes along the isostatic lines, i.e. curves tangent at each point to the principal direction lines of the elastic problem to be solved and they should be regularly spaced in order to build regular elements. That means ii-meshes are usually obtained by iteration, i.e. with the initial FE mesh the elastic analysis is carried out. By using the obtained results of this analysis the net of isostatic lines can be drawn and in a first trial an ii-mesh can be built. This first ii-mesh can be improved, if it necessary, by analyzing again the problem and generate after the FE analysis the new and improved ii-mesh. Typically, after two first tentative ii-meshes it is sufficient to produce good FE results from the elastic analysis. Several example of this procedure are presented.
A mathematical formulation for finite strain elasto plastic consolidation of fully saturated soil media is presented. Strong and weak forms of the boundary-value problem are derived using both the material and spatial descriptions. The algorithmic treatment of finite strain elastoplasticity for the solid phase is based on multiplicative decomposition and is coupled with the algorithm for fluid flow via the Kirchhoff pore water pressure. Balance laws are written for the soil-water mixture following the motion of the soil matrix alone. It is shown that the motion of the fluid phase only affects the Jacobian of the solid phase motion, and therefore can be characterized completely by the motion of the soil matrix. Furthermore, it is shown from energy balance consideration that the effective, or intergranular, stress is the appropriate measure of stress for describing the constitutive response of the soil skeleton since it absorbs all the strain energy generated in the saturated soil-water mixture. Finally, it is shown that the mathematical model is amenable to consistent linearization, and that explicit expressions for the consistent tangent operators can be derived for use in numerical solutions such as those based on the finite element method.
Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion-generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.
Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joint has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of Finite Element Method (FEM) of the mechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.
Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joints has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Additionally, fatigue tests under constant cyclic stress and loading-unloading ramps have been carried out in order to evaluate the electromechanical behavior of the joints and the effect of maximum applied stress on the critical current. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) of the electromechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.
The behaviour of the interface between the FRP and the concrete is the key factor controlling debonding failures in FRP-strengthened RC structures. This defect can cause reductions in static strength, structural integrity and the change in the dynamic behavior of the structure. The adverse effect on the dynamic behavior of the defects can be utilized as an effective means for identifying and assessing both the location and size of debonding at its earliest stages. The presence of debonding changes the structural dynamic characteristics and might be traced in modal parameters, dynamic strain and wave patterns etc. Detection of minor local defects, as those origin of a future debonding, requires working at high frequencies so that the wavelength of the excited is small and sensitive enough to detect local damage. The development of a spectral element method gives a large potential in high-frequency structural modeling. In contrast to the conventional finite element, since inertial properties are modeled exactly few elements are necessary to capture very accurate solutions at the highest frequencies in large regions. A wide variety of spectral elements have been developed for structural members over finite and semi-infinite regions. The objective of this paper is to develop a Spectral Finite Element Model to efficiently capture the behavior of intermediate debonding of a FRP strengthened RC beam during wave-based diagnostics.
The purpose of this study is to determine the critical wear levels of the contact wire of the catenary on metropolitan lines. The study has focussed on the zones of contact wire where localised wear is produced, normally associated with the appearance of electric arcs. To this end, a finite element model has been developed to study the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction. The model includes a zone of localised wear and a singularity in the contact wire in order to simulate the worst case scenario from the point of view of stresses. In order to consider the different stages in the wire wear process, different depths and widths of the localised wear zone were defined. The results of the dynamic simulations performed for each stage of wear let the area of the minimum resistant section of the contact wire be determined for which stresses are greater than the allowable stress. The maximum tensile stress reached in the contact wire shows a clear sensitivity to the size of the local wear zone, defined by its width and depth. In this way, if the wear measurements taken with an overhead line recording vehicle are analysed, it will be possible to calculate the potential breakage risk of the wire. A strong dependence of the tensile forces of the contact wire has also been observed. These results will allow priorities to be set for replacing the most critical sections of wire, thereby making maintenance much more efficient. The results obtained show that the wire replacement criteria currently borne in mind have turned out to be appropriate, although in some wear scenarios these criteria could be adjusted even more, and so prolong the life cycle of the contact wire.
An experimental and numerical study of ballistic impacts on steel plates at various temperatures (700ºC, 400ºC and room temperature) has been carried out. The motivation for this work is the blade‐off event that may occur inside a jet engine turbine. However, as a first attempt to understand this complex loading process, a somewhat simpler approach is carried out in the present work. The material used in this study is the FV535 martensitic stainless steel, which is one of the most commonly used materials for turbine casings. Based on material test data, a Modified Johnson‐Cook (MJC) model was calibrated for numerical simulations using the LS‐DYNA explicit finite element code (see Figure 1). To check the mesh size sensitivity, 2D axisymmetric finite element models with three different mesh sizes and configurations were used for the various temperatures. Two fixed meshes with 64 and 128 elements over the 2mm thick plate and one mesh with 32 elements over the thickness with adaptive remeshing were used in the simulations. The formation of adiabatic shear bands in the perforation process has been found critical in order to achieve good results. Adiabatic shear bands are formed by the temperature rise due to the accumulation of plastic strain during impact (see Figure 2). The influence of the thermal softening in the plastic model has hence been analyzed for the room temperature impact tests, where the temperature gradient is highest
Based on our needs, that is to say, through precise simulation of the impact phenomena that may occur inside a jet engine turbine with an explicit non-linear finite element code, four new material models are postulated. Each one of is calibrated for four high-performance alloys that can be encountered in a modern jet engine. A new uncoupled material model for high strain and ballistic is proposed. Based on a Johnson-Cook type model, the proposed formulation introduces the effect of the third deviatoric invariant by means of three different Lode angle dependent functions. The Lode dependent functions are added to both plasticity and failure models. The postulated model is calibrated for a 6061-T651 aluminium alloy with data taken from the literature. The fracture pattern predictability of the JCX material model is shown performing numerical simulations of various quasi-static and dynamic tests. As an extension of the above-mentioned model, a modification in the thermal softening behaviour due to phase transformation temperatures is developed (JCXt). Additionally, a Lode angle dependent flow stress is defined. Analysing the phase diagram and high temperature tests performed, phase transformation temperatures of the FV535 stainless steel are determined. The postulated material model constants for the FV535 stainless steel are calibrated. A coupled elastoplastic-damage material model for high strain and ballistic applications is presented (JCXd). A Lode angle dependent function is added to the equivalent plastic strain to failure definition of the Johnson-Cook failure criterion. The weakening in the elastic law and in the Johnson-Cook type constitutive relation implicitly introduces the Lode angle dependency in the elastoplastic behaviour. The material model is calibrated for precipitation hardened Inconel 718 nickel-base superalloy. The combination of a Lode angle dependent failure criterion with weakened constitutive equations is proven to predict fracture patterns of the mechanical tests performed and provide reliable results. A transversely isotropic material model for directionally solidified alloys is presented. The proposed yield function is based a single linear transformation of the stress tensor. The linear operator weighs the degree of anisotropy of the yield function. The elastic behaviour, as well as the hardening, are considered isotropic. To model the hardening, a Johnson-Cook type relation is adopted. A material vector is included in the model implementation. The failure is modelled with the Cockroft-Latham failure criterion. The material vector allows orienting the reference orientation in any other that the user may need. The model is calibrated for the MAR-M 247 directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy.
Ya en el informe acerca del estado de la tecnología en la excavación profunda y en la construcción de túneles en terreno duro presentado en la 7ª Conferencia en Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de la Cimentación, Peck (1969) introdujo los tres temas a ser tenidos en cuenta para el diseño de túneles en terrenos blandos: o Estabilidad de la cavidad durante la construcción, con particular atención a la estabilidad del frente del túnel; o Evaluación de los movimientos del terreno inducidos por la construcción del túnel y de la incidencia de los trabajos subterráneos a poca profundidad sobre los asentamientos en superficie; o Diseño del sistema de sostenimiento del túnel a instalar para asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura a corto y largo plazo. Esta Tesis se centra en los problemas señalados en el segundo de los puntos, analizando distintas soluciones habitualmente proyectadas para reducir los movimientos inducidos por la excavación de los túneles. El objeto de la Tesis es el análisis de la influencia de distintos diseños de paraguas de micropilotes, pantalla de micropilotes, paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting en los asientos en superficie durante la ejecución de túneles ejecutados a poca profundidad, con objeto de buscar el diseño que optimice los medios empleados para una determinada reducción de asientos. Para ello se establecen unas premisas para los proyectistas con objeto de conocer a priori cuales son los tratamientos más eficientes (de los propuestos en la Tesis) para la reducción de asientos en superficie cuando se ha de proyectar un túnel, de tal manera que pueda tener datos cualitativos y algunos cuantitativos sobre los diseños más óptimos, utilizando para ello un programa de elementos finitos de última generación que permite realizara la simulación tensodeformación del terreno mediante el modelo de suelo con endurecimiento (Hardening Soil Small model), que es una variante elastoplástica del modelo hiperbólico, similar al Hardening Soil Model. Además, este modelo incorpora una relación entre deformación y el modulo de rigidez, simulando el diferente comportamiento del suelo para pequeñas deformaciones (por ejemplo vibraciones con deformaciones por debajo de 10-5 y grandes deformaciones (deformaciones > 10-3). Para la realización de la Tesis se han elegido cinco secciones de túnel, dos correspondiente a secciones tipo de túnel ejecutado con tuneladora y tres secciones ejecutados mediante convencionales (dos correspondientes a secciones que han utilizado el método Belga y una que ha utilizado el NATM). Para conseguir los objetivos marcados, primeramente se ha analizado mediante una correlación entre modelos tridimensionales y bidimensionales el valor de relajación usado en estos últimos, y ver su variación al cambio de parámetros como la sección del túnel, la cobertera, el procedimiento constructivo, longitud de pase (métodos convencionales) o presión del frente (tuneladora) y las características geotécnicas de los materiales donde se ejecuta el túnel. Posteriormente se ha analizado que diseño de pantalla de protección tiene mejor eficacia respecto a la reducción de asientos, variando distintos parámetros de las características de la misma, como son el empotramiento, el tipo de micropilotes o pilote, la influencia del arriostramiento de las pantallas de protección en cabeza, la inclinación de la pantalla, la separación de la pantalla al eje del túnel y la disposición en doble fila de la pantalla de pantalla proyectada. Para finalizar el estudio de la efectividad de pantalla de protección para la reducción de asiento, se estudiará la influencia de la sobrecarga cercanas (simulación de edificios) tiene en la efectividad de la pantalla proyectada (desde el punto de vista de reducción de movimientos en superficie). Con objeto de poder comparar la efectividad de la pantalla de micropilotes respecto a la ejecución de un paraguas de micropilotes se ha analizado distintos diseños de paraguas, comparando el movimiento obtenido con el obtenido para el caso de pantalla de micropilotes, comparando ambos resultados con los medidos en obras ya ejecutadas. En otro apartado se ha realizado una comparación entre tratamientos similar, comparándolos en este caso con un paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting. Los resultados obtenidos se han con valores de asientos medidos en distintas obras ya ejecutadas y cuyas secciones se corresponden a los empleados en los modelos numéricos. Since the report on the state of technology in deep excavation and tunnelling in hard ground presented at the 7th Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Peck (1969) introduced the three issues to be taken into account for the design of tunnels in soft ground: o Cavity Stability during construction, with particular attention to the stability of the tunnel face; o Evaluation of ground movements induced by tunnelling and the effect of shallow underground workings on surface settlement; o Design of the tunnel support system to be installed to ensure short and long term stability of the structure. This thesis focuses on the issues identified in the second point, usually analysing different solutions designed to reduce the movements induced by tunnelling. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of different micropile forepole umbrellas, micropile walls, jet grouting umbrellas and jet grouting wall designs on surface settlements during near surface tunnelling in order to use the most optimal technique to achieve a determined reduction in settlement. This will establish some criteria for designers to know a priori which methods are most effective (of those proposed in the thesis) to reduce surface settlements in tunnel design, so that it is possible to have qualitative and some quantitative data on the optimal designs, using the latest finite element modelling software that allows simulation of the ground’s infinitesimal strain behaviour using the Hardening Soil Small Model, which is a variation on the elasto-plastic hyperbolic model, similar to Hardening Soil model. In addition, this model incorporates a relationship between strain and the rigidity modulus, simulating different soil behaviour for small deformations (eg deformation vibrations below 10-5 and large deformations (deformations > 10-3). For the purpose of this thesis five tunnel sections have been chosen, two sections corresponding to TBM tunnels and three sections undertaken by conventional means (two sections corresponding to the Belgian method and one corresponding to the NATM). To achieve the objectives outlined, a correlation analysis of the relaxation values used in the 2D and 3D models was undertaken to verify them against parameters such as the tunnel cross-section, the depth of the tunnel, the construction method, the length of step (conventional method) or face pressure (TBM) and the geotechnical characteristics of the ground where the tunnel is constructed. Following this, the diaphragm wall design with the greatest efficiency regarding settlement reduction was analysed, varying parameters such as the toe depth, type of micropiles or piles, the influence of bracing of the head protection diaphragm walls, the inclination of the diaphragm wall, the separation between the diaphragm wall and the tunnel axis and the double diaphragm wall design arrangement. In order to complete the study into the effectiveness of protective diaphragm walls ofn the reduction of settlements, the influence of nearby imposed loads (simulating buildings) on the effectiveness of the designed diaphragm walls (from the point of view of reducing surface movements) will be studied. In order to compare the effectiveness of micropile diaphragm walls regarding the installation of micropile forepole umbrellas, different designs of these forepole umbrellas have been analysed comparing the movement obtained with that obtained for micropiled diaphragm walls, comparing both results with those measured from similar completed projects. In another section, a comparison between similar treatments has been completed, comparing the treatments with a forepole umbrella by jet grouting and jet grouting walls. The results obtained compared with settlement values measured in various projects already completed and whose sections correspond to those used in the numerical models.
Digital image correlation (DIC) is applied to analyzing the deformation mechanisms under transverse compression in a fiber-reinforced composite. To this end, compression tests in a direction perpendicular to the fibers were carried out inside a scanning electron microscope and secondary electron images obtained at different magnifications during the test. Optimum DIC parameters to resolve the displacement and strain field were computed from numerical simulations of a model composite and they were applied to micrographs obtained at different magnifications (250_, 2000_, and 6000_). It is shown that DIC of low-magnification micrographs was able to capture the long range fluctuations in strain due to the presence of matrix-rich and fiber-rich zones, responsible for the onset of damage. At higher magnification, the strain fields obtained with DIC qualitatively reproduce the non-homogeneous deformation pattern due to the presence of stiff fibers dispersed in a compliant matrix and provide accurate results of the average composite strain. However, comparison with finite element simulations revealed that DIC was not able to accurately capture the average strain in each phase.
Esta investigación presenta un modelo de material para aleaciones de solidificación direccional que poseen un comportamiento mecánico transversalmente isótropo. Se han realizado una serie de ensayos de tracción sobre probetas cilíndricas a varias velocidades de deformación y a varias temperaturas sobre la superaleación de base níquel de solidificación direccional MAR-M 247 con objeto de conocer su comportamiento mecánico. Los ensayos se realizaron sobre probetas cilíndricas cuya dirección longitudinal forma 0º y 90º con la de la orientación de crecimiento de los granos. Para representar el comportamiento plástico anisótropo se ha formulado una función de plastificación de forma no cuadrática basada en la transformación lineal de tensores. Con el propósito de simplificar en todo lo posible el modelo se ha considerado un endurecimiento isótropo. Para probar la validez del modelo propuesto se ha implementado el mismo como modelo de material definido por el usuario en el código no lineal de elementos finitos LS-DYNA. In this research a material model for directionally solidified alloys with transversely isotropic mechanic behavior is presented. In order to characterize the mechanical behavior of the Mar-M 247 directionally solidified nickel based superalloy, tensile tests of axisymmetric smooth specimens were performed at various strain rates and temperatures. The specimens were machined making sure that the longitudinal axis of them was forming 0º and 90º with the grain growth orientation. To represent the plastic flow, a non-quadratic anisotropic function based on linear transformation of tensors has been formulated. For the sake of simplicity isotropic strain hardening of the material has been considered. To prove the validity of the model, a material subroutine has been implemented in LS-DYNA non-linear finite element code as a user defined material model.
The flexural vibration of a homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic cylinder of any aspect ratio is analysed in this paper. Natural frequencies of a cylinder under uniformly distributed axial loads acting on its bases are calculated numerically by the Ritz method with terms of power series in the coordinate directions as approximating functions. The effect of axial loads on the flexural vibration cannot be described by applying infinitesimal strain theory, therefore, geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relations with second-order terms are considered here. The natural frequencies of free–free, clamped–clamped, and sliding–sliding cylinders subjected to axial loads are calculated using the proposed three-dimensional Ritz approach and are compared with those obtained with the finite element method and the Bernoulli–Euler theory. Different experiments with cylinders axially compressed by a hydraulic press are carried out and the experimental results for the lowest flexural frequency are compared with the numerical results. An approach based on the Ritz formulation is proposed for the flexural vibration of a cylinder between the platens of the press with constraints varying with the intensity of the compression. The results show that for low compressions the cylinder behaves similarly to a sliding–sliding cylinder, whereas for high compressions the cylinder vibrates as a clamped–clamped one.
In this paper we describe a new promising procedure to model hyperelastic materials from given stress-strain data. The main advantage of the proposed method is that the user does not need to have a relevant knowledge of hyperelasticity, large strains or hyperelastic constitutive modelling. The engineer simply has to prescribe some stress strain experimental data (whether isotropic or anisotropic) in also user prescribed stress and strain measures and the model almost exactly replicates the experimental data. The procedure is based on the piece-wise splines model by Sussman and Bathe and may be easily generalized to transversely isotropic and orthotropic materials. The model is also amenable of efficient finite element implementation. In this paper we briefly describe the general procedure, addressing the advantages and limitations. We give predictions for arbitrary ?experimental data? and also give predictions for actual experiments of the behaviour of living soft tissues. The model may be also implemented in a general purpose finite element program. Since the obtained strain energy functions are analytic piece-wise functions, the constitutive tangent may be readily derived in order to be used for implicit static problems, where the equilibrium iterations must be performed and the material tangent is needed in order to preserve the quadratic rate of convergence of Newton procedures.
Crack mechanical failure in ceramic materials under ion irradiation: case of lithium niobate crystal
Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion- generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.