96 resultados para Contapassi mHealth Android Smartwatch Smartphone SensorFusion Range_Articolari


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Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is an emerging research field with the aim to identify the actions carried out by a person given a set of observations and the surrounding environment. The wide growth in this research field inside the scientific community is mainly explained by the high number of applications that are arising in the last years. A great part of the most promising applications are related to the healthcare field, where it is possible to track the mobility of patients with motor dysfunction as also the physical activity in patients with cardiovascular risk. Until a few years ago, by using distinct kind of sensors, a patient follow-up was possible. However, far from being a long-term solution and with the smartphone irruption, that monitoring can be achieved in a non-invasive way by using the embedded smartphones sensors. For these reasons this Final Degree Project arises with the main target to evaluate new feature extraction techniques in order to carry out an activity and user recognition, and also an activity segmentation. The recognition is done thanks to the inertial signals integration obtained by two widespread sensors in the greater part of smartphones: accelerometer and gyroscope. In particular, six different activities are evaluated walking, walking-upstairs, walking-downstairs, sitting, standing and lying. Furthermore, a segmentation task is carried out taking into account the activities performed by thirty users. This can be done by using Hidden Markov Models and also a set of tools tested satisfactory in speech recognition: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).


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El Reconocimiento de Actividades Humanas es un rea de investigacin emergente, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar las acciones realizadas por un sujeto analizando las seales obtenidas a partir de unos sensores. El rpido crecimiento de este rea de investigacin dentro de la comunidad cientfica se explica, en parte, por el elevado nmero de aplicaciones que estn surgiendo en los ltimos aos. Gran parte de las aplicaciones ms prometedoras se encuentran en el campo de la salud, donde se puede hacer un seguimiento del nivel de movilidad de pacientes con trastornos motores, as como monitorizar el nivel de actividad fsica en pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular. Hasta hace unos aos, mediante el uso de distintos tipos de sensores se poda hacer un seguimiento del paciente. Sin embargo, lejos de ser una solucin a largo plazo y gracias a la irrupcin del telfono inteligente, este seguimiento se puede hacer de una manera menos invasiva, haciendo uso de la gran variedad de sensores integrados en este tipo de dispositivos. En este contexto nace este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, cuyo principal objetivo es evaluar nuevas tcnicas de extraccin de caractersticas para llevar a cabo un reconocimiento de actividades y usuarios as como una segmentacin de aquellas. Este reconocimiento se hace posible mediante la integracin de seales inerciales obtenidas por dos sensores presentes en la gran mayora de telfonos inteligentes: acelermetro y girscopo. Concretamente, se evalan seis tipos de actividades realizadas por treinta usuarios: andar, subir escaleras, bajar escaleras, estar sentado, estar de pie y estar tumbado. Adems y de forma paralela, se realiza una segmentacin temporal de los distintos tipos de actividades realizadas por dichos usuarios. Todo ello se llevar a cabo haciendo uso de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov, as como de un conjunto de herramientas probadas satisfactoriamente en reconocimiento del habla: HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit).


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En un ejercicio no extenuante la frecuencia cardaca (FC) guarda una relacin lineal con el consumo mximo de oxgeno (V O2max) y se suele usar como uno de los parmetros de referencia para cuantificar la capacidad del sistema cardiovascular. Normalmente la frecuencia cardaca puede remplazar el porcentaje de V O2max en las prescripciones bsicas de ejercicio para la mejora de la resistencia aerbica. Para obtener los mejores resultados en la mejora de la resistencia aerbica, el entrenamiento de los individuos se debe hacer a una frecuencia cardaca suficientemente alta, para que el trabajo sea de predominio dinmico con la fosforilacin oxidativa como fuente energtica primaria, pero no tan elevada que pueda suponer un riesgo de infarto de miocardio para el sujeto que se est entrenando. Los programas de entrenamiento de base mnima y de base ptima, con ejercicios de estiramientos para prevenir lesiones, son algunos de los programas ms adecuados para el entrenamiento de la resistencia aerbica porque maximizan los beneficios y minimizan los riesgos para el sistema cardiovascular durante las sesiones de entrenamiento. En esta tesis, se ha definido un modelo funcional para sistemas de inteligencia ambiental capaz de monitorizar, evaluar y entrenar las cualidades fsicas que ha sido validado cuando la cualidad fsica es la resistencia aerbica. El modelo se ha implementado en una aplicacin Android utilizando la camiseta inteligente GOW running de la empresa Weartech. El sistema se ha comparado en el Laboratorio de Fisiologa del Esfuerzo (LFE) de la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid (UPM) durante la realizacin de pruebas de esfuerzo. Adems se ha evaluado un sistema de guiado con voz para los entrenamientos de base mnima y de base ptima. Tambin el desarrollo del software ha sido validado. Con el uso de cuestionarios sobre las experiencias de los usuarios utilizando la aplicacin se ha evaluado el atractivo de la misma. Por otro lado se ha definido una nueva metodologa y nuevos tipos de cuestionarios diseados para evaluar la utilidad que los usuarios asignan al uso de un sistema de guiado por voz. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez del modelo. Se ha obtenido una alta concordancia entre las medidas de FC hecha por la aplicacin Android y el LFE. Tambin ha resultado que los mtodos de estimacin del VO2max de los dos sistemas pueden ser intercambiables. Todos los usuarios que utilizaron el sistema de guiado por voz para entrenamientos de 10 base mnima y de base ptimas de la resistencia aerbica consiguieron llevar a cabo las sesiones de entrenamientos con un 95% de xito considerando unos mrgenes de error de un 10% de la frecuencia cardaca mxima terica. La aplicacin fue atractiva para los usuarios y hubo tambin una aceptacin del sistema de guiado por voz. Se ha obtenido una evaluacin psicolgica positiva de la satisfaccin de los usuarios que interactuaron con el sistema. En conclusin, se ha demostrado que es posible desarrollar sistemas de Inteligencia Ambiental en dispositivos mviles para la mejora de la salud. El modelo definido en la tesis es el primero modelo funcional terico de referencia para el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. Posteriores estudios se realizarn con el objetivo de extender dicho modelo para las dems cualidades fsicas que suponen modelos fisiolgicos ms complejos como por ejemplo la flexibilidad. Abstract In a non-strenuous exercise, the heart rate (HR) shows a linear relationship with the maximum volume of oxygen consumption (V O2max) and serves as an indicator of performance of the cardiovascular system. The heart rate replaces the %V O2max in exercise program prescription to improve aerobic endurance. In order to achieve an optimal effect during endurance training, the athlete needs to work out at a heart rate high enough to trigger the aerobic metabolism, while avoiding the high heart rates that bring along significant risks of myocardial infarction. The minimal and optimal base training programs, followed by stretching exercises to prevent injuries, are adequate programs to maximize benefits and minimize health risks for the cardiovascular system during single session training. In this thesis, we have defined an ambient intelligence system functional model that monitors, evaluates and trains physical qualities, and it has been validated for aerobic endurance. It is based on the Android System and the GOW Running smart shirt. The system has been evaluated during functional assessment stress testing of aerobic endurance in the Stress Physiology Laboratory (SPL) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Furthermore, a voice system, designed to guide the user through minimal and optimal base training programs, has been evaluated. Also the software development has been evaluated. By means of user experience questionnaires, we have rated the attractiveness of the android application. Moreover, we have defined a methodology and a new kind of questionnaires in order to assess the user experience with the audio exercise guide system. The results obtained confirm the model. We have a high similarity between HR measurements made of our system and the one used by SPL. We have also a high correlation between the VO2max estimations of our system and the SPL system. All users, that tried the voice guidance system for minimal and optimal base training programs, were able to perform the 95% of the training session with an error lower than the 10% of theoretical maximum heart rate. The application appeared attractive to the users, and it has also been proven that the voice guidance system was useful. As result we obtained a positive evaluation of the users' satisfaction while they interacted with the system. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that is possible to develop mobile Ambient Intelligence applications for the improvement of healthy lifestyle. AmIRTEM model is the first theoretical reference functional model for the design of this kind of applications. Further studies will be realized in order to extend the AmIRTEM model to other physical qualities whose physiological models are more complex than the aerobic endurance.


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Nowadays, a wide offer of mobile augmented reality (mAR) applications is available at the market, and the user base of mobile AR-capable devices -smartphones- is rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, likewise to what happens in other mobile segments, business models to put mAR in value are not clearly defined yet. In this paper, we focus on sketching the big picture of the commercial offer of mAR applications, in order to inspire a posterior analysis of business models that may successfully support the evolution of mAR. We have gathered more than 400 mAR applications from Android Market, and analyzed the offer as a whole, taking into account some technology aspects, pricing schemes and user adoption factors. Results show, for example, that application providers are not expecting to generate revenues per direct download, although they are producing high-quality applications, well rated by the users.


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Este trabajo de investigacin tiene como objetivo esencial ofrecer una solucin de accesibilidad a los dispositivos mviles tctiles para personas con discapacidad fsica con afeccin en los miembros superiores. El diseo, desarrollo y validacin de la solucin detallada est basado en una plataforma abierta y de bajo coste como Android que, mediante la interconexin de conmutadores comerciales y el uso de un sistema de barrido con realimentacin por voz sintetizada, permite al usuario acceder a todas las funciones bsicas de la telefona mvil. El anlisis de los requisitos de usuario es un eje central de este trabajo para lo cual se ha contado con la participacin de la Asociacin de Lesionados Medulares y Grandes Discapacitados Fsicos (ASPAYM), de la Asociacin de Padres de Alumnos Minusvlidos (APAM) y del Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atencin al Dao Cerebral (CEADAC). El sistema resultante preserva las expectativas de autonoma personal y privacidad demandadas.


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En las ltimas dcadas se han producido importantes avances tecnolgicos, lo que ha producido un crecimiento importante de las Redes Inalmbricas de Sensores (RIS), conocidas en ingls como Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Estas redes estn formadas por un conjunto de pequeos nodos o tambin, conocidos como motas, compuestos por diversos tipos de sensores. Las Redes Inalmbricas de Sensores pueden resultar muy tiles en entornos donde el despliegue de redes cableadas, formadas por ordenadores, encaminadores u otros dispositivos de red no sea posible. Sin embargo, este tipo de redes presentan una serie de carencias o problemas que dificultan, en ocasiones, su implementacin y despliegue. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como principales objetivos: disear e implementar un agente que haga uso de la tecnologa Bluetooth para que se pueda comunicar tanto con la arquitectura orientada a servicios, va radio, como con el mdulo Bioharness para obtener parmetros fisiolgicos; ofrecer una serie de servicios simples a la Red Inalmbrica de Sensores; disear un algoritmo para un sistema de alarmas; realizar e implementar una pasarela entre protocolos que usen el estndar IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) y el estndar IEEE802.15.1 de la Tecnologa Bluetooth. Por ltimo, implementar una aplicacin Android para el reloj WiMM y que este pueda recibir alarmas en tiempo real a travs del la Interfaz Bluetooth. Para lograr estos objetivos, en primer lugar realizaremos un estudio del Estado del Arte de las Redes Inalmbricas de Sensores, con el fin de estudiar su arquitectura, el estndar Bluetooth y los dispositivos Bluetooth que se han utilizado en este Proyecto. Seguidamente, describiremos detalladamente el firmware iWRAP versin 4, centrndonos en sus modos de operacin, comandos AT y posibles errores que puedan ocurrir. A continuacin, se describir la arquitectura y la especificacin nSOM, para adentrarnos en la arquitectura orientada a servicios. Por ltimo, ejecutaremos la fase de validacin del sistema y se analizarn los resultados obtenidos durante la fase de pruebas. ABSTRACT In last decades there have been significant advances in technology, which has resulted in important growth of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). These networks consist of a small set of nodes, also known as spots; equipped with various types of sensors. Wireless Sensor Networks can be very useful in environments where deployment of wired networks, formed by computers, routers or other network devices is not possible. However, these networks have a number of shortcomings or challenges to, sometimes, their implementation and deployment. The main objectives of this Final Project are to design and implement an agent that makes use of Bluetooth technology so you can communicate with both the service-oriented architecture, via radio, as with Bioharness module for physiological parameters; offer simple services to Wireless Sensor Network, designing an algorithm for an alarm system, make and implement a gateway between protocols using the standard IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) and IEEE802.15.1 standard Bluetooth Technology. Finally, implement an Android application for WiMM watch that can receive real-time alerts through the Bluetooth interface. In order to achieve these objectives, firstly we are going to carry out a study of the State of the Art in Wireless Sensor Network, where we study the architecture, the Bluetooth standard and Bluetooth devices that have been used in this project. Then, we will describe in detail the iWRAP firmware version 4, focusing on their operation modes, AT commands and errors that may occur. Therefore, we will describe the architecture and specification nSOM, to enter into the service-oriented architecture. Finally, we will execute the phase of validation of the system in a real application scenario, analyzing the results obtained during the testing phase.


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de dispositivos de aplicacin basados en cristal lquido polimrico. Las propiedades de los cristales lquidos los hacen interesantes para su uso en el desarrollo de dispositivos de seguridad para autenticacin de productos y marcas, y deteccin y prevencin de falsificaciones. Asimismo, pueden ser muy tiles para fabricar dispositivos basados en CLs dispersos en polmero, los cuales tienen a su vez mltiples aplicaciones. La orientacin de las molculas de cristal lquido y la birrefringencia son las dos caractersticas principales que afectan a las propiedades de estos dispositivos. Un dispositivo de cristal lquido estndar consiste en un sndwich formado por dos sustratos de vidrio transparente, dotados con electrodo de ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) en su superficie interna, que confinan el cristal lquido en su interior. En la primera parte de esta tesis se describen las caractersticas ms importantes que describen una clula de cristal lquido. Esta introduccin bsica en necesaria para la correcta comprensin de los captulos posteriores en los que se detalla el desarrollo concreto de los dispositivos desarrollados en la investigacin llevada a cabo. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los dispositivos de seguridad se han eliminado los sustratos de vidrio (en la ltima fase de su desarrollo) para conseguir dispositivos flexibles. En la segunda parte de la tesis se incluye la descripcin completa de los dispositivos fabricados, as como de los protocolos de fabricacin seguidos y diseados especficamente para ello. Tambin se detallan en esta parte los resultados obtenidos, as como las propiedades pticas y electropticas en cada caso, y el/los equipos de caracterizacin utilizados. Utilizando cristal lquido nemtico y colorante dicroico, se han desarrollado dispositivos que contienen mltiples imgenes latentes en cada cara del mismo. Utilizando distintas tcnicas de alineamiento se consigue crear cualquier tipo de motivo latente, ya sean smbolos sencillos, figuras, logotipos o incluso imgenes con escala de gris. Cuanto ms complejo es el dispositivo, mayor es la dificultad para reproducirlo en una eventual falsificacin. Para visualizar e identificar los motivos es necesario emplear luz polarizada, por ejemplo, con la ayuda de un sencillo polarizador lineal. Dependiendo de si el polarizador est colocado delante del dispositivo o detrs del l, se mostrarn las imgenes generadas en una u otra cara. Este efecto es posible gracias al colorante dicroico aadido al CL, a la orientacin inducida sobre las molculas, y a la estructura de twist utilizada en los dispositivos. En realidad, para ver el efecto de los dispositivos no es necesario el uso de un polarizador, basta con el reflejo de una superficie dieltrica (percialmente polarizado), o la luz emitida por la pantalla de dispositivos de consumo comunes como un televisor LCD, un monitor de ordenador o un smartphone. Por otro lado, utilizando una mezcla entre un CL nemtico polimrico y un CL nemtico no polimrico es posible fabricar dispositivos LCPC (Liquid Crystal Polymer Composite) con propiedades electropticas muy interesantes, que funcionan a tensiones de conmutacin bajas. El CL polimrico conforma una estructura de red en el interior del sndwich que mantiene confinado al CL nemtico en pequeos microdominios. Se han fabricado dispositivos LCPC con conmutacin inversa utilizando tanto alineamiento homogneo como homeotrpico. Debido a que tanto la estructura de CL polimrico como el CL nemtico que rellena los microdominios estn orientados en una misma direccin de alineamiento preinducida, la luz dispersada por el dispositivo se encuentra polarizada. La direccin de polarizacin coincide con la direccin de alineamiento. La innovacin aportada por esta investigacin: un nuevo dispositivo LCPC inverso de respuesta ultrarpida y polarizada basado en la mezcla de dos CL nemticos y, un dispositivo de seguridad y autenticacin, patentado internacionalmente, basado en CL nemticos dopados con colorante dicroico. Abstract This thesis is centered on the availability to use polymerizable liquid crystals to develop non-display application LC devices. Liquid crystal properties make them useful for the development of security devices in applications of authentication and detection of fakes, and also to achieve polymer dispersed LC devices to be used for different applications that will be studied here. Induced orientation of liquid crystal molecules and birefringence are the two main properties used in these devices. A standard liquid crystal device is a sandwich consisting of two parallel glass substrates carrying a thin transparent ITO (IndiumTinOxide) electrode on their inner surfaces with the liquid crystal in the middle. The first part of this thesis will describe the most important parameters describing a liquid crystal cell. This basis is necessary for the understanding of later chapters where models of the liquid crystal devices will be discussed and developed. In the case of security devices the standard structure of an LC device has been modified by eliminating the glass substrates in order to achieve plastic and flexible devices. The second part of the thesis includes a detailed description of the devices achieved and the manufacturing protocols that have been developed ad-hoc. The optical and electrooptical properties and the characterization equipment are described here as well. Employing nematic liquid crystal and dichroic colorants, we have developed devices that show, with the aid of a polarizer, multiple images on each side of the device. By different alignment techniques it is possible to create any kind of symbols, drawings or motifs with a grayscale; the more complex the created device is, the more difficult is to fake it. To identify the motifs it is necessary to use polarized light. Depending on whether the polarizer is located in front of the LC cell or behind it, different motifs from one or the other substrate are shown. The effect arises from the dopant color dye added to the liquid crystal, the induced orientation and the twist structure. In practice, a grazing reflection on a dielectric surface is polarized enough to see the effect. Any LC flat panel display (LCD TV, computer, mobile phone) can obviously be used as backlight as well. On the other hand, by using a mixture of polymerizable and non-polymerizable nematics liquid crystals it is also possible to achieve LCPC (Liquid Crystal Polymer Composite) devices that show really interesting electrooptical characteristics using low switching voltages. Polymerizable LC creates a hollow structure inside the sandwich glass cell that keep nematics liquid crystal confined creating microdomains. Homogeneous and homeotropic alignments have been used to develop inverse switching mode LCPCs. Due to the double LC oriented structure, the outgoing scattered light from these devices is already polarized. The polarization axis coincides with LC molecules director, the alignment direction promoted. The novelties derived from the investigation presented here, new ultrafast inverse LCPC with polarized outgoing scattered light based on oriented nematic LC mixture, and an internationally patented security and authentication device based on nematics (doped with dichroic dye) oriented polymerizable LC.


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Performing activity recognition using the information provided by the different sensors embedded in a smartphone face limitations due to the capabilities of those devices when the computations are carried out in the terminal. In this work a fuzzy inference module is implemented in order to decide which classifier is the most appropriate to be used at a specific moment regarding the application requirements and the device context characterized by its battery level, available memory and CPU load. The set of classifiers that is considered is composed of Decision Tables and Trees that have been trained using different number of sensors and features. In addition, some classifiers perform activity recognition regardless of the on-body device position and others rely on the previous recognition of that position to use a classifier that is trained with measurements gathered with the mobile placed on that specific position. The modules implemented show that an evaluation of the classifiers allows sorting them so the fuzzy inference module can choose periodically the one that best suits the device context and application requirements.


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Development of PCB-integrateable microsensors for monitoring chemical species is a goal in areas such as lab-on-a-chip analytical devices, diagnostics medicine and electronics for hand-held instruments where the device size is a major issue. Cellular phones have pervaded the world inhabitants and their usefulness has dramatically increased with the introduction of smartphones due to a combination of amazing processing power in a confined space, geolocalization and manifold telecommunication features. Therefore, a number of physical and chemical sensors that add value to the terminal for health monitoring, personal safety (at home, at work) and, eventually, national security have started to be developed, capitalizing also on the huge number of circulating cell phones. The chemical sensor-enabled super smartphone provides a unique (bio)sensing platform for monitoring airborne or waterborne hazardous chemicals or microorganisms for both single user and crowdsourcing security applications. Some of the latest ones are illustrated by a few examples. Moreover, we have recently achieved for the first time (covalent) functionalization of p- and n-GaN semiconductor surfaces with tuneable luminescent indicator dyes of the Ru-polypyridyl family, as a key step in the development of innovative microsensors for smartphone applications. Chemical sensoring of GaN-based blue LED chips with those indicators has also been achieved by plasma treatment of their surface, and the micrometer-sized devices have been tested to monitor O2 in the gas phase to show their full functionality. Novel strategies to enhance the sensor sensitivity such as changing the length and nature of the siloxane buffer layer are discussed in this paper.


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This paper describes a low complexity strategy for detecting and recognizing text signs automatically. Traditional approaches use large image algorithms for detecting the text sign, followed by the application of an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm in the previously identified areas. This paper proposes a new architecture that applies the OCR to a whole lightly treated image and then carries out the text detection process of the OCR output. The strategy presented in this paper significantly reduces the processing time required for text localization in an image, while guaranteeing a high recognition rate. This strategy will facilitate the incorporation of video processing-based applications into the automatic detection of text sign similar to that of a smartphone. These applications will increase the autonomy of visually impaired people in their daily life.


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Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on todays smart phones. The state of the art in mobile activity recognition uses traditional classification learning techniques. Thus, the learning process typically involves: i) collection of labelled sensory data that is transferred and collated in a centralised repository; ii) model building where the classification model is trained and tested using the collected data; iii) a model deployment stage where the learnt model is deployed on-board a mobile device for identifying activities based on new sensory data. In this paper, we demonstrate the Mobile Activity Recognition System (MARS) where for the first time the model is built and continuously updated on-board the mobile device itself using data stream mining. The advantages of the on-board approach are that it allows model personalisation and increased privacy as the data is not sent to any external site. Furthermore, when the user or its activity profile changes MARS enables promptly adaptation. MARS has been implemented on the Android platform to demonstrate that it can achieve accurate mobile activity recognition. Moreover, we can show in practise that MARS quickly adapts to user profile changes while at the same time being scalable and efficient in terms of consumption of the device resources.


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The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a fast pace with new devices getting connected all the time. A new emerging group of these devices are the wearable devices, and Wireless Sensor Networks are a good way to integrate them in the IoT concept and bring new experiences to the daily life activities. In this paper we present an everyday life application involving a WSN as the base of a novel context-awareness sports scenario where physiological parameters are measured and sent to the WSN by wearable devices. Applications with several hardware components introduce the problem of heterogeneity in the network. In order to integrate different hardware platforms and to introduce a service-oriented semantic middleware solution into a single application, we propose the use of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a bridge for guaranteeing interoperability and integration of the different environments, thus introducing a semantic added value needed in the world of IoT-based systems. This approach places all the data acquired (e.g., via Internet data access) at application developers disposal, opening the system to new user applications. The user can then access the data through a wide variety of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) and Operating Systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, etc.).


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El propsito de este proyecto de fin de Grado es el estudio y desarrollo de una aplicacin basada en Android que proporcionar soporte y atencin a los servicios de transporte pblico existentes en Cracovia, Polonia. La principal funcionalidad del sistema ser consultar la posicin de un determinado autobs o tranva y mostrar su ubicacin con exactitud. Para lograr esto, necesitaremos tres fases de desarrollo. En primer lugar, deberemos implementar un sistema que obtenga las coordenadas geogrficas de los vehculos de transporte pblico en cada instante. A continuacin, tendremos que registrar todos estos datos y almacenarlos en una base de datos en un servidor web. Por ltimo, desarrollaremos un sistema cliente que realice consultas a tiempo real sobre estos datos almacenados, obteniendo la posicin para una lnea determinada y mostrando su ubicacin con un marcador en el mapa. Para hacer el seguimiento de los vehculos, sera necesario tener acceso a una API pblica que nos proporcionase la posicin registrada por los GPS que integran cada uno de ellos. Como esta API no existe actualmente para los servicios de autobs, y para los tranvas es de uso meramente privado, desarrollaremos una segunda aplicacin en Android que har las funciones del lado servidor. En ella podremos elegir mediante una simple interfaz el nmero de lnea y un cdigo especfico que identificar a cada vehculo en particular (e.g. podemos tener 6 tranvas recorriendo la red al mismo tiempo para la lnea 24). Esta aplicacin obtendr las coordenadas geogrficas del telfono mvil, lo cual incluye latitud, longitud y orientacin a travs del proveedor GPS. De este modo, podremos realizar una simulacin de como el sistema funcionar a tiempo real utilizando la aplicacin servidora desde dentro de un tranva o autobs y, al mismo tiempo, utilizando la aplicacin cliente haciendo peticiones para mostrar la informacin de dicho tranva. El cliente, adems, podr consultar la ruta de cualquier lnea sin necesidad de tener acceso a Internet. Almacenaremos las rutas y paradas de cada lnea en la memoria del telfono mvil utilizando ficheros XML debido al poco espacio que ocupan y a lo til que resulta poder consultar un trayecto en cualquier momento, independientemente del acceso a la red. El usuario tambin podr consultar las tablas de horarios oficiales para cada lnea. Aunque en este caso si ser necesaria una conexin a Internet debido a que se realizar a travs de la web oficial de MPK. Para almacenar todas las coordenadas de cada vehculo en cada instante necesitaremos crear una base de datos en un servidor. Esto se resolver mediante el uso de MYSQL y PHP. Se enviarn peticiones de tipo GET y POST a los servicios PHP que se encargarn de traducir y realizar la consulta correspondiente a la base de datos MYSQL. Por ltimo, gracias a todos los datos recogidos relativos a la posicin de los vehculos de transporte pblico, podremos realizar algunas tareas de anlisis. Comparando la hora exacta a la que los vehculos pasaron por cada parada y la hora a la que deberan haber pasado segn los horarios oficiales, podremos descubrir fallos en estos. Seremos capaces de determinar si es un error puntual debido a factores externos (atascos, averas,) o si por el contrario, es algo que ocurre muy a menudo y se debera corregir el horario oficial. ABSTRACT The aim of this final Project (for University) is to develop an Android application thatwill provide support and feedback to the public transport services in Krakow. The main functionality of the system will be to track the position of a desired bus or tram line, and display its position on the map. To achieve this, we will need 3 stages: the first one will be to implement a system that sends the geographical position of the public transport vehicles, the second one will be to collect this data in a web server, and the last one will be to get the last location registered for the desired line and display it on the map. For tracking the vehicles, we would need to have access to a public API that should be connected with each bus/tram GPS. As this doesnt exist in Krakow or at least is not available for public use, we will develop a second android application that will do the server side job. We will be able to choose in a simple interface the line number and a code letter to identify each vehicle (e.g. we can have 6 trams that belong to the line number 24 working at the same time). It will take the current mobile geolocation; this includes getting latitude, longitude and bearing from the GPS provider. Thus, we will be able to make a simulation of how the system works in real time by using the server app inside a tram and at the same time, using the client app and making requests to display the information of that tram. The client will also be able to check the path of the desired line without internet access. We will store the path and stops for each line locally in the phone memory using xml files due to the few requirements of available space it needs and the usefulness of checking a path when needed. This app will also offer the functionality of checking the timetable for the line, but in this case, it will link to the official Mpk website, so Internet access will be required. For storing all the coordinates for each vehicle at every moment we will need to create a database on a server. We have decided that the easiest way is to use Mysql and PHP for the deployment of the service. We will send GET and POST requests to the php files and those files will make the according queries to our database. Finally, based on all the collected data, we will be able to get some information about errors in the system of public transport timetables. We will check at what time a line was in each specific stop and compare it with the official timetable to find mistakes of time. We will determine if it is something that happens occasionally and related to external factors (e.g. traffic jams, breakdowns) or if on the other hand, it is something that happens very often and the public transport timetables should be looked over and corrected.


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SSR es el acrnimo de SoundScape Renderer (tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms), es un programa escrito en su mayora en C++. El programa permite al usuario escuchar tanto sonidos grabados con anterioridad como sonidos en directo. El sonido o los sonidos se oirn, desde el punto de vista del oyente, como si el sonido se produjese en el punto que el programa decida, lo interesante de este proyecto es que el sonido podr cambiar de lugar, moverse, etc. Todo en tiempo real. Esto se consigue sin modificar el sonido al grabarlo pero s al emitirlo, el programa calcula las variaciones necesarias para que al emitir el sonido al oyente le llegue como si el sonido realmente se generase en un punto del espacio o lo ms parecido posible. La sensacin de movimiento no deja de ser el punto anterior cambiando de lugar. La idea era crear una aplicacin web basada en Canvas de HTML5 que se comunicar con esta interfaz de usuario remota. As se solucionaran todos los problemas de compatibilidad ya que cualquier dispositivo con posibilidad de visualizar pginas web podra correr una aplicacin basada en estndares web, por ejemplo un sistema con Windows o un mvil con navegador. El protocolo deba de ser WebSocket porque es un protocolo HTML5 y ofrece las garantas de latencia que una aplicacin con necesidades de informacin en tiempo real requiere. Nos permite una comunicacin full-dplex asncrona sin mucho payload que es justo lo que se vena a evitar al no usar polling normal de HTML. El problema que surgi fue que la interfaz de usuario de red que tena el programa no era compatible con WebSocket debido a un handshacking inicial y obligatorio que realiza el protocolo, por lo que se necesitaba otra interfaz de red. Se decidi entonces cambiar a JSON como formato para el intercambio de mensajes. Al final el proyecto comprende no slo la aplicacin web basada en Canvas sino tambin un servidor funcional y la definicin de una nueva interfaz de usuario de red con su protocolo aadido. ABSTRACT. This project aims to become a part of the SSR tool to extend its capabilities in the field of the access. SSR is an acronym for SoundScape Renderer, is a program mostly written in C++ that allows you to hear already recorded or live sound with a variety of sound equipment as if the sound came from a desired place in the space. Like the web-page of the SSR says surely better explained: The SoundScape Renderer (SSR) is a tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms. The application can be used with a graphical interface written in Qt but has also a network interface for external applications to use it. This network interface communicates using XML messages. A good example of it is the Android client. This Android client is already working. In order to use the application should be run it by loading an audio source and the wanted environment so that the renderer knows what to do. In that moment the server binds and anyone can use the network interface. Since the network interface is documented everyone can make an application to interact with this network interface. So the application can have as many user interfaces as wanted. The part that is developed in this project has nothing to do neither with audio rendering nor even with the reproduction of the spatial audio. The part that is developed here is about the interface used in the SSR application. As it can be deduced from the title: Distributed Web Interface for Real-Time Spatial Audio Reproduction System, this work aims only to offer the interface via web for the SSR (Real-Time Spatial Audio Reproduction System). The idea is not to make a new graphical interface for SSR but to allow more types of interfaces and communication. To accomplish the objective of allowing more graphical interfaces this project is going to use a new network interface. By now the SSR application is using only XML for data interchange but this new network interface support JSON. This project comprehends the server that launch the application, the user interface and the new network interface. It is done with these modules in order to allow creating new user interfaces that can communicate with the server or new servers that can communicate with the user interface by defining a complete network interface for data interchange.


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El proyecto que he realizado ha consistido en la creacin de un sistema de informacin geogrfica para el Campus Sur UPM, que puede servir de referencia para su implantacin en cualquier otro campus universitario. Esta idea surge de la necesidad por parte de los usuarios de un campus de disponer de una herramienta que les permita consultar la informacin de los distintos lugares y servicios del campus, haciendo especial hincapi en su localizacin geogrfica. Para ello ha sido necesario estudiar las tecnologas actuales que permiten implementar un sistema de informacin geogrfica, dando lugar al sistema propuesto, que consiste en un conjunto de medios informticos (hardware y software), que van a permitir al personal del campus obtener la informacin y localizacin de los elementos del campus desde su mvil. Tras realizar un anlisis de los requisitos y funcionalidades que deba tener el sistema, el proyecto ha consistido en el diseo e implementacin de dicho sistema. La informacin a consultar estar almacenada y disponible para su consulta en un equipo servidor accesible para el personal del campus. Para ello, durante la realizacin del proyecto, ha sido necesario crear un modelo de datos basado en el campus y cargar los datos geogrficos de utilidad en una base de datos. Todo esto ha sido realizado mediante el producto software Smallword Core 4.2. Adems, ha sido tambin necesario desplegar un software servidor que permita a los usuarios consultar dichos datos desde sus mviles va WIFI o Internet, el producto utilizado para este fin ha sido Smallworld Geospatial Server 4.2. Para la realizacin de las consultas se han utilizado los servicios WMS(Web Map Service) y WFS(Web Feature Service) definidos por el OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium). Estos servicios estn adaptados para la consulta de informacin geogrfica. El sistema tambin est compuesto por una aplicacin para dispositivos mviles con sistema operativo Android, que permite a los usuarios del sistema consultar y visualizar la informacin geogrfica del campus. Dicha aplicacin ha sido diseada y programada a lo largo de la realizacin del proyecto. Para la realizacin de este proyecto tambin ha sido necesario un estudio del presupuesto que supondra una implantacin real del sistema y el mantenimiento que implicara tener el sistema actualizado. Por ltimo, el proyecto incluye una breve descripcin de las tecnologas futuras que podran mejorar las funcionalidades del sistema: la realidad aumentada y el posicionamiento en el interior de edificios. ABSTRACT. The project I've done has been to create a geographic information system for the Campus Sur UPM, which can serve as a reference for implementation in any other college campus. This idea arises from the need for the campus users to have a tool that allows them to view information from different places and services, with particular emphasis on their geographical location. It has been necessary to study the current technologies that allow implementing a geographic information system, leading to the proposed system, which consists of a set of computer resources (hardware and software) that will allow campus users to obtain information and location of campus components from their mobile phones. Following an analysis of the requirements and functionalities that the system should have, the project involved the design and implementation of the system . The information will be stored and available on a computer server accessible to campus users. Accordingly, during the project, it was necessary to create a data model based on campus data and load this data in a database. All this has been done by Smallword Core 4.2 software product. In addition, it has also been necessary to deploy a server software that allows users to query the data from their phones via WIFI or Internet, the product used for this purpose has been Smallworld Geospatial Server 4.2 . To carry out the consultations have used the services WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) defined by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). These services are tailored to the geographic information retrieval. The system also consists of an application for mobile devices with Android operating system, which allows users to query and display geographic information related to the campus. This application has been designed and programmed over the project. For the realization of this project has also been necessary to study the budget that would be a real system implementation and the maintenance that would have the system updated. Finally, the project includes a brief description of future technologies that could improve the system's functionality: augmented reality and positioning inside the buildings.