834 resultados para Ingeniería civil
Campus BBVA La Moraleja en Madrid
El objeto del presente proyecto es la realización de las obras necesarias para garantizar, con alta probabilidad, el agua que necesita la zona regable del Canal de Aragón y Cataluña, lo cual permitirá el desarrollo de cultivos de mayor rendimiento económico, que mejorarán el nivel de vida de la población asentada en la zona. la Presa del Esera es una obra necesaria para avanzar en la consecución del mínimo imprescindible de 8.000 m3/ ha y año ayudando al embalse de Joaquín Costa a la atención de los riegos del Canal de Aragón y Cataluña, y como beneficios adicionales, se pueden citar: la descarga del embalse de Santa Ana y la posibilidad de un interesante aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico.
El objetivo de este proyecto es satisfacer la demanda de abastecimiento de agua de las nuevas urbanizaciones de Colmenar Viejo y del futuro parque tecnológico de Tres Cantos, ya que ésta se va a ver aumentada por la creación de nuevos planes parciales que se están desarrollando en los términos municipales de Colmenar Viejo y Tres Cantos. A parte del abastecimiento, se persiguen otros objetivos de carácter secundario, pero muy importantes que son: •Proporcionar el agua necesaria para que en épocas de estiaje no exista ningún problema de sequía en la zona. •Mantener y potenciar la calidad medioambiental de la zona por lo que en todo momento se cuidarán los aspectos medioambientales, intentando siempre minimizar la repercusión de la obra en el entorno. •Creación de empleo en la zona durante la construcción y la explotación de la presa. Además del trabajo generado por las industrias usadas para la ejecución de la obra como la central de hormigonado, la extracción en canteras, la central de áridos... •Permitir el crecimiento urbanístico proporcionando el agua necesaria
This paper proposes a repairability index for damage assessment in reinforced concrete structural members. The procedure discussed in this paper differs from the standard methods in two aspects: the structural and damage analyses are coupled and it is based on the concepts of fracture and continuum damage mechanics. The relationship between the repairability index and the well-known Park and Ang index is shown in some particular cases.
Underpasses are common in modern railway lines. Wildlife corridors and drainage conduits often fall into this category of partially buried structures. Their dynamic behavior has received far less attention than that of other structures such as bridges, but their large number makes their study an interesting challenge from the viewpoint of safety and cost savings. Here, we present a complete study of a culvert, including on-site measurements and numerical modeling. The studied structure belongs to the high-speed railway line linking Segovia and Valladolid in Spain. The line was opened to traffic in 2004. On-site measurements were performed for the structure by recording the dynamic response at selected points of the structure during the passage of high-speed trains at speeds ranging between 200 and 300 km/h. The measurements provide not only reference values suitable for model fitting, but also a good insight into the main features of the dynamic behavior of this structure. Finite element techniques were used to model the dynamic behavior of the structure and its key features. Special attention is paid to vertical accelerations, the values of which should be limited to avoid track instability according to Eurocode. This study furthers our understanding of the dynamic response of railway underpasses to train loads.
This paper presents the Expectation Maximization algorithm (EM) applied to operational modal analysis of structures. The EM algorithm is a general-purpose method for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) that in this work is used to estimate state space models. As it is well known, the MLE enjoys some optimal properties from a statistical point of view, which make it very attractive in practice. However, the EM algorithm has two main drawbacks: its slow convergence and the dependence of the solution on the initial values used. This paper proposes two different strategies to choose initial values for the EM algorithm when used for operational modal analysis: to begin with the parameters estimated by Stochastic Subspace Identification method (SSI) and to start using random points. The effectiveness of the proposed identification method has been evaluated through numerical simulation and measured vibration data in the context of a benchmark problem. Modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes) of the benchmark structure have been estimated using SSI and the EM algorithm. On the whole, the results show that the application of the EM algorithm starting from the solution given by SSI is very useful to identify the vibration modes of a structure, discarding the spurious modes that appear in high order models and discovering other hidden modes. Similar results are obtained using random starting values, although this strategy allows us to analyze the solution of several starting points what overcome the dependence on the initial values used.
The estimation of modal parameters of a structure from ambient measurements has attracted the attention of many researchers in the last years. The procedure is now well established and the use of state space models, stochastic system identification methods and stabilization diagrams allows to identify the modes of the structure. In this paper the contribution of each identified mode to the measured vibration is discussed. This modal contribution is computed using the Kalman filter and it is an indicator of the importance of the modes. Also the variation of the modal contribution with the order of the model is studied. This analysis suggests selecting the order for the state space model as the order that includes the modes with higher contribution. The order obtained using this method is compared to those obtained using other well known methods, like Akaike criteria for time series or the singular values of the weighted projection matrix in the Stochastic Subspace Identification method. Finally, both simulated and measured vibration data are used to show the practicability of the derived technique. Finally, it is important to remark that the method can be used with any identification method working in the state space model.
This paper introduces the p-adaptive version of the boundary element method as a natural extension of the homonymous finite element approach. After a brief introduction to adaptive techniques through their finite element formulation in elastostatics, the concepts are cast into the boundary element environment. Thus, the p-adaptive version of boundary integral methods is shown to be a generalization of already well known ideas. In order to show the power of these numerical procedures, the results of two practical analysis using both methods are presented.
En este trabajo se ha evaluado la resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros de un nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex de bajo contenido en níquel, el AISI 2001. Se han utilizado técnicas electroquímicas, monitorizando el potencial de corrosión y la resistencia de polarización (LPR) mediante técnicas de corriente continua y medidas de corriente alterna mediante espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIS). Los ensayos muestran un excelente comportamiento en presencia de elevados contenidos de cloruro del nuevo acero dúplex. Se ha caracterizado la composición de la capa pasiva del acero inoxidable mediante XPS.
Non-linear physical systems of infinite extent are conveniently modelled using FE–BE coupling methods. By the combination of both methods, suitable use of the advantages of each one may be obtained. Several possibilities of FEM–BEM coupling and their performance in some practical cases are discussed in this paper. Parallelizable coupling algorithms based on domain decomposition are developed and compared with the most traditional coupling methods.
In the present work a seismic retrofitting technique is proposed for masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames based on the replacement of infill panels by K-bracing with vertical shear link. The performance of this technique is evaluated through experimental tests. A simplified numerical model for structural damage evaluation is also formulated according to the notions and principles of continuum damage mechanics. The proposed model is calibrated with the experimental results. The experimental results have shown an excellent energy dissipation capacity with the proposed technique. Likewise, the numerical predictions with the proposed model are in good agreement with experimental results.
Die grafische Darstellung des Verbundquerschnittes mit einer oberen Betonplatte und einem darunter liegenden Stahlträger war seit seiner Vorstellung in den 1950er Jahren ein Symbol, das weit über die Theorie hinausging und weite Verbreitung in der Praxis des Verbundbrückenbaus fand. Seit den 1970er bzw. 1980er Jahren hat dieses Bild – bedingt durch neue und freiere Formen, Beton und Stahl miteinander zu kombinieren – seine Symbolhaftigkeit verloren. In Deutschland und Spanien wurde der Doppelverbund mit unten liegenden Betonplatten in Bereichen mit negativen Momenten eingeführt, in Frankreich werden Stahlträger auch in vorgespannten Betonquerschnitten eingebettet. Beide Ansätze haben dazu beigetragen, dass in der Gegenwart die Materialien Stahl und Beton im Verbundbau frei miteinander kombiniert werden können. On the development of sections in composite bridges. A comprehensive theory of composite construction was established in Germany by Sattler in 1953. The theoretical image of the composite section with a superior concrete slab and a lower metallic structure was shaped in addition to the analytical resolution. Theory and graphical representation were going to be known together in Europe. This figure was repeated in all theoretical and academic publications, so becoming an authentic icon of the composite section. Its translation to the bridge deck in flexion was obvious: the superior slab defines the tread platform, while the metallic structure was left off-hook at the bottom. Nevertheless, in continuous decks the section is not optimal at all in zones of negative bending moments. But the overcoming of the graphical representation of the theory did not happen immediately. It was produced after a process in which several European countries played an active role and where different mechanisms of technological transference were developed. One approach to this overcoming is the “double composite action”, with a lower concrete slab in areas of a negative bending moment. The first accomplishments, a bridge in Orasje built in 1968 with 134 m span, as well as the publications of the system proposed by Fabrizio de Miranda in 1971 did not extend nor had continuity. Spanish bridges by Fernández Ordoñez and Martínez Calzón used double composite action for the first time in 1979. The German team of Leonhard, Andrä und partners, has used it since the end of the 1980's to solve bridges of great span. Once the technology has been well known thanks to the ASCE International Congress and the Spanish International Meetings organised by the “Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos”, double composite action has been integrated well into the structural vocabulary everywhere. In France the approach was different. What Michel Virlogeux calls “double floor composite section” was reached as an evolution of prestressed concrete bridges. In an experimental process widely known, the external prestressing allows weight reduction by diminishing the thickness of the concrete webs. The following step, in the 1980's, was the substitution of the webs by metallic elements: stiffened plates, trusses or folded plates. A direct result of this development is the Brass de la Plaine Bridge in the Reunion Island in 2001 with 280 m span. Both approaches have contributed to a freedom of design in composite construction in steel and concrete today.
Una de las principales causas de la actual crisis de biodiversidad es la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat. En muchos casos, esta fragmentación es consecuencia de la construcción de infraestructuras lineales. El tramo de la carretera M-301 de Madrid estudiado es el que concentra mayor número de atropellos de anfibios en la Comunidad. Los atropellos son especialmente numerosos durante las migraciones reproductoras de los individuos (Se han registrado hasta 400 atropellos/noche). En el estudio se analiza la conectividad de la zona para el sapo común (Bufo bufo) y el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) mediante los programas UNICOR y Circuitscape. Los resultados, como queda demostrado, presentan modelos de rutas muy próximos a la realidad. Finalmente se presentan posibles medidas correctoras útiles para anfibios y otros grupos faunísticos. El estudio proporciona herramientas para solucionar posibles problemas de conectividad del territorio que se presenten en futuros levantamientos de infraestructuras.
The Boundary Element Method is a powerful numerical technique well rooted in everyday engineering practice. This is shown by boundary element methods included in the most important commercial computer packages and in the continuous publication of books composed to explain the features of the method to beginners or practicing engineers. Our first paper in Computers & Structures on Boundary Elements was published in 1979 (C & S 10, pp. 351–362), so this Special Issue is for us not only the accomplishment of our obligation to show other colleagues the possibilities of a numerical technique in which we believe, but also the celebration of our particular silver jubilee with this Journal.
The Direct Boundary Element Method (DBEM) is presented to solve the elastodynamic field equations in 2D, and a complete comprehensive implementation is given. The DBEM is a useful approach to obtain reliable numerical estimates of site effects on seismic ground motion due to irregular geological configurations, both of layering and topography. The method is based on the discretization of the classical Somigliana's elastodynamic representation equation which stems from the reciprocity theorem. This equation is given in terms of the Green's function which is the full-space harmonic steady-state fundamental solution. The formulation permits the treatment of viscoelastic media, therefore site models with intrinsic attenuation can be examined. By means of this approach, the calculation of 2D scattering of seismic waves, due to the incidence of P and SV waves on irregular topographical profiles is performed. Sites such as, canyons, mountains and valleys in irregular multilayered media are computed to test the technique. The obtained transfer functions show excellent agreement with already published results.