900 resultados para Ingeniero de caminos, canales y puertos
Artículo internacional que aplica los criterios de NVA (Natural Variability Approach) a cinco ríos de la cuenca del Ebro
Queremos creer que la decisión del Gobierno de rebajar temporalmente a 110 km/h la velocidad máxima en las autopistas y autovías a partir del 7 de marzo, con objeto de ahorrar combustible, es una ocurrencia fruto de la improvisación, como muchos han opinado. Esta creencia está avalada por las declaraciones del Vicepresidente Chaves, quien ha afirmado que “llevaban quince días discutiéndolas”. Normalmente, decisiones de este calado son precedidas por estudios de sus consecuencias, e incluso se llevan a cabo algunas experiencias piloto, reducidas en ámbito y breves en tiempo, para comprobar los efectos de la medida; pero ésta parece una reacción rápida al súbito encarecimiento del crudo provocado por los recientes (y aún inconclusos) movimientos sociales en el Norte de África
Existen diversos métodos y manuales que establecen diferentes modelos para estudiar la circulación, la capacidad de la vía, etc. El Manual de Capacidad 2000 propone la medida de los niveles de servicio para carreteras de dos carriles a partir de la velocidad media de recorrido y del porcentaje de tiempo siguiendo, representando la función intensidad-velocidad mediante rectas de pendiente constante. Se ha comprobado experimentalmente que la aplicación de la relación propuesta en la última edición del Manual de Capacidad en las carreteras convencionales reales de dos carriles en la Comunidad de Madrid se aleja de la realidad y con ella la interpretación que se debe hacer sobre los niveles de servicio en este tipo de carreteras. El resultado de una investigación realizada en carreteras de la Comunidad de Madrid, y en colaboración con la Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ha sido el planteamiento de un modelo macroscópico que reproduce la función intensidad-velocidad en carreteras convencionales, con una metodología que puede ser reproducible, de manera sencilla, para obtener leyes específicas en otras carreteras concretas
The microstructural evolution of an AZ31 rolled sheet during dynamic deformation at strain rates of ∼103 s−1 has been investigated by electron backscatter diffraction, X-ray and neutron diffraction. The influence of orientation on the predominant deformation mechanisms and on the recovery processes taking place during deformation has been systematically examined. The results have been compared with those corresponding to the same alloy tested quasi-statically under equivalent conditions. It has been found that strain rate enhances the activation of extension twinning dramatically, while contraction and secondary twinning are not significantly influenced. The polarity of extension twinning is even reversed in some grains under selected testing conditions. Significant grain subdivision by the formation of geometrically necessary boundaries (GNBs) takes place during both quasi-static and dynamic deformation of this AZ31 alloy. It is remarkable that GNBs of high misorientations form even at the highest strain rates. The phenomenon of recovery has been found to be orientation dependent
GRC is a cementitious composite material made up of a cement mortar matrix and chopped glass fibers. Due to its outstanding mechanical properties, GRC has been widely used to produce cladding panels and some civil engineering elements. Impact failure of cladding panels made of GRC may occur during production if some tool falls onto the panel, due to stone or other objects impacting at low velocities or caused by debris projected after a blast. Impact failure of a front panel of a building may have not only an important economic value but also human lives may be at risk if broken pieces of the panel fall from the building to the pavement. Therefore, knowing GRC impact strength is necessary to prevent economic costs and putting human lives at risk. One-stage light gas gun is an impact test machine capable of testing different materials subjected to impact loads. An experimental program was carried out, testing GRC samples of five different formulations, commonly used in building industry. Steel spheres were shot at different velocities on square GRC samples. The residual velocity of the projectiles was obtained both using a high speed camera with multiframe exposure and measuring the projectile’s penetration depth in molding clay blocks. Tests were performed on young and artificially aged GRC samples to compare GRC’s behavior when subjected to high strain rates. Numerical simulations using a hydrocode were made to analyze which parameters are most important during an impact event. GRC impact strength was obtained from test results. Also, GRC’s embrittlement, caused by GRC aging, has no influence on GRC impact behavior due to the small size of the projectile. Also, glass fibers used in GRC production only maintain GRC panels’ integrity but have no influence on GRC’s impact strength. Numerical models have reproduced accurately impact tests.
The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the behaviour of steel prestressing wires under likely conditions that could be expected during a fire or impact loads. Four loadings were investigated: a) the influence of strain rate – from 10–3 to 600 s–1 – at room temperature, b) the influence of temperature – from 24 to 600 °C – at low strain rate, c) the influence of the joint effect of strain rate and temperature, and d) damage after three plausible fire scenarios. At room temperature it was found that using “static” values is a safe option. At high temperatures our results are in agreement with design codes. Regarding the joint effect of temperature and strain rate, mechanical properties decrease with increasing temperature, although for a given temperature, yield stress and tensile strength increase with strain rate. The data provided can be used profitably to model the mechanical behaviour of steel wires under different scenarios.
En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio experimental y numérico de impactos balísticos sobre placas de acero inoxidable martensítico a altas temperaturas (400ºC y 700ºC), que pone de manifiesto la importancia del ablandamiento térmico en simulaciones de impactos a altas temperaturas. Mediante un estudio metalográfico de la zona de impacto, se ha observado la aparición de bandas adiabáticas de cortante formadas por el aumento brusco de la temperatura debido a la acumulación del trabajo plástico en el interior del material. La correcta predicción en la formación de estas bandas durante el proceso de penetración es crítica a la hora de obtener resultados representativos de los experimentos realizados. Basándose en datos experimentales de ensayos previamente realizados, se ha calibrado un modelo de material de Johnson-Cook (JC) para su uso con simulaciones numéricas en el código no lineal de elementos finitos LSDYNA. Mediante estas simulaciones numéricas se demuestra la importancia del ablandamiento térmico en el proceso de perforación de placas, al igual que la incapacidad que un modelo tipo JC tiene para representar el dicho ablandamiento para material estudiado. Esta investigación presenta, finalmente, una modificación a un modelo tipo JC programado como subrutina de material de usuario para LS-DYNA que permite simular correctamente estos procesos de impacto a alta temperatura
Heart valve prostheses are used to replace native heart valves which that are damaged because of congenital diseases or due to ageing. Biological prostheses made of bovine pericardium are similar to native valves and do not require any anticoagulation treatment, but are less durable than mechanical prostheses and usually fail by tearing. Researches are oriented in improving the resistance and durability of biological heart valve prostheses in order to increase their life expectancy. To understand the mechanical behaviour of bovine pericardium and relate it to its microstructure (mainly collagen fibres concentration and orientation) uniaxial tensile tests have been performed on a model material made of collagen fibres. Small Angle Light Scattering (SALS) has been also used to characterize the microstructure without damaging the material. Results with the model material allowed us to obtain the orientation of the fibres, relating the microstructure to mechanical performance
Metodología para integrar numéricamente de forma termodinámicamente consistente las ecuaciones del problema termomecánico acoplado de un elemento discreto viscoso.
Siguiendo el proyecto europeo Smartest se plantea el problema de las inundaciones y su gestión en zonas urbanas en las proximidades de la costa
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are mostly implemented to circumvent budgetary constraints, and to encourage efficiency and quality in the provision of public infrastructure in order to reach social welfare. One of the ways of reaching the latter objective is by the introduction of performance based standards tied to bonuses and penalties to reward or punish the performance of the contractor. This paper focuses on the implementation of safety based incentives in PPPs in such a way that the better the safety outcome the greater larger will be the economic reward to the contractor. The main aim of this paper is to identify whether the incentives to improve road safety in PPPs are ultimately effective in improving safety ratios in Spain. To that end, Poisson and negative binomial regression models have been applied using information of motorways of the Spanish network of 2006. The findings indicate that even though road safety is highly influenced by variables that are not much controllable by the contractor such as the Average Annual Daily Traffic and the percentage of heavy vehicles, the implementation of safety incentives in PPPs has a positive influence in the reduction of fatalities, injuries and accidents.
The possible deleterious effects of coiling and long-time storage of coiled wires on the stress relaxation behaviour of prestressing steel wires has been checked by means of experimental work and a simple analytical model. The results show that if the requirements of Standards are fulfilled (minimum coiling diameters) these effects can be neglected. However, some other factors like previous residual stresses, long-time storage or storage at high temperatures, can trigger or emphasise this damage to the material. In the authors’ opinion it is recommendable to control the final curvature of the wires after uncoiling prior to prestressing, as required in some Standards.
Freezing of water or salt solution in concrete pores is a main cause for severe damage and significant reduction of the service life. Most of the freeze-thaw (F-T) accelerated tests measure the scaling of concrete by weighting. This paper presents complementary procedures based on the use of strain gages and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) for measuring the deterioration of concrete due to freezing and thawing. These non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures are applied to two types of concretes, one susceptible to F-T damage and the other does not. The results show a good correlation between scaling and the measurements obtained with NDT. Showing NDT the advantage to detect before the damage and to perform continuous measurement
This paper presents an analytical model for simulating the bond between steel and concrete, in precast prestressed concrete elements, during the prestressing force release. The model establishes a relationship between bond stress, steel and concrete stress and slip in such concrete structures. This relationship allows us to evaluate the bond stress in the transmission zone, where bond stress is not constant, along the whole prestressing force release process. The model is validated with the results of a series of tests and is extended to evaluate the transmission length. This capability has been checked by comparing the transmission length predicted by the model and one measured experimentally in a series of tests.
Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assessed