307 resultados para Fuerza y energía


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Este trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar, analizar y valorizar el patrimonio minero en Extremadura. Para ello se ha tomado el trabajo de investigación realizado por el Instituto Geológico-Minero de España en esa región sobre los elementos mineros de interés patrimonial. Por otra parte, se ha efectuado el estudio de las distintas técnicas de valorización de bienes sin mercado, entre los que destaca: el modelo del coste de desplazamiento, el de precios hedónicos y el de valor contingente. Se ha escogido el método de valor contingente por su utilidad, versatilidad y por haber sido utilizado ampliamente en parques naturales de Estados Unidos, Canadá o Inglaterra, puesto que en esencia es lo más parecido al patrimonio minero. Asimismo este método es el más aprobado por el comité estadounidense de la NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Dicho método se basa en la realización de una encuesta a una parte de la población relevante, por lo que se ha estudiado el diseño y los problemas que ello conlleva para la creación final de la encuesta. Finalmente, se procede al envío de dicha encuesta y al posterior tratamiento estadístico de las respuestas obtenidas.


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Los elementos estructurales empleados en construcción no han sido en general diseñados para soportar acciones impulsivas, como la detonación de artefactos explosivos. Desde el siglo pasado el mundo ha sufrido ataques terroristas en los que en muchos casos se han producido explosiones que causaron víctimas, heridos y la destrucción de las construcciones próximas. Debido a este hecho, instituciones públicas y privadas comenzaron a mostrar interés por el comportamiento de los elementos estructurales que componen sus instalaciones. El hormigón armado es uno de los principales materiales utilizados en las estructuras de obras debido a sus buenas características, cuyo análisis y modelización en deformaciones dinámicas supone un campo de desafíos al que se está prestando gran atención en los últimos años. LS-DYNA® es un programa basado en elementos finitos capaz de simular problemas reales complejos en el que se han desarrollado distintos modelos de hormigón. Tres de esos modelos (K&C, RHT y CSCM) son evaluados con losas de distintos tamaños de mallado de elementos finitos frente a la detonación de 2 kg de TNT situados a 1 m de distancia. Dichos modelos son simulados y se obtienen los valores de las aceleraciones máximas en unos determinados puntos de las losas. Los valores son sometidos a la aplicación del Método GCI (Grid Convergence Index) para una relación de refinamiento de mallado no constante, cuyos resultados se comparan con aquellos registrados en los acelerómetros empleados durante la primera fase de ensayos del Proyecto SEGTRANS. Mediante el análisis de los resultados obtenidos se determina cual es el modelo de material y tamaño de mallado más adecuado que pueda emplearse en un futuro para poder modelar estructuras más complejas y con niveles de explosivo más elevados.


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For the energy valorization of alperujo, residue of the olive oil two phases extraction process, it is necessary to perform a drying process to reduce moisture content from over 60% to less than 10%. In order to reduce primary energy consumption and get an economic return, usually in this kind of drying facilities Gas Turbine CHP is used as a heat source. There have been recently in Spain some fires in this kind of GT-CHP facilities, which have caused high material losses. In some of these fires it has been suggested that the fire was caused by the output of incandescent alperujo in the flue gasesof the drying system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine experimentally and analytically under which operational conditions a process of alperujo self-ignition in the drying process can begin, and determine the actual fire hazard in this type of TG-CHP system. For analytical study, the temperature and initial composition of the combustion gases of the Gas Turbine at the entrance of the drying process was calculated and the gas equilibrium conditions reached in contact with the biomass were calculated and, therefore, the temperature of the biomass during the drying process. Moreover, the layer and dust ignition temperature of alperujo has been experimentally determined, according to EN 50281-2-1: 2000. With these results, the operating conditions of the drying process, in which there are real risk of auto-ignition of alperujo have been established.Para la valorización energética del alperujo, residuo del proceso de extracción en dos fases del aceite de oliva, es necesario realizar un proceso de secado para reducir su contenido de humedad de más del 60% al 10% m/m en b.h. Con el fin de reducir el consumo de energía primaria y obtener una rentabilidad económica, normalmente en este tipo de instalaciones de secado se usa la cogeneración con turbina de gas (TG) como fuente de calor. En España en los últimos años han ocurrido algunos casos de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones de cogeneración, que han supuesto pérdidas materiales muy elevadas. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar analítica y experimentalmente las condiciones operativas del secadero bajo las cuales podría comenzar un proceso de autoinflamación del alperujo y determinar el riesgo real de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones. Para el estudio analítico, se ha planteado y validado el modelo matemático que permite calcular la temperatura y la composición de los gases de combustión a la entrada y a la salida del secadero, en función de las curvas características de la TG, de las condiciones atmosféricas, del caudal y del grado de humedad de la biomasa tratada. El modelo permite además calcular la temperatura de bulbo húmedo, que es la máxima temperatura que podría alcanzar la biomasa durante el proceso de secado y determinar la cantidad de biomasa que se puede secar completamente en función del caudal y de las condiciones de entrada de los gases de combustión. Con estos resultados y la temperatura mínima de autoinflamación del alperujo determinada experimentalmente siguiendo la norma EN 50281- 2-1:2000, se demuestra que en un proceso de secado de alperujo en condiciones normales de operación no existe riesgo de autoencendido que pueda dar origen a un incendio.


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This paper presents a new methodology for measurement of the instantaneous average exhaust mass flow rate in reciprocating internal combustion engines to be used to determinate real driving emissions on light duty vehicles, as part of a Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS). Firstly a flow meter, named MIVECO flow meter, was designed based on a Pitot tube adapted to exhaust gases which are characterized by moisture and particle content, rapid changes in flow rate and chemical composition, pulsating and reverse flow at very low engine speed. Then, an off-line methodology was developed to calculate the instantaneous average flow, considering the ?square root error? phenomenon. The paper includes the theoretical fundamentals, the developed flow meter specifications, the calibration tests, the description of the proposed off-line methodology and the results of the validation test carried out in a chassis dynamometer, where the validity of the mass flow meter and the methodology developed are demonstrated.


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Companies are looking for workers trained in soft skills, and we want to help in the learning process. How? Through three courses (Building trust through values, soft skills and entrepreneurship) and historical aces, characters who joined strong values, intellectual and social capabilities and an entrepreneurial spirit, to leave a legacy. CompasLab.org = Values + Skills + Action.


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The benefits of urban agriculture are many and well documented, ranging from health improvement to community betterment, more sustainable urban development and environment protection. On the negative side, urban soils are commonly enriched in toxic trace elements that have accumulated over time through the deposition of atmospheric particles (generated by automotive traffic, heating systems, historical industrial activities and resuspended street dust), and the uncontrolled disposal of domestic, commercial and industrial wastes. This in turn has given rise to concerns about the level of exposure of urban farmers to these elements and the potential health hazards associated with this exposure. Research efforts in this field have started relatively recently and have almost systematically omitted the influence of Sb and Se, and to a lesser extent of As, although all three have proven toxic effects.


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El CEA francés, junto con EDF y la OIEA, recientemente organizaron un benchmark internacional y posterior workshop para evaluar las capacidades de simulación del comportamiento mecánico de estructuras nucleares de hormigón armado sometidas a acciones sísmicas. Principia, que fue el único participante español en el workshop, contribuyó a tres de las cuatro fases del ejercicio, que esencialmente consistía en simular los efectos de terremotos en un modelo a escala de una estructura nuclear típica, y en comparar los resultados con ensayos posteriores en mesa vibrante y con las predicciones de otros participantes. El artículo presenta algunas conclusiones obtenidas en los cálculos pre-ensayo, enriquecidas con observaciones producidas por las simulaciones adicionales llevadas a cabo una vez que se hicieron públicos los resultados de los ensayos.


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The French CEA, together with EDF and the IAEA, recently organised an international benchmark to evaluate the ability to model the mechanical behaviour of a typical nuclear reinforced concrete structure subjected to seismic demands. The participants were provided with descriptions of the structure and the testing campaign; they had to propose the numerical model and the material laws for the concrete (stage #1). A mesh of beam and shell elements was generated; for modelling the concrete a damaged plasticity model was used, but a smeared crack model was also investigated. Some of the initial experimental results, with the mock-up remaining in the elastic range, were provided to the participants for calibrating their models (stage #2). Predictions had to be produced in terms of eigen-frequencies and motion time histories. The calculated frequencies reproduced reasonably the experimental ones; the time histories, calculated by modal response analysis, also reproduced adequately the observed amplifications. The participants were then expected to predict the structural response under strong ground motions (stage #3), which increased progressively up to a history recorded during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, followed by an aftershock. These results were produced using an explicit solver and a damaged plasticity model for the concrete, although an implicit solver with a smeared crack model was also investigated. The paper presents the conclusions of the pre-test exercise, as well as some observations from additional simulations conducted after the experimental results were made available.


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Zeolites constitute one of the less common groups of tectosilicates. Zeoli1es with pores between -2 to 10 A in their structures have strong sorption capacity and are widely used in industrial and municipal operations to eliminate toxic substances. One of the major environmental problems in the mining activity is the treating of acid mine drainage. In this context, it is very important to search alternatives to manage this challenge. One feasible alternative is using zeolitic tuffs. The results of the physical-chemical characterization of zeolitic tuffs are the c1ue lo continue or not with deeper analysis and tests 01 acid mine drainage treatments. The guidelines to reach this purpose are the main goal of this work. Zeolite 1uff samples (named as XB_01 and XB_02) studied in this work were laken rn the Late Cretaceous Coastal Cayo Arch Ecuador, specifically in the Guaraguao River, showing the most important characteristics of heulandite zeolitic tuffs. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) tests were developed in order to confirm that the samples belong to the heulandite-type zeoli1ic tuffs. Additionally, Thermogravimetric analysis (TG), Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the samples was necessary in order to define the Si/Al ratio and the main mineralogical phases. The XB_01 sample shows a higher ratio Si/Al than XB_02 sample. The cation exchange capacity est was the fundamental step to define the potentiality of the zeolite to use in acid mine drainage treatment Three methodologies were employed to determine the cation exchange capacity. The Cuban standard 626 and the ammonium exchange methodologies reflect results more consistent with each other. This is the starting point to continue with deeper studies such as breakthrough curves for heavy metal ions found in acid mine waters.


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Biodiesel is currently produced from a catalytic transesterification reaction of various types of edible and non-edible oil with methanol. The use of waste animal tallow instead of edible oils opens a route to recycle this waste. This material has the advantage of lower costs but the problem of high content of free fatty acids, becoming necessary a pre-esterification reaction that increases the cost of the catalytic process. The production of biodiesel using supercritical alcohols is appropriate for materials with high acidity and water content, therefore the use of this process with animal fat is a promising alternative. Ethanol has been used because it can be produced from biomass via fermentation resulting in a complete renewable biodiesel, instead of methanol that derives from fossil feedstocks. Two different processes have been studied: first, the direct transesterification of animal fat using supercritical ethanol and second a two-step process where the first step is a hydrolysis of the animal fat and the second step is the esterification of the resulting fatty acids. The temperature, the molar ratio ethanol:fat and the time have been modified in the different reactions to study the effect in the final conversion and the degradation of the unsaturated fatty acid esters, main inconvenient of these high temperature and pressure processes.


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In the EU context extraction of shale and oil gas by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) differs from country to country in terms of legislation and implementation. While fossil fuel extraction using this technology is currently taking place in the UK, Germany and France have adopted respective moratoria. In between is the Spanish case, where hydrocarbon extraction projects through fracking have to undergo mandatory and routine environmental assessment in accordance with the last changes to environmental regulations. Nowadays Spain is at the crossroad with respect to the future of this technology. We presume a social conflictt in our country since the position and strategy of the involved and confronted social actors -national, regional and local authorities, energy companies, scientists, NGO and other social organization- are going to play key and likely divergent roles in its industrial implementation and public acceptance. In order to improve knowledge on how to address these controverted situations from the own engineering context, the affiliated units from the Higher Technical School of Mines and Energy Engineering at UPM have been working on a transversal program to teach values and ethics. Over the past seven years, this pioneering experience has shown the usefulness of applying a consequentialist ethics, based on a case-by-case approach and costs-benefits analysis both for action and inaction. As a result of this initiative a theoretical concept has arisen and crystallized in this field: it is named Inter-ethics. This theoretical perspective can be very helpful in complex situations, with multi-stakeholders and plurality of interests, when ethical management requires the interaction between the respective ethics of each group; professional ethics of a single group is not enough. Under this inter-ethics theoretical framework and applying content analysis techniques, this paper explores the articulation of the discourse in favour and against fracking technology and its underlying values as manifested in the Spanish traditional mass media and emerging social media such as Youtube. Results show that Spanish public discourse on fracking technology includes the costs-benefits analysis to communicate how natural resources from local communities may be affected by these facilities due to environmental, health and economic consequences. Furthermore, this technology is represented as a solution to the "demand of energy" according to the optimistic discourse while, from a pessimistic view, fracking is often framed as a source "environmental problems" and even natural disasters as possible earthquakes. In this latter case, this negative representation could have been influenced by the closure of a macro project to store injected natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea using the old facilities of an oil exploitation in Amposta (Proyecto Cástor). The closure of this project was due to the occurrence of earthquakes whose intensity was higher than the originally expected by the experts in the assessment stage of the project.


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The relationship between the chemical composition and the multispectral reflectance values of chromite in the VNIR (Visible and Near-Infra-Red) realm is tested and mathematically analysed. Statisticaltools as Pearson's correlation coefficients, linear stepwise regression analysis and least-square adjustments are applied to two populations of data obtained from 14 selected samples 01 chromite multielemental microprobe analysis and multispectral reflectance values (400-1 000 nm). Results show that both data sets correlate, and suggest that the VNIR reflectance spectra can be used as a tool to determine the chemical composition of chromites.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el diseño y dimensionamiento del gasoducto de alimentación a la planta de producción de GNL del proyecto Gorgon LNG, el cual consiste en la explotación de varios yacimientos de gas natural offshore al oeste de Australia y la producción de GNL en la planta situada en la Isla Barrow. Se han considerado dos fases de desarrollo, una inicial con ocho pozos, y otra de madurez con doce. El dimensionamiento se ha realizado mediante simulaciones con el programa Aspen Hysys, mediante el cual se han obtenido los diámetros internos mínimos y los perfiles de presiones y temperaturas, así como el caudal de MEG requerido para evitar la formación de hidratos. Posteriormente, mediante cálculo matemático se ha calculado el espesor teniendo en cuenta las tensiones mecánicas a las que estará sometida la tubería. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados del cálculo técnico se ha realizado el estudio económico, estimando costes e ingresos, en el cual se ha realizado un estudio de la rentabilidad del proyecto y un análisis de sensibilidad, resultando un proyecto técnica y económicamente viable.


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Dentro de los artefactos explosivos improvisados (IEDs) se encuentran aquellos que generan proyectiles formados por explosión (EFPs) que alcanzan velocidades de vuelo superiores a los 1000 m/s y por tanto, poseen una gran capacidad de penetración sobre los blindajes y sistemas acorazados. Estos artefactos, son de uso común entre los grupos terroristas, insurgentes y organizaciones criminales en su lucha contra las fuerzas aliadas desplegadas en zonas de conflicto. El objeto del presente estudio es reproducir y entender el comportamiento de dichos IED-EFP capaces de generar tan desbastadores proyectiles, desde su inicio (formación del artefacto) hasta el momento del impacto en el objetivo pasando por las sucesivas fases de detonación, evolución y formación del frente de onda, incidencia de dicho frente de onda sobre el disco, como este involuciona hasta convertirse en un proyectil, vuelo del proyectil y su impacto final sobre el objetivo. Para ello, este artículo se centra en la descripción de los ensayos realizados, así como en la breve presentación de los modelos numéricos generados a raíz de dichos ensayos, y que describen de manera muy fiable todo el mencionado proceso. Este proyecto supone un importante avance en la lucha frente al terrorismo más "casero". Keywords: IED; EFP; Simulación numérica; Explosivos. 1. Introducción


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In this paper, a general vision of cogeneration penetration in the European Union is shown; after this, a case study is included, evaluating as a function of two factors (electricity and emission allowance prices) the suitability of installing, for an industry with a determined thermal demand, two different options. The first one is a gas turbine cogeneration plant generating steam through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The second one consists of installing a natural gas boiler for steam production covering the electricity demand from the grid. The CO2 emissions from both options are compared regarding different kinds of generation mixes from the electricity grid in the case of using the industrial boiler; taking into account the advantages of using biomass in relation to emissions, a last comparison has been carried out considering a biomass boiler instead of the natural gas boiler.