41 resultados para zero energy buildings


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Predictions about electric energy needs, based on current electric energy models, forecast that the global energy consumption on Earth for 2050 will double present rates. Using distributed procedures for control and integration, the expected needs can be halved. Therefore implementation of Smart Grids is necessary. Interaction between final consumers and utilities is a key factor of future Smart Grids. This interaction is aimed to reach efficient and responsible energy consumption. Energy Residential Gateways (ERG) are new in-building devices that will govern the communication between user and utility and will control electric loads. Utilities will offer new services empowering residential customers to lower their electric bill. Some of these services are Smart Metering, Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing. This paper presents a practical development of an ERG for residential buildings.


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In the present uncertain global context of reaching an equal social stability and steady thriving economy, power demand expected to grow and global electricity generation could nearly double from 2005 to 2030. Fossil fuels will remain a significant contribution on this energy mix up to 2050, with an expected part of around 70% of global and ca. 60% of European electricity generation. Coal will remain a key player. Hence, a direct effect on the considered CO2 emissions business-as-usual scenario is expected, forecasting three times the present CO2 concentration values up to 1,200ppm by the end of this century. Kyoto protocol was the first approach to take global responsibility onto CO2 emissions monitoring and cap targets by 2012 with reference to 1990. Some of principal CO2emitters did not ratify the reduction targets. Although USA and China spur are taking its own actions and parallel reduction measures. More efficient combustion processes comprising less fuel consuming, a significant contribution from the electricity generation sector to a CO2 dwindling concentration levels, might not be sufficient. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies have started to gain more importance from the beginning of the decade, with research and funds coming out to drive its come in useful. After first researching projects and initial scale testing, three principal capture processes came out available today with first figures showing up to 90% CO2 removal by its standard applications in coal fired power stations. Regarding last part of CO2 reduction chain, two options could be considered worthy, reusing (EOR & EGR) and storage. The study evaluates the state of the CO2 capture technology development, availability and investment cost of the different technologies, with few operation cost analysis possible at the time. Main findings and the abatement potential for coal applications are presented. DOE, NETL, MIT, European universities and research institutions, key technology enterprises and utilities, and key technology suppliers are the main sources of this study. A vision of the technology deployment is presented.


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This paper provides some results on the potential to minimize environmental impacts in residential buildings life cycle, through façade design strategies, analyzing also their impact on costs from a lifecycle perspective. On one hand, it assesses the environmental damage produced by the materials of the building envelope, and on the other, the benefits they offer in terms of habitability and liveability in the use phase. The analysis includes several design parameters used both for rehabilitation of existing facades, as for new facades, trying to cover various determinants and proposing project alternatives. With this study we intended to contribute to address the energy challenges for the coming years, trying also to propose pathways for innovative solutions for the building envelope.


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In Brazil, a low-latitude country characterized by its high availability and uniformity of solar radiation, the use of PV solar energy integrated in buildings is still incipient. However, at the moment there are several initiatives which give some hints that lead to think that there will be a change shortly. In countries where this technology is already a daily reality, such as Germany, Japan or Spain, the recommendations and basic criteria to avoid losses due to orientation and tilt are widespread. Extrapolating those measures used in high latitudes to all regions, without a previous deeper analysis, is standard practice. They do not always correspond to reality, what frequently leads to false assumptions and may become an obstacle in a country which is taking the first step in this area. In this paper, the solar potential yield for different surfaces in Brazilian cities (located at latitudes between 0° and 30°S) are analyzed with the aim of providing the necessary tools to evaluate the suitability of the buildings’ envelopes for photovoltaic use


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The end-notched flexure (ENF) test calculates the value of mode II fracture energy in adhesive bonding between the substrates of same nature. Traditional methods of calculating fracture energy in the ENF test are not suitable in cases where the thickness of the adhesive is non-negligible compared with adherent thicknesses. To address this issue, a specific methodology for calculating mode II fracture energy has been proposed in this paper. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the fracture energy was calculated by the ENF test for adhesive bonds between aluminium and a composite material, which considered two different types of adhesive (epoxy and polyurethane) and various surface treatments. The proposed calculation model provides higher values of fracture energy than those obtained from the simplified models that consider the adhesive thickness to be zero, supporting the conclusion that the calculation of mode II fracture energy for adhesives with non-negligible thickness relative to their adherents should be based on mathematical models, such as the method proposed in this paper, that incorporate the influence of this thickness.


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This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.


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Reducing energy consumption is one of the main challenges in most countries. For example, European Member States agreed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% in 2020 compared to 1990 levels (EC 2008). Considering each sector separately, ICTs account nowadays for 2% of total carbon emissions. This percentage will increase as the demand of communication services and applications steps up. At the same time, the expected evolution of ICT-based developments - smart buildings, smart grids and smart transportation systems among others - could result in the creation of energy-saving opportunities leading to global emission reductions (Labouze et al. 2008), although the amount of these savings is under debate (Falch 2010). The main development required in telecommunication networks ?one of the three major blocks of energy consumption in ICTs together with data centers and consumer equipment (Sutherland 2009) ? is the evolution of existing infrastructures into ultra-broadband networks, the so-called Next Generation Networks (NGN). Fourth generation (4G) mobile communications are the technology of choice to complete -or supplement- the ubiquitous deployment of NGN. The risk and opportunities involved in NGN roll-out are currently in the forefront of the economic and policy debate. However, the issue of which is the role of energy consumption in 4G networks seems absent, despite the fact that the economic impact of energy consumption arises as a key element in the cost analysis of this type of networks. Precisely, the aim of this research is to provide deeper insight on the energy consumption involved in the usage of a 4G network, its relationship with network main design features, and the general economic impact this would have in the capital and operational expenditures related with network deployment and usage.


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La hipótesis de esta tesis es: "La optimización de la ventana considerando simultáneamente aspectos energéticos y aspectos relativos a la calidad ambiental interior (confort higrotérmico, lumínico y acústico) es compatible, siempre que se conozcan y consideren las sinergias existentes entre ellos desde las primeras fases de diseño". En la actualidad se desconocen las implicaciones de muchas de las decisiones tomadas en torno a la ventana; para que su eficiencia en relación a todos los aspectos mencionados pueda hacerse efectiva es necesaria una herramienta que aporte más información de la actualmente disponible en el proceso de diseño, permitiendo así la optimización integral, en función de las circunstancias específicas de cada proyecto. En la fase inicial de esta investigación se realiza un primer acercamiento al tema, a través del estado del arte de la ventana; analizando la normativa existente, los componentes, las prestaciones, los elementos experimentales y la investigación. Se observa que, en ocasiones, altos requisitos de eficiencia energética pueden suponer una disminución de las prestaciones del sistema en relación con la calidad ambiental interior, por lo que surge el interés por integrar al análisis energético aspectos relativos a la calidad ambiental interior, como son las prestaciones lumínicas y acústicas y la renovación de aire. En este punto se detecta la necesidad de realizar un estudio integral que incorpore los distintos aspectos y evaluar las sinergias que se dan entre las distintas prestaciones que cumple la ventana. Además, del análisis de las soluciones innovadoras y experimentales se observa la dificultad de determinar en qué medida dichas soluciones son eficientes, ya que son soluciones complejas, no caracterizadas y que no están incorporadas en las metodologías de cálculo o en las bases de datos de los programas de simulación. Por lo tanto, se plantea una segunda necesidad, generar una metodología experimental para llevar a cabo la caracterización y el análisis de la eficiencia de sistemas innovadores. Para abordar esta doble necesidad se plantea la optimización mediante una evaluación del elemento acristalado que integre la eficiencia energética y la calidad ambiental interior, combinando la investigación teórica y la investigación experimental. En el ámbito teórico, se realizan simulaciones, cálculos y recopilación de información de distintas tipologías de hueco, en relación con cada prestación de forma independiente (acústica, iluminación, ventilación). A pesar de haber partido con un enfoque integrador, resulta difícil esa integración detectándose una carencia de herramientas disponible. En el ámbito experimental se desarrolla una metodología para la evaluación del rendimiento y de aspectos ambientales de aplicación a elementos innovadores de difícil valoración mediante la metodología teórica. Esta evaluación consiste en el análisis comparativo experimental entre el elemento innovador y un elemento estándar; para llevar a cabo este análisis se han diseñado dos espacios iguales, que denominamos módulos de experimentación, en los que se han incorporado los dos sistemas; estos espacios se han monitorizado, obteniéndose datos de consumo, temperatura, iluminancia y humedad relativa. Se ha realizado una medición durante un periodo de nueve meses y se han analizado y comparado los resultados, obteniendo así el comportamiento real del sistema. Tras el análisis teórico y el experimental, y como consecuencia de esa necesidad de integrar el conocimiento existente se propone una herramienta de evaluación integral del elemento acristalado. El desarrollo de esta herramienta se realiza en base al procedimiento de diagnóstico de calidad ambiental interior (CAI) de acuerdo con la norma UNE 171330 “Calidad ambiental en interiores”, incorporando el factor de eficiencia energética. De la primera parte del proceso, la parte teórica y el estado del arte, se obtendrán los parámetros que son determinantes y los valores de referencia de dichos parámetros. En base a los parámetros relevantes obtenidos se da forma a la herramienta, que consiste en un indicador de producto para ventanas que integra todos los factores analizados y que se desarrolla según la Norma UNE 21929 “Sostenibilidad en construcción de edificios. Indicadores de sostenibilidad”. ABSTRACT The hypothesis of this thesis is: "The optimization of windows considering energy and indoor environmental quality issues simultaneously (hydrothermal comfort, lighting comfort, and acoustic comfort) is compatible, provided that the synergies between these issues are known and considered from the early stages of design ". The implications of many of the decisions made on this item are currently unclear. So that savings can be made, an effective tool is needed to provide more information during the design process than the currently available, thus enabling optimization of the system according to the specific circumstances of each project. The initial phase deals with the study from an energy efficiency point of view, performing a qualitative and quantitative analysis of commercial, innovative and experimental windows. It is observed that sometimes, high-energy efficiency requirements may mean a reduction in the system's performance in relation to user comfort and health, that's why there is an interest in performing an integrated analysis of indoor environment aspects and energy efficiency. At this point a need for a comprehensive study incorporating the different aspects is detected, to evaluate the synergies that exist between the various benefits that meet the window. Moreover, from the analysis of experimental and innovative windows, a difficulty in establishing to what extent these solutions are efficient is observed; therefore, there is a need to generate a methodology for performing the analysis of the efficiency of the systems. Therefore, a second need arises, to generate an experimental methodology to perform characterization and analysis of the efficiency of innovative systems. To address this dual need, the optimization of windows by an integrated evaluation arises, considering energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality, combining theoretical and experimental research. In the theoretical field, simulations and calculations are performed; also information about the different aspects of indoor environment (acoustics, lighting, ventilation) is gathered independently. Despite having started with an integrative approach, this integration is difficult detecting lack available tools. In the experimental field, a methodology for evaluating energy efficiency and indoor environment quality is developed, to be implemented in innovative elements which are difficult to evaluate using a theoretical methodology This evaluation is an experimental comparative analysis between an innovative element and a standard element. To carry out this analysis, two equal spaces, called experimental cells, have been designed. These cells have been monitored, obtaining consumption, temperature, luminance and relative humidity data. Measurement has been performed during nine months and results have been analyzed and compared, obtaining results of actual system behavior. To advance this optimization, windows have been studied from the point of view of energy performance and performance in relation to user comfort and health: thermal comfort, acoustic comfort, lighting comfort and air quality; proposing the development of a methodology for an integrated analysis including energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. After theoretical and experimental analysis and as a result of the need to integrate existing knowledge, a comprehensive evaluation procedure for windows is proposed. This evaluation procedure is developed according to the UNE 171330 "Indoor Environmental Quality", also incorporating energy efficiency and cost as factors to evaluate. From the first part of the research process, outstanding parameters are chosen and reference values of these parameters are set. Finally, based on the parameters obtained, an indicator is proposed as windows product indicator. The indicator integrates all factors analyzed and is developed according to ISO 21929-1:2011"Sustainability in building construction. Sustainability indicators. Part 1: Framework for the development of indicators and a core set of indicators for buildings".


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Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.


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Reducing energy consumption and eliminating wastage are among the main goals of the European Union (EU) [2]. In order to satisfy all challenges arising from the Kyoto protocol, improving energy efficiency is a very important factor to take into account. There is significant potential for reducing consumption with cost-effective measures. Some studies show that 40% of our energy is consumed in buildings, and the EU has introduced legislation that aims to ensure that less energy is consumed in this way in the future.


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This theoretical study analyzes the relation between the measures necessesary for the energy retrofitting of a residential building constructed in Madrid, their cost and the improvement of the energy rating of the dwellings. The aim of this work is to establish an evaluation methodology that allows developers and architects to obtain conclusions and orientates therm in the decisioin-making process. It will allow finding the most suitable cost-effective solutions in each case. This paper describes the methodology and the findings obtained. Energy retrofitting and the improvement of the energy behaviour of the building depend on the selection of the retrofitting solutions and also on the investment. In this case study to achieve the best energy rates it is necessary to improve the thermal performance of the envelope as well as the energy systems. Energy retrofitting means an increase in property value but it can't only be considered in economic terms. It is necessary to take into account unquantifiable aspects as increased comfort, improved sound insulation, livability, health, or the elimination of energy poverty situations.


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Governments are working in new policies to slow down total energy consumption and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, promoting the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) in all countries. In order to facilitate this deployment and help to reduce the final costs of their batteries, additional utilization of EVs when those are parked has been proposed. EVs can be used to minimize the total electricity cost of buildings (named vehicle to building applications, V2B). In this paper an economic evaluation of EVs in the Building Energy Management System is shown. The optimal storage capacity and its equivalent number of EVs are determined. This value is then used for determining the optimal charging schedule to be applied to the batteries. From this schedule, the total expected profit is derived for the case of a real hotel in Spain.


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Solar Decathlon Europe is an international competition among universities which promotes interdisciplinary learning in engineering and architecture. Students from different disciplines participate in teams guided by several professors during a 29 month preparation period plus five weeks of on-site contest. The educational project involves designing, building and testing a solar energy house connected to the electrical grid with the strategy of maximizing self-consumption, supported by bioclimatic technologies and maintaining a low environmental footprint. It culminates in a on-site contest in which teams must assembly the house themselves, test it with ordinary real life tasks and finally disassembly it. The event has also a divulgative aim, trying to make students and visitors get interested in discovering the problems presented by real engineering and architecture applications. In addition, SDE covers R&D aspects in different fields such as energy efficiency, solar energy and bioclimatic architecture. This article presents the methodology followed during the SDE 2012 edition, in which more than 850 students participated. The obtained results show that the educational competition was a success according to the technical and professional ambitions of the students, most of them considering that their knowledge had increased in areas related to technical and multidisciplinary aspects.


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Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) is an international multidisciplinary competition in which 20 universityteams build and operate energy-efficient solar-powered houses. The aim of SDE is not only scientificbut also educational and divulgative, making visitors to understand the problems presented by realengineering applications and architecture. From a research perspective, the energy data gathered dur-ing the competition constitutes a very promising information for the analysis and understanding of thephotovoltaic systems, grid structures, energy balances and energy efficiency of the set of houses. Thisarticle focuses on the electrical energy components of SDE competition, the energy performance of thehouses and the strategies and behaviors followed by the teams. The rules evaluate the houses? electricalenergy self-sufficiency by looking at the electricity autonomy in terms of aggregated electrical energybalance; the temporary generation-consumption profile pattern correlation; and the use of electricityper measurable area. Although the houses are evaluated under the same climatological and consump-tion conditions, production results are very different due to the specific engineering solutions (differentelectrical topologies, presence or absence of batteries, diverse photovoltaic module solutions, etc.)


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La energía es ya un tema arquitectónico, pero su incorporación al proyecto ha sido hasta ahora fundamentalmente técnica, dando pie a una especie de funcionalismo ecológico cuyo destino es acaso repetir los errores de los viejos funcionalismos en su confianza de encontrar modos ‘objetivos’ de transmutar la energía en forma construida, pero sin que en tal proceso parezca haber hueco para mediaciones de tipo estético. Sin embargo, son precisamente tales mediaciones las que necesitan analizarse para que la adopción de los temas energéticos resulte fructífera en la arquitectura, y asimismo para dar cuenta de otras perspectivas complementarias —filosóficas, científicas, artísticas— que hoy forman el complejo campo semántico de la energía. Partiendo de la fecha de 1750 —que da comienzo simbólicamente al proceso de contaminaciones ‘modernas’ entre la arquitectura y otras disciplinas—, esta tesis analiza los diferentes modos con los que proyectos y edificios han expresado literal y analógicamente ciertos temas o ideales energéticos, demostrando la existencia de una ‘estética de la energía’ en la arquitectura y también de una tradición proyectual e intelectual sostenida en ella. Con este fin, se han seleccionados siete metáforas que vinculan tanto técnica como ideológicamente a la arquitectura con la energía: la metáfora de la máquina, asociada al ideal de movimiento y la autorregulación; las metáforas del arabesco, del cristal y del organismo, afines entre sí en su modo de dar cuenta del principio de la morfogénesis o energía creadora de la naturaleza; la metáfora de la actividad interna de los materiales; la metáfora del gradiente, que expresa la condición térmica y climática de la arquitectura, y, finalmente, la de la atmósfera que, recogiendo los sentidos anteriores, los actualiza en el contexto de la estética contemporánea. La selección de estas siete metáforas se ha llevado a cabo después de un barrido exhaustivo de la bibliografía precedente, y ha estructurado un relato cuyo método combina la perspectiva general —que permite cartografiar las continuidades históricas— con la cercana —que atiende a las problemas específicos de cada tema o metáfora—, complementándolas con una aproximación de sesgo iconográfico cuyo propósito es incidir en los vínculos que se dan entre lo ideológico y lo morfológico. El análisis ha puesto de manifiesto cómo detrás de cada una de estas metáforas se oculta un principio ideológico común —la justificación de la arquitectura desde planteamientos externos procedentes de la ciencia, la filosofía y el arte—, y cómo en cada uno de los casos estudiados las asimilaciones más fructíferas de la energía se han producido según mecanismos de mímesis analógica que inciden más en los procesos que en las formas que estos generan, y que en último término son de índole estética, lo cual constituye un indicio de los métodos de la arquitectura por venir. ABSTRACT Although it is already an architectural theme, the matter of incorporating energy into projects has up to now been mainly technical, giving rise to a kind of ecological functionalism which may be bound to old funcionalist mistakes in hopes of finding “objective” ways of transmuting energy into built forms without aesthetic considerations. However, it is precisely such considerations that need to be analyzed if the adoption of energy issues in architecture is to bear fruit and also to account for other complementary perspectives – philosophical, scientific, artistic – which today form the complex fabric of the energy semantic field. Beginning in 1750 – symbolic start of ‘modern’ contaminations between architecture and other disciplines –, this thesis analyzes the different ways in which projects and buildings have literally and analogically expressed certain subjects or ideals on energy, and demonstrates the existence of an “aesthetics of energy” in architecture, as well as of an intellectual and design tradition based on such aesthetics. For this purpose, seven metaphors are selected to link energy to architecture both technically and ideologically: the machine’s metaphor, associated with the ideal of mouvement and self-regulation; the arabesque, glass and the organism’s metaphors, which account for the morphogenesis principle, i.e. creative energy of nature; the metaphor linked to matter and the ideal of internal activity; the gradient’s metaphor, which expressed the thermal and climatic condition of architecture, and, finally, that of the atmosphere which, collecting the above meanings, updates them in the context of contemporary aesthetics. The selection of these seven metaphors was carried out after a thorough scan of the preceding literature, and has structured a reasoning that combines the overview method – which accounts for historical continuities – with the nearby one – which meets the specifics problems of each theme or metaphor –, both supplemented with an iconographic bias, the purpose of which is to visually express the links existing between the ideological and the morphological. So presented, the analysis shows how, behind each of these metaphors, lies a common ideological principle – the justification of architecture from scientific, philosophical and artistic “external” angles –, and how in each of the studied cases the most successful assimilation of energy were those produced by aesthetic mechanisms of analogical mimesis not focused in forms but in processes that generate them: an indication of the methods of architecture to come.