36 resultados para ultrasonic nebuliser


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Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assessed


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Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio de algunas técnicas no destructivas para la clasificación de madera de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) de procedencia española y de gruesa escuadría para uso estructural. Para la estimación del módulo de elasticidad y de la resistencia se han aplicado técnicas basadas en la propagación de una onda a través de la madera: onda de ultrasonidos (Sylvatest) o de impacto (Microsecond Timer) en dirección longitudinal, o vibración en dirección longitudinal y transversal (PLG). Para la estimación de la densidad se han utilizado métodos puntuales basados en el penetrómetro (Pilodyn) y en la resistencia al arranque de un tornillo. Las variables obtenidas han sido relacionadas con los resultados de la clasificación visual y con las propiedades de la madera determinadas mediante ensayo mecánico. Además, se ha estudiado la influencia de la humedad de la madera en la velocidad de propagación de la onda para definir factores de corrección a los equipos comerciales utilizados en esta Tesis Doctoral. La muestra de estudio está formada por 244 piezas procedentes de El Espinar, Segovia, con dimensiones nominales 150 x 200 x 4000 mm (218 piezas) y 100 x 150 x 3000 mm (26 piezas). De todas las piezas se tomaron datos de dimensiones, contenido de humedad y clasificación visual según la norma UNE 56544. En las primeras 218 vigas se aplicaron las técnicas de ultrasonidos, onda de impacto y vibraciones, se determinó la densidad de cada pieza completa y se ensayaron según la norma UNE-EN 408 para obtener el módulo de elasticidad global (en todos los casos) y local (en un porcentaje), así como de la tensión de rotura. Se extrajeron tres rebanadas para los ensayos puntuales y para el cálculo de la densidad. En las otras 26 piezas se repitieron los ensayos (transmisión de onda, vibración y clasificación visual) durante el proceso de secado natural, desde que la madera se encontraba húmeda (en torno al 40 %) hasta la humedad de equilibrio higroscópico (en torno al 9%). Respecto a la clasificación visual no se han observado diferencias significativas entre la calidad MEG o las rechazadas. Se han estudiado las consecuencias del secado (principalmente las deformaciones) y no se ha encontrado justificación para que estos defectos penalicen la clasificación. Para la densidad, el mayor R2 obtenido ha sido de un 47% a partir del uso combinado de los dos equipos puntuales (penetrómetro y arranque de tornillo). Para el módulo de elasticidad y la tensión de rotura, la mejor relación se ha obtenido a partir de la técnica de vibración longitudinal, con unos coeficientes de 79% y un 52% respectivamente. Se ha estimado que el aumento de un punto porcentual en el contenido de humedad de la madera produce una pérdida de velocidad de onda del 0,58% para Sylvatest y Microsecond Timer, y del 0,71% para PLG. Estos valores son generalizables para un rango de humedades entre 9 y 25 %. Abstract This Doctoral Thesis approach the study of some non-destructive techniques as a classification method for structural use of Scots pine wood of Spanish origin with large cross section. To estimate the modulus of elasticity and strength have been used techniques based on the propagation of a wave through the timber: ultrasonic wave (Sylvatest) or stress wave (Microsecond Timer) in longitudinal direction, or vibration in longitudinal and transversal direction (PLG). Local probing methods have been applied to estimate the density, based on penetrometer (Pilodyn) and the screw withdrawal resistance meter. The different variables obtained were compared with the results of the visual grading and the values of the properties of the wood determined by the standardized test of the pieces. Furthermore, the influence of the moisture content of the wood on the velocity of propagation of the waves through the timber has been analyzed in order to establish a correction factor for the commercial devices used in this Doctoral Thesis. The sample tested consists of 244 pieces from El Espinar, Segovia, with nominal dimensions 150 x 200 x 4000 mm (218 pieces) and 100 x 150 x 3000 mm (26 pieces). Data collection about dimensions, moisture content and visual grading according to the UNE 56544 standard were carried out on all the pieces. The first 218 pieces were tested by non destructive techniques based on ultrasonic wave, stress wave and vibration, the density was measured on each piece and bending test according to the UNE-EN 408 standard was carried out for calculating the global modulus of elasticity (all the pieces) and the local one (only a representative group), as well as the bending strength. Three slices were removed for implementing the local probing and to calculate the density. In the other 26 pieces the tests (wave transmission, vibration and visual grading) were repeated during the natural drying process, from wet timber (around 40 % moisture content) up to the equilibrium moisture content (around 9%). Regarding the visual grading no significant differences were observed between MEG or rejected pieces. The effects of drying (deformations) have been studied, and justification for the specification hasn't been found. To estimate the density, the greater R2 obtained was 47% by using both penetrometer and screw withdrawal. For the modulus of elasticity and bending strength, the best relationship has been found with the longitudinal vibration, with coefficients of 79% and 52% respectively. It has been estimated that an increase of a point of the moisture content of the wood produces a decrease on the velocity obtained from ultrasonic or stress wave of 0,58%, and 0,71 % for the one obtained from vibration. Those values can be generalized for a range of moisture content from 9 to 25 %.


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This article presents research focused on tracking manual tasks that are applied in cognitive rehabilitation so as to analyze the movements of patients who suffer from Apraxia and Action Disorganization Syndrome (AADS). This kind of patients find executing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) too difficult due to the loss of memory and capacity to carry out sequential tasks or the impossibility of associating different objects with their functions. This contribution is developed from the work of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Technical University of Munich in collaboration with The University of Birmingham. The KinectTM for Windows© device is used for this purpose. The data collected is compared to an ultrasonic motion capture system. The results indicate a moderate to strong correlation between signals. They also verify that KinectTM is very suitable and inexpensive. Moreover, it turns out to be a motion-capture system quite easy to implement for kinematics analysis in ADL.


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The study of the cross-talk and its effects in the performance of a matrix array of piezoelectric elements is an important issue. This corresponds to the study of the cross mode of vibration of each one of the piezoelectric elements that form the ultrasonic array. The aim is to detect and measure the cross-talk that is generated for the cross mode of vibration. In order to accomplish this task, an array of 2x3 elements was designed and developed. This was constructed using 8 MHz piezoelectric ceramics. A number of configurations have been experimented, considering the excitation of an increasing number of elements, in order to detect and measure the propagation of wave interference. Initial results show the way cross-talk interferes the beam generated by the array, this causing attenuation of the main beam and other negative effects.


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A measurement investigation, at ADIF's test site at the O Eixo viaduct which is on the Spanish Santiago-Ourense high speed railway line, has been carried out during the last year. The main goal of the investigation is to study the effect of the cross-wind on railway overheads (catenaries) and the influence of the presence of windbreaks on the wind-induced motion of the railway overhead. A description of the O Eixo viaduct test site is presented in this paper, including the installed windbreaks, the sensor and power supply systems. Three catenary spans has been instrumented at the center point of the catenary span contact wire with one ultrasonic anemometer and two unidirectional accelerometers. Additionally, another ultrasonic anemometer placed in the central catenary span has been installed to provide reference wind data. Wind roses of wind speed and standard deviation of the accelerometers are presented. As expected, the four wind roses look very similar and the two dominant directions close to the perpendicular to the bridge longitudinal axes, north and south have been identified. The wind roses of the standard deviation of the acceleration shows that the acceleration of the catenary contact wire is related to the directions of the two dominant winds. The vertical standard deviation of the acceleration is higher than the horizontal one for the spans with windbreaks. It has also been observed that the presence of the windbreaks modifies the wind flow leading to a wind-induced motion of the catenary contact wire which shows a higher variability than the corresponding unprotected case. On the one hand, the baseline southerly wind configuration (south wind, windbreaks in the windward side and catenary in the leeward side) influence both the mean speed at the catenary and the turbulence intensity. On the other hand, the northerly wind configuration, windbreaks in the leeward side and catenary in the windward side, provide a reference to the response of the catenary for an unprotected railway overhead, and, as it is expected, the windbreak influence is much more reduced compared to the southerly wind configuration. Both the height of the windbreak and the eaves contribute to the increase in the turbulence intensity at the catenary contact wire height. It can be seen that the height of the windbreak plays a crucial role in the increase of turbulence intensity, much more intense than the presence of the windbreak eave.


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Se ha desarrollado un sistema electrónico computerizado, portátil y de bajo consumo, denominado Medidor de Velocidad de Vehículos por Ultrasonidos de Alta Exactitud, VUAE. La alta exactitud de la medida conseguida en el VUAE hace que pueda servir de medida de referencia de la velocidad de un vehículo circulando en carretera. Por tanto el VUAE puede usarse como medida de referencia que permita estimar el error de los cinemómetros comerciales. El VUAE está compuesto por n (n≥2) parejas de emisores y receptores piezoeléctricos de ultrasonidos, denominados E-Rult. Los emisores de las n parejas E-Rult generan n barreras de ultrasonidos, y los receptores piezoeléctricos captan la señal de los ecos cuando el vehículo atraviesa las barreras. Estos ecos se procesan digitalmente para conseguir señales representativas. Posteriormente, utilizando la técnica de la correlación cruzada de señales, se ha podido estimar con alta exactitud la diferencia de tiempos entre los ecos captados en cada barrera. Con los tiempos entre ecos y con la distancia entre cada una de las n barreras de ultrasonidos se puede realizar una estimación de la velocidad del vehículo con alta exactitud. El VUAE se ha contrastado con un sistema de velocidad de referencia, basado en cables piezoeléctricos. ABSTRACT We have developed a portable computerized and low consumption, our system is called High Accuracy Piezoelectric Kinemometer measurement, herein VUAE. By the high accuracy obtained by VUAE it make able to use the VUAE to obtain references measurements of system for measuring Speeds in Vehicles. Therefore VUAE could be used how reference equipment to estimate the error of installed kinemometers. The VUAE was created with n (n≥2) pairs of ultrasonic transmitter-receiver, herein E-Rult. The transmitters used in the n couples E-Rult generate n ultrasonic barriers and receivers receive the echoes when the vehicle crosses the barriers. Digital processing of the echoes signals let us to obtain acceptable signals. Later, by mean of cross correlation technics is possible make a highly exact estimation of speed of the vehicle. The log of the moments of interception and the distance between each of the n ultrasounds allows for a highly exact estimation of speed of the vehicle. VUAE speed measurements were compared to a speed reference system based on piezoelectric cables.


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In order to reduce cost and make up for the rising price of silicon, silicon wafers are sliced thinner and wider,eading to weaker wafers and increased breakage rates during fabrication process. In this work we have analysed different cracks origins and their effect on wafer’s mechanical strength. To enhance wafer’s strength some etching methods have been tested. Also, we have analysed wafers from different points of an entire standard production process. Mechanical strength of the wafers has been obtained via the four line bending test and detection of cracks has been tested with Resonance Ultrasonic Vibration (RUV) system, developed by the University of South Florida.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de un controlador MIDI económico que haga uso de la tecnología actual, y partiendo de la idea del instrumento clásico, el Theremin, desarrollado por Lev Serguéievich Termen. Para ello se ha dividido el proyecto en dos principales bloques, el primero, hardware y el segundo, software. En la parte del hardware, se explica cual ha sido la razón de la utilización del microprocesador Arduino Uno, sus características técnicas y el uso de sensores de ultrasonido, ya que proporcionan la característica de poder interactuar con el controlador a través de gestos con las manos, al igual que un Theremin clásico. Se explica el montaje de los dispositivos que conforman el controlador, así como la mejora realizada, con la utilización de 4 de estos sensores, para dar más capacidades de interactuación con el controlador MIDI. También se ve en ese apartado, como se programa la tarjeta de Arduino, para que se encargue de realizar medidas con los sensores y enviarlas por el puerto serial USB. En el apartado del software se da una introducción al entorno de programación Max/MSP. Se ve el plug in desarrollado con este lenguaje, para poder comunicar el controlador MIDI con un software de audio profesional (Ableton Live) y se explica con detalle los bloques que conforman el plug in de control de sensores y como es transformada la información que entrega el microprocesador Arduino por el puerto USB, en datos MIDI. También, se da una explicación sobre el manejo correcto del controlador a la hora de mover las manos sobre los sensores y de donde situar el instrumento para que no se produzcan problemas de interferencias con las señales que envían los ultrasonidos. Además, se proporciona un presupuesto del coste de los materiales, y otro del coste del desarrollo realizado por el ingeniero. ABSTRACT The aim of this Project is the creation of an economical MIDI controller that uses nowadays technology and that is based on the idea of the Theremin, a classical instrument conceived by Lev Serguéievich Termen. In order to accomplish this, the project has been divided into two sections: hardware and software. The hardware section explains why the microprocessor Arduino Uno has been chosen, sets out its technical specifications and the use of ultrasonic sensors. These sensors enable the user to interact with the controller through hand gestures like the Theremin. The assembly of the devices is exposed as well as the improvements made with the use of four of these sensors to offer more interactive capabilities with the MIDI controller. The Arduino singleboard programming that performs the measurements with the sensors and sends these measurements through the USB serial port is also explained here. The software section introduces Max/MSP programming environment as well as the plug in developed with this language that connects the MIDI controller with professional audio software (Ableton Live). The blocks that build the sensor controller plug in are explained in detail along with the way the Arduino delivers the information through the USB port into MIDI data. In addition, an explanation of the correct handling of the MIDI controller is given focusing on how the user should move his hands above the sensors and where to place the instrument to avoid interference problems with the signals sent. Also, a cost estimation of both materials and engineering is provided.


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Visually impaired people have many difficulties when traveling because it is impossible for them to detect obstacles that stand in their way. Bats instead of using the sight to detect these obstacles use a method based on ultrasounds, as their sense of hearing is much more developed than that of sight. The aim of the project is to design and build a device based on the method used by the bats to detect obstacles and transmit this information to people with vision problems to improve their skills. The method involves sending ultrasonic waves and analyzing the echoes produced when these waves collide with an obstacle. The sent signals are pulses and the information needed is the time elapsed from we send a pulse to receive the echo produced. The speed of sound is fixed within the same environment, so measuring the time it takes the wave to make the return trip, we can easily know the distance where the object is located. To build the device we have to design the necessary circuits, fabricate printed circuit boards and mount the components. We also have to design a program that would work within the digital part, which will be responsible for performing distance calculations and generate the signals with the information for the user. The circuits are the emitter and the receiver. The transmitter circuit is responsible for generating the signals that we will use. We use an ultrasonic transmitter which operates at 40 kHz so the sent pulses have to be modulated with this frequency. For this we generate a 40 kHz wave with an astable multivibrator formed by NAND gates and a train of pulses with a timer. The signal is the product of these two signals. The circuit of the receiver is a signal conditioner which transforms the signals received by the ultrasonic receiver in square pulses. The received signals have a 40 kHz carrier, low voltage and very different shapes. In the signal conditioner we will amplify the voltage to appropriate levels, eliminate the component of 40 kHz and make the shape of the pulses square to use them digitally. To simplify the design and manufacturing process in the digital part of the device we will use the Arduino platform. The pulses sent and received echoes enter through input pins with suitable voltage levels. In the Arduino, our program will poll these two signals storing the time when a pulse occurs. These time values are analyzed and used to generate an audible signal with the user information. This information is stored in the frequency of the signal, so that the generated signal frequency varies depending on the distance at which the objects are. RESUMEN Las personas con discapacidad visual tienen muchas dificultades a la hora de desplazarse ya que les es imposible poder detectar los obstáculos que se interpongan en su camino. Los murciélagos en vez de usar la vista para detectar estos obstáculos utilizan un método basado en ultrasonidos, ya que su sentido del oído está mucho más desarrollado que el de la vista. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y construir un dispositivo basado en el método usado por los murciélagos para detectar obstáculos y que pueda ser usado por las personas con problemas en la vista para mejorar sus capacidades. El método utilizado consiste en enviar ondas de ultrasonidos y analizar el eco producido cuando estas ondas chocan con algún obstáculo. Las señales enviadas tendrán forma de pulsos y la información necesaria es el tiempo transcurrido entre que enviamos un pulso y recibimos el eco producido. La velocidad del sonido es fija dentro de un mismo entorno, por lo que midiendo el tiempo que tarda la onda en hacer el viaje de ida y vuelta podemos fácilmente conocer la distancia a la que se encuentra el objeto. Para construir el dispositivo tendremos que diseñar los circuitos necesarios, fabricar las placas de circuito impreso y montar los componentes. También deberemos diseñar el programa que funcionara dentro de la parte digital, que será el encargado de realizar los cálculos de la distancia y de generar las señales con la información para el usuario. Los circuitos diseñados corresponden uno al emisor y otro al receptor. El circuito emisor es el encargado de generar las señales que vamos a emitir. Vamos a usar un emisor de ultrasonidos que funciona a 40 kHz por lo que los pulsos que enviemos van a tener que estar modulados con esta frecuencia. Para ello generamos una onda de 40 kHz mediante un multivibrador aestable formado por puertas NAND y un tren de pulsos con un timer. La señal enviada es el producto de estas dos señales. El circuito de la parte del receptor es un acondicionador de señal que transforma las señales recibidas por el receptor de ultrasonidos en pulsos cuadrados. Las señales recibidas tienen una portadora de 40 kHz para poder usarlas con el receptor de ultrasonidos, bajo voltaje y formas muy diversas. En el acondicionador de señal amplificaremos el voltaje a niveles adecuados además de eliminar la componente de 40 kHz y conseguir pulsos cuadrados que podamos usar de forma digital. Para simplificar el proceso de diseño y fabricación en la parte digital del dispositivo usaremos la plataforma Arduino. Las señales correspondientes el envío de los pulsos y a la recepción de los ecos entraran por pines de entrada después de haber adaptado los niveles de voltaje. En el Arduino, nuestro programa sondeara estas dos señales almacenando el tiempo en el que se produce un pulso. Estos valores de tiempo se analizan y se usan para generar una señal audible con la información para el usuario. Esta información ira almacenada en la frecuencia de la señal, por lo que la señal generada variará su frecuencia en función de la distancia a la que se encuentren los objetos.


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This article describes the simulation and characterization of an ultrasonic transducer using a new material called Rexolite to be used as a matching element. This transducer was simulated using a commercial piezoelectric ceramic PIC255 at 8 MHz. Rexolite, the new material, presents an excellent acoustic matching, specially in terms of the acoustic impedance of water. Finite elements simulations were used in this work. Rexolite was considered as a suitable material in the construction of the transducer due to its malleability and acoustic properties, to validate the simulations a prototype transducer was constructed. Experimental measurements were used to determine the resonance frequency of the prototype transducer. Simulated and experimental results were very similar showing that Rexolite may be an excellent matching, particularly for medical applications.


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El propósito de este proyecto de �fin de carrera es la caracterización e instrumentación de un sensor de ultrasonidos modelado por el tutor de este proyecto: Don César Briso Rodrí��guez. Una vez realizado el modelado de dicho sensor, simulando tanto sus caracter�í�sticas f�í�sicas, como sus caracterí��sticas eléctricas, se procede a la intrumentación y uso del mismo. La parte de intrumentaci�ón incluye tanto la electrónica que ser��á necesaria para la excitación del piezoeléctrico, en el modo de emisi�ón, como para la recepción de los pulsos el�éctricos generados por el sensor, como respuesta a los ecos recibidos, y su adecuación a niveles de señal correctos para la adquisici�ón, en el modo de escucha. Tras la adecuaci�ón de las señales para la adquisici�ón, éstas ser�án digitalizadas, tratadas y representadas por pantalla en un PC, a trav�es de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos por puerto USB encargada del muestreo de las señales de respuesta ya tratadas y su posterior enví��o al software de control y representaci�ón desarrollado en este proyecto. El entorno de usuario, el software de control de la tarjeta de adquisición y el software de tratamiento y representaci�ón se ha desarrollado con Visual Basic 2008 y las utilidades gr�áfi�cas de las librer��ías OpenGL. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to limit the characterization and implementation of an ultrasonic sensor modeled by Mr. C�ésar Briso Rodr��íguez. Once the sensor modeling by simulating physical characteristics and electrical characteristics, we proceed to the instrumentation and use. This section includes electronic instrumentation that would be necessary for the piezoelectric excitation in the emission mode and for receiving electrical pulses generated by the sensor in response to the received echoes, and matching signal levels right to acquire, in the reception mode. After the adjustment of the signals for the acquisition, these signals will be digitalized, processed and represented on the screen on a PC through a data acquisition card by USB port. Acquisition card is able to sample the response signals and transmit the samples to representation and control software developed in this project. The user interface, the acquisition card control software and processing and representation software has been developed with Visual Basic 2008 and OpenGL graphical libraries.


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Good results evaluating material properties using non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques have been achieved for decades. Several studies to understand the influence of temperature and moisture content on NDT have concluded different effects. In this study, NDT parameters were measured on the principal structural Spanish sawn timber species, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). NDT were conducted on 216 specimens of nominal dimensions 20 by 20 by 400 mm. Specimens were divided into several groups and studied at six different temperatures and four different moisture contents. Commercial equipment and techniques applied were Sylvatest Duo (ultrasonic wave technique), Steinkamp BPV (ultrasonic wave technique), and Grindo Sonic Mk5 "Industrial" (vibration analysis technique). Differences in NDT values within specimens at different temperatures and moisture contents were obtained. Main results of this study and relationships that describe changes in NDT values by effect of temperature and moisture content are presented.


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El presente trabajo de tesis investiga el efecto del fenómeno conocido como “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración, en la respuesta de un transductor ultrasónico formado por un arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos tipo PZT (Zircanato Titanato de Plomo), la investigación se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la naturaleza física de este efecto, así como de los parámetros asociados al mismo, así como un análisis del efecto del “Cross-talk” en la respuesta del transductor, formado por arreglos de elementos piezoeléctricos. Diversas investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y de sus efectos en la respuesta de los transductores, estos se han enfocado principalmente al modo espesor (thickness) de vibración. Sin embargo no ha habido un estudio a fondo para el estudio de este fenómeno en el modo lateral de vibración tema de interés de este trabajo de tesis. Este trabajo incluye simulaciones del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF), así como la construcción de un transductor tipo matricial (arrray) de 2x3 elementos, en el que fueron realizadas las mediciones físicas del fenómeno. El trabajo abarca un estudio comparativo entre las simulaciones y las mediciones realizadas en el transductor, considerando que las cerámicas del transductor están montadas sobre diferentes materiales (backing) en donde la propagación de la energía emitida por las cerámicas piezoeléctricas provoca un mayor o menor grado de “Cross-talk” dependiendo de la velocidad en que se propaga dicha energía. Esta investigación también llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto del “Cross-talk” en el patrón de radiación que emite el arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos, siendo este patrón de radiación un factor importante en la respuesta del transductor, motivo por el cual se realizó un análisis de cómo se ve afectado este patrón bajo la influencia del fenómeno del “Cross-talk”. Como ya se mencionó debido a la falta de un estudio a profundidad del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” en el modo lateral, la contribución del presente trabajo es importante ya que se enfoca al modo lateral de vibración de los elementos piezoeléctricos del arreglo. En particular se desarrollo una ecuación que permite cuantificar el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y visualizar sus efectos en el arreglo. Derivando de este estudio se concluye que el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración tiene un efecto significativo en la respuesta de los diferentes transductores matriciales considerados. ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the effect of the phenomenon known as crosstalk from the point of view of its physical nature and the elements that lead to the formation of this phenomenon to an analysis of how it may affect the performance of the ultrasonic transducer. This phenomenon occurs primarily in matrix arrays and this phenomenon is magnified by certain factors causing serious problems in the performance of a transducer. Researchers have addressed the phenomenon of crosstalk and their effects on the response of these transducers. They have mainly focused in the thickness vibration mode, and there has been no comprehensive study of this phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, issue of interest of this thesis. This work includes simulations of the crosstalk phenomenon using the finite element method (FEM), and the construction of a matrix type transducer (array) of 2x3 elements, in which physical measurements were made. The work includes a comparative study between simulations and measurements in the transducer, whereas the ceramic transducer are mounted on different materials (backing) where the spread of the energy emitted by the piezoelectric ceramic causes a greater or lesser degree of crosstalk depending on the speed at which this energy spreads. This research also carried out the study of the effect of the crosstalk in the radiation pattern emitted by the piezoelectric array. The radiation pattern is an important factor in the response of the transducer that is why we conducted an analysis of how this pattern is affected under the influence of the crosstalk phenomenon. As mentioned before because of the lack of an in-depth study of the crosstalk phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, the contribution of this work is important because it focuses in this vibration mode of the piezoelectric elements in the array. In particular, an equation was developed to quantify the crosstalk phenomenon and to see its effects in the array. Deriving from this study it is possible to conclude that the crosstalk phenomenon generated by the lateral vibration mode has a significant effect on the response of the different matrix transducers considered in this work.


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When aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods are irradiated with a pulsing laser (808 nm), pressure waves appear even at low frequencies (pulse repetition rate of 25 kHz). We found that the pressure wave amplitude depends on the dynamics of the phenomenon. For fixed concentration and average laser current intensity, the amplitude of the pressure waves shows a trend of increasing with the pulse slope and the pulse maximum amplitude.We postulate that the detected ultrasonic pressure waves are a sort of shock waves that would be generated at the beginning of each pulse, because the pressure wave amplitude would be the result of the positive interference of all the individual shock waves.


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La calidad del hormigón prefabricado se determina mediante ensayos de rotura a compresión en probetas transcurridos los 28 días de curado, según establece la EHE-08. Sin embargo, en la plantas de prefabricados es necesario además saber cuándo el hormigón está listo para ser procesado (destensado, cortado, trasladado), por lo que es necesario hacer ensayos de resistencia a la compresión entre las 48 y 72 horas, este tiempo se determina a partir de la experiencia previa adquirida y depende de las condiciones de cada planta. Si las probetas no han alcanzado el valor establecido, normalmente debido a un cambio en las condiciones climatológicas o en los materiales utilizados como el tipo de cemento o agregados, la solución adoptada suele ser dejar curar el material más horas en la pista para que alcance la resistencia necesaria para ser procesado. Si sigue sin alcanzarla, lo cual sucede muy ocasionalmente, se intenta analizar cuál ha sido el motivo, pudiéndose tirar toda la producción de ese día si se comprueba que ha sido un fallo en la fabricación de la línea, y no un fallo de la probeta. Por tanto, esta metodología de control de calidad, basada en técnicas destructivas, supone dos tipos de problemas, costes y representatividad. Los métodos no destructivos que más se han aplicado para caracterizar el proceso de curado del hormigón son los ultrasónicos y la medida de la temperatura como se recoge en la bibliografía consultada. Hay diferentes modelos que permiten establecer una relación entre la temperatura y el tiempo de curado para estimar la resistencia a compresión del material, y entre la velocidad de propagación ultrasónica y la resistencia. Aunque estas relaciones no son generales, se han obtenido muy buenos resultados, ejemplo de ello es el modelo basado en la temperatura, Maturity Method, que forma parte de la norma de la ASTM C 1074 y en el mercado hay disponibles equipos comerciales (maturity meters) para medir el curado del hormigón. Además, es posible diseñar sistemas de medida de estos dos parámetros económicos y robustos; por lo cual es viable la realización de una metodología para el control de calidad del curado que pueda ser implantado en las plantas de producción de prefabricado. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una metodología que permite estimar la resistencia a la compresión del hormigón durante el curado, la cual consta de un procedimiento para el control de calidad del prefabricado y un sistema inalámbrico de sensores para la medida de la temperatura y la velocidad ultrasónica. El procedimiento para el control de calidad permite realizar una predicción de la resistencia a compresión a partir de un modelo basado en la temperatura de curado y otros dos basados en la velocidad, método de tiempo equivalente y método lineal. El sistema inalámbrico de sensores desarrollado, WilTempUS, integra en el mismo dispositivo sensores de temperatura, humedad relativa y ultrasonidos. La validación experimental se ha realizado mediante monitorizaciones en probetas y en las líneas de prefabricados. Los resultados obtenidos con los modelos de estimación y el sistema de medida desarrollado muestran que es posible predecir la resistencia en prefabricados de hormigón en planta con errores comparables a los aceptables por norma en los ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas. ABSTRACT Precast concrete quality is determined by compression tests breakage on specimens after 28 days of curing, as established EHE-08. However, in the precast plants is also necessary to know when the concrete is ready to be processed (slack, cut, moved), so it is necessary to test the compressive strength between 48 and 72 hours. This time is determined from prior experience and depends on the conditions of each plant. If the samples have not reached the set value, usually due to changes in the weather conditions or in the materials used as for example the type of cement or aggregates, the solution usually adopted is to cure the material on track during more time to reach the required strength for processing. If the material still does not reach this strength, which happens very occasionally, the reason of this behavior is analyzed , being able to throw the entire production of that day if there was a failure in the manufacturing line, not a failure of the specimen. Therefore, this method of quality control, using destructive techniques, involves two kinds of problems, costs and representativeness. The most used non-destructive methods to characterize the curing process of concrete are those based on ultrasonic and temperature measurement as stated in the literature. There are different models to establish a relationship between temperature and the curing time to estimate the compressive strength of the material, and between the ultrasonic propagation velocity and the compressive strength. Although these relationships are not general, they have been very successful, for example the Maturity Method is based on the temperature measurements. This method is part of the standards established in ASTM C 1074 and there are commercial equipments available (maturity meters) in the market to measure the concrete curing. Furthermore, it is possible to design inexpensive and robust systems to measure ultrasounds and temperature. Therefore is feasible to determine a method for quality control of curing to be implanted in the precast production plants. In this work, it has been developed a methodology which allows to estimate the compressive strength of concrete during its curing process. This methodology consists of a procedure for quality control of the precast concrete and a wireless sensor network to measure the temperature and ultrasonic velocity. The procedure for quality control allows to predict the compressive strength using a model based on the curing temperature and two other models based on ultrasonic velocity, the equivalent time method and the lineal one. The wireless sensor network, WilTempUS, integrates is the same device temperature, relative humidity and ultrasonic sensors. The experimental validation has been carried out in cubic specimens and in the production plants. The results obtained with the estimation models and the measurement system developed in this thesis show that it is possible to predict the strength in precast concrete plants with errors within the limits of the standards for testing compressive strength specimens.