39 resultados para tactical voting
This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. A summary of the main criticisms of electronic voting is presented to disclose that the most relevant voting schemes only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. Nevertheless in these proposals important aspects such individual and global verification are not properly undertaken. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these mentioned problems.
Este artículo presenta los aspectos más relevantes del trabajo realizado por los autores dentro del proyecto VOTESCRIPT (TIC2000-1630-C02). El objetivo principal de este proyecto fue el análisis, definición e implementación de un sistema que abarcara todas las fases y elementos existentes en un proceso de votación electrónica sobre redes de ordenadores. El artículo incluye las soluciones propuestas dentro del proyecto. This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system, which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these problems.
This paper present a preliminary analysis of electronic voting schemes and the requirements of Electronic Democracy as a part of the work carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). A summary of the most relevant experiences on this field are discussed and a basic classification of them is pointed out, according to different degrees on process computerization. As it is shown, most of them only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. A citizen-base bottom-up perspective is proposed to analyze the implementation of electronic voting systems in order to avoid citizen rejection. The paper also hallmarks the new technical possibilities created to be applied to the development of citizen?s right realm. Further than conventional voting schemes, the paper proposes the use of advanced security services to extend conceptualization of Electronic Democracy in which citizens have a key role on decision making processes.
Como en todos los medios de transporte, la seguridad en los viajes en avión es de primordial importancia. Con los aumentos de tráfico aéreo previstos en Europa para la próxima década, es evidente que el riesgo de accidentes necesita ser evaluado y monitorizado cuidadosamente de forma continúa. La Tesis presente tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión exhaustivo como método para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en ruta del espacio aéreo europeo, considerando todos los factores de influencia. La mayor limitación en el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas de monitorización adecuadas para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en espacios de ruta europeos, donde los controladores aéreos monitorizan el tráfico aéreo mediante la vigilancia radar y proporcionan instrucciones tácticas a las aeronaves, reside en la estimación del riesgo operacional. Hoy en día, la estimación del riesgo operacional está basada normalmente en reportes de incidentes proporcionados por el proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP). Esta Tesis propone un nuevo e innovador enfoque para evaluar el nivel de seguridad basado exclusivamente en el procesamiento y análisis trazas radar. La metodología propuesta ha sido diseñada para complementar la información recogida en las bases de datos de accidentes e incidentes, mediante la provisión de información robusta de los factores de tráfico aéreo y métricas de seguridad inferidas del análisis automático en profundidad de todos los eventos de proximidad. La metodología 3-D CRM se ha implementado en un prototipo desarrollado en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente las trazas radar y planes de vuelo registrados por los Sistemas de Procesamiento de Datos Radar (RDP) e identificar y analizar todos los eventos de proximidad (conflictos, conflictos potenciales y colisiones potenciales) en un periodo de tiempo y volumen del espacio aéreo. Actualmente, el prototipo 3-D CRM está siendo adaptado e integrado en la herramienta de monitorización de prestaciones de Aena (PERSEO) para complementar las bases de accidentes e incidentes ATM y mejorar la monitorización y proporcionar evidencias de los niveles de seguridad. ABSTRACT As with all forms of transport, the safety of air travel is of paramount importance. With the projected increases in European air traffic in the next decade and beyond, it is clear that the risk of accidents needs to be assessed and carefully monitored on a continuing basis. The present thesis is aimed at the development of a comprehensive collision risk model as a method of assessing the European en-route risk, due to all causes and across all dimensions within the airspace. The major constraint in developing appropriate monitoring methodologies and tools to assess the level of safety in en-route airspaces where controllers monitor air traffic by means of radar surveillance and provide aircraft with tactical instructions lies in the estimation of the operational risk. The operational risk estimate normally relies on incident reports provided by the air navigation service providers (ANSPs). This thesis proposes a new and innovative approach to assessing aircraft safety level based exclusively upon the process and analysis of radar tracks. The proposed methodology has been designed to complement the information collected in the accident and incident databases, thereby providing robust information on air traffic factors and safety metrics inferred from the in depth assessment of proximate events. The 3-D CRM methodology is implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyze recorded aircraft tracks and flight plan data from the Radar Data Processing systems (RDP) and identify and analyze all proximate events (conflicts, potential conflicts and potential collisions) within a time span and a given volume of airspace. Currently, the 3D-CRM prototype is been adapted and integrated in AENA’S Performance Monitoring Tool (PERSEO) to complement the information provided by the ATM accident and incident databases and to enhance monitoring and providing evidence of levels of safety.
In the area of the professional competition, the coach is a fundamental part in the management of a team and more concretely in the game planning. During the competition, the management of the times of pause and times out as well as the conduct of the coach during the same ones is an aspect to analyze in the sports performance. It is for this that it becomes necessary to know some of the behaviors that turn out to be more frequent by the coach and that are more related to a positive performance of his players. For it there has been realized a study of 7 cases of expert coaches in those that his verbal behavior has observed during 4 games. It has focused on the content of the information only to verbal level, on his meaning. The information that have been obtained in the study shows a major quantity of information elaborated during the pauses of the games and a major tactical content with regard to the moments of game. On the other hand, a relation exists between a major number of questions and a minor number of psychological instructions when the score is adverse, whereas in case of victory, a direct relation does not exist with any category. The rest of categories of the speech do not meet influenced directly for the result, for what it is not possible to consider a direct and immediate relation between the coach verbal behavior during the pauses and the result of the game, except in punctual moments.
The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of floorball tactical variables to predict ball possession effectiveness, when controlling quality of opposition and game periods. The sample was composed by 1500 ball possessions, corresponding to 14 games randomly selected from the International Championships played during 2008 and 2010 (World Championship, Four nations tournament and classificatory phases for World Championship) by teams from different competition levels (HIGH, INTERMEDIATE and LOW). The effects of the predictor variables on successful ball possessions according to the three game contexts (HIGH vs. HIGH; HIGH vs. LOW; LOW vs. LOW games) were analyzed using Binomial Logistic Regressions. The results showed no interaction with the game period. In HIGH vs. HIGH games, quality of opposition showed an association with ball possession effectiveness with ending zone, offensive system, possession duration, height of shooting and defensive pressures previous to the shot. In HIGH vs. LOW games the important factors were the starting zone, possession duration, defensive pressure previous to the last pass and to the shot, technique of shooting and the number players involved in each ball possession. Finally, in LOW vs. LOW games, the results emphasized the importance of starting and ending zones, the number of passes used and the technique of shooting. In conclusion, elite floorball performance is mainly affected by quality of opposition showing different game patterns in each context that should be considered by coaches when preparing practices and competitions.
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a unique tool for the evaluation of possible failure of firms (EOPFOF) for its eases of interpretation and implementation. Ensemble computing, a variation of group decision in society, provides a potential means of improving predictive performance of CBR-based EOPFOF. This research aims to integrate bagging and proportion case-basing with CBR to generate a method of proportion bagging CBR for EOPFOF. Diverse multiple case bases are first produced by multiple case-basing, in which a volume parameter is introduced to control the size of each case base. Then, the classic case retrieval algorithm is implemented to generate diverse member CBR predictors. Majority voting, the most frequently used mechanism in ensemble computing, is finally used to aggregate outputs of member CBR predictors in order to produce final prediction of the CBR ensemble. In an empirical experiment, we statistically validated the results of the CBR ensemble from multiple case bases by comparing them with those of multivariate discriminant analysis, logistic regression, classic CBR, the best member CBR predictor and bagging CBR ensemble. The results from Chinese EOPFOF prior to 3 years indicate that the new CBR ensemble, which significantly improved CBRs predictive ability, outperformed all the comparative methods.
The primary hypothesis stated by this paper is that the use of social choice theory in Ambient Intelligence systems can improve significantly users satisfaction when accessing shared resources. A research methodology based on agent based social simulations is employed to support this hypothesis and to evaluate these benefits. The result is a six-fold contribution summarized as follows. Firstly, several considerable differences between this application case and the most prominent social choice application, political elections, have been found and described. Secondly, given these differences, a number of metrics to evaluate different voting systems in this scope have been proposed and formalized. Thirdly, given the presented application and the metrics proposed, the performance of a number of well known electoral systems is compared. Fourthly, as a result of the performance study, a novel voting algorithm capable of obtaining the best balance between the metrics reviewed is introduced. Fifthly, to improve the social welfare in the experiments, the voting methods are combined with cluster analysis techniques. Finally, the article is complemented by a free and open-source tool, VoteSim, which ensures not only the reproducibility of the experimental results presented, but also allows the interested reader to adapt the case study presented to different environments.
El sector de la edificación es uno de los principales sectores económicos en España y, además, es un componente básico de la actividad económica y social, debido a su importante papel como generador de empleo, proveedor de bienes e incentivador del crecimiento. Curiosamente, es uno de los sectores con menos regulación y organización y que, además, está formado mayoritariamente por empresas de pequeña y mediana dimensión (pymes) que, por su menor capacidad, a menudo, se quedan detrás de las grandes empresas en términos de adopción de soluciones innovadoras. La complejidad en la gestión de toda la información relacionada con un proyecto de edificación ha puesto de manifiesto claras ineficiencias que se traducen en un gasto innecesario bastante representativo. La información y los conocimientos aprendidos rara vez son transmitidos de una fase a otra dentro del proyecto de edificación y, mucho menos, reutilizados en otros proyectos similares. De este modo, no sólo se produce un gasto innecesario, sino que incluso podemos encontrar información contradictoria y obsoleta y, por tanto, inútil para la toma de decisiones. A lo largo de los años, esta situación ha sido motivada por la propia configuración del sector, poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad de una solución que pudiera solventar este reto de gestión interorganizacional. Así, la cooperación interorganizacional se ha convertido en un factor clave para mejorar la competitividad de las organizaciones, típicamente pymes, que componen el sector de la edificación. La información es la piedra angular de cualquier proceso de negocio. Durante la última década, una amplia gama de industrias han experimentado importantes mejoras de productividad con la aplicación eficiente de las TIC, asociadas, principalmente, a incrementos en la velocidad de proceso de información y una mayor coherencia en la generación de datos, accesibilidad e intercambio de información. La aplicación eficaz de las TIC en el sector de la edificación requiere una combinación de aspectos estratégicos y tácticos, puesto que no sólo se trata de utilizar soluciones puntuales importadas de otros sectores para su aplicación en diferentes áreas, sino que se buscaría que la información multi-agente estuviera integrada y sea coherente para los proyectos de edificación. El sector de la construcción ha experimentado un descenso significativo en los últimos años en España y en Europa como resultado de la crisis financiera que comenzó en 2007. Esta disminución está acompañada de una baja penetración de las TIC en la interorganizacionales orientadas a los procesos de negocio. El descenso del mercado ha provocado una desaceleración en el sector de la construcción, donde sólo las pymes flexibles han sido capaces de mantener el ritmo a pesar de la especialización y la innovación en los servicios adaptados a las nuevas demandas del mercado. La industria de la edificación está muy fragmentada en comparación con otras industrias manufactureras. El alto grado de esta fragmentación está íntimamente relacionado con un impacto significativo en la productividad y el rendimiento. Muchos estudios de investigación han desarrollado y propuesto una serie de modelos de procesos integrados. Por desgracia, en la actualidad todavía no se está en condiciones para la formalización de cómo debe ser la comunicación y el intercambio de información durante el proceso de construcción. El paso del proceso secuencial tradicional a los procesos de interdependencia recíproca sin lugar a duda son una gran demanda asociada a la comunicación y el flujo de información en un proyecto de edificación. Recientemente se está poniendo mucho énfasis en los servicios para el hogar como un primer paso hacia esta mejora en innovación ya que la industria de los servicios digitales interactivos tiene un alto potencial para generar innovación y la ventaja estratégica para las empresas existentes. La multiplicidad de servicios para el hogar digital (HD) y los proveedores de servicios demandan, cada vez más, la aparición de una plataforma capaz de coordinar a todos los agentes del sector con el usuario final. En consecuencia, las estructuras organizacionales tienden a descentralizarse en busca de esa coordinación y, como respuesta a esta demanda, se plantea, también en este ámbito, el concepto de cooperación interorganizacional. Por lo tanto, ambos procesos de negocio -el asociado a la construcción y el asociado a la provisión de servicios del hogar digital, también considerado como la propia gestión de ese hogar digital o edificio, inteligente o no- deben de ser vistos en su conjunto mediante una plataforma tecnológica que les dé soporte y que pueda garantizar la agregación e integración de los diversos procesos, relacionados con la construcción y gestión, que se suceden durante el ciclo de vida de un edificio. Sobre esta idea y atendiendo a la evolución permanente de los sistemas de información en un entorno de interrelación y cooperación daría lugar a una aplicación del concepto de sistema de información interorganizacional (SIIO). El SIIO proporciona a las organizaciones la capacidad para mejorar los vínculos entre los socios comerciales a lo largo de la cadena de suministro, por lo que su importancia ha sido reconocida por organizaciones de diversos sectores. Sin embargo, la adopción de un SIIO en diferentes ámbitos ha demostrado ser complicada y con una alta dependencia de las características particulares de cada sector, siendo, en este momento, una línea de investigación abierta. Para contribuir a esta línea de investigación, este trabajo pretende recoger, partiendo de una revisión de la literatura relacionada, un enfoque en un modelo de adopción de un SIIO para el objeto concreto de esta investigación. El diseño de un SIIO está basado principalmente, en la identificación de las necesidades de información de cada uno de sus agentes participantes, de ahí la importancia en concretar un modelo de SIIO en el ámbito de este trabajo. Esta tesis doctoral presenta el modelo de plataforma virtual de la asociación entre diferentes agentes del sector de la edificación, el marco de las relaciones, los flujos de información correspondientes a diferentes procesos y la metodología que subyace tras el propio modelo, todo ello, con el objeto de contribuir a un modelo unificado que dé soporte tanto a los procesos relacionados con la construcción como con la gestión de servicios en el hogar digital y permitiendo cubrir los requisitos importantes que caracterizan este tipo de proyectos: flexibilidad, escalabilidad y robustez. El SIIO se ha convertido en una fuente de innovación y una herramienta estratégica que permite a las pymes obtener ventajas competitivas. Debido a la complejidad inherente de la adopción de un SIIO, esta investigación extiende el modelo teórico de adopción de un SIIO de Kurnia y Johnston (2000) con un modelo empírico para la caracterización de un SIIO. El modelo resultante tiene como objetivo fomentar la innovación de servicios en el sector mediante la identificación de los factores que influyen en la adopción de un SIIO por las pymes en el sector de la edificación como fuente de ventaja competitiva y de colaboración. Por tanto, esta tesis doctoral, proyectada sobre una investigación empírica, proporciona un enfoque para caracterizar un modelo de SIIO que permita dar soporte a la gestión integrada de los procesos de construcción y gestión de servicios para el hogar digital. La validez del modelo de SIIO propuesto, como fuente y soporte de ventajas competitivas, está íntimamente relacionada con la necesidad de intercambio de información rápido y fiable que demandan los agentes del sector para mejorar la gestión de su interrelación y cooperación con el fin de abordar proyectos más complejos en el sector de la edificación, relacionados con la implantación del hogar digital, y contribuyendo, así a favorecer el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información en el segmento residencial. ABSTRACT The building industry is the largest industry in the world. Land purchase, building design, construction, furnishing, building equipment, operations maintenance and the disposition of real estate have an unquestionable prominence not only at economic but also at social level. In Spain, the building sector is one of the main drivers of economy and also a basic component of economic activity and its role in generating employment, supply of goods or incentive for growth is crucial in the evolution of the economy. Surprisingly, it is one of the sectors with less regulation and organization. Another consistent problem is that, in this sector, the majority of companies are small and medium (SMEs), and often behind large firms in terms of their adoption of innovative solutions. The complexity of managing all information related to this industry has lead to a waste of money and time. The information and knowledge gathered is frequently stored in multiple locations, involving the work of thousands of people, and is rarely transferred on to the next phase. This approach is inconsistent and makes that incorrect information is used for decisions. This situation needs a viable solution for interorganizational information management. So, interorganizational co-operation has become a key factor for organization competitiveness within the building sector. Information is the cornerstone of any business process. Therefore, information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a means to change the way business is conducted. During the last decade, significant productivity improvements were experienced by a wide range of industries with ICT implementation. ICT has provided great advantages in speed of operation, consistency of data generation, accessibility and exchange of information. The wasted money resulting from reentering information, errors and omissions caused through poor decisions and actions, and the delays caused while waiting for information, represent a significant percentage of the global benefits. The effective application of ICT in building construction sector requires a combination of strategic and tactical developments. The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and in Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop goes hand in hand with a low penetration of ICT in inter-organizational-oriented business processes. The market decrease has caused a slowdown in the building sector, where only flexible SMEs have been able to keep the pace though specialization and innovation in services adapted to new market demands. The building industry is highly fragmented compared with other manufacturing industries. This fragmentation has a significant negative impact on productivity and performance. Many research studies have developed and proposed a number of integrated process models. Unfortunately, these studies do not suggest how communication and information exchange within the construction process can be achieved, without duplication or lost in quality. A change from the traditional sequential process to reciprocal interdependency processes would increase the demand on communication and information flow over the edification project. Focusing on home services, the digital interactive service industry has the potential to generate innovation and strategic advantage for existing business. Multiplicity of broadband home services (BHS) and suppliers suggest the need for a figure able to coordinate all the agents in sector with the final user. Consequently, organizational structures tend to be decentralized. Responding to this fact, the concept of interorganizational co-operation also is raising in the residential market. Therefore, both of these business processes, building and home service supply, must be complemented with a technological platform that supports these processes and guarantees the aggregation and integration of the several services over building lifecycle. In this context of a technological platform and the permanent evolution of information systems is where the relevance of the concept of inter-organizational information system (IOIS) emerges. IOIS improves linkages between trading partners along the supply chain. However, IOIS adoption has proved to be difficult and not fully accomplished yet. This research reviews the literature in order to focus a model of IOIS adoption. This PhD Thesis presents a model of virtual association, a framework of the relationships, an identification of the information requirements and the corresponding information flows, using the multi-agent system approach. IOIS has become a source of innovation and a strategic tool for SMEs to obtain competitive advantage. Because of the inherent complexity of IOIS adoption, this research extends Kurnia and Johnston’s (2000) theoretical model of IOIS adoption with an empirical model of IOIS characterization. The resultant model aims to foster further service innovation in the sector by identifying the factors influencing IOIS adoption by the SMEs in the building sector as a source of competitive and collaborative advantage. Therefore, this PhD Thesis characterizes an IOIS model to support integrated management of building processes and home services. IOIS validity, as source and holder of competitive advantages, is related to the need for reliable information interchanges to improve interrelationship management. The final goal is to favor tracking of more complex projects in building sector and to contribute to consolidation of the information society through the provision of broadband home services and home automation.
Over the past few years, the common practice within air traffic management has been that commercial aircraft fly by following a set of predefined routes to reach their destination. Currently, aircraft operators are requesting more flexibility to fly according to their prefer- ences, in order to achieve their business objectives. Due to this reason, much research effort is being invested in developing different techniques which evaluate aircraft optimal trajectory and traffic synchronisation. Also, the inefficient use of the airspace using barometric altitude overall in the landing and takeoff phases or in Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) trajectories where currently it is necessary introduce the necessary reference setting (QNH or QFE). To solve this problem and to permit a better airspace management born the interest of this research. Where the main goals will be to evaluate the impact, weakness and strength of the use of geometrical altitude instead of the use of barometric altitude. Moreover, this dissertation propose the design a simplified trajectory simulator which is able to predict aircraft trajectories. The model is based on a three degrees of freedom aircraft point mass model that can adapt aircraft performance data from Base of Aircraft Data, and meteorological information. A feature of this trajectory simulator is to support the improvement of the strategic and pre-tactical trajectory planning in the future Air Traffic Management. To this end, the error of the tool (aircraft Trajectory Simulator) is measured by comparing its performance variables with actual flown trajectories obtained from Flight Data Recorder information. The trajectory simulator is validated by analysing the performance of different type of aircraft and considering different routes. A fuel consumption estimation error was identified and a correction is proposed for each type of aircraft model. In the future Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, the trajectory becomes the fundamental element of a new set of operating procedures collectively referred to as Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO). Thus, governmental institutions, academia, and industry have shown a renewed interest for the application of trajectory optimisation techniques in com- mercial aviation. The trajectory optimisation problem can be solved using optimal control methods. In this research we present and discuss the existing methods for solving optimal control problems focusing on direct collocation, which has received recent attention by the scientific community. In particular, two families of collocation methods are analysed, i.e., Hermite-Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto collocation and the pseudospectral collocation. They are first compared based on a benchmark case study: the minimum fuel trajectory problem with fixed arrival time. For the sake of scalability to more realistic problems, the different meth- ods are also tested based on a real Airbus 319 El Cairo-Madrid flight. Results show that pseudospectral collocation, which has shown to be numerically more accurate and computa- tionally much faster, is suitable for the type of problems arising in trajectory optimisation with application to ATM. Fast and accurate optimal trajectory can contribute properly to achieve the new challenges of the future ATM. As atmosphere uncertainties are one of the most important issues in the trajectory plan- ning, the final objective of this dissertation is to have a magnitude order of how different is the fuel consumption under different atmosphere condition. Is important to note that in the strategic phase planning the optimal trajectories are determined by meteorological predictions which differ from the moment of the flight. The optimal trajectories have shown savings of at least 500 [kg] in the majority of the atmosphere condition (different pressure, and temperature at Mean Sea Level, and different lapse rate temperature) with respect to the conventional procedure simulated at the same atmosphere condition.This results show that the implementation of optimal profiles are beneficial under the current Air traffic Management (ATM).
El Malware es una grave amenaza para la seguridad de los sistemas. Con el uso generalizado de la World Wide Web, ha habido un enorme aumento en los ataques de virus, haciendo que la seguridad informática sea esencial para todas las computadoras y se expandan las áreas de investigación sobre los nuevos incidentes que se generan, siendo una de éstas la clasificación del malware. Los “desarrolladores de malware” utilizan nuevas técnicas para generar malware polimórfico reutilizando los malware existentes, por lo cual es necesario agruparlos en familias para estudiar sus características y poder detectar nuevas variantes de los mismos. Este trabajo, además de presentar un detallado estado de la cuestión de la clasificación del malware de ficheros ejecutables PE, presenta un enfoque en el que se mejora el índice de la clasificación de la base de datos de Malware MALICIA utilizando las características estáticas de ficheros ejecutables Imphash y Pehash, utilizando dichas características se realiza un clustering con el algoritmo clustering agresivo el cual se cambia con la clasificación actual mediante el algoritmo de majority voting y la característica icon_label, obteniendo un Precision de 99,15% y un Recall de 99,32% mejorando la clasificación de MALICIA con un F-measure de 99,23%.---ABSTRACT---Malware is a serious threat to the security of systems. With the widespread use of the World Wide Web, there has been a huge increase in virus attacks, making the computer security essential for all computers. Near areas of research have append in this area including classifying malware into families, Malware developers use polymorphism to generate new variants of existing malware. Thus it is crucial to group variants of the same family, to study their characteristics and to detect new variants. This work, in addition to presenting a detailed analysis of the problem of classifying malware PE executable files, presents an approach in which the classification in the Malware database MALICIA is improved by using static characteristics of executable files, namely Imphash and Pehash. Both features are evaluated through clustering real malware with family labels with aggressive clustering algorithm and combining this with the current classification by Majority voting algorithm, obtaining a Precision of 99.15% and a Recall of 99.32%, improving the classification of MALICIA with an F-measure of 99,23%.
Helicopters are one of the most important tactical elements in maritime operations. The necessity for an improvement in the conditions in which the landing and take-off operations are carried out leads to the study of the flow that separates from the ship?s superstructure over the flight deck. To investigate this flow a series of wind tunnel experiments have been performed by testing a sub-scale model of a generic frigate. Measurements of the flow?s velocity have been taken by means of Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) in five points that simulate the last path of the landing trajectory. The data obtained in these experiments is manipulated in a frequency analysis where the corresponding spectra are calculated. Onboard measurements from an actual full scale frigate are analyzed and compared with the wind tunnel results. Conclusions obtained consist of a series of illustrative values of turbulent energy frequency ranges which can be valuable for any study in this field. The comparison shows a clear similarity between both experiments, reasserting the wind tunnel measurements and its reliability.
This paper presents a robust approach for recognition of thermal face images based on decision level fusion of 34 different region classifiers. The region classifiers concentrate on local variations. They use singular value decomposition (SVD) for feature extraction. Fusion of decisions of the region classifier is done by using majority voting technique. The algorithm is tolerant against false exclusion of thermal information produced by the presence of inconsistent distribution of temperature statistics which generally make the identification process difficult. The algorithm is extensively evaluated on UGC-JU thermal face database, and Terravic facial infrared database and the recognition performance are found to be 95.83% and 100%, respectively. A comparative study has also been made with the existing works in the literature.
Cooperative systems are suitable for many types of applications and nowadays these system are vastly used to improve a previously defined system or to coordinate multiple devices working together. This paper provides an alternative to improve the reliability of a previous intelligent identification system. The proposed approach implements a cooperative model based on multi-agent architecture. This new system is composed of several radar-based systems which identify a detected object and transmit its own partial result by implementing several agents and by using a wireless network to transfer data. The proposed topology is a centralized architecture where the coordinator device is in charge of providing the final identification result depending on the group behavior. In order to find the final outcome, three different mechanisms are introduced. The simplest one is based on majority voting whereas the others use two different weighting voting procedures, both providing the system with learning capabilities. Using an appropriate network configuration, the success rate can be improved from the initial 80% up to more than 90%.
El transporte aéreo es un sector estratégico para el crecimiento económico de cualquier país. La estabilidad y el desarrollo de este modo de transporte tienen un pilar fundamental en una operación segura, especialmente cuando las previsiones indican escenarios de crecimiento continuo del tráfico aéreo. La estimación del riesgo y, por tanto, del nivel de seguridad de un entorno operativo se ha basado en métodos indirectos como puede ser la cuantificación y análisis de los reportes voluntarios de incidentes o el uso de modelos de riesgo de colisión enfocados a escenarios operativos parciales, como puede ser un espacio aéreo oceánico. La operación en un área terminal de maniobra es compleja, con distintos flujos de tráfico de arribada y salida a uno o varios aeropuertos, con cambios frecuentes en el rumbo y velocidad de las aeronaves y con instrucciones tácticas del control de tráfico aéreo para secuenciar y separar las aeronaves El objetivo de la presente Tesis es complementar los actuales métodos de monitorización de la seguridad que presentan sus limitaciones, con el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión para áreas terminales de alta densidad que se base en datos objetivos como son las trazar radar de las aeronaves y que tenga en cuenta la complejidad de la operación en un área terminal. Para evaluar el modelo desarrollado se ha implementado una herramienta prototipo en MATLAB© que permite procesar un número masivo de trazar radar para un escenario de área terminal y calcular un valor del riesgo de colisión para el escenario analizado. El prototipo ha sido utilizado para estimar la probabilidad de colisión para distintos escenarios del área terminal de Madrid. El uso de trazas radar permite monitorizar el nivel de riesgo de escenarios reales de manera periódica estableciendo niveles de alerta temprana si se detecta que el valor de riesgo se desvía en exceso, pero también permite evaluar el nivel de riesgo de diseños de espacio aéreo o de nuevos modos de operación a partir de las trazas radar obtenidas en las simulaciones en tiempo real o acelerado y actuar en fases tempranas de los proyectos. ABSTRACT The air transport is a strategic sector for the economic growth of any country. The stability and development of the transport mode have a fundamental pillar in a safe operation, especially when long-term forecasts show scenarios of continuous growth in air traffic. Risk estimation and therefore the level of safety in an operational airspace has been based on indirect methods such as the quantification and analysis of voluntary reports of safety incidents or use of collision risk models focused on partial or simple operational scenarios such as an oceanic airspace. The operation on a terminal maneuvering area is complex, with different traffic flows of arrival and departure at one or more airports, with frequent changes in direction and speed of aircraft and tactical instructions of air traffic control to sequence and separate aircraft. The objective of this Thesis is to complement existing methods of monitoring safety that have their limitations, with the development of a collision risk model for high-density terminal areas that is based on objective data such as aircraft radar tracks and taking into account the complexity of the operation in a terminal area. To evaluate the developed model a prototype tool was implemented with MATLAB© that can process massive numbers of radar tracks for a terminal area scenario and computing a collision risk value for that scenario. The prototype has been used to estimate the probability of collision for different scenarios of the terminal area of Madrid. The use of radar tracks allows to monitor the level of risk of real scenarios periodically establishing levels of early warning when the risk value deviates too much, but also to assess the risk level of airspace designs or modes of operations from the radar tracks obtained in real or fast time simulations and act in the early stages of projects.