28 resultados para occupational road safety
La evolución de los roles de la Administración y empresas en la prestación de servicios públicos, así como las crecientes restricciones presupuestarias para financiarlos, están propiciando una cada vez mayor utilización del sistema concesional para la financiación y gestión de carreteras. Ante esta situación, cabe cuestionarse si la regulación de las prestaciones a obtener se está introduciendo de forma adecuada en los contratos. Uno de los aspectos más relevantes en este sentido es el relacionado con la seguridad de la infraestructura, sobre el cual la empresa concesionaria tiene capacidad de actuación pero, en un sentido económico estricto, pocos incentivos para mejorarla. Todo ello a pesar de los elevados costes sociales derivados de la accidentalidad. Esta tesis analiza la idoneidad de los indicadores e incentivos de seguridad vial que se vienen aplicando en concesiones de carreteras, encontrándose una gran heterogeneidad e incluso incorrecciones técnicas en su formulación. Además se pone de manifiesto la poca vinculación que tienen con la estructura de costes y beneficios de las actuaciones de mejora de seguridad vial, por lo que su introducción en los contratos resulta anodina. Con el objeto de superar esta situación, en esta tesis se analizan en profundidad los aspectos que intervienen en la formulación de indicadores e incentivos de seguridad vial. De este análisis se deduce la ecuación que liga, por tipología de carretera, el beneficio social derivado del nivel de seguridad de la carretera y el coste para alcanzarlo. A través de esta ecuación se determina el nivel de seguridad óptimo desde el punto de vista económico‐social. La investigación continúa extrapolando métodos de la teoría microeconómica de incentivos al campo de las concesiones de carreteras, a fin de determinar la formulación del incentivo de seguridad vial teóricamente óptimo. Asimismo, la tesis toma en consideración la experiencia en la aplicación práctica de incentivos en concesiones vigentes, realizándose una propuesta para superar las controversias que se están produciendo actualmente en España. Además, se ha simulado la aplicación de la formulación propuesta a diversas concesiones con un doble objetivo: verificar la viabilidad económica de su aplicación y corroborar en qué medida se adecua mejor al óptimo económico‐social. Como resultado, se proponen un indicador y un incentivo concretos que inducen a las concesionarias a orientar su gestión hacia la consecución del nivel de seguridad vial óptimo desde el punto de vista económico‐social, todo ello dentro de un marco de viabilidad presupuestaria. Changes in the roles of Government and the Private Sector in the provision of public services along with the budget constraints to finance them are resulting in an increasing use of the concession system for financing and managing roads. Taking this into account, the question is whether the regulation of quality criteria is being properly introduced in the contracts or not. One of the most important aspects at this respect is the road safety. On the one hand, concessionaires are able to manage this aspect up to a point. On the other hand, from an strict economic point of view, they have little incentive to improve it, despite the high social costs of accidents. This thesis has analyzed the suitability of indicators and incentives usually introduced in road concession contracts, finding high heterogeneity, and even technical inaccuracies on their formulation. It has also been found the lack of connection between these incentives and the costs of measures to improve road safety, therefore they are not expected to fulfil their purpose. In order to overcome this situation, this thesis firstly analyzes in depth the issues involved in the development of road safety indicators and incentives. This analysis yields the equation which links the social benefit derived from the level of road safety and the cost to achieve it. In its turn, through this equation it is possible to meet the optimal road safety level from the socio‐economic point of view. Secondly, this thesis extrapolates microeconomic methods to the field of highway concessions, with the aim of determining the formulation of the optimal road safety incentive. Furthermore, the thesis takes into account the experience in the practical application of incentives on existing concessions, performing a proposal to settle the disputes between concessionaires and the Public Administrations. Finally, the thesis simulates the implementation of the proposed indicator and incentive to real concessions with the aim of verifying the economic feasibility of their application and confirming how they match the socio‐economic optimum. As a result, this thesis proposes an indicator and incentive that induce companies to drive the management of the concession towards achieving the optimal road safety level, all within a framework of the budgetary feasibility.
The recent continuous development of Cooperative ITS has resulted in several initiatives which focus on different parts of the Cooperative environment landscape. The FOTsis project focuses on the infrastructure side of the Cooperative environment and will deploy and test 7 services designed to maximise the benefits of the integration of the road operator and infrastructure-based information providers into the ITS environment. This paper describes the current status of the project and focuses on the road safety approach within the project: safety services and safety impact assessment. The outlook on the project's next steps is given in the last section of the paper.
El planteamiento tradicional de análisis de la accidentalidad en carretera pasa por la consideración de herramientas paliativas, como son la identificación y gestión de los puntos negros o tramos de concentración de accidentes, o preventivas, como las auditorías e inspecciones de seguridad vial. En esta tesis doctoral se presenta un planteamiento complementario a estas herramientas, desde una perspectiva novedosa: la consideración de los tramos donde no se producen accidentes; son los denominados Tramos Blancos. La tesis persigue demostrar que existen determinados parámetros del diseño de las carreteras y del tráfico que, bajo características generales similares de las vías, tienen influencia en el hecho de que se produzcan o no accidentes, adicionalmente a la exposición al riesgo, como factor principal, y a otros factores. La propia definición de los Tramos Blancos, entendidos como tramos de carreteras de longitud representativa donde no se han producido accidentes con víctimas mortales o heridos graves durante un periodo largo de tiempo, garantiza que esta situación no se produzca como consecuencia de la aleatoriedad de los accidentes, sino que pudiera deberse a una confluencia específica de determinados parámetros de la geometría de la vía y del tráfico total y de vehículos pesados. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se han considerado la red de autopistas de peaje y las carreteras convencionales de la Red del Estado de España, que supone un total de 17.000 kilómetros, y los datos de accidentes con víctimas mortales y heridos graves en el periodo 2006-2010, ambos incluidos, en estas redes (un total de 10.000 accidentes). La red viaria objeto de análisis supone el 65% de la longitud de la Red de Carreteras del Estado, por la que circula el 33% de su tráfico; en ella se produjeron en el año 2013 el 47% de los accidentes con víctimas y el 60% de las víctimas mortales de la Red de Carreteras del Estado. Durante la investigación se ha desarrollado una base de datos de 250.130 registros y más de 3.5 millones de datos en el caso de las autopistas de peaje de la Red de Carreteras del Estado y de 935.402 registros y más de 14 millones de datos en el caso de la red convencional del Estado analizada. Tanto las autopistas de peaje como las carreteras convencionales han sido clasificadas según sus características de tráfico, de manera que se valoren vías con nivel de exposición al riesgo similar. Para cada tipología de vía, se ha definido como longitud de referencia para que un tramo se considere Tramo Blanco la longitud igual al percentil 95 de las longitudes de tramos sin accidentes con heridos graves o víctimas mortales durante el periodo 2006-2010. En el caso de las autopistas de peaje, en la tipología que ha sido considerada para la definición del modelo, esta longitud de referencia se estableció en 14.5 kilómetros, mientras que en el caso de las carreteras convencionales, se estableció en 7.75 kilómetros. Para cada uno de los tipos de vía considerados se han construido una base de datos en la que se han incluido las variables de existencia o no de Tramo Blanco, así como las variables de tráfico (intensidad media diaria total, intensidad de vehículos pesados y porcentaje de vehículos pesados ), la velocidad media y las variables de geometría (número de carriles, ancho de carril, ancho de arcén derecho e izquierdo, ancho de calzada y plataforma, radio, peralte, pendiente y visibilidad directa e inversa en los casos disponibles); como variables adicionales, se han incluido el número de accidentes con víctimas, los fallecidos y heridos graves, índices de peligrosidad, índices de mortalidad y exposición al riesgo. Los trabajos desarrollados para explicar la presencia de Tramos Blancos en la red de autopistas de peaje han permitido establecer las diferencias entre los valores medios de las variables de tráfico y diseño geométrico en Tramos Blancos respecto a tramos no blancos y comprobar que estas diferencias son significativas. Así mismo, se ha podido calibrar un modelo de regresión logística que explica parcialmente la existencia de Tramos Blancos, para rangos de tráfico inferiores a 10.000 vehículos diarios y para tráficos entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos diarios. Para el primer grupo (menos de 10.000 vehículos al día), las variables que han demostrado tener una mayor influencia en la existencia de Tramo Blanco son la velocidad media de circulación, el ancho de carril, el ancho de arcén izquierdo y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. Para el segundo grupo (entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos al día), las variables independientes más influyentes en la existencia de Tramo Blanco han sido la velocidad de circulación, el ancho de calzada y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. En el caso de las carreteras convencionales, los diferentes análisis realizados no han permitido identificar un modelo que consiga una buena clasificación de los Tramos Blancos. Aun así, se puede afirmar que los valores medios de las variables de intensidad de tráfico, radio, visibilidad, peralte y pendiente presentan diferencias significativas en los Tramos Blancos respecto a los no blancos, que varían en función de la intensidad de tráfico. Los resultados obtenidos deben considerarse como la conclusión de un análisis preliminar, dado que existen otros parámetros, tanto de diseño de la vía como de la circulación, el entorno, el factor humano o el vehículo que podrían tener una influencia en el hecho que se analiza, y no se han considerado por no disponer de esta información. En esta misma línea, el análisis de las circunstancias que rodean al viaje que el usuario de la vía realiza, su tipología y motivación es una fuente de información de interés de la que no se tienen datos y que permitiría mejorar el análisis de accidentalidad en general, y en particular el de esta investigación. Adicionalmente, se reconocen limitaciones en el desarrollo de esta investigación, en las que sería preciso profundizar en el futuro, reconociendo así nuevas líneas de investigación de interés. The traditional approach to road accidents analysis has been based in the use of palliative tools, such as black spot (or road sections) identification and management, or preventive tools, such as road safety audits and inspections. This thesis shows a complementary approach to the existing tools, from a new perspective: the consideration of road sections where no accidents have occurred; these are the so-called White Road Sections. The aim of this thesis is to show that there are certain design parameters and traffic characteristics which, under similar circumstances for roads, have influence in the fact that accidents occur, in addition to the main factor, which is the risk exposure, and others. White Road Sections, defined as road sections of a representative length, where no fatal accidents or accidents involving serious injured have happened during a long period of time, should not be a product of randomness of accidents; on the contrary, they might be the consequence of a confluence of specific parameters of road geometry, traffic volumes and heavy vehicles traffic volumes. For this research, the toll motorway network and single-carriageway network of the Spanish National Road Network have been considered, which is a total of 17.000 kilometers; fatal accidents and those involving serious injured from the period 2006-2010 have been considered (a total number of 10.000 accidents). The road network covered means 65% of the total length of the National Road Network, which allocates 33% of traffic volume; 47% of accidents with victims and 60% of fatalities happened in these road networks during 2013. During the research, a database of 250.130 registers and more than 3.5 million data for toll motorways and 935.042 registers and more than 14 million data for single carriageways of the National Road Network was developed. Both toll motorways and single-carriageways have been classified according to their traffic characteristics, so that the analysis is performed over roads with similar risk exposure. For each road type, a reference length for White Road Section has been defined, as the 95 percentile of all road sections lengths without accidents (with fatalities or serious injured) for 2006-2010. For toll motorways, this reference length concluded to be 14.5 kilometers, while for single-carriageways, it was defined as 7.75 kilometers. A detailed database was developed for each type of road, including the variable “existence of White Road Section”, as well as variables of traffic (average daily traffic volume, heavy vehicles average daily traffic and percentage of heavy vehicles from the total traffic volume), average speed and geometry variables (number of lanes, width of lane, width of shoulders, carriageway width, platform width, radius, superelevation, slope and visibility); additional variables, such as number of accidents with victims, number of fatalities or serious injured, risk and fatality rates and risk exposure, have also been included. Research conducted for the explanation of the presence of White Road Sections in the toll motorway network have shown statistically significant differences in the average values of variables of traffic and geometric design in White Road Sections compared with other road sections. In addition, a binary logistic model for the partial explanation of the presence of White Road Sections was developed, for traffic volumes lower than 10.000 daily vehicles and for those running from 10.000 to 15.000 daily vehicles. For the first group, the most influent variables for the presence of White Road Sections were the average speed, width of lane, width of left shoulder and percentage of heavy vehicles. For the second group, the most influent variables were found to be average speed, carriageway width and percentage of heavy vehicles. For single-carriageways, the different analysis developed did not reach a proper model for the explanation of White Road Sections. However, it can be assumed that the average values of the variables of traffic volume, radius, visibility, superelevation and slope show significant differences in White Road Sections if compared with others, which also vary with traffic volumes. Results obtained should be considered as a conclusion of a preliminary analysis, as there are other parameters, not only design-related, but also regarding traffic, environment, human factor and vehicle which could have an influence in the fact under research, but this information has not been considered in the analysis, as it was not available. In parallel, the analysis of the circumstances around the trip, including its typology and motivation is an interesting source of information, from which data are not available; the availability of this information would be useful for the improvement of accident analysis, in general, and for this research work, in particular. In addition, there are some limitations in the development of the research work; it would be necessary to develop an in-depth analysis in the future, thus assuming new research lines of interest.
Recently, vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) have received a new increased interest to enhance driving safety. In particular, due to its high performance–cost ratio, mono-camera systems are arising as the main focus of this field of work. In this paper we present a novel on-board road modeling and vehicle detection system, which is a part of the result of the European I-WAY project. The system relies on a robust estimation of the perspective of the scene, which adapts to the dynamics of the vehicle and generates a stabilized rectified image of the road plane. This rectified plane is used by a recursive Bayesian classi- fier, which classifies pixels as belonging to different classes corresponding to the elements of interest of the scenario. This stage works as an intermediate layer that isolates subsequent modules since it absorbs the inherent variability of the scene. The system has been tested on-road, in different scenarios, including varied illumination and adverse weather conditions, and the results have been proved to be remarkable even for such complex scenarios.
Questions relating to the transport of radioactive materials are very much an issue of current interest due to the increasing mobility of the materials involved in the nuclear fuel cycle, commitment to the environment, the safety and protection of persons and the corresponding regulatory legal framework. The radiological impact associated with this type of transport was assessed by means of a new data-processing tool that may be of use and serve as complementary documentation to that included in transport regulations. Thus, by determining the level of radiation at a distance of one metre from the transport vehicle and by selecting a route, the associated impacts will be obtained, such as the affected populations, the dose received by the most highly exposed individual, the overall radiological impact, the doses received by the population along the route and the possible detriment to their health. The most important conclusion is that the emissions of ionising radiation from the transport of radioactive material by road in Spain are not significant as regards the generation of adverse effects on human health, and that their radiological impact may be considered negligible.
Transports of radioactive wastes in Spain are becoming issues of renewed interest, due to the increased mobility of these materials which can be expected after the building and operation of the planned central repository for this country in a near future. Such types of residues will be mainly of the medium and high activity classes and have raised concerns on the safety of the operations, the radiological protection of the individuals, the compliance with the legal regulations and their environmental consequences of all kind. In this study, relevant information for the assessment of radiological risk of road transport were taken into account, as the sources and destination of the radioactive transports, the amount of traveling to be done, the preferred routes and populations affected, the characterization of the residues and containers, their corresponding testing, etc. These data were supplied by different organizations fully related with these activities, like the nuclear power stations, the companies in charge of radioactive transports, the enterprises for inspection and control of the activities, etc., as well as the government institutions which are responsible for the selection and location of the storage facility and other decisions on the nuclear policies of the country. Thus, we have developed a program for computing the data in such a form that by entering the radiation levels at one meter of the transport loads and by choosing a particular displacement, the computer application is capable to calculate the corresponding radiological effects, like the global estimated impact, its relevance to the population in general or on those people living and driving near the main road routes, the doses received by the most exposed individuals (e.g. the workers for loading or driving the vehicle), or the probability of detrimental on the human health. The results of this work could be of help for a better understanding and management of these activities and their related impacts; at the same time that the generated reports of the computer application are considered of particular interest as innovative and complementary information to the current legal documentation, which is basically required for transporting radioactive wastes in the country, according with the international safety rules (like IAEA and ADR).Though main studies are still in progress, as the definite location for the Spanish storage facility has not been decided yet, preliminary results with the existing transports of residues of medium activity indicate that the radiological impact is very low in conventional operations. Nevertheless, the management of these transports is complex and laborious, making it convenient to progress further in the analysis and quantification of this kind of events, which constitutes one of the main objectives of the present study for the radioactive road mobility in Spain.
When an automobile passes over a bridge dynamic effects are produced in vehicle and structure. In addition, the bridge itself moves when exposed to the wind inducing dynamic effects on the vehicle that have to be considered. The main objective of this work is to understand the influence of the different parameters concerning the vehicle, the bridge, the road roughness or the wind in the comfort and safety of the vehicles when crossing bridges. Non linear finite element models are used for structures and multibody dynamic models are employed for vehicles. The interaction between the vehicle and the bridge is considered by contact methods. Road roughness is described by the power spectral density (PSD) proposed by the ISO 8608. To consider that the profiles under right and left wheels are different but not independent, the hypotheses of homogeneity and isotropy are assumed. To generate the wind velocity history along the road the Sandia method is employed. The global problem is solved by means of the finite element method. First the methodology for modelling the interaction is verified in a benchmark. Following, the case of a vehicle running along a rigid road and subjected to the action of the turbulent wind is analyzed and the road roughness is incorporated in a following step. Finally the flexibility of the bridge is added to the model by making the vehicle run over the structure. The application of this methodology will allow to understand the influence of the different parameters in the comfort and safety of road vehicles crossing wind exposed bridges. Those results will help to recommend measures to make the traffic over bridges more reliable without affecting the structural integrity of the viaduct
The authors are from UPM and are relatively grouped, and all have intervened in different academic or real cases on the subject, at different times as being of different age. With precedent from E. Torroja and A. Páez in Madrid Spain Safety Probabilistic models for concrete about 1957, now in ICOSSAR conferences, author J.M. Antón involved since autumn 1967 for euro-steel construction in CECM produced a math model for independent load superposition reductions, and using it a load coefficient pattern for codes in Rome Feb. 1969, practically adopted for European constructions, giving in JCSS Lisbon Feb. 1974 suggestion of union for concrete-steel-al.. That model uses model for loads like Gumbel type I, for 50 years for one type of load, reduced to 1 year to be added to other independent loads, the sum set in Gumbel theories to 50 years return period, there are parallel models. A complete reliability system was produced, including non linear effects as from buckling, phenomena considered somehow in actual Construction Eurocodes produced from Model Codes. The system was considered by author in CEB in presence of Hydraulic effects from rivers, floods, sea, in reference with actual practice. When redacting a Road Drainage Norm in MOPU Spain an optimization model was realized by authors giving a way to determine the figure of Return Period, 10 to 50 years, for the cases of hydraulic flows to be considered in road drainage. Satisfactory examples were a stream in SE of Spain with Gumbel Type I model and a paper of Ven Te Chow with Mississippi in Keokuk using Gumbel type II, and the model can be modernized with more varied extreme laws. In fact in the MOPU drainage norm the redacting commission acted also as expert to set a table of return periods for elements of road drainage, in fact as a multi-criteria complex decision system. These precedent ideas were used e.g. in wide Codes, indicated in symposia or meetings, but not published in journals in English, and a condensate of contributions of authors is presented. The authors are somehow involved in optimization for hydraulic and agro planning, and give modest hints of intended applications in presence of agro and environment planning as a selection of the criteria and utility functions involved in bayesian, multi-criteria or mixed decision systems. Modest consideration is made of changing in climate, and on the production and commercial systems, and on others as social and financial.
The art of construction is a risky activity that directly affects the life and physical integrity of persons. Since the approval of Law 31/1995, of November 8, Prevention of Occupational Risks was the first legislation that established the current basis in all sectors and then transposed into Spanish law Directive 92/57/CEE called Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24, on minimum safety and health dispositions in construction works, measures have been proposed to develop a mixed body of scientific literature composed of researchers and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, but even today there is still no clear and firm proposal, showing a lack of awareness in the occupational risk prevention and, therefore, a consolidation of the culture of prevention in society. Therefore, the technicians, who make up the building process, can incur in very high responsibilities, such as: Author of the project, Coordinator of Safety and Health during the preparation of the project and during the execution of works, Site Management: Site Manager. This involves the immediate creation of a general training in prevention for all architects starting when still studying, as well as specific training, appropriate and complementary to all the architects that will be devoted to the specialty of occupational safety and health in construction works. That is, first, we must make the responsible bodies aware of the urgent need to integrate risk prevention in the curricula of architecture and later in the continuing education of the profession. It is necessary that our teaching must conform to the laws on safety and health, due to the fact that the law recognizes our academic degrees and professional qualifications to perform functions in that area
The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.
The city of Madrid keeps not meeting the GHG and air pollutant limits set by the European legislation. A broad range of strategies have being taken into account to reduce both types of emissions; however traffic management meas ures are usually consigned to the sidelines. In 2004, Madrid City Council launched a plan to re-design its inner ring-road supported by a socioeconomic study that evaluated the environmental and operational benefits of the project. For safety reasons the planned speed limit for the tunnel section was finally reduced from 90km/h to 70km/h. Using a Macroscopic Traffic Model and the European Air Pollutant and Emissions Inventory Guidebook (EMEP/EEA), this paper examines the environmental and traffic performance consequences of this decision. Results support the thesis that reduced speed limits leads to GHG and air pollution reductions in the area affected by the measure without substantially altering traffic performance. The implementation of the new speed limit policy brings about a 15% and 16% reduction in both CO2 and NOx emissions respectively. Emissions’ reduction during off-peak hours is larger than during peak hours.
Between 2003 and 2007 an urban network or road tunnels with a total constructed tubes length of 45 km was built in the city of Madrid. This amazing engineering work, known as "Calle 30 Project" counted with different kinds of tunnel typologies and ventilation systems. Due to the length of the tunnels and the impact of the work itself, the tunnels were endowed with a great variety of installations to provide the maximum levels of safety both for users and the infrastructure includieng, in some parts of the tunnel, fixed fire fighting system based on water mist. Whithin this framework a large-scale programme of fire tests was planned to study different aspects related to fire safety in the tunnels including the phenomena of the interaction between ventilation and extinguishing system. In addition, these large scale fire tests allowed fire brigades of the city of Madrid an opportunity to define operational procedures for specific fire fighting in tunnels and evaluate the possibilities of fixed fire fighting systems. The tests were carried out in the Center of Experimentation "San pedro of Anes" which includes a 600 m tunnel with a removable false ceiling for reproducing different ceiling heights and ventilation conditions (transverse and longitudinal ones). Interesting conclusions on the interaction of ventilation and water mist systems were obtained but also on other aspects including performance of water mist system in terms of reduction of gas temperatures or visibility conditions. This paper presents a description of the test's programme carried out and some previous results obtained.
Aiming to identify educational needs to promote employment in the field of Occupational Health and Safety in Spain, this paper analyses the matching degree between the existing university educational offer and the professional demand. Results indicate that the new official Masters are well driven but, at graduate level, a broad range of topics regarding occupational hazards should be promoted and the scope of cross subjects should be expanded. New profiles that are emerging within this field are also identified.