18 resultados para modes of transport
We estimate the energy consumption of toll highway transport on a number of Spanish roads. Regression parameters are balanced according to coefficients from an empirical analysis based on survey data by vehicle type. The mean energy consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions on the toll highway sections are estimated as 1895 MJ/h/lane-km and 0.15 tCO2 eq./h/lane-km, values that increase to 2644 and 0.22 when energy and carbon emissions of transport infrastructure are considered based on the life cycle energy consumption for toll highway construction and use. If the energy intensity of infrastructure construction is allocated to the users according to traffic, it is much higher for motorcycles than for cars, and is significantly lower for articulated trucks than for vans.
One of the main problems in urban areas is the steady growth in car ownership and traffic levels. Therefore, the challenge of sustainability is focused on a shift of the demand for mobility from cars to collective means of transport. For this purpose, buses are a key element of the public transport systems. In this respect Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems help people change their travel behaviour towards more sustainable transport modes. This paper provides an assessment methodology which evaluates how RTPI systems improve the quality of bus services performance in two European cities, Madrid and Bremerhaven. In the case of Madrid, bus punctuality has increased by 3%. Regarding the travellers perception, Madrid raised its quality of service by 6% while Bremerhaven increased by 13%. On the other hand, the users¿ perception of Public Transport (PT) image increased by 14%.
En las ciudades europeas, los patrones de movilidad son cada vez más complejos debido fundamentalmente a un crecimiento sostenido de la población así como a la tendencia de dispersión de los núcleos urbanos. En consecuencia, muchos de los usuarios del transporte público se ven obligados a combinar varios modos o servicios de transporte para completar sus viajes diarios. Por tanto, el mayor reto de las ciudades es conseguir una mejora e incremento en la movilidad mientras que al mismo tiempo se reducen problemas como la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación (COM, 2006). Un principio básico para lograr una movilidad sostenible es reducir los inconvenientes y molestias derivados de la transferencia o ruptura del viaje. En este sentido, los intercambiadores de transporte público juegan un papel fundamental como nodos de la red urbana de transporte y la calidad del servicio prestado en ellos tiene una influencia directa sobre la experiencia diaria de los viajeros. Como señaló Terzis and Last (2002), un intercambiador de transportes urbano eficiente debe ser competitivo y al mismo tiempo, debe ser atractivo para los usuarios dado que sus experiencias físicas y sus reacciones psicológicas se ven influenciadas de manera significativa por el diseño y operación del intercambiador. Sin embargo, todavía no existen standards o normativas a nivel europeo que especifiquen como deberían ser estos intercambiadores. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimientos y herramientas de análisis dirigidas a planificadores y gestores de los propios intercambiadores con el fin de entender mejor el funcionamiento de los intercambiadores y gestionar así los recursos disponibles. Así mismo, esta tesis identifica los factores clave en el diseño y operación de intercambiadores urbanos de transporte y proporciona algunas guías generales de planificación en base a ellos. Dado que las percepciones de los usuarios son particularmente importantes para definir políticas adecuadas para intercambiadores, se diseñó y se llevó a cabo en 2013 una encuesta de satisfacción al viajero en tres intercambiadores de transporte urbano europeos: Moncloa (Madrid, España), Kamppi (Helsinki, Finlandia) e Ilford Railway Station ( Londres, Reino Unido). En resumen, esta tesis pone de relieve la naturaleza ambivalente de los intercambiadores urbanos de transporte, es decir, como nodos de la red de transporte y como lugares en sí mismos donde los usuarios pasan tiempo dentro de ellos y propone algunas recomendaciones para hacer más atractivos los intercambiadores a los usuarios. Travel patterns in European urban areas are becoming increasingly complex due to a sustained increase in the urban population and the trend towards urban sprawl. Consequently, many public transport users need to combine several modes or transport services to complete their daily trips. Therefore, the challenge facing all major cities is how to increase mobility while at the same time reducing congestion, accididents and pollution (COM, 2006). Reducing the inconvenience inherent in transferring between modes is a basic principle for achieving sustainable mobility. In this regard, transport interchanges play a key role as urban transport network nodes, and the quality of the service provided in them has a direct influence on travellers' daily experience. As noted by Terzis and Last (2000), an efficient urban transport interchange must be competitive and, at the same time, be attractive for users given that their physical experiences and psychological reactions are significantly influenced by the design and operation of the interchange. However, yet there are no standards or regulations specifying the form these interchanges should take in Europe. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and analysis tools addressed to developers and managers in order to understand better the performance of an urban transport interchange and manage the available resources properly. Likewise, key factors of the design and operation of urban transport interchanges are identified and some 'Planning guidelines' are proposed on the basis on them. Since the users' perceptions of their experience are particularly important for achieving the most appropriate policy measures for interchanges, an ad‐hoc travellers' satisfaction survey was designed and carried out in 2013 at three European transport interchanges: Moncloa (Madrid, Spain), Kamppi (Helsinki, Finland) and Ilford Railway Station (London, United Kingdom) In summary, this thesis highlights the ambivalent nature of the urban transport interchanges, i.e. as nodes within the transport network and as places where users spending time and proposes some policy recommendations in order to make urban transport interchanges attractive for users.