25 resultados para microsoft


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El documento es una aplicación informática, programada en Visual Basic® para Microsoft Excel®, y contiene un programa denominado CorkClass 1.0. Es un software de clasificación de corcho en plancha por calidades a partir de su calibre – grosor – y de las anomalías o singularidades apreciables en su sección transversal. CorkClass 1.0 trabaja con dos clases de calidad: corcho taponable y refugo. A partir de la valoración de las variables obtenida por el usuario, la aplicación decide a qué clase pertenece la pieza. Esta clasificación se realiza en base a dos modelos. Cuando disponemos de medida del coeficiente de porosidad (mediante métodos de análisis de imagen), podemos clasificar en base al modelo completo (2TC) o al reducido (2TR), aunque los resultados generales se mostrarán tomando la clasificación del modelo completo para cada pieza. En caso de no disponer de medida del coeficiente de porosidad, la clasificación se realizará únicamente en base al modelo reducido (2TR), cuya clasificación para cada pieza será tomada para el cálculo de los resultados generales . El programa ha sido desarrollado por la UPM y el INIA-CIFOR y validado para muestras procedentes tanto de las distintas regiones de España como del resto de regiones de procedencia del alcornoque (Quercus suber L.), por lo que su ámbito de aplicación es universal.


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Se ha realizado un estudio de la distribución de plantas vasculares en un territorio situado entre las provincias de Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid y Toledo (España). El territorio estudiado está en la Submeseta Sur de la península ibérica, al sur del Sistema Central, norte de los Montes de Toledo y oeste del Sistema Ibérico, en zonas sedimentarias con poco relieve y clima mediterráneo, con grandes contrastes de temperatura y precipitaciones muy irregulares. Coincide con las regiones naturales llamadas: “Alcarrias”, “Campiñas de Madrid y Guadalajara” y “Vegas de los ríos de la Cuenca del Tajo”. Es lo que he llamado Cuenca Media del Tajo. En una primera fase se ha estudiado la flora regional para adquirir conocimientos previos mediante las consultas bibliográficas y de herbarios, se ha contado con bases de datos disponibles para MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA y EMMA. Se han revisado las aportaciones propias que en los últimos años he realizado en el territorio en relación a los temas tratados en la tesis. El trabajo de campo ha consistido en la realización de inventarios de presencia de flora. Ha sido muy importante la tarea herborizadora para llegar a la correcta identificación de las especies colectadas en los inventarios. De esta forma el autor ha confeccionado un herbario propio JML que en el territorio muestreado ha reunido cerca de 15000 números en las cuatro provincias estudiadas. Se ha hecho un muestreo sistemático del territorio con unos 6000 listados de plantas. Se ha tomado como unidad de muestreo la cuadrícula de UTM de 1 km de lado incluida como una centésima parte de la cuadrícula de UTM de 10 km. Se han seguido criterios para uniformizar el muestreo. Se ha apuntado el tiempo empleado y la superficie muestreada estimada en cada toma de datos. El criterio mínimo que tienen que cumplir todas las cuadrículas en el área estudiada ha sido que para cada cuadrícula de UTM de 5 km se han realizado al menos 5 inventarios en 5 cuadrículas diferentes de UTM de 1 km y al menos en una hora de tiempo. La unidad de comparación ha sido la cuadrícula UTM de 5 km. Se han informatizado los inventarios de campo, para ello se ha creado la base de datos TESIS en Microsoft office –Access-. Las principales tablas son LOCALIDAD, en la que se anotan las características del lugar muestreado y ESPECIES, que lista las especies de flora consideradas en las cuatro provincias del estudio. Por medio de formularios se han rellenado las tablas; destaca la tabla ESPECIE INVENTARIO que relaciona las tablas ESPECIES y LOCALIDAD; esta tabla cuenta en este momento con unos 165.000 registros. En la tabla ESPECIES_FPVI se visualizan las especies recopiladas. Se ha creado un indicador llamado FPVI “Flora permanentemente visible identificable” que consiste en atribuir a cada especie unos índices que nos permiten saber si una determinada planta se puede detectar en cualquier época del año. Los resultados presentados son: Creación de la base de datos TESIS. El Catálogo Florístico de la Cuenca Media del Tajo, que es el catálogo de la flora de las cuatro provincias desde el principio de la sistemática hasta las Saxifragáceas. En total se han recopilado 1028 taxones distribuidos en 77 familias. Se ha calculado el índice FPVI, para las especies del catálogo. La finalidad para la que se ha diseñado este índice es para poder comparar territorios. Para el desarrollo de ambos resultados ha sido fundamental el desarrollo de la tabla ESPECIES_PVI de la base de datos TESIS. En la tabla ESPECIES_PVI se han apuntado las características ecológicas y se revisa la información bibliográfica disponible para cada especie; las principales fuentes de información consultadas han sido Flora iberica, el proyecto “Anthos” y las bases de datos de los herbarios. Se ha apuntado sí se ha visto, sí está protegida o sí en un endemismo. Otros resultados son: la localización de las cuadrículas de UTM de 10 km, con mayor número de endemismos o especies singulares, con mayor valor botánico. Se ha realizado un par de ejemplos de estudios de autoecología de especie, en concreto Teucrium pumilum y Clematis recta. Se han confeccionando salidas cartográficas de distribución de especies. Se ha elaborado el herbario JML. Se ha presentado una sencilla herramienta para incluir inventarios florísticos, citas corológicas, consultas de autoecología o etiquetado de pliegos de herbario. Como colofón, se ha colaborado para desarrollar una aplicación informática de visualización, análisis y estudio de la distribución de taxones vegetales, que ha utilizado como datos de partida un porcentaje importante de los obtenidos para esta tesis. ABSTRACT I have made a study of the distribution of vascular plants in a territory located between the provinces of Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Toledo (Spain). The studied area is in the “Submeseta” South of the Iberian Peninsula, south of the Central System, north of the Montes de Toledo and west of the Iberian System, in sedimentary areas with little relief and Mediterranean climate, with big temperature contrasts and irregular rainfall. Coincides with the natural regions called "Alcarrias", "countryside of Madrid and Guadalajara" and “Vegas River Tagus Basin”. This is what I have called Middle Tagus Basin. In a first step we have studied the regional flora to acquire prior knowledge through the literature and herbaria consultations, it has had available databases for MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA and EMMA herbaria. The contributions I have made in the last years in the territory in relation to the topics discussed in the thesis have been revised. The field work consisted of conducting inventories presence of flora. Botanize was a very important task to get to the correct identification of the species collected in inventories. In this way the author has made his own herbarium JML in the sampled area has met at least 15000 samples in the four studied provinces. There has been a systematic sampling of the territory with nearly 6,000 listings of plants. Was taken as the sampling unit grid UTM 1 km side included as a hundredth of the UTM grid of 10 km from side. Criteria have been taken to standardize the sampling. Data were taken of the time spent and the estimated sampled surface. The minimum criteria they have to meet all the grids in the study area has been that for each UTM grid of 5 km have been made at least 5 stocks in 5 different grids UTM 1 km and at least one hour of time. The unit of comparison was the UTM grid of 5 km. I have computerized inventories of field, for it was created a database in Access- Microsoft office -TESIS. The main tables are LOCALIDAD, with caracteristics of the sampled location and ESPECIES, which lists the plant species considered in the four provinces of the study, is. Through forms I filled in the tables; highlights ESPECIE INVENTARIO table that relates the tables ESPECIES and LOCALIDAD, this table is counted at the moment with about 165,000 records. The table ESPECIES FPVI visualizes all recollected species. We have created an indicator called FPVI "Flora permanently visible identifiable" that attributes to each species indices that allow us to know whether a given plant can be detected in any season. The results presented are: Creating data base TESIS. The Floristic Books Middle Tagus Basin, which is a catalog of the flora of the four provinces since the beginning of the systematic until Saxifragaceae. In total 1028 collected taxa in 77 families. We calculated FPVI index for species catalog. The purpose for which this index designed is, to compare territories. For the development of both results, it was essential to develop the table ESPECIES_PVI TESIS data base. Table ESPECIES_PVI has signed the ecological characteristics and bibliographic information available for each species is revised; the main sources of information has been Flora iberica, the Anthos project databases of herbaria. Targeted species has been recorded, when seen, protected or endemism. Have also been located UTM grids of 10 km, with the largest number of endemic or unique species and more botanical value. There have been a couple of species autecology studies, namely Teucrium pumilum and Clematis recta, as an example of this type of study. They have been putting together maps of species distribution. We made herbarium JML. I have presented a simple tool to include floristic inventories, chorological appointments, consultations or to tag autoecology herbarium specimens. To cap it has worked to develop a computer application for visualization, analysis and study of the distribution of plant taxa, which has used as input data a significant percentage of those obtained for this thesis.


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El documento es una aplicación informática, programada en Visual Basic® para Microsoft Excel®, y contiene un programa denominado CorkClass 1.1. Es un software de clasificación de corcho en plancha por calidades a partir de su calibre – grosor – y de las anomalías o singularidades apreciables en su sección transversal. CorkClass 1.1 trabaja con dos clases de calidad: corcho taponable y refugo. A partir de la valoración de las variables obtenida por el usuario, la aplicación decide a qué clase pertenece la pieza. Esta clasificación se realiza en base a dos modelos. Cuando disponemos de medida del coeficiente de porosidad (mediante métodos de análisis de imagen), podemos clasificar en base al modelo completo (2TC) o al reducido (2TR), aunque los resultados generales se mostrarán tomando la clasificación del modelo completo para cada pieza. En caso de no disponer de medida del coeficiente de porosidad, la clasificación se realizará únicamente en base al modelo reducido (2TR), cuya clasificación para cada pieza será tomada para el cálculo de los resultados generales . El programa ha sido desarrollado por la UPM y el INIA-CIFOR y validado para muestras procedentes tanto de las distintas regiones de España como del resto de regiones de procedencia del alcornoque (Quercus suber L.), por lo que su ámbito de aplicación es universal.


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Abstract The development of cognitive robots needs a strong “sensorial” support which should allow it to perceive the real world for interacting with it properly. Therefore the development of efficient visual-processing software to be equipped in effective artificial agents is a must. In this project we study and develop a visual-processing software that will work as the “eyes” of a cognitive robot. This software performs a three-dimensional mapping of the robot’s environment, providing it with the essential information required to make proper decisions during its navigation. Due to the complexity of this objective we have adopted the Scrum methodology in order to achieve an agile development process, which has allowed us to correct and improve in a fast way the successive versions of the product. The present project is structured in Sprints, which cover the different stages of the software development based on the requirements imposed by the robot and its real necessities. We have initially explored different commercial devices oriented to the acquisition of the required visual information, adopting the Kinect Sensor camera (Microsoft) as the most suitable option. Later on, we have studied the available software to manage the obtained visual information as well as its integration with the robot’s software, choosing the high-level platform Matlab as the common nexus to join the management of the camera, the management of the robot and the implementation of the behavioral algorithms. During the last stages the software has been developed to include the fundamental functionalities required to process the real environment, such as depth representation, segmentation, and clustering. Finally the software has been optimized to exhibit real-time processing and a suitable performance to fulfill the robot’s requirements during its operation in real situations.


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A depth-based face recognition algorithm specially adapted to high range resolution data acquired by the new Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor is presented. A novel descriptor called Depth Local Quantized Pattern descriptor has been designed to make use of the extended range resolution of the new sensor. This descriptor is a substantial modification of the popular Local Binary Pattern algorithm. One of the main contributions is the introduction of a quantification step, increasing its capacity to distinguish different depth patterns. The proposed descriptor has been used to train and test a Support Vector Machine classifier, which has proven to be able to accurately recognize different people faces from a wide range of poses. In addition, a new depth-based face database acquired by the new Kinect 2 sensor have been created and made public to evaluate the proposed face recognition system.


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La mejora de la calidad del aire es una tarea eminentemente interdisciplinaria. Dada la gran variedad de ciencias y partes involucradas, dicha mejora requiere de herramientas de evaluación simples y completamente integradas. La modelización para la evaluación integrada (integrated assessment modeling) ha demostrado ser una solución adecuada para la descripción de los sistemas de contaminación atmosférica puesto que considera cada una de las etapas involucradas: emisiones, química y dispersión atmosférica, impactos ambientales asociados y potencial de disminución. Varios modelos de evaluación integrada ya están disponibles a escala continental, cubriendo cada una de las etapas antesmencionadas, siendo el modelo GAINS (Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) el más reconocido y usado en el contexto europeo de toma de decisiones medioambientales. Sin embargo, el manejo de la calidad del aire a escala nacional/regional dentro del marco de la evaluación integrada es deseable. Esto sin embargo, no se lleva a cabo de manera satisfactoria con modelos a escala europea debido a la falta de resolución espacial o de detalle en los datos auxiliares, principalmente los inventarios de emisión y los patrones meteorológicos, entre otros. El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar los desarrollos en el diseño y aplicación de un modelo de evaluación integrada especialmente concebido para España y Portugal. El modelo AERIS (Atmospheric Evaluation and Research Integrated system for Spain) es capaz de cuantificar perfiles de concentración para varios contaminantes (NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2,5, NH3 y O3), el depósito atmosférico de especies de azufre y nitrógeno así como sus impactos en cultivos, vegetación, ecosistemas y salud como respuesta a cambios porcentuales en las emisiones de sectores relevantes. La versión actual de AERIS considera 20 sectores de emisión, ya sea equivalentes a sectores individuales SNAP o macrosectores, cuya contribución a los niveles de calidad del aire, depósito e impactos han sido modelados a través de matrices fuentereceptor (SRMs). Estas matrices son constantes de proporcionalidad que relacionan cambios en emisiones con diferentes indicadores de calidad del aire y han sido obtenidas a través de parametrizaciones estadísticas de un modelo de calidad del aire (AQM). Para el caso concreto de AERIS, su modelo de calidad del aire “de origen” consistió en el modelo WRF para la meteorología y en el modelo CMAQ para los procesos químico-atmosféricos. La cuantificación del depósito atmosférico, de los impactos en ecosistemas, cultivos, vegetación y salud humana se ha realizado siguiendo las metodologías estándar establecidas bajo los marcos internacionales de negociación, tales como CLRTAP. La estructura de programación está basada en MATLAB®, permitiendo gran compatibilidad con software típico de escritorio comoMicrosoft Excel® o ArcGIS®. En relación con los niveles de calidad del aire, AERIS es capaz de proveer datos de media anual y media mensual, así como el 19o valor horario más alto paraNO2, el 25o valor horario y el 4o valor diario más altos para SO2, el 36o valor diario más alto para PM10, el 26o valor octohorario más alto, SOMO35 y AOT40 para O3. En relación al depósito atmosférico, el depósito acumulado anual por unidad de area de especies de nitrógeno oxidado y reducido al igual que de azufre pueden ser determinados. Cuando los valores anteriormente mencionados se relacionan con características del dominio modelado tales como uso de suelo, cubiertas vegetales y forestales, censos poblacionales o estudios epidemiológicos, un gran número de impactos puede ser calculado. Centrándose en los impactos a ecosistemas y suelos, AERIS es capaz de estimar las superaciones de cargas críticas y las superaciones medias acumuladas para especies de nitrógeno y azufre. Los daños a bosques se calculan como una superación de los niveles críticos de NO2 y SO2 establecidos. Además, AERIS es capaz de cuantificar daños causados por O3 y SO2 en vid, maíz, patata, arroz, girasol, tabaco, tomate, sandía y trigo. Los impactos en salud humana han sido modelados como consecuencia de la exposición a PM2,5 y O3 y cuantificados como pérdidas en la esperanza de vida estadística e indicadores de mortalidad prematura. La exactitud del modelo de evaluación integrada ha sido contrastada estadísticamente con los resultados obtenidos por el modelo de calidad del aire convencional, exhibiendo en la mayoría de los casos un buen nivel de correspondencia. Debido a que la cuantificación de los impactos no es llevada a cabo directamente por el modelo de calidad del aire, un análisis de credibilidad ha sido realizado mediante la comparación de los resultados de AERIS con los de GAINS para un escenario de emisiones determinado. El análisis reveló un buen nivel de correspondencia en las medias y en las distribuciones probabilísticas de los conjuntos de datos. Las pruebas de verificación que fueron aplicadas a AERIS sugieren que los resultados son suficientemente consistentes para ser considerados como razonables y realistas. En conclusión, la principal motivación para la creación del modelo fue el producir una herramienta confiable y a la vez simple para el soporte de las partes involucradas en la toma de decisiones, de cara a analizar diferentes escenarios “y si” con un bajo coste computacional. La interacción con políticos y otros actores dictó encontrar un compromiso entre la complejidad del modeladomedioambiental con el carácter conciso de las políticas, siendo esto algo que AERIS refleja en sus estructuras conceptual y computacional. Finalmente, cabe decir que AERIS ha sido creado para su uso exclusivo dentro de un marco de evaluación y de ninguna manera debe ser considerado como un sustituto de los modelos de calidad del aire ordinarios. ABSTRACT Improving air quality is an eminently inter-disciplinary task. The wide variety of sciences and stakeholders that are involved call for having simple yet fully-integrated and reliable evaluation tools available. Integrated AssessmentModeling has proved to be a suitable solution for the description of air pollution systems due to the fact that it considers each of the involved stages: emissions, atmospheric chemistry, dispersion, environmental impacts and abatement potentials. Some integrated assessment models are available at European scale that cover each of the before mentioned stages, being the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model the most recognized and widely-used within a European policy-making context. However, addressing air quality at the national/regional scale under an integrated assessment framework is desirable. To do so, European-scale models do not provide enough spatial resolution or detail in their ancillary data sources, mainly emission inventories and local meteorology patterns as well as associated results. The objective of this dissertation is to present the developments in the design and application of an Integrated Assessment Model especially conceived for Spain and Portugal. The Atmospheric Evaluation and Research Integrated system for Spain (AERIS) is able to quantify concentration profiles for several pollutants (NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, NH3 and O3), the atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen species and their related impacts on crops, vegetation, ecosystems and health as a response to percentual changes in the emissions of relevant sectors. The current version of AERIS considers 20 emission sectors, either corresponding to individual SNAP sectors or macrosectors, whose contribution to air quality levels, deposition and impacts have been modeled through the use of source-receptor matrices (SRMs). Thesematrices are proportionality constants that relate emission changes with different air quality indicators and have been derived through statistical parameterizations of an air qualitymodeling system (AQM). For the concrete case of AERIS, its parent AQM relied on the WRF model for meteorology and on the CMAQ model for atmospheric chemical processes. The quantification of atmospheric deposition, impacts on ecosystems, crops, vegetation and human health has been carried out following the standard methodologies established under international negotiation frameworks such as CLRTAP. The programming structure isMATLAB ® -based, allowing great compatibility with typical software such as Microsoft Excel ® or ArcGIS ® Regarding air quality levels, AERIS is able to provide mean annual andmean monthly concentration values, as well as the indicators established in Directive 2008/50/EC, namely the 19th highest hourly value for NO2, the 25th highest daily value and the 4th highest hourly value for SO2, the 36th highest daily value of PM10, the 26th highest maximum 8-hour daily value, SOMO35 and AOT40 for O3. Regarding atmospheric deposition, the annual accumulated deposition per unit of area of species of oxidized and reduced nitrogen as well as sulfur can be estimated. When relating the before mentioned values with specific characteristics of the modeling domain such as land use, forest and crops covers, population counts and epidemiological studies, a wide array of impacts can be calculated. When focusing on impacts on ecosystems and soils, AERIS is able to estimate critical load exceedances and accumulated average exceedances for nitrogen and sulfur species. Damage on forests is estimated as an exceedance of established critical levels of NO2 and SO2. Additionally, AERIS is able to quantify damage caused by O3 and SO2 on grapes, maize, potato, rice, sunflower, tobacco, tomato, watermelon and wheat. Impacts on human health aremodeled as a consequence of exposure to PM2.5 and O3 and quantified as losses in statistical life expectancy and premature mortality indicators. The accuracy of the IAM has been tested by statistically contrasting the obtained results with those yielded by the conventional AQM, exhibiting in most cases a good agreement level. Due to the fact that impacts cannot be directly produced by the AQM, a credibility analysis was carried out for the outputs of AERIS for a given emission scenario by comparing them through probability tests against the performance of GAINS for the same scenario. This analysis revealed a good correspondence in the mean behavior and the probabilistic distributions of the datasets. The verification tests that were applied to AERIS suggest that results are consistent enough to be credited as reasonable and realistic. In conclusion, the main reason thatmotivated the creation of this model was to produce a reliable yet simple screening tool that would provide decision and policy making support for different “what-if” scenarios at a low computing cost. The interaction with politicians and other stakeholders dictated that reconciling the complexity of modeling with the conciseness of policies should be reflected by AERIS in both, its conceptual and computational structures. It should be noted however, that AERIS has been created under a policy-driven framework and by no means should be considered as a substitute of the ordinary AQM.


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In recent decades, full electric and hybrid electric vehicles have emerged as an alternative to conventional cars due to a range of factors, including environmental and economic aspects. These vehicles are the result of considerable efforts to seek ways of reducing the use of fossil fuel for vehicle propulsion. Sophisticated technologies such as hybrid and electric powertrains require careful study and optimization. Mathematical models play a key role at this point. Currently, many advanced mathematical analysis tools, as well as computer applications have been built for vehicle simulation purposes. Given the great interest of hybrid and electric powertrains, along with the increasing importance of reliable computer-based models, the author decided to integrate both aspects in the research purpose of this work. Furthermore, this is one of the first final degree projects held at the ETSII (Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers) that covers the study of hybrid and electric propulsion systems. The present project is based on MBS3D 2.0, a specialized software for the dynamic simulation of multibody systems developed at the UPM Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA). Automobiles are a clear example of complex multibody systems, which are present in nearly every field of engineering. The work presented here benefits from the availability of MBS3D software. This program has proven to be a very efficient tool, with a highly developed underlying mathematical formulation. On this basis, the focus of this project is the extension of MBS3D features in order to be able to perform dynamic simulations of hybrid and electric vehicle models. This requires the joint simulation of the mechanical model of the vehicle, together with the model of the hybrid or electric powertrain. These sub-models belong to completely different physical domains. In fact the powertrain consists of energy storage systems, electrical machines and power electronics, connected to purely mechanical components (wheels, suspension, transmission, clutch…). The challenge today is to create a global vehicle model that is valid for computer simulation. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to apply co-simulation methodologies to a comprehensive model of an electric vehicle, where sub-models from different areas of engineering are coupled. The created electric vehicle (EV) model consists of a separately excited DC electric motor, a Li-ion battery pack, a DC/DC chopper converter and a multibody vehicle model. Co-simulation techniques allow car designers to simulate complex vehicle architectures and behaviors, which are usually difficult to implement in a real environment due to safety and/or economic reasons. In addition, multi-domain computational models help to detect the effects of different driving patterns and parameters and improve the models in a fast and effective way. Automotive designers can greatly benefit from a multidisciplinary approach of new hybrid and electric vehicles. In this case, the global electric vehicle model includes an electrical subsystem and a mechanical subsystem. The electrical subsystem consists of three basic components: electric motor, battery pack and power converter. A modular representation is used for building the dynamic model of the vehicle drivetrain. This means that every component of the drivetrain (submodule) is modeled separately and has its own general dynamic model, with clearly defined inputs and outputs. Then, all the particular submodules are assembled according to the drivetrain configuration and, in this way, the power flow across the components is completely determined. Dynamic models of electrical components are often based on equivalent circuits, where Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are applied to draw the algebraic and differential equations. Here, Randles circuit is used for dynamic modeling of the battery and the electric motor is modeled through the analysis of the equivalent circuit of a separately excited DC motor, where the power converter is included. The mechanical subsystem is defined by MBS3D equations. These equations consider the position, velocity and acceleration of all the bodies comprising the vehicle multibody system. MBS3D 2.0 is entirely written in MATLAB and the structure of the program has been thoroughly studied and understood by the author. MBS3D software is adapted according to the requirements of the applied co-simulation method. Some of the core functions are modified, such as integrator and graphics, and several auxiliary functions are added in order to compute the mathematical model of the electrical components. By coupling and co-simulating both subsystems, it is possible to evaluate the dynamic interaction among all the components of the drivetrain. ‘Tight-coupling’ method is used to cosimulate the sub-models. This approach integrates all subsystems simultaneously and the results of the integration are exchanged by function-call. This means that the integration is done jointly for the mechanical and the electrical subsystem, under a single integrator and then, the speed of integration is determined by the slower subsystem. Simulations are then used to show the performance of the developed EV model. However, this project focuses more on the validation of the computational and mathematical tool for electric and hybrid vehicle simulation. For this purpose, a detailed study and comparison of different integrators within the MATLAB environment is done. Consequently, the main efforts are directed towards the implementation of co-simulation techniques in MBS3D software. In this regard, it is not intended to create an extremely precise EV model in terms of real vehicle performance, although an acceptable level of accuracy is achieved. The gap between the EV model and the real system is filled, in a way, by introducing the gas and brake pedals input, which reflects the actual driver behavior. This input is included directly in the differential equations of the model, and determines the amount of current provided to the electric motor. For a separately excited DC motor, the rotor current is proportional to the traction torque delivered to the car wheels. Therefore, as it occurs in the case of real vehicle models, the propulsion torque in the mathematical model is controlled through acceleration and brake pedal commands. The designed transmission system also includes a reduction gear that adapts the torque coming for the motor drive and transfers it. The main contribution of this project is, therefore, the implementation of a new calculation path for the wheel torques, based on performance characteristics and outputs of the electric powertrain model. Originally, the wheel traction and braking torques were input to MBS3D through a vector directly computed by the user in a MATLAB script. Now, they are calculated as a function of the motor current which, in turn, depends on the current provided by the battery pack across the DC/DC chopper converter. The motor and battery currents and voltages are the solutions of the electrical ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) system coupled to the multibody system. Simultaneously, the outputs of MBS3D model are the position, velocity and acceleration of the vehicle at all times. The motor shaft speed is computed from the output vehicle speed considering the wheel radius, the gear reduction ratio and the transmission efficiency. This motor shaft speed, somehow available from MBS3D model, is then introduced in the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem. In this way, MBS3D and the electrical powertrain model are interconnected and both subsystems exchange values resulting as expected with tight-coupling approach.When programming mathematical models of complex systems, code optimization is a key step in the process. A way to improve the overall performance of the integration, making use of C/C++ as an alternative programming language, is described and implemented. Although this entails a higher computational burden, it leads to important advantages regarding cosimulation speed and stability. In order to do this, it is necessary to integrate MATLAB with another integrated development environment (IDE), where C/C++ code can be generated and executed. In this project, C/C++ files are programmed in Microsoft Visual Studio and the interface between both IDEs is created by building C/C++ MEX file functions. These programs contain functions or subroutines that can be dynamically linked and executed from MATLAB. This process achieves reductions in simulation time up to two orders of magnitude. The tests performed with different integrators, also reveal the stiff character of the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem, and allow the improvement of the cosimulation process. When varying the parameters of the integration and/or the initial conditions of the problem, the solutions of the system of equations show better dynamic response and stability, depending on the integrator used. Several integrators, with variable and non-variable step-size, and for stiff and non-stiff problems are applied to the coupled ODE system. Then, the results are analyzed, compared and discussed. From all the above, the project can be divided into four main parts: 1. Creation of the equation-based electric vehicle model; 2. Programming, simulation and adjustment of the electric vehicle model; 3. Application of co-simulation methodologies to MBS3D and the electric powertrain subsystem; and 4. Code optimization and study of different integrators. Additionally, in order to deeply understand the context of the project, the first chapters include an introduction to basic vehicle dynamics, current classification of hybrid and electric vehicles and an explanation of the involved technologies such as brake energy regeneration, electric and non-electric propulsion systems for EVs and HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) and their control strategies. Later, the problem of dynamic modeling of hybrid and electric vehicles is discussed. The integrated development environment and the simulation tool are also briefly described. The core chapters include an explanation of the major co-simulation methodologies and how they have been programmed and applied to the electric powertrain model together with the multibody system dynamic model. Finally, the last chapters summarize the main results and conclusions of the project and propose further research topics. In conclusion, co-simulation methodologies are applicable within the integrated development environments MATLAB and Visual Studio, and the simulation tool MBS3D 2.0, where equation-based models of multidisciplinary subsystems, consisting of mechanical and electrical components, are coupled and integrated in a very efficient way.


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La Realidad Aumentada forma parte de múltiples proyectos de investigación desde hace varios años. La unión de la información del mundo real y la información digital ofrece un sinfín de posibilidades. Las más conocidas van orientadas a los juegos pero, gracias a ello, también se pueden implementar Interfaces Naturales. En otras palabras, conseguir que el usuario maneje un dispositivo electrónico con sus propias acciones: movimiento corporal, expresiones faciales, etc. El presente proyecto muestra el desarrollo de la capa de sistema de una Interfaz Natural, Mokey, que permite la simulación de un teclado mediante movimientos corporales del usuario. Con esto, se consigue que cualquier aplicación de un ordenador que requiera el uso de un teclado, pueda ser usada con movimientos corporales, aunque en el momento de su creación no fuese diseñada para ello. La capa de usuario de Mokey es tratada en el proyecto realizado por Carlos Lázaro Basanta. El principal objetivo de Mokey es facilitar el acceso de una tecnología tan presente en la vida de las personas como es el ordenador a los sectores de la población que tienen alguna discapacidad motora o movilidad reducida. Ya que vivimos en una sociedad tan informatizada, es esencial que, si se quiere hablar de inclusión social, se permita el acceso de la actual tecnología a esta parte de la población y no crear nuevas herramientas exclusivas para ellos, que generarían una situación de discriminación, aunque esta no sea intencionada. Debido a esto, es esencial que el diseño de Mokey sea simple e intuitivo, y al mismo tiempo que esté dotado de la suficiente versatilidad, para que el mayor número de personas discapacitadas puedan encontrar una configuración óptima para ellos. En el presente documento, tras exponer las motivaciones de este proyecto, se va a hacer un análisis detallado del estado del arte, tanto de la tecnología directamente implicada, como de otros proyectos similares. Se va prestar especial atención a la cámara Microsoft Kinect, ya que es el hardware que permite a Mokey detectar la captación de movimiento. Tras esto, se va a proceder a una explicación detallada de la Interfaz Natural desarrollada. Se va a prestar especial atención a todos aquellos algoritmos que han sido implementados para la detección del movimiento, así como para la simulación del teclado. Finalmente, se va realizar un análisis exhaustivo del funcionamiento de Mokey con otras aplicaciones. Se va a someter a una batería de pruebas muy amplia que permita determinar su rendimiento en las situaciones más comunes. Del mismo modo, se someterá a otra batería de pruebas destinada a definir su compatibilidad con los diferentes tipos de programas existentes en el mercado. Para una mayor precisión a la hora de analizar los datos, se va a proceder a comparar Mokey con otra herramienta similar, FAAST, pudiendo observar de esta forma las ventajas que tiene una aplicación especialmente pensada para gente discapacitada sobre otra que no tenía este fin. ABSTRACT. During the last few years, Augmented Reality has been an important part of several research projects, as the combination of the real world and the digital information offers a whole new set of possibilities. Among them, one of the most well-known possibilities are related to games by implementing Natural Interfaces, which main objective is to enable the user to handle an electronic device with their own actions, such as corporal movements, facial expressions… The present project shows the development of Mokey, a Natural Interface that simulates a keyboard by user’s corporal movements. Hence, any application that requires the use of a keyboard can be handled with this Natural Interface, even if the application was not designed in that way at the beginning. The main objective of Mokey is to simplify the use of the computer for those people that are handicapped or have some kind of reduced mobility. As our society has been almost completely digitalized, this kind of interfaces are essential to avoid social exclusion and discrimination, even when it is not intentional. Thus, some of the most important requirements of Mokey are its simplicity to use, as well as its versatility. In that way, the number of people that can find an optimal configuration for their particular condition will grow exponentially. After stating the motivations of this project, the present document will provide a detailed state of the art of both the technologies applied and other similar projects, highlighting the Microsoft Kinect camera, as this hardware allows Mokey to detect movements. After that, the document will describe the Natural Interface that has been developed, paying special attention to the algorithms that have been implemented to detect movements and synchronize the keyboard. Finally, the document will provide an exhaustive analysis of Mokey’s functioning with other applications by checking its behavior with a wide set of tests, so as to determine its performance in the most common situations. Likewise, the interface will be checked against another set of tests that will define its compatibility with different softwares that already exist on the market. In order to have better accuracy while analyzing the data, Mokey’s interface will be compared with a similar tool, FAAST, so as to highlight the advantages of designing an application that is specially thought for disabled people.


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El presente trabajo consiste en el estudio de la viabilidad en el uso de tres posibles opciones orientadas a la captura de la posición y la postura de personas en entornos reales, así como el diseño e implementación de un prototipo de captura en cada uno de ellos. También se incluye una comparativa con el fin de destacar los pros y los contras de cada solución. Una de las alternativas para llevarlo a cabo consiste en un sistema de tracking óptico por infrarrojos de alta calidad y precisión, como es Optitrack; la segunda se basa en una solución de bajo coste como es el periférico Kinect de Microsoft y la tercera consiste en la combinación de ambos dispositivos para encontrar un equilibrio entre precisión y economía, tomando los puntos fuertes de cada uno para contrarrestar sus debilidades. Uno de los puntos importantes del trabajo es que el uso de los prototipos de captura está orientado a entornos de trabajo reales (en concreto en la captura de los movimientos del personal que trabaja en un quirófano), así que han sido necesarias pruebas para minimizar el efecto de las fuentes de luz en los sistemas de infrarrojos, el estudio de los dispositivos para determinar el número de personas que son capaces de capturar a la vez sin que esto afecte a su rendimiento y el nivel de invasión de los dispositivos en los trabajadores (marcadores para el tracking), además de los mecanismos apropiados para minimizar el impacto de las oclusiones utilizando métodos de interpolación y ayudándose del conocimiento del contexto, las restricciones de movimiento del cuerpo humano y la evolución en el tiempo. Se han desarrollado conocimientos en el funcionamiento y configuración dispositivos como el sistema de captura Optitrack de Natural Point y el sistema de detección de movimiento Kinect desarrollado por Microsoft. También se ha aprendido el funcionamiento del entorno de desarrollo y motor de videojuegos multiplataforma homónimos Unity y del lenguaje de programación C# que utiliza dicho entorno para sus scripts de control, así como los protocolos de comunicación entre los distintos sistemas que componen los prototipos como son VRPN y NatNet.---ABSTRACT---This project is about a viability study in the use of three possible options, oriented towards the capture of the position and view of people in a real environment, as well as the design and implementation of a capturing prototype in each of them. A comparative study is also included, in order to emphasise the pros and cons of each solution. One of the alternatives consists of an optical tracking system via high quality and precision infrareds, like Optitrack; the second is based on a low cost solution, such as Microsoft’s Kinect peripheral, and the third consists on a combination of both devices to find a balance between precision and price, taking the strong points of each of the mechanisms to make up for the weaknesses. One of the important parts of this project is that the use of the capturing prototypes is directed towards real life work situations (specifically towards the capturing of the movements of surgery personnel), so various tests have been necessary in order to minimize the effect of light sources in infrared systems, the study of the devices to determine the number of people that they are capable of capturing simultaneously without affecting their performance and the invasion level of the devices towards the workers (tracking markers), as well as the mechanisms adopted to minimize the impact of the occlusions using interpolation methods and with help of the knowledge of the surroundings, the human movement restrictions and the passing of time. Knowledge has been developed on the functioning and configuration of the devices such as Natural Point’s Optitrak capturing system, and the Kinect movement detection system developed by Microsoft. We have also learned about the operating of the development and incentive environment of multiplatform videogames of namesake Unity and of C# programming language, which uses said environment for its control scripts, as well as communication protocols between the different systems that make up prototypes like VRPN and NatNet.


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En el presente proyecto, se han abordado las distintas soluciones constructivas para tratar las principales exigencias en edificación: aislamiento acústico, acondicionamiento acústico y ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones. Estas soluciones constructivas, se enmarcan dentro de un conjunto de leyes vigentes en España, provenientes de la trasposición de la legislación Europea. Basándose en el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido, donde se encuentran las soluciones constructivas, comentadas anteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de las mismas, con la finalidad de crear una herramienta de consulta de fácil y rápido acceso para cualquier persona. En especial, se enfoca a una finalidad didáctica accesible al personal universitario. Se pretende que cualquier persona, con base mínima en la materia, pueda acceder y entender la herramienta creada. Para lograr a esta finalidad, se ha analizado otra documentación, como la Guía de aplicación del DB HR, donde se explica de forma más detallada el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido. Además, se han consultado diferentes normativas españolas, para conseguir que la información aportada al usuario sea completa y no sea necesario acudir a diferentes documentos externos. De esta manera, un usuario podrá realizar un proyecto para: aislar, acondicionar o controlar el ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones, en una edificación, acudiendo a esta herramienta. Con el objeto de que sea un proyecto enmarcado en un contexto didáctico, con fácil acceso y tratando que sea lo más intuitivo posible, se buscó una plataforma de acceso gratuito y disponible para distintos equipos y sistemas operativos. El programa empleado ha sido tomado del paquete Office creado por Microsoft. El programa se denomina OneNote. Se trata de un programa para realizar, compartir y gestionar notas de forma rápida y sencilla. Los archivos creados en él, se almacenan en OneDrive, por lo tanto, el usuario puede acceder a ellos desde cualquier parte, en cualquier momento y plataforma disponible. ABSTRACT. The aforementioned project approaches the diverse solutions available to accomplish the chief edification requirements in the Spanish Legal System, remarkably influenced by the European Law, in Construction Planning. The key elements of those solutions are acoustic isolation, acoustic conditioning and noise and vibration of installations. Basing most part of our research in the academic report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido”, which addresses effective solutions about the mentioned queries, but also implements a useful tool that supplies access to the broad public to obtain a wide variety of answers regarding those issues. Its main aim is to improve the knowledge about that subject, however also the access and usage to that system, of every person, although its previous experience. In order to achieve that purpose, the paper also combines an analysis of the study “Guía de aplicación del DB HR” where different elements of the report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido” are examined in further detail. It is important to remark that all the information provided comply with the current legislation present in Spain at the time this paper was written, so the reader may work on a project of isolation, conditioning or control of noise and vibrations of installations without the requirement of applying external resources. Conclusively, with the intention of giving the paper an educational usage, with intuitive and easy access, the reader is able to join to the platform OneNote by Microsoft Office, software available in utmost part of operating systems and devices. This program allows us to produce, share and manage notes swiftly and efficiently, but also it stores them in The Cloud called OneDrive, so the user can get access to them anywhere and anytime.