38 resultados para graph theory, functional connectivity, rs-fMRI, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE)
Inter-individual differences in cognitive performance are based on an efficient use of task-related brain resources. However, little is known yet on how these differences might be reflected on resting-state brain networks. Here we used Magnetoencephalography resting-state recordings to assess the relationship between a behavioral measurement of verbal working memory and functional connectivity as measured through Mutual Information. We studied theta (4?8 Hz), low alpha (8?10 Hz), high alpha (10?13 Hz), low beta (13?18 Hz) and high beta (18?30 Hz) frequency bands. A higher verbal working memory capacity was associated with a lower mutual information in the low alpha band, prominently among right-anterior and left-lateral sensors. The results suggest that an efficient brain organization in the domain of verbal working memory might be related to a lower resting-state functional connectivity across large-scale brain networks possibly involving right prefrontal and left perisylvian areas.
NeuroAIDS persists in the era of combination antiretroviral therapies. We describe here the recovery of brain structure and function following 6 months of therapy in a treatment-naive patient presenting with HIV-associated dementia. The patient’s neuropsychological test performance improved and his total brain volume increased by more than 5 %. Neuronal functional connectivity measured by magnetoencephalography changed from a pattern identical to that observed in other HIV-infected individuals to one that was indistinguishable from that of uninfected control subjects. These data suggest that at least some of the effects of HIV on the brain can be fully reversed with treatment.
Neuronal morphology is a key feature in the study of brain circuits, as it is highly related to information processing and functional identification. Neuronal morphology affects the process of integration of inputs from other neurons and determines the neurons which receive the output of the neurons. Different parts of the neurons can operate semi-independently according to the spatial location of the synaptic connections. As a result, there is considerable interest in the analysis of the microanatomy of nervous cells since it constitutes an excellent tool for better understanding cortical function. However, the morphologies, molecular features and electrophysiological properties of neuronal cells are extremely variable. Except for some special cases, this variability makes it hard to find a set of features that unambiguously define a neuronal type. In addition, there are distinct types of neurons in particular regions of the brain. This morphological variability makes the analysis and modeling of neuronal morphology a challenge. Uncertainty is a key feature in many complex real-world problems. Probability theory provides a framework for modeling and reasoning with uncertainty. Probabilistic graphical models combine statistical theory and graph theory to provide a tool for managing domains with uncertainty. In particular, we focus on Bayesian networks, the most commonly used probabilistic graphical model. In this dissertation, we design new methods for learning Bayesian networks and apply them to the problem of modeling and analyzing morphological data from neurons. The morphology of a neuron can be quantified using a number of measurements, e.g., the length of the dendrites and the axon, the number of bifurcations, the direction of the dendrites and the axon, etc. These measurements can be modeled as discrete or continuous data. The continuous data can be linear (e.g., the length or the width of a dendrite) or directional (e.g., the direction of the axon). These data may follow complex probability distributions and may not fit any known parametric distribution. Modeling this kind of problems using hybrid Bayesian networks with discrete, linear and directional variables poses a number of challenges regarding learning from data, inference, etc. In this dissertation, we propose a method for modeling and simulating basal dendritic trees from pyramidal neurons using Bayesian networks to capture the interactions between the variables in the problem domain. A complete set of variables is measured from the dendrites, and a learning algorithm is applied to find the structure and estimate the parameters of the probability distributions included in the Bayesian networks. Then, a simulation algorithm is used to build the virtual dendrites by sampling values from the Bayesian networks, and a thorough evaluation is performed to show the model’s ability to generate realistic dendrites. In this first approach, the variables are discretized so that discrete Bayesian networks can be learned and simulated. Then, we address the problem of learning hybrid Bayesian networks with different kinds of variables. Mixtures of polynomials have been proposed as a way of representing probability densities in hybrid Bayesian networks. We present a method for learning mixtures of polynomials approximations of one-dimensional, multidimensional and conditional probability densities from data. The method is based on basis spline interpolation, where a density is approximated as a linear combination of basis splines. The proposed algorithms are evaluated using artificial datasets. We also use the proposed methods as a non-parametric density estimation technique in Bayesian network classifiers. Next, we address the problem of including directional data in Bayesian networks. These data have some special properties that rule out the use of classical statistics. Therefore, different distributions and statistics, such as the univariate von Mises and the multivariate von Mises–Fisher distributions, should be used to deal with this kind of information. In particular, we extend the naive Bayes classifier to the case where the conditional probability distributions of the predictive variables given the class follow either of these distributions. We consider the simple scenario, where only directional predictive variables are used, and the hybrid case, where discrete, Gaussian and directional distributions are mixed. The classifier decision functions and their decision surfaces are studied at length. Artificial examples are used to illustrate the behavior of the classifiers. The proposed classifiers are empirically evaluated over real datasets. We also study the problem of interneuron classification. An extensive group of experts is asked to classify a set of neurons according to their most prominent anatomical features. A web application is developed to retrieve the experts’ classifications. We compute agreement measures to analyze the consensus between the experts when classifying the neurons. Using Bayesian networks and clustering algorithms on the resulting data, we investigate the suitability of the anatomical terms and neuron types commonly used in the literature. Additionally, we apply supervised learning approaches to automatically classify interneurons using the values of their morphological measurements. Then, a methodology for building a model which captures the opinions of all the experts is presented. First, one Bayesian network is learned for each expert, and we propose an algorithm for clustering Bayesian networks corresponding to experts with similar behaviors. Then, a Bayesian network which represents the opinions of each group of experts is induced. Finally, a consensus Bayesian multinet which models the opinions of the whole group of experts is built. A thorough analysis of the consensus model identifies different behaviors between the experts when classifying the interneurons in the experiment. A set of characterizing morphological traits for the neuronal types can be defined by performing inference in the Bayesian multinet. These findings are used to validate the model and to gain some insights into neuron morphology. Finally, we study a classification problem where the true class label of the training instances is not known. Instead, a set of class labels is available for each instance. This is inspired by the neuron classification problem, where a group of experts is asked to individually provide a class label for each instance. We propose a novel approach for learning Bayesian networks using count vectors which represent the number of experts who selected each class label for each instance. These Bayesian networks are evaluated using artificial datasets from supervised learning problems. Resumen La morfología neuronal es una característica clave en el estudio de los circuitos cerebrales, ya que está altamente relacionada con el procesado de información y con los roles funcionales. La morfología neuronal afecta al proceso de integración de las señales de entrada y determina las neuronas que reciben las salidas de otras neuronas. Las diferentes partes de la neurona pueden operar de forma semi-independiente de acuerdo a la localización espacial de las conexiones sinápticas. Por tanto, existe un interés considerable en el análisis de la microanatomía de las células nerviosas, ya que constituye una excelente herramienta para comprender mejor el funcionamiento de la corteza cerebral. Sin embargo, las propiedades morfológicas, moleculares y electrofisiológicas de las células neuronales son extremadamente variables. Excepto en algunos casos especiales, esta variabilidad morfológica dificulta la definición de un conjunto de características que distingan claramente un tipo neuronal. Además, existen diferentes tipos de neuronas en regiones particulares del cerebro. La variabilidad neuronal hace que el análisis y el modelado de la morfología neuronal sean un importante reto científico. La incertidumbre es una propiedad clave en muchos problemas reales. La teoría de la probabilidad proporciona un marco para modelar y razonar bajo incertidumbre. Los modelos gráficos probabilísticos combinan la teoría estadística y la teoría de grafos con el objetivo de proporcionar una herramienta con la que trabajar bajo incertidumbre. En particular, nos centraremos en las redes bayesianas, el modelo más utilizado dentro de los modelos gráficos probabilísticos. En esta tesis hemos diseñado nuevos métodos para aprender redes bayesianas, inspirados por y aplicados al problema del modelado y análisis de datos morfológicos de neuronas. La morfología de una neurona puede ser cuantificada usando una serie de medidas, por ejemplo, la longitud de las dendritas y el axón, el número de bifurcaciones, la dirección de las dendritas y el axón, etc. Estas medidas pueden ser modeladas como datos continuos o discretos. A su vez, los datos continuos pueden ser lineales (por ejemplo, la longitud o la anchura de una dendrita) o direccionales (por ejemplo, la dirección del axón). Estos datos pueden llegar a seguir distribuciones de probabilidad muy complejas y pueden no ajustarse a ninguna distribución paramétrica conocida. El modelado de este tipo de problemas con redes bayesianas híbridas incluyendo variables discretas, lineales y direccionales presenta una serie de retos en relación al aprendizaje a partir de datos, la inferencia, etc. En esta tesis se propone un método para modelar y simular árboles dendríticos basales de neuronas piramidales usando redes bayesianas para capturar las interacciones entre las variables del problema. Para ello, se mide un amplio conjunto de variables de las dendritas y se aplica un algoritmo de aprendizaje con el que se aprende la estructura y se estiman los parámetros de las distribuciones de probabilidad que constituyen las redes bayesianas. Después, se usa un algoritmo de simulación para construir dendritas virtuales mediante el muestreo de valores de las redes bayesianas. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo una profunda evaluaci ón para verificar la capacidad del modelo a la hora de generar dendritas realistas. En esta primera aproximación, las variables fueron discretizadas para poder aprender y muestrear las redes bayesianas. A continuación, se aborda el problema del aprendizaje de redes bayesianas con diferentes tipos de variables. Las mixturas de polinomios constituyen un método para representar densidades de probabilidad en redes bayesianas híbridas. Presentamos un método para aprender aproximaciones de densidades unidimensionales, multidimensionales y condicionales a partir de datos utilizando mixturas de polinomios. El método se basa en interpolación con splines, que aproxima una densidad como una combinación lineal de splines. Los algoritmos propuestos se evalúan utilizando bases de datos artificiales. Además, las mixturas de polinomios son utilizadas como un método no paramétrico de estimación de densidades para clasificadores basados en redes bayesianas. Después, se estudia el problema de incluir información direccional en redes bayesianas. Este tipo de datos presenta una serie de características especiales que impiden el uso de las técnicas estadísticas clásicas. Por ello, para manejar este tipo de información se deben usar estadísticos y distribuciones de probabilidad específicos, como la distribución univariante von Mises y la distribución multivariante von Mises–Fisher. En concreto, en esta tesis extendemos el clasificador naive Bayes al caso en el que las distribuciones de probabilidad condicionada de las variables predictoras dada la clase siguen alguna de estas distribuciones. Se estudia el caso base, en el que sólo se utilizan variables direccionales, y el caso híbrido, en el que variables discretas, lineales y direccionales aparecen mezcladas. También se estudian los clasificadores desde un punto de vista teórico, derivando sus funciones de decisión y las superficies de decisión asociadas. El comportamiento de los clasificadores se ilustra utilizando bases de datos artificiales. Además, los clasificadores son evaluados empíricamente utilizando bases de datos reales. También se estudia el problema de la clasificación de interneuronas. Desarrollamos una aplicación web que permite a un grupo de expertos clasificar un conjunto de neuronas de acuerdo a sus características morfológicas más destacadas. Se utilizan medidas de concordancia para analizar el consenso entre los expertos a la hora de clasificar las neuronas. Se investiga la idoneidad de los términos anatómicos y de los tipos neuronales utilizados frecuentemente en la literatura a través del análisis de redes bayesianas y la aplicación de algoritmos de clustering. Además, se aplican técnicas de aprendizaje supervisado con el objetivo de clasificar de forma automática las interneuronas a partir de sus valores morfológicos. A continuación, se presenta una metodología para construir un modelo que captura las opiniones de todos los expertos. Primero, se genera una red bayesiana para cada experto y se propone un algoritmo para agrupar las redes bayesianas que se corresponden con expertos con comportamientos similares. Después, se induce una red bayesiana que modela la opinión de cada grupo de expertos. Por último, se construye una multired bayesiana que modela las opiniones del conjunto completo de expertos. El análisis del modelo consensuado permite identificar diferentes comportamientos entre los expertos a la hora de clasificar las neuronas. Además, permite extraer un conjunto de características morfológicas relevantes para cada uno de los tipos neuronales mediante inferencia con la multired bayesiana. Estos descubrimientos se utilizan para validar el modelo y constituyen información relevante acerca de la morfología neuronal. Por último, se estudia un problema de clasificación en el que la etiqueta de clase de los datos de entrenamiento es incierta. En cambio, disponemos de un conjunto de etiquetas para cada instancia. Este problema está inspirado en el problema de la clasificación de neuronas, en el que un grupo de expertos proporciona una etiqueta de clase para cada instancia de manera individual. Se propone un método para aprender redes bayesianas utilizando vectores de cuentas, que representan el número de expertos que seleccionan cada etiqueta de clase para cada instancia. Estas redes bayesianas se evalúan utilizando bases de datos artificiales de problemas de aprendizaje supervisado.
Over the past years, several studies on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) have reported Default Mode Network (DMN) deficits. This network is attracting increasing interest in the AD community, as it seems to play an important role in cognitive functioning and in beta amyloid deposition. Attention has been particularly drawn to how different DMN regions are connected using functional or structural connectivity. To this end, most studies have used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). In this study we evaluated (1) functional connectivity from resting state magnetoencephalography (MEG) and (2) structural connectivity from DTI in 26 MCI patients and 31 age-matched controls. Compared to controls, the DMN in the MCI group was functionally disrupted in the alpha band, while no differences were found for delta, theta, beta and gamma frequency bands. In addition, structural disconnection could be assessed through a decreased fractional anisotropy along tracts connecting different DMN regions. This suggests that the DMN functional and anatomical disconnection could represent a core feature of MCI.
El principio de Teoría de Juegos permite desarrollar modelos estocásticos de patrullaje multi-robot para proteger infraestructuras criticas. La protección de infraestructuras criticas representa un gran reto para los países al rededor del mundo, principalmente después de los ataques terroristas llevados a cabo la década pasada. En este documento el termino infraestructura hace referencia a aeropuertos, plantas nucleares u otros instalaciones. El problema de patrullaje se define como la actividad de patrullar un entorno determinado para monitorear cualquier actividad o sensar algunas variables ambientales. En esta actividad, un grupo de robots debe visitar un conjunto de puntos de interés definidos en un entorno en intervalos de tiempo irregulares con propósitos de seguridad. Los modelos de partullaje multi-robot son utilizados para resolver este problema. Hasta el momento existen trabajos que resuelven este problema utilizando diversos principios matemáticos. Los modelos de patrullaje multi-robot desarrollados en esos trabajos representan un gran avance en este campo de investigación. Sin embargo, los modelos con los mejores resultados no son viables para aplicaciones de seguridad debido a su naturaleza centralizada y determinista. Esta tesis presenta cinco modelos de patrullaje multi-robot distribuidos e impredecibles basados en modelos matemáticos de aprendizaje de Teoría de Juegos. El objetivo del desarrollo de estos modelos está en resolver los inconvenientes presentes en trabajos preliminares. Con esta finalidad, el problema de patrullaje multi-robot se formuló utilizando conceptos de Teoría de Grafos, en la cual se definieron varios juegos en cada vértice de un grafo. Los modelos de patrullaje multi-robot desarrollados en este trabajo de investigación se han validado y comparado con los mejores modelos disponibles en la literatura. Para llevar a cabo tanto la validación como la comparación se ha utilizado un simulador de patrullaje y un grupo de robots reales. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los modelos de patrullaje desarrollados en este trabajo de investigación trabajan mejor que modelos de trabajos previos en el 80% de 150 casos de estudio. Además de esto, estos modelos cuentan con varias características importantes tales como distribución, robustez, escalabilidad y dinamismo. Los avances logrados con este trabajo de investigación dan evidencia del potencial de Teoría de Juegos para desarrollar modelos de patrullaje útiles para proteger infraestructuras. ABSTRACT Game theory principle allows to developing stochastic multi-robot patrolling models to protect critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures protection is a great concern for countries around the world, mainly due to terrorist attacks in the last decade. In this document, the term infrastructures includes airports, nuclear power plants, and many other facilities. The patrolling problem is defined as the activity of traversing a given environment to monitoring any activity or sensing some environmental variables If this activity were performed by a fleet of robots, they would have to visit some places of interest of an environment at irregular intervals of time for security purposes. This problem is solved using multi-robot patrolling models. To date, literature works have been solved this problem applying various mathematical principles.The multi-robot patrolling models developed in those works represent great advances in this field. However, the models that obtain the best results are unfeasible for security applications due to their centralized and predictable nature. This thesis presents five distributed and unpredictable multi-robot patrolling models based on mathematical learning models derived from Game Theory. These multi-robot patrolling models aim at overcoming the disadvantages of previous work. To this end, the multi-robot patrolling problem was formulated using concepts of Graph Theory to represent the environment. Several normal-form games were defined at each vertex of a graph in this formulation. The multi-robot patrolling models developed in this research work have been validated and compared with best ranked multi-robot patrolling models in the literature. Both validation and comparison were preformed by using both a patrolling simulator and real robots. Experimental results show that the multirobot patrolling models developed in this research work improve previous ones in as many as 80% of 150 cases of study. Moreover, these multi-robot patrolling models rely on several features to highlight in security applications such as distribution, robustness, scalability, and dynamism. The achievements obtained in this research work validate the potential of Game Theory to develop patrolling models to protect infrastructures.
The proportion of elderly people in the population has increased rapidly in the last century and consequently "healthy aging" is expected to become a critical area of research in neuroscience. Evidence reveals how healthy aging depends on three main behavioral factors: social lifestyle, cognitive activity and physical activity. In this study, we focused on the role of cognitive activity, concentrating specifically on educational and occupational attainment factors, which were considered two of the main pillars of cognitive reserve. 21 subjects with similar rates of social lifestyle, physical and cognitive activity were selected from a sample of 55 healthy adults. These subjects were divided into two groups according to their level of cognitive reserve; one group comprised subjects with high cognitive reserve (9 members) and the other contained those with low cognitive reserve (12 members). To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network, all participants were recorded by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a memory task (modified version of the Sternberg¿s Task). We then applied two algorithms (Phase Locking Value & Phase-Lag Index) to study the dynamics of functional connectivity. In response to the same task, the subjects with lower cognitive reserve presented higher functional connectivity than those with higher cognitive reserve. These results may indicate that participants with low cognitive reserve needed a greater 'effort' than those with high cognitive reserve to achieve the same level of cognitive performance. Therefore, we conclude that cognitive reserve contributes to the modulation of the functional connectivity patterns of the aging brain.
The horizontal visibility algorithm was recently introduced as a mapping between time series and networks. The challenge lies in characterizing the structure of time series (and the processes that generated those series) using the powerful tools of graph theory. Recent works have shown that the visibility graphs inherit several degrees of correlations from their associated series, and therefore such graph theoretical characterization is in principle possible. However, both the mathematical grounding of this promising theory and its applications are in its infancy. Following this line, here we address the question of detecting hidden periodicity in series polluted with a certain amount of noise. We first put forward some generic properties of horizontal visibility graphs which allow us to define a (graph theoretical) noise reduction filter. Accordingly, we evaluate its performance for the task of calculating the period of noisy periodic signals, and compare our results with standard time domain (autocorrelation) methods. Finally, potentials, limitations and applications are discussed.
Analysis of big amount of data is a field with many years of research. It is centred in getting significant values, to make it easier to understand and interpret data. Being the analysis of interdependence between time series an important field of research, mainly as a result of advances in the characterization of dynamical systems from the signals they produce. In the medicine sphere, it is easy to find many researches that try to understand the brain behaviour, its operation mode and its internal connections. The human brain comprises approximately 1011 neurons, each of which makes about 103 synaptic connections. This huge number of connections between individual processing elements provides the fundamental substrate for neuronal ensembles to become transiently synchronized or functionally connected. A similar complex network configuration and dynamics can also be found at the macroscopic scales of systems neuroscience and brain imaging. The emergence of dynamically coupled cell assemblies represents the neurophysiological substrate for cognitive function such as perception, learning, thinking. Understanding the complex network organization of the brain on the basis of neuroimaging data represents one of the most impervious challenges for systems neuroscience. Brain connectivity is an elusive concept that refers to diferent interrelated aspects of brain organization: structural, functional connectivity (FC) and efective connectivity (EC). Structural connectivity refers to a network of physical connections linking sets of neurons, it is the anatomical structur of brain networks. However, FC refers to the statistical dependence between the signals stemming from two distinct units within a nervous system, while EC refers to the causal interactions between them. This research opens the door to try to resolve diseases related with the brain, like Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia, mild cognitive impairment, etc. One of the most important project associated with Alzheimer’s research and other diseases are enclosed in the European project called Blue Brain. The center for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) forms part of the project. The CTB researches have developed a magnetoencephalography (MEG) data processing tool that allow to visualise and analyse data in an intuitive way. This tool receives the name of HERMES, and it is presented in this document. Analysis of big amount of data is a field with many years of research. It is centred in getting significant values, to make it easier to understand and interpret data. Being the analysis of interdependence between time series an important field of research, mainly as a result of advances in the characterization of dynamical systems from the signals they produce. In the medicine sphere, it is easy to find many researches that try to understand the brain behaviour, its operation mode and its internal connections. The human brain comprises approximately 1011 neurons, each of which makes about 103 synaptic connections. This huge number of connections between individual processing elements provides the fundamental substrate for neuronal ensembles to become transiently synchronized or functionally connected. A similar complex network configuration and dynamics can also be found at the macroscopic scales of systems neuroscience and brain imaging. The emergence of dynamically coupled cell assemblies represents the neurophysiological substrate for cognitive function such as perception, learning, thinking. Understanding the complex network organization of the brain on the basis of neuroimaging data represents one of the most impervious challenges for systems neuroscience. Brain connectivity is an elusive concept that refers to diferent interrelated aspects of brain organization: structural, functional connectivity (FC) and efective connectivity (EC). Structural connectivity refers to a network of physical connections linking sets of neurons, it is the anatomical structur of brain networks. However, FC refers to the statistical dependence between the signals stemming from two distinct units within a nervous system, while EC refers to the causal interactions between them. This research opens the door to try to resolve diseases related with the brain, like Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia, mild cognitive impairment, etc. One of the most important project associated with Alzheimer’s research and other diseases are enclosed in the European project called Blue Brain. The center for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) forms part of the project. The CTB researches have developed a magnetoencephalography (MEG) data processing tool that allow to visualise and analyse data in an intuitive way. This tool receives the name of HERMES, and it is presented in this document.
La prevalencia de las alergias está aumentando desde mediados del siglo XX, y se estima que actualmente afectan a alrededor del 2-8 % de la población, pero las causas de este aumento aún no están claras. Encontrar el origen del mecanismo por el cual una proteína inofensiva se convierte en capaz de inducir una respuesta alérgica es de vital importancia para prevenir y tratar estas enfermedades. Aunque la caracterización de alérgenos relevantes ha ayudado a mejorar el manejo clínico y a aclarar los mecanismos básicos de las reacciones alérgicas, todavía queda un largo camino para establecer el origen de la alergenicidad y reactividad cruzada. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido caracterizar las bases moleculares de la alergenicidad tomando como modelo dos familias de panalergenos (proteínas de transferencia de lípidos –LTPs- y taumatinas –TLPs-) y estudiando los mecanismos que median la sensibilización y la reactividad cruzada para mejorar tanto el diagnóstico como el tratamiento de la alergia. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias: estudiar la reactividad cruzada de miembros de familias de panalérgenos; y estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas. Para estudiar la reactividad cruzada entre miembros de la misma familia de proteínas, se seleccionaron LTPs y TLPs, descritas como alergenos, tomando como modelo la alergia a frutas. Por otra parte, se estudiaron los perfiles de sensibilización a alérgenos de trigo relacionados con el asma del panadero, la enfermedad ocupacional más relevante de origen alérgico. Estos estudios se llevaron a cabo estandarizando ensayos tipo microarrays con alérgenos y analizando los resultados por la teoría de grafos. En relación al estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas, se llevaron a cabo estudios sobre la interacción de los alérgenos alimentarios con células del sistema inmune humano y murino y el epitelio de las mucosas, analizando la importancia de moléculas co-transportadas con los alérgenos en el desarrollo de una respuesta Th2. Para ello, Pru p 3(LTP y alérgeno principal del melocotón) se selección como modelo para llevarlo a cabo. Por otra parte, se analizó el papel de moléculas activadoras del sistema inmune producidas por patógenos en la inducción de alergias alimentarias seleccionando el modelo kiwi-alternaria, y el papel de Alt a 1, alérgeno mayor de dicho hongo, en la sensibilización a Act d 2, alérgeno mayor de kiwi. En resumen, el presente trabajo presenta una investigación innovadora aportando resultados de gran utilidad tanto para la mejora del diagnóstico como para nuevas investigaciones sobre la alergia y el esclarecimiento final de los mecanismos que caracterizan esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT Allergies are increasing their prevalence from mid twentieth century, and they are currently estimated to affect around 2-8% of the population but the underlying causes of this increase remain still elusive. The understanding of the mechanism by which a harmless protein becomes capable of inducing an allergic response provides us the basis to prevent and treat these diseases. Although the characterization of relevant allergens has led to improved clinical management and has helped to clarify the basic mechanisms of allergic reactions, it seems justified in aspiring to molecularly dissecting these allergens to establish the structural basis of their allergenicity and cross-reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular basis of the allergenicity of model proteins belonging to different families (Lipid Transfer Proteins –LTPs-, and Thaumatin-like Proteins –TLPs-) in order to identify mechanisms that mediate sensitization and cross reactivity for developing new strategies in the management of allergy, both diagnosis and treatment, in the near future. With this purpose, two strategies have been conducted: studies of cross-reactivity among panallergen families and molecular studies of the contribution of cofactors in the induction of the allergic response by these panallergens. Following the first strategy, we studied the cross-reactivity among members of two plant panallergens (LTPs , Lipid Transfer Proteins , and TLPs , Thaumatin-like Proteins) using the peach allergy as a model. Similarly, we characterized the sensitization profiles to wheat allergens in baker's asthma development, the most relevant occupational disease. These studies were performed using allergen microarrays and the graph theory for analyzing the results. Regarding the second approach, we analyzed the interaction of plant allergens with immune and epithelial cells. To perform these studies , we examined the importance of ligands and co-transported molecules of plant allergens in the development of Th2 responses. To this end, Pru p 3, nsLTP (non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein) and peach major allergen, was selected as a model to investigate its interaction with cells of the human and murine immune systems as well as with the intestinal epithelium and the contribution of its ligand in inducing an allergic response was studied. Moreover, we analyzed the role of pathogen associated molecules in the induction of food allergy. For that, we selected the kiwi- alternaria system as a model and the role of Alt a 1 , major allergen of the fungus, in the development of Act d 2-sensitization was studied. In summary, this work presents an innovative research providing useful results for improving diagnosis and leading to further research on allergy and the final clarification of the mechanisms that characterize this disease.
In the last decades, neuropsychological theories tend to consider cognitive functions as a result of the whole brainwork and not as individual local areas of its cortex. Studies based on neuroimaging techniques have increased in the last years, promoting an exponential growth of the body of knowledge about relations between cognitive functions and brain structures [1]. However, so fast evolution make complicated to integrate them in verifiable theories and, even more, translated in to cognitive rehabilitation. The aim of this research work is to develop a cognitive process-modeling tool. The purpose of this system is, in the first term, to represent multidimensional data, from structural and functional connectivity, neuroimaging, data from lesion studies and derived data from clinical intervention [2][3]. This will allow to identify consolidated knowledge, hypothesis, experimental designs, new data from ongoing studies and emerging results from clinical interventions. In the second term, we pursuit to use Artificial Intelligence to assist in decision making allowing to advance towards evidence based and personalized treatments in cognitive rehabilitation. This work presents the knowledge base design of the knowledge representation tool. It is compound of two different taxonomies (structure and function) and a set of tags linking both taxonomies at different levels of structural and functional organization. The remainder of the abstract is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the web application used for gathering necessary information for generating the knowledge base, Section 3 describes knowledge base structure and finally Section 4 expounds reached conclusions.
Neuroimage experiments have been essential for identifying active brain networks. During cognitive tasks as in, e.g., aesthetic appreciation, such networks include regions that belong to the default mode network (DMN). Theoretically, DMN activity should be interrupted during cognitive tasks demanding attention, as is the case for aesthetic appreciation. Analyzing the functional connectivity dynamics along three temporal windows and two conditions, beautiful and not beautiful stimuli, here we report experimental support for the hypothesis that aesthetic appreciation relies on the activation of two different networks, an initial aesthetic network and a delayed aesthetic network, engaged within distinct time frames. Activation of the DMN might correspond mainly to the delayed aesthetic network. We discuss adaptive and evolutionary explanations for the relationships existing between the DMN and aesthetic networks and offer unique inputs to debates on the mind/brain interaction.
Many studies have assessed the characterization of anatomical or functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), however it is still unknown how they are related in the course of the pathology. Here we integrate the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data with white matter (WM) integrity quantification from diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), to asses whether the damage in the WM tracts disrupt the organization of the functional networks.
Esta tesis presenta un novedoso marco de referencia para el análisis y optimización del retardo de codificación y descodificación para vídeo multivista. El objetivo de este marco de referencia es proporcionar una metodología sistemática para el análisis del retardo en codificadores y descodificadores multivista y herramientas útiles en el diseño de codificadores/descodificadores para aplicaciones con requisitos de bajo retardo. El marco de referencia propuesto caracteriza primero los elementos que tienen influencia en el comportamiento del retardo: i) la estructura de predicción multivista, ii) el modelo hardware del codificador/descodificador y iii) los tiempos de proceso de cuadro. En segundo lugar, proporciona algoritmos para el cálculo del retardo de codificación/ descodificación de cualquier estructura arbitraria de predicción multivista. El núcleo de este marco de referencia consiste en una metodología para el análisis del retardo de codificación/descodificación multivista que es independiente de la arquitectura hardware del codificador/descodificador, completada con un conjunto de modelos que particularizan este análisis del retardo con las características de la arquitectura hardware del codificador/descodificador. Entre estos modelos, aquellos basados en teoría de grafos adquieren especial relevancia debido a su capacidad de desacoplar la influencia de los diferentes elementos en el comportamiento del retardo en el codificador/ descodificador, mediante una abstracción de su capacidad de proceso. Para revelar las posibles aplicaciones de este marco de referencia, esta tesis presenta algunos ejemplos de su utilización en problemas de diseño que afectan a codificadores y descodificadores multivista. Este escenario de aplicación cubre los siguientes casos: estrategias para el diseño de estructuras de predicción que tengan en consideración requisitos de retardo además del comportamiento tasa-distorsión; diseño del número de procesadores y análisis de los requisitos de velocidad de proceso en codificadores/ descodificadores multivista dado un retardo objetivo; y el análisis comparativo del comportamiento del retardo en codificadores multivista con diferentes capacidades de proceso e implementaciones hardware. ABSTRACT This thesis presents a novel framework for the analysis and optimization of the encoding and decoding delay for multiview video. The objective of this framework is to provide a systematic methodology for the analysis of the delay in multiview encoders and decoders and useful tools in the design of multiview encoders/decoders for applications with low delay requirements. The proposed framework characterizes firstly the elements that have an influence in the delay performance: i) the multiview prediction structure ii) the hardware model of the encoder/decoder and iii) frame processing times. Secondly, it provides algorithms for the computation of the encoding/decoding delay of any arbitrary multiview prediction structure. The core of this framework consists in a methodology for the analysis of the multiview encoding/decoding delay that is independent of the hardware architecture of the encoder/decoder, which is completed with a set of models that particularize this delay analysis with the characteristics of the hardware architecture of the encoder/decoder. Among these models, the ones based in graph theory acquire special relevance due to their capacity to detach the influence of the different elements in the delay performance of the encoder/decoder, by means of an abstraction of its processing capacity. To reveal possible applications of this framework, this thesis presents some examples of its utilization in design problems that affect multiview encoders and decoders. This application scenario covers the following cases: strategies for the design of prediction structures that take into consideration delay requirements in addition to the rate-distortion performance; design of number of processors and analysis of processor speed requirements in multiview encoders/decoders given a target delay; and comparative analysis of the encoding delay performance of multiview encoders with different processing capabilities and hardware implementations.
The type-I intermittency route to (or out of) chaos is investigated within the horizontal visibility (HV) graph theory. For that purpose, we address the trajectories generated by unimodal maps close to an inverse tangent bifurcation and construct their associatedHVgraphs.We showhowthe alternation of laminar episodes and chaotic bursts imprints a fingerprint in the resulting graph structure. Accordingly, we derive a phenomenological theory that predicts quantitative values for several network parameters. In particular, we predict that the characteristic power-law scaling of the mean length of laminar trend sizes is fully inherited by the variance of the graph degree distribution, in good agreement with the numerics. We also report numerical evidence on how the characteristic power-law scaling of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of the distance to the tangent bifurcation is inherited in the graph by an analogous scaling of block entropy functionals defined on the graph. Furthermore, we are able to recast the full set of HV graphs generated by intermittent dynamics into a renormalization-group framework, where the fixed points of its graph-theoretical renormalization-group flow account for the different types of dynamics.We also establish that the nontrivial fixed point of this flow coincides with the tangency condition and that the corresponding invariant graph exhibits extremal entropic properties.
We propose a new algorithm for the design of prediction structures with low delay and limited penalty in the rate-distortion performance for multiview video coding schemes. This algorithm constitutes one of the elements of a framework for the analysis and optimization of delay in multiview coding schemes that is based in graph theory. The objective of the algorithm is to find the best combination of prediction dependencies to prune from a multiview prediction structure, given a number of cuts. Taking into account the properties of the graph-based analysis of the encoding delay, the algorithm is able to find the best prediction dependencies to eliminate from an original prediction structure, while limiting the number of cut combinations to evaluate. We show that this algorithm obtains optimum results in the reduction of the encoding latency with a lower computational complexity than exhaustive search alternatives.