24 resultados para drawing board
A mission on board a sounding rocket to carry out two bare-tether experiments is proposed: a test of orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection and the proof-of-flight of a technique to determine the (neutral) density vertical profile in the critical E-layer. Since full bias from the motional field will be small (~ 20V), corresponding to a tape 1 km long and V rocket <8 km/s, a power source with a range of supply voltages of few kV would be used. First, the negative terminal of the supply would be connected to the tape, and the positive terminal to a round, conductive boom of length 10 - 20 m; electrons collected by the boom cross the supply into the tape, where they leak out at the rate of ion impact plus secondary emission. Determination of the density profile from measurements of auroral emissions observed from the rocket, as secondaries racing down the magnetic field reach an E-layer footprint, are discussed. Next the positive terminal of the voltage supply is connected to the tape, and the negative terminal to a Hollow Cathode (HC); electrons now collected by the tape cross the supply, and are ejected at the HC. The opposite connections, with current collection operated by tape and boom, and operating on electrons and ions, and through partial switching in the supply, allow testing OML collection in almost all respects it depends on.
In this paper we propose an innovative method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an onboard stereo camera. It involves a combination of monocular and stereo analysis strategies to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. Firstly, an adaptive color and appearance based detection is applied at single camera level to generate a set of traffic sign hypotheses. In turn, stereo information allows for sparse 3D reconstruction of potential traffic signs through a SURF-based matching strategy. Namely, the plane that best fits the cloud of 3D points traced back from feature matches is estimated using a RANSAC based approach to improve robustness to outliers. Temporal consistency of the 3D information is ensured through a Kalman-based tracking stage. This also allows for the generation of a predicted 3D traffic sign model, which is in turn used to enhance the previously mentioned color-based detector through a feedback loop, thus improving detection accuracy. The proposed solution has been tested with real sequences under several illumination conditions and in both urban areas and highways, achieving very high detection rates in challenging environments, including rapid motion and significant perspective distortion
In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process (1). The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management (2).
This paper describes some important aspects of high- integrity software development based on the authors' work. Current group research is oriented towards mixed- criticality partitioned systems, development tools, real- time kernels, and language features. The UPMSat-2 satellite software is being used as technology demonstra- tor and a case study for the assessment of the research results. The flight software that will run on the satellite is based on proven technology, such as GNAT/ORK+ and LEON3. There is an experimental version that is being built using a partitioned approach, aiming at assessing a toolset targeting partitioned multi-core em- bedded systems. The singularities of both approaches are discussed, as well as some of the tools that are being used for developing the software.
Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HoGs) provide excellent results in object detection and verification. However, their demanding processing requirements bound their applicability in some critical real-time scenarios, such as for video-based on-board vehicle detection systems. In this work, an efficient HOG configuration for pose-based on-board vehicle verification is proposed, which alleviates both the processing requirements and required feature vector length without reducing classification performance. The impact on classification of some critical configuration and processing parameters is in depth analyzed to propose a baseline efficient descriptor. Based on the analysis of its cells contribution to classification, new view-dependent cell-configuration patterns are proposed, resulting in reduced descriptors which provide an excellent balance between performance and computational requirements, rendering higher verification rates than other works in the literature.
In this paper we tackle the problem of landing a helicopter autonomously on a ship deck, using as the main sensor, an on-board colour camera. To create a test-bed, we first adequately simulate the movement of a ship landing platform on the Sea, for different Sea States, for different ships, randomly and realistically enough. We use a commercial parallel robot to get this movement. Once we had this, we developed an accurate and robust computer vision system to measure the pose of the helipad with respect to the on-board camera. To deal with the noise and the possible fails of the computer vision, a state estimator was created. With all of this, we are now able to develop and test a controller that closes the loop and finish the autonomous landing task.
The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid participates in the MINISAT 01 program as the experiment CPLM responsible. This experiment aims at the study of the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions. The interest of this study is and has been widely recognised by the scientific community and has potential applications in the pharmaceutical and microelectronic technologies (crystal growth), among others. The scientific team which has developed the CPLM experiment has a wide experience in this field and had participate in the performance of a large number of experiments on the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions in flight (Spacelab missions, TEXUS sounding rockets, KC-135 and Caravelle aeroplanes, drop towers, as well as on earth labs (neutralbuoyancy and small scale simulations). The experimental equipment used in CPLMis a version of the payload developed for experimentation on drop towers and on board microsatellites as the UPM-Sat 1, adapted to fly on board MINISAT 01.
Cómic, arquitectura narrativa. Describiendo cuatro dimensiones con dos. La mayor parte de los estudios con un enfoque académico en torno a cómic y arquitectura, se han centrado más en las distintas realidades representadas dentro del medio, en sus decorados, que en la estructura del cómic en sí. Existe un aspecto gráfico que se ha venido obviando o al menos no ha adquirido el protagonismo que merece: los espacios representados en el cómic se encuentran en un medio que se concibe y estructura de una manera similar a como el arquitecto dibuja y concibe la arquitectura. En lo básico, históricamente, las herramientas y soportes para idear y representar la arquitectura son muy parecidas a aquellas que usa el autor de cómic. Lápiz, tinta y color sobre un papel, combinadas trabajando en un tablero, ese es lugar de nacimiento de ambos mundos. A lo largo de esta tesis se muestra cómo el dibujo une a creadores de narraciones gráficas y edificios. La relación va más allá de que el cómic pueda utilizar las disposiciones vitruvianas, ichnographia, ortographia o scenographia, (planta, alzado, perspectiva), la propia articulación que hace del espacio de la página, puede sintonizar con la manera en la que se concibe una estructura arquitectónica. La tesis inicia con un capítulo de recorrido en torno a las teorías del cómic existentes, buscando intersecciones posibles con la representación arquitectónica o el proyecto espacial. En este primer paso de estudio del estado de la cuestión han pesado más los trabajos de los últimos veinticinco años. Se trata de un periodo en el que, a la par que se ha producido una explosión creativa en el mundo del cómic, determinados teóricos han incidido en un análisis más formal y visual del medio. Tras recoger teorías en el primer capítulo, se plantea un recorrido histórico a la búsqueda de posibles resonancias de “arquitecturas mentales” en el pasado. Esta búsqueda de referentes más allá del siglo XIX, momento en el que nace el medio en su forma actual, es ya un aspecto comúb en distintos estudios de cómic que han servido de inspiración. Se ha preferido ubicar esta colección de antecedentes como segundo capítulo, evitando dar al trabajo un carácter de historia e incidiendo en su enfoque de tipo visual. El tercer capítulo analiza una serie de obras y autores de cómic en su forma actual, buscando distintas estrategias para la descripción de espacios y las narraciones que ocurren en ellos. El crecimiento de casos en estas últimas décadas ha demostrado hasta qué punto el desarrollo de un campo depende tanto de que exista una masa crítica en un contexto conectado y productivo, como de la aparición de individuos que abren puertas a los demás, con la cristalización personal que hacen de una situación. Se analiza en un cuarto capítulo la relación entre la arquitectura y el cómic modernos. Una relación que se presenta partiendo desde sus respectivos padres, para después tratar un elenco creciente de experiencias en el que la narración gráfica y el hecho arquitectónico estan íntimamente ligados. Inspirado en la estrategia que Gubern y Gasca utilizan en El discurso del cómic (Cátedra, 1988) se cierra la tesis con un discurso visual por las arquitecturas mentales y narrativas del cómic: la representación del espacio a través de juego con las dimensiones, el uso de recursos gráficos propios de la descripción arquitectónica, la sección, la planta, la utilización de elementos constructivos,etc, completando el abanico de estrategias gráficas presentadas. ABSTRACT Comic narrative architecture. Describing four dimensions with two Most of the studies with an academic focus around comics and architecture have centered their view more on the different realities represented in the media, in its sets, than in the structure of comics itself. There is a graphic aspect that has been ignored, or at least has not gained the prominence it deserves: the spaces rendered in the comics are set in a medium that is conceived and structured in a similar way as the architect draws and conceives architecture. In basics, tools for designing and representing architecture are very similar to those used by the cartoonist. Pencil, ink and color on paper, combined working on a board, that is birthplace of both worlds. Throughout this thesis its shown how drawing connects creators of graphic stories and buildings. The relationship goes beyond the use that comics can do of the Vitruvian provisions, ichnographia, ortographia or scenographia (plan, elevation, perspective), to the arrange itself that it makes with space on the page, in tune with the way in which architectural structures are conceived. The thesis starts with a chapter that collects existing comics theories and their possible intersection with architectural rendering. In this first step of study on the state of affairs, the focus has been over studies from the last twenty years. It is a period in which, at the same time that there has been a creative explosion in the world of comics, some theorists have worked with a more formal and visual approach. After collecting theories in the first chapter, a historical tour is made to search for possible resonances of “mental architectures” in the past. This search for references beyond the nineteenth century, when the medium was born in its current form, is already a regular process in various recent studies that have served as inspiration. We preferred to locate this as a second chapter, to avoid giving the work a character of History, and reenforcing its visual approach. The third chapter analyzes a series of comics and authors, looking for different strategies for describing spaces and stories that occur in them. The growth of cases in recent decades has shown how the development of a field depends both on the existence of a critical mass in a connected and productive enviroment, and the appearance of individuals who open doors to others with the personal crystallization that they make on that context. The relationship between architecture and the modern comic is analyzed in a fourth chapter. A relationship that is described starting from their parents, and then going through a growing cast of experiences in which graphic narrative and architecture are closely linked. Inspired by the strategy used Gubern and Gasca in El discurso del cómic (Cátedra, 1988), The Comics’ Speech, the thesis concludes with a visual discourse through this narrative comic architectures: the representation of space by playing with dimensions, the use of resources for architectural rendering, section, plant, etc., to complete the range of graphical strategies presented.
Esta tesis doctoral trata de investigar cuánto hubo de presencia del cine en el pensamiento de Le Corbusier y Pierre Jeanneret, a la hora de acometer la publicación y maquetación de las páginas dedicadas a la Villa Stein-de Monzie en Garches, en “Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret. Oeuvre Complète 1910-1929”. Qué mecanismos cinematográficos pusieron en juego, cuando montaban las páginas de L´Oeuvre Complète. Más que encontrar elementos cinematográficos utilizados de manera directa; el objetivo de esta tesis es profundizar en los mecanismos, procedimientos, sistemas de generación de ideas a lo largo del proceso de proyecto; en las maneras de percibir y experimentar los espacios, o de observar las formas. El armazón lo compone por lo tanto el análisis del modo en que Le Corbusier representa la villa en L´Oeuvre Complète, sus intenciones y la función pedagógica de este modo de representar; así como sus diferencias con respecto a lo realmente construido. Una realidad elaborada sobre un tablero; maquetando su representación, eligiendo los fragmentos, y componiendo las láminas (cercana a la de un director de cine). La justificación del objeto a estudiar se plantea en el primer capítulo: L´Oeuvre Complète (1937), la reedición en francés, alemán e inglés de la primera edición en alemán, Ihr Gesamtes Werk (1929).Se establecen las intenciones de Le Corbusier de que se convierta en un modelo de Tratado de Arquitectura Moderna, eminentemente visual. Se estudian los mecanismos formales y geométricos de composición del libro, y el modo en el que L´Oeuvre Complète debe ser leída. El desarrollo de los siguientes capítulos (del 2 al 9) recoge el método principal de investigación de esta tesis, basado en una lectura longitudinal, crítica y sistemática, a partir de la observación atenta de la representación de la villa Stein-de Monzie en Garches, en las páginas nº 140 a 149 de L´Oeuvre Complète. Se efectúa mediante un desarrollo lineal y secuenciado, como si de un guión cinematográfico se tratara. Cada capítulo describe y analiza cada uno de los diferentes fragmentos, permitiendo al mismo tiempo enlazar temas de interés que ayudan a comprender aspectos de la villa de Garches, de su concepción en la intensa labor de proyecto (con numerosas variantes y propuestas), e incluso de su aparición en el cine. Además, la tesis arroja luz sobre unos documentos bastante desconocidos: las láminas de la colección del Museo Cooper-Hewitt de nueva York, para la villa de Garches. El análisis de la presentación de la villa de Garches en L´Oeuvre Complète, constata que para Le Corbusier, el fragmento, per se, ha de ser perfecto, produciendo la máxima emoción. Como un prestidigitador, Le Corbusier los manipula, o le niega información al espectador mediante el uso de la elipsis en el relato. Los textos concatenan las imágenes, soportan el hilo de la narración. Los bocetos quieren siempre seducir al espectador: son dibujos que rezuman vitalidad, con una técnica muy cercana a la ligne claire del cómic. Las plantas son un laboratorio para demostrar su jerarquía y su libertad de composición; eliminando elementos, distorsionando la valoración de líneas y apareciendo algún elemento no ejecutado. Los alzados, esquemáticos y abstractos, demuestran el control de la geometría para garantizar la emoción. Las fotografías son controladas en su fase de captura (elección del punto de vista, cuidada puesta en escena de los objetos, composición con la luz, uso de las sombras para la aparición del fuera de campo); pero también en la fase de postproducción y edición, donde son cortadas, alisadas superficies, borrando o dibujando elementos sobre ellas. El montaje compone asimismo una representación dinámica, fragmentada y múltiple de la villa. Como sucede en el cine, los fragmentos sólo encuentran su razón de ser una vez son re-creados y montados en la cabeza del espectador. La falta de raccord es un mecanismo buscado por Le Corbusier, trasladando a la representación una de las primordiales características de la villa de Garches: su permanente dualidad simultánea. Todos estos mecanismos son desplegados por Le Corbusier, para ofrecer una versión idealizada de la villa, que recoja todas las virtudes de los distintos proyectos e incorpore el factor tiempo. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis tries to investigate how much the cinema affected Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret´s thoughts, at the moment of undertaking the publication and layout of the pages dedicated to the villa Stein-de Monzie in Garches, in the book “Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret. Oeuvre Complète 1910-1929”. Which cinematographic mechanisms they brought into play, when they were mounting those pages. Instead of finding cinematographic elements, used directly; the aim of this thesis is to go deeply into the mechanisms, methods, systems of generation of ideas along the project process; into the ways of seeing and feeling the spaces, or of watching the forms. The body is composed therefore by the analysis of the way in which Le Corbusier represents the villa in L'Oeuvre Complète, his intentions and the pedagogic function of that way of representation; as well as its differences with the real built villa. One reality elaborated on a board; laying out its representation, choosing the fragments, and composing the sheets (near to the work of a director of cinema). The justification of the object to studying appears in the first chapter: L'Oeuvre Complète (1937), the reissue in French, German and English of the first edition in German, Ihr Gesamtes Werk (1929). This chapter shows the intentions of Le Corbusier of turning the book into a model of modern architecture, highly visual. The formal and geometric mechanisms of composition of the book are studied, and the way in which L'Oeuvre Complète must be read. The development of the following chapters (from 2 to 9) gathers the principal method of investigation of this thesis, based on a longitudinal, critical and systematic reading; from the watching of the representation of the villa Stein-de Monzie in Garches, in the pages nr. 140 to 149 of L'Oeuvre Complète. It is carried out by a linear and sequenced development, as a cinematographic script. Every chapter describes and analyzes each of the different fragments, allowing at the same time to connect interesting issues that help to understand aspects of the villa in Garches, of its conception in the intense project process (with numerous variants and designs), and even of its appearance in films. Also, the thesis throws light on some unknown documents: the sheets of the collection of the Museum Cooper-Hewitt in New York, for the villa in Garches. The analysis of the presentation of the villa in Garches in L'Oeuvre Complète, proves that for Le Corbusier, the fragment, itself, has to be perfect, getting the maximum emotion. As a prestidigitator, Le Corbusier manipulates them, or denies information to the spectator by means of the use of the ellipsis in the story. The texts concatenate the images, support the thread of the story. The sketches always attempt to seduce the spectator: they are drawings that leak vitality, with lines very near to the ligne claire of the cómic. The plans are a laboratory to demonstrate their hierarchy and their freedom of composition; deleting elements, distorting the thickness of lines and showing some not executed elements. The elevations, schematic and abstract, shows the control of the geometry to guarantee the emotion in architecture. The pictures are controlled in their instant of capture (choice of the point of view, elegant mise-en-scène of the objects, composition with light, use of the shadows for the appearance of out of vision); but also in the postproduction and edition time, when surfaces are cut, smoothing, erasing or drawing elements in them. The montage composes in the same way a dynamic, fragmented and multiple representation of the villa. As in the films, the fragments only find their raison d'être once they have been re-created and mounted into the mind of the viewer. The continuity error is a mechanism allowed by Le Corbusier, transfering to the representation in the book one of the basic characteristics of the villa in Garches: its constant simultaneous duality. All these methods are displayed by Le Corbusier, to offer an idealized version of the villa, which gathers all the virtues of the different projects, and incorporates the time factor.