62 resultados para dilatational elasticity


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In recent years, applications in domains such as telecommunications, network security or large scale sensor networks showed the limits of the traditional store-then-process paradigm. In this context, Stream Processing Engines emerged as a candidate solution for all these applications demanding for high processing capacity with low processing latency guarantees. With Stream Processing Engines, data streams are not persisted but rather processed on the fly, producing results continuously. Current Stream Processing Engines, either centralized or distributed, do not scale with the input load due to single-node bottlenecks. Moreover, they are based on static configurations that lead to either under or over-provisioning. This Ph.D. thesis discusses StreamCloud, an elastic paralleldistributed stream processing engine that enables for processing of large data stream volumes. Stream- Cloud minimizes the distribution and parallelization overhead introducing novel techniques that split queries into parallel subqueries and allocate them to independent sets of nodes. Moreover, Stream- Cloud elastic and dynamic load balancing protocols enable for effective adjustment of resources depending on the incoming load. Together with the parallelization and elasticity techniques, Stream- Cloud defines a novel fault tolerance protocol that introduces minimal overhead while providing fast recovery. StreamCloud has been fully implemented and evaluated using several real word applications such as fraud detection applications or network analysis applications. The evaluation, conducted using a cluster with more than 300 cores, demonstrates the large scalability, the elasticity and fault tolerance effectiveness of StreamCloud. Resumen En los útimos años, aplicaciones en dominios tales como telecomunicaciones, seguridad de redes y redes de sensores de gran escala se han encontrado con múltiples limitaciones en el paradigma tradicional de bases de datos. En este contexto, los sistemas de procesamiento de flujos de datos han emergido como solución a estas aplicaciones que demandan una alta capacidad de procesamiento con una baja latencia. En los sistemas de procesamiento de flujos de datos, los datos no se persisten y luego se procesan, en su lugar los datos son procesados al vuelo en memoria produciendo resultados de forma continua. Los actuales sistemas de procesamiento de flujos de datos, tanto los centralizados, como los distribuidos, no escalan respecto a la carga de entrada del sistema debido a un cuello de botella producido por la concentración de flujos de datos completos en nodos individuales. Por otra parte, éstos están basados en configuraciones estáticas lo que conducen a un sobre o bajo aprovisionamiento. Esta tesis doctoral presenta StreamCloud, un sistema elástico paralelo-distribuido para el procesamiento de flujos de datos que es capaz de procesar grandes volúmenes de datos. StreamCloud minimiza el coste de distribución y paralelización por medio de una técnica novedosa la cual particiona las queries en subqueries paralelas repartiéndolas en subconjuntos de nodos independientes. Ademas, Stream- Cloud posee protocolos de elasticidad y equilibrado de carga que permiten una optimización de los recursos dependiendo de la carga del sistema. Unidos a los protocolos de paralelización y elasticidad, StreamCloud define un protocolo de tolerancia a fallos que introduce un coste mínimo mientras que proporciona una rápida recuperación. StreamCloud ha sido implementado y evaluado mediante varias aplicaciones del mundo real tales como aplicaciones de detección de fraude o aplicaciones de análisis del tráfico de red. La evaluación ha sido realizada en un cluster con más de 300 núcleos, demostrando la alta escalabilidad y la efectividad tanto de la elasticidad, como de la tolerancia a fallos de StreamCloud.


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The singularities which arise when there is a sudden change of boundary conditions are modelled using spectral shape interpolation functions. The procedure can be used for elasticity as well as potential theory and to any degree of accuracy with respect to the smooth part of the curve.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio de algunas técnicas no destructivas para la clasificación de madera de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) de procedencia española y de gruesa escuadría para uso estructural. Para la estimación del módulo de elasticidad y de la resistencia se han aplicado técnicas basadas en la propagación de una onda a través de la madera: onda de ultrasonidos (Sylvatest) o de impacto (Microsecond Timer) en dirección longitudinal, o vibración en dirección longitudinal y transversal (PLG). Para la estimación de la densidad se han utilizado métodos puntuales basados en el penetrómetro (Pilodyn) y en la resistencia al arranque de un tornillo. Las variables obtenidas han sido relacionadas con los resultados de la clasificación visual y con las propiedades de la madera determinadas mediante ensayo mecánico. Además, se ha estudiado la influencia de la humedad de la madera en la velocidad de propagación de la onda para definir factores de corrección a los equipos comerciales utilizados en esta Tesis Doctoral. La muestra de estudio está formada por 244 piezas procedentes de El Espinar, Segovia, con dimensiones nominales 150 x 200 x 4000 mm (218 piezas) y 100 x 150 x 3000 mm (26 piezas). De todas las piezas se tomaron datos de dimensiones, contenido de humedad y clasificación visual según la norma UNE 56544. En las primeras 218 vigas se aplicaron las técnicas de ultrasonidos, onda de impacto y vibraciones, se determinó la densidad de cada pieza completa y se ensayaron según la norma UNE-EN 408 para obtener el módulo de elasticidad global (en todos los casos) y local (en un porcentaje), así como de la tensión de rotura. Se extrajeron tres rebanadas para los ensayos puntuales y para el cálculo de la densidad. En las otras 26 piezas se repitieron los ensayos (transmisión de onda, vibración y clasificación visual) durante el proceso de secado natural, desde que la madera se encontraba húmeda (en torno al 40 %) hasta la humedad de equilibrio higroscópico (en torno al 9%). Respecto a la clasificación visual no se han observado diferencias significativas entre la calidad MEG o las rechazadas. Se han estudiado las consecuencias del secado (principalmente las deformaciones) y no se ha encontrado justificación para que estos defectos penalicen la clasificación. Para la densidad, el mayor R2 obtenido ha sido de un 47% a partir del uso combinado de los dos equipos puntuales (penetrómetro y arranque de tornillo). Para el módulo de elasticidad y la tensión de rotura, la mejor relación se ha obtenido a partir de la técnica de vibración longitudinal, con unos coeficientes de 79% y un 52% respectivamente. Se ha estimado que el aumento de un punto porcentual en el contenido de humedad de la madera produce una pérdida de velocidad de onda del 0,58% para Sylvatest y Microsecond Timer, y del 0,71% para PLG. Estos valores son generalizables para un rango de humedades entre 9 y 25 %. Abstract This Doctoral Thesis approach the study of some non-destructive techniques as a classification method for structural use of Scots pine wood of Spanish origin with large cross section. To estimate the modulus of elasticity and strength have been used techniques based on the propagation of a wave through the timber: ultrasonic wave (Sylvatest) or stress wave (Microsecond Timer) in longitudinal direction, or vibration in longitudinal and transversal direction (PLG). Local probing methods have been applied to estimate the density, based on penetrometer (Pilodyn) and the screw withdrawal resistance meter. The different variables obtained were compared with the results of the visual grading and the values of the properties of the wood determined by the standardized test of the pieces. Furthermore, the influence of the moisture content of the wood on the velocity of propagation of the waves through the timber has been analyzed in order to establish a correction factor for the commercial devices used in this Doctoral Thesis. The sample tested consists of 244 pieces from El Espinar, Segovia, with nominal dimensions 150 x 200 x 4000 mm (218 pieces) and 100 x 150 x 3000 mm (26 pieces). Data collection about dimensions, moisture content and visual grading according to the UNE 56544 standard were carried out on all the pieces. The first 218 pieces were tested by non destructive techniques based on ultrasonic wave, stress wave and vibration, the density was measured on each piece and bending test according to the UNE-EN 408 standard was carried out for calculating the global modulus of elasticity (all the pieces) and the local one (only a representative group), as well as the bending strength. Three slices were removed for implementing the local probing and to calculate the density. In the other 26 pieces the tests (wave transmission, vibration and visual grading) were repeated during the natural drying process, from wet timber (around 40 % moisture content) up to the equilibrium moisture content (around 9%). Regarding the visual grading no significant differences were observed between MEG or rejected pieces. The effects of drying (deformations) have been studied, and justification for the specification hasn't been found. To estimate the density, the greater R2 obtained was 47% by using both penetrometer and screw withdrawal. For the modulus of elasticity and bending strength, the best relationship has been found with the longitudinal vibration, with coefficients of 79% and 52% respectively. It has been estimated that an increase of a point of the moisture content of the wood produces a decrease on the velocity obtained from ultrasonic or stress wave of 0,58%, and 0,71 % for the one obtained from vibration. Those values can be generalized for a range of moisture content from 9 to 25 %.


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The objective of this study is to analyze the applicability of current models used for estimating the mechanical properties of conventional concrete to self-consolidating concrete (SCC). The mechanical properties evaluated are modulus of elasticity, tensile strength,and modulus of rupture. As part of the study, it was necessary to build an extensive database that included the proportions and mechanical properties of 627 mixtures from 138 different references. The same models that are currently used for calculating the mechanical properties of conventional concrete were applied to SCC to evaluate their applicability to this type of concrete. The models considered are the ACI 318, ACI 363R, and EC2. These are the most commonly used models worldwide. In the first part of the study, the overall behavior and adaptability of the different models to SCC is evaluated. The specific characterization parameters for each concrete mixture are used to calculate the various mechanical properties applying the different estimation models. The second part of the analysis consists of comparing the experimental results of all the mixtures included in the database with the estimated results to evaluate the applicability of these models to SCC. Various statistical procedures, such as regression analysis and residual analysis, are used to compare the predicted and measured properties. It terms of general applicability, the evaluated models are suitable for estimating the modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, and modulus of rupture of SCC. These models have a rather low sensitivity, however, and adjust well only to mean values. This is because the models use the compressive strength as the main variable to characterize the concrete and do not consider other variables that affect these properties.


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The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its lifecycle management, a one stop shop for Cloud services and a PaaS level resource management featuring elasticity. 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to use Cloud native services and Cloud-aware immigrant technologies.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar las posibilidades de utilización del árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado en aplicaciones no estructurales, justificando mediante la experimentación la validez para esta aplicación, tanto del árido reciclado como del hormigón reciclado. Esta tesis se centró en los aspectos más restrictivos y limitativos en la utilización de los áridos mixtos en hormigón reciclado, basándose tanto en la normativa internacional existente como en los resultados obtenidos en los estudios bibliográficos consultados. La primera tarea realizada fue la caracterización completa de las propiedades del árido reciclado mixto, recogiendo especialmente los siguientes aspectos: granulometría, contenido de finos, absorción y densidades, composición del árido reciclado, índice de lajas, coeficiente de Los Ángeles, partículas ligeras y contenido de sulfatos. De este estudio de los áridos reciclados, se han destacado relaciones entre las propiedades. Las diferentes correlaciones permiten proponer criterios de calidad de un árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado. Se ha elegido un árido reciclado mixto entre los estudiados, de características límite admisibles, para obtener resultados conservadores sobre el hormigón reciclado fabricado con él. En una segunda etapa, se ha realizado un estudio de dosificación completo del hormigón reciclado, evaluando la consistencia del hormigón en estado fresco y la resistencia a compresión del hormigón en estado endurecido y se ha comparado con las mismas propiedades de un hormigón convencional. Se ha analizado la capacidad de absorción del árido conseguida con los métodos de presaturación empleados y en función de su estado de humedad, para poder evaluar las relaciones agua/cemento totales y efectivas del hormigón. Se ha estudiado el efecto de estos dos parámetros tanto en la consistencia como en la resistencia del hormigón reciclado. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el hormigón fabricado con un 50% y 100% de una partida de árido reciclado mixto de calidad admisible y se han ensayado las siguientes propiedades: consistencia, resistencia a compresión, resistencia a tracción indirecta, módulo de elasticidad dinámico, cambios de longitud, porosidad abierta y microscopía. Para analizar el efecto de los sulfatos, se han añadido artificialmente cantidades de yeso controladas en el hormigón reciclado. Se fabricaron hormigones con dos tipos de cemento, un cemento CEM I 42,5 R con elevado contenido de C3A, que debería dar lugar a expansiones mayores y un cemento con adiciones puzolánicas CEM II A-P 42,5 R, que atenuaría el comportamiento expansivo en el hormigón. Los resultados finales indican que la utilización del árido reciclado mixto en proporciones de hasta un 50%, permiten cubrir la gama de resistencias más exigentes dentro del hormigón no estructural. El contenido de sulfatos puede variar desde un 0,8% hasta un 1,9%, según el tipo de cemento y la proporción de sustitución del árido natural por árido reciclado mixto. Tanto en el caso del árido reciclado como en el hormigón, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre el conjunto de datos recopilados en la bibliografía y los obtenidos en este estudio experimental. En varias propiedades del hormigón reciclado, se han comparado los resultados con las fórmulas de la Instrucción EHE-08, para establecer unos coeficientes de corrección a aplicar a un hormigón reciclado con fines no estructurales. The main objective of this investigation work is to study the possibilities of using recycled mixed aggregate for a recycled concrete in non structural applications, justifying by means of experimentation both the validity of the recycled aggregate and recycled concrete. This thesis focused on the most restrictive and limiting aspects in the mixed aggregate use in recycled concrete, on the basis of the international standards as well on the results obtained in the bibliographic studies consulted. The first task achieved was the complete charcaterization of the mixed recycled aggregate properties, specially the following aspects: grain size analysis, fines content, absorption and densities, recycled aggregate composition, flakiness index, Los Angeles coefficient, lightweight particles and sulphate content. From this study, correlations between the properties were highlighted. The different correlations make possible to propose quality criterions for recycled mixed aggregate in concrete. Among the recycled aggregates studied, one of acceptable characteristics but near the limits established, was chosen to obtain conservative results in the recycled concrete made with it. In a second step, a complete recycled concrete mix design was made, to evaluate concrete consistency in the fresh state and concrete compressive strength in the hardened state and its properties were compared to those of a control concrete. The aggregate absorption capacity was analized with the presaturation methods achieved and in function of its state of humidity, to evaluate the total and effective water/cement ratios. The effect of these two parameters, both in consistency and compressive strength of recycled concrete, was studied. Finally, the concrete made with 50% and 100% of the elected recycled mixed aggregate was studied and the following concrete properties were tested: consistency, compressive strength, tensile strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, length changes, water absorption under vacuum and microscopy. To analize the effect of sulphate content, some controlled quantities of gypsum were artificially added to the recycled concrete. Concretes with two types of cement were made, a cement CEM I 42,5 R with a high content of C3A, that would lead to major expansions and a cement with puzzolanic additions CEM II A-P 42,5 R that would lower the expansive behaviour of concrete. The final results indicate that the use of mixed recycled aggregate in proportions up to 50% make possible to cover the overall demanding strengths within the non structural concrete. Sulphates content can range between 0,8% and 1,9%, in function of the type of cement and the proportion of natural aggregate replacement by mixed recycled one. Both in the case of recycled aggregate and concrete, a comparative study was made between the data coming from the bibliography and those obtained in the experimental study. In several recycled concrete properties, the results were compared to the formulas of Spanish Instruction of Structural Concrete (Instruction EHE-08), to establish some correction coefficients to apply for a non structural recycled concrete.


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Many applications in several domains such as telecommunications, network security, large scale sensor networks, require online processing of continuous data lows. They produce very high loads that requires aggregating the processing capacity of many nodes. Current Stream Processing Engines do not scale with the input load due to single-node bottlenecks. Additionally, they are based on static con?gurations that lead to either under or over-provisioning. In this paper, we present StreamCloud, a scalable and elastic stream processing engine for processing large data stream volumes. StreamCloud uses a novel parallelization technique that splits queries into subqueries that are allocated to independent sets of nodes in a way that minimizes the distribution overhead. Its elastic protocols exhibit low intrusiveness, enabling effective adjustment of resources to the incoming load. Elasticity is combined with dynamic load balancing to minimize the computational resources used. The paper presents the system design, implementation and a thorough evaluation of the scalability and elasticity of the fully implemented system.


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The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its management and lifecycle, a one stop shop for Cloud services and the management of resources in the PaaS level (including elasticity). 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to use Cloud native services and Cloud- aware immigrant technologies.


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The paper presents the possibility of implementing a p-adaptive process with the B.E.M. Although the exemples show that good results can be obtained with a limited amount of storage and with the simple ideas explained above, more research is needed in order to improve the two main problems of the method, i.e.: the criteria of where to refine and until what degree. Mathematically based reasoning is still lacking and will be useful to simplify the decission making. Nevertheless the method seems promising and, we hope, opens a path for a series of research lines of maximum interest. Although the paper has dealt only with plane potential problem the extension to plane elasticity as well as to 3-D potential problem is straight-forward.


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Soy protein isolate is typical vegetable protein with health-enhancing activities. Inulin, a prebiotic no digestible carbohydrate, has functional properties. A mashed potato serving of 200 g with added soy protein isolate and inulin concentrations of 15?60 g kg provides from 3 to 12 g of soy protein isolate and/or inulin, respectively. Currently, no information is available about the possible texture-modifying effect of this non-ionizable polar carbohydrate in different soy-based food systems. In this study, the effect of the addition of soy protein isolate and inulin blends at different soy protein isolate: inulin ratios on the degree of inulin polymerization and the rheological and structural properties of fresh mashed and frozen/thawed mashed potatoes were evaluated. The inulin chemical structure remained intact throughout the various treatments, and soy protein isolate did not affect inulin composition being a protein compatible with this fructan. Small-strain rheology showed that both ingredients behaved like soft fillers. In the frozen/thawed mashed potatoes samples,0 addition of 30 : 30 and 15 : 60 blend ratios significantly increased elasticity (G value) compared with 0 : 0 control, consequently reducing the freeze/thaw stability conferred by the cryoprotectants. Inulin crystallites caused a significant strengthening effect on soy protein isolate gel. Micrographs revealed that soy protein isolate supports the inulin structure by building up a second fine-stranded network. Thereby, possibility of using soy protein isolate and inulin in combination with mashed potatoes to provide a highly nutritious and healthy product is promising.


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La ley para la Promoción y Desarrollo de Biocombustibles aprobada en México en 2007 permite la producción de bioetanol y biodiesel. Esta producción puede entrar en conflicto con la producción de alimentos y con los ecosistemas naturales y en esta tesis se desarrolla un modelo microeconométrico que puede servir de base para anticiparse a esos conflictos y para diseñar medidas de política agraria orientadas a potenciar la compatibilidad de la producción de biocombustibles con la de alimentos y con la conservación de los ecosistemas naturales. A partir de una muestra de explotaciones de tres Estados de México – Hidalgo, Querétaro y Tamaulipas- y de un modelo logit multinomial mixto, se estima la elasticidad de la superficie destinada a cultivos alimentarios respecto a cambios en los márgenes económicos de los cultivos agroenergéticos. Esa elasticidad resulta ser significativa. Mostramos que su estimación es útil para anticipar cambios en la superficie destinada a los cultivos alimentarios y a los forestales. Se evalúa el impacto de varios escenarios relativos a los márgenes brutos de los cultivos sobre las decisiones de los agricultores y se muestra la utilidad del modelo para detectar tendencias de cambio a largo plazo en la alternativa de cultivos, incluyendo los forestales. ABSTRACT The Law for the Promotion and Development of Biofuels in Mexico adopted in 2007 allows for the production of bioethanol and biodiesel. This production may conflict with food production and natural ecosystems and this thesis develops a microeconometric model that can serve as a basis to anticipate such conflicts and to implement agricultural policy measures designed to enhance the compatibility of biofuels with production food and natural ecosystems conservation. We estimate the elasticity of the area devoted to food crops with respect to changes in economic margins of energy crops, using a sample of farms in three states of Mexico - Hidalgo, Queretaro and Tamaulipas - , and a multinomial mixed logit model. We found that this elasticity is significant. And we show how it can be useful to anticipate changes in area under food crops and forests. The impact of various scenarios about gross margins on farmers' decisions is assessed and it is shown the usefulness of the model to detect trends of long-term change in the crops area, including forests.


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The program PECET (Boundary Element Program in Three-Dimensional Elasticity) is presented in this paper. This program, written in FORTRAN V and implemen ted on a UNIVAC 1100,has more than 10,000 sentences and 96 routines and has a lot of capabilities which will be explained in more detail. The object of the program is the analysis of 3-D piecewise heterogeneous elastic domains, using a subregionalization process and 3-D parabolic isopara, metric boundary elements. The program uses special data base management which will be described below, and the modularity followed to write it gives a great flexibility to the package. The Method of Analysis includes an adaptive integration process, an original treatment of boundary conditions, a complete treatment of body forces, the utilization of a Modified Conjugate Gradient Method of solution and an original process of storage which makes it possible to save a lot of memory.


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As it is well known B.E.M. works efficiently in the treatment of a bread class of potential and elasticity problems. In this paper we present the results of several runs established with linear elements in plane potential theory and treating the importance of singularities and the pattern and size of elements used in the boundary discretization.


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Thermorheological changes in high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-treated chickpea flour (CF) slurries were studied as a function of pressure level (0.1, 150, 300, 400, and 600 MPa) and slurry concentration (1:5, 1:4, 1:3, and 1:2 flour-to-water ratios). HHP-treated slurries were subsequently analyzed for changes in properties produced by heating, under both isothermal and non-isothermal processes. Elasticity (G′) of pressurized slurry increased with pressure applied and concentration. Conversely, heat-induced CF paste gradually transformed from solid-like behavior to liquid-like behavior as a function of moisture content and pressure level. The G′ and enthalpy of the CF paste decreased with increasing pressure level in proportion with the extent of HHP-induced starch gelatinization. At 25 °C and 15 min, HHP treatment at 450 and 600 MPa was sufficient to complete gelatinization of CF slurry at the lowest concentration (1:5), while more concentrated slurries would require higher pressures and temperature during treatment or longer holding times. Industrial relevance Demand for chickpea gel has increased considerably in the health and food industries because of its many beneficial effects. However, its use is affected by its very difficult handling. Judicious application of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at appropriate levels, adopted as a pre-processing instrument in combination with heating processes, is presented as an innovative technology to produce a remarkable decrease in thermo-hardening of heat-induced chickpea flour paste, permitting the development of new chickpea-based products with desirable handling properties and sensory attributes.


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In this chapter, we are going to describe the main features as well as the basic steps of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) as applied to elastostatic problems and to compare them with other numerical procedures. As we shall show, it is easy to appreciate the adventages of the BEM, but it is also advisable to refrain from a possible unrestrained enthusiasm, as there are also limitations to its usefulness in certain types of problems. The number of these problems, nevertheless, is sufficient to justify the interest and activity that the new procedure has aroused among researchers all over the world. Briefly speaking, the most frequently used version of the BEM as applied to elastostatics works with the fundamental solution, i.e. the singular solution of the governing equations, as an influence function and tries to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem with the aid of a discretization scheme which consists exclusively of boundary elements. As in other numerical methods, the BEM was developed thanks to the computational possibilities offered by modern computers on totally "classical" basis. That is, the theoretical grounds are based on linear elasticity theory, incorporated long ago into the curricula of most engineering schools. Its delay in gaining popularity is probably due to the enormous momentum with which Finite Element Method (FEM) penetrated the professional and academic media. Nevertheless, the fact that these methods were developed before the BEM has been beneficial because de BEM successfully uses those results and techniques studied in past decades. Some authors even consider the BEM as a particular case of the FEM while others view both methods as special cases of the general weighted residual technique. The first paper usually cited in connection with the BEM as applied to elastostatics is that of Rizzo, even though the works of Jaswon et al., Massonet and Oliveira were published at about the same time, the reason probably being the attractiveness of the "direct" approach over the "indirect" one. The work of Tizzo and the subssequent work of Cruse initiated a fruitful period with applicatons of the direct BEM to problems of elastostacs, elastodynamics, fracture, etc. The next key contribution was that of Lachat and Watson incorporating all the FEM discretization philosophy in what is sometimes called the "second BEM generation". This has no doubt, led directly to the current developments. Among the various researchers who worked on elastostatics by employing the direct BEM, one can additionallly mention Rizzo and Shippy, Cruse et al., Lachat and Watson, Alarcón et al., Brebbia el al, Howell and Doyle, Kuhn and Möhrmann and Patterson and Sheikh, and among those who used the indirect BEM, one can additionally mention Benjumea and Sikarskie, Butterfield, Banerjee et al., Niwa et al., and Altiero and Gavazza. An interesting version of the indirct method, called the Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) has been developed by Crounh. A comprehensive study on various special aspects of the elastostatic BEM has been done by Heisse, while review-type articles on the subject have been reported by Watson and Hartmann. At the present time, the method is well established and is being used for the solution of variety of problems in engineering mechanics. Numerous introductory and advanced books have been published as well as research-orientated ones. In this sense, it is worth noting the series of conferences promoted by Brebbia since 1978, wich have provoked a continuous research effort all over the world in relation to the BEM. In the following sections, we shall concentrate on developing the direct BEM as applied to elastostatics.