94 resultados para Web Semantico semantic open data geoSPARQL
We present the data structures and algorithms used in the approach for building domain ontologies from folksonomies and linked data. In this approach we extracts domain terms from folksonomies and enrich them with semantic information from the Linked Open Data cloud. As a result, we obtain a domain ontology that combines the emergent knowledge of social tagging systems with formal knowledge from Ontologies.
Interlinking text documents with Linked Open Data enables the Web of Data to be used as background knowledge within document-oriented applications such as search and faceted browsing. As a step towards interconnecting the Web of Documents with the Web of Data, we developed DBpedia Spotlight, a system for automatically annotating text documents with DBpedia URIs. DBpedia Spotlight allows users to congure the annotations to their specic needs through the DBpedia Ontology and quality measures such as prominence, topical pertinence, contextual ambiguity and disambiguation condence. We compare our approach with the state of the art in disambiguation, and evaluate our results in light of three baselines and six publicly available annotation systems, demonstrating the competitiveness of our system. DBpedia Spotlight is shared as open source and deployed as a Web Service freely available for public use.
This paper describes a novel architecture to introduce automatic annotation and processing of semantic sensor data within context-aware applications. Based on the well-known state-charts technologies, and represented using W3C SCXML language combined with Semantic Web technologies, our architecture is able to provide enriched higher-level semantic representations of user’s context. This capability to detect and model relevant user situations allows a seamless modeling of the actual interaction situation, which can be integrated during the design of multimodal user interfaces (also based on SCXML) for them to be adequately adapted. Therefore, the final result of this contribution can be described as a flexible context-aware SCXML-based architecture, suitable for both designing a wide range of multimodal context-aware user interfaces, and implementing the automatic enrichment of sensor data, making it available to the entire Semantic Sensor Web
OGOLOD is a Linked Open Data dataset derived from different biomedical resources by an automated pipeline, using a tailored ontology as a scaffold. The key contribution of OGOLOD is that it links, in new RDF triples, genetic human diseases and orthologous genes, paving the way for a more efficient translational biomedical research exploiting the Linked Open Data cloud.
We introduce SRBench, a general-purpose benchmark primarily designed for streaming RDF/SPARQL engines, completely based on real-world data sets from the Linked Open Data cloud. With the increasing problem of too much streaming data but not enough tools to gain knowledge from them, researchers have set out for solutions in which Semantic Web technologies are adapted and extended for publishing, sharing, analysing and understanding streaming data. To help researchers and users comparing streaming RDF/SPARQL (strRS) engines in a standardised application scenario, we have designed SRBench, with which one can assess the abilities of a strRS engine to cope with a broad range of use cases typically encountered in real-world scenarios. The data sets used in the benchmark have been carefully chosen, such that they represent a realistic and relevant usage of streaming data. The benchmark defines a concise, yet omprehensive set of queries that cover the major aspects of strRS processing. Finally, our work is complemented with a functional evaluation on three representative strRS engines: SPARQLStream, C-SPARQL and CQELS. The presented results are meant to give a first baseline and illustrate the state-of-the-art.
Recently, experts and practitioners in language resources have started recognizing the benefits of the linked data (LD) paradigm for the representation and exploitation of linguistic data on the Web. The adoption of the LD principles is leading to an emerging ecosystem of multilingual open resources that conform to the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud, in which datasets of linguistic data are interconnected and represented following common vocabularies, which facilitates linguistic information discovery, integration and access. In order to contribute to this initiative, this paper summarizes several key aspects of the representation of linguistic information as linked data from a practical perspective. The main goal of this document is to provide the basic ideas and tools for migrating language resources (lexicons, corpora, etc.) as LD on the Web and to develop some useful NLP tasks with them (e.g., word sense disambiguation). Such material was the basis of a tutorial imparted at the EKAW’14 conference, which is also reported in the paper.
We describe a domain ontology development approach that extracts domain terms from folksonomies and enrich them with data and vocabularies from the Linked Open Data cloud. As a result, we obtain lightweight domain ontologies that combine the emergent knowledge of social tagging systems with formal knowledge from Ontologies. In order to illustrate the feasibility of our approach, we have produced an ontology in the financial domain from tags available in Delicious, using DBpedia, OpenCyc and UMBEL as additional knowledge sources.
Recent commentaries have proposed the advantages of using open exchange of data and informatics resources for improving health-related policies and patient care in Africa. Yet, in many African regions, both private medical and public health information systems are still unaffordable. Open exchange over the social Web 2.0 could encourage more altruistic support of medical initiatives. We have carried out some experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using this approach to disseminate open data and informatics resources in Africa. After the experiments we developed the AFRICA BUILD Portal, the first Social Network for African biomedical researchers. Through the AFRICA BUILD Portal users can access in a transparent way to several resources. Currently, over 600 researchers are using distributed and open resources through this platform committed to low connections.
In the beginning of the 90s, ontology development was similar to an art: ontology developers did not have clear guidelines on how to build ontologies but only some design criteria to be followed. Work on principles, methods and methodologies, together with supporting technologies and languages, made ontology development become an engineering discipline, the so-called Ontology Engineering. Ontology Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development process and the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. Thanks to the work done in the Ontology Engineering field, the development of ontologies within and between teams has increased and improved, as well as the possibility of reusing ontologies in other developments and in final applications. Currently, ontologies are widely used in (a) Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, (b) applications related to knowledge management, natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent information integration, information retrieval, database design and integration, bio-informatics, education, and (c) the Semantic Web, the Semantic Grid, and the Linked Data initiative. In this paper, we provide an overview of Ontology Engineering, mentioning the most outstanding and used methodologies, languages, and tools for building ontologies. In addition, we include some words on how all these elements can be used in the Linked Data initiative.
Estamos viviendo la era de la Internetificación. A día de hoy, las conexiones a Internet se asumen presentes en nuestro entorno como una necesidad más. La Web, se ha convertido en un lugar de generación de contenido por los usuarios. Una información generada, que sobrepasa la idea con la que surgió esta, ya que en la mayoría de casos, su contenido no se ha diseñado más que para ser consumido por humanos, y no por máquinas. Esto supone un cambio de mentalidad en la forma en que diseñamos sistemas capaces de soportar una carga computacional y de almacenamiento que crece sin un fin aparente. Al mismo tiempo, vivimos un momento de crisis de la educación superior: los altos costes de una educación de calidad suponen una amenaza para el mundo académico. Mediante el uso de la tecnología, se puede lograr un incremento de la productividad, y una reducción en dichos costes en un campo, en el que apenas se ha avanzado desde el Renacimiento. En CloudRoom se ha diseñado una plataforma MOOC con una arquitectura ajustada a las últimas convenciones en Cloud Computing, que implica el uso de Servicios REST, bases de datos NoSQL, y que hace uso de las últimas recomendaciones del W3C en materia de desarrollo web y Linked Data. Para su construcción, se ha hecho uso de métodos ágiles de Ingeniería del Software, técnicas de Interacción Persona-Ordenador, y tecnologías de última generación como Neo4j, Redis, Node.js, AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 o Amazon Web Services. Se ha realizado un trabajo integral de Ingeniería Informática, combinando prácticamente la totalidad de aquellas áreas de conocimiento fundamentales en Informática. En definitiva se han ideado las bases de un sistema distribuido robusto, mantenible, con características sociales y semánticas, que puede ser ejecutado en múltiples dispositivos, y que es capaz de responder ante millones de usuarios. We are living through an age of Internetification. Nowadays, Internet connections are a utility whose presence one can simply assume. The web has become a place of generation of content by users. The information generated surpasses the notion with which the World Wide Web emerged because, in most cases, this content has been designed to be consumed by humans and not by machines. This fact implies a change of mindset in the way that we design systems; these systems should be able to support a computational and storage capacity that apparently grows endlessly. At the same time, our education system is in a state of crisis: the high costs of high-quality education threaten the academic world. With the use of technology, we could achieve an increase of productivity and quality, and a reduction of these costs in this field, which has remained largely unchanged since the Renaissance. In CloudRoom, a MOOC platform has been designed with an architecture that satisfies the last conventions on Cloud Computing; which involves the use of REST services, NoSQL databases, and uses the last recommendations from W3C in terms of web development and Linked Data. For its building process, agile methods of Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction techniques, and state of the art technologies such as Neo4j, Redis, Node.js, AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 or Amazon Web Services have been used. Furthermore, a comprehensive Informatics Engineering work has been performed, by combining virtually all of the areas of knowledge in Computer Science. Summarizing, the pillars of a robust, maintainable, and distributed system have been devised; a system with social and semantic capabilities, which runs in multiple devices, and scales to millions of users.
La implantación de las tecnologías Internet ha permitido la extensión del uso de estrategias e-manufacturing y el desarrollo de herramientas para la recopilación, transformación y sincronización de datos de fabricación vía web. En este ámbito, un área de potencial desarrollo es la extensión del virtual manufacturing a los procesos de Performance Management (PM), área crítica para la toma de decisiones y ejecución de acciones de mejora en fabricación. Este trabajo doctoral propone un Arquitectura de Información para el desarrollo de herramientas virtuales en el ámbito PM. Su aplicación permite asegurar la interoperabilidad necesaria en los procesos de tratamiento de información de toma de decisión. Está formado por tres sub-sistemas: un modelo conceptual, un modelo de objetos y un marco Web compuesto de una plataforma de información y una arquitectura de servicios Web (WS). El modelo conceptual y el modelo de objetos se basa en el desarrollo de toda la información que se necesita para definir y obtener los diferentes indicadores de medida que requieren los procesos PM. La plataforma de información hace uso de las tecnologías XML y B2MML para estructurar un nuevo conjunto de esquemas de mensajes de intercambio de medición de rendimiento (PMXML). Esta plataforma de información se complementa con una arquitectura de servicios web que hace uso de estos esquemas para integrar los procesos de codificación, decodificación, traducción y evaluación de los performance key indicators (KPI). Estos servicios realizan todas las transacciones que permiten transformar los datos origen en información inteligente usable en los procesos de toma de decisión. Un caso práctico de intercambio de datos en procesos de medición del área de mantenimiento de equipos es mostrado para verificar la utilidad de la arquitectura. ABSTRAC The implementation of Internet technologies has led to e-Manufacturing technologies becoming more widely used and to the development of tools for compiling, transforming and synchronizing manufacturing data through the Web. In this context, a potential area for development is the extension of virtual manufacturing to Performance Measurement (PM) processes, a critical area for decision-making and implementing improvement actions in manufacturing. This thesis proposes a Information Architecture to integrate decision support systems in e-manufacturing. Specifically, the proposed architecture offers a homogeneous PM information exchange model that can be applied trough decision support in emanufacturing environment. Its application improves the necessary interoperability in decision-making data processing tasks. It comprises three sub-systems: a data model, a object model and Web Framework which is composed by a PM information platform and PM-Web services architecture. . The data model and the object model are based on developing all the information required to define and acquire the different indicators required by PM processes. The PM information platform uses XML and B2MML technologies to structure a new set of performance measurement exchange message schemas (PM-XML). This PM information platform is complemented by a PM-Web Services architecture that uses these schemas to integrate the coding, decoding, translation and assessment processes of the key performance indicators (KPIs). These services perform all the transactions that enable the source data to be transformed into smart data that can be used in the decision-making processes. A practical example of data exchange for measurement processes in the area of equipment maintenance is shown to demonstrate the utility of the architecture.
The Semantics Difficulty Model (SDM) is a model that measures the difficult of introducing semantics technology into a company. SDM manages three descriptions of stages, which we will refer to as ?snapshots?: a company semantic snapshot, data snapshot and semantic application snapshot. Understanding a priory the complexity of introducing semantics into a company is important because it allows the organization to take early decisions, thus saving time and money, mitigating risks and improving innovation, time to market and productivity. SDM works by measuring the distance between each initial snapshot and its reference models (the company semantic snapshots reference model, data snapshots reference model, and the semantic application snapshots reference model) with Euclidian distances. The difficulty level will be "not at all difficult" when the distance is small, and becomes "extremely difficult" when the the distance is large. SDM has been tested experimentally with 2000 simulated companies with arrangements and several initial stages. The output is measured by five linguistic values: "not at all difficult, slightly difficult, averagely difficult, very difficult and extremely difficult". As the preliminary results of our SDM simulation model indicate, transforming a search application into integrated data from different sources with semantics is a "slightly difficult", in contrast with data and opinion extraction applications for which it is "very difficult".
En el marco del proyecto europeo FI-WARE, en el CoNWet Lab (laboratorio de la ETSI Informáticos de la UPM) se ha implementado la plataforma Web Wstore que es una implementación de referencia del Store Generic Enabler perteneciente a dicho proyecto. El objetivo de FI-WARE es crear la plataforma núcleo del Internet del Futuro (IoF) con la intención de incrementar la competitividad global europea en el mundo de las TI. El proyecto introduce una infraestructura innovadora para la creación y distribución de servicios digitales en internet. WStore ofrece a los proveedores de servicios la plataforma donde publicar sus ofertas y desde la cual los clientes podrán acceder ellas. Estos proveedores ofrecen servicios Web, aplicaciones, widgets y data sets del mismo modo que Google ofrece aplicaciones en la tienda online Google Play o Apple en el App Store. WStore está implementada actualmente como una plataforma Web, por lo que una organización que desee ofrecer el servicio de la store necesita instalar el software en un servidor propio y disponer de un dominio para ofrecer sus productos. El objetivo de este trabajo es migrar WStore a un entorno de computación en la nube de manera que con una única instancia se ofrezca el servicio a las organizaciones que deseen disponer de su propia plataforma, de la cual tendrán total control como si se encontrase en su propia infraestructura. Para esto se implementa una versión de WStore que será desplegada en una infraestructura cloud y ofrecida como Software as a Service. La implementación incluye una serie de módulos de código que se podrán añadir opcionalmente en el proceso de instalación si se desea que la instancia instalada sea Multitenant. Además, en este trabajo se estudian y prueban las herramientas que ofrece MongoDB para desplegar la plataforma Wstore Multitenant en una infraestructura cloud. Estas herramientas son replica sets y sharding que permiten desplegar una base de datos escalable y de alta disponibilidad. ---ABSTRACT---In the context of the European project FI-WARE, the CoNWeT Lab (IT Lab from ETSIINF UPM university) has been implemented the web platform WStore. WStore is a reference implementation of the Generic Enabler Store from FI-WARE project. The FI-WARE goal is to create the core platform of the Future Internet (IoF) with the intention of enhancing Europe's global competitiveness in IT technologies. FI-WARE introduces an innovative infrastructure for the creation and distribution of digital services over the Internet. WStore offers to service providers a platform to publicate offerings and where customers can access them. The providers offer web services, applications, widgets and data sets in the same way that Google offers online applications on Google Play or Apple on App Store plataforms. WStore is currently implemented as a web platform, so if an organization wants to offer the store service, it need to install the software on it’s own serves and have a domain to offer their products. The objective of this paper is to migrate WStore to a cloud computing environment where a single instance of the WStore is offered as a web service to organizations who want their own store. Customers (tenants) of the WStore web service will have total control over the software and WStore administration. The implementation includes several code modules that can be optionally added in the installation process to build a Multitenant instance. In addition, this paper review the tools that MongoDB provide for scalability and high availability (replica sets and sharding) with the purpose of deploying multi-tenant WStore on a cloud infrastructure.
Un Service Business Framework consiste en una serie de componentes interrelacionados que permiten la gestión de servicios de negocio a través de su ciclo de vida, desde su creación, descubrimiento y comparación, hasta su monetización (incluyendo un posible reparto de beneficios). De esta manera, el denominado FIWARE Business Framework trata de permitir a los usuarios de la plataforma FIWARE mejorar sus productos con funcionalidades de búsqueda, describrimiento, comparación, monetización y reparto de beneficios. Para lograr este objetivo, el Business Framework de FIWARE proporciona la especificación abierta y las APIs de una serie de components (denominados \Generic Enablers" en terminología FIWARE), junto con una implementación de referencia de las mismas pueden ser facilmente integradas en los sitemas existentes para conseguir aplicaciones con valor a~nadido. Al comienzo de este trabajo de fin de master, el Business Framework de FIWARE no era lo suficientemente maduro como para cubrir los requisitos de sus usuarios, ya que ofrecía modelos demasiado generales y dejaba algunas funcionalidades clave para ser implementadas por los usuarios. Para solucionar estos problemas, el principal objectivo desarrollado en el contexto de este trabajo de fin de master ha consistido en mejorar y evolucionar el Business Framework de FIWARE para dar respuesta a las demandas de sus usuarios. Para alcanzar el pricipal objetivo propuesto, el Business Framework de FIWARE ha sido evaluado usando la información proporcionada por los usuarios de la plataforma, principalmente PyMEs y start-ups que usan este framework en sus soluciones, con el objetivo de obtener una lista de requisitos y de dise~nar a partir de éstos un roadmap de evolución a 6 meses. Después, los diferentes problemas identificados se han tratado uno por uno dando en cada caso una solución capaz de cubrir los requisitos de los usuarios. Finalmente, se han evaluado los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto integrando el Business Framework desarrollado con un sistema existente para la gestión de datos de consusmo energético, construyendo lo que se ha denominado Mercado de Datos de Consumo Energético. Esto además ha permitido demostrar la utilidad del framework propuesto para evolucionar una plataforma de datos abiertos bien conocida como es CKAN a un verdadero mercado de datos.---ABSTRACT---Service Business Frameworks consist on a number of interrelated components that support the management of business services across their whole lifecycle, from their creation, publication, discovery and comparison, to their monetization (possibly including revenue settlement and sharing). In this regard, the FIWARE Business Framework aims at allowing FIWARE users to enhance their solutions with search, discovery, comparison, monetization and revenue settlement and sharing features. To achieve this objective, the FIWARE Business Framework provides the open specification and APIs of a comprehensive set of components (called Generic Enablers in FIWARE terminology), along with a reference implementation of these APIs,, that can be easily integrated with existing systems in order to create value added applications. At the beginning of the current Master's Thesis, the FIWARE Business Framework was not mature enough to cover the requirements of the its users, since it provided too general models and leaved some key functionality to be implemented by those users. To deal with these issues, the main objective carried out in the context of this Master's Thesis have been enhancing and evolving the FIWARE Business Framework to accomplish with the demands of its users. For achieving the main objective of this Master's Thesis, the FWARE Business Framework has been evaluated using the feedback provided by FIWARE users, mainly SMEs and start-ups, actually using the framework in their solutions, in order to determine a list of requirements and to design a roadmap for the evolution and improvement of the existing framework in the next 6 months. Then, the diferent issues detected have been tackle one by one enhancing them, and trying to give a solution able to cover users requirements. Finally, the results of the project have been evaluated by integrating the evolved FIWARE Business Framework with an existing system in charge of the management of energy consumption data, building what has been called the Energy Consumption Data Market. This has also allowed demonstrating the usefulness of the proposed business framework to evolve CKAN, a renowned open data platform, into an actual, fully- edged data market.
Este trabajo trata de evaluar la capacidad de atracción turística de los Puntos de Interés oficiales (POIs) disponibles como datos geográficos abiertos y en las IDE locales mediante la información explícita e implícita de los Tweets geolocalizados. Los estudios sobre turismo tratan de obtener información del potencial turístico de una zona y la valoración de los turistas. Estos estudios tradicionalmente se basan en encuestas o entrevistas personales, realizadas desde entidades públicas o compañías privadas En el caso que nos ocupa existen estudios a nivel de Municipal, de la Comunidad autónoma y de entidades privadas relacionadas con el sector turístico de la cidudad de Madrid por estar considerado un sector estratégico para la economía regional. Las redes sociales, especialmente Twitter, ofrecen un alto potencial para la realización de trabajos de investigación y evaluación de áreas urbanas gracias a la información geográfica digital asociada. Se ha producido una evolución de la Información Geográfica Voluntaria (VGI) acuñada por Goodchild (2007) a la Información Geográfica de Medios Sociales (SMGI) acuñada por Floris y Campagna (2014). Esta nueva fuente de datos derivados, podria complementar la información de los datos públicos de turismo ofrecidos por nodos IDE u Open Data; por ejemplo: ayudaria a la validación de puntos de interés turístico o áreas de la ciudad, mejoraria la actualización de la información y a largo plazo, podria ayudar al desarrollo de estrategias y planes de turismo más eficientes.