21 resultados para Variable-variable two dimensional spectroscopy (VV 2D)


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In this work, an improvement of the results presented by [1] Abellanas et al. (Weak Equilibrium in a Spatial Model. International Journal of Game Theory, 40(3), 449-459) is discussed. Concretely, this paper investigates an abstract game of competition between two players that want to earn the maximum number of points from a finite set of points in the plane. It is assumed that the distribution of these points is not uniform, so an appropriate weight to each position is assigned. A definition of equilibrium which is weaker than the classical one is included in order to avoid the uniqueness of the equilibrium position typical of the Nash equilibrium in these kinds of games. The existence of this approximated equilibrium in the game is analyzed by means of computational geometry techniques.


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This paper presents an experimental and systematic investigation about how geometric parameters on a biplane configuration have an influence on aerodynamic parameters. This experimental investigation has been developed in a two-dimensional approach. Theoretical studies about biplanes configurations have been developed in the past, but there is not enough information about experimental wind tunnel data at low Reynolds number. This two-dimensional study is a first step to further tridimensional investigations about the box wing configuration. The main objective of the study is to find the relationships between the geometrical parameters which present the best aerodynamic behavior: the highest lift, the lowest drag and the lowest slope of the pitching moment. A tridimensional wing-box model will be designed following the pattern of the two dimensional study conclusions. It will respond to the geometrical relationships that have been considered to show the better aerodynamic behavior. This box-wing model will be studied in the aim of comparing the advantages and disadvantages between this biplane configuration and the plane configuration, looking for implementing the box-wing in the UAV?s field. Although the box wing configuration has been used in a small number of existing UAV, prestigious researchers have found it as a field of high aerodynamic and structural potential.


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Transverse galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterized by oscillations perpendicular to wind direction, large amplitude and low frequency, which appears in some elastic two-dimensional bluff bodies when they are subjected to an incident flow, provided that the flow velocity exceeds a threshold critical value. Understanding the galloping phenomenon of different cross-sectional geometries is important in a number of engineering applications: for energy harvesting applications the interest relies on strongly unstable configurations but in other cases the purpose is to avoid this type of aeroelastic phenomenon. In this paper the aim is to analyze the transverse galloping behavior of rhombic bodies to understand, on the one hand, the dependence of the instability with a geometrical parameter such as the relative thickness and, on the other hand, why this cross-section shape, that is generally unstable, shows a small range of relative thickness values where it is stable. Particularly, the non-galloping rhombus-shaped prism?s behavior is revised through wind tunnel experiments. The bodies are allowed to freely move perpendicularly to the incoming flow and the amplitude of movement and pressure distributions on the surfaces is measured.


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The linearized solution for the two-dimensional flow over an inlet of general form has been derived, assuming incompressible potential flow. With this theory suction forces at sharp inlet lips can be estimated and ideal inlets can be designed.


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In a Finite Element (FE) analysis of elastic solids several items are usually considered, namely, type and shape of the elements, number of nodes per element, node positions, FE mesh, total number of degrees of freedom (dot) among others. In this paper a method to improve a given FE mesh used for a particular analysis is described. For the improvement criterion different objective functions have been chosen (Total potential energy and Average quadratic error) and the number of nodes and dof's of the new mesh remain constant and equal to the initial FE mesh. In order to find the mesh producing the minimum of the selected objective function the steepest descent gradient technique has been applied as optimization algorithm. However this efficient technique has the drawback that demands a large computation power. Extensive application of this methodology to different 2-D elasticity problems leads to the conclusion that isometric isostatic meshes (ii-meshes) produce better results than the standard reasonably initial regular meshes used in practice. This conclusion seems to be independent on the objective function used for comparison. These ii-meshes are obtained by placing FE nodes along the isostatic lines, i.e. curves tangent at each point to the principal direction lines of the elastic problem to be solved and they should be regularly spaced in order to build regular elements. That means ii-meshes are usually obtained by iteration, i.e. with the initial FE mesh the elastic analysis is carried out. By using the obtained results of this analysis the net of isostatic lines can be drawn and in a first trial an ii-mesh can be built. This first ii-mesh can be improved, if it necessary, by analyzing again the problem and generate after the FE analysis the new and improved ii-mesh. Typically, after two first tentative ii-meshes it is sufficient to produce good FE results from the elastic analysis. Several example of this procedure are presented.


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El método de Muskingum-Cunge, con más de 45 años de historia, sigue siendo uno de los más empleados a la hora de calcular el tránsito en un cauce. Una vez calibrado, permite realizar cálculos precisos, siendo asimismo mucho más rápido que los métodos que consideran las ecuaciones completas. Por esta razón, en el presente trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo un análisis de su precisión, comparándolo con los resultados de un modelo hidráulico bidimensional. En paralelo se llevó a cabo un análisis de sus limitaciones y se ensayó una metodología práctica de aplicación. Con esta motivación se llevaron a cabo más de 200 simulaciones de tránsito en cauces prismáticos y naturales. Los cálculos se realizaron empleando el programa HEC-HMS con el método de Muskingum-Cunge de sección de 8 puntos, así como con la herramienta de cálculo hidráulico bidimensional InfoWorks ICM. Se eligieron HEC-HMS por su gran difusión e InfoWorks ICM por su rapidez de cálculo, pues emplea la tecnología CUDA (Arquitectura Unificada de Dispositivos de Cálculo). Inicialmente se validó el modelo hidráulico bidimensional contrastándolo con la formulación unidimensional en régimen uniforme y variado, así como con fórmulas analíticas de régimen variable, consiguiéndose resultados muy satisfactorios. También se llevó a cabo un análisis de la sensibilidad al mallado del modelo bidimensional aplicado a tránsitos, obteniéndose unos ábacos con tamaños recomendados de los elementos 2D que cuantifican el error cometido. Con la técnica del análisis dimensional se revisó una correlación de los resultados obtenidos entre ambos métodos, ponderando su precisión y definiendo intervalos de validez para la mejor utilización del método de Muskingum-Cunge. Simultáneamente se desarrolló una metodología que permite obtener la sección característica media de 8 puntos para el cálculo de un tránsito, basándose en una serie de simulaciones bidimensionales simplificadas. De este modo se pretende facilitar el uso y la correcta definición de los modelos hidrológicos. The Muskingum-Cunge methodology, which has been used for more 45 than years, is still one of the main procedures to calculate stream routing. Once calibrated, it gives precise results, and it is also much faster than other methods that consider the full hydraulic equations. Therefore, in the present investigation an analysis of its accuracy was carried out by comparing it with the results of a two-dimensional hydraulic model. At the same time, reasonable ranges of applicability as well as an iterative method for its adequate use were defined. With this motivation more than 200 simulations of stream routing were conducted in both synthetic and natural waterways. Calculations were performed with the aid of HEC-HMS choosing the Muskingum-Cunge 8 point cross-section method and in InfoWorks ICM, a two-dimensional hydraulic calculation software. HEC-HMS was chosen because its extensive use and InfoWorks ICM for its calculation speed as it takes advantage of the CUDA technology (Compute Unified Device Architecture). Initially, the two-dimensional hydraulic engine was compared to one-dimensional formulation in both uniform and varied flow. Then it was contrasted to variable flow analytical formulae, achieving most satisfactory results. A sensitivity size analysis of the two-dimensional rooting model mesh was also conduced, obtaining charts with suggested 2D element sizes to narrow the committed error. With the technique of dimensional analysis a correlation of results between the two methods was reviewed, assessing their accuracy and defining valid intervals for improved use of the Muskingum-Cunge method. Simultaneously, a methodology to draw a representative 8 point cross-section was developed, based on a sequence of simplified two-dimensional simulations. This procedure is intended to provide a simplified approach and accurate definition of hydrological models.