19 resultados para Two-Fluid Model


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Entre todas las fuentes de ruido, la activación de la propulsión en reversa de un avión después de aterrizar es conocida por las autoridades del aeropuerto como una causa importante de impacto acústico, molestias y quejas en las proximidades vecinas de los aeropuertos. Por ello, muchos de los aeropuertos de todo el mundo han establecido restricciones en el uso de la reversa, especialmente en las horas de la noche. Una forma de reducir el impacto acústico en las actividades aeroportuarias es implementar herramientas eficaces para la detección de ruido en reversa en los aeropuertos. Para este proyecto de fin de carrera, aplicando la metodología TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection), se pretende desarrollar un sistema software capaz de determinar que una aeronave que aterrice en la pista active el frenado en reversa en tiempo real. Para el diseño de la aplicación se plantea un modelo software, que se compone de dos módulos:  El módulo de adquisición de señales acústicas, simula un sistema de captación por señales de audio. Éste módulo obtiene muestra de señales estéreo de ficheros de audio de formato “.WAV” o del sistema de captación, para acondicionar las muestras de audio y enviarlas al siguiente módulo. El sistema de captación (array de micrófonos), se encuentra situado en una localización cercana a la pista de aterrizaje.  El módulo de procesado busca los eventos de detección aplicando la metodología TREND con las muestras acústicas que recibe del módulo de adquisición. La metodología TREND describe la búsqueda de dos eventos sonoros llamados evento 1 (EV1) y evento 2 (EV2); el primero de ellos, es el evento que se activa cuando una aeronave aterriza discriminando otros eventos sonoros como despegues de aviones y otros sonidos de fondo, mientras que el segundo, se producirá después del evento 1, sólo cuando la aeronave utilice la reversa para frenar. Para determinar la detección del evento 1, es necesario discriminar las señales ajenas al aterrizaje aplicando un filtrado en la señal capturada, después, se aplicará un detector de umbral del nivel de presión sonora y por último, se determina la procedencia de la fuente de sonido con respecto al sistema de captación. En el caso de la detección del evento 2, está basada en la implementación de umbrales en la evolución temporal del nivel de potencia acústica aplicando el modelo de propagación inversa, con ayuda del cálculo de la estimación de la distancia en cada instante de tiempo mientras el avión recorre la pista de aterrizaje. Con cada aterrizaje detectado se realiza una grabación que se archiva en una carpeta específica y todos los datos adquiridos, son registrados por la aplicación software en un fichero de texto. ABSTRACT. Among all noise sources, the activation of reverse thrust to slow the aircraft after landing is considered as an important cause of noise pollution by the airport authorities, as well as complaints and annoyance in the airport´s nearby locations. Therefore, many airports around the globe have restricted the use of reverse thrust, especially during the evening hours. One way to reduce noise impact on airport activities is the implementation of effective tools that deal with reverse noise detection. This Final Project aims to the development of a software system capable of detecting if an aircraft landing on the runway activates reverse thrust on real time, using the TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection) methodology. To design this application, a two modules model is proposed: • The acoustic signals obtainment module, which simulates an audio waves based catchment system. This module obtains stereo signal samples from “.WAV” audio files or the catchment system in order to prepare these audio samples and send them to the next module. The catchment system (a microphone array) is located on a place near the landing runway. • The processing module, which looks for detection events among the acoustic samples received from the other module, using the TREND methodology. The TREND methodology describes the search of two sounds events named event 1 (EV1) and event 2 (EV2). The first is the event activated by a landing plane, discriminating other sound events such as background noises or taking off planes; the second one will occur after event one only when the aircraft uses reverse to slow down. To determine event 1 detection, signals outside the landing must be discriminated using a filter on the catched signal. A pressure level´s threshold detector will be used on the signal afterwards. Finally, the origin of the sound source is determined regarding the catchment system. The detection of event 2 is based on threshold implementations in the temporal evolution of the acoustic power´s level by using the inverse propagation model and calculating the distance estimation at each time step while the plane goes on the landing runway. A recording is made every time a landing is detected, which is stored in a folder. All acquired data are registered by the software application on a text file.


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Historically, the prediction of safety margins has been based on system level thermal-hydraulic calculations employing suitable empirical formulations for assembly specific geometries and fuel-element grid spacers. These works have assessed response, margins, and consequences for the system based on one-dimensional two-fluid or drift-flux type thermalhydraulics formulations with fuel-vendor specific hydraulic losses and heat transfer characteristics for various fuel assemblies, including the so-called hot channel. Analysis of the hot channel gives important information on flow rates, fuel element centerline temperature, fuel sheath temperature, and margin to the departure from nucleate boiling. Given the reliance of the above approaches on empirical formulations obtained from complex and often difficult experiments, there is significant interest in obtaining reliable and accurate results from computation tools which employ more fundamental empirical relationships which can be obtained from subsets of the domain or from other scaled experiments.


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We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude


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An Eulerian multifluid model is used to describe the evolution of an electrospray plume and the flow induced in the surrounding gas by the drag of the electrically charged spray droplets in the space between an injection electrode containing the electrospray source and a collector electrode. The spray is driven by the voltage applied between the two electrodes. Numerical computations and order-of-magnitude estimates for a quiescent gas show that the droplets begin to fly back toward the injection electrode at a certain critical value of the flux of droplets in the spray, which depends very much on the electrical conditions at the injection electrode. As the flux is increased toward its critical value, the electric field induced by the charge of the droplets partially balances the field due to the applied voltage in the vicinity of the injection electrode, leading to a spray that rapidly broadens at a distance from its origin of the order of the stopping distance at which the droplets lose their initial momentum and the effect of their inertia becomes negligible. The axial component of the electric field first changes sign in this region, causing the fly back. The flow induced in the gas significantly changes this picture in the conditions of typical experiments. A gas plume is induced by the drag of the droplets whose entrainment makes the radius of the spray away from the injection electrode smaller than in a quiescent gas, and convects the droplets across the region of negative axial electric field that appears around the origin of the spray when the flux of droplets is increased. This suppresses fly back and allows much higher fluxes to be reached than are possible in a quiescent gas. The limit of large droplet-to-gas mass ratio is discussed. Migration of satellite droplets to the shroud of the spray is reproduced by the Eulerian model, but this process is also affected by the motion of the gas. The gas flow preferentially pushes satellite droplets from the shroud to the core of the spray when the effect of the inertia of the droplets becomes negligible, and thus opposes the well-established electrostatic/inertial mechanism of segregation and may end up concentrating satellite droplets in an intermediate radial region of the spray.