39 resultados para Software product lines


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Este trabajo corresponde con la implementación de componentes software dentro de la Plataforma COMPUTAPLEX, la cual tiene como objetivo facilitar a los investigadores la realización de tareas del proceso experimental de ingeniería de software. Uno de los aportes a esta plataforma tecnológica corresponde con el desarrolló de los componentes necesarios para la recuperación de datos experimentales disponibles en diversas fuentes de datos, para ello se hizo uso de un mecanismo capaz de unificar la extracción de información de MySQL, ficheros excel y ficheros SPSS. Con ello diferentes grupos de investigación asociados pueden compartir y tener acceso a repositorios experimentales que se mantienen tanto de manera local como externa. Por otra parte, se ha realizado un estudio de la tecnología de agentes en la que se describe sus definiciones, lenguajes de comunicación, especificación FIPA, JADE como implementación FIPA y parser XML. Además para este trabajo se ha definido e implementado una ontología de comunicación entre agentes, la misma que fue diseñada en la herramienta Protégé. En lo que se refiere al desarrollo de componentes se hizo uso de una amplía variedad de tecnologías que incluye lenguaje de programación Java, framework JADE para el desarrollo de agentes, librería JENA para manejo de ontologías, librería SAXParser para lectura de archivos XML y patrón de diseño Factory. Finalmente se describe la metodología de trabajo utilizada en el proyecto, la cual por medio de la realización de varios ciclos iterativos permitió obtener prototipos que poco a poco fueron cubriendo las necesidades del producto software.----ABSTRACT---- This work relates to the implementation of software components within the platform Computaplex, which aims to enable researchers to conduct experimental software engineering process tasks. One of the contributions to this platform technology corresponds to the development of components which are necessary for the recovery of experimental data available in different data sources, to archive this goal a mechanism able to unify the extraction of information from MySQL, Excel and SPSS files was made. Therefore, associated research groups can share and access experimental repositories that remain both locally and externally. Moreover, it has been conducted a study of agent technology in its definition is described, languages communication, FIPA, JADE and FIPA implementation and XML parser. In addition to this work, it has been defined and implemented an ontology for communication between agents, the same as was designed in the Protégé tool. In what refers to the development of components, a wide range of technologies have been made which includes Java programming language, framework JADE for agent development, JENA library for handling ontologies, SAXParser for reading XML files and Factory design pattern. Finally, describing the work methodology used in this project, which through the implementation of several iterative cycles allowed to obtain prototypes were gradually meeting the needs of the software product.


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Context: This research deals with requirements elicitation technique selection for software product requirements and the overselection of open interviews. Objectives: This paper proposes and validates a framework to help requirements engineers select the most adequate elicitation techniques at any time. Method: We have explored both the existing underlying theory and the results of empirical research to build the framework. Based on this, we have deduced and put together justified proposals about the framework components. We have also had to add information not found in theoretical or empirical sources. In these cases, we drew on our own experience and expertise. Results: A new validated approach for requirements technique selection. This new approach selects tech- niques other than open interview, offers a wider range of possible techniques and captures more require- ments information. Conclusions: The framework is easily extensible and changeable. Whenever any theoretical or empirical evidence for an attribute, technique or adequacy value is unearthed, the information can be easily added to the framework.


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La calidad es uno de los principales retos de la construcción de software. En la Ingeniería del Software (IS) se considera a la usabilidad como un atributo de calidad. Al principio se veía a la usabilidad como un requisito no funcional.Se asumía que la usabilidad era una propiedad exclusiva de la presentación de la información.Se creía que separando la capa de presentación del resto, se podía desarrollar un producto software usable.Debido a la naturaleza del sistema y a las necesidades del usuario, a menudo se debe ir más lejos y no basta con tener en cuenta la presentación para obtener un software usable. La comunidad de la Interacción Personar Ordenador (IPO) ha propuesto recomendaciones para mejorar la usabilidad. Algunas de esas recomendaciones tienen impacto directo en la funcionalidad del producto software. En estudios recientes también se ha evaluado la relación entre la usabilidad y los requisitos funcionales. Estas investigaciones sugieren que la usabilidad debe ser tenida en cuenta desde las etapas iniciales de la construcción para evitar costosos cambios posteriores. La incorporación de las características de usabilidad agrega cierta complejidad al proceso de desarrollo. El presente trabajo evalúa la posibilidad de usar patrones para la incorporación de usabilidad en el desarrollo de un producto software. Concretamente se evalúan los siguientes patrones de programación de usabilidad (PPUs): Abort Operation,Progress Feedback y Preferences. Se utilizan unas Pautas de Desarrollo de Mecanismos de Usabilidad(PDMUs) para estos tres mecanismos de usabilidad. Estas pautas poponen patrones para la educción y posterior incorporación de la usabilidad en las distintas fases de la programación. En esta investigación se aborda el desarrollo de un producto software desde la deducción de requisitos hasta la implementación. En cada fase se incorporan los mecanismos de usabilidad de acuerdo a las recomendaciones de las PDMUs. Mediante el desarrollo de un software real se ha evaluado la factibilidad del uso de las PDMUs obteniendo como resultado propuestas de mejoras en estas pautas. Se evalúa asimismo el esfuerzo de incorporación de los mecanismos de usabilidad. Cada evaluación aporta datos que proporcionan una estimación del esfuerzo adicional requerido para incorporar cada mecanismo de usabilidad en el proceso de desarrollo del software.---ABSTRACT---Quality is a major challenge in software construction. Software engineers consider usability to be a quality attribute. Originally, usability was viewed as a nonr functional requirement. Usability was assumed to be simply an information presentation property. There was a belief that a usable software product could be developed by separating the presentation layer from the rest of the system. Depending on the system type and user needs, however, usability often runs deeper, and it is not enough to consider just presentation to build usable software. The humanrcomputer interaction (HCI) community put forward a list of recommendations to improve usability. Some such recommendations have a direct impact on software product functionality. Recent studies have also evaluated the relationship between usability and functional requirements. This research suggests that usability should be taken into account as of the early stages of software construction to prevent costly rework later on. The inclusion of usability features is an added complication to the development process. The research reported here evaluates the possibility of using patterns to incorporate usability into a software product. Specifically, it evaluates the following usability programming patterns (UPPs): Abort Operation, Progress Feedback and Preferences. Usability Mechanism Development Guides (USDG) are applied to these three usability mechanisms. These guides propose patterns for eliciting and later incorporating usability into the different software development phases, including programming. The reported research addresses the development of a software product from requirements elicitation through to implementation. Usability mechanisms are incorporated into each development phase in accordance with USDG recommendations. A real piece of software was developed to test the feasibility of using USDGs, outputting proposals for improving the guides. Each evaluation yields data providing an estimate of the additional workload required to incorporate each usability mechanism into the software development process.


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There is no empirical evidence whatsoever to support most of the beliefs on which software construction is based. We do not yet know the adequacy, limits, qualities, costs and risks of the technologies used to develop software. Experimentation helps to check and convert beliefs and opinions into facts. This research is concerned with the replication area. Replication is a key component for gathering empirical evidence on software development that can be used in industry to build better software more efficiently. Replication has not been an easy thing to do in software engineering (SE) because the experimental paradigm applied to software development is still immature. Nowadays, a replication is executed mostly using a traditional replication package. But traditional replication packages do not appear, for some reason, to have been as effective as expected for transferring information among researchers in SE experimentation. The trouble spot appears to be the replication setup, caused by version management problems with materials, instruments, documents, etc. This has proved to be an obstacle to obtaining enough details about the experiment to be able to reproduce it as exactly as possible. We address the problem of information exchange among experimenters by developing a schema to characterize replications. We will adapt configuration management and product line ideas to support the experimentation process. This will enable researchers to make systematic decisions based on explicit knowledge rather than assumptions about replications. This research will output a replication support web environment. This environment will not only archive but also manage experimental materials flexibly enough to allow both similar and differentiated replications with massive experimental data storage. The platform should be accessible to several research groups working together on the same families of experiments.


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The design of a Final Assembly Line (FAL) is carry out in the product industrialization activity. The phase dealing with the definition of conceptual solutions is characterized by depending heavily on the personnel experience and being time-consuming. To enhance such process, it is proposed a development of a knowledge based software application to assist designers in the definition of scenarios and to generate conceptual FAL alternatives. Both the scenario and the generated FAL solution are part of the industrialization digital mock-up (IDMU). A commercial software application used in the aircraft programmes and supporting the IDMU concepts of: Product, Process and Resource; was selected to implement a software prototype. This communication presents the adopted methodological approach and the architecture of the developed application.


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Software evolution, and particularly its growth, has been mainly studied at the file (also sometimes referred as module) level. In this paper we propose to move from the physical towards a level that includes semantic information by using functions or methods for measuring the evolution of a software system. We point out that use of functions-based metrics has many advantages over the use of files or lines of code. We demonstrate our approach with an empirical study of two Free/Open Source projects: a community-driven project, Apache, and a company-led project, Novell Evolution. We discovered that most functions never change; when they do their number of modifications is correlated with their size, and that very few authors who modify each; finally we show that the departure of a developer from a software project slows the evolution of the functions that she authored.


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The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory belongs to the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of the Technical University of Madrid and its main objective is to provide the scientific community with devices and techniques for the characterization of micro and nanostructures and consequently finding their best biomedical applications. Hyperthermia (greek word for “overheating”) is defined as the phenomenon that occurs when a body is exposed to an energy generating source that can produce a rise in temperature (42-45ºC) for a given time [1]. Specifically, the aim of the hyperthermia methods used in The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory is the development of thermal therapies, some of these using different kinds of nanoparticles, to kill cancer cells and reduce the damage on healthy tissues. The optical hyperthermia is based on noble metal nanoparticles and laser irradiation. This kind of nanoparticles has an immense potential associated to the development of therapies for cancer on account of their Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) enhanced light scattering and absorption. In a short period of time, the absorbed light is converted into localized heat, so we can take advantage of these characteristics to heat up tumor cells in order to obtain the cellular death [2]. In this case, the laboratory has an optical hyperthermia device based on a continuous wave laser used to kill glioblastoma cell lines (1321N1) in the presence of gold nanorods (Figure 1a). The wavelength of the laser light is 808 nm because the penetration of the light in the tissue is deeper in the Near Infrared Region. The first optical hyperthermia results show that the laser irradiation produces cellular death in the experimental samples of glioblastoma cell lines using gold nanorods but is not able to decrease the cellular viability of cancer cells in samples without the suitable nanorods (Figure 1b) [3]. The generation of magnetic hyperthermia is performed through changes of the magnetic induction in magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are embedded in viscous medium. The Figure 2 shows a schematic design of the AC induction hyperthermia device in magnetic fluids. The equipment has been manufactured at The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory. The first block implies two steps: the signal selection with frequency manipulation option from 9 KHz to 2MHz, and a linear output up to 1500W. The second block is where magnetic field is generated ( 5mm, 10 turns). Finally, the third block is a software control where the user can establish initial parameters, and also shows the temperature response of MNPs due to the magnetic field applied [4-8]. The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory in collaboration with the Mexican company MRI-DT have recently implemented a new research line on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Hyperthermia, which is sustained on the patent US 7,423,429B2 owned by this company. This investigation is based on the use of clinical MRI equipment not only for diagnosis but for therapy [9]. This idea consists of two main facts: Magnetic Resonance Imaging can cause focal heating [10], and the differentiation in resonant frequency between healthy and cancer cells [11]. To produce only heating in cancer cells when the whole body is irradiated, it is necessary to determine the specific resonant frequency of the target, using the information contained in the spectra of the area of interest. Then, special RF pulse sequence is applied to produce fast excitation and relaxation mechanism that generates temperature increase of the tumor, causing cellular death or metabolism malfunction that stops cellular division


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Software Configuration Management (SCM) techniques have been considered the entry point to rigorous software engineering, where multiple organizations cooperate in a decentralized mode to save resources, ensure the quality of the diversity of software products, and manage corporate information to get a better return of investment. The incessant trend of Global Software Development (GSD) and the complexity of implementing a correct SCM solution grow not only because of the changing circumstances, but also because of the interactions and the forces related to GSD activities. This paper addresses the role SCM plays in the development of commercial products and systems, and introduces a SCM reference model to describe the relationships between the different technical, organizational, and product concerns any software development company should support in the global market.


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BioMet®Tools is a set of software applications developed for the biometrical characterization of voice in different fields as voice quality evaluation in laryngology, speech therapy and rehabilitation, education of the singing voice, forensic voice analysis in court, emotional detection in voice, secure access to facilities and services, etc. Initially it was conceived as plain research code to estimate the glottal source from voice and obtain the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds from the spectral density of the estimate. This code grew to what is now the Glottex®Engine package (G®E). Further demands from users in medical and forensic fields instantiated the development of different Graphic User Interfaces (GUI’s) to encapsulate user interaction with the G®E. This required the personalized design of different GUI’s handling the same G®E. In this way development costs and time could be saved. The development model is described in detail leading to commercial production and distribution. Study cases from its application to the field of laryngology and speech therapy are given and discussed.


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This paper presents various ideas aimed at improving the conceptual framework for Software Engineering Education. They are centered on gradually seeing Software Engineering through a 3-p (problem-process-product), a 4-p (people (producars)-problem,process,product) and a 5-p (people (producers)-"problem, process, product, people (users)diagram. These diagrams include concepts such as the rate of change of a problem, the relational complexity of a problem, triphase processes with dominant phases, degrees of software evolution,levels of complexity (with the recognition of disorganized complexity), among others.


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A software for simulation of bruise occurrence in fruit grading lines, SIMLIN 2.0, is presented. Examples of application are included on the simulation of handling Sudanell peaches. SIMLIN 2.0 provides algorithms for the selection of logistic bruise prediction models adjusted on the basis of user designed laboratory tests. Handled fruits are characterised for simulation by means of statistical features on the independent variables of the logistic model. SIMLIN 2.0 allows to display different line designs establishing their aggressiveness from internal data bases. Aggressiveness is characterised in terms of data gathered with electronic products IS-100 type. The software provides graphical outputs which enable decision making on the improvement strategies of the lines and the selection of the product to be handled.


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Cloud-based infrastructure has been increasingly adopted by the industry in distributed software development (DSD) environments. Its proponents claim that its several benefits include reduced cost, increased speed and greater productivity in software development. Empirical evaluations, however, are in the nascent stage of examining both the benefits and the risks of cloud-based infrastructure. The objective of this paper is to identify potential benefits and risks of using cloud in a DSD project conducted by teams based in Helsinki and Madrid. A cross-case qualitative analysis is performed based on focus groups conducted at the Helsinki and Madrid sites. Participants observations are used to supplement the analysis. The results of the analysis indicated that the main benefits of using cloud are rapid development, continuous integration, cost savings, code sharing, and faster ramp-up. The key risks determined by the project are dependencies, unavailability of access to the cloud, code commitment and integration, technical debt, and additional support costs. The results revealed that if such environments are not planned and set up carefully, the benefits of using cloud in DSD projects might be overshadowed by the risks associated with it.


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The potential shown by Lean in different domains has aroused interest in the software industry. However, it remains unclear how Lean can be effectively applied in a domain such as software development that is fundamentally different from manufacturing. This study explores how Lean principles are implemented in software development companies and the challenges that arise when applying Lean Software Development. For that, a case study was conducted at Ericsson R&D Finland, which successfully adopted Scrum in 2009 and subsequently started a comprehensible transition to Lean in 2010. Focus groups were conducted with company representatives to help devise a questionnaire supporting the creation of a Lean mindset in the company (Team Amplifier). Afterwards, the questionnaire was used in 16 teams based in Finland, Hungary and China to evaluate the status of the transformation. By using Lean thinking, Ericsson R&D Finland has made important improvements to the quality of its products, customer satisfaction and transparency within the organization. Moreover, build times have been reduced over ten times and the number of commits per day has increased roughly five times.The study makes two main contributions to research. First, the main factors that have enabled Ericsson R&D?s achievements are analysed. Elements such as ?network of product owners?, ?continuous integration?, ?work in progress limits? and ?communities of practice? have been identified as being of fundamental importance. Second, three categories of challenges in using Lean Software Development were identified: ?achieving flow?, ?transparency? and ?creating a learning culture?


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Experimental software engineering includes several processes, the most representative being run experiments, run replications and synthesize the results of multiple replications. Of these processes, only the first is relatively well established in software engineering. Problems of information management and communication among researchers are one of the obstacles to progress in the replication and synthesis processes. Software engineering experimentation has expanded considerably over the last few years. This has brought with it the invention of experimental process support proposals. However, few of these proposals provide integral support, including replication and synthesis processes. Most of the proposals focus on experiment execution. This paper proposes an infrastructure providing integral support for the experimental research process, specializing in the replication and synthesis of a family of experiments. The research has been divided into stages or phases, whose transition milestones are marked by the attainment of their goals. Each goal exactly matches an artifact or product. Within each stage, we will adopt cycles of successive approximations (generateand- test cycles), where each approximation includes a diferent viewpoint or input. Each cycle will end with the product approval.


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La documentación en los proyectos software presenta una serie de problemas que afectan a la calidad del producto y al proceso software. Con frecuencia, la documentación es considerada sólo como un volumen adicional de información disponible para la organización y el equipo de desarrollo, que ralentiza la ejecución del proyecto. En este sentido, el papel de la documentación en un proyecto se concibe como una de las actividades más costosas y que consumen más tiempo y que luego no se utiliza de forma extensiva. La documentación queda, en muchos casos, relegada a un segundo plano y es poco valorada frente a la comunicación cara a cara. Existe además una relación entre la calidad de la documentación y el proceso software. Se plantean dificultades en la adopción de buenas prácticas de proceso software y el impacto del exceso de documentación percibido por parte de los gestores de proyectos en los que se quiere abordad un programa de mejora del proceso software. Recordemos que la calidad de la documentación está muy relacionada con la utilización de la misma que puedan hacer los desarrolladores. Esta tesis aborda el problema planteando un cambio de punto de vista en el proceso software, en el que la documentación pasa de ser un sub producto de las actividades y tareas del proceso a ser el elemento que vertebra el propio proceso. En este nuevo punto de vista, la definición de los propios documentos, sus propiedades y relaciones permiten establecer y guiar procesos software de cualquier tipo. Para ello, desarrolla un metamodelo para definición de metodologías centradas en documentos. Este metamodelo se confronta con una serie atributos de calidad de la documentación software para comprobar que existe una mejora sobre estos, y, por consiguiente se mejora la calidad de la documentación software en general. Por último se utiliza este metamodelo centrado en documentos para describir una metodología ágil (Scrum) y validar la capacidad y flexibilidad del metamodelo utilizando el cambio de punto de vista sobre el proceso software planteado en esta tesis. ABSTRACT The documentation in software projects has a number of problems affecting the quality of the product and the software process. Often, documentation is considered only as an additional volume of information available to the organization and development team, which slows project execution. In this sense, the role of documentation in a project is conceived as one of the most expensive activities and more time-consuming and then not used extensively. The documentation is, in many cases, relegated to the background and is undervalued compared to face-to-face communication. There is also a relationship between the quality of the documentation and software process. There are difficulties in adopting good practices of software process and the impact of excess documentation perceived by project managers in Software Process Improvement activities. We have to remember that quality of the documentation is closely related to the use of it that can make developers. This thesis addresses the problem considering a change of view on the software process, in which the documentation happens to be a by-product of the activities and tasks of the process to be the element that structures the process itself. Through this new view, the definition of the documents themselves, their properties and relationships, allow us to establish processes and guidance for develop software of any kind. To achieve this target, a metamodel for defining document-centric methodologies has been developed. This metamodel confronts a number of quality attributes software documentation to prove that there is an improvement on these, and therefore the quality of the software documentation is improved. Finally this document-centric metamodel is used to describe an agile methodology (Scrum) to validate the capability and flexibility of the metamodel, using the proposed change of view on the software process described in this thesis.