58 resultados para Smart City, monitoraggio ambientale, Particolato, Smart sensor, Sistemi embedded
Here, a novel and efficient strategy for moving object detection by non-parametric modeling on smart cameras is presented. Whereas the background is modeled using only color information, the foreground model combines color and spatial information. The application of a particle filter allows the update of the spatial information and provides a priori information about the areas to analyze in the following images, enabling an important reduction in the computational requirements and improving the segmentation results
In this paper we present a heterogeneous collaborative sensor network for electrical management in the residential sector. Improving demand-side management is very important in distributed energy generation applications. Sensing and control are the foundations of the “Smart Grid” which is the future of large-scale energy management. The system presented in this paper has been developed on a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead-acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. Therefore, there is a large number of energy variables to be monitored that allow us to precisely manage the energy performance of the house by means of collaborative sensors. The experimental results, performed on a real house, demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed collaborative system to reduce the consumption of electrical power and to increase energy efficiency.
This paper presents the design of a bat-like micro aerial vehicle with actuated morphing wings. NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. Our objective is twofold. Firstly, we have implemented a control architecture that allows an accurate and fast SMA actuation. This control makes use of the electrical resistance measurements of SMAs to adjust morphing wing motions. Secondly, the feasibility of using SMA actuation technology is evaluated for the application at hand. To this purpose, experiments are conducted to analyze the control performance in terms of nominal and overloaded operation modes of the SMAs. This analysis includes: (i) inertial forces regarding the stretchable wing membrane and aerodynamic loads, and (ii) uncertainties due to impact of airflow conditions over the resistance–motion relationship of SMAs. With the proposed control, morphing actuation speed can be increased up to 2.5 Hz, being sufficient to generate lift forces at a cruising speed of 5ms−1.
This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.
This work describes a semantic extension for a user-smart object interaction model based on the ECA paradigm (Event-Condition-Action). In this approach, smart objects publish their sensing (event) and action capabilities in the cloud and mobile devices are prepared to retrieve them and act as mediators to configure personalized behaviours for the objects. In this paper, the information handled by this interaction system has been shaped according several semantic models that, together with the integration of an embedded ontological and rule-based reasoner, are exploited in order to (i) automatically detect incompatible ECA rules configurations and to (ii) support complex ECA rules definitions and execution. This semantic extension may significantly improve the management of smart spaces populated with numerous smart objects from mobile personal devices, as it facilitates the configuration of coherent ECA rules.
This paper presents a multiprotocol mobile application for building automation which supports and enables the integration of the most representative control technologies such as KNX, LonWorks and X-10. The application includes a real-time monitoring service. Finally, advanced control functionalities based on gestures recognition and predefined scenes have been implemented. This application has been developed and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility located at CeDInt-UPM, where electrical loads, blinds and HVAC and lighting systems can be controlled.
The presented work aims to contribute towards the standardization and the interoperability off the Future Internet through an open and scalable architecture design. We present S³OiA as a syntactic/semantic Service-Oriented Architecture that allows the integration of any type of object or device, not mattering their nature, on the Internet of Things. Moreover, the architecture makes possible the use of underlying heterogeneous resources as a substrate for the automatic composition of complex applications through a semantic Triple Space paradigm. Created applications are dynamic and adaptive since they are able to evolve depending on the context where they are executed. The validation scenario of this architecture encompasses areas which are prone to involve human beings in order to promote personal autonomy, such as home-care automation environments and Ambient Assisted Living.
Primary-care pediatricians could play a key role in early detection of development disorders as quick as they might have enough time and knowledge for suitable screenings at clinical routine. This research paper focuses on the development and validation of a knowledge-based web tool whose aim is to support a smart detection of developmental disorders in early childhood. Thus, the use of the system can trigger the necessary preventive and therapeutic actions from birth until the age of six. The platform was designed on the basis of an analysis of significant 21 cases of children with language disorders that supported the creation of a specific knowledge base, its ontology and a set of description logic relations. The resulting system is being validated in a scalable approach with a team of seven experts from the fields of neonathology, pediatrics, neurology and language therapy.
Monitoring of neuro-evolutive development from birth until the age of six is a decisive factor in a child's quality of life. Early detection of development disorders in early childhood can facilitate necessary diagnosis and/or treatment. Primary-care pediatricians play a key role in early detection of development alterations as they can undertake the preventive and therapeutic actions necessary in the interest of a child's optimal development. The focus of this research paper is the construction of a Knowledge Base for smart screening aimed to assist pediatricians in processes of early referral in language disorders. The proposed model provides health professionals with a decision-making tool that supports referral processes. In this way, essential diagnostic and/or therapeutic actions are triggered for a comprehensive individual development. The resulting system was developed on the basis of an analysis and verification of 21 cases of children with language disorders.
El auge y evolución de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles y de las redes inalámbricas avanzadas, sucedido desde principios del siglo XXI, han propiciado el uso de Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (RSI) en múltiples ámbitos de interés. Dichas redes están típicamente compuestas por dispositivos inalámbricos autónomos que incorporan sensores para la recogida de datos de distinta naturaleza. Las RSI se caracterizan por su escalabilidad, ausencia de cableado, pequeño tamaño, bajo consumo, gran variedad de magnitudes físico/químicas medibles, entre otras, cuyas cualidades las hace muy interesantes para su aplicación en multitud de escenarios de la Sociedad de la Información, tales como domótica, agricultura y ganadería, medioambiente, salud, procesos industriales, logística, seguridad o ciudades inteligentes, ente otras. En este Trabajo Fin de Máster, se propone el uso de las RSI en el escenario de Emergencias donde cobra gran importancia la usabilidad, la fiabilidad, la disponibilidad, y la robustez de los sistemas a emplear en condiciones hostiles, especialmente en las de bomberos. Es por ello que se analizarán previamente los trabajos de RSI desarrollados para estos entornos y que sugieren qué aplicaciones garantizan el cumplimiento de los requerimientos mencionados. Se aborda la utilización de una primera RSI para la monitorización ambiental de tres Centros de Procesado de Datos (CPD) del departamento de TI de Emergencias, siendo este un entorno sin movilidad, más controlado y que aporta la adquisición de experiencia en la utilización de las RSI de cara a un entorno móvil más complejo. A continuación, para el entorno móvil se ha desarrollado y validado un prototipo experimental de RSI para el seguimiento de salida de parques de bomberos de vehículos con su dotación. Así mismo se implementa un prototipo para la ayuda a la localización de bomberos y/o personas en un siniestro. Estas RSI se desarrollan e implantan en el entorno de Emergencias del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, entidad sin cuyo apoyo habría sido imposible la aplicación práctica de este trabajo. SUMMARY. The rise and evolution of mobile communication systems and advanced wireless networks in early XXI century have allowed to taking advantage of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). These networks are composed of independent wireless devices that incorporate sensors for collecting data of different nature. The WSN is characterized by its scalability, no wiring, small size, low power consumption, wide range of physical magnitudes measurable, among others. These qualities make them very interesting for application in many scenarios to the Information Society, such as, domotic, agriculture, smart environment, ehealth, industrial control, logistics, security and smart cities, among others. This work proposes to use WSN in the emergency scenario where is very important the usability, reliability, availability, and robustness of the systems to be used in hostile conditions, especially in fire-fighters environment. That is why WSN works in emergency will be studied to tackle what applications compliance with the above requirements. The first WSN developed will be environmental monitoring of three CPDs IT department Emergency. This scenario is a non-mobile environment, more controlled and bring gaining experience in the use of WSN to face mobile environment which is more complex. Then, for the mobile environment is developed an experimental prototype of WSN for tracking fire vehicles living fire stations with their equipment. Another prototype is foreseen to be implemented to assist fire-fighters location and / or people in a disaster. These WSN are developed and implemented for Madrid City Emergency, whose involvement was critical to put this research into stage.
El aumento de las capacidades de interconexión de dispositivos de todo tipo está suponiendo una revolución en el campo de la prestación de servicios, tanto en la cantidad como en la variedad. Esta evolución ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de abordar un desarrollo tecnológico sin precedentes, donde la previsión de dispositivos interconectados e interoperando entre sí y con las personas alcanza cifras del orden de los millardos. Esta idea de un mundo de cosas interconectadas ha dado lugar a una visión que se ha dado en llamar Internet de las Cosas. Un mundo donde las cosas de cualquier tipo pueden interactuar con otras cosas, incluyendo las que forman parte de redes con recurso limitados. Y esto además conduce a la creación de servicios compuestos que superan a la suma de las partes. Además de la relevancia tecnológica, esta nueva visión enlaza con la de la Ciudad del Futuro. Un concepto que recurre a la convergencia de la energía, el transporte y las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para definir una forma mediante la que lograr el crecimiento sostenible y competitivo, mejorando así la calidad de vida y abriendo el gobierno de las ciudades a la participación ciudadana. En la línea de desarrollo que permite avanzar hacia la consecución de tales objetivos, este Proyecto Fin de Carrera propone una forma de virtualizar los servicios ofrecidos por la diversidad de dispositivos que van adquiriendo la capacidad de interoperar en una red. Para ello se apoya en el uso de una capa de intermediación orientada a servicios, nSOM, desarrollada en la EUITT. Sobre esta arquitectura se proponen como objetivos el diseño y desarrollo de una pasarela de servicios que haga accesibles desde la web los recursos ofrecidos en una red de sensores; el diseño y desarrollo de un registro de dispositivos y servicios en concordancia a la propuesta de arquitectura de referencia para Internet de las Cosas; y el estudio y diseño de un marco para la composición de servicios orquestados en redes de recursos limitados. Para alcanzar estos objetivos primero se abordará un estudio del estado del arte donde se profundizará en el conocimiento de la las tecnologías para la interoperatividad entre cosas, abordando los principios de las redes inalámbricas de sensores y actuadores, las arquitecturas para las comunicaciones Máquina a Máquina e Internet de las Cosas, y la visión de la Web de las Cosas. Seguidamente se tratarán las tecnologías de red y de servicios de interés, para finalizar con un breve repaso a las tecnologías para la composición de servicios. Le seguirá una descripción detallada de la arquitectura nSOM y del diseño propuesto para este proyecto. Finalmente se propondrá un escenario sobre el que se llevarán a cabo diferentes pruebas de validación. ABSTRACT. The increasing of the capabilities of all kind of devices is causing a revolution in the field of the provision of services, both in quantity and in diversity. This situation has highlighted the need to address unprecedented technological development, where the forecast of interconnected and interoperable devices between them and human beings reaches the order of billions. And these numbers go further when the connectivity of constrained networks is taken into account. This idea of an interconnected world of things has led to a vision that has been called "The Internet of Things". It’s a vision of a world where things of any kind can interact with other things, even those in the domain of a constrained network. This also leads to the creation of new composed services that exceed the sum of the parts. Besides the technological interest, this new vision relates with the one from the Smart City. A concept that uses the convergence of the energy, the transport, and the information and communication technologies to define a way to achieve sustainable and competitive growth, improving the quality of life, and opening the governance of the cities to the participation. In the development pathway to reach these goals, this Final Degree Dissertation proposes a way for the virtualization of the services offered by the variety of devices that are reaching the ability to interoperate in a network. For this it is supported by a service oriented middleware called nSOM that has been developed at EUITT. Using this architecture the goals proposed for this project are the design and development of a service gateway that makes available the resources of a sensor network through a web interface; the design and development of a Device & Service Registry according to the reference architecture proposal for the Internet of Things; and the study and design of a composition framework for orchestrated services in constrained networks. To achieve these goals this dissertation begins with a State of the Art study where the background knowledge about the technologies in use for the interoperation of things will be settled. At first it starts talking about Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks, the architectures for Machine-to-Machine communication and Internet of Things, and also the concepts for the Web of Things vision. Next the related network and services technologies are explored, ending with a brief review of service composition technologies. Then will follow a detailed description of the nSOM architecture, and also of the proposed design for this project. Finally a scenario will be proposed where a series of validation tests will be conducted.
The traditional power grid is just a one-way supplier that gets no feedback data about the energy delivered, what tariffs could be the most suitable ones for customers, the shifting daily needs of electricity in a facility, etc. Therefore, it is only natural that efforts are being invested in improving power grid behavior and turning it into a Smart Grid. However, to this end, several components have to be either upgraded or created from scratch. Among the new components required, middleware appears as a critical one, for it will abstract all the diversity of the used devices for power transmission (smart meters, embedded systems, etc.) and will provide the application layer with a homogeneous interface involving power production and consumption management data that were not able to be provided before. Additionally, middleware is expected to guarantee that updates to the current metering infrastructure (changes in service or hardware availability) or any added legacy measuring appliance will get acknowledged for any future request. Finally, semantic features are of major importance to tackle scalability and interoperability issues. A survey on the most prominent middleware architectures for Smart Grids is presented in this paper, along with an evaluation of their features and their strong points and weaknesses.
Smart Grids are advanced power networks that introduce intelligent management, control, and operation systems to address the new challenges generated by the growing energy demand and the appearance of renewal energies. In the literature, Smart Grids are presented as an exemplar SoS: systems composed of large heterogeneous and independent systems that leverage emergent behavior from their interaction. Smart Grids are currently scaling up the electricity service to millions of customers. These Smart Grids are known as Large-Scale Smart Grids. From the experience in several projects about Large-Scale Smart Grids, this paper defines Large-Scale Smart Grids as a SoS that integrate a set of SoS and conceptualizes the properties of this SoS. In addition, the paper defines the architectural framework for deploying the software architectures of Large-Scale Smart Grid SoS.
Growing energy demands and the increased use of renewal energies have changed the landscape of power networks leading to new challenges. Smart Grids have emerged to cope with these challenges by facilitating the integration of traditional and renewable energy resources in distributed, open, and self-managed ways. Innovative models are needed to design energy infrastructures that can enable self-management of the power grid. Software architectures smoothly integrate the software that provides self-management to Smart Grids and their hardware infrastructures. We present a framework to design the software architectures of autonomous Smart Grids in an intuitive domain-oriented way and to simulate their execution by automatically generating the code from the designed autonomous smart grid architectures.
The electrical power distribution and commercialization scenario is evolving worldwide, and electricity companies, faced with the challenge of new information requirements, are demanding IT solutions to deal with the smart monitoring of power networks. Two main challenges arise from data management and smart monitoring of power networks: real-time data acquisition and big data processing over short time periods. We present a solution in the form of a system architecture that conveys real time issues and has the capacity for big data management.