36 resultados para Project 2007-001-EP : Interoperable Standards Development
La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid está investigando en el campo de la robótica inteligente, concretamente con el empleo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV). El objetivo final que se persigue con las investigaciones en este campo es el desarrollo de sistemas capaces de operar de forma más autónoma en un amplio espectro de situaciones. Dentro de este marco, este trabajo fin de grado se centra en el desarrollo de un sistema de supervisión para UAVs que persigue facilitar la monitorización de la ejecución de los procesos y facilitar la inclusión de procedimientos para incrementar la tolerancia a los fallos software. A lo largo de esta memoria se ofrece una revisión del estado del arte en el ámbito de la robótica, haciendo especial hincapié en la robótica inteligente con los métodos de desarrollo existentes y la definición de los distintos marcos de clasificación de la autonomía. También se ofrece una vista a las distintas técnicas existentes para lograr una mayor tolerancia a los fallos software, de entre las que han sido seleccionadas varias de ellas en la realización de este trabajo. Finalmente se describe el sistema de supervisión desarrollado, explicando primero el sistema desde un punto de vista funcional para más adelante adentrarse en la solución técnica elaborada. ---ABSTRACT--- The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is currently handling several investigations regarding AI robotics, some of them are actually directing their efforts into the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The goal in the long term for this investigations is the accomplishment of systems capable of operating autonomously, regardless of the situation the robot is place at. From this perspective, this final degree project focuses on de design and development of a supervision system for UAV’s, which function is to ease the monitoring of executing processes and the inclusion of fault tolerant procedures. During the development of this document a state of the art revision is offered, in which a thorough description through development methods and autonomy definitions for AI robotics is made. It is also offered a look around the different existing techniques for achieving a greater software fault tolerance, from which some of them were chosen for the development of this project. Finally the developed supervision system is described, first from a pure functional perspective of what the system should do and latter with a description of the actual technical solutions developed for this system.
El concepto de casa crecedera, tal y como lo conocemos en la actualidad, se acuñó por primera vez en 1932 en el concurso Das Wachsende Haus organizado por Martin Wagner y Hans Poelzig dentro del marco de la Exposición Internacional Sonne, Luft und Haus für alle, promovida por la Oficina de Turismo de la ciudad de Berlín. En dicho concurso, se definía este tipo de vivienda como aquella célula básica o vivienda semilla que, dependiendo de las necesidades y posibilidades de los habitantes, podía crecer mediante otras estancias, conformando una vivienda completa en sí misma en cada fase de crecimiento. Numerosos arquitectos de primer orden, tales como Walter Gropius, Bruno Taut, Erich Mendelsohn o Hans Scharoun, participaron en este concurso, abriendo una nueva vía de exploración dentro de la vivienda flexible, la del crecimiento programado. A partir de ese momento, en Europa, y subsecuentemente en EEUU y otras regiones desarrolladas, se iniciaron numerosas investigaciones teóricas y prácticas en torno al fenómeno del crecimiento en la vivienda desde un enfoque vinculado a la innovación, tanto espacial como técnica. Por otro lado, aunque dentro del marco de la arquitectura popular de otros países, ya se ensayaban viviendas crecederas desde el siglo XVIII debido a que, por su tamaño, eran más asequibles dentro del mercado. Desde los años treinta, numerosos países en vías de desarrollo tuvieron que lidiar con migraciones masivas del campo a la ciudad, por lo que se construyeron grandes conjuntos habitacionales que, en numerosos casos, estaban conformados por viviendas crecederas. En todos ellos, la aproximación al crecimiento de la vivienda se daba desde una perspectiva diferente a la de los países desarrollados. Se primaba la economía de medios, el uso de sistemas constructivos de bajo costo y, en muchos casos, se fomentaba incluso la autoconstrucción guiada, frente a las construcciones prefabricadas ensambladas por técnicos especializados que se proponían, por ejemplo, en los casos europeos. Para realizar esta investigación, se recopiló información de estas y otras viviendas. A continuación, se identificaron distintas maneras de producir el crecimiento, atendiendo a su posición relativa respecto de la vivienda semilla, a las que se denominó mecanismos de ampliación, utilizados indistintamente sin tener en cuenta la ubicación geográfica de cada casa. La cuestión de porqué se prefiere un mecanismo en lugar de otro en un caso determinado, desencadenó el principal objetivo de esta Tesis: la elaboración de un sistema de análisis y diagnóstico de la vivienda crecedera que, de acuerdo a determinados parámetros, permitiera indicar cuál es la ampliación o sucesión de ampliaciones óptimas para una familia concreta, en una ubicación establecida. Se partió de la idea de que el crecimiento de la vivienda está estrechamente ligado a la evolución de la unidad de convivencia que reside en ella, de manera que la casa se transformó en un hábitat dinámico. Además se atendió a la complejidad y variabilidad del fenómeno, sujeto a numerosos factores socio-económicos difícilmente previsibles en el tiempo, pero fácilmente monitorizables según unos patrones determinados vinculados a la normatividad, el número de habitantes, el ahorro medio, etc. Como consecuencia, para el diseño del sistema de optimización de la vivienda crecedera, se utilizaron patrones evolutivos. Dichos patrones, alejados ya del concepto espacial y morfológico usualmente utilizado en arquitectura por figuras como C. Alexander o J. Habraken, pasaron a entenderse como una secuencia de eventos en el tiempo (espaciales, sociales, económicos, legales, etc.), que describen el proceso de transformación y que son peculiares de cada vivienda. De esta manera, el tiempo adquirió una especial importancia al convertirse en otro material más del proyecto arquitectónico. Fue en la construcción de los patrones donde se identificaron los mencionados mecanismos de ampliación, entendidos también como sistemas de compactación de la ciudad a través de la ocupación tridimensional del espacio. Al estudiar la densidad, mediante los conceptos de holgura y hacinamiento, se aceptó la congestión de las ciudades como un valor positivo. De esta forma, las posibles transformaciones realizadas por los habitantes (previstas desde un inicio) sobre el escenario del habitar (vivienda semilla), se convirtieron también en herramientas de proyecto urbano que responden a condicionantes del lugar y de los habitantes con distintas intensidades de crecimiento, ocupación y densidad. Igualmente, en el proceso de diseño del sistema de optimización, se detectaron las estrategias para la adaptabilidad y transformación de la casa crecedera, es decir, aquella serie de acciones encaminadas a la alteración de la vivienda para facilitar su ampliación, y que engloban desde sistemas constructivos en espera, que facilitan las costuras entre crecimiento y vivienda semilla, hasta sistemas espaciales que permiten que la casa altere su uso transformándose en un hábitat productivo o en un artefacto de renta. Así como los mecanismos de ampliación están asociados a la morfología, se descubrió que su uso es independiente de la localización, y que las estrategias de adaptabilidad de la vivienda se encuentran ligadas a sistemas constructivos o procesos de gestión vinculados a una región concreta. De esta manera, la combinación de los mecanismos con las estrategias caracterizan el proceso de evolución de la vivienda, vinculándola a unos determinados condicionantes sociales, geográficos y por tanto, constructivos. Finalmente, a través de la adecuada combinación de mecanismos de ampliación y estrategias de adaptabilidad en el proyecto de la vivienda con crecimiento programado es posible optimizar su desarrollo en términos económicos, constructivos, sociales y espaciales. Como resultado, esto ayudaría no sólo a mejorar la vida de los habitantes de la vivienda semilla en términos cualitativos y cuantitativos, sino también a compactar las ciudades mediante sistemas incluyentes, ya que las casas crecederas proporcionan una mayor complejidad de usos y diversidad de relaciones sociales. ABSTRACT The growing house concept -as we currently know it- was used for the first time back in 1932 in the competition Das Wachsende Haus organized by Martin Wagner and Hans Poelzig during the International Exhibition Sonne, Luft und Haus für alle, promoted by Berlin's Tourist Office. In that competition this type of housing was defined as a basic cell or a seed house unit, and depending on the needs and capabilities of the residents it could grow by adding rooms and defining itself as a complete house unit during each growing stage. Many world-top class architects such as Walter Gropius, Bruno Taut, Erich Mendelsohn or Hans Scharoun, were part of this competition exploring a new path in the flexible housing field, the scheduled grownth. From that moment and on, in Europe -and subsequently in the USA and other developed areas- many theorical and pragmatical researchs were directed towards the growing house phenomena, coming from an initial approach related to innovation, spacial and technical innovation. Furthermore -inside the traditional architecture frame in other countries, growing houses were already tested in the XVIII century- mainly due to the size were more affordable in the Real State Market. Since the 30's decade many developing countries had to deal with massive migration movements from the countryside to cities, building large housing developments were -in many cases- formed by growing housing units. In all of these developing countries the growing house approach was drawn from a different perspective than in the developed countries. An economy of means was prioritized, the utilization of low cost construction systems and -in many cases- a guided self-construction was prioritized versus the prefabricated constructions set by specialized technics that were proposed -for instance- in the European cases. To proceed with this research, information from these -and other- housing units was gathered. From then and on different ways to perform the growing actions were identified, according to its relative position from the seed house unit, these ways were named as addition or enlargement mechanisms indifferently utilized without adknowledging the geographic location for each house. The question of why one addition mechanism is preferred over another in any given case became the main target of this Thesis; the ellaboration of an analysis and diagnosis system for the growing house -according to certain parameters- would allow to point out which is the addition or addition process more efficient for a certain family in a particular location. As a starting point the grownth of the housing unit is directly linked to the evolution of the family unit that lives on it, so the house becomes a dynamic habitat. The complexity and the variability of the phenomena was taken into consideration related to a great number of socio-economic factors hardly able to be foreseen ahead on time but easy to be monitored according to certain patterns linked to regulation, population, average savings, etc As a consequence, to design the optimization system for the growing house, evolutionary patterns were utilized. Those patterns far away from the spatial and morphologic concept normally utilized in Architecture by characters like C. Alexander or J. Habraken, started to be understood like a sequence of events on time (spatial events, social events, economic events, legal events, etc) that describes the transformation process and that are particular for each housing unit. Therefore time became something important as another ingredient in the Architectural Project. The before mentioned addition or enlargement mechanisms were identified while building the patterns; these mechanisms were also understood as city's system of compactation through the tridimendional ocupation of space. Studying density, thorough the concepts of comfort and overcrowding, traffic congestion in the city was accepted as a positive value. This way, the possible transformations made by the residents (planned from the begining) about the residencial scenary (seed house), also became tools of the urban project that are a response to site's distinctive features and to the residents with different grownth intensities, activities and density Likewise, during the process of designing the optimization system, strategies for adaptations and transformation of the growing house were detected, in other words, the serial chain of actions directed to modify the house easing its enlargement or addition, and that comprehends from constructive systems on hold -that smooths the costures between grownth and housing seed- to spatial systems that allows that the house modify its utilization, becoming a productive habitat or a rental asset. Because the enlargement mechanisms are linked to the morphology, it was discovered that the use it's not related to the location, and that the adaptation strategies of the houses are linked to constructive systems or management processes linked to a particular area. This way the combination of mechanisms and strategies characterizes the process of housing evolution, linking it to certain social and geographic peculiarities and therefore constructives. At last, through the certain combination of enlargement mechanisms and adaptability strategies in the housing with scheduled grownth project is possible to optimize its development in economic, constructive, social and spatial terms. As a result, this would help not only to improve the life of the seed house residents in qualitative and quantitative terms but also to compact the cities through inclusive systems, given that the growing houses provide a larger complexity of uses and social relations.
El Gestor de Sugerencias que se desarrolla en este proyecto surge como una necesidad para facilitar la gestión de las ideas de los trabajadores de la planta de FICOSA en Soria, dedicada a la fabricación de componentes de automoción. Este proyecto toma forma dentro del departamento de Mejora Continua de la empresa, en la que trabajan 750 personas. Dada la situación del mercado actual, con varios años consecutivos de descenso de ventas de vehículos en los países occidentales los constructores de automóviles reclaman ajustes de precios constantes, que sólo se pueden obtener con optimización de nuestros recursos y mejoras de los procesos aportando ideas innovadoras y de desarrollo. Este es el objetivo principal de la mejora continua, y la aplicación desarrollada es una herramienta más para conseguirlo. Como parte de la estrategia corporativa de mejora continua citada unas líneas más arriba, basada en teorías mundialmente reconocidas como el método KAIZEN, se identificaron las sugerencias de los empleados como una fuente de valor incalculable para la mejora, ya que a través del conocimiento de la mano de obra directa se pueden identificar más fácil y rápidamente los “desperdicios” de un proceso productivo. Dadas las dimensiones de la planta, dividida en cuatro secciones productivas, y el alto volumen de empleados, se planteó el problema de gestionar las sugerencias de una forma dinámica y simple, surgiendo este proyecto como respuesta a la necesidad de facilitar esta gestión. El proyecto se basa en el desarrollo global de una herramienta automática de gestión de sugerencias de mejora proporcionadas por los trabajadores, de uso sencillo, que sea dinámica, que nos permita centralizar las ideas y tener un resumen de los ahorros que estas sugerencias aportan. El proyecto se inicia con la definición de los objetivos concretos de la herramienta, y su desarrollo, hasta la fase de elaboración de manuales de uso, planificación de formación a todos los empleados, implementación, seguimiento y mejora de la misma. ABSTRACT. The Suggestion Management System developed on this Project arises from the needs to make easier the management of the ideas of the employees of Ficosa Soria production plant, facility dedicated to the production of automotive components of first level. This project has been developed inside the Continuous Improvement Department of Ficosa Soria where works 750 employees. Due to the current situation of the automotive market, with several years of sales decrease on Europe, the OEM´s request continuous price adjustments, these requests can be only obtained with the optimization of our resources and the improvement of our processes including innovative and development ideas. This is the main objective of the continuous improvement, and the application development it is another tool more to get the final objective. As a part of the strategy of continuous improvement mentioned a few lines above, based on the world renowned theories as the method KAIZEN, there was identified the employee suggestion as a very profitable source for the continuous improvement, due to the know-how of the direct labor it could be easier identified the “wastes” of our productive process. Considering the plant dimensions, split in four productive sections, and also considering the number of employees, it was raised the problem of how to manage the suggestions in a very simple and dynamic way, creating this project as an answer to the needs of make easier the management. This project is based on the global development of an automatic tool of suggestion management given by our employees, easy to use, dynamic and allow us to centralize the ideas and to have a summary of the savings that the suggestions gave. The project it is originated with the definition of the concrete objectives of the tool and its development, until the phase of creation use manuals, training planification to all employees, implementation, follow and improvement itself.
Experiences relating to the InternationalMasters in Rural Development from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM), the first Spanish programme to receive a mention as a Registered Education Programme by InternationalProject Management Association (IPMA) are considered. Backed by an educational strategy based on Project-Based Learning dating back twenty years, this programme has managed to adapt to the competence evaluation requirements proposed by the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). In order to do this the training is linked to the professional qualification using competences as a reference leading to the qualification in project management as established by the IPMA.
End-User Development Success Factors and their Application to Composite Web Development Environments
The Future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable Web services accessed from all over the Web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user-service interaction is still an open issue. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. The weakness lies in the abstraction of the underlying service front-end architecture rather than the infrastructure technologies themselves. In our opinion, the best approach is to offer end-to-end composition from user interface to service invocation, as well as an understandable abstraction of both building blocks and a visual composition technique. In this paper we formalize our vision with regard to the next-generation front-end Web technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the Future Internet. We present a novel reference architecture designed to empower non-technical end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications. A tool implementing this architecture has been developed as part of the European FP7 FAST Project and EzWeb Project, allowing us to validate the rationale behind our approach.
After the extraordinary spread of the World Wide Web during the last fifteen years, engineers and developers are pushing now the Internet to its next border. A new conception in computer science and networks communication has been burgeoning during roughly the last decade: a world where most of the computers of the future will be extremely downsized, to the point that they will look like dust at its most advanced prototypes. In this vision, every single element of our “real” world has an intelligent tag that carries all their relevant data, effectively mapping the “real” world into a “virtual” one, where all the electronically augmented objects are present, can interact among them and influence with their behaviour that of the other objects, or even the behaviour of a final human user. This is the vision of the Internet of the Future, which also draws ideas of several novel tendencies in computer science and networking, as pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. As it has happened before, materializing a new paradigm that changes the way entities interrelate in this new environment has proved to be a goal full of challenges in the way. Right now the situation is exciting, with a plethora of new developments, proposals and models sprouting every time, often in an uncoordinated, decentralised manner away from any standardization, resembling somehow the status quo of the first developments of advanced computer networking, back in the 60s and the 70s. Usually, a system designed after the Internet of the Future will consist of one or several final user devices attached to these final users, a network –often a Wireless Sensor Network- charged with the task of collecting data for the final user devices, and sometimes a base station sending the data for its further processing to less hardware-constrained computers. When implementing a system designed with the Internet of the Future as a pattern, issues, and more specifically, limitations, that must be faced are numerous: lack of standards for platforms and protocols, processing bottlenecks, low battery lifetime, etc. One of the main objectives of this project is presenting a functional model of how a system based on the paradigms linked to the Internet of the Future works, overcoming some of the difficulties that can be expected and showing a model for a middleware architecture specifically designed for a pervasive, ubiquitous system. This Final Degree Dissertation is divided into several parts. Beginning with an Introduction to the main topics and concepts of this new model, a State of the Art is offered so as to provide a technological background. After that, an example of a semantic and service-oriented middleware is shown; later, a system built by means of this semantic and service-oriented middleware, and other components, is developed, justifying its placement in a particular scenario, describing it and analysing the data obtained from it. Finally, the conclusions inferred from this system and future works that would be good to be tackled are mentioned as well. RESUMEN Tras el extraordinario desarrollo de la Web durante los últimos quince años, ingenieros y desarrolladores empujan Internet hacia su siguiente frontera. Una nueva concepción en la computación y la comunicación a través de las redes ha estado floreciendo durante la última década; un mundo donde la mayoría de los ordenadores del futuro serán extremadamente reducidas de tamaño, hasta el punto que parecerán polvo en sus más avanzado prototipos. En esta visión, cada uno de los elementos de nuestro mundo “real” tiene una etiqueta inteligente que porta sus datos relevantes, mapeando de manera efectiva el mundo “real” en uno “virtual”, donde todos los objetos electrónicamente aumentados están presentes, pueden interactuar entre ellos e influenciar con su comportamiento el de los otros, o incluso el comportamiento del usuario final humano. Ésta es la visión del Internet del Futuro, que también toma ideas de varias tendencias nuevas en las ciencias de la computación y las redes de ordenadores, como la computación omnipresente y el Internet de las Cosas. Como ha sucedido antes, materializar un nuevo paradigma que cambia la manera en que las entidades se interrelacionan en este nuevo entorno ha demostrado ser una meta llena de retos en el camino. Ahora mismo la situación es emocionante, con una plétora de nuevos desarrollos, propuestas y modelos brotando todo el rato, a menudo de una manera descoordinada y descentralizada lejos de cualquier estandarización, recordando de alguna manera el estado de cosas de los primeros desarrollos de redes de ordenadores avanzadas, allá por los años 60 y 70. Normalmente, un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como modelo consistirá en uno o varios dispositivos para usuario final sujetos a estos usuarios finales, una red –a menudo, una red de sensores inalámbricos- encargada de recolectar datos para los dispositivos de usuario final, y a veces una estación base enviando los datos para su consiguiente procesado en ordenadores menos limitados en hardware. Al implementar un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como patrón, los problemas, y más específicamente, las limitaciones que deben enfrentarse son numerosas: falta de estándares para plataformas y protocolos, cuellos de botella en el procesado, bajo tiempo de vida de las baterías, etc. Uno de los principales objetivos de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es presentar un modelo funcional de cómo trabaja un sistema basado en los paradigmas relacionados al Internet del futuro, superando algunas de las dificultades que pueden esperarse y mostrando un modelo de una arquitectura middleware específicamente diseñado para un sistema omnipresente y ubicuo. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está dividido en varias partes. Empezando por una introducción a los principales temas y conceptos de este modelo, un estado del arte es ofrecido para proveer un trasfondo tecnológico. Después de eso, se muestra un ejemplo de middleware semántico orientado a servicios; después, se desarrolla un sistema construido por medio de este middleware semántico orientado a servicios, justificando su localización en un escenario particular, describiéndolo y analizando los datos obtenidos de él. Finalmente, las conclusiones extraídas de este sistema y las futuras tareas que sería bueno tratar también son mencionadas.
In this paper, we describe the successful results of an international research project focused on the use of Web technology in the educational context. The article explains how this international project, funded by public organizations and developed over the last two academic years, focuses on the area of open educational resources (OER) and particularly the educational content of the OpenCourseWare (OCW) model. This initiative has been developed by a research group composed of researchers from three countries. The project was enabled by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid OCW Office�s leadership of the Consortium of Latin American Universities and the distance education know-how of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador). We give a full account of the project, methodology, main outcomes and validation. The project results have further consolidated the group, and increased the maturity of group members and networking with other groups in the area. The group is now participating in other research projects that continue the lines developed here
Development projects of different types mainly aim to alleviate poverty and ameliorate the livelihoods of local people. One of the strategies commonly used is to focus on organizations and build from their existing capacities in order to improve their living standards or try to build new organizations to work in a common project. Social and human capitals are two key components of these organizations and they might be crucial to the success of the actions that they accomplish. Both can be considered as part of the social capacity of the local organization. This capacity can be enforced with development projects through capacity building. This term means much more than training activities as it includes not only human resource development but also organizational and institutional development (UNESCO, 2010). Capacity and capacity building concepts, as well as capacity measurements in this context are explored to build a framework to evaluate the social capacity generated with the interventions and better plan the actions to be undertaken by the projects to succeed. The focus is set on rural development projects.
The technofusion project for fusion technology development: opportunities for the inertial community
The new Spanish installation for fusion research (Technofusion) has been approved by both the national and regional governments. Funding up to 80-100 M€ will be invested in the construction of seven laboratories to cover many aspects relevant to fusion technology development. This work discusses their utility for inertial fusion research.
The technofusion project for fusion technology development: opportunities for the inertial community
Technofusion will be the new Spanish singular scientific-technical installation for fusion research. The research activities will be focused on seven areas of materials research considered the most relevant ones for further technological developments of fusion energy. In principle, most of the infrastructure in Technofusion will be useful for both, magnetic (MC) and inertial (IC) confinement fusion communities and most of the research and developments carried out for one of the fusion concepts will be valid and transferable to the other. However, some aspects related to first wall materials strongly differ in MC and IC approaches. This is due to the very different typical ion energy and deposited powers in both cases.
The ENEN III project covers the structuring, organization, coordination and implementation of training schemes in cooperation with local, national and international training organizations, to provide training to professionals active in nuclear organizations or their contractors and sub-contractors. The training schemes provide a portfolio of courses, training sessions, seminars, and workshops for continuous learning for upgrading knowledge and developing skills. The training schemes allow individuals to acquire qualifications and skills, as required by the specific positions in the nuclear sector which will be documented in a training passport. The essence of such passport is to be recognized within the EU by the whole nuclear sector which provides mobility to the individual looking for employment and an EU wide recruitment field for the nuclear employers.
Desde los años 60, crece en Europa y Estados Unidos la preocupación y la necesidad de mejorar los procesos de gerencia de los proyectos de construcción al volverse estos más complejos. Esto ha llevado a la continua aparición de nuevos profesionales desde la fecha citada hasta nuestros días. De ahí la complejidad de conocer las cualidades de cada uno de ellos, así como las funciones a realizar o la formación que deben tener para poder desarrollar el puesto de trabajo según el papel que desempeñan para cada actividad. Muchos agentes son los que pueden intervenir en la edificación, muchas son las funciones que llevan a cabo estos agentes, muchas son las habilidades que se necesitan para realizar estas misiones, y una buena gestión de la edificación es la que hay que desarrollar para lograr el gran éxito. El presente trabajo fin de máster, dirigido a arquitectos, arquitectos técnicos, ingenieros, abogados, economistas y todos los profesionales del sector inmobiliario y de la construcción, trata de resolver todas aquellas dudas sobre los diferentes sujetos que estarán presentes desde la definición del proyecto en la fase inicial hasta el final de la obra, pasando por las fases de pre-construcción, construcción y post-construcción. (ENGLISH VERSION) Since the 1960s, most construction projects have become more and more complex, and new concerns and necessities related to the management of a project have been on the rise in Europe and in the United States. Thence, the need for more specialized professionals in the field has become a common fact, as well as the inclusion of new curricular subjects in most building engineering studies. There are different agents that play a relevant role in a building project; some of them are expected to perform a highly specialized set of functions that require specific management skills for the work to be successful. This research work—aimed mainly at engineers, quantity surveyors, lawyers, economists, real estate and construction professionals—shows the major implications of the building construction process including both pre-tender/construction and post-tender/construction stages as far as the main expert agents are involved.
The paper presents research conducted in the Flow workpackage of the EU funded UPWIND project which focuses on improving models for flow within and downwind of large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore. The main activity is modelling the behaviour of wind turbine wakes in order to improve power output predictions.
La mejora de las tecnologías ha tenido un importante impacto en Internet, así como en el número de usuarios. Este crecimiento sigue en aumento y se estima que en 2020 se alcancen 50 billones de dispositivos conectados a Internet, este impulso es en parte gracias a la interconexión de las “máquinas” entre ellas y con Internet, el concepto denominado M2M. Esta conexión entre dispositivos ofrece la posibilidad de mejorar los servicios dados a los usuarios y crear nuevos. Existen importantes alicientes en la evolución de M2M, sobre todo guiada por la gran cantidad de posibilidades ofrecidas y los beneficios que conllevan, sin embargo la falta de estandarización y horizontalidad se presentan como un problema para el crecimiento e implantación de M2M debido a la gran variedad de “maquinas” conectadas. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es diseñar una plataforma que sea capaz de abarcar las funcionalidades que den soporte a las distintas necesidades de varias aplicaciones M2M, consiguiendo una arquitectura software horizontal que reutilice al máximo las funcionalidades comunes entre las aplicaciones cubiertas. De esta manera se presenta una solución a la falta de horizontalidad en las plataformas M2M. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está dividido en varias partes. Se comenzará con una introducción que sitúa en el contexto tecnológico de M2M en forma de estudio de estado del arte, abarcando los principales temas y conceptos relacionados con Machine-to-Machine. Posteriormente se realiza una propuesta de una arquitectura software M2M que permite focalizar los esfuerzos de la misma en un concentrado grupo de sectores y aplicaciones. A continuación se estudian las necesidades de los sectores y aplicaciones seleccionadas y se desarrollan las funcionalidades que incluye la plataforma, de esta manera se alcanza un modelo de arquitectura horizontal que es capaz de cubrir varios sectores. Se estudian los distintos resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de la plataforma,validando el modelo obtenido con los resultados esperados. Finalmente se enunciarán los próximos pasos a seguir para la implementación de la plataforma. ABSTRACT. The development of technology has had an important impact on Internet, as well as on the number of users. This growth is increasing and it is estimated to reach 50 billion remotely connected devices by 2020, this momentum is partially due to interconnection between "machines" and their connection with internet, this concept is called M2M. The connection between devices gives the possibility to improve the services offered to users and to create new services. There are important incentives in the M2M evolution, mainly driven by the big amount of benefits offered; however the lack of standardization and horizontalization is a problem for the M2M growth and deployment due to the big variety of connected "machines". The aim of this Degree Project is to design a platform that will be capable of including the functionalities that will give support to the different needs of several M2M applications, achieving a horizontal software architecture that reuses the common functionalities between the applications supported. This architecture will be presented as a solution to the lack of horizontalization in M2M. This Degree Project is divided in several parts. It starts with an introduction that will place the reader in state of the art of the M2M technology context, covering the main themes and related concepts. After this introduction, a proposal of a horizontal M2M software architecture will be presented, that will allow to focus the efforts on a group of selected sectors and applications. Then, the needs of sectors and applications will be studied, and the main functionalities will be developed, in this way a model for a horizontal architecture will be reached, that will be able to cover several sectors. The resulting platform will be studied, in order to validate the model obtained with the expected results. Finally, the next steps to implement the platform are described.
This research addressed the development of a consolidated model designed especially to cover the security and usability attributes of a software product. As a starting point, we built a new usability model on the basis of well-known quality standards and models. We then used an existing security model to analyse the relationship between these two approaches. This analysis consisted of a systematic mapping study of the relationship between security and usability as global quality factors. We identified five relationship types: inverse, direct, relative, one-way inverse, and no relationship. Most authors agree that there is an inverse relationship between security and usability. However, this is not a unanimous finding, and this study unveils a number of open questions, like application domain dependency and the need to explore lower-level relationships between attribute subcharacteristics. In order to clarify the questions raised during the research, we conducted a second systematic mapping to further analyse the finer-grained structure of these factors, such as authentication as a subset of security and user efficiency as a subset of usability. The most relevant finding is that efficiency does not depend on the security level during the authentication process. There are other subfactors that require analysis. Accordingly, this research is the first part of a larger project to develop a full-blown consolidated model for security and usability.