25 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
In this paper, an intelligent control approach based on neuro-fuzzy systems performance is presented, with the objective of counteracting the vibrations that affect the low-cost vision platform onboard an unmanned aerial system of rotating nature. A scaled dynamical model of a helicopter is used to simulate vibrations on its fuselage. The impact of these vibrations on the low-cost vision system will be assessed and an intelligent control approach will be derived in order to reduce its detrimental influence. Different trials that consider a neuro-fuzzy approach as a fundamental part of an intelligent semi-active control strategy have been carried out. Satisfactory results have been achieved compared to those obtained by means of vibration reduction passive techniques.
This work describes an acoustic system that allows the automatic detection and location of mechanical impacts on metallic based structures, which is suitable in robotics and industrial applications. The system is based on the time delays of propagation of the acoustic waves along the metallic based structure and it determines the instant and the position when and were the impact has been produced by piezoelectric sensors and an electronic-computerized system. We have obtained that for distance impact of 40 cm and 50 cm the time delay is 2 s and 72 s respectively.
Crowd induced dynamic loading in large structures, such as gymnasiums or stadium, is usually modelled as a series of harmonic loads which are defined in terms of their Fourier coefficients. Different values of these coefficients that were obtained from full scale measurements can be found in codes. Recently, an alternative has been proposed, based on random generation of load time histories that take into account phase lag among individuals inside the crowd. This paper presents the testing done on a structure designed to be a gymnasium. Two series of dynamic test were performed on the gym slab. For the first test an electrodynamic shaker was placed at several locations and during the second one people located inside a marked area bounced and jumped guided by different metronome rates. A finite element model (FEM) is presented and a comparison of numerically predicted and experimentally observed vibration modes and frequencies has been used to assess its validity. The second group of measurements will be compared with predictions made using the FEM model and three alternatives for crowd induced load modelling.
This article investigates experimentally the application of health monitoring techniques to assess the damage on a particular kind of hysteretic (metallic) damper called web plastifying dampers, which are subjected to cyclic loading. In general terms, hysteretic dampers are increasingly used as passive control systems in advanced earthquake-resistant structures. Nonparametric statistical processing of the signals obtained from simple vibration tests of the web plastifying damper is used here to propose an area index damage. This area index damage is compared with an alternative energy-based index of damage proposed in past research that is based on the decomposition of the load?displacement curve experienced by the damper. Index of damage has been proven to accurately predict the level of damage and the proximity to failure of web plastifying damper, but obtaining the load?displacement curve for its direct calculation requires the use of costly instrumentation. For this reason, the aim of this study is to estimate index of damage indirectly from simple vibration tests, calling for much simpler and cheaper instrumentation, through an auxiliary index called area index damage. Web plastifying damper is a particular type of hysteretic damper that uses the out-of-plane plastic deformation of the web of I-section steel segments as a source of energy dissipation. Four I-section steel segments with similar geometry were subjected to the same pattern of cyclic loading, and the damage was evaluated with the index of damage and area index damage indexes at several stages of the loading process. A good correlation was found between area index damage and index of damage. Based on this correlation, simple formulae are proposed to estimate index of damage from the area index damage.
El gran crecimiento de los sistemas MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) así como su presencia en la mayoría de los dispositivos que usamos diariamente despertó nuestro interés. Paralelamente, la tecnología CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) es la tecnología más utilizada para la fabricación de circuitos integrados. Además de ventajas relacionadas con el funcionamiento electrónico del dispositivo final, la integración de sistemas MEMS en la tecnología CMOS reduce significantemente los costes de fabricación. Algunos de los dispositivos MEMS con mayor variedad de aplicaciones son los microflejes. Estos dispositivos pueden ser utilizados para la extracción de energía, en microscopios de fuerza atómica o en sensores, como por ejemplo, para biodetección. Los materiales piezoeléctricos más comúnmente utilizados en aplicaciones MEMS se sintetizan a altas temperaturas y por lo tanto no son compatibles con la tecnología CMOS. En nuestro caso hemos usado nitruro de alumino (AlN), que se deposita a temperatura ambiente y es compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Además, es biocompatible, y por tanto podría formar parte de un dispositivo que actúe como biosensor. A lo largo de esta tesis hemos prestado especial atención en desarrollar un proceso de fabricación rápido, reproducible y de bajo coste. Para ello, todos los pasos de fabricación han sido minuciosamente optimizados. Los parámetros de sputtering para depositar el AlN, las distintas técnicas y recetas de ataque, los materiales que actúan como electrodos o las capas sacrificiales para liberar los flejes son algunos de los factores clave estudiados en este trabajo. Una vez que la fabricación de los microflejes de AlN ha sido optimizada, fueron medidos para caracterizar sus propiedades piezoeléctricas y finalmente verificar positivamente su viabilidad como dispositivos piezoeléctricos. ABSTRACT The huge growth of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) as well as their presence in most of our daily used devices aroused our interest on them. At the same time, CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology is the most popular technology for integrated circuits. In addition to advantages related with the electronics operation of the final device, the integration of MEMS with CMOS technology reduces the manufacturing costs significantly. Some of the MEMS devices with a wider variety of applications are the microcantilevers. These devices can be used for energy harvesting, in an atomic force microscopes or as sensors, as for example, for biodetection. Most of the piezoelectric materials used for these MEMS applications are synthesized at high temperature and consequently are not compatible with CMOS technology. In our case we have used aluminum nitride (AlN), which is deposited at room temperature and hence fully compatible with CMOS technology. Otherwise, it is biocompatible and and can be used to compose a biosensing device. During this thesis work we have specially focused our attention in developing a high throughput, reproducible and low cost fabrication process. All the manufacturing process steps of have been thoroughly optimized in order to achieve this goal. Sputtering parameters to synthesize AlN, different techniques and etching recipes, electrode material and sacrificial layers are some of the key factors studied in this work to develop the manufacturing process. Once the AlN microcantilevers fabrication was optimized, they were measured to characterize their piezoelectric properties and to successfully check their viability as piezoelectric devices.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un patrón primario para la calibración de sensores de fuerza bajo excitaciones sinusoidales. Con consecuencia de dicho desarrollo se establecerá un método de calibración de sensores de fuerza en condiciones dinámicas que permitirá la caracterización de estos sensores en dichas condiciones y determinar la incertidumbre asociada. Este patrón se basa en la definición directa de fuerza como masa por aceleración. Para ello se carga el sensor con distintas cargas calibradas y se somete a distintas aceleraciones mediante un excitador de vibraciones. Dichas aceleraciones se generan para frecuencias desde 5 Hz a 2400 Hz. La aceleración se mide mediante un vibrómetro láser con trazabilidad a la unidad de longitud (longitud de onda del láser). Al ser una medición completamente dinámica se necesita un sistema de adquisición de datos multicanal para la toma de datos en tiempo real. Este sistema adquiere las señales eléctricas provenientes del vibrómetro láser, del sensor a caracterizar y del acelerómetro para mediciones auxiliares. Se ha dispuesto de cuatro sensores de fuerza para realizar ensayos, un sensor piezoeléctrico y tres sensores resistivos. En este trabajo se han estudiado los factores de influencia y se ha implementado un método de calibración para minimizar los mismos, así como también se han establecido las correcciones a realizar. Para la caracterización dinámica del sensor se ha partido de un modelo de oscilador armónico amortiguado forzado, se ha establecido la metodología para la determinación de sus parámetros de caracterización y se ha estudiado su validez. También se ha realizado una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos para condiciones estáticas y dinámicas. ABSTRACT The aim in the current work is the development of a primary standard for force sensors calibration under sinusoidal excitations. As consequence of this development a method for force sensors calibration under dynamic conditions will be established that will allow these sensors characterization for such conditions and the determination of their associated uncertainty. This standard is based on the direct definition of force as mass multiplied by acceleration. To do so, the sensor is loaded with different calibrated loads and is maintained under different accelerations by means of a vibration shaker. These accelerations are generated with frequencies from 5 Hz up to 2400 Hz. The acceleration is measured by means of a laser vibrometer with traceability to the unit of length (laser wavelength). As the measurement is totally dynamic a multiple channel data acquisition system is required for data acquisition in real time. This system acquires the electrical signals outputs coming from the laser vibrometer, the sensor to be characterised and two accelerometers for additional measurements. Four force sensors, one piezoelectric sensor and three resistive sensors, have been available to perform the tests. During this work the influence factors have been studied and a calibration method to minimise these factors have been implemented as well as the corrections to be performed have been established. As the starting point for the sensor dynamic characterization, a model for a forced damped harmonic oscillator has been used, a method for the characterizing parameters determination has been established and its validity has been studied. A comparison between results for static and dynamic conditions has been performed as well.
A low-cost vibration monitoring system has been developed and installed on an urban steel- plated stress-ribbon footbridge. The system continuously measures: the acceleration (using 18 triaxial MEMS accelerometers distributed along the structure), the ambient temperature and the wind velocity and direction. Automated output-only modal parameter estimation based on the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) is carried out in order to extract the modal parameters, i.e., the natural frequencies, damping ratios and modal shapes. Thus, this paper analyzes the time evolution of the modal parameters over a whole-year data monitoring. Firstly, for similar environmental/operational factors, the uncertainties associated to the time window size used are studied and quantified. Secondly, a methodology to track the vibration modes has been established since several of them with closely-spaced natural frequencies are identified. Thirdly, the modal parameters have been correlated against external factors. It has been shown that this stress-ribbon structure is highly sensitive to temperature variation (frequency changes of more than 20%) with strongly seasonal and daily trends
Esta tesis se centra en la generación de ondas superficiales subarmónicas en fluidos sometidos a vibración forzada en el régimen gravitatorio capilar con líquidos de baja viscosidad. Tres problemas diferentes han sido estudiados: un contenedor rectangular con vibración horizontal, la misma geometría pero con una combinación de vibración vertical y horizontal y un obstáculo completamente sumergido vibrado verticalmente en un contenedor grande. Se deriva una ecuación de amplitud desde primeros principios para describir las ondas subarmónicas con forzamiento parámetrico inducido por la vibración. La ecuación es bidimensional mientras que el problema original es tridimensional y admite un forzamiento espacial no uniforme. Usando esta ecuación los tres sistemas han sido analizados, centrándose en calcular la amplitud crítica, la orientación de los patrones y el carácter temporal de los patrones espaciotemporales, que pueden ser estrictamente subarmónicos o cuasiperiodicos con una frecuencia de modulación temporal. La dependencia con los parámetros adimensionales también se considera. La teoría será comparada con los experimentos disponibles en la literatura. Abstract This thesis focus on the generation of subharmonic surface waves on fluids subject to forced vibration in the gravity-capillary regime with liquids of small viscosity. Three different problems have been considered: a rectangular container under horizontal vibration; the same geometry but under a combination of horizontal and vertical vibration; and a fully submerged vertically vibrated obstacle in a large container. An amplitude equation is derived from first principles that fairly precisely describes the subharmonic surfaces waves parametrically driven by vibration. That equation is two dimensional while the underlying problem is three-dimensional and permits spatially nonuniform forcing. Using this equation, the three systems have been analyzed, focusing on the calculation of the threshold amplitude, the pattern orientation, and the temporal character of the spatio-temporal patterns, which can be either strictly subharmonic or quasi-periodic, showing an additional modulation frequency. Dependence on the non-dimensional parameters is also considered. The theory is compared with the experiments available in the literature.
This paper presents the experimental results obtained by applying frequency-domain structural health monitoring techniques to assess the damage suffered on a special type of damper called Web Plastifying Damper (WPD). The WPD is a hysteretic type energy dissipator recently developed for the passive control of structures subjected to earthquakes. It consists of several I-section steel segments connected in parallel. The energy is dissipated through plastic deformations of the web of the I-sections, which constitute the dissipative parts of the damper. WPDs were subjected to successive histories of dynamically-imposed cyclic deformations of increasing magnitude with the shaking table of the University of Granada. To assess the damage to the web of the I-section steel segments after each history of loading, a new damage index called Area Index of Damage (AID) was obtained from simple vibration tests. The vibration signals were acquired by means of piezoelectric sensors attached on the I-sections, and non-parametric statistical methods were applied to calculate AID in terms of changes in frequency response functions. The damage index AID was correlated with another energy-based damage index-ID- which past research has proven to accurately characterize the level of mechanical damage. The ID is rooted in the decomposition of the load-displacement curve experienced by the damper into the so-called skeleton and Bauschinger parts. ID predicts the level of damage and the proximity to failure of the damper accurately, but it requires costly instrumentation. The experiments reported in this paper demonstrate a good correlation between AID and ID in a realistic seismic loading scenario consisting of dynamically applied arbitrary cyclic loads. Based on this correlation, it is possible to estimate ID indirectly from the AID, which calls for much simpler and less expensive instrumentation.
The aim of this work is to simulate and optically characterize the piezoelectric performance of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible microcantilevers based on aluminium nitride (AlN) and manufactured at room temperature. This study should facilitate the integration of piezoelectric micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) such as microcantilevers, in CMOS technology. Besides compatibility with standard integrated circuit manufacturing procedures, low temperature processing also translates into higher throughput and, as a consequence, lower manufacturing costs. Thus, the use of the piezoelectric properties of AlN manufactured by reactive sputtering at room temperature is an important step towards the integration of this type of devices within future CMOS technology standards. To assess the reliability of our fabrication process, we have manufactured arrays of free-standing microcantilever beams of variable dimension and studied their piezoelectric performance. The characterization of the first out-of-plane modes of AlN-actuated piezoelectric microcantilevers has been carried out using two optical techniques: laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) and white light interferometry (WLI). In order to actuate the cantilevers, a periodic chirp signal in certain frequency ranges was applied between the device electrodes. The nature of the different vibration modes detected has been studied and compared with that obtained by a finite element model based simulation (COMSOL Multiphysics), showing flexural as well as torsional modes. The correspondence between theoretical and experimental data is reasonably good, probing the viability of this high throughput and CMOS compatible fabrication process. To complete the study, X-ray diffraction as well as d33 piezoelectric coefficient measurements were also carried out.