38 resultados para PEÑALOZA, ANGEL VICENTE
Abstract. This paper describes a new and original method for designing oscillators based on the Normalized Determinant Function (NDF) and Return Relations (RRT)- Firstly, a review of the loop-gain method will be performed. The loop-gain method pros, cons and some examples for exploring wrong solutions provided by this method will be shown. This method produces in some cases wrong solutions because some necessary conditions have not been fulfilled. The required necessary conditions to assure a right solution will be described. The necessity of using the NDF or the Transpose Return Relations (RRT), which are related with the True Loop-Gain, to test the additional conditions will be demonstrated. To conclude this paper, the steps for oscillator design and analysis, using the proposed NDF/RRj method, will be presented. The loop-gain wrong solutions will be compared with the NDF/RRj and the accuracy of this method to estimate the oscillation frequency and QL will be demonstrated. Some additional examples of plane reference oscillators (Z/Y/T), will be added and they will be analyzed with the new NDF/RRj proposed method, even these oscillators cannot be analyzed using the classic loop gain method.
Gran parte de los edificios e infraestructuras que son susceptibles de ser objeto de un atentado terrorista están sustentados por una estructura portante de hormigón armado. El comportamiento de estructuras de hormigón armado está bien caracterizado ante solicitaciones estáticas, por el contrario, existen todavía incertidumbres sobre el comportamiento ante cargas impulsivas como la que provoca una explosión. Por este motivo en este trabajo se estudia un mismo esquema estructural ante dos solicitaciones de distinta velocidad de deformación, con el objeto de comprobar su influencia en el modo de fallo de la estructura. Se parte de una campaña experimental desarrollada por la Agencia de Defensa de Suecia sobre vigas de hormigón armado de alta resistencia, a partir de la cual se desarrollan estudios analíticos y simulaciones numéricas. Se comprueba que ante carga impulsiva las vigas tienen una resistencia mayor que ante carga estática, si bien con cuantías altas de armado pueden presentarse modos de fallo frágiles, lo que debe ser tenido en cuenta en el diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado para que sean seguras ante explosiones.
Many macroscopic properties: hardness, corrosion, catalytic activity, etc. are directly related to the surface structure, that is, to the position and chemical identity of the outermost atoms of the material. Current experimental techniques for its determination produce a “signature” from which the structure must be inferred by solving an inverse problem: a solution is proposed, its corresponding signature computed and then compared to the experiment. This is a challenging optimization problem where the search space and the number of local minima grows exponentially with the number of atoms, hence its solution cannot be achieved for arbitrarily large structures. Nowadays, it is solved by using a mixture of human knowledge and local search techniques: an expert proposes a solution that is refined using a local minimizer. If the outcome does not fit the experiment, a new solution must be proposed again. Solving a small surface can take from days to weeks of this trial and error method. Here we describe our ongoing work in its solution. We use an hybrid algorithm that mixes evolutionary techniques with trusted region methods and reuses knowledge gained during the execution to avoid repeated search of structures. Its parallelization produces good results even when not requiring the gathering of the full population, hence it can be used in loosely coupled environments such as grids. With this algorithm, the solution of test cases that previously took weeks of expert time can be automatically solved in a day or two of uniprocessor time.
The arrangement of atoms at the surface of a solid accounts for many of its properties: Hardness, chemical activity, corrosion, etc. are dictated by the precise surface structure. Hence, finding it, has a broad range of technical and industrial applications. The ability to solve this problem opens the possibility of designing by computer materials with properties tailored to specific applications. Since the search space grows exponentially with the number of atoms, its solution cannot be achieved for arbitrarily large structures. Presently, a trial and error procedure is used: an expert proposes an structure as a candidate solution and tries a local optimization procedure on it. The solution relaxes to the local minimum in the attractor basin corresponding to the initial point, that might be the one corresponding to the global minimum or not. This procedure is very time consuming and, for reasonably sized surfaces, can take many iterations and much effort from the expert. Here we report on a visualization environment designed to steer this process in an attempt to solve bigger structures and reduce the time needed. The idea is to use an immersive environment to interact with the computation. It has immediate feedback to assess the quality of the proposed structure in order to let the expert explore the space of candidate solutions. The visualization environment is also able to communicate with the de facto local solver used for this problem. The user is then able to send trial structures to the local minimizer and track its progress as they approach the minimum. This allows for simultaneous testing of candidate structures. The system has also proved very useful as an educational tool for the field.
Muchos son los aspectos que interesan en la arquitectura de Lacaton y Vassal y que son analizados en los distintos artículos que se incluyen en esta publicación. En ocasiones, las acciones humanas tienen la cualidad de despertar un interés que va más allá del objeto mismo para el que fueron realizadas. La mayor parte de los proyectos y obras de Lacaton y Vassal posee esta cualidad que, entre otras cosas, se traduce en un alto valor pedagógico que, en este caso, tiene carácter metodológico.
In this paper we report the process of designing and building the EYEFLY 1, a real UAS platform which has just performed its maiden flight. For the development of this aircraft, 30 groups of students from successive years at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) carried out their compulsory End of Degree Project as a coordinated Project Based learning activity. Our conclusions clearly indicate that Project Based Learning activities can provide a valid complement to more conventional, theoretically-based, teaching methods. The combination of both approaches will allow us to maintain traditional but well-tested methods for providing our students with a sound knowledge of fundamental engineering disciplines and, at the same time, to introduce our students to exciting and relevant engineering situations and sceneries where social and business skills, such as communication skills, team-working or decision-taking, can be put into practice.
The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a ship used as a detached floating breakwater for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Floating breakwaters have been extensively used as port or coastal protection structures and display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, the greatest problem these structures present is the limited range of wave heights and periods for which they are really effective. Furthermore, ships may be considered as floating structures which, used as breakwaters, would keep the advantages of floating breakwaters and would increase their range of applicability. The possibility of using ships at the conclusion of their useful life for this purpose would also involve greater economic and environmental advantages. Tests were carried out to assess the ship’s effectiveness as a detached floating breakwater using a scaled down physical model to determine the vessel’s transmission coefficient (Kt) as to regular waves with significant periods of 5 sec to 12 sec and significant wave heights of 1.5 m to 4 m at depths from 20 m to 35 m. The ship proves effective for waves up to 4 m significant height and significant periods up to 9 sec. Hanson and Kraus and Pilarzyk’s analytical models, which take transmission coefficients into account, were used to analyse the shore’s response to the breakwater protection. The results obtained show that salients form for waves with periods between 6 sec and 9 sec. It is also concluded that the depths tested are far different from the more usual shallow water involved in constructing detached breakwaters and the shore’s response is therefore scarce.
The movement of water through the landscape can be investigated at different scales. This study dealt with the interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the overlying drainage systems. Parameters of fractal analysis, such as fractal dimension and lacunarity, were used to measure and quantify this relationship. The interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the drainage systems has been widely studied in the last decades. The quantification of this linkage has not yet been clearly established. Several studies have selected river basins or regularly shaped areas as study units, assuming them to be lithologically homogeneous. This study considered irregular distributions of rock types, establishing areas of the soil map (1:25,000) with the same lithologic information as study units. The tectonic stability and the low climatic variability of the study region allowed effective investigation of the lithologic controls on the drainage networks developed on the plutonic rocks, the metamorphic rocks, and the sedimentary materials existing in the study area. To exclude the effect of multiple in- and outflows in the lithologically homogeneous units, we focused this study on the first-order streams of the drainage networks. The geometry of the hydrologic features was quantified through traditional metrics of fluvial geomorphology and scaling parameters of fractal analysis, such as the fractal dimension, the reference density, and the lacunarity. The results demonstrate the scale invariance of both the drainage networks and the set of first-order streams at the study scale and a relationship between scaling in the lithology and the drainage network.
This paper summarizes the research activities focused on the behaviour of concrete and concrete structures subjected to blast loading carried out by the Department of Materials Science of the Technical University of Madrid (PUM). These activities comprise the design and construction of a test bench that allows for testing up to four planar concrete specimens with one single explosion, the study of the performance of different protection concepts for concrete structures and, finally, the development of a numerical model for the simulation of concrete structural elements subjected to blast. Up to date 6 different types of concrete have been studied, from plain normal strength concrete, to high strength concrete, including also fibre reinforced concretes with different types of fibres. The numerical model is based on the Cohesive Crack Model approach, and has been developed for the LSDYNA finite element code through a user programmed subroutine. Despite its simplicity, the model is able to predict the failure patterns of the concrete slabs tested with a high level of accuracy
Análisis de la atenuación del oleaje por un carguero funcionando como dique flotante y aplicación a dos casos de protección portuaria y costera. The effectiveness of a bulk carrier working as a detached floating breakwater to protect a stretch of coast and form salients or tombolos is assessed in this paper. Experiments were conducted in the Madrid CEDEX facilities in a 30 m long, 3 m wide, 1/150 scale flume. The bulk carrier ship is 205 m long, 29 m wide and 18 m in height with a draught of 13 m, and has been subjected to irregular waves with significant heights from 2 m to 4 m and peak periods from 6 s to 12 s at a depth of 15 m, all prototype dimensions. Three probes were placed between the wave paddle and the ship to record incident and reflected waves and four probes were placed between the ship and the coastline to measure the transmitted waves. Transmission, reflection and dissipation coefficients (Ct, Cr, Cd) were calculated to determine wave attenuation. Results show good shelter in the lee of the ship with values of Ct under 0.5 for peak periods from 6 s to 11 s. In addition, forces on the mooring chains were measured showing maximum values of about 2000 tons at a 10 speak period. Finally, two analytical models were used to determine the shoreline’s response to the ship’s protection and to assess the possible forming of salients or tombolos. According to the results, salients - but not tombolos - are formed in all tests.
Los diques flotantes son estructuras que atenúan la energía del oleaje fundamentalmente por reflexión y turbulencia. Aunque presentan importantes ventajas en términos constructivos y medioambientales, su efectividad es limitada y en la práctica sólo se emplean en condiciones climáticas propias de zonas con oleajes poco energéticos. Por otro lado, el buque es la estructura flotante por excelencia y su empleo para el abrigo portuario y costero en determinadas situaciones puede aportar las ventajas propias de los diques flotantes, al tiempo que ampliar el rango de oleajes frente a los que estas estructuras son efectivas. El propósito de esta Tesis Doctoral es evaluar la viabilidad del empleo de buques fondeados como diques flotantes para el abrigo portuario y costero. Para ello, se han realizado ensayos en modelo físico a escala reducida en un canal de oleaje del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC), con el objeto de determinar los coeficientes de transmisión (Ct), reflexión (Cr) y disipación (Cd) de barcos de diversas tipologías y dimensiones, sometidos a diferentes oleajes en distintas situaciones de carga, fondeo y profundidad del emplazamiento. La efectividad de los buques empleados en los ensayos se ha determinado mediante el análisis de dichos coeficientes y su variación con la altura de ola y el periodo de los oleajes incidentes. Además, se han registrado las fuerzas existentes en las cadenas de fondeo con objeto de comprobar la viabilidad del mismo y facilitar una estimación del diámetro de las cadenas que serían necesarias en cada situación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos en modelo físico reducido a dos situaciones de abrigo portuario y costero. La primera aplicación consiste en el empleo de buques como defensa temporal en fases constructivas por medios marítimos, partiendo de la hipótesis de que, actuando como diques flotantes, puede proteger la zona de la obra y ampliar las ventanas temporales de periodos de actividad en obra marítima. Las actividades que se han analizado son las de dragado de fondos, vertidos de material granular y transporte y fondeo de cajones flotantes para diques y muelles. La segunda aplicación estudiada es el empleo de buques para la protección costera y la formación de salientes y tómbolos. Los coeficientes de transmisión obtenidos se han introducido en formulaciones analíticas que permiten prever la evolución de la costa frente a la protección procurada por el buque actuando como dique flotante exento. Finalmente se han redactado las conclusiones de la investigación y se han propuesto nuevas líneas de investigación relacionadas con esta Tesis Doctoral. Floating breakwaters are structures which attenuate wave energy mainly by reflection and turbulence. They display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, their use is restricted in practice to certain areas with good climatic conditions and low energy waves. Moreover, ships are the most common floating structures and their use for port and coastal shelter in certain situations could widen the range of applicability in addition to the rest of advantages of floating breakwaters. The purpose of this research is to assess the feasibility of ships anchored as floating breakwaters for port and coastal protection. To that end, tests in a scaled down physical model have been conducted in a wave flume in the Centre of Port and Coastal Studies (CEPYC), in order to determine the transmission (Ct), reflection (Cr) and dissipation (Cd) coefficients of ships of diverse types and dimensions, under different wave, load, anchoring and depth conditions. The effectiveness of the several ships used in the tests has been determined by analyzing these coefficients and their variation with the wave height and period of the incident waves. In addition, the existing forces in the anchor chains have been registered to verify the feasibility of the anchoring systems, as well as to provide an estimation of the diameter of the chains that would be needed in each situation. Subsequently, the results of the tests have been applied to two situations of port and coastal protection. The first one is the use of ships as a temporary defense for maritime works with construction phases by maritime means, on the assumption that, acting as floating breakwaters, they can protect the work area and increase the time windows of periods of activity in maritime works. Dredging, dumping of granular material and transport and positioning of big concrete caissons for docks and breakwaters were the activities analyzed. The second situation is the use of ships for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Some analytical formulations which take into account the transmission coefficients from the tests have been used to predict the evolution of the coastline under the protection given by the ships acting as detached floating breakwaters. Finally, the conclusions of the research have been addressed and the proposal of new lines of work related to the topic has been made.
Artículos publicados sobre Antonio Fernández Alba en el diario El País
In the field of dimensional metrology, the use of optical measuring machines requires the handling of a large number of measurement points, or scanning points, taken from the image of the measurand. The presence of correlation between these measurement points has a significant influence on the uncertainty of the result. The aim of this work is the development of an estimation procedure for the uncertainty of measurement in a geometrically elliptical shape, taking into account the correlation between the scanning points. These points are obtained from an image produced using a commercial flat bed scanner. The characteristic parameters of the ellipse (coordinates of the center, semi-axes and the angle of the semi-major axis with regard to the horizontal) are determined using a least squares fit and orthogonal distance regression. The uncertainty is estimated using the information from the auto-correlation function of the residuals and is propagated through the fitting algorithm according to the rules described in Evaluation of Measurement Data—Supplement 2 to the ‘Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’—Extension to any number of output quantities. By introducing the concept of cut-off length, it can be observed how it is possible to take into account the presence of the correlation in the estimation of uncertainty in a very simple way while avoiding underestimation.
Este artículo trata de analizar la reciente evolución de los conceptos sobre intervención en el Patrimonio Cultural. Para ello utiliza como modelo el proyecto metodológico aplicado sobre las dos últimas actuaciones efectuadas en la Catedral de Cuenca. La Carta de Atenas, 1931, que estableció las bases de la modernidad sobre las dos trayectorias de espacio y tiempo, concuerdan hoy después de casi un siglo, recuperando su punto de encuentro. El artículo básicamente valora el potencial que los proyectos contemporáneos de intervención en el patrimonio pueden ofrecer cuando estudias su trayectoria en el paisaje. En orden a certificar sus transformaciones desde la actualidad, el singular monumento de la Catedral de Cuenca, utilizado como modelo, nos aporta a través de sus materiales y morfología la memoria secular que nos informa de sus técnicas constructivas y valores sociales. Este modelo abre un diálogo entre teoría y práctica reflejado a través de los trabajos de restauración aplicados. Después de treinta años de experiencia restauradora llevada a cabo por los autores, las dos últimas intervenciones que son minuciosamente expuestas, revelan algunas nuevas estrategias de aplicación en el proyecto de intervención.
La presente publicación presenta el desarrollo de diferentes ensayos experimentales con el fin de poder determinar las características aerodinámicas asociadas al Efecto Magnus en cuerpos no cilíndricos circulares. Se realiza la descripción del banco y los equipos utilizados para los ensayos, los modelos, la metodología y los resultados de los ensayos realizados. Se presentan la sustentación y resistencia aerodinámica de los modelos para diferentes velocidades de rotación y de la corriente de aire.