26 resultados para NUMERICAL STABILITY


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A one-dimensional inviscid slice model has been used to study numerically the influence of axial microgravity on the breaking of liquid bridges having a volume close to that of gravitationless minimum volume stability limit. Equilibrium shapes and stability limits have been obtained as well as the dependence of the volume of the two drops formed after breaking on both the length and the volume of the liquid bridge. The breaking process has also been studied experimentally. Good agreement has been found between theory and experiment for neutrally buoyant systems


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The flight dynamics and stability of a kite with a single main line flying in steady and unsteady wind conditions are discussed. A simple dynamic model with five degrees of freedom is derived with the aid of Lagrangian formulation, which explicitly avoids any constraint force in the equations of motion. The longitudinal and lateral–directional modes and stability of the steady flight under constant wind conditions are analyzed by using both numerical and analytical methods. Taking advantage of the appearance of small dimensionless parameters in the model, useful analytical formulas for stable-designed kites are found. Under nonsteady wind-velocity conditions, the equilibrium state disappears and periodic orbits occur. The kite stability and an interesting resonance phenomenon are explored with the aid of a numerical method based on Floquet theory.


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The design of shell and spatial structures represents an important challenge even with the use of the modern computer technology.If we concentrate in the concrete shell structures many problems must be faced,such as the conceptual and structural disposition, optimal shape design, analysis, construction methods, details etc. and all these problems are interconnected among them. As an example the shape optimization requires the use of several disciplines like structural analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization strategies and geometrical design concepts. Similar comments can be applied to other space structures such as steel trusses with single or double shape and tension structures. In relation to the analysis the Finite Element Method appears to be the most extended and versatile technique used in the practice. In the application of this method several issues arise. First the derivation of the pertinent shell theory or alternatively the degenerated 3-D solid approach should be chosen. According to the previous election the suitable FE model has to be adopted i.e. the displacement,stress or mixed formulated element. The good behavior of the shell structures under dead loads that are carried out towards the supports by mainly compressive stresses is impaired by the high imperfection sensitivity usually exhibited by these structures. This last effect is important particularly if large deformation and material nonlinearities of the shell may interact unfavorably, as can be the case for thin reinforced shells. In this respect the study of the stability of the shell represents a compulsory step in the analysis. Therefore there are currently very active fields of research such as the different descriptions of consistent nonlinear shell models given by Simo, Fox and Rifai, Mantzenmiller and Buchter and Ramm among others, the consistent formulation of efficient tangent stiffness as the one presented by Ortiz and Schweizerhof and Wringgers, with application to concrete shells exhibiting creep behavior given by Scordelis and coworkers; and finally the development of numerical techniques needed to trace the nonlinear response of the structure. The objective of this paper is concentrated in the last research aspect i.e. in the presentation of a state-of-the-art on the existing solution techniques for nonlinear analysis of structures. In this presentation the following excellent reviews on this subject will be mainly used.


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La presente Tesis proporciona una gran cantidad de información con respecto al uso de un nuevo y avanzado material polimérico (con base de poliolefina) especialmente adecuada para ser usada en forma de fibras como adición en el hormigón. Se han empleado fibras de aproximadamente 1 mm de diámetro, longitudes entre 48 y 60 mm y una superficie corrugada. Las prometedoras propiedades de este material (baja densidad, bajo coste, buen comportamiento resistente y gran estabilidad química) justifican el interés en desarrollar el esfuerzo de investigación requerido para demostrar las ventajas de su uso en aplicaciones prácticas. La mayor parte de la investigación se ha realizado usando hormigón autocompactante como matriz, ya que este material es óptimo para el relleno de los encofrados del hormigón, aunque también se ha empleado hormigón normal vibrado con el fin de comparar algunas propiedades. Además, el importante desarrollo del hormigón reforzado con fibras en los últimos años, tanto en investigación como en aplicaciones prácticas, también es muestra del gran interés que los resultados y consideraciones de diseño que esta Tesis pueden tener. El material compuesto resultante, Hormigón Reforzado con Fibras de Poliolefina (HRFP o PFRC por sus siglas inglesas) ha sido exhaustivamente ensayado y estudiado en muchos aspectos. Los resultados permiten establecer cómo conseguidos los objetivos buscados: -Se han cuantificado las propiedades mecánicas del PFRC con el fin de demostrar su buen comportamiento en la fase fisurada de elementos estructurales sometidos a tensiones de tracción. -Contrastar los resultados obtenidos con las bases propuestas en la normativa existente y evaluar las posibilidades para el uso del PFRC con fin estructural para sustituir el armado tradicional con barras de acero corrugado para determinadas aplicaciones. -Se han desarrollado herramientas de cálculo con el fin de evaluar la capacidad del PFRC para sustituir al hormigón armado con las barras habituales de acero. -En base a la gran cantidad de ensayos experimentales y a alguna aplicación real en la construcción, se han podido establecer recomendaciones y consejos de diseño para que elementos de este material puedan ser proyectados y construidos con total fiabilidad. Se presentan, además, resultados prometedores en una nueva línea de trabajo en el campo del hormigón reforzado con fibras combinando dos tipologías de fibras. Se combinaron fibras de poliolefina con fibras de acero como refuerzo del mismo hormigón autocompactante detectándose sinergias que podrían ser la base del uso futuro de esta tecnología de hormigón. This thesis provides a significant amount of information on the use of a new advanced polymer (polyolefin-based) especially suitable in the form of fibres to be added to concrete. At the time of writing, there is a noteworthy lack of research and knowledge about use as a randomly distributed element to reinforce concrete. Fibres with an approximate 1 mm diameter, length of 48-60 mm, an embossed surface and improved mechanical properties are employed. The promising properties of the polyolefin material (low density, inexpensive, and with good strength behaviour and high chemical stability) justify the research effort involved and demonstrate the advantages for practical purposes. While most of the research has used self-compacting concrete, given that this type of matrix material is optimum in filling the concrete formwork, for comparison purposes standard vibration compacted mixes have also been used. In addition, the interest in fibre-reinforced concrete technology, in both research and application, support the significant interest in the results and considerations provided by the thesis. The resulting composite material, polyolefin fibre reinforced concrete (PFRC) has been extensively tested and studied. The results have allowed the following objectives to be met: -Assessment of the mechanical properties of PFRC in order to demonstrate the good performance in the post-cracking strength for structural elements subjected to tensile stresses. -- Assessment of the results in contrast with the existing structural codes, regulations and test methods. The evaluation of the potential of PFRC to meet the requirements and replace traditional steel-bar reinforcement applications. -Development of numerical tools designed to evaluate the capability of PFRC to substitute, either partially or totally, standard steel reinforcing bars either alone or in conjunction with steel fibres. -Provision, based on the large amount of experimental work and real applications, of a series of guidelines and recommendations for the practical and reliable design and use of PFRC. Furthermore, the thesis also reports promising results about an innovative line in the field of fibre-reinforced concrete: the design of a fibre cocktail to reinforce the concrete by using two types of fibres simultaneously. Polyolefin fibres were combined with steel fibres in self-compacting concrete, identifying synergies that could serve as the base in the future use of fibre-reinforced concrete technology.


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There is a self-similar solution for the stability limits of long, almost cylindrical liquid bridges between equal disks subjected to both axial and lateral accelerations. The stability limits depend on only two variables; the so-called reduced axial, and lateral Bond numbers. A novel experimental setup that involved rotating a horizontal cylindrical liquid bridge about a vertical axis of rotation was designed to test the stability limits predicted by the self-similar solution. Analytical predictions compared well with both numerical and experimental results.


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A numerical method has been developed to determine the stability limits for liquid bridges held between noncircular supporting disks and the application to a configuration with a circular and an elliptical disk subjected to axial acceleration has been made. The numerical method led to results very different from the available analytical solution which has been revisited and a better approximation has been obtained. It has been found that just retaining one more term in the asymptotic analysis the solution reproduces the real behavior of the configuration and the numerical results.


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In this work, a combination of numerical methods applied to thermohydrodynamic lubrication problems with cavitation is presented. It should be emphasized the difficulty of the nonlinear mathematical coupled model involving a free boundary problem, but also the simplicity of the algorithms employed to solve it. So, finite element discretizations for the hydrodynamic and thermal equations combined with upwind techniques for the convection terms and duality methods for nonlinear features are proposed. Additionally, a model describing the movement of the shaft is provided. Considering the shaft as a rigid body this model will consist of an ODE system relating acceleration of the center of gravity and external and pressure loads. The numerical experiments of mechanical stability try to clarify the position of the neutral stability curve. Finally, a rotating machine for ship propulsion involving both axial and radial bearings operating with nonconventional lubricants (seawater to avoid environmental pollution) is analyzed by using laminar and turbulent inertial flows.


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In this work, various turbulent solutions of the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional compressible Reynolds averaged Navier?Stokes equations are analyzed using global stability theory. This analysis is motivated by the onset of flow unsteadiness (Hopf bifurcation) for transonic buffet conditions where moderately high Reynolds numbers and compressible effects must be considered. The buffet phenomenon involves a complex interaction between the separated flow and a shock wave. The efficient numerical methodology presented in this paper predicts the critical parameters, namely, the angle of attack and Mach and Reynolds numbers beyond which the onset of flow unsteadiness appears. The geometry, a NACA0012 profile, and flow parameters selected reproduce situations of practical interest for aeronautical applications. The numerical computation is performed in three steps. First, a steady baseflow solution is obtained; second, the Jacobian matrix for the RANS equations based on a finite volume discretization is computed; and finally, the generalized eigenvalue problem is derived when the baseflow is linearly perturbed. The methodology is validated predicting the 2D Hopf bifurcation for a circular cylinder under laminar flow condition. This benchmark shows good agreement with the previous published computations and experimental data. In the transonic buffet case, the baseflow is computed using the Spalart?Allmaras turbulence model and represents a mean flow where the high frequency content and length scales of the order of the shear-layer thickness have been averaged. The lower frequency content is assumed to be decoupled from the high frequencies, thus allowing a stability analysis to be performed on the low frequency range. In addition, results of the corresponding adjoint problem and the sensitivity map are provided for the first time for the buffet problem. Finally, an extruded three-dimensional geometry of the NACA0012 airfoil, where all velocity components are considered, was also analyzed as a Triglobal stability case, and the outcoming results were compared to the previous 2D limited model, confirming that the buffet onset is well detected.


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La aparición de inestabilidades en un flujo es un problema importante que puede afectar a algunas aplicaciones aerodinámicas. De hecho existen diferentes tipos de fenómenos no-estacionarios que actualmente son tema de investigación; casos como la separación a altos ángulos de ataque o el buffet transónico son dos ejemplos de cierta relevancia. El análisis de estabilidad global permite identificar la aparición de dichas condiciones inestables, proporcionando información importante sobre la región donde la inestabilidad es dominante y sobre la frecuencia del fenómeno inestable. La metodología empleada es capaz de calcular un flujo base promediado mediante una discretización con volúmenes finitos y posteriormente la solución de un problema de autovalores asociado a la linealización que aparece al perturbar el flujo base. El cálculo numérico se puede dividir en tres pasos: primero se calcula una solución estacionaria para las ecuaciones RANS, luego se extrae la matriz del Jacobiano que representa el problema linealizado y finalmente se deriva y se resuelve el problema de autovalores generalizado mediante el método iterativo de Arnoldi. Como primer caso de validación, la técnica descrita ha sido aplicada a un cilindro circular en condiciones laminares para detectar el principio de las oscilaciones de los vórtices de von Karman, y se han comparado los resultados con experimentos y cálculos anteriores. La parte más importante del estudio se centra en el análisis de flujos compresibles en régimen turbulento. La predicción de la aparición y la progresión de flujo separado a altos ángulos de ataque se han estudiado en el perfil NACA0012 en condiciones tanto subsónicas como supersónicas y en una sección del ala del A310 en condiciones de despegue. Para todas las geometrías analizadas, se ha podido observar que la separación gradual genera la aparición de un modo inestable específico para altos ángulos de ataque siempre mayores que el ángulo asociado al máximo coeficiente de sustentación. Además, se ha estudiado el problema adjunto para obtener información sobre la zona donde una fuerza externa provoca el máximo cambio en el campo fluido. El estudio se ha completado calculando el mapa de sensibilidad estructural y localizando el centro de la inestabilidad. En el presente trabajo de tesis se ha analizado otro importante fenómeno: el buffet transónico. En condiciones transónicas, la interacción entre la onda de choque y la capa límite genera una oscilación de la posición de la onda de choque y, por consiguiente, de las fuerzas aerodinámicas. El conocimiento de las condiciones críticas y su origen puede ayudar a evitar la oscilación causada por estas fuerzas. Las condiciones para las cuales comienza la inestabilidad han sido calculadas y comparadas con trabajos anteriores. Por otra parte, los resultados del correspondiente problema adjunto y el mapa de sensibilidad se han obtenido por primera vez para el buffet, indicando la región del dominio que sera necesario modificar para crear el mayor cambio en las propiedades del campo fluido. Dado el gran consumo de memoria requerido para los casos 3D, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la reducción del domino con la finalidad de reducirlo a la región donde está localizada la inestabilidad. La eficacia de dicha reducción de dominio ha sido evaluada investigando el cambio en la dimensión de la matriz del Jacobiano, no resultando muy eficiente en términos del consumo de memoria. Dado que el buffet es un problema en general tridimensional, el análisis TriGlobal de una geometría 3D podría considerarse el auténtico reto futuro. Como aproximación al problema, un primer estudio se ha realizado empleando una geometría tridimensional extruida del NACA00f2. El cálculo del flujo 3D y, por primera vez en casos tridimensionales compresibles y turbulentos, el análisis de estabilidad TriGlobal, se han llevado a cabo. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos con los resultados del anterior modelo 2D, ha permitido, primero, verificar la exactitud del cálculo 2D realizado anteriormente y también ha proporcionado una estimación del consumo de memoria requerido para el caso 3D. ABSTRACT Flow unsteadiness is an important problem in aerodynamic applications. In fact, there are several types of unsteady phenomena that are still at the cutting edge of research in the field; separation at high angles of attack and transonic buffet are two important examples. Global Stability Analysis can identify the unstable onset conditions, providing important information about the instability location in the domain and the frequency of the unstable phenomenon. The methodology computes a base flow averaged state based on a finite volume discretization and a solution for a generalized eigenvalue problem corresponding to the perturbed linearized equations. The numerical computation is then performed in three steps: first, a steady solution for the RANS equation is computed; second, the Jacobian matrix that represents the linearized problem is obtained; and finally, the generalized eigenvalue problem is derived and solved with an Arnoldi iterative method. As a first validation test, the technique has been applied on a laminar circular cylinder in order to detect the von Karman vortex shedding onset, comparing the results with experiments and with previous calculations. The main part of the study focusses on turbulent and compressible cases. The prediction of the origin and progression of separated flows at high angles of attack has been studied on the NACA0012 airfoil at subsonic and transonic conditions and for the A310 airfoil in take-off configuration. For all the analyzed geometries, it has been found that gradual separation generates the appearance of one specific unstable mode for angles of attack always greater than the ones related to the maximum lift coefficient. In addition, the adjoint problem has been studied to suggest the location of an external force that results in the largest change to the flow field. From the direct and the adjoint analysis the structural sensitivity map has been computed and the core of the instability has been located. The other important phenomenon analyzed in this work is the transonic buffet. In transonic conditions, the interaction between the shock wave and the boundary layer leads to an oscillation of the shock location and, consequently, of the aerodynamic forces. Knowing the critical operational conditions and its origin can be helpful in preventing such fluctuating forces. The instability onset has then been computed and compared with the literature. Moreover, results of the corresponding adjoint problem and a sensitivity map have been provided for the first time for the buffet problem, indicating the region that must be modified to create the biggest change in flow field properties. Because of the large memory consumption required when a 3D case is approached, a domain reduction study has been carried out with the aim of limiting the domain size to the region where the instability is located. The effectiveness of the domain reduction has been evaluated by investigating the change in the Jacobian matrix size, not being very efficient in terms of memory consumption. Since buffet is a three-dimensional problem, TriGlobal stability analysis can be seen as a future challenge. To approximate the problem, a first study has been carried out on an extruded three-dimensional geometry of the NACA0012 airfoil. The 3D flow computation and the TriGlobal stability analysis have been performed for the first time on a compressible and turbulent 3D case. The results have been compared with a 2D model, confirming that the buffet onset evaluated in the 2D case is well detected. Moreover, the computation has given an indication about the memory consumption for a 3D case.


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Las prestaciones de un velero de regatas se estiman por medio de los Programas de Predicción de Velocidad (VPP) que incluyen las características de estabilidad y modelos aero e hidrodinámico del barco. Por esta razón, es importante tener una evaluación adecuada de las fuerzas en apéndices y de su variación en diferentes condiciones de navegación, escora y deriva. Además, para el cálculo de las fuerzas en los apéndices es importante conocer sus características hidrodinámicas cuando trabajan conjuntamente en un campo fluido fuertemente modificado por la carena. Por esta razón, se han utilizado una serie de ensayos realizados en el Canal de Ensayos de la ETSIN con el objetivo de validar códigos numéricos que permiten una evaluación más rápida y focalizada en los distintos fenómenos que se producen. Dichos ensayos se han realizado de forma que pudiera medirse independientemente las fuerzas hidrodinámicas en cada apéndice, lo que permitirá evaluar el reparto de fuerzas en diferentes condiciones de navegación para poder profundizar en las interacciones entre carena, quilla y timón. Las técnicas numéricas permiten capturar detalles que difícilmente se pueden visualizar en ensayos experimentales. En este sentido, se han probado las últimas técnicas utilizadas en los últimos workshops y se ha enfocado el estudio a un nuevo método con el objetivo de mostrar una metodologia más rápida que pueda servir a la industria para este tipo de aproximación al problema. ABSTRACT The performances of a racing sailboat are estimated by means of the speed prediction programs (VPP), which include the ship stability characteristics and the aero and hydrodynamic models. For this reason, it is important to have an adequate evaluation of the forces in appendices and its variation in different sailing conditions, heel and leeway Moreover, for the analysis of the forces in the appendices, it is important to know their hydrodynamic characteristics when they work together in a fluid field strongly modified by the canoe body. For this reason, several tests have been done in the ETSIN towing tank with the aim to validate numeric codes that allowing faster analysis and they permit to focus on the different phenomena that occur there. Such tests have been done in a way that the hydrodynamic forces in each appendage could be measured independently allowing assessing the distribution of forces in different sailing conditions to be able to deepen the interactions between the canoe body, the keel and the rudder. Numerical techniques allow capturing details that can hardly be displayed in experimental tests. In this sense, the latest techniques used in the recent workshops have been reviewed and the study has been focused to propose a new model with the aim to show a new faster methodology which serves the industry for this type of approach to the problem.


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La evaluación de las prestaciones de las embarcaciones a vela ha constituido un objetivo para ingenieros navales y marinos desde los principios de la historia de la navegación. El conocimiento acerca de estas prestaciones, ha crecido desde la identificación de los factores clave relacionados con ellas(eslora, estabilidad, desplazamiento y superficie vélica), a una comprensión más completa de las complejas fuerzas y acoplamientos involucrados en el equilibrio. Junto con este conocimiento, la aparición de los ordenadores ha hecho posible llevar a cabo estas tareas de una forma sistemática. Esto incluye el cálculo detallado de fuerzas, pero también, el uso de estas fuerzas junto con la descripción de una embarcación a vela para la predicción de su comportamiento y, finalmente, sus prestaciones. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proporcionar una definición global y abierta de un conjunto de modelos y reglas para describir y analizar este comportamiento. Esto se lleva a cabo sin aplicar restricciones en cuanto al tipo de barco o cálculo, sino de una forma generalizada, de modo que sea posible resolver cualquier situación, tanto estacionaria como en el dominio del tiempo. Para ello se comienza con una definición básica de los factores que condicionan el comportamiento de una embarcación a vela. A continuación se proporciona una metodología para gestionar el uso de datos de diferentes orígenes para el cálculo de fuerzas, siempre con el la solución del problema como objetivo. Esta última parte se plasma en un programa de ordenador, PASim, cuyo propósito es evaluar las prestaciones de diferentes ti pos de embarcaciones a vela en un amplio rango de condiciones. Varios ejemplos presentan diferentes usos de PASim con el objetivo de ilustrar algunos de los aspectos discutidos a lo largo de la definición del problema y su solución . Finalmente, se presenta una estructura global de cara a proporcionar una representación virtual de la embarcación real, en la cual, no solo e l comportamiento sino también su manejo, son cercanos a la experiencia de los navegantes en el mundo real. Esta estructura global se propone como el núcleo (un motor de software) de un simulador físico para el que se proporciona una especificación básica. ABSTRACT The assessment of the performance of sailing yachts, and ships in general, has been an objective for naval architects and sailors since the beginning of the history of navigation. The knowledge has grown from identifying the key factors that influence performance(length, stability, displacement and sail area), to a much more complete understanding of the complex forces and couplings involved in the equilibrium. Along with this knowledge, the advent of computers has made it possible to perform the associated tasks in a systematic way. This includes the detailed calculation of forces, but also the use of those forces, along with the description of a sailing yacht, to predict its behavior, and ultimately, its performance. The aim of this investigation is to provide a global and open definition of a set of models and rules to describe and analyze the behavior of a sailing yacht. This is done without applying any restriction to the type of yacht or calculation, but rather in a generalized way, capable of solving any possible situation, whether it is in a steady state or in the time domain. First, the basic definition of the factors that condition the behavior of a sailing yacht is given. Then, a methodology is provided to assist with the use of data from different origins for the calculation of forces, always aiming towards the solution of the problem. This last part is implemented as a computational tool, PASim, intended to assess the performance of different types of sailing yachts in a wide range of conditions. Several examples then present different uses of PASim, as a way to illustrate some of the aspects discussed throughout the definition of the problem and its solution. Finally, a global structure is presented to provide a general virtual representation of the real yacht, in which not only the behavior, but also its handling is close to the experience of the sailors in the real world. This global structure is proposed as the core (a software engine) of a physical yacht simulator, for which a basic specification is provided.