36 resultados para NEUTRON LEAKAGE


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The European Spallation Source-Bilbao (ESS-Bilbao) project plans to build an accelerator facility compliant with the ESS-AB requirements which will be able to drive several experimental stations for research purposes involving intense proton beams with currents up to 75 mA, 50 MeV of final energy, 1.5 ms of pulse length and up to 50 Hz repetition rate. The accelerator will also drive a compact neutron source which will provide useful neutron beams to carry out experiments on moderator optimization, neutron optics devices and general neutron instrumentation as well as preparation work for experiments to be carried out by neutron beam users at the large facilities.


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Analysis of Neutron Thermal Scattering Data Uncertainties in PWRs


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Fission product yields are fundamental parameters for several nuclear engineering calculations and in particular for burn-up/activation problems. The impact of their uncertainties was widely studied in the past and valuations were released, although still incomplete. Recently, the nuclear community expressed the need for full fission yield covariance matrices to produce inventory calculation results that take into account the complete uncertainty data. In this work, we studied and applied a Bayesian/generalised least-squares method for covariance generation, and compared the generated uncertainties to the original data stored in the JEFF-3.1.2 library. Then, we focused on the effect of fission yield covariance information on fission pulse decay heat results for thermal fission of 235U. Calculations were carried out using different codes (ACAB and ALEPH-2) after introducing the new covariance values. Results were compared with those obtained with the uncertainty data currently provided by the library. The uncertainty quantification was performed with the Monte Carlo sampling technique. Indeed, correlations between fission yields strongly affect the statistics of decay heat. Introduction Nowadays, any engineering calculation performed in the nuclear field should be accompanied by an uncertainty analysis. In such an analysis, different sources of uncertainties are taken into account. Works such as those performed under the UAM project (Ivanov, et al., 2013) treat nuclear data as a source of uncertainty, in particular cross-section data for which uncertainties given in the form of covariance matrices are already provided in the major nuclear data libraries. Meanwhile, fission yield uncertainties were often neglected or treated shallowly, because their effects were considered of second order compared to cross-sections (Garcia-Herranz, et al., 2010). However, the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)


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The aim of this work is to test the present status of Evaluated Nuclear Decay and Fission Yield Data Libraries to predict decay heat and delayed neutron emission rate, average neutron energy and neutron delayed spectra after a neutron fission pulse. Calculations are performed with JEFF-3.1.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1, and these are compared with experimental values. An uncertainty propagation assessment of the current nuclear data uncertainties is performed.


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Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties in reactor calculations is interesting for design purposes and libraries evaluation. Previous versions of the GRS XSUSA library propagated only neutron cross section uncertainties. We have extended XSUSA uncertainty assessment capabilities by including propagation of fission yields and decay data uncertainties due to the their relevance in depletion simulations. We apply this extended methodology to the UAM6 PWR Pin-Cell Burnup Benchmark, which involves uncertainty propagation through burnup.


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Quantum key distribution performs the trick of growing a secret key in two distant places connected by a quantum channel. The main reason is so that the legitimate users can bound the information gathered by the eavesdropper. In practical systems, whether because of finite resources or external conditions, the quantum channel is subject to fluctuations. A rate-adaptive information reconciliation protocol, which adapts to the changes in the communication channel, is then required to minimize the leakage of information in the classical postprocessing. We consider here the leakage of a rate-adaptive information reconciliation protocol. The length of the exchanged messages is larger than that of an optimal protocol; however, we prove that the min-entropy reduction is limited. The simulation results, both in the asymptotic and in the finite-length regime, show that this protocol allows to increase the amount of a distillable secret key.


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This paper presents a CMOS temperature sensor based on the thermal dependencies of the leakage currents targeting the 65 nm node. To compensate for the effect of process fluctuations, the proposed sensor realizes the ratio of two measures of the time it takes a capacitor to discharge through a transistor in the subthreshold regime. Furthermore, a novel charging mechanism for the capacitor is proposed to further increase the robustness against fabrication variability. The sensor, including digitization and interfacing, occupies 0.0016 mm2 and has an energy consumption of 47.7–633 pJ per sample. The resolution of the sensor is 0.28 °C, and the 3σ inaccuracy over the range 40–110 °C is 1.17 °C.


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Leakage power consumption is a com- ponent of the total power consumption in data cen- ters that is not traditionally considered in the set- point temperature of the room. However, the effect of this power component, increased with temperature, can determine the savings associated with the careful management of the cooling system, as well as the re- liability of the system. The work presented in this paper detects the need of addressing leakage power in order to achieve substantial savings in the energy consumption of servers. In particular, our work shows that, by a careful detection and management of two working regions (low and high impact of thermal- dependent leakage), energy consumption of the data- center can be optimized by a reduction of the cooling budget.


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Reducing the energy consumption for computation and cooling in servers is a major challenge considering the data center energy costs today. To ensure energy-efficient operation of servers in data centers, the relationship among computa- tional power, temperature, leakage, and cooling power needs to be analyzed. By means of an innovative setup that enables monitoring and controlling the computing and cooling power consumption separately on a commercial enterprise server, this paper studies temperature-leakage-energy tradeoffs, obtaining an empirical model for the leakage component. Using this model, we design a controller that continuously seeks and settles at the optimal fan speed to minimize the energy consumption for a given workload. We run a customized dynamic load-synthesis tool to stress the system. Our proposed cooling controller achieves up to 9% energy savings and 30W reduction in peak power in comparison to the default cooling control scheme.


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The calculation of the effective delayed neutron fraction, beff , with Monte Carlo codes is a complex task due to the requirement of properly considering the adjoint weighting of delayed neutrons. Nevertheless, several techniques have been proposed to circumvent this difficulty and obtain accurate Monte Carlo results for beff without the need of explicitly determining the adjoint flux. In this paper, we make a review of some of these techniques; namely we have analyzed two variants of what we call the k-eigenvalue technique and other techniques based on different interpretations of the physical meaning of the adjoint weighting. To test the validity of all these techniques we have implemented them with the MCNPX code and we have benchmarked them against a range of critical and subcritical systems for which either experimental or deterministic values of beff are available. Furthermore, several nuclear data libraries have been used in order to assess the impact of the uncertainty in nuclear data in the calculated value of beff .


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The neutron Howitzer container at the Neutron Measurements Laboratory of the Nuclear Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), is equipped with a 241Am-Be neutron source of 74 GBq in its center. The container allows the source to be in either the irradiation or the storage position. To measure the neutron fluence rate spectra around the Howitzer container, measurements were performed using a Bonner spheres spectrometer and the spectra were unfolded using the NSDann program. A calibrated neutron area monitor LB6411 was used to measure the ambient dose equivalent rates, H*(10). Detailed Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to calculate the measured quantities at the same positions. The maximum relative deviation between simulations and measurements was 19.53%. After validation, the simulated model was used to calculate the equivalent dose rate in several key organs of a voxel phantom. The computed doses in the skin and lenses of the eyes are within the ICRP recommended dose limits, as is the H*(10) value for the storage position.


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Abstract In this paper we examine the trends of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of the Spanish agricultural sector related to national production and consumption in the 1961?2009 period.The comparison between production- and consumption-based emissions at the national level provides a complete overview of the actual impact resulting from the dietary choices of a given country and allows the evaluation of potential emission leakages. On average, 1.5 % of the new reactive nitrogen that enters Spain every year is emitted as N2O. Production- and consumption-based emissions have both significantly increased in the period studied and nowadays consumption-based emissions are 45 % higher than production-based emissions. A large proportion of the net N2O emissions associated with imported agricultural godos comes from countries that are not committers for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Annex I. An increase in feed consumption is the main driver of the changes observed, leading to a arkable emission leakage in the Spanish agricultural sector. The complementary approach used here is essential to achieve an effective mitigation of Spanish greenhouse gas emissions.


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In the framework of the ITER Control Breakdown Structure (CBS), Plant System Instrumentation & Control (I&C) defines the hardware and software required to control one or more plant systems [1]. For diagnostics, most of the complex Plant System I&C are to be delivered by ITER Domestic Agencies (DAs). As an example for the DAs, ITER Organization (IO) has developed several use cases for diagnostics Plant System I&C that fully comply with guidelines presented in the Plant Control Design Handbook (PCDH) [2]. One such use case is for neutron diagnostics, specifically the Fission Chamber (FC), which is responsible for delivering time-resolved measurements of neutron source strength and fusion power to aid in assessing the functional performance of ITER [3]. ITER will deploy four Fission Chamber units, each consisting of three individual FC detectors. Two of these detectors contain Uranium 235 for Neutron detection, while a third "dummy" detector will provide gamma and noise detection. The neutron flux from each MFC is measured by the three methods: . Counting Mode: measures the number of individual pulses and their location in the record. Pulse parameters (threshold and width) are user configurable. . Campbelling Mode (Mean Square Voltage): measures the RMS deviation in signal amplitude from its average value. .Current Mode: integrates the signal amplitude over the measurement period


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A passive neutron area monitor has been designed using Monte Carlo methods; the monitor is a polyethylene cylinder with pairs of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD600 and TLD700) as thermal neutron detector. The monitor was calibrated with a bare and a thermalzed 241AmBe neutron sources and its performance was evaluated measuring the ambient dose equivalent due to photoneutrons produced by a 15 MV linear accelerator for radiotherapy and the neutrons in the output of a TRIGA Mark III radial beam port.


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The computational and cooling power demands of enterprise servers are increasing at an unsustainable rate. Understanding the relationship between computational power, temperature, leakage, and cooling power is crucial to enable energy-efficient operation at the server and data center levels. This paper develops empirical models to estimate the contributions of static and dynamic power consumption in enterprise servers for a wide range of workloads, and analyzes the interactions between temperature, leakage, and cooling power for various workload allocation policies. We propose a cooling management policy that minimizes the server energy consumption by setting the optimum fan speed during runtime. Our experimental results on a presently shipping enterprise server demonstrate that including leakage awareness in workload and cooling management provides additional energy savings without any impact on performance.