62 resultados para Monolithic waveguide


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We study experimentally the dynamic properties of a fully integrated high power master-oscillator power-amplifier emitting at 1.5 μm under continuous wave and gain-switching conditions. High peak power (2.7 W) optical pulses with short duration (~ 110 ps) have been generated by gain switching the master-oscillator. We show the existence of working points at very close driving conditions with stable or unstable regimes caused by the compound cavity effects. The optical and radio-frequency spectra of stable and unstable operating points are analyzed.


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Eye-safety requirements in important applications like LIDAR or Free Space Optical Communications make specifically interesting the generation of high power, short optical pulses at 1.5 um. Moreover, high repetition rates allow reducing the error and/or the measurement time in applications involving pulsed time-of-flight measurements, as range finders, 3D scanners or traffic velocity controls. The Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) architecture is an interesting source for these applications since large changes in output power can be obtained at GHz rates with a relatively small modulation of the current in the Master Oscillator (MO). We have recently demonstrated short optical pulses (100 ps) with high peak power (2.7 W) by gain switching the MO of a monolithically integrated 1.5 um MOPA. Although in an integrated MOPA the laser and the amplifier are ideally independent devices, compound cavity effects due to the residual reflectance at the different interfaces are often observed, leading to modal instabilities such as self-pulsations.


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The optical and radio-frequency spectra of a monolithic master-oscillator power-amplifier emitting at 1.5 ?m have been analyzed in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions. The analysis of the spectral maps reveals that, under low injection current of the master oscillator, the device operates in two essentially different operation modes depending on the current injected into the amplifier section. The regular operation mode with predominance of the master oscillator alternates with lasing of the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these two regimes as a function of the amplifier current has been consistently interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes.


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A compact 680-GHz waveguide orthomode transducer (OMT) and circular horn combination has been designed, tested, and characterized in a radar transceiver's duplexer. The duplexing capability is implemented by a hybrid waveguide quasi optical solution, combining a linear polarization OMT and an external grating polarizer. Isolation between the OMT's orthogonal ports' flanges was measured with a vector network analyzer to exceed 33 dB over a >10% bandwidth between 630 and 710 GHz. Calibrated Y-factor measurements using a mixer attached to the OMT ports reveal losses through the transmit and receive paths that sum to an average of 4.7 dB of two-way loss over 660-690 GHz. This is consistent with radar sensitivity measurements comparing the new OMT/horn with a quasi-optical wire grid beam splitter. Moreover, the radar performance assessment validates the OMT as a suitable compact substitute of the wire grid for the JPL's short-range 680-GHz imaging radar.


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Silicon micromachined waveguide components operating in the WM-250 (WR-1) waveguide band (0.75 to 1.1 THz) are measured. Through lines are used to characterize the waveguide loss with and without an oxide etch to reduce the surface roughness. A sidewall roughness of 100nm is achieved, enabling a waveguide loss of 0.2dB/mm. A 1THz band-pass filter is also measured to characterize the precision of fabrication process. A 1.8% shift in frequency is observed and can be accounted for by the 0.5deg etch angle and 2um expansion of the features by the oxide etch. The measured filter has a 13% 3dB bandwidth and 2.5dB insertion loss through the passband.


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Presentación en poster de impresión 3D de guias de onda.


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Gran cantidad de servicios de telecomunicación tales como la distribución de televisión o los sistemas de navegación están basados en comunicaciones por satélite. Del mismo modo que ocurre en otras aplicaciones espaciales, existe una serie de recursos clave severamente limitados, tales como la masa o el volumen. En este sentido, uno de los dispositivos pasivos más importantes es el diplexor del sistema de alimentación de la antena. Este dispositivo permite el uso de una única antena tanto para transmitir como para recibir, con la consiguiente optimización de recursos que eso supone. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es diseñar un diplexor que cumpla especificaciones reales de comunicaciones por satélite. El dispositivo consiste en dos estructuras filtrantes unidas por una bifurcación de tres puertas. Además, es imprescindible utilizar tecnología de guía de onda para su implementación debido a los altos niveles de potencia manejados. El diseño del diplexor se lleva a cabo dividiendo la estructura en diversas partes, con el objetivo de que todo el proceso sea factible y eficiente. En primer lugar, se han desarrollado filtros con diferentes respuestas – paso alto, paso bajo y paso banda – aunque únicamente dos de ellos formarán el diplexor. Al afrontar su diseño inicial, se lleva a cabo un proceso de síntesis teórica utilizando modelos circuitales. A continuación, los filtros se optimizan con técnicas de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) full-wave, en concreto mode matching. En este punto es esencial analizar las estructuras y su simetría para determinar qué modos electromagnéticos se están propagando realmente por los dispositivos, para así reducir el esfuerzo computacional asociado. Por último, se utiliza el Método de los Elementos Finitos (FEM) para verificar los resultados previamente obtenidos. Una vez que el diseño de los filtros está terminado, se calculan las dimensiones correspondientes a la bifurcación. Finalmente, el diplexor al completo se somete a un proceso de optimización para cumplir las especificaciones eléctricas requeridas. Además, este trabajo presenta un novedoso valor añadido: la implementación física y la caracterización experimental tanto del diplexor como de los filtros por separado. Esta posibilidad, impracticable hasta ahora debido a su elevado coste, se deriva del desarrollo de las técnicas de manufacturación aditiva. Los prototipos se imprimen en plástico (PLA) utilizando una impresora 3D de bajo coste y posteriormente se metalizan. El uso de esta tecnología conlleva dos limitaciones: la precisión de las dimensiones geométricas (±0.2 mm) y la conductividad de la pintura metálica que recubre las paredes internas de las guías de onda. En este trabajo se incluye una comparación entre los valores medidos y simulados, así como un análisis de los resultados experimentales. En resumen, este trabajo presenta un proceso real de ingeniería: el problema de diseñar un dispositivo que satisfaga especificaciones reales, las limitaciones causadas por el proceso de fabricación, la posterior caracterización experimental y la obtención de conclusiones.


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Nowadays the interest in high power semiconductor devices is growing for applications such as telemetry, lidar system or free space communications. Indeed semiconductor devices can be an alternative to solid state lasers because they are more compact and less power consuming. These characteristics are very important for constrained and/or low power supply environment such as airplanes or satellites. Lots of work has been done in the 800-1200 nm range for integrated and free space Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) [1]-[3]. At 1.5 ?m, the only commercially available MOPA is from QPC [4]: the fibred output power is about 700 mW and the optical linewidth is 500 kHz. In this paper, we first report on the simulations we have done to determine the appropriate vertical structure and architecture for a good MOPA at 1.58 ?m (section II). Then we describe the fabrication of the devices (section III). Finally we report on the optical and electrical measurements we have done for various devices (section IV).


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La envolvente de la edificación es la responsable de equilibrar el intercambio energético entre el interior y el exterior, por lo tanto cualquier actuación encaminada a la reducción del consumo energético ha de establecer, como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios, la mejora del comportamiento de la misma. Las edificaciones anteriores a 1940 constituyen la mayor parte de las existentes en áreas rurales y centros urbanos. En ellas, la repercusión de la fachada sobre las transmitancias globales pone de manifiesto la necesidad de intervención. Sin embargo, su elevada inercia térmica y los importantes saltos térmicos característicos de gran parte de España plantean la importancia de que aquélla se efectúe por el exterior. A tal respecto, la falta de disponibilidad de espesor suficiente para implantar sistemas tipo SATE deriva en que, frecuentemente, la única solución viable sea la de aislar por el interior perdiendo con ello la capacidad de acumulación térmica del muro y con el asociado riesgo de condensaciones. La amplia tradición en el empleo de revestimientos, especialmente en base de cal, permiten que éstos sean utilizados no sólo como elemento estético o de protección de la obra de fábrica antigua sino también para la mejora del comportamiento térmico del soporte, si se aprovecha el mecanismo de transmisión térmica por radiación. Éste es el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral en la que se estudia la modificación de las propiedades radiantes de los morteros de revestimiento para la mejora de la eficiencia energética de las construcciones históricas, principalmente las constituidas por muros monolíticos, aunque podría ser de aplicación a otro tipo de construcciones compuestas por diversas capas. Como punto de partida, se estudió y revisó la documentación disponible sobre las investigaciones de las tres áreas científico-tecnológicas que convergen en la Tesis Doctoral: rehabilitación, material y comportamiento térmico, a partir de lo cual se comprobó la inexistencia de estudios similares al objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral. Complementariamente, se analizaron los revestimientos en lo concerniente a los materiales que los constituyen, la composición de las mezclas y características de cada una de las capas así como al enfoque que, desde el punto de vista térmico, se estimaba más adecuado para la obtención de los objetivos propuestos. Basándonos en dichos análisis, se preseleccionaron ochenta materiales que fueron ensayados en términos de reflectancia y emisividad para elegir cuatro con los que se continuó la investigación. Éstos, junto con la cal elegida para la investigación y el árido marmóreo característico de la última capa de revestimiento, fueron caracterizados térmicamente, de forma pormenorizada, así como química y físicamente. Los fundamentos teóricos y los estudios preliminares desarrollados con distintos materiales, en estado fresco y endurecido, fueron empleados en la dosificación de componentes de las mezclas, en dos proporciones distintas, para el estudio del efecto del agregado. Éstas se ensayaron en estado fresco, para comprobar su adecuación de puesta en obra y prever su VI adherencia al soporte, así como en estado endurecido a 28 y 90 días de curado, para conocer las propiedades que permitieran prever su compatibilidad con aquél y estimar el alcance de la reducción de transferencias térmicas lograda. Además, se estudiaron las características generales de las mezclas que sirvieron para establecer correlaciones entre distintas propiedades y entender los resultados mecánicos, físicos (comportamiento frente al agua) y energéticos. Del estudio conjunto de las distintas propiedades analizadas se propusieron dos mezclas, una blanca y otra coloreada, cuyas características permiten garantizar la compatibilidad con la obra de fábrica antigua, desde el punto de vista físico y mecánico, y preservar la autenticidad de los revestimientos, en cuanto a la técnica de aplicación tradicional en sistemas multicapa. El comportamiento térmico de las mismas, sobre una obra de fábrica de 40 cm de espesor, se estimó, en estado estacionario y pseudo-transitorio, demostrándose reducciones del flujo térmico entre 16-48%, en condiciones de verano, y entre el 6-11%, en invierno, en función de la coloración y de la rugosidad de la superficie, en comparación con el empleo de la mezcla tradicional. Por lo que, se constata la viabilidad de los materiales compuestos propuestos y su adecuación al objetivo de la investigación. VII ABSTRACT The envelope is responsible for balancing the energy exchange between the inside and outside in buildings. For this reason, any action aimed at reducing energy consumption must establish, as one of its key priorities, its improvement. In rural areas and urban centers, most of the constructions were built before 1940. In them, the impact of the façade on the global transmittance highlights the need for intervention. However, its high thermal inertia and fluctuation of temperatures in the majority of Spain bring up that it should be placed outside the insulation. In this regard, the lack of availability of enough thickness to implement systems such as ETICS results in that often the only viable solution is to isolate the interior, losing thereby the wall’s heat storage capacity with the associated risk of condensation. The tradition in the use of renders, especially lime-based, allows us to use them not only as an aesthetic element or to protect the ancient masonry, but also for improved thermal performance of the support by taking advantage of the heat transfer mechanism by radiation. This is the aim of this Doctoral Thesis in which the modification of the radiative properties of lime mortars for renders to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings, mainly composed of monolithic walls, is studied, although it could be applied to other structures composed of several layers. As a starting point, the available literature in the three scientific-technological areas that converge at the Doctoral Thesis: rehabilitation, material and thermal behaviour, was reviewed, and confirmed the absence of researches similar to this Doctoral Thesis. Additionally, the renders were studied with regard to the materials that constitute them, the composition of the mixtures and the characteristics of each layer, as well as to the approach which, from a thermal point of view, was deemed the most suitable for achieving the objectives sets. Based on thre aforementioned analysis, eighty materials tested in terms of reflectance and emissivity were pre-selected, to choose four with which the research was continued. Common marble sand, used in the last layer of the renders, together with the appointed materials and hydrated lime were characterized thermally, in detail, as well as chemically and physically. The theoretical bases and preliminary studies with different materials, in fresh and hardened state, were used in the dosage of the composition of the mixtures. In order to study their effect they were used in two different proportions, that is, ten mixtures in total. These were tested in their fresh state to evaluate their setting-up suitability and foresee their adhesion to the support, as well as in their hardened state, at 28 and 90 days of curing, to establish the properties which enabled us to anticipate their compatibility with the old masonry walls and estimate the scope of the reduction of heat transfers achieved. In addition, the general characteristics of the mixtures used to establish correlations and to understand the mechanical, physical and energy results were studied. Two mixtures, one white and one colored, were proposed as the result of the different properties analysed, whose characteristics allow the guarantee of mechanical and physical compatibility VIII with the old masonry and preserve the authenticity of the renders. The thermal behavior of both, applied on a masonry wall 40 cm thick, was estimated at a steady and pseudo-transient state, with heat flow reductions between 16-48% during summertime and 6-11% during wintertime, depending on the color and surface roughness, compared to the use of the traditional mixture. So, the viability of the proposed composite materials and their fitness to the aim of the research are established.


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This article examines a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting, self-supporting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The system exploits vacuum insulation panel technology. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market and patents and prototypes built by independent laboratories, especially components implemented with silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective transparent thermal insulation there is today. The tests run on these materials revealed that there is not one that has all the features required of the new envelope model, although some do have properties that could be exploited to generate this envelope, namely, the vacuum chamber of vacuum insulation panels, the use of monolithic aerogel as insulation in some prototypes, and reinforced polyester barriers. These three design components have been combined and tested to design a new, variable geometry, energy-saving envelope system that also solves many of the problems that other studies ascribe to the use of vacuum insulation panels.


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An accurate characterization of the near-region propagation of radio waves inside tunnels is of practical importance for the design and planning of advanced communication systems. However, there has been no consensus yet on the propagation mechanism in this region. Some authors claim that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others intend to interpret it by the multi-mode waveguide model. This paper clarifies the situation in the near-region of arched tunnels by analytical modeling of the division point between the two propagation mechanisms. The procedure is based on the combination of the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry. Three groups of measurements are employed to verify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, simplified models for the division point in five specific application situations are derived to facilitate the use of the model. The results in this paper could help to deepen the insight into the propagation mechanism within tunnel environments.


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A set of measurements of electromagnetic properties of building materials is presented in this work. The method is based on the measurement of the polarization state of the reflected signal from the material under study at a fixed angle of incidence. From the measured data, by using the Fresnel equations, it has been obtained the dielectric constant. Measurements were done by using two horn antennas at the frequency of 9 GHz. The obtained results are compared with the free space reflexion and transmission Fresnel method and other reflection methods based on a conductor waveguide. The method explained in this work can be used for other type of materials and its main advantage is the non-destructive character and the ease implementation.


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In this paper we present an analysis that shows the Maxwell Fish Eye (MFE) only has super-resolution property for some particular frequencies (for other frequencies, the MFE behaves as conventional imaging lens). These frequencies are directly connected with the Schumann resonance frequencies of spherical symmetric systems. The analysis have been done using a thin spherical waveguide (two concentric spheres with constant index between them), which is a dual form of the MFE (the electrical fields in the MFE can be mapped into the radial electrical fields in the spherical waveguide). In the spherical waveguide the fields are guided inside the space between the concentric spheres. A microwave circuit comprising three elements: the spherical waveguide, the source and the receiver (two coaxial cables) is designed in COMSOL. The super-resolution is demonstrated by calculation of Scaterring (S) parameters for different position of the coaxial cables and different frequencies of the input signal.


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Laminatedglass is composed of two glass layers and a thin intermediate PVB layer, strongly influencing PVB's viscoelastic behaviour its dynamic response. While natural frequencies are relatively easily identified even with simplified FE models, damping ratios are not identified with such an ease. In order to determine to what extent external factors influence dampingidentification, different tests have been carried out. The external factors considered, apart from temperature, are accelerometers, connection cables and the effect of the glass layers. To analyse the influence of the accelerometers and their connection cables a laser measuring device was employed considering three possibilities: sample without instrumentation, sample with the accelerometers fixed and sample completely instrumented. When the sample is completely instrumented, accelerometer readings are also analysed. To take into consideration the effect of the glass layers, tests were realised both for laminatedglass and monolithic samples. This paper presents in depth data analysis of the different configurations and establishes criteria for data acquisition when testing laminatedglass.


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There is no unanimous consensus yet on the propagation mechanism before the break point inside tunnels. Some deem that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others argue that it should be described by the multimode waveguide model. Firstly, this paper analyzes the propagation loss in two mechanisms. Then, by conjunctively using the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, a generic analytical model for the boundary between the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism inside tunnels has been presented. Three measurement campaigns validate the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, the condition of the validity of the free space model used in tunnel environment has been discussed in some specific situations. Finally, through mathematical derivation, the seemingly conflicting viewpoints on the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism have been unified in some specific situations by the presented generic model. The results in this paper can be helpful to gain deeper insight and better understanding of the propagation mechanism inside tunnels