55 resultados para Low cost process
In this paper, we present a depth-color scene modeling strategy for indoors 3D contents generation. It combines depth and visual information provided by a low-cost active depth camera to improve the accuracy of the acquired depth maps considering the different dynamic nature of the scene elements. Accurate depth and color models of the scene background are iteratively built, and used to detect moving elements in the scene. The acquired depth data is continuously processed with an innovative joint-bilateral filter that efficiently combines depth and visual information thanks to the analysis of an edge-uncertainty map and the detected foreground regions. The main advantages of the proposed approach are: removing depth maps spatial noise and temporal random fluctuations; refining depth data at object boundaries, generating iteratively a robust depth and color background model and an accurate moving object silhouette.
La ponencia presenta una comparación entre el rendimiento energético que se obtiene con un módulo fotovoltaico convencional, sin utilizar ningún medio para reducir la temperatura de sus células, y el rendimiento global que resulta si se incorpora a dicho módulo un intercambiador de calor en su parte trasera para reducir la temperatura de sus células y a la vez elevar la temperatura del agua proveniente de la red urbana de abastecimiento. El estudio muestra que el incremento de energia total que se logra mediante la solución propuesta supone una tasa de retorno con un plazo de amortización razonable para este tipo de instalaciones.
We propose and demonstrate a low-cost alternative scheme of direct-detection to detect a 100Gbps polarization-multiplexed differential quadrature phase-shift keying (PM-DQPSK) signal. The proposed scheme is based on a delay line and a polarization rotator; the phase-shift keying signal is first converted into a polarization shift keying signal. Then, this signal is converted into an intensity modulated signal by a polarization beam splitter. Finally, the intensity-modulated signal is detected by balanced photodetectors. In order to demonstrate that our proposed receiver is suitable for using as a PM-DQPSK demodulator, a set of simulations have been performed. In addition to testing the sensitivity, the performance under various impairments, including narrow optical filtering, polarization mode dispersion, chromatic dispersion and polarization sensitivity, is analyzed. The simulation results show that our performance receiver is as good as a conventional receiver based on four delay interferometers. Moreover, in comparison with the typical receiver, fewer components are used in our receiver. Hence, implementation is easier, and total cost is reduced. In addition, our receiver can be easily improved to a bit-rate tunable receiver.
This paper presents a communication interface between supervisory low-cost mobile robots and domestic Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based on the Zig Bee protocol from different manufacturers. The communication interface allows control and communication with other network devices using the same protocol. The robot can receive information from sensor devices (temperature, humidity, luminosity) and send commands to actuator devices (lights, shutters, thermostats) from different manufacturers. The architecture of the system, the interfaces and devices needed to establish the communication are described in the paper.
Presentación en poster de impresión 3D de guias de onda.
Throughout history, humans have cyclically return to their old traditions such as the organic orchards. Nowadays, these have been integrated into the modern cities and could supply fresh vegetables to the daily food improving human health. Organic orchards grow crops without pesticides and artificial fertilizers thus, they are respectful with the environment and guarantee the food's safety . In modern society, the application of new technology is a must, in this case to obtain an efficient irrigation. In order to monitor a proper irrigation and save water and energy, soil water content probes are used to measure soil water content. Among them, capacitive probes ,monitored with a specific data logger, are typically used. Most of them, specially the data loggers, are expensive and in many cases are not used. In this work, we have applied the open hardware Arduino to build and program a low cost datalogger for the programming of irrigation in an experimental organic orchard. Results showed that the application of such as low cost technology, which is easily available in the market and easy to understand, everyone can built and program its own device helping in managing water resources in organic orchards .
The early detection of spoiling metabolic products in contaminated food is a very important tool to control quality. Some volatile compounds produce unpleasant odours at very low concentrations, making their early detection very challenging. This is the case of 1,3-pentadiene produced by microorganisms through decarboxylation of the preservative sorbate. In this work, we have developed a methodology to use the data produced by a low-cost, compact MWIR (Mid-Wave IR) spectrometry device without moving parts, which is based on a linear array of 128 elements of VPD PbSe coupled to a linear variable filter (LVF) working in the spectral range between 3 and 4.6 ?m. This device is able to analyze food headspace gases through dedicated sample presentation setup. This methodology enables the detection of CO2 and the volatile compound 1,3-pentadiene, as compared to synthetic patrons. Data analysis is based on an automated multidimensional dynamic processing of the MWIR spectra. Principal component and discriminant analysis allow segregating between four yeast strains including producers and no producers. The segregation power is accounted as a measure of the discrimination quality.
We explore the recently developed snapshot-based dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique, a matrix-free Arnoldi type method, to predict 3D linear global flow instabilities. We apply the DMD technique to flows confined in an L-shaped cavity and compare the resulting modes to their counterparts issued from classic, matrix forming, linear instability analysis (i.e. BiGlobal approach) and direct numerical simulations. Results show that the DMD technique, which uses snapshots generated by a 3D non-linear incompressible discontinuous Galerkin Navier?Stokes solver, provides very similar results to classical linear instability analysis techniques. In addition, we compare DMD results issued from non-linear and linearised Navier?Stokes solvers, showing that linearisation is not necessary (i.e. base flow not required) to obtain linear modes, as long as the analysis is restricted to the exponential growth regime, that is, flow regime governed by the linearised Navier?Stokes equations, and showing the potential of this type of analysis based on snapshots to general purpose CFD codes, without need of modifications. Finally, this work shows that the DMD technique can provide three-dimensional direct and adjoint modes through snapshots provided by the linearised and adjoint linearised Navier?Stokes equations advanced in time. Subsequently, these modes are used to provide structural sensitivity maps and sensitivity to base flow modification information for 3D flows and complex geometries, at an affordable computational cost. The information provided by the sensitivity study is used to modify the L-shaped geometry and control the most unstable 3D mode.
Modern FPGAs with run-time reconfiguration allow the implementation of complex systems offering both the flexibility of software-based solutions combined with the performance of hardware. This combination of characteristics, together with the development of new specific methodologies, make feasible to reach new points of the system design space, and make embedded systems built on these platforms acquire more and more importance. However, the practical exploitation of this technique in fields that traditionally have relied on resource restricted embedded systems, is mainly limited by strict power consumption requirements, the cost and the high dependence of DPR techniques with the specific features of the device technology underneath. In this work, we tackle the previously reported problems, designing a reconfigurable platform based on the low-cost and low-power consuming Spartan-6 FPGA family. The full process to develop the platform will be detailed in the paper from scratch. In addition, the implementation of the reconfiguration mechanism, including two profiles, is reported. The first profile is a low-area and low-speed reconfiguration engine based mainly on software functions running on the embedded processor, while the other one is a hardware version of the same engine, implemented in the FPGA logic. This reconfiguration hardware block has been originally designed to the Virtex-5 family, and its porting process will be also described in this work, facing the interoperability problem among different families.
The main objective of this work is the design and implementation of the digital control stage of a 280W AC/DC industrial power supply in a single low-cost microcontroller to replace the analog control stage. The switch-mode power supply (SMPS) consists of a PFC boost converter with fixed frequency operation and a variable frequency LLC series resonant DC/DC converter. Input voltage range is 85VRMS-550VRMS and the output voltage range is 24V-28V. A digital controller is especially suitable for this kind of SMPS to implement its multiple functionalities and to keep the efficiency and the performance high over the wide range of input voltages. Additional advantages of the digital control are reliability and size. The optimized design and implementation of the digital control stage it is presented. Experimental results show the stable operation of the controlled system and an estimation of the cost reduction achieved with the digital control stage.
Esta Tesis aborda el diseño e implementación de aplicaciones en el campo de procesado de señal, utilizando como plataforma los dispositivos reconfigurables FPGA. Esta plataforma muestra una alta capacidad de lógica, e incorpora elementos orientados al procesado de señal, que unido a su relativamente bajo coste, la hacen ideal para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de procesado de señal cuando se requiere realizar un procesado intensivo y se buscan unas altas prestaciones. Sin embargo, el coste asociado al desarrollo en estas plataformas es elevado. Mientras que el aumento en la capacidad lógica de los dispositivos FPGA permite el desarrollo de sistemas completos, los requisitos de altas prestaciones obligan a que en muchas ocasiones se deban optimizar operadores a muy bajo nivel. Además de las restricciones temporales que imponen este tipo de aplicaciones, también tienen asociadas restricciones de área asociadas al dispositivo, lo que obliga a evaluar y verificar entre diferentes alternativas de implementación. El ciclo de diseño e implementación para estas aplicaciones se puede prolongar tanto, que es normal que aparezcan nuevos modelos de FPGA, con mayor capacidad y mayor velocidad, antes de completar el sistema, y que hagan a las restricciones utilizadas para el diseño del sistema inútiles. Para mejorar la productividad en el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones, y con ello acortar su ciclo de diseño, se pueden encontrar diferentes métodos. Esta Tesis se centra en la reutilización de componentes hardware previamente diseñados y verificados. Aunque los lenguajes HDL convencionales permiten reutilizar componentes ya definidos, se pueden realizar mejoras en la especificación que simplifiquen el proceso de incorporar componentes a nuevos diseños. Así, una primera parte de la Tesis se orientará a la especificación de diseños basada en componentes predefinidos. Esta especificación no sólo busca mejorar y simplificar el proceso de añadir componentes a una descripción, sino que también busca mejorar la calidad del diseño especificado, ofreciendo una mayor posibilidad de configuración e incluso la posibilidad de informar de características de la propia descripción. Reutilizar una componente ya descrito depende en gran medida de la información que se ofrezca para su integración en un sistema. En este sentido los HDLs convencionales únicamente proporcionan junto con la descripción del componente la interfaz de entrada/ salida y un conjunto de parámetros para su configuración, mientras que el resto de información requerida normalmente se acompaña mediante documentación externa. En la segunda parte de la Tesis se propondrán un conjunto de encapsulados cuya finalidad es incorporar junto con la propia descripción del componente, información que puede resultar útil para su integración en otros diseños. Incluyendo información de la implementación, ayuda a la configuración del componente, e incluso información de cómo configurar y conectar al componente para realizar una función. Finalmente se elegirá una aplicación clásica en el campo de procesado de señal, la transformada rápida de Fourier (FFT), y se utilizará como ejemplo de uso y aplicación, tanto de las posibilidades de especificación como de los encapsulados descritos. El objetivo del diseño realizado no sólo mostrará ejemplos de la especificación propuesta, sino que también se buscará obtener una implementación de calidad comparable con resultados de la literatura. Para ello, el diseño realizado se orientará a su implementación en FPGA, aprovechando tanto los elementos lógicos generalistas como elementos específicos de bajo nivel disponibles en estos dispositivos. Finalmente, la especificación de la FFT obtenida se utilizará para mostrar cómo incorporar en su interfaz información que ayude para su selección y configuración desde fases tempranas del ciclo de diseño. Abstract This PhD. thesis addresses the design and implementation of signal processing applications using reconfigurable FPGA platforms. This kind of platform exhibits high logic capability, incorporates dedicated signal processing elements and provides a low cost solution, which makes it ideal for the development of signal processing applications, where intensive data processing is required in order to obtain high performance. However, the cost associated to the hardware development on these platforms is high. While the increase in logic capacity of FPGA devices allows the development of complete systems, high-performance constraints require the optimization of operators at very low level. In addition to time constraints imposed by these applications, Area constraints are also applied related to the particular device, which force to evaluate and verify a design among different implementation alternatives. The design and implementation cycle for these applications can be tedious and long, being therefore normal that new FPGA models with a greater capacity and higher speed appear before completing the system implementation. Thus, the original constraints which guided the design of the system become useless. Different methods can be used to improve the productivity when developing these applications, and consequently shorten their design cycle. This PhD. Thesis focuses on the reuse of hardware components previously designed and verified. Although conventional HDLs allow the reuse of components already defined, their specification can be improved in order to simplify the process of incorporating new design components. Thus, a first part of the PhD. Thesis will focus on the specification of designs based on predefined components. This specification improves and simplifies the process of adding components to a description, but it also seeks to improve the quality of the design specified with better configuration options and even offering to report on features of the description. Hardware reuse of a component for its integration into a system largely depends on the information it offers. In this sense the conventional HDLs only provide together with the component description, the input/output interface and a set of parameters for its configuration, while other information is usually provided by external documentation. In the second part of the Thesis we will propose a formal way of encapsulation which aims to incorporate with the component description information that can be useful for its integration into other designs. This information will include features of the own implementation, but it will also support component configuration, and even information on how to configure and connect the component to carry out a function. Finally, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) will be chosen as a well-known signal processing application. It will be used as case study to illustrate the possibilities of proposed specification and encapsulation formalisms. The objective of the FFT design is not only to show practical examples of the proposed specification, but also to obtain an implementation of a quality comparable to scientific literature results. The design will focus its implementation on FPGA platforms, using general logic elements as base of the implementation, but also taking advantage of low-level specific elements available on these devices. Last, the specification of the obtained FFT will be used to show how to incorporate in its interface information to assist in the selection and configuration process early in the design cycle.
El estudio de materiales, especialmente biológicos, por medios no destructivos está adquiriendo una importancia creciente tanto en las aplicaciones científicas como industriales. Las ventajas económicas de los métodos no destructivos son múltiples. Existen numerosos procedimientos físicos capaces de extraer información detallada de las superficie de la madera con escaso o nulo tratamiento previo y mínima intrusión en el material. Entre los diversos métodos destacan las técnicas ópticas y las acústicas por su gran versatilidad, relativa sencillez y bajo coste. Esta tesis pretende establecer desde la aplicación de principios simples de física, de medición directa y superficial, a través del desarrollo de los algoritmos de decisión mas adecuados basados en la estadística, unas soluciones tecnológicas simples y en esencia, de coste mínimo, para su posible aplicación en la determinación de la especie y los defectos superficiales de la madera de cada muestra tratando, en la medida de lo posible, no alterar su geometría de trabajo. Los análisis desarrollados han sido los tres siguientes: El primer método óptico utiliza las propiedades de la luz dispersada por la superficie de la madera cuando es iluminada por un laser difuso. Esta dispersión produce un moteado luminoso (speckle) cuyas propiedades estadísticas permiten extraer propiedades muy precisas de la estructura tanto microscópica como macroscópica de la madera. El análisis de las propiedades espectrales de la luz laser dispersada genera ciertos patrones mas o menos regulares relacionados con la estructura anatómica, composición, procesado y textura superficial de la madera bajo estudio que ponen de manifiesto características del material o de la calidad de los procesos a los que ha sido sometido. El uso de este tipo de láseres implica también la posibilidad de realizar monitorizaciones de procesos industriales en tiempo real y a distancia sin interferir con otros sensores. La segunda técnica óptica que emplearemos hace uso del estudio estadístico y matemático de las propiedades de las imágenes digitales obtenidas de la superficie de la madera a través de un sistema de scanner de alta resolución. Después de aislar los detalles mas relevantes de las imágenes, diversos algoritmos de clasificacion automatica se encargan de generar bases de datos con las diversas especies de maderas a las que pertenecían las imágenes, junto con los márgenes de error de tales clasificaciones. Una parte fundamental de las herramientas de clasificacion se basa en el estudio preciso de las bandas de color de las diversas maderas. Finalmente, numerosas técnicas acústicas, tales como el análisis de pulsos por impacto acústico, permiten complementar y afinar los resultados obtenidos con los métodos ópticos descritos, identificando estructuras superficiales y profundas en la madera así como patologías o deformaciones, aspectos de especial utilidad en usos de la madera en estructuras. La utilidad de estas técnicas esta mas que demostrada en el campo industrial aun cuando su aplicación carece de la suficiente expansión debido a sus altos costes y falta de normalización de los procesos, lo cual hace que cada análisis no sea comparable con su teórico equivalente de mercado. En la actualidad gran parte de los esfuerzos de investigación tienden a dar por supuesto que la diferenciación entre especies es un mecanismo de reconocimiento propio del ser humano y concentran las tecnologías en la definición de parámetros físicos (módulos de elasticidad, conductividad eléctrica o acústica, etc.), utilizando aparatos muy costosos y en muchos casos complejos en su aplicación de campo. Abstract The study of materials, especially the biological ones, by non-destructive techniques is becoming increasingly important in both scientific and industrial applications. The economic advantages of non-destructive methods are multiple and clear due to the related costs and resources necessaries. There are many physical processes capable of extracting detailed information on the wood surface with little or no previous treatment and minimal intrusion into the material. Among the various methods stand out acoustic and optical techniques for their great versatility, relative simplicity and low cost. This thesis aims to establish from the application of simple principles of physics, surface direct measurement and through the development of the more appropriate decision algorithms based on statistics, a simple technological solutions with the minimum cost for possible application in determining the species and the wood surface defects of each sample. Looking for a reasonable accuracy without altering their work-location or properties is the main objetive. There are three different work lines: Empirical characterization of wood surfaces by means of iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns: A simple and inexpensive method for the qualitative characterization of wood surfaces is presented. it is based on the iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns produced by diffuse laser illumination of the wood surfaces. The method exploits the high spatial frequency content of speckle images. A similar approach with raw conventional photographs taken with ordinary light would be very difficult. A few iterations of the algorithm are necessary, typically three or four, in order to visualize the most important periodic features of the surface. The processed patterns help in the study of surface parameters, to design new scattering models and to classify the wood species. Fractal-based image enhancement techniques inspired by differential interference contrast microscopy: Differential interference contrast microscopy is a very powerful optical technique for microscopic imaging. Inspired by the physics of this type of microscope, we have developed a series of image processing algorithms aimed at the magnification, noise reduction, contrast enhancement and tissue analysis of biological samples. These algorithms use fractal convolution schemes which provide fast and accurate results with a performance comparable to the best present image enhancement algorithms. These techniques can be used as post processing tools for advanced microscopy or as a means to improve the performance of less expensive visualization instruments. Several examples of the use of these algorithms to visualize microscopic images of raw pine wood samples with a simple desktop scanner are provided. Wood species identification using stress-wave analysis in the audible range: Stress-wave analysis is a powerful and flexible technique to study mechanical properties of many materials. We present a simple technique to obtain information about the species of wood samples using stress-wave sounds in the audible range generated by collision with a small pendulum. Stress-wave analysis has been used for flaw detection and quality control for decades, but its use for material identification and classification is less cited in the literature. Accurate wood species identification is a time consuming task for highly trained human experts. For this reason, the development of cost effective techniques for automatic wood classification is a desirable goal. Our proposed approach is fully non-invasive and non-destructive, reducing significantly the cost and complexity of the identification and classification process.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) prevé que para el año 2020, el Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad. Estas lesiones, dadas sus consecuencias físicas, sensoriales, cognitivas, emocionales y socioeconómicas, cambian dramáticamente la vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Las nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de la medicina intensiva en la atención al DCA han mejorado notablemente la probabilidad de supervivencia. Sin embargo, hoy por hoy, las lesiones cerebrales no tienen ningún tratamiento quirúrgico que tenga por objetivo restablecer la funcionalidad perdida, sino que las terapias rehabilitadoras se dirigen hacia la compensación de los déficits producidos. Uno de los objetivos principales de la neurorrehabilitación es, por tanto, dotar al paciente de la capacidad necesaria para ejecutar las Actividades de Vida Diaria (AVDs) necesarias para desarrollar una vida independiente, siendo fundamentales aquellas en las que la Extremidad Superior (ES) está directamente implicada, dada su gran importancia a la hora de la manipulación de objetos. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma centrado en ofrecer una práctica personalizada, monitorizada y ubicua con una valoración continua de la eficacia y de la eficiencia de los procedimientos y con capacidad de generar conocimientos que impulsen la ruptura del paradigma de actual. Los nuevos objetivos consistirán en minimizar el impacto de las enfermedades que afectan a la capacidad funcional de las personas, disminuir el tiempo de incapacidad y permitir una gestión más eficiente de los recursos. Estos objetivos clínicos, de gran impacto socio-económico, sólo pueden alcanzarse desde una apuesta decidida en nuevas tecnologías, metodologías y algoritmos capaces de ocasionar la ruptura tecnológica necesaria que permita superar las barreras que hasta el momento han impedido la penetración tecnológica en el campo de la rehabilitación de manera universal. De esta forma, los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en la Tesis son los siguientes: 1. Modelado de AVDs: como paso previo a la incorporación de ayudas tecnológicas al proceso rehabilitador, se hace necesaria una primera fase de modelado y formalización del conocimiento asociado a la ejecución de las actividades que se realizan como parte de la terapia. En particular, las tareas más complejas y a su vez con mayor repercusión terapéutica son las AVDs, cuya formalización permitirá disponer de modelos de movimiento sanos que actuarán de referencia para futuros desarrollos tecnológicos dirigidos a personas con DCA. Siguiendo una metodología basada en diagramas de estados UML se han modelado las AVDs 'servir agua de una jarra' y 'coger un botella' 2. Monitorización ubícua del movimiento de la ES: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un sistema de adquisición de movimiento basado en tecnología inercial que mejora las limitaciones de los dispositivos comerciales actuales (coste muy elevado e incapacidad para trabajar en entornos no controlados); los altos coeficientes de correlación y los bajos niveles de error obtenidos en los corregistros llevados a cabo con el sistema comercial BTS SMART-D demuestran la alta precisión del sistema. También se ha realizado un trabajo de investigación exploratorio de un sistema de captura de movimiento de coste muy reducido basado en visión estereoscópica, habiéndose detectado los puntos clave donde se hace necesario incidir desde un punto de vista tecnológico para su incorporación en un entorno real 3. Resolución del Problema Cinemático Inverso (PCI): se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado una solución al PCI cuando el manipulador se corresponde con una ES humana estudiándose 2 posibles alternativas, una basada en la utilización de un Perceptrón Multicapa (PMC) y otra basada en sistemas Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). La validación, llevada a cabo utilizando información relativa a los modelos disponibles de AVDs, indica que una solución basada en un PMC con 3 neuronas en la capa de entrada, una capa oculta también de 3 neuronas y una capa de salida con tantas neuronas como Grados de Libertad (GdLs) tenga el modelo de la ES, proporciona resultados, tanto de precisión como de tiempo de cálculo, que la hacen idónea para trabajar en sistemas con requisitos de tiempo real 4. Control inteligente assisted-as-needed: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed para una ortesis robótica con capacidades de actuación anticipatoria de la que existe un prototipo implementado en la actualidad. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran cómo el sistema es capaz de adaptarse al perfil disfuncional del paciente activando la ayuda en instantes anteriores a la ocurrencia de movimientos incorrectos. Esta estrategia implica un aumento en la participación del paciente y, por tanto, en su actividad muscular, fomentándose los procesos la plasticidad cerebral responsables del reaprendizaje o readaptación motora 5. Simuladores robóticos para planificación: se propone la utilización de un simulador robótico assisted-as-needed como herramienta de planificación de sesiones de rehabilitación personalizadas y con un objetivo clínico marcado en las que interviene una ortesis robotizada. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian como, tras la ejecución de ciertos algoritmos sencillos, es posible seleccionar automáticamente una configuración para el algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed que consigue que la ortesis se adapte a los criterios establecidos desde un punto de vista clínico en función del paciente estudiado. Estos resultados invitan a profundizar en el desarrollo de algoritmos más avanzados de selección de parámetros a partir de baterías de simulaciones Estos trabajos han servido para corroborar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas al inicio de la misma, permitiendo, asimismo, la apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación. Summary The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that by the year 2020, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) will be among the ten most common ailments. These injuries dramatically change the life of the patients and their families due to their physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional and socio-economic consequences. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, in spite of these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish the lost functions. Neurorehabilitation therapies address this problem by restoring, minimizing or compensating the functional alterations in a person disabled because of a nervous system injury. One of the main objectives of Neurorehabilitation is to provide patients with the capacity to perform specific Activities of the Daily Life (ADL) required for an independent life, especially those in which the Upper Limb (UL) is directly involved due to its great importance in manipulating objects within the patients' environment. The incorporation of new technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process tries to reach a new paradigm focused on offering a personalized, monitored and ubiquitous practise with continuous assessment of both the efficacy and the efficiency of the procedures and with the capacity of generating new knowledge. New targets will be to minimize the impact of the sicknesses affecting the functional capabilitiies of the subjects, to decrease the time of the physical handicap and to allow a more efficient resources handling. These targets, of a great socio-economic impact, can only be achieved by means of new technologies and algorithms able to provoke the technological break needed to beat the barriers that are stopping the universal penetration of the technology in the field of rehabilitation. In this way, this PhD Thesis has achieved the following results: 1. ADL Modeling: as a previous step to the incorporation of technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process, it is necessary a first modelling and formalization phase of the knowledge associated to the execution of the activities that are performed as a part of the therapy. In particular, the most complex and therapeutically relevant tasks are the ADLs, whose formalization will produce healthy motion models to be used as a reference for future technological developments. Following a methodology based on UML state-chart diagrams, the ADLs 'serving water from a jar' and 'picking up a bottle' have been modelled 2. Ubiquitous monitoring of the UL movement: it has been designed, developed and validated a motion acquisition system based on inertial technology that improves the limitations of the current devices (high monetary cost and inability of working within uncontrolled environments); the high correlation coefficients and the low error levels obtained throughout several co-registration sessions with the commercial sys- tem BTS SMART-D show the high precision of the system. Besides an exploration of a very low cost stereoscopic vision-based motion capture system has been carried out and the key points where it is necessary to insist from a technological point of view have been detected 3. Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem solving: a solution to the IK problem has been proposed for a manipulator that corresponds to a human UL. This solution has been faced by means of two different alternatives, one based on a Mulilayer Perceptron (MLP) and another based on Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). The validation of these solutions, carried out using the information regarding the previously generated motion models, indicate that a MLP-based solution, with an architecture consisting in 3 neurons in the input layer, one hidden layer of 3 neurons and an output layer with as many neurons as the number of Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) that the UL model has, is the one that provides the best results both in terms of precission and in terms of processing time, making in idoneous to be integrated within a system with real time restrictions 4. Assisted-as-needed intelligent control: an assisted-as-needed control algorithm with anticipatory actuation capabilities has been designed, developed and validated for a robotic orthosis of which there is an already implemented prototype. Obtained results demonstrate that the control system is able to adapt to the dysfunctional profile of the patient by triggering the assistance right before an incorrect movement is going to take place. This strategy implies an increase in the participation of the patients and in his or her muscle activity, encouraging the neural plasticity processes in charge of the motor learning 5. Planification with a robotic simulator: in this work a robotic simulator is proposed as a planification tool for personalized rehabilitation sessions under a certain clinical criterium. Obtained results indicate that, after the execution of simple parameter selection algorithms, it is possible to automatically choose a specific configuration that makes the assisted-as-needed control algorithm to adapt both to the clinical criteria and to the patient. These results invite researchers to work in the development of more complex parameter selection algorithms departing from simulation batteries Obtained results have been useful to corroborate the hypotheses set out at the beginning of this PhD Thesis. Besides, they have allowed the creation of new research lines in all the studied application fields.
En la coyuntura actual, en la que existe por un lado, exceso en la oferta de vivienda (de alto precio o de segunda residencia), y aparece por otro demanda de vivienda (de bajo precio y/o social), el mercado inmobiliario se encuentra paradójicamente bloqueado. Así, surge esta investigación como fruto de este momento histórico, en el cual se somete a debate económico el producto vivienda, no solo como consecuencia de la profunda crisis económica, sino también para la correcta gestión de los recursos desde el punto de vista de lo eficiente y sostenible. Se parte de la hipótesis de que es necesario determinar un estimador de costes de construcción de vivienda autopromovida como una de las soluciones a la habitación en el medio rural de Extremadura, para lo cual se ha tomado como modelo de análisis concretamente la Vivienda Autopromovida subvencionada por la Junta de Extremadura en el marco de la provincia de Cáceres. Con esta investigación se pretende establecer una herramienta matemática precisa que permita determinar la inversión a los promotores, el posible margen de beneficios a los contratistas y el valor real de la garantía en el préstamo a las entidades financieras. Pero el objetivo de mayor proyección social de esta investigación consiste en facilitar una herramienta sencilla a la Junta de Extremadura para que pueda establecer las ayudas de una manera proporcional. De este modo se ayuda a optimizar los recursos, lo cual en época de crisis resulta aun más acuciante, ya que conociendo previamente y con bastante exactitud el importe de las obras se pueden dirigir las ayudas de forma proporcional a las necesidades reales de la ejecución. De hecho, ciertas características difíciles de cuantificar para determinar las ayudas en materia de vivienda, como la influencia del número de miembros familiares o la atención a la discapacidad, se verían contempladas de forma indirecta en el coste estimado con el método aquí propuesto, ya que suponen siempre un aumento de las superficies construidas y útiles, de los huecos de fachadas o del tamaño de locales húmedos y por tanto se contemplan en la ecuación del modelo determinado. Por último, contar con un estimador de costes potencia la forma de asentamiento de la construcción mediante autopromocion de viviendas ya que ayuda a la toma de decisiones al particular, subvencionado o no. En efecto, la herramienta es valida en cierta medida para cualquier autopromocion, constituye un sistema de construcción con las menores posibilidades especulativas y lo más sostenible, es abundante en toda Extremadura, y consigue que el sector de la construcción sea un sistema más eficiente al optimizar su proceso económico de producción. SUMMARY Under the present circumstances, in which there is, on one hand, an excess in the supply of housing (high-price or second-home), and on the other hand a demand for housing (low cost and/or social), paradoxically the property market is at a standstill. This research has come about as a result of this moment in time, in which the product: housing, is undergoing economic debate, not only on account of this serious economic crisis, but for the proper management of resources from the point of view of efficiency and sustainability. A building-costs estimator for owner-developed housing is deemed necessary as one of the solutions for the rural environment that is Extremadura. To this end, it is the Owner-Developed House which has been taken as analysis model. It is subsidized by the Extremadura Regional Government in Caceres Province. This research establishes an accurate mathematical tool to work out the developers’ investment, the builder’s potential profit margin and the reality of the loan for the Financial Institution. But the result of most social relevance in this research is to provide the Extremadura Regional Government with a simple tool, so that it can draw up the Subventions proportionally. Thus, the resources are optimized, an even more vital matter in times of economic slump, due to the fact that if the cost of the building works is known with some accuracy beforehand, the subventions can be allocated in a way that is proportional to the real needs of execution. In fact certain elements related to housing subventions which are hard to quantify, such as the influence of number of family members or disability support, would be covered indirectly in cost estimate with the proposed method, since they inevitably involve an increase in built area, exterior wall openings and the size of plumbed rooms. As such they are covered in the determined model equation. Lastly, the availability of a cost-estimator reinforces the ownerdeveloped building model, since it assists decision-making by the individual, whether subsidized or not. This is because the tool is valid to some extent in any owner-development, and this building scheme, which is common in Extremadura, is the most sustainable, and the least liable to speculation. It makes the building sector more efficient by optimizing the economic production process.
The extraction of metal impurities during phosphorus diffusion gettering (PDG) is one of the crucial process steps when fabricating high-efficiency solar cells using low-cost, lower-purity silicon wafers. In this work, we show that for a given metal concentration, the size and density of metal silicide precipitates strongly influences the gettering efficacy. Different precipitate size distributions can be already found in silicon wafers grown by different techniques. In our experiment, however, the as-grown distribution of precipitated metals in multicrystalline Si sister wafers is engineered through different annealing treatments in order to control for the concentration and distribution of other defects. A high density of small precipitates is formed during a homogenization step, and a lower density of larger precipitates is formed during extended annealing at 740º C. After PDG, homogenized samples show a decreased interstitial iron concentration compared to as-grown and ripened samples, in agreement with simulations.