32 resultados para Kaski, Antti: The security complex: a theoretical analysis and the Baltic case


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Separating programs into modules is a well-known technique which has proven very useful in program development and maintenance. Starting by introducing a number of possible scenarios, in this paper we study different issues which appear when developing analysis and specialization techniques for modular logic programming. We discuss a number of design alternatives and their consequences for the different scenarios considered and describe where applicable the decisions made in the Ciao system analyzer and specializer. In our discussion we use the module system of Ciao Prolog. This is both for concreteness and because Ciao Prolog is a second-generation Prolog system which has been designed with global analysis and specialization in mind, and which has a strict module system. The aim of this work is not to provide a theoretical basis on modular analysis and specialization, but rather to discuss some interesting practical issues.


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From the water management perspective, water scarcity is an unacceptable risk of facing water shortages to serve water demands in the near future. Water scarcity may be temporary and related to drought conditions or other accidental situation, or may be permanent and due to deeper causes such as excessive demand growth, lack of infrastructure for water storage or transport, or constraints in water management. Diagnosing the causes of water scarcity in complex water resources systems is a precondition to adopt effective drought risk management actions. In this paper we present four indices which have been developed to evaluate water scarcity. We propose a methodology for interpretation of index values that can lead to conclusions about the reliability and vulnerability of systems to water scarcity, as well as to diagnose their possible causes and to propose solutions. The described methodology was applied to the Ebro river basin, identifying existing and expected problems and possible solutions. System diagnostics, based exclusively on the analysis of index values, were compared with the known reality as perceived by system managers, validating the conclusions in all cases


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Background: Minimally invasive surgery creates two technological opportunities: (1) the development of better training and objective evaluation environments, and (2) the creation of image guided surgical systems.


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Esta tesis presenta un novedoso marco de referencia para el análisis y optimización del retardo de codificación y descodificación para vídeo multivista. El objetivo de este marco de referencia es proporcionar una metodología sistemática para el análisis del retardo en codificadores y descodificadores multivista y herramientas útiles en el diseño de codificadores/descodificadores para aplicaciones con requisitos de bajo retardo. El marco de referencia propuesto caracteriza primero los elementos que tienen influencia en el comportamiento del retardo: i) la estructura de predicción multivista, ii) el modelo hardware del codificador/descodificador y iii) los tiempos de proceso de cuadro. En segundo lugar, proporciona algoritmos para el cálculo del retardo de codificación/ descodificación de cualquier estructura arbitraria de predicción multivista. El núcleo de este marco de referencia consiste en una metodología para el análisis del retardo de codificación/descodificación multivista que es independiente de la arquitectura hardware del codificador/descodificador, completada con un conjunto de modelos que particularizan este análisis del retardo con las características de la arquitectura hardware del codificador/descodificador. Entre estos modelos, aquellos basados en teoría de grafos adquieren especial relevancia debido a su capacidad de desacoplar la influencia de los diferentes elementos en el comportamiento del retardo en el codificador/ descodificador, mediante una abstracción de su capacidad de proceso. Para revelar las posibles aplicaciones de este marco de referencia, esta tesis presenta algunos ejemplos de su utilización en problemas de diseño que afectan a codificadores y descodificadores multivista. Este escenario de aplicación cubre los siguientes casos: estrategias para el diseño de estructuras de predicción que tengan en consideración requisitos de retardo además del comportamiento tasa-distorsión; diseño del número de procesadores y análisis de los requisitos de velocidad de proceso en codificadores/ descodificadores multivista dado un retardo objetivo; y el análisis comparativo del comportamiento del retardo en codificadores multivista con diferentes capacidades de proceso e implementaciones hardware. ABSTRACT This thesis presents a novel framework for the analysis and optimization of the encoding and decoding delay for multiview video. The objective of this framework is to provide a systematic methodology for the analysis of the delay in multiview encoders and decoders and useful tools in the design of multiview encoders/decoders for applications with low delay requirements. The proposed framework characterizes firstly the elements that have an influence in the delay performance: i) the multiview prediction structure ii) the hardware model of the encoder/decoder and iii) frame processing times. Secondly, it provides algorithms for the computation of the encoding/decoding delay of any arbitrary multiview prediction structure. The core of this framework consists in a methodology for the analysis of the multiview encoding/decoding delay that is independent of the hardware architecture of the encoder/decoder, which is completed with a set of models that particularize this delay analysis with the characteristics of the hardware architecture of the encoder/decoder. Among these models, the ones based in graph theory acquire special relevance due to their capacity to detach the influence of the different elements in the delay performance of the encoder/decoder, by means of an abstraction of its processing capacity. To reveal possible applications of this framework, this thesis presents some examples of its utilization in design problems that affect multiview encoders and decoders. This application scenario covers the following cases: strategies for the design of prediction structures that take into consideration delay requirements in addition to the rate-distortion performance; design of number of processors and analysis of processor speed requirements in multiview encoders/decoders given a target delay; and comparative analysis of the encoding delay performance of multiview encoders with different processing capabilities and hardware implementations.


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A recent application of computer simulation is its use for the human body, which resembles a mechanism that is complemented by torques in the joints that are caused by the action of muscles and tendons. Among others, the application can be used to provide training in surgical procedures or to learn how the body works. Some of the other applications are to make a biped walk upright, to build robots that are designed on the human body or to make prostheses or robot arms to perform specific tasks. One of the uses of simulation is to optimise the movement of the human body by examining which muscles are activated and which should or should not be activated in order to improve a person?s movements. This work presents a model of the elbow joint, and by analysing the constraint equations using classic methods we go on to model the bones, muscles and tendons as well as the logic linked to the force developed by them when faced with a specific movement. To do this, we analyse the reference bibliography and the software available to perform the validation.


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This paper includes the experimental study, analysis, redesign and subsequent test of the parts of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel which are relevant in terms of total pressure loss. The objective is to lower the energy consumption of this system for given conditions in test chamber, so as to reduce the operational costs. In order to achieve this objective, several tasks were performed as the text shows in its different parts. For these tasks, the ETSIAE wind tunnel was used, although the results of this work can be extrapolated to any wind tunnel with the same characteristics. Part II presents a theoretical previous study of the general running of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel, as well as the followed procedure to conduct experimental tests for obtaining the total pressure loss in its parts. Results from these tests and their analysis are included in this part. In part III, the analysis of the influence of corner 1 on the pressure loss takes place. As it is said in this part, corner 1 has great importance in the total pressure loss of the wind tunnel. Therefore, it is the first part that should be modified in order to improve the performances of the wind tunnel. During part IV, an optimised guide vane is designed in order to reduce the pressure loss in corner 1 of the wind tunnel. Software MISES is used to achieve this goal by means of selecting the optimum guide vane. In order to introduce the new guide vane in wind tunnels with affordable costs, the easily constructable criterion is kept during design. For this reason, the guide vane will consist of simple aerodynamic contours. Part V includes some possible improvements for the proposed guide vane, in order to evaluate if there is room for improvement in its design. Finally, part VI includes the tests that were conducted in the wind tunnel with the new guide vane cascade and the analysis of their results, in order to asses whether the proposed design fulfills the requirement of lowering the total pressure loss in the wind tunnel. Part VII gathers the main ideas resulting from the whole work.


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In countries that started early with wind energy, the old wind turbines were located in places where the wind is often very good. Since the best places in which the wind is concerned are occupied by old wind turbines (with lower capacity than the more recent ones) the trend is to start replacing old turbines with new ones. With repowering, the first generation of wind turbines can be replaced by modern multi-megawatt wind turbines. The aim of this article is to analyze energy policies in the Spanish energy sector in the repowering of wind farms from the viewpoint of the current situation of the wind energy sector. The approach presented in this article is meant to explain what have been the policies related to the repowering sector making a brief analysis of the spectrum of different stimulii that are demanded by the market analyzing also the future perspectives of the repowering sector by establishing the new opportunities based on the new published regulations.


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We present a novel framework for the analysis and optimization of encoding latency for multiview video. Firstly, we characterize the elements that have an influence in the encoding latency performance: (i) the multiview prediction structure and (ii) the hardware encoder model. Then, we provide algorithms to find the encoding latency of any arbitrary multiview prediction structure. The proposed framework relies on the directed acyclic graph encoder latency (DAGEL) model, which provides an abstraction of the processing capacity of the encoder by considering an unbounded number of processors. Using graph theoretic algorithms, the DAGEL model allows us to compute the encoding latency of a given prediction structure, and determine the contribution of the prediction dependencies to it. As an example of DAGEL application, we propose an algorithm to reduce the encoding latency of a given multiview prediction structure up to a target value. In our approach, a minimum number of frame dependencies are pruned, until the latency target value is achieved, thus minimizing the degradation of the rate-distortion performance due to the removal of the prediction dependencies. Finally, we analyze the latency performance of the DAGEL derived prediction structures in multiview encoders with limited processing capacity.


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The Partido Stream is a small torrential course that flows into the marsh of the Doñana National Park, an area that was declared a World Heritage Site in 1994. Before 1981, floods occurred, and the stream overflowed onto a floodplain. As an old alluvial fan, the floodplain has its singular orography and functionality. Fromthe floodplain, several drainage channels, locally called caño, discharged into themarsh. The Partido Streamhad themorphology of a caño and covered approximately 8 km from the old fan to the marsh. The stream was straightened and channelised in 1981 to cultivate the old fan. This resulted in floods that were concentrated between the banks in the following years, which caused the depth of water and the shear stress to increase, thus, scouring the river bed and river banks. In this case, the eroded materials were carried towards the marsh where a new alluvial fan evolved. Control measures on the old fan were implemented in 2006 to stop the development of the new alluvial fan downstream over the marsh. Thus, the stream would partially recover its original behaviour that it had before channelisation, moving forwards in a new, balanced state. The present study describes the geomorphological evolution that channelisation has caused since 1981 and the later slow process of recovery of the original hydraulic-sedimentation regime since 2006. Additionally, it deepens the understanding of the original hydraulic behaviour of the stream, combining field data and 2D simulations.


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La región del espectro electromagnético comprendida entre 100 GHz y 10 THz alberga una gran variedad de aplicaciones en campos tan dispares como la radioastronomía, espectroscopíamolecular, medicina, seguridad, radar, etc. Los principales inconvenientes en el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones son los altos costes de producción de los sistemas trabajando a estas frecuencias, su costoso mantenimiento, gran volumen y baja fiabilidad. Entre las diferentes tecnologías a frecuencias de THz, la tecnología de los diodos Schottky juega un importante papel debido a su madurez y a la sencillez de estos dispositivos. Además, los diodos Schottky pueden operar tanto a temperatura ambiente como a temperaturas criogénicas, con altas eficiencias cuando se usan como multiplicadores y con moderadas temperaturas de ruido en mezcladores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es analizar los fenómenos físicos responsables de las características eléctricas y del ruido en los diodos Schottky, así como analizar y diseñar circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores en bandas milimétricas y submilimétricas. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un análisis de los fenómenos físicos que limitan el comportamiento de los diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN y de las características del espectro de ruido de estos dispositivos. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, un modelo del diodo basado en la técnica de Monte Carlo se ha considerado como referencia debido a la elevada precisión y fiabilidad de este modelo. Además, el modelo de Monte Carlo permite calcular directamente el espectro de ruido de los diodos sin necesidad de utilizar ningún modelo analítico o empírico. Se han analizado fenómenos físicos como saturación de la velocidad, inercia de los portadores, dependencia de la movilidad electrónica con la longitud de la epicapa, resonancias del plasma y efectos no locales y no estacionarios. También se ha presentado un completo análisis del espectro de ruido para diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN operando tanto en condiciones estáticas como variables con el tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos en esta parte de la tesis contribuyen a mejorar la comprensión de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido de los diodos Schottky en condiciones de altas frecuencias y/o altos campos eléctricos. También, estos resultados han ayudado a determinar las limitaciones de modelos numéricos y analíticos usados en el análisis de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido electrónico en los diodos Schottky. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al análisis de multiplicadores y mezcladores mediante una herramienta de simulación de circuitos basada en la técnica de balance armónico. Diferentes modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes del dispositivo, en las ecuaciones de arrastre-difusión y en la técnica de Monte Carlo se han considerado en este análisis. El modelo de Monte Carlo acoplado a la técnica de balance armónico se ha usado como referencia para evaluar las limitaciones y el rango de validez de modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes y en las ecuaciones de arrastredifusión para el diseño de circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores. Una notable característica de esta herramienta de simulación es que permite diseñar circuitos Schottky teniendo en cuenta tanto la respuesta eléctrica como el ruido generado en los dispositivos. Los resultados de las simulaciones presentados en esta parte de la tesis, tanto paramultiplicadores comomezcladores, se han comparado con resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura. El simulador que integra el modelo de Monte Carlo con la técnica de balance armónico permite analizar y diseñar circuitos a frecuencias superiores a 1 THz. ABSTRACT The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum(100 GHz-10 THz) presents a wide range of applications such as radio-astronomy, molecular spectroscopy, medicine, security and radar, among others. The main obstacles for the development of these applications are the high production cost of the systems working at these frequencies, highmaintenance, high volume and low reliability. Among the different THz technologies, Schottky technology plays an important rule due to its maturity and the inherent simplicity of these devices. Besides, Schottky diodes can operate at both room and cryogenic temperatures, with high efficiency in multipliers and moderate noise temperature in mixers. This PhD. thesis is mainly concerned with the analysis of the physical processes responsible for the characteristics of the electrical response and noise of Schottky diodes, as well as the analysis and design of frequency multipliers and mixers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the physical phenomena limiting the electrical performance of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes and their noise performance. To carry out this analysis, a Monte Carlo model of the diode has been used as a reference due to the high accuracy and reliability of this diode model at millimeter and submillimter wavelengths. Besides, the Monte Carlo model provides a direct description of the noise spectra of the devices without the necessity of any additional analytical or empirical model. Physical phenomena like velocity saturation, carrier inertia, dependence of the electron mobility on the epilayer length, plasma resonance and nonlocal effects in time and space have been analysed. Also, a complete analysis of the current noise spectra of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes operating under static and time varying conditions is presented in this part of the thesis. The obtained results provide a better understanding of the electrical and the noise responses of Schottky diodes under high frequency and/or high electric field conditions. Also these results have helped to determine the limitations of numerical and analytical models used in the analysis of the electrical and the noise responses of these devices. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of frequency multipliers and mixers by means of an in-house circuit simulation tool based on the harmonic balance technique. Different lumped equivalent circuits, drift-diffusion and Monte Carlo models have been considered in this analysis. The Monte Carlo model coupled to the harmonic balance technique has been used as a reference to evaluate the limitations and range of validity of lumped equivalent circuit and driftdiffusion models for the design of frequency multipliers and mixers. A remarkable feature of this reference simulation tool is that it enables the design of Schottky circuits from both electrical and noise considerations. The simulation results presented in this part of the thesis for both multipliers and mixers have been compared with measured results available in the literature. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation tool allows the analysis and design of circuits above 1 THz.


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Ternary Cu(Sb,Bi)S2 semiconductors are a group of materials with a wide variety of applications, especially photovoltaic. An analysis of the structural, electronic, and optical properties obtained from first-principles is presented. The microscopic justification of the high absorption coefficients is carried out by splitting the optical properties on chemical species contributions according to the symmetry. Focusing on photovoltaic applications, and from first-principles results, the efficiencies for several solar spectra are obtained as a function of the device thickness. This study indicates the great potential of these materials for photovoltaic and other optical devices.


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Biomass has always been associated with the development of the population in the Canary Islands as the first source of elemental energy that was in the archipelago and the main cause of deforestation of forests, which over the years has been replaced by forest fossil fuels. The Canary Islands store a large amount of energy in the form of biomass. This may be important on a small scale for the design of small power plants with similar fuels from agricultural activities, and these plants could supply rural areas that could have self-sufficiency energy. The problem with the Canary Islands for a boost in this achievement is to ensure the supply to the consumer centers or power plants for greater efficiency that must operate continuously, allowing them to have a resource with regularity, quality and at an acceptable cost. In the Canary Islands converge also a unique topography with a very rugged terrain that makes it greater difficult to use and significantly more expensive. In this work all these aspects are studied, giving conclusions, action paths and theoretical potentials.


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The three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity may be considered as a simplified geometry found in industrial applications such as leading gear or slotted flats on the airplane. Understanding the three-dimensional complex flow structure that surrounds this particular geometry is therefore of major industrial interest. At the light of the remarkable former investigations in this kind of flows, enough evidences suggest that the lateral walls have a great influence on the flow features and hence on their instability modes. Nevertheless, even though there is a large body of literature on cavity flows, most of them are based on the assumption that the flow is two-dimensional and spanwise-periodic. The flow over realistic open cavity should be considered. This thesis presents an investigation of three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity with geometric ratio 6:2:1. To this aim, three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and global linear instability have been performed. Linear instability analysis reveals that the onset of the first instability in this open cavity is around Recr 1080. The three-dimensional shear layer mode with a complex structure is shown to be the most unstable mode. I t is noteworthy that the flow pattern of this high-frequency shear layer mode is similar to the observed unstable oscillations in supercritical unstable case. DNS of the cavity flow carried out at different Reynolds number from steady state until a nonlinear saturated state is obtained. The comparison of time histories of kinetic energy presents a clearly dominant energetic mode which shifts between low-frequency and highfrequency oscillation. A complete flow patterns from subcritical cases to supercritical case has been put in evidence. The flow structure at the supercritical case Re=1100 resembles typical wake-shedding instability oscillations with a lateral motion existed in the subcritical cases. Also, This flow pattern is similar to the observations in experiments. In order to validate the linear instability analysis results, the topology of the composite flow fields reconstructed by linear superposition of a three-dimensional base flow and its leading three-dimensional global eigenmodes has been studied. The instantaneous wall streamlines of those composited flows display distinguish influence region of each eigenmode. Attention has been focused on the leading high-frequency shear layer mode; the composite flow fields have been fully recognized with respect to the downstream wave shedding. The three-dimensional shear layer mode is shown to give rise to a typical wake-shedding instability with a lateral motions occurring downstream which is in good agreement with the experiment results. Moreover, the spanwise-periodic, open cavity with the same length to depth ratio has been also studied. The most unstable linear mode is different from the real three-dimensional cavity flow, because of the existence of the side walls. Structure sensitivity of the unstable global mode is analyzed in the flow control context. The adjoint-based sensitivity analysis has been employed to localized the receptivity region, where the flow is more sensible to momentum forcing and mass injection. Because of the non-normality of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations, the direct and adjoint field has a large spatial separation. The strongest sensitivity region is locate in the upstream lip of the three-dimensional cavity. This numerical finding is in agreement with experimental observations. Finally, a prototype of passive flow control strategy is applied.


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Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of placing a nuclear warhead at more than 5,000 km away from its launching base. With the lethal power of a nuclear warhead a whole city could be wiped out by a single weapon causing millions of deaths. This means that the threat posed to any country from a single ICBM captured by a terrorist group or launched by a 'rogue' state is huge. This threat is increasing as more countries are achieving nuclear and advanced launcher capabilities. In order to suppress or at least reduce this threat the United States created the National Missile Defense System which involved, among other systems, the development of long-range interceptors whose aim is to destroy incoming ballistic missiles in their midcourse phase. The Ballistic Missile Defense is a high-profile topic that has been the focus of political controversy lately when the U.S. decided to expand the Ballistic Missile system to Europe, with the opposition of Russia. However the technical characteristics of this system are mostly unknown by the general public. The Interception of an ICBM using a long range Interceptor Missile as intended within the Ground-Based Missile Defense System by the American National Missile Defense (NMD) implies a series of problems of incredible complexity: - The incoming missile has to be detected almost immediately after launch. - The incoming missile has to be tracked along its trajectory with a great accuracy. - The Interceptor Missile has to implement a fast and accurate guidance algorithm in order to reach the incoming missile as soon as possible. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle deployed by the interceptor boost vehicle has to be able to detect the reentry vehicle once it has been deployed by ICBM, when it offers a very low infrared signature, in order to perform a final rendezvous manoeuvre. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to discriminate the reentry vehicle from the surrounding debris and decoys. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to implement an accurate guidance algorithm in order to perform a kinetic interception (direct collision) of the reentry vehicle, at relative speeds of more than 10 km/s. All these problems are being dealt simultaneously by the Ground-Based Missile Defense System that is developing very complex and expensive sensors, communications and control centers and long-range interceptors (Ground-Based Interceptor Missile) including a Kinetic Kill Vehicle. Among all the technical challenges involved in this interception scenario, this thesis focuses on the algorithms required for the guidance of the Interceptor Missile and the Kinetic Kill Vehicle in order to perform the direct collision with the ICBM. The involved guidance algorithms are deeply analysed in this thesis in part III where conventional guidance strategies are reviewed and optimal guidance algorithms are developed for this interception problem. The generation of a realistic simulation of the interception scenario between an ICBM and a Ground Based Interceptor designed to destroy it was considered as necessary in order to be able to compare different guidance strategies with meaningful results. As a consequence, a highly representative simulator for an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle has been implemented, as detailed in part II, and the generation of these simulators has also become one of the purposes of this thesis. In summary, the main purposes of this thesis are: - To develop a highly representative simulator of an interception scenario between an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle launched from a Ground Based Interceptor. -To analyse the main existing guidance algorithms both for the ascent phase and the terminal phase of the missiles. Novel conclusions of these analyses are obtained. - To develop original optimal guidance algorithms for the interception problem. - To compare the results obtained using the different guidance strategies, assess the behaviour of the optimal guidance algorithms, and analyse the feasibility of the Ballistic Missile Defense system in terms of guidance (part IV). As a secondary objective, a general overview of the state of the art in terms of ballistic missiles and anti-ballistic missile defence is provided (part I).


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La tecnología de las máquinas móviles autónomas ha sido objeto de una gran investigación y desarrollo en las últimas décadas. En muchas actividades y entornos, los robots pueden realizar operaciones que son duras, peligrosas o simplemente imposibles para los humanos. La exploración planetaria es un buen ejemplo de un entorno donde los robots son necesarios para realizar las tareas requeridas por los científicos. La reciente exploración de Marte con robots autónomos nos ha mostrado la capacidad de las nuevas tecnologías. Desde la invención de la rueda, que esta acertadamente considerado como el mayor invento en la historia del transporte humano, casi todos los vehículos para exploración planetaria han empleado las ruedas para su desplazamiento. Las nuevas misiones planetarias demandan maquinas cada vez mas complejas. En esta Tesis se propone un nuevo diseño de un robot con patas o maquina andante que ofrecerá claras ventajas en entornos extremos. Se demostrara que puede desplazarse en los terrenos donde los robots con ruedas son ineficientes, convirtiéndolo en una elección perfecta para misiones planetarias. Se presenta una reseña histórica de los principales misiones espaciales, en particular aquellos dirigidos a la exploración planetaria. A través de este estudio será posible analizar las desventajas de los robots con ruedas utilizados en misiones anteriores. El diseño propuesto de robot con patas será presentado como una alternativa para aquellas misiones donde los robots con ruedas puedan no ser la mejor opción. En esta tesis se presenta el diseño mecánico de un robot de seis patas capaz de soportar las grandes fuerzas y momentos derivadas del movimiento de avance. Una vez concluido el diseño mecánico es necesario realizar un análisis que permita entender el movimiento y comportamiento de una maquina de esta complejidad. Las ecuaciones de movimiento del robot serán validadas por dos métodos: cinemático y dinámico. Dos códigos Matlab® han sido desarrollados para resolver dichos sistemas de ecuaciones y han sido verificados por un tercer método, un modelo de elementos finitos, que también verifica el diseño mecánico. El robot con patas presentado, ha sido diseñado para la exploración planetaria en Marte. El comportamiento del robot durante sus desplazamientos será probado mediante un código de Matlab®, desarrollado para esta tesis, que permite modificar las trayectorias, el tipo de terreno, y el número y altura de los obstáculos. Estos terrenos y requisitos iniciales no han sido elegidos de forma aleatoria, si no que están basados en mi experiencia como miembro del equipo de MSL-NASA que opera un instrumento a bordo del rover Curiosity en Marte. El robot con patas desarrollado y fabricado por el Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC), esta basado en el diseño mecánico y análisis presentados en esta tesis. ABSTRACT The autonomous machines technology has undergone a major research and development during the last decades. In many activities and environments, robots can perform operations that are tought, dangerous or simply imposible to humans. Planetary exploration is a good example of such environment where robots are needed to perform the tasks required by the scientits. Recent Mars exploration based on autonomous vehicles has shown us the capacity of the new technologies. From the invention of the wheel, which is rightly regarded as the greatest invention in the history of human transportation, nearly all-planetary vehicles are based in wheeled locomotion, but new missions demand new types of machines due to the complex tasks needed to be performed. It will be proposed in this thesis a new design of a legged robot or walking machine, which may offer clear advantages in tough environments. This Thesis will show that the proposed walking machine can travel, were terrain difficulties make wheeled vehicles ineffective, making it a perfect choice for planetary mission. A historical background of the main space missions, in particular those aimed at planetary exploration will be presented. From this study the disadvantages found in the existing wheel rovers will be analysed. The legged robot designed will be introduced as an alternative were wheeled rovers could be no longer the best option for planetary exploration. This thesis introduces the mechanical design of a six-leg robot capable of withstanding high forces and moments due to the walking motion. Once the mechanical design is concluded, and in order to analyse a machine of this complexity an understanding of its movement and behaviour is mandatory. This movement equation will be validated by two methods: kinematics and dynamics. Two Matlab® codes have been developed to solve the systems of equations and validated by a third method, a finite element model, which also verifies the mechanical design. The legged robot presented has been designed for a Mars planetary exploration. The movement behaviour of the robot will be tested in a Matlab® code developed that allows to modify the trajectories, the type of terrain, number and height of obstacles. These terrains and initial requirements have not been chosen randomly, those are based on my experience as a member of the MSL NASA team, which operates an instrument on-board of the Curiosity rover in Mars. The walking robot developed and manufactured by the Center of Astrobiology (CAB) is based in the mechanical design and analysis that will be presented in this thesis.