38 resultados para Just in Time
New trends in biometrics are oriented to mobile devices in order to increase the overall security in daily actions like bank account access, e-commerce or even document protection within the mobile. However, applying biometrics to mobile devices imply challenging aspects in biometric data acquisition, feature extraction or private data storage. Concretely, this paper attempts to deal with the problem of hand segmentation given a picture of the hand in an unknown background, requiring an accurate result in terms of hand isolation. For the sake of user acceptability, no restrictions are done on background, and therefore, hand images can be taken without any constraint, resulting segmentation in an exigent task. Multiscale aggregation strategies are proposed in order to solve this problem due to their accurate results in unconstrained and complicated scenarios, together with their properties in time performance. This method is evaluated with a public synthetic database with 480000 images considering different backgrounds and illumination environments. The results obtained in terms of accuracy and time performance highlight their capability of being a suitable solution for the problem of hand segmentation in contact-less environments, outperforming competitive methods in literature like Lossy Data Compression image segmentation (LDC).
This paper discusses the use of sound waves to illustrate multipath radio propagation concepts. Specifically, a procedure is presented to measure the time-varying frequency response of the channel. This helps demonstrate how a propagation channel can be characterized in time and frequency, and provides visualizations of the concepts of coherence time and coherence bandwidth. The measurements are very simple to carry out, and the required equipment is easily available. The proposed method can be useful for wireless or mobile communication courses.
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space–time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. We present an application of the Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) for the analysis of offshore video measurements of gravity waves in the Northern Adriatic Sea and near the southern seashore of the Crimean peninsula, in the Black Sea. We use classical epipolar techniques to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time, viz. a sequence of spatial snapshots. We also present a variational approach that exploits the entire data image set providing a global space–time imaging of the sea surface, viz. simultaneous reconstruction of several spatial snapshots of the surface in order to guarantee continuity of the sea surface both in space and time. Analysis of the WASS measurements show that the sea surface can be accurately estimated in space and time together, yielding associated directional spectra and wave statistics at a point in time that agrees well with probabilistic models. In particular, WASS stereo imaging is able to capture typical features of the wave surface, especially the crest-to-trough asymmetry due to second order nonlinearities, and the observed shape of large waves are fairly described by theoretical models based on the theory of quasi-determinism (Boccotti, 2000). Further, we investigate space–time extremes of the observed stationary sea states, viz. the largest surface wave heights expected over a given area during the sea state duration. The WASS analysis provides the first experimental proof that a space–time extreme is generally larger than that observed in time via point measurements, in agreement with the predictions based on stochastic theories for global maxima of Gaussian fields.
The understanding of the structure and dynamics of the intricate network of connections among people that consumes products through Internet appears as an extremely useful asset in order to study emergent properties related to social behavior. This knowledge could be useful, for example, to improve the performance of personal recommendation algorithms. In this contribution, we analyzed five-year records of movie-rating transactions provided by Netflix, a movie rental platform where users rate movies from an online catalog. This dataset can be studied as a bipartite user-item network whose structure evolves in time. Even though several topological properties from subsets of this bipartite network have been reported with a model that combines random and preferential attachment mechanisms [Beguerisse Díaz et al., 2010], there are still many aspects worth to be explored, as they are connected to relevant phenomena underlying the evolution of the network. In this work, we test the hypothesis that bursty human behavior is essential in order to describe how a bipartite user-item network evolves in time. To that end, we propose a novel model that combines, for user nodes, a network growth prescription based on a preferential attachment mechanism acting not only in the topological domain (i.e. based on node degrees) but also in time domain. In the case of items, the model mixes degree preferential attachment and random selection. With these ingredients, the model is not only able to reproduce the asymptotic degree distribution, but also shows an excellent agreement with the Netflix data in several time-dependent topological properties.
El deporte de la esgrima no siempre ha sido considerado como actualmente se conoce, ni tampoco el empleo de las armas ha sido el mismo en las diferentes épocas de la historia. Si nos centramos en la española, podemos decir que se hablaba de una forma particular de hacer esgrima, la cual era muy apreciada por el resto de los países europeos. También lo era la que se hacía en Italia. Como cualquier actividad que se desarrolla a lo largo del tiempo debe generarse desde unos comienzos. Estos comienzos siempre están en relación a alguna causa. Para centrarnos en nuestro estudio, los comienzos del manejo de la espada, de una manera lógica y razonada, se une en la persona y en la vida de Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza porque hasta que él no se decide a estudiar en profundidad la ciencia de las armas, no se ve con claridad si todo lo que se hacía con ellas era correcto o no y si todo lo que la inmensa mayoría hacía cuando tenía que utilizarlas estaba revestido de cierta coherencia y fundamento, es decir, tenía su verdad que se pudiera demostrar. Carranza estudia la esgrima que se empleaba en su época y en las anteriores y se da cuenta que tiene que dar una nueva visión de la forma de usar las armas, diferente a lo que la gran mayoría entendía hasta entonces. A Carranza se le ha considerado por muchos autores como el inventor de la esgrima española, hecho que se puede leer con bastante facilidad si se hojea algún tratado que hable de la esgrima española, sin embargo también se habla de Luis Pacheco de Narváez asignándole el mismo calificativo, aunn- ;o es posteriora Carranza. or tanto nuestro estudio se ha centrado en la vida de Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza y en ueva forma de emplear las armas por lo que hace que la tesis sea una tesis biográfica de dicho personaje, donde se ha resaltado mucho más el aspecto del manejo de las armas, de la Destreza. Partimos de las siguientes hipótesis: Carranza es el que sienta los principios técnicos dando forma y coherencia a la escuela de esgrima española gracias a sus aportaciones en los distintos aspectos metodológicos, técnicos y tácticos. La escuela de esgrima española tiene una estructura interna, responde a unas características determinadas y sirve de base a la esgrima que posteriormente se practica. Para que el estudio se pudiera llevar a cabo tuvimos que diseñar un esquema donde se pudieran recoger todos los aspectos que estuvieran relacionados con nuestro autor, de ahí surge el porqué de cada uno de los capítulos que hemos confeccionado. Dicho esquema responde a la visión actual de diferentes facetas de lo que hoy se estudia en diversas ciencias y que cuando Carranza vivía aún no se conocían. Para recoger información sobre su persona y su obra tuvimos en cuenta los distintos lugares donde se podía localizar la documentación necesaria, sobre todo Bibliotecas y Archivos, para ir confeccionando el método de trabajo que consistió en la recopilación de fuentes de todo tipo referidas al tema, pasando luego a la interpretación de las mismas. Esto nos dio una visión de conjunto que hizo que nos adentráramos en aquellos aspectos que más tarde tendríamos que analizar con mucho más detenimiento. En la tesis se puede observar dos partes bien diferenciadas que son las relacionadas; por un lado, a su vida y su tratado y, por otro, al contenido de sus teorías que son realmente las que se deben analizar necesariamente bajo unos conocimientos específicos de la actividad de la esgrima. En cuanto a su vida, se han destacado y estudiado los hechos más importantes de los que hay que resaltar, sobre todo, el que fuera considerado como el inventor de la destreza y de la manera tan particular de concebir dicho arte, diferente a lo que hasta ahora se venía haciendo y que dio paso a lo que se entendió por esgrima científica, quedando plasmada de tal manera que dio pie a la creación de una doctrina y una nueva forma de entender la esgrima la cual generó una línea de actuación que fue continuada por numerosos seguidores. Para todo ello tuvo mucho que ver el que Carranza fuera militar, la cultura y los estudios que poseía, así como la situación en la que se encontraba España además de la gente con quien se relacionaba, que por lo general, era gente culta y de clase social alta. Se ha estudiado también dentro del mismo apartado de su vida unos hechos que se le imputan y que en nuestra opinión son erróneos. Hemos considerado como más relevantes el que Carranza no fue quien riñó con Quevedo como se afirma en algunas de las obras que hemos tratado, sino que fue Pacheco quien tuvo dicha riña, ya que más bien Quevedo se mostraba partidario de las enseñanzas de Carranza, estando en contra de Pacheco. Tampoco fue quien inventó el florete como se dice en algunas ocasiones, ya que el florete aparece posteriormente como un arma de estudio de la técnica de la esgrima. Con respecto al apartado de su obra, se debe decir que tan solo escribió un único tratado que se publicó en 1582, aunque estaba acabado desde el año 1569. En el apartado de su escuela se debe destacar los fundamentos en los que basó sus postulados para que la destreza alcanzara el mismo nivel de las demás artes liberales y que lo hizo a través del estudio de la propia destreza. A lo largo del estudio que hemos realizado se puede apreciar cómo se está generando un arte que hasta ahora no había sido estudiado, viéndose los problemas que ello suponía, desde la organización de la materia a tratar, hasta cómo se debía enseñar, pasando a veces a tener que denominar conceptos de nueva aparición o renombrar y modificar antiguos que estaban anclados en puntos de partida equivocados, siendo éstos los que mayor trabajo le supuso. Diferencia bien dos aspectos básicos que debían existir en cualquier arte y más concretamente en la destreza que son: la teoría y la práctica, ambas deben estar en base a la razón ya que sería una de las formas por la que la destreza perduraría en el tiempo, junto con que esta razón estuviera apoyada en otras ciencias y con los principios de ellas. Carranza fue de la opinión de que el diestro debía conocer mediante el estudio, los elementos fundamentales con los que había que trabajar la destreza, estos elementos son el cuerpo del diestro y las armas, porque ambos van a intervenir en cualquier gesto o acción que se vaya a realizar. Del cuerpo estudió cada una de las partes que más importancia tiene cada vez que el diestro interviene y lo hace sobre todo en base a la medicina, relacionándolo con las matemáticas para poder sacar el máximo provecho, aconsejando que por el conocimiento del propio cuerpo, como el del contrario, se podrá emplear en determinadas situaciones, que si no se supiera de ello, no se sacaría el mismo resultado. De las armas lo que más resaltó fue, por un lado, que la espada debía ser el único arma que el diestro debía utilizar y, por otro, el hecho de que la espada la graduara para poder demostrar que no se hacia todo igual con las distintas partes de la misma porque no todo el arma tenía las mismas propiedades cuando se actuaba con ella. Una de las recomendaciones que dio fue que con la parte más próxima a la empuñadura se debía practicar la defensa por tener más fuerza con esta parte que con la punta y lo demostró con principios matemáticos. Se puede ver con la lectura de la tesis cómo Carranza aporta una nueva forma de trabajo en la que le da mucha importancia a la aplicación de los conocimientos, que previamente se han adquirido y para ello, es importante conocer bien los puntos fuertes y débiles del adversario. La adquisición de la práctica se debe realizar a través de la repetición para crear el hábito necesario que haga que el gesto salga fluido en cada uno de los movimientos que el diestro ejecute. Todo esto no sería posible si quien lo enseña no conoce cada uno de los elementos que intervienen en la destreza, por tanto, a la figura del maestro le da un lugar de una gran relevancia, ya que va a ser él quien tenga que guiar a los alumnos que enseñe. Lo primero que debe hacer los maestros es procurar saber lo máximo de la materia que va a enseñar, por lo que el maestro debe saber casi todo sobre la teoría y la práctica de la destreza, pero además esta teoría y práctica debe ser la correcta. Carranza persigue con su estudio, establecer los principios de la destreza, por lo menos, los más importantes, aunque fueran elementales, para que posteriormente se siguiera trabajando sobre ellos y poder conseguir que la destreza tenga cuerpo y forma de arte liberal, pudiéndose estudiar como cualquier otra, así de esta manera se haría un bien público, ya que los jóvenes se instruirían eficazmente en el uso de las armas, aunque el verdadero fin se encuentra en la conservación de la vida como manda la Fe Católica, siendo la destreza uno de los medios más eficaces para conseguirlo. Hemos dedicado un apartado de técnica y de táctica donde se refleja todo lo relacionado con las posiciones y movimientos que debe realizar el diestro para llegar a conseguir su objetivo, que es herir sin ser herido. Se han analizado las distintas tretas y el porqué de cada una desde el punto de vista del gesto y del movimiento. Si lo que se hace en destreza se relaciona con el adversario, nos adentramos en el terreno de la táctica donde se han estudiado como más importantes los conceptos del tiempo y la distancia, así como las energías que debe conservar el diestro para poder llevar a cabo un combate y del mismo salir victorioso sin llegar al agotamiento. Concluimos diciendo que de todo el estudio que se ha realizado, se ha podido comprobar que Carranza fue quien dotó a la destreza de unos principios técnicos, tácticos y metodológicos, por su forma de concebir este nuevo arte, así como que por la manera en que estableció sus teorías hizo que la destreza que se practicaba en España disfrutara de una estructura interna coherente que perduró a través de los años. SUMMARY The sport of fencing has not always been the respected sport that we know it to be today ñor has the use of weapons been the same throughout history. If we concéntrate on Spainish weapons, we can say that one particular type of sword ¡s spoken about. this sword being very respected by outher European countries, it was also the one that was respected and used in Italy. As with any activity that develops in time, it must evlove from some simple beginnings. Such basics beginnings are always in relation to a cause. To concéntrate on our study, the beginnings are, the use of the sword in a reasoned and logical manner, brought together in the life and times of Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza because until he decided to study in depth the science of weapons, we cannot see with calrity if their use was correct or not and if the vast majority , when they had to use them, used any foundation or coherence, that ¡s to say if any exactness of logical use could be demonstrated. Carranza studied the sword used in his time and those that had gone before, bearing in mind that he had a new visión of the form of use of weapons, different to what the vast majority had until then understood. Carranza has been considered by many historians as the inventor of the Spanish sword, a fact which can be seen with relative ease if one flicks through any work which deals with the Spanish sword, however, they also speak of Luis Pacheco de Narváez affording him the same title, even though he followed Carranza. In ar H our study has been centred on the life of Jerónimo Sánchez Carranza and his ne-" use of weapons. In effect this thesis is a biographical thesis of the said wherein the aspect of the use of weapons stands out more than their mastery. Given the following hypothesis: It was Carranza who evolved the first techniques giving form and coherence to the .Spanish School of Fencing, thanks to his contributions to the different aspects of method, íechnique and tactic. The Spanish School of Fencing had an ¡nternal structure anaswerable to pre-detremined characteristics and served as a base for the fencing that was to, in later days, be practised. For this study to come to a head, we had to design a plan wherein we could collate all of the aspects we could, related to our inventor. From there springs the reason for each of the chapters that we have put together. The said plan responding to the actual visión of different facets that are studied today in different sciences, that were not known in Carranza's lifetime. To collect information on his person and his works we bore in mind the different places in which we could lócate the necessary documentation, above all in libraries and archives. Developing the work-method that consisted in extracing from every source, every thing relative to the theme, re-writing later our interpretation of the same. This brought us closer and made us focus of those aspects that much later we would have to analize in greater detail. In the thesis one can observe two defferent parts that are related; on the one hand his life and works and on the other his theories, which are those that should be really analised and as such, necessarily analised within the confines of a specific knowledge of fencing. In that his life has been isolated and studied the most important facts that stand out above all, is that he was considered to be the inventor of swordmanship and the particular manner of interpreting the said art, different to its interpretaion uptil then. It gave a footing to what they understood as scientific fencing, giving shape and form to the creation of a doctrine and a new form of fencing which developed a line of action that was continued by numerious followers. For all that, much had to do with the facts that Carranza was a military man, the culture, the level of studies he had and the situation in which he found himself. What's more the people with whom he mixed were, in general, cultured and of high social standing. We have also seen in the same article on his life some dubious facts which in our opinión are erróneos. We have considered the most relevent to be that it wasnt Carranza who was in dispute with Quevedo as is stated in some of the works with which we have dealt but rather it was with Pacheco he had such disputes. What's more Quevedo demonstrated his partiality to the teachings of Carranza, going against Pacheco ñor was it him who invented The Florete, a famous Spanish sword, as was said on some ocassions, eventhough the florete appeared later as a weapon in the study of fencing technique. With respect to the article on his works, we must say that there was only one article which was published in 1582, even though it was finished in 1569. In the article on his life one must distinguish between the foundations on which he based his teachings in which swordmanship reached the same levéis as other libral art forms and what he did through the study of the self same mastery. Throughout the study which we have done, one can appreciate how he was developing an art which uptill then had not been studied, seeing for himself the problems he had fortold, from the organisation of materials at hand to how it should be taught, at times having to domínate comparative concepts again or clarify and modify ones which were anchored in erróneos points of a fencing match, feeling these to be the main forseeable jobs-at-hand. Differenciating between two basic concepts which must exist in whatever arte form and more concretly in the skill that is; the theory and practice , both being fundamental to the reason why the skill endured through time, together with this reason he was supported by other sciences and the beginnings of such. Carranza was of the opinión that the swordsman must acquired by way of study, the fundemental elements with which he had to work, these elements being the body of the swordsman and the weapons, because both were going to intervene in whatever movement or action that was going to be taken. The body studied, each of the parts having more importance each time the skill intervened and above all what it did based on medicne relating it to matemathics to exact the máximum advantage, one could employ in certain circumstances, that if they were not employed, the same advantages would not result. On weapons, what resulted best was, on the one hand, the sword should be the only weapon that the swordsman should use and on the other hand, the sword should be graded to show that one cannot do the same with the different parts of the same because not all of the weapon had the same properties when used. One of the recomendations he made was that the part nearest to the hand-guard should be used for defence because one could use more forcé with it than the point and he demonstrated this with mathematical principies. One can see on reading this thesis how Carranza brought forth a new work form, in which he put much importance on the application of experience that had previously been acquired and because of it, it was important to know well the strenghts and weaknesses of an adversery. The acquisition of technique should be realised through repetition to form the habit necessary for movement to flow freely each time the swordsman executed a movement. None of this would be possible if whoever was teaching did not know each one of the elements that intervened, affording the fencing master a great reverence, in that it was he who had to guide the students he was to teach. The first thing that the master had to do was to make sure he had the maximun knowledge over which he was going to teach, to that end, the master had to know almost everything about the theory and practice of the skill of fencing but what's more that such theory and practice had to be the correct one. Carranza persued his studies, establishing the principies of technique, at least, the most important ones even though they were elementary, so that later they could continué working on them and it could be seen that the technique had a shape and form of any other art form, allowing it to be studied like any other form, as such it had a good following, even young people could be instructed in the correct use of weapons, however the real end could be found in the conservaron of life as ordered by the Catholic Church, feeling that skill with the sword was one of the most effective methods for assuring it. We have dedicated an article to technique and tactics wherein is reflected everything related to positions and movement that the swordsman must do to achieve his objective, that is, wound without being wounded. We have analised the different tricks and the reasons from every point of view of movement and action. If what is done by technique is related with the adversery we enter in the territory of tactics wherein we have studied, most importantly, the concepts of time and distance just as, the energy the swordsman muse conserve to bring to a head a bout and arrive victorious without being exhausted. We conclude by saying that everything that has been realised by this study, has shown that it was Carranza who gave to the skill, the first basic techniques, tactics and methodology, by his conception of this new art form, just as the manner in which he established his theories, made possible the tecnhiques practiced in Spain would enjoy an intemal coherent structure, which would endure throughout the years.
Since the observation of optical bistability by Gibbs et al., optical bistability has been the field where researchers from many fields have found a common place to work. More recently, when Ikeda and co-workers discussed the effect of a delayed feedback on instability of a ring cavity containing a non linear dielectric medium, and pointed out that the transmitted light from the ring cavity can be periodic or chaotic in time under a certain condition, optical bistable devices have shown new possibilities to be applied in many different fields. The novel phenomenon has been predicted to be observed in the hybrid optical device and has been confirmed by Gibbs et al. Moreover, as we have shown, a similar effect can be obtained when liquid crystal cells are employed as non linear element.
The goal of this communication is to offer, through computer-aided design tools, a methodology to recover and virtually reconstruct disappeared buildings of our industrial historical heritage. It will be applied to the case of the flour factory "El Puente Colgante" (The Suspended Bridge) in Aranjuez, which was demolished in 2001. The process is as follows: After a historical analysis of the evolution in time of the flour factory, a field work provides data allowing an info graphic reconstruction of the factory. Once this information has been processed, a lifting of the current state is made with AutoCAD, and a three-dimensional model is built with the Rhinoceros application. Then images of the ensemble are obtained with the applications Rhinoceros and V-Ray, ending with a postproduction with Photoshop. The proposed methodology has permitted to obtain a three-dimensional model of the flour factory ?El Puente Colgante? in Aranjuez, with an accurate virtual reconstruction of its original state prior to demolition. The procedure exposed is susceptible to be generalized for any other example of industrial architecture.
Growth and biomechanics of etiolated hypocotyls from Arabidopsis thaliana lines overexpressing xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase AtXTH18, AtXTH19, AtXTH20, and PttXET16-34 were studied. Overexpression of AtXTH18, AtXTH19, and AtXTH20 stimulated growth of hypocotyls, while PttXET16-34 overexpression did not show this effect. In vitro extension of frozen/thawed hypocotyls measured by a constant-load extensiometer started from a high-amplitude initial deformation followed by a slow time-dependent creep. Creep of growing XTH-overexpressing (OE) hypocotyls was more linear in time compared with the wild type at pH 5.0, reflecting their higher potential for long-term extension. XTH-OE plants deposited 65?84% more cell wall material per hypocotyl cross-sectional area than wild-type plants. As a result, their wall stress under each external load was lower than in the wild-type. Growing XTH-OE hypocotyls had higher values of initial deformation·stress?1 compared with the wild type. Plotting creep rates for each line under different loads against the respective wall stress values gave straight lines. Their slopes and intercepts with the abscissa correspond to ? (in vitro cell wall extensibility) and y (in vitro cell wall yield threshold) values characterizing cell wall material properties. The wall material in XTH-OE lines was more pliant than in the wild type due to lower y values. In contrast, the acid-induced wall extension in vitro resulted from increasing ? values. Thus, three factors contributed to the XTH-OE-stimulated growth in Arabidopsis hypocotyls: their more linear creep, higher values of initial deformation·stress?1, and lower y values.
We present an adaptive unequal error protection (UEP) strategy built on the 1-D interleaved parity Application Layer Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) code for protecting the transmission of stereoscopic 3D video content encoded with Multiview Video Coding (MVC) through IP-based networks. Our scheme targets the minimization of quality degradation produced by packet losses during video transmission in time-sensitive application scenarios. To that end, based on a novel packet-level distortion model, it selects in real time the most suitable packets within each Group of Pictures (GOP) to be protected and the most convenient FEC technique parameters, i.e., the size of the FEC generator matrix. In order to make these decisions, it considers the relevance of the packet, the behavior of the channel, and the available bitrate for protection purposes. Simulation results validate both the distortion model introduced to estimate the importance of packets and the optimization of the FEC technique parameter values.
Natural cement was patented in 1796 but it didn’t arrive in Spain until 1835. No one knows exactly where the production started in Spain, because it emerged independently at the same time in many places. Most of these outbreaks are concentrated in the north and northwest of Spain: Basque Country (Zumaya and Rezola) and Catalonia (San Celoní and San Juan de las Abadesas).Natural cement was extensively used to decorate historical buildings during the nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century in Madrid. It was the building material which realised the architects and builders dreams of mass-produced cast elements in a wide variety of styles. Its arrival replaced traditional materials that were used previously (lime, gypsum and hydraulic limes). However, its use was not extended in time, and soon it was replaced by the use of artificial Portland cements. During 20th century this building material disappeared from use. What remains is it’s memory, in thousands and thousands of “stone witnesses” in our cities. Final properties of the cement largely depend on raw materials used and its combustion temperature. However, it was characterised by an easily implementation on facade masonry, fast-setting (about 15 minutes), good resistance , an agreeable structural consistency and colour.This article aims to show first steps, evolution and decay of Natural Cement Industry in Spain and its application in Madrid.
La astronomía de rayos γ estudia las partículas más energéticas que llegan a la Tierra desde el espacio. Estos rayos γ no se generan mediante procesos térmicos en simples estrellas, sino mediante mecanismos de aceleración de partículas en objetos celestes como núcleos de galaxias activos, púlsares, supernovas, o posibles procesos de aniquilación de materia oscura. Los rayos γ procedentes de estos objetos y sus características proporcionan una valiosa información con la que los científicos tratan de comprender los procesos físicos que ocurren en ellos y desarrollar modelos teóricos que describan su funcionamiento con fidelidad. El problema de observar rayos γ es que son absorbidos por las capas altas de la atmósfera y no llegan a la superficie (de lo contrario, la Tierra será inhabitable). De este modo, sólo hay dos formas de observar rayos γ embarcar detectores en satélites, u observar los efectos secundarios que los rayos γ producen en la atmósfera. Cuando un rayo γ llega a la atmósfera, interacciona con las partículas del aire y genera un par electrón - positrón, con mucha energía. Estas partículas secundarias generan a su vez más partículas secundarias cada vez menos energéticas. Estas partículas, mientras aún tienen energía suficiente para viajar más rápido que la velocidad de la luz en el aire, producen una radiación luminosa azulada conocida como radiación Cherenkov durante unos pocos nanosegundos. Desde la superficie de la Tierra, algunos telescopios especiales, conocidos como telescopios Cherenkov o IACTs (Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes), son capaces de detectar la radiación Cherenkov e incluso de tomar imágenes de la forma de la cascada Cherenkov. A partir de estas imágenes es posible conocer las principales características del rayo γ original, y con suficientes rayos se pueden deducir características importantes del objeto que los emitió, a cientos de años luz de distancia. Sin embargo, detectar cascadas Cherenkov procedentes de rayos γ no es nada fácil. Las cascadas generadas por fotones γ de bajas energías emiten pocos fotones, y durante pocos nanosegundos, y las correspondientes a rayos γ de alta energía, si bien producen más electrones y duran más, son más improbables conforme mayor es su energía. Esto produce dos líneas de desarrollo de telescopios Cherenkov: Para observar cascadas de bajas energías son necesarios grandes reflectores que recuperen muchos fotones de los pocos que tienen estas cascadas. Por el contrario, las cascadas de altas energías se pueden detectar con telescopios pequeños, pero conviene cubrir con ellos una superficie grande en el suelo para aumentar el número de eventos detectados. Con el objetivo de mejorar la sensibilidad de los telescopios Cherenkov actuales, en el rango de energía alto (> 10 TeV), medio (100 GeV - 10 TeV) y bajo (10 GeV - 100 GeV), nació el proyecto CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array). Este proyecto en el que participan más de 27 países, pretende construir un observatorio en cada hemisferio, cada uno de los cuales contará con 4 telescopios grandes (LSTs), unos 30 medianos (MSTs) y hasta 70 pequeños (SSTs). Con un array así, se conseguirán dos objetivos. En primer lugar, al aumentar drásticamente el área de colección respecto a los IACTs actuales, se detectarán más rayos γ en todos los rangos de energía. En segundo lugar, cuando una misma cascada Cherenkov es observada por varios telescopios a la vez, es posible analizarla con mucha más precisión gracias a las técnicas estereoscópicas. La presente tesis recoge varios desarrollos técnicos realizados como aportación a los telescopios medianos y grandes de CTA, concretamente al sistema de trigger. Al ser las cascadas Cherenkov tan breves, los sistemas que digitalizan y leen los datos de cada píxel tienen que funcionar a frecuencias muy altas (≈1 GHz), lo que hace inviable que funcionen de forma continua, ya que la cantidad de datos guardada será inmanejable. En su lugar, las señales analógicas se muestrean, guardando las muestras analógicas en un buffer circular de unos pocos µs. Mientras las señales se mantienen en el buffer, el sistema de trigger hace un análisis rápido de las señales recibidas, y decide si la imagen que hay en el buér corresponde a una cascada Cherenkov y merece ser guardada, o por el contrario puede ignorarse permitiendo que el buffer se sobreescriba. La decisión de si la imagen merece ser guardada o no, se basa en que las cascadas Cherenkov producen detecciones de fotones en píxeles cercanos y en tiempos muy próximos, a diferencia de los fotones de NSB (night sky background), que llegan aleatoriamente. Para detectar cascadas grandes es suficiente con comprobar que más de un cierto número de píxeles en una región hayan detectado más de un cierto número de fotones en una ventana de tiempo de algunos nanosegundos. Sin embargo, para detectar cascadas pequeñas es más conveniente tener en cuenta cuántos fotones han sido detectados en cada píxel (técnica conocida como sumtrigger). El sistema de trigger desarrollado en esta tesis pretende optimizar la sensibilidad a bajas energías, por lo que suma analógicamente las señales recibidas en cada píxel en una región de trigger y compara el resultado con un umbral directamente expresable en fotones detectados (fotoelectrones). El sistema diseñado permite utilizar regiones de trigger de tamaño seleccionable entre 14, 21 o 28 píxeles (2, 3, o 4 clusters de 7 píxeles cada uno), y con un alto grado de solapamiento entre ellas. De este modo, cualquier exceso de luz en una región compacta de 14, 21 o 28 píxeles es detectado y genera un pulso de trigger. En la versión más básica del sistema de trigger, este pulso se distribuye por toda la cámara de forma que todos los clusters sean leídos al mismo tiempo, independientemente de su posición en la cámara, a través de un delicado sistema de distribución. De este modo, el sistema de trigger guarda una imagen completa de la cámara cada vez que se supera el número de fotones establecido como umbral en una región de trigger. Sin embargo, esta forma de operar tiene dos inconvenientes principales. En primer lugar, la cascada casi siempre ocupa sólo una pequeña zona de la cámara, por lo que se guardan muchos píxeles sin información alguna. Cuando se tienen muchos telescopios como será el caso de CTA, la cantidad de información inútil almacenada por este motivo puede ser muy considerable. Por otro lado, cada trigger supone guardar unos pocos nanosegundos alrededor del instante de disparo. Sin embargo, en el caso de cascadas grandes la duración de las mismas puede ser bastante mayor, perdiéndose parte de la información debido al truncamiento temporal. Para resolver ambos problemas se ha propuesto un esquema de trigger y lectura basado en dos umbrales. El umbral alto decide si hay un evento en la cámara y, en caso positivo, sólo las regiones de trigger que superan el nivel bajo son leídas, durante un tiempo más largo. De este modo se evita guardar información de píxeles vacíos y las imágenes fijas de las cascadas se pueden convertir en pequeños \vídeos" que representen el desarrollo temporal de la cascada. Este nuevo esquema recibe el nombre de COLIBRI (Concept for an Optimized Local Image Building and Readout Infrastructure), y se ha descrito detalladamente en el capítulo 5. Un problema importante que afecta a los esquemas de sumtrigger como el que se presenta en esta tesis es que para sumar adecuadamente las señales provenientes de cada píxel, estas deben tardar lo mismo en llegar al sumador. Los fotomultiplicadores utilizados en cada píxel introducen diferentes retardos que deben compensarse para realizar las sumas adecuadamente. El efecto de estos retardos ha sido estudiado, y se ha desarrollado un sistema para compensarlos. Por último, el siguiente nivel de los sistemas de trigger para distinguir efectivamente las cascadas Cherenkov del NSB consiste en buscar triggers simultáneos (o en tiempos muy próximos) en telescopios vecinos. Con esta función, junto con otras de interfaz entre sistemas, se ha desarrollado un sistema denominado Trigger Interface Board (TIB). Este sistema consta de un módulo que irá montado en la cámara de cada LST o MST, y que estará conectado mediante fibras ópticas a los telescopios vecinos. Cuando un telescopio tiene un trigger local, este se envía a todos los vecinos conectados y viceversa, de modo que cada telescopio sabe si sus vecinos han dado trigger. Una vez compensadas las diferencias de retardo debidas a la propagación en las fibras ópticas y de los propios fotones Cherenkov en el aire dependiendo de la dirección de apuntamiento, se buscan coincidencias, y en el caso de que la condición de trigger se cumpla, se lee la cámara en cuestión, de forma sincronizada con el trigger local. Aunque todo el sistema de trigger es fruto de la colaboración entre varios grupos, fundamentalmente IFAE, CIEMAT, ICC-UB y UCM en España, con la ayuda de grupos franceses y japoneses, el núcleo de esta tesis son el Level 1 y la Trigger Interface Board, que son los dos sistemas en los que que el autor ha sido el ingeniero principal. Por este motivo, en la presente tesis se ha incluido abundante información técnica relativa a estos sistemas. Existen actualmente importantes líneas de desarrollo futuras relativas tanto al trigger de la cámara (implementación en ASICs), como al trigger entre telescopios (trigger topológico), que darán lugar a interesantes mejoras sobre los diseños actuales durante los próximos años, y que con suerte serán de provecho para toda la comunidad científica participante en CTA. ABSTRACT -ray astronomy studies the most energetic particles arriving to the Earth from outer space. This -rays are not generated by thermal processes in mere stars, but by means of particle acceleration mechanisms in astronomical objects such as active galactic nuclei, pulsars, supernovas or as a result of dark matter annihilation processes. The γ rays coming from these objects and their characteristics provide with valuable information to the scientist which try to understand the underlying physical fundamentals of these objects, as well as to develop theoretical models able to describe them accurately. The problem when observing rays is that they are absorbed in the highest layers of the atmosphere, so they don't reach the Earth surface (otherwise the planet would be uninhabitable). Therefore, there are only two possible ways to observe γ rays: by using detectors on-board of satellites, or by observing their secondary effects in the atmosphere. When a γ ray reaches the atmosphere, it interacts with the particles in the air generating a highly energetic electron-positron pair. These secondary particles generate in turn more particles, with less energy each time. While these particles are still energetic enough to travel faster than the speed of light in the air, they produce a bluish radiation known as Cherenkov light during a few nanoseconds. From the Earth surface, some special telescopes known as Cherenkov telescopes or IACTs (Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes), are able to detect the Cherenkov light and even to take images of the Cherenkov showers. From these images it is possible to know the main parameters of the original -ray, and with some -rays it is possible to deduce important characteristics of the emitting object, hundreds of light-years away. However, detecting Cherenkov showers generated by γ rays is not a simple task. The showers generated by low energy -rays contain few photons and last few nanoseconds, while the ones corresponding to high energy -rays, having more photons and lasting more time, are much more unlikely. This results in two clearly differentiated development lines for IACTs: In order to detect low energy showers, big reflectors are required to collect as much photons as possible from the few ones that these showers have. On the contrary, small telescopes are able to detect high energy showers, but a large area in the ground should be covered to increase the number of detected events. With the aim to improve the sensitivity of current Cherenkov showers in the high (> 10 TeV), medium (100 GeV - 10 TeV) and low (10 GeV - 100 GeV) energy ranges, the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) project was created. This project, with more than 27 participating countries, intends to build an observatory in each hemisphere, each one equipped with 4 large size telescopes (LSTs), around 30 middle size telescopes (MSTs) and up to 70 small size telescopes (SSTs). With such an array, two targets would be achieved. First, the drastic increment in the collection area with respect to current IACTs will lead to detect more -rays in all the energy ranges. Secondly, when a Cherenkov shower is observed by several telescopes at the same time, it is possible to analyze it much more accurately thanks to the stereoscopic techniques. The present thesis gathers several technical developments for the trigger system of the medium and large size telescopes of CTA. As the Cherenkov showers are so short, the digitization and readout systems corresponding to each pixel must work at very high frequencies (_ 1 GHz). This makes unfeasible to read data continuously, because the amount of data would be unmanageable. Instead, the analog signals are sampled, storing the analog samples in a temporal ring buffer able to store up to a few _s. While the signals remain in the buffer, the trigger system performs a fast analysis of the signals and decides if the image in the buffer corresponds to a Cherenkov shower and deserves to be stored, or on the contrary it can be ignored allowing the buffer to be overwritten. The decision of saving the image or not, is based on the fact that Cherenkov showers produce photon detections in close pixels during near times, in contrast to the random arrival of the NSB phtotons. Checking if more than a certain number of pixels in a trigger region have detected more than a certain number of photons during a certain time window is enough to detect large showers. However, taking also into account how many photons have been detected in each pixel (sumtrigger technique) is more convenient to optimize the sensitivity to low energy showers. The developed trigger system presented in this thesis intends to optimize the sensitivity to low energy showers, so it performs the analog addition of the signals received in each pixel in the trigger region and compares the sum with a threshold which can be directly expressed as a number of detected photons (photoelectrons). The trigger system allows to select trigger regions of 14, 21, or 28 pixels (2, 3 or 4 clusters with 7 pixels each), and with extensive overlapping. In this way, every light increment inside a compact region of 14, 21 or 28 pixels is detected, and a trigger pulse is generated. In the most basic version of the trigger system, this pulse is just distributed throughout the camera in such a way that all the clusters are read at the same time, independently from their position in the camera, by means of a complex distribution system. Thus, the readout saves a complete camera image whenever the number of photoelectrons set as threshold is exceeded in a trigger region. However, this way of operating has two important drawbacks. First, the shower usually covers only a little part of the camera, so many pixels without relevant information are stored. When there are many telescopes as will be the case of CTA, the amount of useless stored information can be very high. On the other hand, with every trigger only some nanoseconds of information around the trigger time are stored. In the case of large showers, the duration of the shower can be quite larger, loosing information due to the temporal cut. With the aim to solve both limitations, a trigger and readout scheme based on two thresholds has been proposed. The high threshold decides if there is a relevant event in the camera, and in the positive case, only the trigger regions exceeding the low threshold are read, during a longer time. In this way, the information from empty pixels is not stored and the fixed images of the showers become to little \`videos" containing the temporal development of the shower. This new scheme is named COLIBRI (Concept for an Optimized Local Image Building and Readout Infrastructure), and it has been described in depth in chapter 5. An important problem affecting sumtrigger schemes like the one presented in this thesis is that in order to add the signals from each pixel properly, they must arrive at the same time. The photomultipliers used in each pixel introduce different delays which must be compensated to perform the additions properly. The effect of these delays has been analyzed, and a delay compensation system has been developed. The next trigger level consists of looking for simultaneous (or very near in time) triggers in neighbour telescopes. These function, together with others relating to interfacing different systems, have been developed in a system named Trigger Interface Board (TIB). This system is comprised of one module which will be placed inside the LSTs and MSTs cameras, and which will be connected to the neighbour telescopes through optical fibers. When a telescope receives a local trigger, it is resent to all the connected neighbours and vice-versa, so every telescope knows if its neighbours have been triggered. Once compensated the delay differences due to propagation in the optical fibers and in the air depending on the pointing direction, the TIB looks for coincidences, and in the case that the trigger condition is accomplished, the camera is read a fixed time after the local trigger arrived. Despite all the trigger system is the result of the cooperation of several groups, specially IFAE, Ciemat, ICC-UB and UCM in Spain, with some help from french and japanese groups, the Level 1 and the Trigger Interface Board constitute the core of this thesis, as they have been the two systems designed by the author of the thesis. For this reason, a large amount of technical information about these systems has been included. There are important future development lines regarding both the camera trigger (implementation in ASICS) and the stereo trigger (topological trigger), which will produce interesting improvements for the current designs during the following years, being useful for all the scientific community participating in CTA.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la implementación de un sistema capaz de analizar el movimiento corporal a partir de unos puntos cinemáticos. Estos puntos cinemáticos se obtienen con un programa previo y se captan con la cámara kinect. Para ello el primer paso es realizar un estudio sobre las técnicas y conocimientos existentes relacionados con el movimiento de las personas. Se sabe que Rudolph Laban fue uno de sus mayores exponentes y gracias a sus observaciones se establece una relación entre la personalidad, el estado anímico y la forma de moverse de un individuo. Laban acuñó el término esfuerzo, que hace referencia al modo en que se administra la energía que genera el movimiento y de qué manera se modula en las secuencias, es una manera de describir la intención de las expresiones internas. El esfuerzo se divide en 4 categorías: peso, espacio, tiempo y flujo, y cada una de estas categorías tiene una polaridad denominada elemento de esfuerzo. Con estos 8 elementos de esfuerzo un movimiento queda caracterizado. Para poder cuantificar los citados elementos de esfuerzo se buscan movimientos que representen a alguno de ellos. Los movimientos se graban con la cámara kinect y se guardan sus valores en un archivo csv. Para el procesado de estos datos se establece que el sistema más adecuado es una red neuronal debido a su flexibilidad y capacidad a la hora de procesar entradas no lineales. Para la implementación de la misma se requiere un amplio estudio que incluye: topologías, funciones de activación, tipos de aprendizaje, algoritmos de entrenamiento entre otros. Se decide que la red tenga dos capas ocultas, para mejor procesado de los datos, que sea estática, siga un proceso de cálculo hacia delante (Feedforward) y el algoritmo por el que se rija su aprendizaje sea el de retropropagación (Backpropagation) En una red estática las entradas han de ser valores fijos, es decir, no pueden variar en el tiempo por lo que habrá que implementar un programa intermedio que haga una media aritmética de los valores. Una segunda prueba con la misma red trata de comprobar si sería capaz de reconocer movimientos que estuvieran caracterizados por más de un elemento de esfuerzo. Para ello se vuelven a grabar los movimientos, esta vez en parejas de dos, y el resto del proceso es igual. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is the implementation of a system able to analyze body movement from cinematic data. This cinematic data was obtained with a previous program. The first step is carrying out a study about the techniques and knowledge existing nowadays related to people movement. It is known that Rudolf Laban was one the greatest exponents of this field and thanks to his observations a relation between personality, mood and the way the person moves was made. Laban coined the term effort, that refers to the way energy generated from a movement is managed and how it is modulated in the sequence, this is a method of describing the inner intention of the person. The effort is divided into 4 categories: weight, space, time and flow, and each of these categories have 2 polarities named elements of effort. These 8 elements typify a movement. We look for movements that are made of these elements so we can quantify them. The movements are recorded with the kinect camera and saved in a csv file. In order to process this data a neural network is chosen owe to its flexibility and capability of processing non-linear inputs. For its implementation it is required a wide study regarding: topology, activation functions, different types of learning methods and training algorithms among others. The neural network for this project will have 2 hidden layers, it will be static and follow a feedforward process ruled by backpropagation. In a static net the inputs must be fixed, this means they cannot vary in time, so we will have to implement an intermediate program to calculate the average of our data. A second test for our net will be checking its ability to recognize more than one effort element in just one movement. In order to do this all the movements are recorded again but this time in pairs, the rest of the process remains the same.
In this paper some aspects of the use of non-reflecting boundaries in dynamic problems, analyzed in time domain, are considered. Current trends for treating the above mentioned problems are summarized with a particular emphasis on the use of numerical techniques, such as Boundary Element Method (BEM) or mixed and hybrid formulations, Finite Element Method (FEM) plus BEM. As an alternative to these methods, an easy time domain boundary condition, obtained from the well known consistent transmitting boundary developed by Waas for frequency domain analysis, can be applied to represent the reactions of the unbounded soil on the interest zone. The behaviour of this proposed boundary condition is studied when waves of different frequency to the one used for its obtention are acting on the physical edge of the model. As an application example,an analysis is made of the soil-structure interaction of a rigid strip foundation on a horizontal non-linear elastic layer on bed rock. The results obtained suggest the need of time domain solutions for this type of problem
Plaza Navona representa una de las visitas obligadas de Roma, pero solo algunos advertirán en ella la presencia española en la sala de exposiciones del Instituto Cervantes o en la inmediata Libreria Española. Todavía serán menos los que se percatarán de la huella española dejada en aquella iglesia de fachada anónima situada, en el extremo sur de la plaza: la antigua iglesia de Santiago de los Españoles. La presente tesis pretende, utilizando el dibujo como guía, herramienta y fin del proceso de análisis y estudio, reconstruir el proceso de conformación y construcción de la que fue iglesia española principal, cuya fundación hace patente el destacado papel jugado por la “nación” castellana en Roma durante la Edad Media; y en torno a la que se aglutinaron las actividades religiosas, diplomáticas y financieras de los castellanos que vivieron en la actual capital italiana. Se intentará recrear en el tiempo la que es hoy la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón, sometiéndola a una restitución gráfica disciplinada, homogénea y objetiva en la medida de lo posible de las varias etapas que la han caracterizadas, desde su fundación hasta cuando en 1878 España se deshizo de ella, ya en ruina, vendiéndola. Como nos comenta Gaetano Moroni, de todas las comunidades nacionales que se encontraban en Roma la española parece ser efectivamente una de las más rica y prestigiosa. Aunque lo que no cuenta Moroni no haya sido todavía demostrado, dicho enunciado resulta de todas formas interesante puesto que pone el acento sobre el hecho de que ya desde el siglo X parece ser habitual de ocupar y reutilizar antiguas ruinas, usándolas como base para la construcción de hospitales para los peregrinos. Esta operación se hizo particularmente frecuente sobre todo antes del Gran Jubileo de 1450: de hecho desde la primera mitad del Quattrocento se fundan distintas iglesias y hospitales nacionales para acoger y prestar una adecuada asistencia y socorro a los innumerables peregrinos que llegaban a la ciudad, edificios que se van construyendo sobre los restos de antiguos edificios de época romana. Prueba de ello es en efecto la fundación originaria de la iglesia y hospital de los Españoles que, parte del conjunto de edificios que compone la Plaza Navona, situada en el corazón de Campo Marzio y cuya posición y forma corresponden a la del antiguo Estadio de Domiciano, y que ahora es en sus dimensiones, en su imagen arquitectónica y en su consistencia material, el resultado de la definición proyectual y de las transformaciones que se llevaron a cabo sobre lo que quedaba del antiguo templo español del siglo XV, entre finales del ‘800 y los años 30 del siglo XX . Transformaciones devastadoras, huellas grabadas o canceladas que encuentran una justificación en los acontecimientos históricos reflejados en el patrimonio urbano. El análisis de todas las fuentes permite trazar, si no la totalidad, buena parte de las modificaciones que la antigua iglesia de Santiago ha sufrido. La construcción del templo se puede dividir en tres momentos decisivos: una primera etapa de fundación en 1450-1478 en la que la iglesia tenía fachada y entrada en via de la Sapienza, hoy Corso Rinascimento; una segunda de significativa ampliación hacia Plaza Navona con una nueva fachada monumental hacia ese espacio público en 1496-1500; y una última importante ampliación entre 1525-1526, llevada a cabo por el arquitecto Antonio da Sangallo el Joven. Tras la intensa vida del templo, en el siglo XVIII, éste cae en ruina y finalmente es vendido en 1878 a la orden de los misioneros franceses de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón que la reconvierten en iglesia reformando totalmente el conjunto en 1881, según proyecto de Luca Carimini. En 1936, en plena fase de rectificación de trazados urbanos por obra del régimen fascista, según proyecto de Arnaldo Foschini, se mutila su extremidad hacia vía de la Sapienza dejando su estado tal y como se contempla en la actualidad. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the reconstruction of the design and edification process -using drawings and sketches as a guide, tool and the end of the analytical process- of a church which was once the preeminent Spanish church in medieval Rome, known today as Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart). The founding of this church illustrates the important role held by the Castillian “nation” in Rome during the Middle Ages. It was the focal point of all the religious, diplomatic and economic activities of the Castillian community residing in today’s Italian capital. The aim of this proyect is a recreation the church in time by submitting it to a disciplined, homogenous and objective graphic restitution of the various stages most characteristic the temple, starting from its foundation until 1878 when, in a state of ruins, the church was finally sold off by Spain. Gaetano Moroni once commented that of all the international communities found in Rome, the Spanish community seemed to be one of the wealthiest and most prestigious. Such a statement proves interesting as it emphasizes that starting in the 10th century we see there was a widespread custom of occupying and reusing old ruins for use as the bases of new constructions of hospitals for pilgrims. This custom became especially frequent just before the Jubilee Year of 1450: in fact, in the first half of the Quattrocento we see the founding of many different national churches and hospitals which provided shelter and care to the countless pilgrims arriving in the city, buildings which were constructed on top of the ruins of ancient buildings left over from Roman times. Proof of this is the original foundation of the Spanish church and hospital forming part of the Piazza Navona, built upon and following the outline of the Stadium of Domitian, in the heart of Campo Marzio. Now, in its dimensions, its architectural image and its material substance, it represents the predominant result of the planning definitions and the transformations which affected the old 15th-century Spanish temple. Ocurring between the end of the 19th century and the 1930s, the transformations were devastating, erasing original peculiarities and engraving new ones, transformations made justifiable by the historical events reflected in its urban environs. Analyzing all sources allows us to trace, even if not in entirety, still a sizeable portion of the modifications undergone by the old Church of Saint James. The construction of the temple can be divided into three decisive moments: its foundation, from 1450 to 1478, when the church’s façade and main door looked out on to the Via della Sapienza, today’s central avenue of Corso del Rinascimento; the second stage being a major expansion towards the Piazza Navona (1496-1500) with a new, monumental façade facing the public space; and the third was the last significant expansion, carried out from 1525 to 1526 by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. Despite an intense and bustling life during the Modern Age, in the 18th century the church began to fall into ruin and was finally sold in 1878 to the order of French missionaries of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who reconverted it into a church and completely renovated the structure in 1881 in a project supervised by Luca Carimini. In 1936, the corrective urban redesign of Rome carried out by the fascist regime and implemented by Arnaldo Foschini mutilated the part bordering Via della Sapienza, leaving it as we see it today.
A gene expression atlas is an essential resource to quantify and understand the multiscale processes of embryogenesis in time and space. The automated reconstruction of a prototypic 4D atlas for vertebrate early embryos, using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with nuclear counterstain, requires dedicated computational strategies. To this goal, we designed an original methodological framework implemented in a software tool called Match-IT. With only minimal human supervision, our system is able to gather gene expression patterns observed in different analyzed embryos with phenotypic variability and map them onto a series of common 3D templates over time, creating a 4D atlas. This framework was used to construct an atlas composed of 6 gene expression templates from a cohort of zebrafish early embryos spanning 6 developmental stages from 4 to 6.3 hpf (hours post fertilization). They included 53 specimens, 181,415 detected cell nuclei and the segmentation of 98 gene expression patterns observed in 3D for 9 different genes. In addition, an interactive visualization software, Atlas-IT, was developed to inspect, supervise and analyze the atlas. Match-IT and Atlas-IT, including user manuals, representative datasets and video tutorials, are publicly and freely available online. We also propose computational methods and tools for the quantitative assessment of the gene expression templates at the cellular scale, with the identification, visualization and analysis of coexpression patterns, synexpression groups and their dynamics through developmental stages.