59 resultados para Juan Francisco Regis Santo


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Se ha desarrollado una herramienta informática con el fin de simular la observación de redes de control dimensional, bien por técnicas clásicas o GNSS. El objetivo de dicha simulación es conocer, a priori, la precisión arrojada por una red en función de su geometría, de las características del instrumental empleado y la metodología de observación llevada a cabo. De este modo se pretende, basándose en estos datos, poder actuar convenientemente para optimizar en la mayor medida posible su diseño.


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The need of the Bourbon monarchy to build a Naval Base in the Bay of Cartagena (Spain) during the eighteenth century, implied performing various actions on the environment which allowed the construction of the new dock. One of the priority actions was the transformation of the watershed of the streams that flowed into Mandaraches´s sea. For this reason, a dike was designed and constructed in the northern part of the city. The design of this great work, which was designed as a fortification of the city, was subject to considerable uncertainties. Its proximity to the city involved the demolition of several buildings in the San Roque´s neighborhood. The greater or lesser number of affected buildings and the value of the just indemnification for the expropriation of them, become decisive factors to determine if the work was viable for the Royal Estate or not.


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The discretionality and the appraisers’ subjectivity that characterize traditional real estate valuation are still allowed to take part in the formation of the asset price even when respecting international standards (EVS, IVS) or Appraisal Institution´s regulations (TEGOVA, RICS, etc.). The application of econometric and statistical methods to real estate valuation aims at the elimination of subjectivity on the appraisal process. But the unanswered question underneath this subject is the following: How important is the subjective component on real estate appraisal value formation? On this study Structural Equation Models (SEM) are used to determine the importance of the objective and subjective components on real estate valuation value formation as well as the weight of economic factors and the current economic context on real estate appraisal for mortgage purposes price formation. There were used two latent variables, Objective Component and Subjective Component, witch aggregate objective observed variables and subjective observed and unobserved variables, respectively. Factorial Exploratory Analysis is the statistical technique used in order to link the observed variables extracted from the valuation appraisal reports to the latent constructs derived from the theoretical model. SEM models were used to refine the model, eliminate non‐significant variables and to determine the weight of Objective and Subjective latent variables. These techniques were applied to a sample of over 11.000 real estate assets appraisal reports throughout the time period between November of 2006 and April of 2012. The real assets used on this study are located on Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area – “Grande Lisboa” –, Portugal. From this study, we conclude that Subjective Component has a considerable weight on real estate appraisal value formation and that the external factor Economic Situation has a very small impact on real estate appraisal value formation.


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By using the spray pyrolysis methodology in its classical configuration we have grown self-assembled MgxZn1−xO quantum dots (size [similar]4–6 nm) in the overall range of compositions 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 on c-sapphire, Si (100) and quartz substrates. Composition of the quantum dots was determined by means of transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis (TEM-EDAX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Selected area electron diffraction reveals the growth of single phase hexagonal MgxZn1−xO quantum dots with composition 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.32 by using a nominal concentration of Mg in the range 0 to 45%. Onset of Mg concentration about 50% (nominal) forces the hexagonal lattice to undergo a phase transition from hexagonal to a cubic structure which resulted in the growth of hexagonal and cubic phases of MgxZn1−xO in the intermediate range of Mg concentrations 50 to 85% (0.39 ≤ x ≤ 0.77), whereas higher nominal concentration of Mg ≥ 90% (0.81 ≤ x ≤ 1) leads to the growth of single phase cubic MgxZn1−xO quantum dots. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and fast Fourier transform confirm the results and show clearly distinguishable hexagonal and cubic crystal structures of the respective quantum dots. A difference of 0.24 eV was detected between the core levels (Zn 2p and Mg 1s) measured in quantum dots with hexagonal and cubic structures by X-ray photoemission. The shift of these core levels can be explained in the frame of the different coordination of cations in the hexagonal and cubic configurations. Finally, the optical absorption measurements performed on single phase hexagonal MgxZn1−xO QDs exhibited a clear shift in optical energy gap on increasing the Mg concentration from 0 to 40%, which is explained as an effect of substitution of Zn2+ by Mg2+ in the ZnO lattice.


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Con el fin de establecer una cartografía europea unificada, se hace indispensable la conversión de las coordenadas de los Marcos de los Sistemas Geodésicos Nacionales al Marco ETRF89, lo cual sólo es posible a través de la determinación de transformaciones y superficies de ajuste desde uno a otro marco. Tal determinación requiere el conocimiento de ambas clases de coordenadas en un número muy elevado de estaciones uniformemente distribuidas, debiendo este número ser tanto mayor cuantas más irregularidades presente el Marco local. En el caso de la Península y Archipiélagos, el IGN decidió resolver el problema mediante el Proyecto REGENTE (Red Geodésica Nacional por Técnicas Espaciales), consistente en el establecimiento de una densa red GPS de alta precisión con estaciones coincidentes con vértices de ROI y con clavos de las líneas NAP. La densidad media quedó fijada en una estación por Hoja del MTN 1:50.000, es decir, de una estación por cada 300 km2. REGENTE quedará perfectamente enlazada con la red de referencia europea ETRF89 por medio de las redes ibéricas IBERIA95 y BALEAR98. REGENTE Canarias se apoya, como estación de referencia, en la estación GPS de Maspalomas, incluida en la red ITRF93.


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El Instituto Geográfico Nacional, por medio del Área de Geodesia, está llevando a cabo el establecimiento de una Red de Estaciones Permanentes GPS que permitan obtener coordenadas muy precisas, así como sus campos de velocidades en un Sistema de Referencia Global (ITRFxx). Dichas estaciones pertenecen a la Red de Estaciones Permanentes de EUREF (EUropean REference Frame) y constituyen el orden cero de la Geodesia Española.


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Abstract?We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma of fusion nuclear, magnetically confined in a Stellarator device. Using the geometric properties of the fusion device, a suitable system of coordinates and averaging methods, the mathematical problem may be reduced to a two dimensional free boundary problem of nonlocal type, where the corresponding differential equation is of the Grad?Shafranov type. The current balance within each flux magnetic gives us the possibility to define the third covariant magnetic field component with respect to the averaged poloidal flux function. We present here some numerical experiences and we give some numerical approach for the averaged poloidal flux and for the third covariant magnetic field component.


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The underground cellars of the Duero River basin are part of spread and damaged agricultural landscape which is in danger of disappearing. These architectural complexes are allocated next to small towns. Constructions are mostly dug in the ground with a gallery down or "barrel" strait through which you access the cave or cellar. This wider space is used to make and store wine. Observation and detection of the winery both on the outside and underground is essential to make an inventory of the rural heritage. Geodetection is a non-invasive technique, suitable to determinate with precision buried structures in the ground. The undertaken works include LIDAR survey techniques, GNSS and GPR obtained data. The results are used to identify with centimetric precision construction elements forming the winery. Graphic and cartographic obtained documents allow optimum visualization of the studied field and can be used in the reconstruction of the place.


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Este proyecto pretende ofrecer una visión general de una de las tecnologías más actuales de recuperación de gas en formaciones no convencionales: fracturación hidráulica o “fracking”. El proyecto está motivado por la necesidad de responder a diferentes cuestiones sobre los efectos ambientales, sociales y en la salud humana derivados de la utilización de esa tecnología. Ofrece, además, una descripción del proceso y utilización de la tecnología haciendo especial mención de los riesgos inherentes de su uso, aunque también se intenta establecer una vía de aceptación para su desarrollo cuyo fin último, a parte de los beneficios económicos de quienes la usan, es el de posibilitar la transición hacia el uso de unos recursos (energías fósiles de extracción no convencional) que requieren de dichas técnicas para mantener, a lo largo del tiempo, el suministro de una energía que se supone más respetuosa con el medio ambiente: el gas natural. En primer lugar se expone, a modo introductorio, la necesidad de utilización de nuevas técnicas de estimulación de pozos y su utilización para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas mundiales en los próximos años. A continuación se hace una revisión del marco regulatorio aplicable al gas no convencional. Seguidamente, se hace una descripción de los recursos y fuentes no convencionales de gas y la descripción del proceso de fracturación hidráulica. Se analizan los incidentes relacionados con su desarrollo y las posibilidades y mecanismos que pueden adoptarse para reducirlos. Finalmente, se proponen vías alternativas basadas en las mejores técnicas aplicables al uso de la tecnología, cuya finalidad sea la mayor consideración ambiental posible y el menor riesgo posible en la salud de las personas. ABSTRACT This project aims to provide an overview of the latest technologies in gas recovery unconventional formations: hydraulic fracturing or "fracking". The project is motivated by the need to respond to various questions on the environmental, social and human health arising from the use of this technology. It also offers a description of the process and use of technology with special mention of the inherent risks of their use, but also tries to establish a path of acceptance for development whose ultimate goal, apart from the economic benefits of those who use is of enabling the transition to the use of certain resources (fossil energy extraction unconventional) which require such techniques to maintain, over time, of an energy supply which is more environmentally friendly: natural gas. First discussed the need to use new well stimulation techniques and their use to meet the world's energy needs in the coming years. Below is a review of the regulatory framework applicable to unconventional gas. Next, there is a description of resources and unconventional sources of gas, and the description of the process of hydraulic fracturing. We analyze the incidents related to its development and the possibilities and mechanisms that can be taken to reduce them. Finally, we suggest alternative routes based on the best techniques applicable to the use of technology, aiming at the highest possible environmental consideration and the least possible risk to the health of people.


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The underground cellars that appear in different parts of Spain are part of an agricultural landscape dispersed, sometimes damaged, others at risk of disappearing. This paper studies the measurement and display of a group of wineries located in Atauta (Soria), in the Duero River corridor. It is a unique architectural complex, facing rising, built on a smooth hillock as shown in Fig. 1. These constructions are excavated in the ground. The access to the cave or underground cellar has a shape of a narrow tube or down gallery. Immediately after, this space gets wider. There, wine is produced and stored [1]. Observation and detection of the underground cellar, both on the outside and underground, it is essential to make an inventory of the rural patrimony [2]. The geodetection is a noninvasive technique, adequate to accurately locate buried structures in the ground. Works undertaken include topographic work with the LIDAR techniques and integration with data obtained by GNSS and GPR.


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RESUMEN: La realización de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles ha adquirido un gran auge en los últimos años. En España se han abordado proyectos de estas características, no existiendo para su ejecución una metodología completa y contrastada de actuación. Las características geométricas, de observación y de trabajo en túneles hace que las metodologías que se aplican en otros proyectos de ingeniería no sean aplicables por las siguientes causas: separación de las redes exteriores e interiores de los túneles debido a la diferente naturaleza de los observables, geometría en el interior siempre desfavorable a los requerimientos de observación clásica, mala visibilidad dentro del túnel, aumento de errores conforme avanza la perforación, y movimientos propios del túnel durante su ejecución por la propia geodinámica activa. Los patrones de observación geodésica usados deben revisarse cuando se ejecutan túneles de gran longitud. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes exteriores. ABSTRACT: The realization of long railway tunnels has acquired a great interest in recent years. In Spain it is necessary to address projects of this nature, but ther is no corresponding methodological framework supporting them. The tunnel observational and working geometrical properties, make that former methodologies used may be unuseful in this case: the observation of the exterior and interior geodetical networks of the tunnel is different in nature. Conditions of visibility in the interior of the tunnels, regardless of the geometry, are not the most advantageous for observation due to the production system and the natural conditions of the tunnels. Errors increase as the drilling of the tunnel progresses, as it becomes problematical to perform continuous verifications along the itinerary itself. Moreover, inherent tunnel movements due to active geodynamics must also be considered. Therefore patterns for geodetic and topographic observations have to be reviewed when very long tunnels are constructed.


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This paper reports on design studies concerning a moderator concept which aims to maximize the time averaged flux. The idea is to provide neutron spectra showing two clear maxima, with peaks at View the MathML source and View the MathML source arising from leakage from both cryogenic and thermal moderators. Such a concept known as a bi-spectral moderator (Mezei, 2006 [1]) while proven on a reactor source has only been examined for the ESS 2003 proposal. Filges et al. (2003 [2]), which featured a different design than the current ESS. This paper thus reports on a baseline design for such a moderator concept and shows that it can provide substantial gains in count rates for those applications not requiring high resolution in time-of-flight.


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The ESS-Bilbao facility, hosted by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), envisages the operation of a high-current proton accelerator delivering beams with energies up to 50 MeV. The time-averaged proton current will be 2.25 mA, delivered by 1.5 ms proton pulses with a repetition rate of 20 Hz. This beam will feed a neutron source based upon the Be (p,n) reaction, which will enable the provision of relevant neutron experimentation capabilities. The neutron source baseline concept consists in a rotating beryllium target cooled by water. The target structure will comprise a rotatable disk made of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy holding 20 beryllium plates. Heat dissipation from the target relies upon a distribution of coolant-flow channels. The practical implementation of such a concept is here described with emphasis put on the beryllium plates thermo-mechanical optimization, the chosen coolant distribution system as well as the mechanical behavior of the assembly.


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The European Spallation Source-Bilbao (ESS-Bilbao) project plans to build an accelerator facility compliant with the ESS-AB requirements which will be able to drive several experimental stations for research purposes involving intense proton beams with currents up to 75 mA, 50 MeV of final energy, 1.5 ms of pulse length and up to 50 Hz repetition rate. The accelerator will also drive a compact neutron source which will provide useful neutron beams to carry out experiments on moderator optimization, neutron optics devices and general neutron instrumentation as well as preparation work for experiments to be carried out by neutron beam users at the large facilities.


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El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en verificar si existen métodos de ajuste que nos permitan corregir observaciones que llevan introducidas un cierto error grosero. Este error puede ser cometido por el operador al realizar la toma de datos. Cuando se realiza el ajuste por el método clásico de una serie de observaciones que componen una red y éstas llevan incluidas un error grosero, el resultado del ajuste es totalmente inválido, ya que este método tiende a repartir los errores cometidos entre todas las observaciones dando como resultado residuos muy elevados. Normalmente, ante este tipo de casos, el usuario responde invalidando las observaciones con mayor residuo y procediendo a realizar el ajuste sin contar con las observaciones que se anularon. Para llevar a cabo este proceso, debe haber redundancia en la toma de datos, ya que si no se dispusiera de la misma, no podrían eliminarse observaciones. Nuestro objetivo real es llevar a cabo un estudio en el que demostrar que el método de ajuste por técnicas de estimación robusta tiene una capacidad infinitamente superior a los mínimos cuadrados en la detección de errores groseros en observaciones, permitiendo de esta forma al usuario corregir dicho error e incluir esa observación en el ajuste. Este método de ajuste (estimación robusta) comenzó a emplearse en el campo de la fotogrametría. Es por ello que nuestra investigación irá encaminada al empleo de los estimadores robustos en aplicaciones topográficas en las que todavía no han sido utilizados. Se decidió iniciar este estudio porque era un proyecto innovador que nunca había sido realizado y las conclusiones del mismo han sido muy favorables, como se puede comprobar más adelante.