19 resultados para Habitação social - Social housing


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The urban microclimate plays an important role in building energy consumption and thermal comfort in outdoor spaces. Nowadays, cities need to increase energy efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and mitigate the evident lack of sustainability. In light of this, attention has focused on the bioclimatic concepts use in the urban development. However, the speculative unsustainability of the growth model highlights the need to redirect the construction sector towards urban renovation using a bioclimatic approach. The public space plays a key role in improving the quality of today’s cities, especially in terms of providing places for citizens to meet and socialize in adequate thermal conditions. Thermal comfort affects perception of the environment, so microclimate conditions can be decisive for the success or failure of outdoor urban spaces and the activities held in them. For these reasons, the main focus of this work is on the definition of bioclimatic strategies for existing urban spaces, based on morpho-typological components, urban microclimate conditions and comfort requirements for all kinds of citizens. Two case studies were selected in Madrid, in a social housing neighbourhood constructed in the 1970s based on Rational Architecture style. Several renovation scenarios were performed using a computer simulation process based in ENVI-met and diverse microclimate conditions were compared. In addition, thermal comfort evaluation was carried out using the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in order to investigate the relationship between microclimate conditions and thermal comfort perception. This paper introduces the microclimate computer simulation process as a valuable support for decision-making for neighbourhood renovation projects in order to provide new and better solutions according to the thermal quality of public spaces and reducing energy consumption by creating and selecting better microclimate areas.


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From the very first steps to execute a building, it is essential to analyze its life cycle. Similarly, we should consider the life cycle when projecting an urban intervention. Professionals of the Facility Management take part in construction projects, developing and managing DBFMO projects (Design, Build, Finance, Maintenance & Operate). Whatever the nature of the promoter is – private or public – promoters are leaders in projects of responsible management of spaces, whether these are work spaces, leisure spaces or residential spaces. They know and identify with the company and its performance, its values and its needs. These professionals give sustainable solutions in the life cycle of buildings (offices and housing), new ways to work and initiatives of innovations linked to current social changes: technology, social networks, and new habits. Concepts where innovation is essential should consider responsible values. Social, economic and sustainable aspects have to associate with the management performed by a Facilities Manager when considering the three groups of stakeholders with which it is linked: economic (shareholders), contractual (users), non-contractual (neighborhoods, organizations, etc.). Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, at the beginning of his book "The Ten Books on Architecture" describes and argues how the distribution in buildings must always adapt to their inhabitants. Let us build cities and buildings with responsible criteria, bearing in mind all its users and the needs of each one of them. Not to mention the need to adapt to future requirements with minimum cost and maximum profitability. These needs, under responsible management, are competencies developed by a Facilities Manager in his day to day. He cares and takes over the entire life cycle of buildings and their surroundings. This work is part of the PhD project whose main aim is to study the added value to the architectural profession when social responsibility criteria are applied in his/her role as Facility Manager.


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La tesis aborda el estudio de la casa patio y su relación con todas las escalas del proyecto, dentro del ámbito de la vivienda colectiva desarrollada en Madrid desde el comienzo de la década de los cincuenta hasta principio de los sesenta. Se investiga su vínculo con la ciudad a partir de la configuración de la trama y los espacios públicos, la organización de la casa en torno a un vacío y las relaciones espaciales entre el patio exterior y las estancias interiores. Mediante el análisis de los diferentes ejemplos existentes de casas con patio en el contexto señalado, se realiza la selección de los casos de estudio de esta investigación. Los proyectos analizados se organizan a partir del trabajo desarrollado por los arquitectos Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza y Antonio Vázquez de Castro, liderando equipos más amplios y como representantes de la construcción definitiva de un verdadero lenguaje moderno en la arquitectura española. Cada uno de los proyectos, estructurados en dos apartados para cada uno de los autores, muestran de forma particular, la evolución de las herramientas arquitectónicas empleadas, a partir de la casa patio, en las distintas escalas de trabajo. En los proyectos de Oíza, se analiza en primer lugar la definición de un modelo mínimo y racional de vivienda con patio en el poblado de absorción de Fuencarral “A” (1956) y con el prototipo del concurso de vivienda experimental (1956). A continuación se estudia, en el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías (1956), la construcción de la ciudad horizontal a partir del patio como elemento estructurante de las tramas urbanas. Las obras de Vázquez de Castro muestran inicialmente la incorporación del patio como una estancia privada más de la casa con la definición de un modelo tipológico en “L” en el Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finalmente, se analiza el desarrollo de nuevas y complejas estructuras urbanas en forma de tapiz en el proyecto de la Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). Los ejemplos, antes descritos, protagonizan un proceso delimitado desde la importación y adaptación de los modelos de vivienda europeos producidos en el periodo de entreguerras, con un significativo retraso; hasta la apuesta por sistemas complejos como el “mat-building”, en diálogo directo, con los proyectos de las nuevas corrientes arquitectónicas internacionales de principios de los sesenta. El estudio y análisis de los ejemplos se realiza mediante la disección pormenorizada de cada uno de ellos, en los sistemas arquitectónicos que establecen la relación del patio con las tres escalas objeto de estudio: la ciudad, la casa y la estancia. Para ello se realiza una reconstrucción de los proyectos mediante la elaboración de una nueva documentación gráfica a partir de los planos y fotografías originales. Finalmente, a partir de los temas arquitectónicos más significativos extraídos del análisis de los casos de estudio y organizados en función de las distintas escalas de proyecto, se realiza una comparación transversal, a modo de conclusiones, respecto a otros ejemplos de similares características del panorama internacional de casas con patio. De esta forma se produce una síntesis sobre los distintos mecanismos que sirvieron para construir, a partir de la tradición del patio en la casa, la vivienda moderna. ABSTRACT The thesis deals the study of the house with courtyard and its relation with all the scales of the project inside the ambience of the collective housing developed in Madrid from the beginning of the fifties up to beginning of the sixties. This document investigates its link with the city from the configuration of the weave and the public spaces, the organization of the house around a void and the spatial relations between the exterior courtyard and the interior spaces. The selection of the case studies of this research is made Through the analysis of the different existing examples of courtyard houses in this defined context. The analyzed projects are organized from the work developed by the architects Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza and Antonio Vázquez de Castro, leading wider teams and as representatives of the definitive construction of a real modern language in the Spanish architecture. Each of the projects, structured in two sections to each one of the authors, show in a particular way, the evolution of the architectural tools employed, from the house with courtyard, at different scales of work. In the projects of Oiza, it´s analyced the definition of a minimum and rational model of a house with courtyard in the absorption village of Fuencarral “A” (1956) and with the experimental housing contest prototype (1956). Next, in “el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías” (1956), the construction of the horinzontal city with the courtyard as a structuring element of the urban weave will be studied. The works of Vázquez de Castro initially show the incorporation of the courtyard as another private area of the house with the typological model definition as an “L” in El Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finally, the thesis analyzes the development of new and complex urban structures with a mat-building shape in the project of Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). The examples described above, starring a process delimited from the import and the adaptation of european housing models produced in the interwar period, with a significant delay; until the opt for complex systems such as the “mat-building”, in direct dialog, with the projects of the new architectural international flows of the beginning of the sixties. The study and analysis of the examples is made by the dissection of them, in the architectural systems that establish the relation of the courtyard with the three scales of the study: the city, the house and the stay. To reach this objetive this document reconstructs the projects making a new graphic documentation from the original maps and photos. Finally, from the most important architectural issues drawn from the analysis of the case studies and organised by the different scales of project, as conclussions, a cross comparison of similar examples of houses with courtyard around the world is made. This produces a synthesis about the different mechanisms that served to build, from the tradition of the courtyard in the house, the modern housing.


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La simple lectura de periódicos en la prensa o en Internet, o lo ver o oír de los noticieros en las emisoras de radio o televisión, fornecen subsidios ya suficientes para la percepción de la amplitud de la cuestión de la vivienda social en todo el mundo. Esto trabajo, que ahora se presenta, es el resultado de una investigación científica desarrollada de modo a subsidiar una Tesis de Doctorado a ser presentada en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. En la investigación científica, se pretendió sistematizar lecturas y datos sobre la cuestión habitar en todo el mundo, y sobre todo en Brasil, donde se tuvo como foco principal, las poblaciones inseridas en las fajas de renta inferiores a €300 mensuales, ubicadas en nordeste de Brasil. Basándose en todo eso trabajo de investigación científica, que tanto se preocupó con los aspectos ergonómicos, sociales, conceptuales, proyéctales, ambientales, arquitectónicos y urbanísticos, como también con los estadísticos, tecnológicos, infraestructurales, económicos y comerciales, se propugnó una metodología para la implantación urbana de asentamientos planeados de viviendas sociales y la producción en serie de unidades residenciales unifamiliares. La cuestión urbana fue la primera preocupación del científico, tanto en lo que se refiere al planeamiento estratégico de ciudades, como los temas que envuelven la espontaneidad, intencionalidad, territorialidad y centralidades de las ocupaciones humanas en la modernidad y postmodernidad. Proyectos de edificios y de conjuntos de viviendas, así como planes urbanos, fueron utilizados como estudios de casos de modo a basar los análisis presentados en esa tesis. La definición de diseños para la vivienda social, tuvo como premisas, la mejor adecuación posible a las características bioclimáticas de los diversos sitios elegidos y atender a las necesidades presentadas por los futuros usuarios de los objetos arquitectónicos construidos. Los partidos arquitectónicos adoptados intentaron ser coherentes con los valores antropológicos y culturales de las poblaciones atendidas con los bienes producidos, y se ajustaren a las capacidades de comprometimiento financiero de las diversas comunidades atendidas con las edificaciones. Pretendió aún, esa tesis de doctorado, hacer una correlación entre las políticas oficiales apuntadas para la vivienda social existentes en Brasil y las encontradas en los países desarrollados; así como los antecedentes históricos de las singulares problemáticas habitacionales, que tuvieron como cumbre la producción de estrategias gerenciales propias. Se aprovecho, también, mucho de la experiencia norteamericana y europea de industrialización, para ser empleada en la producción en serie de unidades habitacionales en nordeste de Brasil, de modo a que esa tecnología de construcción tanto pueda ser operada por un sistema fabril formal, cuanto por procesos de autogestión y autoconstrucción, actualmente adoptados en amplia escala en Brasil. ABSTRACT The simple reading of nowadays newspapers or the facts presented at Internet, or that can been seen on television or heard on a radio, gives the audience enough arguments to support the right perception of the magnitude of housing problem around the world. This paper is the result of a scientific investigation developed to support a Doctoral Thesis, which will be presented in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This research aimed at presenting a methodology for serial production of housing designed for planned areas and their integration to urban space. Information that refers to housing problem around the world, including Brazil, was systematized. We selected as target people that live in the Northeast Region of the country and perceive less than €300 per month as a salary. We analyzed data regarding ergonomic, social, conceptual, environmental and architectural aspects, as well as project and urban information; and also considering statistical, technological, infrastructural, economical and commercial issues. Urban request was the first aspect analyzed. City strategic plan and themes involving aspects such as spontaneity, intentionality, territory and centrality of human occupations in modern and postmodern time were deeply considered. This thesis is also referenced on well known building projects and cities planning. The most adequate constructions considering local weather and poor people architectural necessities programs were pointed out before defining the projects’ sketches. The coherence between plans and anthropologic-cultural values, and also the perfect match to future owners’ financial capacities were also objectives of this work. This study also intended to compare Brazilian’s policies to the ones found in developed countries; and discusses historical facts involved with housing problem, which resulted with management strategies and policies. Some aspects of North American and European industrial experiences were applied to develop serial production of Northeast Brazilian housing. The technology obtained with this methodology intends to be applied in industrial production and also in self-management or self-production procedures, largely used in Brazil.