21 resultados para Global Value Chain


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El mercado de los semiconductores está saturado de productos similares y de distribuidores con una propuesta de servicios similar. Los procesos de Co-Creación en los que el cliente colabora en la definición y desarrollo del producto y proporciona información sobre su utilidad, prestaciones y valor percibido, con el resultado de un producto que soluciona sus necesidades reales, se están convirtiendo en un paso adelante en la diferenciación y expansión de la cadena de valor. El proceso de diseño y fabricación de semiconductores es bastante complejo, requiere inversiones cada vez mayores y demanda soluciones completas. Se requiere un ecosistema que soporte el desarrollo de los equipos electrónicos basados en dichos semiconductores. La facilidad para el diálogo y compartir información que proporciona internet, las herramientas basadas en web 2.0 y los servicios y aplicaciones en la nube; favorecen la generación de ideas, el desarrollo y evaluación de productos y posibilita la interacción entre diversos co-creadores. Para iniciar un proceso de co-creación se requiere métodos y herramientas adecuados para interactuar con los participantes e intercambiar experiencias, procesos para integrar la co-creación dentro de la operativa de la empresa, y desarrollar una organización y cultura que soporten y fomenten dicho proceso. Entre los métodos más efectivos están la Netnografía que estudia las conversaciones de las comunidades en internet; colaboración con usuarios pioneros que van por delante del Mercado y esperan un gran beneficio de la satisfacción de sus necesidades o deseos; los estudios de innovación que permiten al usuario definir y a menudo crear su propia solución y la externalización a la multitud, que mediante una convocatoria abierta plantea a la comunidad retos a resolver a cambio de algún tipo de recompensa. La especialización de empresas subcontratistas en el desarrollo y fabricación de semiconductores; facilita la innovación abierta colaborando con diversas entidades en las diversas fases del desarrollo del semiconductor y su ecosistema. La co-creación se emplea actualmente en el sector de los semiconductores para detectar ideas de diseños y aplicaciones, a menudo mediante concursos de innovación. El servicio de soporte técnico y la evaluación de los semiconductores con frecuencia es fruto de la colaboración entre los miembros de la comunidad fomentada y soportada por los fabricantes del producto. Con el programa EBVchips se posibilita el acceso a empresas pequeñas y medianas a la co-creación de semiconductores con los fabricantes en un proceso coordinado y patrocinado por el distribuidor EBV. Los semiconductores configurables como las FPGAs constituyen otro ejemplo de co-creación mediante el cual el fabricante proporciona el circuito integrado y el entorno de desarrollo y los clientes crean el producto final definiendo sus características y funcionalidades. Este proceso se enriquece con bloques funcionales de diseño, IP-cores, que a menudo son creados por la comunidad de usuarios. ABSTRACT. The semiconductor market is saturated of similar products and distributors with a similar proposal for services. The processes of co-creation in which the customer collaborates in the definition and development of the product and provides information about its utility, performance and perceived value, resulting in a product that solves their real needs, are becoming a step forward in the differentiation and expansion of the value chain. The design and semiconductor manufacturing process is quite complex, requires increasingly higher investments and demands complete solutions. It requires an ecosystem that supports the development of electronic equipments based on such semiconductors. The ease of dialogue and sharing information that provides internet, web 2.0-based tools and services and applications in the cloud; favor the generation of ideas, the development and evaluation of products and allows the interaction between various co-creators. To start a process of co-creation adequate methods and tools are required to interact with the participants and exchange experiences, processes to integrate the co-creation within the operations of the company, and developing an organization and culture that support and promote such process. Among the most effective methods are the Netnography that studies the conversations of the communities on the internet; collaboration with Lead Users who are ahead of the market and expect a great benefit from the satisfaction of their needs or desires; Innovation studies that allow the user to define and often create their own solution and Crowdsourcing, an open call to the community to solve challenges in exchange for some kind of reward. The specialization of subcontractors in the development and manufacture of semiconductors; facilitates open innovation in the context of collaboration with different entities working in the different phases of the development of the semiconductor and its ecosystem. Co-creation is used currently in the semiconductor sector to detect ideas of designs and applications, often through innovation’s contests. Technical support and evaluation of semiconductors frequently is the result of collaboration between members of the community fostered and supported by the manufacturers of the product. The EBVchips program provides access to small and medium-sized companies to the co-creation of semiconductors with manufacturers in a process coordinated and sponsored by the Distributor EBV. Configurable semiconductors like FPGAs are another example of co-creation whereby the manufacturer provides the integrated circuit and the development environment and customers create the final product by defining their features and functionality. This process is enriched with IP-cores, designs blocks that are often created by the user community.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies have a strong link with human resources policies. Not only because employees are one of the main stakeholders and because leaders’ style is directly related to the deployment of the strategy, but also, and with a growing importance, because a company culture aligned with CSR values could be a key competitive factor. The relationships among CSR values, employees’ commitment and productivity is one of the research lines of the GIOS (Grupo de Investigación de Organizaciones Sostenibles, Sustainable Organizations Research Group). Employees’ commitment management is one of the main challenges managers face, particularly in companies with a high proportion of knowledge workers. Many pieces of research indicate the direct relationship between employees’ commitment and company success. In this paper the results of a case study in REE (Red Eléctrica de España) identify some key variables to demonstrate that relationship. Based on commitment construct with the duality of emotional and rational commitment, and on the REE employee satisfaction survey, a direct relationship with organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) variables appears. These OCB variables are an intermediate step with CSR values.From the results analysis of this survey a direct linear relationship can be seen between commitment and organizational citizenship behaviours. The relationships among emotional and rational commitment and OCB are examined separately with the conclusion being reached that there is a strong correlation in both cases. Moreover, the correlation between emotional commitment and OCB is somewhat stronger than that existing between rational commitment and OCB. it can also be seen how emotional commitment increases more strongly than rational commitment as organizational citizenship behaviours are gradually incorporated.


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A number of environmental forces such as increasing value chain network complexity, decreasing product life-cycle cost, and time-to-market requirements or increasing product complexity act upon manufacturing organizations, enhancing the acute need for organizational routines that foster efficient and effective communication between processes. Such organizational routines erode quickly in the absence of common standards for knowledge sharing, that is why successful manufacturing systems benefit from interprocess standardization. The purpose of this paper is to offer a standardization model of interprocess communication that increases manufacturing operational performance (MOP). First, we propose a novel holistic model that makes standardized interprocess communication possible in manufacturing organizations. Second, we propose a model for quantifying the implications of standardizing interprocess communication upon MOP. Finally, as a matter of application, we show the results of its successful implementation in one Japanese manufacturing organization.


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El modelo económico actual basado en el consumo y en la búsqueda permanente de una mayor calidad de vida, unido a una población mundial en aumento, contribuye a incrementar la demanda de servicios energéticos para cubrir las necesidades de energía de las personas y las industrias. Desde finales del siglo XIX la energía se ha generado fundamentalmente a partir de combustibles fósiles (carbón, petróleo y gas), convertidos en el suministro energético predominante mundialmente. Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que genera la prestación de servicios energéticos han contribuido considerablemente al aumento histórico de las concentraciones de esos gases en la atmósfera, hasta el punto de que el consumo de combustibles fósiles es responsable de la mayoría de las emisiones antropogénicas (IPCC, 2012). Existen diversas opciones para disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del sector energético y con ello contribuir a mitigar el cambio climático, entre otras sería viable aumentar la eficiencia energética y sustituir combustibles de origen fósil por combustibles de origen renovable, pudiendo garantizar un suministro de energía sostenible, competitivo y seguro. De todas las energías renovables susceptibles de formar parte de una cartera de opciones de mitigación, esta tesis se centra en la bioenergía generada a partir de la valorización energética de las biomasas agrícolas, forestales, ganaderas o de otro tipo, con fines eléctricos y térmicos. Con objeto de mostrar su capacidad para contribuir a mitigar el cambio climático y su potencial contribución al desarrollo socioeconómico, a la generación de energía distribuida y a reducir determinados efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente, se ha analizado minuciosamente el sector español de la biomasa en su conjunto. Desde el recurso biomásico que existe en España, las formas de extraerlo y procesarlo, las tecnologías de valorización energética, sus usos energéticos principales y la capacidad de implementación del sector en España. Asimismo se ha examinado el contexto energético tanto internacional y europeo como nacional, y se han analizado pormenorizadamente los instrumentos de soporte que han contribuido de manera directa e indirecta al desarrollo del sector en España. Además, la tesis integra el análisis de los resultados obtenidos mediante dos metodologías diferentes con fines también distintos. Por un lado se han obtenido los resultados medioambientales y socioeconómicos de los análisis de ciclo de vida input-output generados a partir de las cinco tecnologías biomásicas más ampliamente utilizadas en España. Y por otro lado, en base a los objetivos energéticos y medioambientales establecidos, se han obtenido distintas proyecciones de la implementación del sector a medio plazo, en forma de escenarios energéticos con horizonte 2035, mediante el modelo TIMES-Spain. La tesis ofrece también una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones que podrían resultar pertinentes para los agentes que constituyen la cadena de valor del propio sector e interesados, así como para la formulación de políticas y mecanismos de apoyo para los agentes decisores, tanto del ámbito de la Administración General del Estado como autonómico y regional, sobre las características y ventajas de determinadas formas de valorización, sobre los efectos sociales y medioambientales que induce su uso, y sobre la capacidad de sector para contribuir a determinadas políticas más allá de las puramente energéticas. En todo caso, esta tesis doctoral aspira a contribuir a la toma de decisiones idóneas tanto a los agentes del sector como a responsables públicos, con objeto de adoptar medidas orientadas a fomentar modificaciones del sistema energético que incrementen la proporción de energía renovable y, de esta forma, contribuir a mitigar la amenaza que supone el cambio climático no solo en la actualidad, sino especialmente en los próximos años para las generaciones venideras. ABSTRACT The current economic model based on both, consumption and the constant search for greater quality of life, coupled with a growing world population, contribute to increase the demand for energy services in order to meet the energy needs of people and industries. Since the late nineteenth century, energy has been basically generated from fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas), which converted fossil fuels into the predominant World energy supply source. Emissions of greenhouse gases generated by the provision of energy services have contributed significantly to the historical increase in the concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere, to the extent that the consumption of fossil fuels is responsible for most of the anthropogenic emissions (IPCC, 2012). There are several options to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the energy sector and, thereby, to contribute to mitigate climate change. Among others, would be feasible to increase energy efficiency and progressively replacing fossil fuels by renewable fuels, which are able to ensure a sustainable, competitive and secure energy supply. Of all the renewable energies likely to form part of a portfolio of mitigation options, this thesis focuses on bioenergy generated from agricultural, forestry, farming or other kind of biomass, with electrical and thermal purposes. In order to show their ability to contribute to mitigate climate change and its potential contribution to socio-economic development, distributed energy generation and to reduce certain negative effects on the environment, the Spanish biomass sector as a whole has been dissected. From the types of biomass resources that exist in Spain, ways of extracting and processing them, energy production technologies, its main energy uses and the implementation capacity of the sector in Spain. It has also examined the international, European and national energy context, and has thoroughly analyzed the support instruments that have contributed directly and indirectly to the development of the sector in Spain, so far. Furthermore, the thesis integrates the analysis of results obtained using two different methodologies also with different purposes. On the one hand, the environmental and socio-economic results of the analysis of input-output cycle life generated from the five biomass technologies most widely used in Spain, have been obtained. On the other hand, different projections of the implementation of the sector in the medium term, as energy scenarios with horizon 2035, have been obtained by the model TIMES-Spain, based on several energy and environmental objectives. The thesis also offers a series of conclusions and recommendations that could be relevant to the agents that constitute the value chain of the biomass sector itself and other stakeholders. As well as policy and support mechanisms for decision-makers, from both: The Central and Regional Governments, on the characteristics and advantages of certain forms of valorization, on the social and environmental effects that induce their use, and the ability of the biomass sector to contribute to certain policies beyond the purely energy ones. In any case, this thesis aims to contribute to decision making, suitable for both: Industry players and to public officials. In order to adopt measures to promote significant changes in the energy system that increase the proportion of renewable energy and, consequently, that contribute to mitigate the threat of climate change; not only today but in the coming years, especially for future generations.


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Supply chain management works to bring the supplier, the distributor, and the customer into one cohesive process. The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain as ‘Supply Chain: The flow and transformation of raw materials into products from suppliers through production and distribution facilities to the ultimate consumer., and then Sunil Chopra and Meindl, (2001) have define Supply chain management as ‘Supply Chain Management involves the flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total profitability.’ After 1950, supply chain management got a boost with the production and manufacturing sector getting highest attention. The inventory became the responsibility of the marketing, accounting and production areas. Order processing was part of accounting and sales. Supply chain management became one of the most powerful engines of business transformation. It is the one area where operational efficiency can be gained. It reduces organizations costs and enhances customer service. With the liberalization of world trade, globalization, and emergence of the new markets, many organizations have customers and competitions throughout the world, either directly or indirectly. Business communities are aware that global competitiveness is the key to the success of a business. Competitiveness is ability to produce, distribute and provide products and services for the open market in competition with others. The supply chain, a critical link between supplier, producer and customer is emerged now as an essential business process and a strategic lever, potential value contributor a differentiator for the success of any business. Supply chain management is the management of all internal and external processes or functions to satisfy a customer’s order (from raw materials through conversion and manufacture through logistics delivery.). Goods-either in raw form or processed, whole sale or retailed distribution, business or technology services, in everyday life- in the business or household- directly or indirectly supply chain is ubiquitously associated in expanding socio-economic development. Supply chain growth competitive performance and supporting strong growth impulse at micro as well as micro economic levels. Keeping the India vision at the core of the objective, the role of supply chain is to take up social economic challenges, improve competitive advantages, develop strategies, built capabilities, enhance value propositions, adapt right technology, collaborate with stakeholders and deliver environmentally sustainable outcomes with minimum resources.


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In this work, the dimensional synthesis of a spherical Parallel Manipulator (PM) with a -1S kinematic chain is presented. The goal of the synthesis is to find a set of parameters that defines the PM with the best performance in terms of workspace capabilities, dexterity and isotropy. The PM is parametrized in terms of a reference element, and a non-directed search of these parameters is carried out. First, the inverse kinematics and instantaneous kinematics of the mechanism are presented. The latter is found using the screw theory formulation. An algorithm that explores a bounded set of parameters and determines the corresponding value of global indexes is presented. The concepts of a novel global performance index and a compound index are introduced. Simulation results are shown and discussed. The best PMs found in terms of each performance index evaluated are locally analyzed in terms of its workspace and local dexterity. The relationship between the performance of the PM and its parameters is discussed, and a prototype with the best performance in terms of the compound index is presented and analyzed.