20 resultados para Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis


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The pure and cerium doped sodium bismuth titanate inorganic powders were synthesized by solid state reaction method. The presence of rhombohedral phase was observed in cerium doped NBT compounds. At 1200 ºC, the 5% of cerium doped NBT compound forms single perovskite phase. The samples of x = 0.10 and 0.15 were heat treated to 1350 ºC, the binary phases with cerium and bismuth oxides were observed. The X-ray diffraction, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, reflectance spectra, differential thermal analysis and thermo gravimetric analysis were used to analyze the various properties of samples. Moreover, the effects of cerium doping and calcining temperature on NBT samples were investigated. In this work we present our recent results on the synthesis and characterization of Ce doped sodium bismuth titanate materials.


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Los materiales base cemento (pastas, morteros, hormigones y otros tipos de mezclas) son materiales ampliamente utilizados en la sociedad actual y son uno de los pilares de la ingeniería civil debido a sus buenas propiedades estructurales, facilidad de fabricación y bajo coste. Sus propiedades permiten su uso en ambientes industriales y naturales, siendo materiales muy versátiles siempre y cuando, se tenga en cuenta que sus propiedades durables son limitadas en ambientes donde se producen fenómenos de lixiviación y ataque por diversos iones agresivos. El presente proyecto de investigación se desarrolló motivado por la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento del comportamiento de los materiales base cemento en situaciones concretas de exposición a cierto tipo de degradaciones que se producen frecuentemente en explotaciones agropecuarias ubicadas en ambientes naturales. Se diseñó un procedimiento experimental que nos permitiese evaluar el efecto que tienen los ácidos orgánicos sobre la matriz cementicia, así como la acción que presentan los sulfatos y las aguas naturales en los mismos. Teniendo muy presente siempre las características de las disoluciones a las cuales se ha expuesto el material. En último término, se trata de conocer los mecanismos de los procesos de ataque para poder definir el comportamiento del material en estos medios. Los procedimientos de ensayo, así como las técnicas de caracterización son las herramientas fundamentales con las que profundizar en el conocimiento del material, por lo que resulta de vital importancia conocer a fondo las posibilidades que su empleo nos ofrece. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un profundo estudio del uso del termoanálisis en la caracterización de pastas de cemento. Además se han optimizado los procedimientos de caracterización de las muestras con otro tipo de técnicas. La caracterización de las probetas nos ha permitido comprobar el comportamiento del material en situaciones de exposición en ensayos acelerados de laboratorio. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido determinar que el pH del medio agresivo es una variable fundamental cuando se trata de evaluar la agresividad del mismo. La presencia de ciertos iones desarrollaría efectos de sinergia con respecto al pH y condicionaría los valores de las constantes termodinámicas que rigen los equilibrios. La posibilidad de formación de sales de ácidos orgánicos y la diferente solubilidad de las mismas derivaría en cambios en los comportamientos mecánicos. La proporción de compuestos de aluminio o la presencia de puzolanas capaces de fijar el calcio son también factores evidenciados como determinantes en el comportamiento del material. Además se podría afirmar que la disolución de la portlandita es un efecto determinante en el proceso de degradación. Nowadays, cement based materials (pastes, mortars, concrete and other mixtures) are widely used. These kinds of material are one of the pillars of Civil Engineering due to their structural properties, easy manufacturing and low cost. Their properties allow the use in industrial and natural environments. They are very versatile materials for use in this type of environment. But it is necessary to to keep in mind that they have a durability limited when they are exposed to aggressives environments where leaching process occur and various aggressive ions can damage the materials. This research work was developed motivated by the need to go in dept in the knoledge of the behavior of cement based materials. These kinds of materials frecuently are exposed to some types of damage that occur on farms located in natural environments. An experimental procedure that would allow us to evaluate the effect of organic acids on the cement matrix and the action presented by sulfates and natural waters in the same was designed. Always bearing in mind the characteristics of the solutions to which the material is exposed. Ultimately it comes to understanding the mechanisms of the processes leading to define the material behavior in this type of environment. Test procedures and characterization techniques are fundamental tools which to deepen the knowledge of the material, so it is important to know in its potential uses. In this work we have developed a deep study of the use of thermal analysis in the characterization of cement pastes. Furthermore, we have optimized characterization procedures of samples with other techniques. The characterization of the samples has allowed us to check the behavior of the material on exposure to accelerated laboratory tests. The results have established that the pH of the corrosive media is a fundamental variable when it comes to assessing the aggressiveness of it. The presences of certain ions develop synergies with respect to pH and would determine the values of the constants governing thermodynamic equilibria. The possible formation of salts of organic acids and the different solubility of the same would lead to changes in mechanical behavior. The proportion of aluminum compounds or the presence of pozzolans capable of binding calcium is also evidenced as determining factors in the material behavior. Besides we could assert that the dissolution of the portlandite is a determining effect on the degradation process.


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In this work the thermal analysis of a small satellite orbiting around the Earth has been approached by direct integration of the heat balance equations of a two-node reduced model, obtaining a linearized second order ODE problem, similar in form to the classical case of the forced vibration of a damped system. As the thermal loads (solar radiation, albedo, etc.) are harmonic, the problem is solved by means of Fourier analysis methods. Research on that field can be directly applied to the analysis of thermal problems and the results obtained are satisfactory. Working on the frequency domain streamlines the analysis, simplifies the study and facilitates the experimental testing. The transfer functions are obtained for the two-node case but the study can be extended to an n-node model.


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Linear Fresnel collectors are identified as a technology that should play a main role in order to reduce cost of Concentrating Solar Power. An optical and thermal analysis of the different blocks of the solar power plant is carried out, where Fresnel arrays are compared with the most extended linear technology: parabolic trough collectors. It is demonstrated that the optical performance of Fresnel array is very close to that of PTC, with similar values of maximum flux intensities. In addition, if the heat carrier fluid flows in series by the tubes of the receiver, relatively high thermal efficiencies are achieved. Thus, an annual solar to electricity efficiency of 19% is expected, which is similar to the state of the art in PTCs; this is done with a reduction of costs, thanks to lighter structures, that drives to an estimation of LCOE of around 6.5 c€/kWh.


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Tungsten disulphide nanotubes (INT-WS2) have been successfully dispersed in a bio-based polyamide matrix (nylon 11) by conventional melt processing. The effect of INT-WS2 content on the morphology, thermal stability, crystallization behaviour and dynamic mechanical properties is investigated. The results indicate that these inorganic nanotubes can be efficiently incorporated into the bio-based polymer matrix without the need for modifiers or surfactants. Additionally, it is found that the non-isothermal crystallization behaviour of nylon 11/INT-WS2 depends on both the cooling rate and INT-WS2 concentration. In particular, crystallization kinetics results demonstrate that the nucleating activity of INTs plays a dominant role in accelerating the crystallization of nylon 11. This fact leads to the appearance of the more-disordered phase at higher temperature. More significantly, it was shown that these INT-WS2 nanocomposites can facilitate a good processability and cost efficiency, and will be of interest for many eco-friendly and medical applications.