59 resultados para Cr : Nd : YAG crystal
The effect of crystal misorientation, geometrical tilt, and contact misalignment on the compression of highly anisotropic single crystal micropillars was assessed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations. The investigation was focused in single crystals with the NaCl structure, like MgO or LiF, which present a marked plastic anisotropy as a result of the large difference in the critical resolved shear stress between the “soft” {110}〈110〉 and the “hard” {100}〈110〉 active slip systems. It was found that contact misalignment led to a large reduction in the initial stiffness of the micropillar in crystals oriented in the soft and hard direction. The crystallographic tilt did not modify, however, the initial crystal stiffness. From the viewpoint of the plastic response, none of the effects analyzed led to significant differences in the flow stress when the single crystals were oriented along the “soft” [100] direction. Large differences were found, however, if the single crystal was oriented in the “hard” [111] direction as a result of the activation of the soft slip system. Numerical simulations were in very good agreement with experimental literature data.
In this work, one-dimensional arrays of cylindrical adaptive liquid crystal lenses were manufactured and characterized; and test devices were filled with nematic liquid crystal. Comb interdigitated electrodes were designed as a mask pattern for the control electrode on the top glass substrates. A radial graded refractive index along each microsized lens was achieved by fabricating a layer of high resistance sheet deposited as a control electrode. These tunable lenses were switched by applying amplitude and frequency optimized waveforms on the control electrode. Phase profiles generated by the radial electric field distribution on each lens were measured by a convectional interferometric technique.
The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its optoelectronic properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentially improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using Cr as an impurity. We carried out first-principles calculations within the density functional theory analyzing three substitutions: Cu, Sn, or Zn by Cr. In all cases, the Cr introduces a deeper band into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the substitution, this band is full, empty, or partially full. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation have also been obtained. Comparison between the pure and doped host's absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens more photon absorption channels and could therefo:e increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.
The cadmium thioindate spinel CdIn2S4 semiconductor has potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We present a theoretical study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of the host and of the Cr-doped ternary spinel. For the host spinel, we analyze the direct or indirect character of the energy bandgap, the change of the energy bandgap with the anion displacement parameter and with the site cation distribution, and the optical properties. The main effect of the Cr doping is the creation of an intermediate band within the energy bandgap. The character and the occupation of this band are analyzed for two substitutions: Cr by In and Cr by Cd. This band permits more channels for the photon absorption. The optical properties are obtained and analyzed. The absorption coefficients are decomposed into contributions from the different absorption channels and from the inter-and intra-atomic components.
Because of their remarkable mechanical properties, nanocrystalline metals have been the focus of much research in recent years. Refining their grain size to the nanometer range (<100 nm) effectively reduces their dislocation mobility, thus achieving very high yield strength and surface hardness—as predicted by the Hall–Petch relation—as well as higher strain-rate sensitivity. Recent works have additionally suggested that nanocrystalline metals exhibit an even higher compressive strength under shock loading. However, the increase in strength of these materials is generally accompanied by an important reduction in ductility. As an alternative, efforts have been focused on ultrafine crystals, i.e. polycrystals with a grain size in the range of 500 nm to 1 μm, in which “growth twins” (twins introduced inside the grain before deformation) act as barriers against dislocation movement, thus increasing the strength in a similar way as nanocrystals but without significant loss of ductility. Due to their outstanding mechanical properties, both nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystalline steels appear to be relevant candidates for ballistic protection. The aim of the present work is to compare their ballistic performance against coarse-grained steel, as well as to identify the effect of the hybridization with a carbon fiber–epoxy composite layer. Hybridization is proposed as a way to improve the nanocrystalline brittle properties in a similar way as is done with ceramics in other protection systems. The experimental campaign is finally complemented by numerical simulations to help identify some of the intrinsic deformation mechanisms not observable experimentally. As a conclusion, nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystals show a lower energy absorption than coarse-grained steel under ballistic loading, but under equal impact conditions with no penetration, deformation in the impact direction is smaller by nearly 40%. This a priori surprising difference in the energy absorption is rationalized by the more important local contribution of the deviatoric stress vs. volumetric stress under impact than under uniaxial deformation. Ultimately, the deformation advantage could be exploited in the future for personal protection systems where a small deformation under impact is of key importance.
Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion-generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.
Crack mechanical failure in ceramic materials under ion irradiation: case of lithium niobate crystal
Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion- generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.
Hydrogen isotopes play a critical role both in inertial and magnetic confinemen Nuclear Fusion. Since the preferent fuel needed for this technology is a mixture of deuterium and tritium. The study of these isotopes particularly at very low temperatures carries a technological interest in other applications. The present line promotes a deep study on the structural configuration that hydrogen and deuterium adopt at cryogenic temperatures and at high pressures. Typical conditions occurring in present Inertial Fusion target designs. Our approach is aims to determine the crystal structure characteristics, phase transitions and other parameters strongly correlated to variations of temperature and pressure.
Los aceros 9% en cromo son utilizados en plantas de producción de energía eléctrica debido a su elevada resistencia a la corrosión, buenas propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la termofluencia. Estos aceros presentan una estructura completamente martensítica. Sin embargo, la realización de uniones soldadas los hace susceptibles a la aparición en la zona fundida de ferrita delta, que reduce sus propiedades de termofluencia y tenacidad. Este trabajo analiza la microestructura del metal de aporte producido durante la soldadura manual con electrodo consumible (SMAW) utilizando aportes con diferentes composiciones en cromo y otros elementos de aleación como molibdeno, wolframio, cobre y cobalto. El objetivo ha sido el análisis de consumibles con diferente composición química con los cuales se obtengan zonas fundidas con estructuras martensíticas libres de ferrita delta en la soldadura de aceros 9%Cr.
Fe–Cr based alloys are the leading structural material candidates in the design of next generation reactors due to their high resistance to swelling and corrosion. Despite these good properties there are others, such as embrittlement, which require a higher level of understanding in order to improve aspects such as safety or lifetime of the reactors. The addition of Cr improves the behavior of the steels under irradiation, but not in a monotonic way. Therefore, understanding the changes in the Fe–Cr based alloys microstructure induced by irradiation and the role played by the alloying element (Cr) is needed in order to predict the response of these materials under the extreme conditions they are going to support. In this work we perform a study of the effect of Cr concentration in a bcc Fe–Cr matrix on formation and binding energies of vacancy clusters up to 5 units. The dependence of the calculated formation and binding energy is investigated with two empirical interatomic potentials specially developed to study radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloys. Results are very similar for both potentials showing an increase of the defect stability with the cluster size and no real dependence on Cr concentration for the binding energy.
A new method of light modulation is reported. This method is based on the electro-optical properties of nematic materials and on the use of a new wedge structure. The advantages of this structure are the possibility of modulating nonpolarized light and the improved signal-to-noise ratio. The highest modulating frequency obtained is 25 kHz.
In this paper, the optical behavior of a nonlinear interface is studied. The nonlinear medium has been a nematic liquid crystal, namely MBBA, and the nonlinear one, glasses of different types (F-10 and F-2) depending on the experimental needs. The anchoring forces at the boundary have been found to inhibit the action of the evanescent field in the case of total internal reflection. Most of observed nonlinearities are due to thermal effects. As a consequence, liquid crystals do not seem to be good candidates for total internal reflection optical bistability.
The nonlinear optical properties of the interface between glass and liquid crystal are reported. Switching characteristics and optical hysterfisis have beam studied.
A design for obtaining memory in optical bistability with liquid crystals is reported. This design uses optical feedback on a twisted nematie liquid crystal ( TNLC ) through an optoelectronic system. A constant input light is the read-out and its value depends on the desired initial working point, usually at the bottom of the T(V) vs. V curve. Light levels depend on the feedback. An input light pulse change the working point to the top of the transmission curve. When this pulse vanishes, the working point remains at the upper part of the curve. Hence a memory function is obtained. Minimum pulse width needed was 1msec. ON-OPF ratio was 100:3.
This paper reports a new family of multimode fiber-optic switching devices based on nematic liquid crystal devices reported by us previously. These devices have a wedged structure as the main characteristic. Several modes of behavior cart arise depending on the internal configuration of the molecules. As we show, fhey have the possibility of total switching of unpolarized light with a very simple structure, low insertion losses, and very low operating voltages These new devices should find a wide range of applications in fiber-optic communication systems.