28 resultados para Computer software - Quality control
There is remarkable growing concern about the quality control at the time, which has led to the search for methods capable of addressing effectively the reliability analysis as part of the Statistic. Managers, researchers and Engineers must understand that 'statistical thinking' is not just a set of statistical tools. They should start considering 'statistical thinking' from a 'system', which means, developing systems that meet specific statistical tools and other methodologies for an activity. The aim of this article is to encourage them (engineers, researchers and managers) to develop a new way of thinking.
En los últimos años hemos sido testigos de la creciente demanda de software para resolver problemas cada vez más complejos y de mayor valor agregado. Bajo estas circunstancias, nos podemos hacer la siguiente pregunta: ¿Está preparada la industria de software para entregar el software que se necesita en los próximos años, de acuerdo con las demandas del cliente? Hoy en día, muchos expertos creen que el éxito de esta industria dependerá de su capacidad para gestionar los proyectos, las personas y los recursos. En este sentido, la gestión de proyectos es un factor clave para el éxito de los proyectos software en todo el mundo. Además, considerando que las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas de software (PYMEs) representan el 99,87% de las empresas españolas, es vital para este tipo de empresas la implementación de los procesos involucrados con la gestión de proyectos. Es cierto que existen muchos modelos que mejoran la eficacia de la gestión de proyectos, pero la mayoría de ellos se centra únicamente en dos procesos: la planificación del proyecto y la monitorización y control del proyecto, ninguno de los cuales a menudo es asequible para las PYMEs. Estos modelos se basan en el consenso de un grupo de trabajo designado para establecer cómo debe ser gestionado el proceso software. Los modelos son bastante útiles ya que proporcionan lineamientos generales sobre dónde empezar a mejorar la gestión de los proyectos, y en qué orden, a personas que no saben cómo hacerlo. Sin embargo, como se ha dicho anteriormente, la mayoría de estos modelos solamente funcionan en escenarios dentro de las grandes empresas. Por lo tanto, es necesario adaptar los modelos y herramientas para el contexto de PYMEs. Esta tesis doctoral presenta una solución complementaria basada en la aplicación de un metamodelo. Este metamodelo es creado para mejorar la calidad de los procesos de la gestión de proyectos a través de la incorporación de prácticas eficaces identificadas a través del análisis y estudio de los modelos y normas existentes relacionadas con la gestión de proyectos. viii ProMEP – Metamodelo para la gestión de proyectos Por lo tanto, el metamodelo PROMEP (Gestión de Proyectos basada en Prácticas Efectivas) permitirá establecer un proceso estándar de gestión de proyectos que puede adaptarse a los proyectos de cada empresa a través de dos pasos: En primer lugar, para obtener una fotografía instantánea (o base) de los procesos de gestión de proyectos de las PYMEs se creó un cuestionario de dos fases para identificar tanto las prácticas realizadas y como las no realizadas. El cuestionario propuesto se basa en el Modelo de Madurez y Capacidad Integrado para el Desarrollo v1.2 (CMMI-DEV v1.2). Como resultado adicional, se espera que la aplicación de este cuestionario ayude a las PYMEs a identificar aquellas prácticas que se llevan a cabo, pero no son documentadas, aquellas que necesitan más atención, y aquellas que no se realizan debido a la mala gestión o al desconocimiento. En segundo lugar, para apoyar fácilmente y eficazmente las tareas de gestión de proyectos software del metamodelo PROMEP, se diseñó una biblioteca de activos de proceso (PAL) para apoyar la definición de los procesos de gestión de proyectos y realizar una gestión cuantitativa de cada proyecto de las PYMEs. Ambos pasos se han implementado como una herramienta computacional que apoya nuestro enfoque de metamodelo. En concreto, la presente investigación propone la construcción del metamodelo PROMEP para aquellas PYMEs que desarrollan productos software de tal forma que les permita planificar, monitorizar y controlar sus proyectos software, identificar los riesgos y tomar las medidas correctivas necesarias, establecer y mantener un conjunto de activos de proceso, definir un mecanismo cuantitativo para predecir el rendimiento de los procesos, y obtener información de mejora. Por lo tanto, nuestro estudio sugiere un metamodelo alternativo para lograr mayores niveles de rendimiento en los entornos de PYMEs. Así, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es ayudar a reducir los excesos de trabajo y el tiempo de entrega, y aumentar así la calidad del software producido en este tipo de organizaciones. Abstract In recent years we have been witnessing the increasing demand for software to solve more and more complex tasks and greater added value. Under these circumstances, we can ourselves the following question: Is the software industry prepared to deliver the software that is needed in the coming years, according to client demands? Nowadays, many experts believe that the industry’ success will depend on its capacity to manage the projects, people and resources. In this sense, project management is a key factor for software project success around the world. Moreover, taking into account that small and medium-sized software enterprises (SMSe) are the 99.87% of the Spanish enterprises, it is vital for this type of enterprises to implement the processes involved in project management. It is true that there are many models that improve the project management effectiveness, but most of them are focused only on two processes: project planning and project monitoring and control, neither of which is affordable for SMSe. Such models are based on the consensus of a designated working group on how software process should be managed. They are very useful in that they provide general guidelines on where to start improving the project management, and in which order, to people who do not know how to do it. However, as we said, the majority of these models have only worked in scenarios within large companies. So, it is necessary to adapt these models and tools to the context of SMSe. A complementary solution based on the implementation of a metamodel is presented in this thesis. This metamodel is created to improve the quality of project management processes through the incorporation of effective practices identified through the analysis and study of relevant models and standards related to project management. Thus, the PROMEP (PROject Management based on Effective Practices) metamodel will allow establishing a project management standard process to be tailored to each enterprise’s project through two steps: Firstly, to obtain a baseline snapshot of project management processes in SMSe a two-phase questionnaire was created to identify both performed and nonperformed practices. The x ProMEP – Metamodelo para la gestión de proyectos proposed questionnaire is based on Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development v1.2. As additional result, it is expected that the application of the questionnaire to the processes will help SMSe to identify those practices which are performed but not documented, which practices need more attention, and which are not implemented due to bad management or unawareness. Secondly, to easily an effectively support the software project management tasks in the PROMEP metamodel, a Process Asset Library (PAL) is designed to support the definition of project management processes and to achieve quantitative project management in SMSe. Both steps have been implemented as a computational tool that supports our metamodel approach. Concretely, the present research proposes the accomplishment of the PROMEP metamodel for those SMSe which develop software products and enable them to plan, supervise and control their software projects, identify risks and take corrective actions, establish and maintain a set of process assets, define quantitative models that predict the process performance, and provide improvement information. So, our study suggests an alternative metamodel to achieve higher performance levels in the SMSe environments. The main objective of this thesis is help to reduce software overruns and delivery time, and increase software quality in these types of organizations.
The 12 January 2010, an earthquake hit the city of Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. The earthquake reached a magnitude Mw 7.0 and the epicenter was located near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km west of the capital. The earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North American plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North American plate (DeMets et al., 2000). Initially the location and focal mechanism of the earthquake seemed to involve straightforward accommodation of oblique relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system (EPGFZ), however Hayes et al., (2010) combined seismological observations, geologic field data and space geodetic measurements to show that, instead, the rupture process involved slip on multiple faults. Besides, the authors showed that remaining shallow shear strain will be released in future surface-rupturing earthquakes on the EPGFZ. In December 2010, a Spanish cooperation project financed by the Politechnical University of Madrid started with a clear objective: Evaluation of seismic hazard and risk in Haiti and its application to the seismic design, urban planning, emergency and resource management. One of the tasks of the project was devoted to vulnerability assessment of the current building stock and the estimation of seismic risk scenarios. The study was carried out by following the capacity spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). The method requires a detailed classification of the building stock in predominant building typologies (according to the materials in the structure and walls, number of stories and age of construction) and the use of the building (residential, commercial, etc.). Later, the knowledge of the soil characteristics of the city and the simulation of a scenario earthquake will provide the seismic risk scenarios (damaged buildings). The initial results of the study show that one of the highest sources of uncertainties comes from the difficulty of achieving a precise building typologies classification due to the craft construction without any regulations. Also it is observed that although the occurrence of big earthquakes usually helps to decrease the vulnerability of the cities due to the collapse of low quality buildings and the reconstruction of seismically designed buildings, in the case of Port-au-Prince the seismic risk in most of the districts remains high, showing very vulnerable areas. Therefore the local authorities have to drive their efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings, the reinforcement of the existing building stock, the establishment of seismic normatives and the development of emergency planning also through the education of the population.
El presente proyecto fin de carrera, realizado por el ingeniero técnico en telecomunicaciones Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, es la fase final de desarrollo de un proyecto de mayor magnitud correspondiente al software de vídeo forense SAVID. El propósito del proyecto en su totalidad es la creación de una herramienta informática capacitada para realizar el análisis de ficheros de vídeo, codificados y comprimidos por el sistema DV –Digital Video-. El objetivo del análisis, es aportar información acerca de si la cinta magnética presenta indicios de haber sido manipulada con una edición posterior a su grabación original, además, de mostrar al usuario otros datos de interés como las especificaciones técnicas de la señal de vídeo y audio. Por lo tanto, se facilitará al usuario, analista de vídeo forense, información que le ayude a valorar la originalidad del contenido del soporte que es sujeto del análisis. El objetivo específico de esta fase final, es la creación de la interfaz de usuario del software, que informa tanto del código binario de los sectores significativos, como de su interpretación tras el análisis. También permitirá al usuario el reporte de los resultados, además de otras funcionalidades que le permitan la navegación por los sectores del código que han sido modificados como efecto colateral de la edición de la cinta magnética original. Otro objetivo importante del proyecto ha sido la investigación de metodologías y técnicas de desarrollo de software para su posterior implementación, buscando con esto, una mayor eficiencia en la gestión del tiempo y una mayor calidad de software con el fin de garantizar su evolución y sostenibilidad en el futuro. Se ha hecho hincapié en las metodologías ágiles que han ido ganando relevancia en el sector de las tecnologías de la información en las últimas décadas, sustituyendo a metodologías clásicas como el desarrollo en cascada. Su flexibilidad durante el ciclo de vida del software, permite obtener mejores resultados cuando las especificaciones no están del todo definidas, ajustándose de este modo a las condiciones del proyecto. Resumiendo las especificaciones técnicas del software, C++ es el lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos con el que se ha desarrollado, utilizándose la tecnología MFC -Microsoft Foundation Classes- para la implementación. Es un proyecto MFC de tipo cuadro de dialogo,creado, compilado y publicado, con la herramienta de desarrollo integrado Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. La arquitectura con la que se ha estructurado es la arquetípica de tres capas, compuesta por la interfaz de usuario, capa de negocio y capa de acceso a datos. Se ha visto necesario configurar el proyecto con compatibilidad con CLR –Common Languages Runtime- para poder implementar la funcionalidad de creación de reportes. Acompañando a la aplicación informática, se presenta la memoria del proyecto y sus anexos correspondientes a los documentos EDRF –Especificaciones Detalladas de Requisitos funcionales-, EIU –Especificaciones de Interfaz de Usuario , DT -Diseño Técnico- y Guía de Usuario. SUMMARY. This dissertation, carried out by the telecommunications engineer Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, is in its final stage and is part of a larger project for the software of forensic video called SAVID. The purpose of the entire project is the creation of a software tool capable of analyzing video files that are coded and compressed by the DV -Digital Video- System. The objective of the analysis is to provide information on whether the magnetic tape shows signs of having been tampered with after the editing of the original recording, and also to show the user other relevant data and technical specifications of the video signal and audio. Therefore the user, forensic video analyst, will have information to help assess the originality of the content of the media that is subject to analysis. The specific objective of this final phase is the creation of the user interface of the software that provides information about the binary code of the significant sectors and also its interpretation after analysis. It will also allow the user to report the results, and other features that will allow browsing through the sections of the code that have been modified as a secondary effect of the original magnetic tape being tampered. Another important objective of the project is the investigation of methodologies and software development techniques to be used in deployment, with the aim of greater efficiency in time management and enhanced software quality in order to ensure its development and maintenance in the future. Agile methodologies, which have become important in the field of information technology in recent decades, have been used during the execution of the project, replacing classical methodologies such as Waterfall Development. The flexibility, as the result of using by agile methodologies, during the software life cycle, produces better results when the specifications are not fully defined, thus conforming to the initial conditions of the project. Summarizing the software technical specifications, C + + the programming language – which is object oriented and has been developed using technology MFC- Microsoft Foundation Classes for implementation. It is a project type dialog box, created, compiled and released with the integrated development tool Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The architecture is structured in three layers: the user interface, business layer and data access layer. It has been necessary to configure the project with the support CLR -Common Languages Runtime – in order to implement the reporting functionality. The software application is submitted with the project report and its annexes to the following documents: Functional Requirements Specifications - Detailed User Interface Specifications, Technical Design and User Guide.
Due to the fast rate of peach post-harvest ripening, damage due to mechanical handling, externally appreciated as bruises and soft areas, is a real problem that leads to an early harvesting and poor quality of the fruits, as perceived by the consumers. More and more, the European consumer asks for good taste and freshness of fruits and vegetables, and these quality factors are not included in standards, nor in most of the producers' practices. Fruit processing and marketing centres (co-operatives) are increasingly interested in adopting quality controls in their processes. ISO 9000 procedures are being applied in some food areas, primarily milk and meat processors, but no generalised procedures have been developed until the present time to be applied to fresh product processes. All different peach and nectarine varieties that are harvested and handled in Murcia cooperatives and sold in a large supermarket in Madrid were analysed during the whole 1997 season (early May to late August). A total number of 78 samples of 25 fruits (co-operative) or 10 fruits (market), were tested in the laboratory for mechanical, optical, chemical and tasting quality. The variability and relationships between all these quality parameters are presented and discussed, and sampling unit sizes which would be advisable for quality control are calculated.
An accepted fact in software engineering is that software must undergo verification and validation process during development to ascertain and improve its quality level. But there are too many techniques than a single developer could master, yet, it is impossible to be certain that software is free of defects. So, it is crucial for developers to be able to choose from available evaluation techniques, the one most suitable and likely to yield optimum quality results for different products. Though, some knowledge is available on the strengths and weaknesses of the available software quality assurance techniques but not much is known yet on the relationship between different techniques and contextual behavior of the techniques. Objective: This research investigates the effectiveness of two testing techniques ? equivalence class partitioning and decision coverage and one review technique ? code review by abstraction, in terms of their fault detection capability. This will be used to strengthen the practical knowledge available on these techniques.
The verification and validation activity plays a fundamental role in improving software quality. Determining which the most effective techniques for carrying out this activity are has been an aspiration of experimental software engineering researchers for years. This paper reports a controlled experiment evaluating the effectiveness of two unit testing techniques (the functional testing technique known as equivalence partitioning (EP) and the control-flow structural testing technique known as branch testing (BT)). This experiment is a literal replication of Juristo et al. (2013).Both experiments serve the purpose of determining whether the effectiveness of BT and EP varies depending on whether or not the faults are visible for the technique (InScope or OutScope, respectively). We have used the materials, design and procedures of the original experiment, but in order to adapt the experiment to the context we have: (1) reduced the number of studied techniques from 3 to 2; (2) assigned subjects to experimental groups by means of stratified randomization to balance the influence of programming experience; (3) localized the experimental materials and (4) adapted the training duration. We ran the replication at the Escuela Politécnica del Ejército Sede Latacunga (ESPEL) as part of a software verification & validation course. The experimental subjects were 23 master?s degree students. EP is more effective than BT at detecting InScope faults. The session/program andgroup variables are found to have significant effects. BT is more effective than EP at detecting OutScope faults. The session/program and group variables have no effect in this case. The results of the replication and the original experiment are similar with respect to testing techniques. There are some inconsistencies with respect to the group factor. They can be explained by small sample effects. The results for the session/program factor are inconsistent for InScope faults.We believe that these differences are due to a combination of the fatigue effect and a technique x program interaction. Although we were able to reproduce the main effects, the changes to the design of the original experiment make it impossible to identify the causes of the discrepancies for sure. We believe that further replications closely resembling the original experiment should be conducted to improve our understanding of the phenomena under study.
Este proyecto tiene por objeto desarrollar una sistemática de control metrológico para vigilar la exactitud de los medidores volumétricos de desplazamiento positivo que operan en las compañías logísticas de hidrocarburos para la transferencia de custodia que están en el cargadero y se ensayan in situ para obtener su meter factor. El punto de partida son las hojas primarias de las calibraciones generadas frente a sus patrones y el prover que nos facilitan las compañías. Dado el elevado número de ensayos y debido a que estos medidores no tienen gráficos de control estables, el enfoque del tratamiento ha sido un etiquetado para realizar un control de inestabilidad y calidad de los ensayos y así, determinar equipos anómalos. Para la búsqueda de equipos atípicos se ha desarrollado el filtro de Tukey para el estudio de la estadística descriptiva de los valores del meter factor. Entre los dos métodos se han obtenido una clasificación de equipos vigilables, recalibrables y sustituibles para facilitar a las compañías logísticas. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop a systematic metrological control to monitor the accuracy of the positive displacement flow meters operating in oil logistics companies for custody transfer which are in the loading track facilities and it are tested in-situ to obtain the meter factor. Due to the high number of assays that meters don´t have stable graphics of control, the approach of data processing has been a labeled to perform an instability and quality control of assays for establish anomalous meters. To find outliers meters is developed the filter of Turkey to study the descriptive statistics of meter factor values. Between both analytical methods is obtained a classification of controllable, recalibrables and replaceable meters to provide to the logistic company.
Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al análisis y desarrollo de nuevos elementos constructivos que integran sistemas de generación eléctrica a través de células fotovoltaicas (FV); particularmente, basados en tecnología FV de lámina delgada. Para ello se estudia el proceso de la integración arquitectónica de éstos elementos (conocido internacionalmente como “Building Integrated Photovoltaic – BIPV”) mediante diferentes metodologías. Se inicia con el estudio de los elementos fotovoltaicos existentes y continúa con los materiales que conforman actualmente las pieles de los edificios y su posible adaptación a las diferentes tecnologías. Posteriormente, se propone una estrategia de integración de los elementos FV en los materiales constructivos. En ésta se considera la doble función de los elementos BIPV, eléctrica y arquitectónica, y en especial se plantea el estudio de la integración de elementos de disipación térmica y almacenamiento de calor mediante los materiales de cambio de fase (“Phase Change Materials – PCM”), todo esto con el objeto de favorecer el acondicionamiento térmico pasivo a través del elemento BIPV. Para validar dicha estrategia, se desarrolla una metodología experimental que consiste en el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo denominado elemento BIPV/TF – PCM, así como un método de medida y caracterización en condiciones de laboratorio. Entre los logros alcanzados, destaca la multifuncionalidad de los elementos BIPV, el aprovechamiento de la energía residual del elemento, la reducción de los excedentes térmicos que puedan modificar el balance térmico de la envolvente del edificio, y las mejoras conseguidas en la producción eléctrica de los módulos fotovoltaicos por reducción de temperatura, lo que hará más sostenible la solución BIPV. Finalmente, como resultado del análisis teórico y experimental, esta tesis contribuye significativamente al estudio práctico de la adaptabilidad de los elementos BIPV en el entorno urbano por medio de una metodología que se basa en el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una herramienta informática, que sirve tanto a ingenieros como arquitectos para verificar la calidad de la integración arquitectónica y calidad eléctrica de los elementos FV, antes, durante y después de la ejecución de un proyecto constructivo. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis contributes to the analysis and development of new building elements that integrate power generation systems using photovoltaic solar cells (PV), particularly based on thin-film PV technology. For this propose, the architectural integration process is studied (concept known as "Building Integrated Photovoltaic - BIPV") by means of different methodologies. It begins with the study of existing PV elements and materials that are currently part of the building skins and the possible adaptation to different technologies. Subsequently, an integration strategy of PV elements in building materials is proposed. Double function of BIPV elements is considered, electrical and architectural, especially the heat dissipation and heat storage elements are studied, particularly the use Phase Change Materials– PCM in order to favor the thermal conditioning of buildings by means of the BIPV elements. For this propose, an experimental methodology is implemented, which consist of the design and develop of a prototype "BIPV/TF- PCM element" and measurement method (indoor laboratory conditions) in order to validate this strategy. Among the most important achievements obtained of this develop and results analysis includes, in particular, the multifunctionality of BIPV elements, the efficient use of the residual energy of the element, reduction of the excess heat that it can change the heat balance of the building envelope and improvements in electricity production of PV modules by reducing the temperature, are some benefits achieved that make the BIPV element will be more sustainable. Finally, as a result of theoretical and experimental analysis, this thesis contributes significantly to the practical study of the adaptability of BIPV elements in the urban environment by means of a novel methodology based on the development and implementation by computer software of a useful tool which serves as both engineers and architects to verify the quality of architectural integration and electrical performance of PV elements before, during, and after execution of a building projects.
Los nuevos títulos de grado en la Universidad española generados a raíz del proceso de Bolonia,inciden en una nueva dimensión: las competencias genéricas que deben adquirir los estudiantes universitarios. Pero ¿cómo armonizar el desarrollo y evaluación de dichas competencias con la actual actividad docente? En este trabajo se expone un modelo que permite la citada armonización con un mínimo de “ruido” y de esfuerzo complementario por parte de los docentes. En el modelo propuesto primero se hace una selección y una ordenación de las competencias que se quieren incorporar en un plan de estudios. Se hace una proyección de las competencias en los cuatrimestres y asignaturas del plan de estudios. La introducción de las competencias en las asignaturas asignadas se hace a través del diseño de actividades de formación, desarrollo y evaluación de la competencia. La segunda componente del modelo propuesto tiene por objeto coordinar las acciones que implementen la transversalidad de las competencias bajo desarrollo tanto en espacio como en tiempo. Por último, existen un conjunto de actividades destinadas a realizar el control de calidad del proceso propuesto. Este modelo se está implementado en las dos titulaciones de grado impartidas por la Escuela Universitaria de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el curso 2012/13. La coordinación se ha mostrado especialmente difícil dado la falta de experie ncia y el desconocimiento en este campo y las reticencias de algunos docentes a implicarse en este proceso. El modelo demuestra varias bondades: flexibilidad, aplicabilidad, extensibilidad, universalidad,globalidad y economía. ABSTRACT: The new degrees in Spanish University, generated as a result of the Bologna process, affect a new dimension: the generic competences to be acquired by university students. But, how can we harmonize the development and evaluation of these competencies with current teaching? This paper presents a model that allows the aforementioned harmonization with minimal "noise" and additional effort on the part of teachers. The proposed model first makes a selection and organization of competences that are to be incorporated into a curriculum. The following is a projection of competences in the semesters and curriculum subjects. The introduction of competences in the subjects assigned is carried out by designing activities of training, development and assessment. The second component of the proposed model is focused on coordinating actions to implement the transverse character of competences in both space and time. Finally, there are a set of activities to perform quality control of the proposed process. This model is being implemented in two degree taught by the School of Computer Science at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid during the year 2012/13. Coordination has been particularly difficult given the lack of experience and lack of knowledge in this field and the reluctance of teachers to engage in this process.
The verification and validation activity plays a fundamental role in improving software quality. Determining which the most effective techniques for carrying out this activity are has been an aspiration of experimental software engineering researchers for years. This paper reports a controlled experiment evaluating the effectiveness of two unit testing techniques (the functional testing technique known as equivalence partitioning (EP) and the control-flow structural testing technique known as branch testing (BT)). This experiment is a literal replication of Juristo et al. (2013). Both experiments serve the purpose of determining whether the effectiveness of BT and EP varies depending on whether or not the faults are visible for the technique (InScope or OutScope, respectively). We have used the materials, design and procedures of the original experiment, but in order to adapt the experiment to the context we have: (1) reduced the number of studied techniques from 3 to 2; (2) assigned subjects to experimental groups by means of stratified randomization to balance the influence of programming experience; (3) localized the experimental materials and (4) adapted the training duration. We ran the replication at the Escuela Polite?cnica del Eje?rcito Sede Latacunga (ESPEL) as part of a software verification & validation course. The experimental subjects were 23 master?s degree students. EP is more effective than BT at detecting InScope faults. The session/program and group variables are found to have significant effects. BT is more effective than EP at detecting OutScope faults. The session/program and group variables have no effect in this case. The results of the replication and the original experiment are similar with respect to testing techniques. There are some inconsistencies with respect to the group factor. They can be explained by small sample effects. The results for the session/program factor are inconsistent for InScope faults. We believe that these differences are due to a combination of the fatigue effect and a technique x program interaction. Although we were able to reproduce the main effects, the changes to the design of the original experiment make it impossible to identify the causes of the discrepancies for sure. We believe that further replications closely resembling the original experiment should be conducted to improve our understanding of the phenomena under study.
Background: In recent years, Spain has implemented a number of air quality control measures that are expected to lead to a future reduction in fine particle concentrations and an ensuing positive impact on public health. Objectives: We aimed to assess the impact on mortality attributable to a reduction in fine particle levels in Spain in 2014 in relation to the estimated level for 2007. Methods: To estimate exposure, we constructed fine particle distribution models for Spain for 2007 (reference scenario) and 2014 (projected scenario) with a spatial resolution of 16x16 km2. In a second step, we used the concentration-response functions proposed by cohort studies carried out in Europe (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects and Rome longitudinal cohort) and North America (American Cancer Society cohort, Harvard Six Cities study and Canadian national cohort) to calculate the number of attributable annual deaths corresponding to all causes, all non-accidental causes, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer among persons aged over 25 years (2005-2007 mortality rate data). We examined the effect of the Spanish demographic shift in our analysis using 2007 and 2012 population figures. Results: Our model suggested that there would be a mean overall reduction in fine particle levels of 1mg/m3 by 2014. Taking into account 2007 population data, between 8 and 15 all-cause deaths per 100,000 population could be postponed annually by the expected reduction in fine particle levels. For specific subgroups, estimates varied from 10 to 30 deaths for all non-accidental causes, from 1 to 5 for lung cancer, and from 2 to 6 for ischemic heart disease. The expected burden of preventable mortality would be even higher in the future due to the Spanish population growth. Taking into account the population older than 30 years in 2012, the absolute mortality impact estimate would increase approximately by 18%. Conclusions: Effective implementation of air quality measures in Spain, in a scenario with a short-term projection, would amount to an appreciable decline infine particle concentrations, and this, in turn, would lead to notable health-related benefits. Recent European cohort studies strengthen the evidence of an association between long-term exposure to fine particles and health effects, and could enhance the health impact quantification in Europe. Air quality models can contribute to improved assessment of air pollution health impact estimates, particularly in study areas without air pollution monitoring data.
El proyecto tiene por objeto la realización de los estudios técnicos, económicos y de mercado necesarios para definir la estrategia de creación de un Centro Tecnológico en Puertollano (Ciudad Real), ya que no existe en Castilla-La Mancha y tampoco en España un Laboratorio de estas características que trate conjuntamente campos muy demandados por los sectores de las Energías Renovables y la Industria Energética, lo que potenciará en un futuro inmediato un importante campo de negocio. Con el propósito de tener una estrategia adecuada en el desarrollo e implantación de este Centro se ha realizado un estudio de la optimización de los servicios a prestar mediante la implantación de Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad y Sistemas de Gestión de Actividades de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+I) en relación con la actividad del negocio y fomentar en este aspecto la colaboración de las Administraciones y Universidades. El déficit en la competitividad de la economía española afecta a los conceptos íntimamente ligados de calidad y seguridad. Las exigencias cada vez mayores de seguridad y controles metrológicos de normativas europeas en el uso de energías, combustibles e industria, prevén un horizonte muy interesante para los servicios colaterales del Control de Calidad. ABSTRACT The main objetive of this project is to make a technical, economical and marketing study to define the creation strategy of a Technological Centre in Puertollano (Ciudad Real), since there is none in Castilla-La Mancha, or in Spain. Such laboratory would jointly manage fields of high demand by the Renevable Energy Industry sectors, that would enable the development of an important business field. With the purpose of having an appropriate strategy for the development and implementation of this centre, a service optimization study has been made, using the Quality Management Investigation, and ID Systems. This is related to business activities and seeks to foment the colaboration with the Administration and universities. The competitiviness déficit of the Spanish Economy, affects some closely related concepts of quality and security. The constantly growing requirements of security and metrological controls, due to energy, fuel and industry european laws, anticípate an interesting progress for the colateral services of Quality Control.