62 resultados para Clemente Quaglio
El número de cerdos por cuadra y la densidad influyen sobre el rendimiento productivo (Edmons et al., 1998). Además, la densidad de cría puede afectar a la calidad de la canal y de la carne (Estevez et al., 2003), ya que una reducción del espacio disponible da lugar a peleas y mordeduras de colas. Sin embargo, la producción de carne por m 2 aumenta con la densidad con un mejor aprovechamiento de la superficie disponible. Por otro lado, la densidad podría afectar de distinto modo a hembras (HE) y a machos castrados (MC) debido posiblemente al menor consumo voluntario de pienso de las HE. A este particular, Hamilton et al. (2003) observaron que a altas densidades de cría las HE fueron relativamente más magras mientras que los MC eran relativamente más grasos. Cambios en la densidad de cría, pueden afectar a la composición en ácidos grasos de la canal debido a cambios en el consumo y a la utilización del alimento (Nürnberg et al., 1998). El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de la densidad de cebo de HE y MC con alto potencial de crecimiento, sobre el rendimiento productivo y la composición de la carne y el perfil de ácidos grasos en cerdos de 19 a 109 kg PV.
Due to its small band-gap and its high mobility, InN is a promising material for a large number of key applications like band-gap engineering for high efficiency solar cells, light emitting diodes, and high speed devices. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this material exhibits strong surface charge accumulation which may depend on the type of surface. Current investigations are conducted in order to explain the mechanisms which govern such a behavior and to look for ways of avoiding it and/or finding applications that may use such an effect. In this framework, low frequency noise measurements have been performed at different temperatures on patterned MBE grown InN layers. The evolution of the 1/f noise level with temperature in the 77 K-300 K range is consistent with carrier number fluctuations thus indicating surface mechanisms: the surface charge accumulation is confirmed by the noise measurements.
Coal is the most plentiful and evenly distributed fossil fuel worldwide. Based on current production, it is estimated that the reserves will last approximately 130 years. Its use worldwide has been increasing, mainly due to consumption by emerging countries. CO2 emissions generated by combustion and the repercussions of such on climate change support the view that it could no longer be used. CO2 capture may be the solution to continue using it, which would cater for the growing energy demand worldwide. The aim of this study is to compare different processes concerning CO2 capture that may be economically viable, ultimately showing that coal, a fossil energy source widely distributed around the world, can, as a result of using different CO2 capture processes, be used as a clean source of electricity. Hence, in places where geological hurdles may render the costs of CO2 storage considerably higher, since it might have to travel far, coal may be used for other purposes, thus valorizing CO2 within the industrial sector. This research is focused on the technical and economic comparison of the most relevant CO2 capture projects designed in Spain using different existing technologies. The oxyfuel project in Ciuden (Leon, Spain), the IGCC Elcogas, precombustion CO2-capture project (Puertollano, Spain) and the postcombustion project in Carboneras (Almeria, Spain) will be analyzed in order to assess the options available to valorizecaptured CO2. Valorizing captured CO2 may be an adequate solution in areas where, although CO2 capture is still possible, storage is not equally so, thus generating a further benefit. The possible uses of CO2 will be assessed in vegetable growing greenhouses, harnessing CO2 in vegetable life cycles. This will also be used in growing algae for subsequent biodiesel production. Both CO2capture and valorizing will eventually lead to the clean use of coal, which will thus enhance the level of self-supply, aiding the development of electric vehicles, which require large amounts of electricity, as well as improve the level of energy autonomy in countries around the world. Another type of fuel, biodiesel, will also be obtained, without this affecting international food prices.
En el presente proyecto se ha realizado la caracterización de un árido de origen granítico con el objeto de comprobar si cumple los requisitos requeridos para su uso en la fabricación de hormigones. Dichos requisitos se analizarán mediante la Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural EHE-08 que establece las exigencias que deben cumplir las estructuras de hormigón para satisfacer los requisitos de seguridad estructural así como el Marcado CE que indica la conformidad del producto con los requisitos esenciales de la directiva de productos de construcción. Además de dicha caracterización, se analiza con especial interés aspectos relacionados con la durabilidad así como otros complementarios mediante diferentes técnicas de caracterización físico-química y microestructural. Abstract In the present project has been the characterization of an aggregate of granitic origin in order to determine whether it meets the necessary requirements for use in the manufacture of concrete. These requirements will be analyzed using the Structural Concrete EHE-08 which establishes the requirements to be met by concrete structures to meet the requirements of structural safety and CE Marking indicates that the product complies with the essential requirements of the directive construction products. In addition to this characterization, special interest is discussed aspects of durability and other complementary techniques with different physical-chemical, physico-mechanical and microstructural.
Grapevine germplasm, including 38 of the main Portuguese cultivars and three foreign cultivars, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chasselas, used as a reference, and 37 true-to-type clones from the Alvarinho, Arinto, Loureiro, Moscatel Galego Branco, Trajadura and Vinhão cultivars were studied using AFLP and three retrotransposon-based molecular techniques, IRAP, REMAP and SSAP. To study the retrotransposon-based polymorphisms, 18 primers based on the LTR sequences of Tvv1, Gret1 and Vine-1 were used. In the analysis of 41 cultivars, 517 IRAP, REMAP, AFLP and SSAP fragments were obtained, 83% of which were polymorphic. For IRAP, only the Tvv1Fa primer amplified DNA fragments. In the REMAP analysis, the Tvv1Fa-Ms14 primer combination only produced polymorphic bands, and the Vine-1 primers produced mainly ISSR fragments. The highest number of polymorphic fragments was found for AFLP. Both AFLP and SSAP showed a greater capacity for identifying clones, resulting in 15 and 9 clones identified, respectively. Together, all of the techniques allowed for the identification of 54% of the studied clones, which is an important step in solving one of the challenges that viticulture currently faces.
The study focuses on the generation and distribution of mineral species in fly and bottom ashes. These were formed during a fluidised co-combustion of a fossil fuel (coal) and a non-fossil fuel (tyre rubber) in a small fluidised bed combustor (7cm x 70cm). The pilot plant had continuous fuel feed using varying ratios of coal and rubber. The study also focuses on the lixiviation behaviour of metallic elements with the assessement of zinc recovering.
Después de analizar la situación energética actual y las distintas formas de almacenar la energía, sobre todo la proveniente de energías renovables, añadido a las preocupaciones sobre el cambio climático global, la degradación medioambiental resultante del uso de los combustibles fósiles como fuente primaria de energía, junto con las inquietudes sobre la seguridad en el suministro energético, han llevado a muchos analistas a proponer al hidrógeno como portador universal de energía para el futuro. El uso del hidrógeno como vector energético permite el desarrollo de un amplio número de tecnologías. En concreto, las pilas de combustible alimentadas con hidrógeno pueden alcanzar eficiencias elevadas y presentan una gran variedad de posibles aplicaciones, tanto móviles como estacionarias. En el caso de que las líneas de desarrollo actuales lleguen a buen término, el hidrógeno y las pilas de combustible podrán contribuir de forma sustancial a alcanzar los objetivos clave de las políticas energéticas (seguridad de suministro, reducción de emisiones de CO2), especialmente en el sector transporte. Los resultados alcanzados en los últimos años en los programas de investigación, desarrollo y demostración han incrementado claramente el interés internacional sobre estas tecnologías, de las que se piensa que tienen el potencial de crear un cambio de paradigma energético, tanto en las aplicaciones de transporte como en las de generación distribuida de potencia. A largo plazo, la incorporación del hidrógeno como nuevo vector energético, ofrece un escenario en el que se podrá producir hidrógeno a partir de agua, con electricidad y calor de origen renovable, y será posible su utilización para atender a todo tipo de demandas, tanto las convencionales de la industria, en las que el hidrógeno juega un papel de reactivo en procesos diversos, como las energéticas en las que jugaría su nuevo papel de portador de energía. Las únicas emisiones que llevaría asociada la utilización del hidrógeno renovable serían óxidos de nitrógeno que se producirían en procesos de combustión. Sin embargo, su uso en pilas de combustible llevaría a emisiones nulas. Si la fuente del hidrógeno es el gas natural o el carbón, entonces será esencial la captura y almacenamiento del CO2 para lograr ahorros en emisiones, pero, en cualquier caso, los vehículos propulsados por pilas de combustible alimentadas con hidrógeno siempre reducirán las emisiones locales, dado que en el uso final el único efluente es vapor de agua. La visión de este sistema económico-energético del H2, se basa en la expectativa de que el hidrógeno pueda producirse a partir de recursos domésticos, de forma económica y medioambientalmente aceptable y en que las tecnologías de uso final del hidrógeno (pilas de combustible) ganen una cuota de mercado significativa. Los que en el mundo abogan por el hidrógeno indican que, si se alcanzan estas expectativas, una «economía del hidrógeno» beneficiará al mundo proporcionando una mayor seguridad energética porque se diversificarán las fuentes de energía, y una mayor calidad medioambiental porque se reducirán significativamente las emisiones locales y globales
En ese trabajo se presentan los aspectos fundamentales de una parte fundamental del que será patrón nacional de ruido térmico: el anillo que realiza el contacto térmico entre los conductores interior y exterior en la parte superior de la línea coaxial del patrón de ruido. El objetivo de este dispositivo es mantener la misma temperatura en ambos conductores a la entrada del patrón y, asimismo, minimizar el efecto que pueda tener sobre la temperatura de ruido y el coeficiente de reflexión a la entrada del patrón.
Based on theoretical arguments, we propose a possible route for controlling the band-gap in the promising photovoltaic material CdIn2S4. Our ab initio calculations show that the experimental degree of inversion in this spinel (fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by In) corresponds approximately to the equilibrium value given by the minimum of the theoretical inversion free energy at a typical synthesis temperature. Modification of this temperature, or of the cooling rate after synthesis, is then expected to change the inversion degree, which in turn sensitively tunes the electronic band-gap of the solid, as shown here by screened hybrid functional calculations.
Cuando se usa fotocatálisis, tanto para procesos de descontaminación como para síntesis química específica y (especialmente) para aprovechamiento de energía solar, importa aprovechar un rango muy amplio de luz visible. Para ello se estudian hoy principalmente óxidos (con o sin adición de aniones que disminuyen el gap como el nitrógeno); los sulfuros, como el bien conocido CdS, tienen estabilidad limitada, sobre todo para procesos de fotooxidación en presencia de agua en los que sufren corrosión. Aquí se presentan estudios sobre sulfuros como el In2S3 y el SnS2 (con bandgaps respectivos de 2.0 y 2.2 eV [1]) cuyos metales tienen mayor valencia y coordinación octaédrica, y en los que por ambos factores cabe suponer que su red cristalina, más compacta, tendrá mayor estabilidad. Se muestra también que mediante un dopado importante con vanadio se puede extender su rango espectral de fotoactividad, lo que se atribuye a la formación de una banda intermedia que posibilita el uso de dos fotones con energía inferior al bandgap para conseguir una excitación completa en el semiconductor; este proceso ha sido propuesto últimamente para aumentar el rendimiento de las células fotovoltaicas.
This research has been performed to emphasize about the problem known as ?climate changes? occurring due to the greenhouse gases emissions (Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4),Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Ozone (O3), Chlorofluorocarbons (artificial). Specially, the project will be focused on the CO2 emissions produced mainly from the fossil fuels burning in power plants and other kind of industrial processes. To understand how important the global is warming and therefore the climate change, both the increase of emissions and the evolution of those will be studied in this project drawing conclusions about its effect. The Kyoto Protocol, the most important agreement internationally, signed by a great majority of the industrialized and developed countries, which try to limit the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, will be cited in this project. Taking into account the effects of global warming and applying the international legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases, a number of measures will be exposed, where the CO2 capture will be studied deeply. Three different kind of CO2 capture technologies will be studied, drawing the conclusion that the post-combustion capture, in particular by amine chemical absorption, is the most efficient one.
Using photocatalysis for energy applications depends, more than for environmental purposes or selective chemical synthesis, on converting as much of the solar spectrum as possible; the best photocatalyst, titania, is far from this. Many efforts are pursued to use better that spectrum in photocatalysis, by doping titania or using other materials (mainly oxides, nitrides and sulphides) to obtain a lower bandgap, even if this means decreasing the chemical potential of the electron-hole pairs. Here we introduce an alternative scheme, using an idea recently proposed for photovoltaics: the intermediate band (IB) materials. It consists in introducing in the gap of a semiconductor an intermediate level which, acting like a stepstone, allows an electron jumping from the valence band to the conduction band in two steps, each one absorbing one sub-bandgap photon. For this the IB must be partially filled, to allow both sub-bandgap transitions to proceed at comparable rates; must be made of delocalized states to minimize nonradiative recombination; and should not communicate electronically with the outer world. For photovoltaic use the optimum efficiency so achievable, over 1.5 times that given by a normal semiconductor, is obtained with an overall bandgap around 2.0 eV (which would be near-optimal also for water phtosplitting). Note that this scheme differs from the doping principle usually considered in photocatalysis, which just tries to decrease the bandgap; its aim is to keep the full bandgap chemical potential but using also lower energy photons. In the past we have proposed several IB materials based on extensively doping known semiconductors with light transition metals, checking first of all with quantum calculations that the desired IB structure results. Subsequently we have synthesized in powder form two of them: the thiospinel In2S3 and the layered compound SnS2 (having bandgaps of 2.0 and 2.2 eV respectively) where the octahedral cation is substituted at a â?10% level with vanadium, and we have verified that this substitution introduces in the absorption spectrum the sub-bandgap features predicted by the calculations. With these materials we have verified, using a simple reaction (formic acid oxidation), that the photocatalytic spectral response is indeed extended to longer wavelengths, being able to use even 700 nm photons, without largely degrading the response for above-bandgap photons (i.e. strong recombination is not induced) [3b, 4]. These materials are thus promising for efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water; work on this is being pursued, the results of which will be presented.
Nowadays one of the challenges of materials science is to find new technologies that will be able to make the most of renewable energies. An example of new proposals in this field are the intermediate-band (IB) materials, which promise higher efficiencies in photovoltaic applications (through the intermediate band solar cells), or in heterogeneous photocatalysis (using nanoparticles of them, for the light-induced degradation of pollutants or for the efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water). An IB material consists in a semiconductor in which gap a new level is introduced [1], the intermediate band (IB), which should be partially filled by electrons and completely separated of the valence band (VB) and of the conduction band (CB). This scheme (figure 1) allows an electron from the VB to be promoted to the IB, and from the latter to the CB, upon absorption of photons with energy below the band gap Eg, so that energy can be absorbed in a wider range of the solar spectrum and a higher current can be obtained without sacrificing the photovoltage (or the chemical driving force) corresponding to the full bandgap Eg, thus increasing the overall efficiency. This concept, applied to photocatalysis, would allow using photons of a wider visible range while keeping the same redox capacity. It is important to note that this concept differs from the classic photocatalyst doping principle, which essentially tries just to decrease the bandgap. This new type of materials would keep the full bandgap potential but would use also lower energy photons. In our group several IB materials have been proposed, mainly for the photovoltaic application, based on extensively doping known semiconductors with transition metals [2], examining with DFT calculations their electronic structures. Here we refer to In2S3 and SnS2, which contain octahedral cations; when doped with Ti or V an IB is formed according to quantum calculations (see e.g. figure 2). We have used a solvotermal synthesis method to prepare in nanocrystalline form the In2S3 thiospinel and the layered compound SnS2 (which when undoped have bandgaps of 2.0 and 2.2 eV respectively) where the cation is substituted by vanadium at a ?10% level. This substitution has been studied, characterizing the materials by different physical and chemical techniques (TXRF, XRD, HR-TEM/EDS) (see e.g. figure 3) and verifying with UV spectrometry that this substitution introduces in the spectrum the sub-bandgap features predicted by the calculations (figure 4). For both sulphide type nanoparticles (doped and undoped) the photocatalytic activity was studied by following at room temperature the oxidation of formic acid in aqueous suspension, a simple reaction which is easily monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The spectral response of the process is measured using a collection of band pass filters that allow only some wavelengths into the reaction system. Thanks to this method the spectral range in which the materials are active in the photodecomposition (which coincides with the band gap for the undoped samples) can be checked, proving that for the vanadium substituted samples this range is increased, making possible to cover all the visible light range. Furthermore it is checked that these new materials are more photocorrosion resistant than the toxic CdS witch is a well know compound frequently used in tests of visible light photocatalysis. These materials are thus promising not only for degradation of pollutants (or for photovoltaic cells) but also for efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water; work in this direction is now being pursued.
Los materiales de banda intermedia han atraido la atención de la comunidad científica en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica en los últimos años. Sin embargo, con el objetivo de entender los fundamentos de las células solares de banda intermedia, se debe llevar a cabo un estudio profundo de la características de los materiales. Esto se puede hacer mediante un modelo teórico usando Primeros Principios. A partir de este enfoque se pueden obtener resultados tales como la estructura electrónica y propiedades ópticas, entre otras, de los semiconductores fuertemente dopados y sus precursores. Con el fin de desentrañar las estructuras de estos sistemas electrónicos, esta tesis presenta un estudio termodinámico y optoelectrónico de varios materiales fotovoltaicos. Específicamente se caracterizaron los materiales avanzados de banda intermedia y sus precursores. El estudio se hizo en términos de caracterización teórica de la estructura electrónica, la energética del sistema, entre otros. Además la estabilidad se obtuvo usando configuraciones adaptadas a la simetría del sistema y basado en la combinatoria. Las configuraciones de los sitios ocupados por defectos permiten obtener información sobre un espacio de configuraciones donde las posiciones de los dopantes sustituidos se basan en la simetría del sólido cristalino. El resultado puede ser tratado usando elementos de termodinámica estadística y da información de la estabilidad de todo el espacio simétrico. Además se estudiaron otras características importantes de los semiconductores de base. En concreto, el análisis de las interacciones de van der Waals fueron incluidas en el semiconductor en capas SnS2, y el grado de inversión en el caso de las espinelas [M]In2S4. En este trabajo además realizamos una descripción teórica exhaustiva del sistema CdTe:Bi. Este material de banda-intermedia muestra características que son distintas a las de los otros materiales estudiados. También se analizó el Zn como agente modulador de la posición de las sub-bandas prohibidas en el material de banda-intermedia CuGaS2:Ti. Analizándose además la viabilidad termodinámica de la formación de este compuesto. Finalmente, también se describió el GaN:Cr como material de banda intermedia, en la estructura zinc-blenda y en wurtztite, usando configuraciones de sitios ocupados de acuerdo a la simetría del sistema cristalino del semiconductor de base. Todos los resultados, siempre que fue posible, fueron comparados con los resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT The intermediate-band materials have attracted the attention of the scientific community in the field of the photovoltaics in recent years. Nevertheless, in order to understand the intermediate-band solar cell fundamentals, a profound study of the characteristics of the materials is required. This can be done using theoretical modelling from first-principles. The electronic structure and optical properties of heavily doped semiconductors and their precursor semiconductors are, among others, results that can be obtained from this approach. In order to unravel the structures of these crystalline systems, this thesis presents a thermodynamic and optoelectronic study of several photovoltaic materials. Specifically advanced intermediate-band materials and their precursor semiconductors were characterized. The study was made in terms of theoretical characterization of the electronic structure, energetics among others. The stability was obtained using site-occupancy-disorder configurations adapted to the symmetry of the system and based on combinatorics. The site-occupancy-disorder method allows the formation of a configurational space of substitutional dopant positions based on the symmetry of the crystalline solid. The result, that can be treated using statistical thermodynamics, gives information of the stability of the whole space of symmetry of the crystalline lattice. Furthermore, certain other important characteristics of host semiconductors were studied. Specifically, the van der Waal interactions were included in the SnS2 layered semiconductor, and the inversion degree in cases of [M]In2S4 spinels. In this work we also carried out an exhaustive theoretical description of the CdTe:Bi system. This intermediate-band material shows characteristics that are distinct from those of the other studied intermediate-band materials. In addition, Zn was analysed as a modulator of the positions of the sub-band gaps in the CuGaS2:Ti intermediate-band material. The thermodynamic feasibility of the formation of this compound was also carried out. Finally GaN:Cr intermediate-band material was also described both in the zinc-blende and the wurtztite type structures, using the symmetry-adapted-space of configurations. All results, whenever possible, were compared with experimental results.
Descripción de los principales grupos rupestres de habitación de La Rioja y su devenir.