55 resultados para Chaotic attractor


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A new proposal to have secure communications in a system is reported. The basis is the use of a synchronized digital chaotic systems, sending the information signal added to an initial chaos. The received signal is analyzed by another chaos generator located at the receiver and, by a logic boolean function of the chaotic and the received signals, the original information is recovered. One of the most important facts of this system is that the bandwidth needed by the system remain the same with and without chaos.


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We proposed an optical communications system, based on a digital chaotic signal where the synchronization of chaos was the main objective, in some previous papers. In this paper we will extend this work. A way to add the digital data signal to be transmitted onto the chaotic signal and its correct reception, is the main objective. We report some methods to study the main characteristics of the resulting signal. The main problem with any real system is the presence of some retard between the times than the signal is generated at the emitter at the time when this signal is received. Any system using chaotic signals as a method to encrypt need to have the same characteristics in emitter and receiver. It is because that, this control of time is needed. A method to control, in real time the chaotic signals, is reported.


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We study dynamics of the bistable logistic map with delayed feedback, under the influence of white Gaussian noise and periodic modulation applied to the variable. This system may serve as a model to describe population dynamics under finite resources in noisy environment with seasonal fluctuations. While a very small amount of noise has no effect on the global structure of the coexisting attractors in phase space, an intermediate noise totally eliminates one of the attractors. Slow periodic modulation enhances the attractor annihilation.


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This article presents a time domain approach to the flutter analysis of a missile-type wing/body configuration with concentrated structural non-linearities. The missile wing is considered fully movable and its rotation angle contains the structural freeplay-type non-linearity. Although a general formulation for flexible configurations is developed, only two rigid degrees of freedom are taken into account for the results: pitching of the whole wing/body configuration and wing rotation angle around its hinge. An unsteady aerodynamic model based on the slender-body approach is used to calculate aerodynamic generalized forces. Limit-cycle oscillations and chaotic motion below the flutter speed are observed in this study.


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No tenemos conocimiento de ninguna red de caminos prerromanos que sirvieran como base de una posible malla territorial de España. Sin embargo, una sociedad prerromana sin caminos, por muy fragmentada y aislada que fuera, es algo improbable y mucho menos en la Edad del Hierro. Por eso en época prerromana existían infinidad de caminos, muchos de los cuales hoy han desaparecido y otros han sobrevivido, casi siempre con sus recorridos mejorados. Los pueblos prerromanos aprovecharon vías naturales de comunicación (ríos, vados, valles, puertos naturales, llanuras, etc.) para tender sus caminos. En sus orígenes no siguieron pautas concretas, si no que los caminos se originaban por el tránsito (de personas, ganados, mercancías, etc.) de un lugar a otro. De este modo la red viaria prerromana era caótica y anárquica: todo camino tenía numerosos ramales y variantes, según las necesidades. Pendientes excesivas, anchuras variables, etc., en decir eran vías espontáneas, surgidas sin ninguna planificación aparente. Los recorridos en general eran cortos, aunque algunas investigaciones actuales están demostrando que algunas de las cañadas ganaderas más importantes, como la Galiana, y de largo recorrido, eran de origen prerromano. En el caso de la península Ibérica, y más concretamente en el caso de la Meseta, el territorio estaba fragmentado en diversos pueblos y tribus, agrupados según criterios étnicos y culturales y con contactos con los pueblos próximos que motivan la preponderancia de caminos de recorrido cortos. Solo la necesidad de llevar los rebaños (de cabras y ovejas sobre todo) desde las serranías en verano a las llanuras en invierno, motivaría viajes más largos en los que algunas cañadas ganaderas jugarían un papel más importante. Con la llegada de los romanaos, se implantó en Hispania una densa red viaria, cuya construcción se prolongó durante toda la dominación romana, siendo reparadas muchas calzadas y vías en varias ocasiones. En época romana la red caminera era variada y estaba constituida por “las calzadas” que comunicaban puntos importantes, eran muy transitadas, de ahí que la administración romana las mantuviera siempre en buen estado, para asegurar el intercambio comercial entre zonas distintas, cobro de impuestos, etc. “Los caminos de tierra (viae terrenae)” que además de las calzadas, que podemos asemejar a las actuales carreteras de primer y segundo orden, constituían la infinidad de caminos locales y comarcales. Los trazados se realizaron unos en época romana, y otros muchos apoyándose en los caminos de la época prerromana, éstas vías no se realizaban buscando el recorrido más corto entre dos puntos, ni tampoco el más cómodo y con un firme estructural de menor importancia que en las calzadas. Tampoco estaban hechos para un tipo concreto de transporte, por lo que nos encontraríamos algunos que por su anchura permitían el paso de carros, y otros que sólo permitirían el paso a pie, a caballo o en burro. Solían ser, como hemos indicado, caminos de tierra con acabados en zahorras y recorridos en su mayor parte cortos y medianos. Dentro de la malla territorial de España las calzadas constituirían las denominadas “viae publicae” que constituían la red principal y esqueleto vertebrador de Hispania. Los caminos de tierra constituirían los denominados “actus” caminos de carácter regional que configuraban la mayor parte de la red. Muchas de las “viae publicae” y de los “actus” tendrían su origen en las “viae militares” que habrían sido los primeros construidos, apoyándose en muchas ocasiones en los caminos prerromanos, por los romanos para realizar la conquista de Hispania y que luego con la Paz romana habrían tenido otro tipo de uso. Dentro de estas “viae militares” tuvieron una importancia relevancia aquellas que se utilizaron en la conquista de la Celtiberia, culminada con la caída de Numantia. Dentro de ellas tuvo una importancia fundamental la vía romana del río Alhama, objeto de esta Tesis, que facilitaría el desplazamiento de los ejércitos romanos desde Graccurris, primera ciudad romana fundada en el Ebro medio, hasta Numantia. Desde la época Augusta, la vía romana del río Alhama, pasaría a formar parte de los denominados “actus” formando parte de la malla territorial de la Península Ibérica como vía de comunicación entre la Meseta y el Ebro Medio. We do not have knowledge of any network of ways prerromanos that were serving as base of a possible territorial mesh of Spain. Nevertheless, a company prerromana without ways, for very fragmented and isolated that was, is something improbable and great less in the Age of the Iron. Because of it in epoch prerromana existed infinity of ways, many of which today have disappeared and others have survived, almost always with his improved tours. The people prerromanos took advantage of natural routes of communication (rivers, fords, valleys, natural ports, plains, etc.) to stretch his ways. In his origins concrete guidelines did not continue, if not that the ways were originating for the traffic (of persons, cattle, goods, etc.) to and from. Thus the network viaria prerromana was chaotic and anarchic: all way had numerous branches and variants, according to the needs. Excessive slopes, variable widths, etc., in saying were spontaneous routes arisen without no apparent planning. The tours in general were short, though some current investigations are demonstrating that some of the most important cattle glens, as the Galiana, and of crossed length, were of origin prerromano. In case of the Iberian Peninsula, and more concretely in case of the Plateau, the territory was fragmented in diverse peoples and tribes, grouped according to ethnic and cultural criteria and with contacts with the near peoples that motivate the prevalence of short ways of tour. Only the need to take the flocks (of goats and sheeps especially) from the mountainous countries in summer to the plains in winter, would motivate longer trips in which some cattle glens would play a more important paper. With the arrival of the romanos, a dense network was implanted in Roman Spain viaria, whose construction extended during the whole Roman domination, being repaired many causeways and routes in several occasions. In Roman epoch the pertaining to roads network was changed and constituted by " the causeways " that were communicating important points, they were very travelled, of there that the Roman administration was supporting always in good condition, to assure the commercial exchange between different zones, collection of taxes, etc. "The dirt tracks (viae terrenae)" that besides the causeways, which we can make alike to the current roads of the first and second order, were constituting the infinity of local and regional ways. The tracings were realized some in Roman epoch, and great others resting on the ways of the epoch prerromana, these routes were not realized looking for the most short tour neither between points, two nor neither most comfortable and with a structural road surface of minor importance that in the causeways. They were not also done for a concrete type of transport, for what some of us would think that for his width they were allowing the step of cars, and others that only would allow the step afoot, astride or in donkey. They were in the habit of being, since we have indicated, dirt tracks with ended in zahorras and tours in his most short and medium. Inside the territorial mesh of Spain the causeways would constitute the called ones "viae publicae" that constituted the principal network and skeleton vertebrador of Roman Spain. The dirt tracks would constitute the "actus” called ways of regional character that were forming most of the network. Many of "viae publicae" and of the "actus" they would have his origin in " viae military" that would have been the first ones constructed, resting on many occasions on the ways prerromanos, for the Romans to realize the conquest of Roman Spain and that then with the Roman Peace they would have had another type of use. Inside these "viae military" had an importance relevancy those that were in use in the conquest of the Celtiberia, reached with Numantia's fall. Inside them a fundamental importance had the Roman route of the river Alhama, object of this Thesis, which would facilitate the displacement of the Roman armies from Graccurris, the first Roman city been founded on the average Ebro, up to Numantia. From the August epoch, the Roman route of the river Alhama, would happen to form a part of the "actus” forming a part of the territorial mesh of the Iberian Peninsula as road link between the Plateau and the Average Ebro.


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The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet, the electronic commerce, the e-government, mobile telephony and future cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides these, there are new challenges for the protection of information, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents. Cryptography plays a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the safety of these new media. It is imperative to intensify the research in this area, to meet the growing demand for new secure cryptographic techniques. The theory of chaotic nonlinear dynamical systems and the theory of cryptography give rise to the chaotic cryptography, which is the field of study of this thesis. The link between cryptography and chaotic systems is still subject of intense study. The combination of apparently stochastic behavior, the properties of sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters, ergodicity, mixing, and the fact that periodic points are dense, suggests that chaotic orbits resemble random sequences. This fact, and the ability to synchronize multiple chaotic systems, initially described by Pecora and Carroll, has generated an avalanche of research papers that relate cryptography and chaos. The chaotic cryptography addresses two fundamental design paradigms. In the first paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are designed using continuous time, mainly based on chaotic synchronization techniques; they are implemented with analog circuits or by computer simulation. In the second paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are constructed using discrete time and generally do not depend on chaos synchronization techniques. The contributions in this thesis involve three aspects about chaotic cryptography. The first one is a theoretical analysis of the geometric properties of some of the most employed chaotic attractors for the design of chaotic cryptosystems. The second one is the cryptanalysis of continuos chaotic cryptosystems and finally concludes with three new designs of cryptographically secure chaotic pseudorandom generators. The main accomplishments contained in this thesis are: v Development of a method for determining the parameters of some double scroll chaotic systems, including Lorenz system and Chua’s circuit. First, some geometrical characteristics of chaotic system have been used to reduce the search space of parameters. Next, a scheme based on the synchronization of chaotic systems was built. The geometric properties have been employed as matching criterion, to determine the values of the parameters with the desired accuracy. The method is not affected by a moderate amount of noise in the waveform. The proposed method has been applied to find security flaws in the continuous chaotic encryption systems. Based on previous results, the chaotic ciphers proposed by Wang and Bu and those proposed by Xu and Li are cryptanalyzed. We propose some solutions to improve the cryptosystems, although very limited because these systems are not suitable for use in cryptography. Development of a method for determining the parameters of the Lorenz system, when it is used in the design of two-channel cryptosystem. The method uses the geometric properties of the Lorenz system. The search space of parameters has been reduced. Next, the parameters have been accurately determined from the ciphertext. The method has been applied to cryptanalysis of an encryption scheme proposed by Jiang. In 2005, Gunay et al. proposed a chaotic encryption system based on a cellular neural network implementation of Chua’s circuit. This scheme has been cryptanalyzed. Some gaps in security design have been identified. Based on the theoretical results of digital chaotic systems and cryptanalysis of several chaotic ciphers recently proposed, a family of pseudorandom generators has been designed using finite precision. The design is based on the coupling of several piecewise linear chaotic maps. Based on the above results a new family of chaotic pseudorandom generators named Trident has been designed. These generators have been specially designed to meet the needs of real-time encryption of mobile technology. According to the above results, this thesis proposes another family of pseudorandom generators called Trifork. These generators are based on a combination of perturbed Lagged Fibonacci generators. This family of generators is cryptographically secure and suitable for use in real-time encryption. Detailed analysis shows that the proposed pseudorandom generator can provide fast encryption speed and a high level of security, at the same time. El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de Internet, el comercio electrónico, la administración electrónica, la telefonía móvil y la futura computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección de la información, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos electrónicos. La criptografía juega un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la seguridad de estos nuevos medios, pero es imperativo intensificar la investigación en este ámbito para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas técnicas criptográficas seguras. La teoría de los sistemas dinámicos no lineales junto a la criptografía dan lugar a la ((criptografía caótica)), que es el campo de estudio de esta tesis. El vínculo entre la criptografía y los sistemas caóticos continúa siendo objeto de un intenso estudio. La combinación del comportamiento aparentemente estocástico, las propiedades de sensibilidad a las condiciones iniciales y a los parámetros, la ergodicidad, la mezcla, y que los puntos periódicos sean densos asemejan las órbitas caóticas a secuencias aleatorias, lo que supone su potencial utilización en el enmascaramiento de mensajes. Este hecho, junto a la posibilidad de sincronizar varios sistemas caóticos descrita inicialmente en los trabajos de Pecora y Carroll, ha generado una avalancha de trabajos de investigación donde se plantean muchas ideas sobre la forma de realizar sistemas de comunicaciones seguros, relacionando así la criptografía y el caos. La criptografía caótica aborda dos paradigmas de diseño fundamentales. En el primero, los criptosistemas caóticos se diseñan utilizando circuitos analógicos, principalmente basados en las técnicas de sincronización caótica; en el segundo, los criptosistemas caóticos se construyen en circuitos discretos u ordenadores, y generalmente no dependen de las técnicas de sincronización del caos. Nuestra contribución en esta tesis implica tres aspectos sobre el cifrado caótico. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis teórico de las propiedades geométricas de algunos de los sistemas caóticos más empleados en el diseño de criptosistemas caóticos vii continuos; en segundo lugar, se realiza el criptoanálisis de cifrados caóticos continuos basados en el análisis anterior; y, finalmente, se realizan tres nuevas propuestas de diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguros y rápidos. La primera parte de esta memoria realiza un análisis crítico acerca de la seguridad de los criptosistemas caóticos, llegando a la conclusión de que la gran mayoría de los algoritmos de cifrado caóticos continuos —ya sean realizados físicamente o programados numéricamente— tienen serios inconvenientes para proteger la confidencialidad de la información ya que son inseguros e ineficientes. Asimismo una gran parte de los criptosistemas caóticos discretos propuestos se consideran inseguros y otros no han sido atacados por lo que se considera necesario más trabajo de criptoanálisis. Esta parte concluye señalando las principales debilidades encontradas en los criptosistemas analizados y algunas recomendaciones para su mejora. En la segunda parte se diseña un método de criptoanálisis que permite la identificaci ón de los parámetros, que en general forman parte de la clave, de algoritmos de cifrado basados en sistemas caóticos de Lorenz y similares, que utilizan los esquemas de sincronización excitador-respuesta. Este método se basa en algunas características geométricas del atractor de Lorenz. El método diseñado se ha empleado para criptoanalizar eficientemente tres algoritmos de cifrado. Finalmente se realiza el criptoanálisis de otros dos esquemas de cifrado propuestos recientemente. La tercera parte de la tesis abarca el diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguras, basadas en aplicaciones caóticas, realizando las pruebas estadísticas, que corroboran las propiedades de aleatoriedad. Estos generadores pueden ser utilizados en el desarrollo de sistemas de cifrado en flujo y para cubrir las necesidades del cifrado en tiempo real. Una cuestión importante en el diseño de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico es la degradación dinámica debida a la precisión finita; sin embargo, la mayoría de los diseñadores de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico no ha considerado seriamente este aspecto. En esta tesis se hace hincapié en la importancia de esta cuestión y se contribuye a su esclarecimiento con algunas consideraciones iniciales. Ya que las cuestiones teóricas sobre la dinámica de la degradación de los sistemas caóticos digitales no ha sido totalmente resuelta, en este trabajo utilizamos algunas soluciones prácticas para evitar esta dificultad teórica. Entre las técnicas posibles, se proponen y evalúan varias soluciones, como operaciones de rotación de bits y desplazamiento de bits, que combinadas con la variación dinámica de parámetros y con la perturbación cruzada, proporcionan un excelente remedio al problema de la degradación dinámica. Además de los problemas de seguridad sobre la degradación dinámica, muchos criptosistemas se rompen debido a su diseño descuidado, no a causa de los defectos esenciales de los sistemas caóticos digitales. Este hecho se ha tomado en cuenta en esta tesis y se ha logrado el diseño de generadores pseudoaleatorios caóticos criptogr áficamente seguros.


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Time series are proficiently converted into graphs via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm, which prompts interest in its capability for capturing the nature of different classes of series in a network context. We have recently shown [B. Luque et al., PLoS ONE 6, 9 (2011)] that dynamical systems can be studied from a novel perspective via the use of this method. Specifically, the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps transform into families of graphs that turn out to be independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. Here, we provide an in depth description of the HV treatment of the Feigenbaum scenario, together with analytical derivations that relate to the degree distributions, mean distances, clustering coefficients, etc., associated to the bifurcation cascades and their accumulation points. We describe how the resultant families of graphs can be framed into a renormalization group scheme in which fixed-point graphs reveal their scaling properties. These fixed points are then re-derived from an entropy optimization process defined for the graph sets, confirming a suggested connection between renormalization group and entropy optimization. Finally, we provide analytical and numerical results for the graph entropy and show that it emulates the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign.


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We propose a method to measure real-valued time series irreversibility which combines two different tools: the horizontal visibility algorithm and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. This method maps a time series to a directed network according to a geometric criterion. The degree of irreversibility of the series is then estimated by the Kullback-Leibler divergence (i.e. the distinguishability) between the in and out degree distributions of the associated graph. The method is computationally efficient and does not require any ad hoc symbolization process. We find that the method correctly distinguishes between reversible and irreversible stationary time series, including analytical and numerical studies of its performance for: (i) reversible stochastic processes (uncorrelated and Gaussian linearly correlated), (ii) irreversible stochastic processes (a discrete flashing ratchet in an asymmetric potential), (iii) reversible (conservative) and irreversible (dissipative) chaotic maps, and (iv) dissipative chaotic maps in the presence of noise. Two alternative graph functionals, the degree and the degree-degree distributions, can be used as the Kullback-Leibler divergence argument. The former is simpler and more intuitive and can be used as a benchmark, but in the case of an irreversible process with null net current, the degree-degree distribution has to be considered to identify the irreversible nature of the series


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The arrangement of atoms at the surface of a solid accounts for many of its properties: Hardness, chemical activity, corrosion, etc. are dictated by the precise surface structure. Hence, finding it, has a broad range of technical and industrial applications. The ability to solve this problem opens the possibility of designing by computer materials with properties tailored to specific applications. Since the search space grows exponentially with the number of atoms, its solution cannot be achieved for arbitrarily large structures. Presently, a trial and error procedure is used: an expert proposes an structure as a candidate solution and tries a local optimization procedure on it. The solution relaxes to the local minimum in the attractor basin corresponding to the initial point, that might be the one corresponding to the global minimum or not. This procedure is very time consuming and, for reasonably sized surfaces, can take many iterations and much effort from the expert. Here we report on a visualization environment designed to steer this process in an attempt to solve bigger structures and reduce the time needed. The idea is to use an immersive environment to interact with the computation. It has immediate feedback to assess the quality of the proposed structure in order to let the expert explore the space of candidate solutions. The visualization environment is also able to communicate with the de facto local solver used for this problem. The user is then able to send trial structures to the local minimizer and track its progress as they approach the minimum. This allows for simultaneous testing of candidate structures. The system has also proved very useful as an educational tool for the field.


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Intermittency phenomenon is a continuous route from regular to chaotic behaviour. Intermittency is an occurrence of a signal that alternates chaotic bursts between quasi-regular periods called laminar phases, driven by the so called reinjection probability density function (RPD). In this paper is introduced a new technique to obtain the RPD for type-II and III intermittency. The new RPD is more general than the classical one and includes the classical RPD as a particular case. The probabilities of the laminar length, the average laminar lengths and the characteristic relations are determined with and without lower bound of the reinjection in agreement with numerical simulations. Finally, it is analyzed the noise effect in intermittency. A method to obtain the noisy RPD is developed extending the procedure used in the noiseless case. The analytical results show a good agreement with numerical simulations.


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This contribution reviews the current state of art comprising the application of Complex Networks Theory to the analysis of functional brain networks. We briefly overview the main advances in this field during the last decade and we explain how graph analysis has increased our knowledge about how the brain behaves when performing a specific task or how it fails when a certain pathology arises. We also show the limitations of this kind of analysis, which have been a source of confusion and misunderstanding when interpreting the results obtained. Finally, we discuss about a possible direction to follow in the next years.


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The main problem of pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) using only a body-attached inertial measurement unit is the accumulation of heading errors. The heading provided by magnetometers in indoor buildings is in general not reliable and therefore it is commonly not used. Recently, a new method was proposed called heuristic drift elimination (HDE) that minimises the heading error when navigating in buildings. It assumes that the majority of buildings have their corridors parallel to each other, or they intersect at right angles, and consequently most of the time the person walks along a straight path with a heading constrained to one of the four possible directions. In this article we study the performance of HDE-based methods in complex buildings, i.e. with pathways also oriented at 45°, long curved corridors, and wide areas where non-oriented motion is possible. We explain how the performance of the original HDE method can be deteriorated in complex buildings, and also, how severe errors can appear in the case of false matches with the building's dominant directions. Although magnetic compassing indoors has a chaotic behaviour, in this article we analyse large data-sets in order to study the potential use that magnetic compassing has to estimate the absolute yaw angle of a walking person. Apart from these analysis, this article also proposes an improved HDE method called Magnetically-aided Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination (MiHDE), that is implemented over a PDR framework that uses foot-mounted inertial navigation with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is fed with the MiHDE-estimated orientation error, gyro bias corrections, as well as the confidence over that corrections. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the proposed MiHDE-based PDR method, comparing it with the original HDE implementation. Results show that both methods perform very well in ideal orthogonal narrow-corridor buildings, and MiHDE outperforms HDE for non-ideal trajectories (e.g. curved paths) and also makes it robust against potential false dominant direction matchings.


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A new methodology to study irregular behaviours in logic cells is reported. It is based on two types of diagrams, namely phase and working diagrams. Sets of four bits are grouped and represented by their hexadecimal equivalent. Some hexadecimal numbers correspond to certain logic functions. The influence of the internal and external tolerances, namely those appearing in the employed devices and in the working signals, may be analysed with this method. Its importance in the case of logic structures with chaotic behaviours is studied.


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A new method to obtain digital chaos synchronization between two systems is reported. It is based on the use of Optically Programmable Logic Cells as chaos generators. When these cells are feedbacked, periodic and chaotic behaviours are obtained. They depend on the ratio between internal and external delay times. Chaos synchronization is obtained if a common driving signal feeds both systems. A control to impose the same boundary conditions to both systems is added to the emitter. New techniques to analyse digital chaos are presented. The main application of these structures is to obtain secure communications in optical networks.


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Based on a previously reported logic cell structure (see SPIE, vol. 2038, p. 67-77, 1993), the two types of cells present at the inner and ganglion cell layers of the vertebrate retina and their intracellular response, as well as their connections with each other, have been simulated. These cells are amacrines and ganglion cells. The main scheme of the authors' configuration is shown in a figure. These two types of cells, as well as some of their possible interconnections, have been implemented with the authors' previously reported optical-processing element. As it has been shown, the authors' logic structure is able to process two optical input binary signals, being the output two logical functions. Moreover, if a delayed feedback from one of the two possible outputs to one or both of the inputs is introduced, a very different behaviour is obtained. Depending on the value of the time delay, an oscillatory output can be obtained from a constant optical input signal. Period and length pulses are dependent on delay values, both external and internal, as well as on other control signals. Moreover, a chaotic behaviour can be obtained too under certain conditions