18 resultados para C Programming
Automatic grading of programming assignments is an important topic in academic research. It aims at improving the level of feedback given to students and optimizing the professor time. Several researches have reported the development of software tools to support this process. Then, it is helpfulto get a quickly and good sight about their key features. This paper reviews an ample set of tools forautomatic grading of programming assignments. They are divided in those most important mature tools, which have remarkable features; and those built recently, with new features. The review includes the definition and description of key features e.g. supported languages, used technology, infrastructure, etc. The two kinds of tools allow making a temporal comparative analysis. This analysis infrastructure, etc. The two kinds of tools allow making a temporal comparative analysis. This analysis shows good improvements in this research field, these include security, more language support, plagiarism detection, etc. On the other hand, the lack of a grading model for assignments is identified as an important gap in the reviewed tools. Thus, a characterization of evaluation metrics to grade programming assignments is provided as first step to get a model. Finally new paths in this research field are proposed.
Automating the assessment of programming assignments brings benefits for both students and teachers, since it helps the formers to gain a timely feedback and releases the latter from tedious tasks. The related literature in the domain has usually focused on the assessment process and the tools required for it, proposing libraries and systems that teachers can use in this process. However, few of them have work rowards reducing the effort and time teacher require to properly set up new assessente processes. This paper describes our experience with the analysis and design of a new tool to support teachers in visually developing automatic grades of programming assignments, introducing the underlying concepts and technologies and presenting the system architecture.
La calificación automática de tareas de programación es un tema importante dentro del campo de la innovación educativa que se enfoca en mejorar las habilidades de programación de los estudiantes y en optimizar el tiempo que el profesorado dedica a ello. Uno de los principales problemas vigentes está relacionado con la diversidad de criterios para calificar las tareas de programación. El presente trabajo propone e implementa una arquitectura, basada en el concepto de orquestación de servicios, para soportar varios procesos de calificación automática de tareas de programación. Esto es obtenido a través de las características de modularidad, extensibilidad y flexibilidad que la arquitectura provee al proceso de calificación. La arquitectura define como pieza clave un elemento llamado Grading-submodule, el mismo que provee un servicio de evaluación del código fuente considerando un criterio de calificación. La implementación se ha llevado a cabo sobre la herramienta Virtual Programming Lab; y los resultados demuestran la factibilidad de realización, y la utilidad tanto para el profesorado como para los estudiantes.