22 resultados para Beet yellows


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The effects of fiber inclusion, feed form, and energy concentration of the diet on the growth performance of pullets from hatching to 5 wk age were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, there was a control diet based on cereals and soybean meal, and 6 extra diets that included 2 or 4% of cereal straw, sugar beet pulp (SBP), or sunflower hulls (SFHs) at the expense (wt/wt) of the whole control diet. From hatching to 5 wk age fiber inclusion increased (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI, and improved (P < 0.05) energy efficiency (EnE; kcal AMEn/g ADG), but body weight (BW) uniformity was not affected. Pullets fed SFH tended to have higher ADG than pullets fed SBP (P = 0.072) with pullets fed straw being intermediate. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better (P < 0.05) with 2% than with 4% fiber inclusion. In Experiment 2, 10 diets were arranged as a 2×5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of AMEn (2,850, 2,900, 2,950, 3,000, and 3,050 kcal/kg). Pullets fed crumbles were heavier and had better FCR than pullets fed mash (P < 0.001). An increase in the energy content of the crumble diets reduced ADFI and improved FCR linearly, but no effects were detected with the mash diets (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for the interactions). Feeding crumbles tended to improve BW uniformity at 5 wk age (P = 0.077) but no effects were detected with increases in energy concentration of the diet. In summary, the inclusion of moderate amounts of fiber in the diet improves pullet performance from hatching to 5 wk age. The response of pullets to increases in energy content of the diet depends on feed form with a decrease in feed intake when fed crumbles but no changes when fed mash. Feeding crumbles might be preferred to feeding mash in pullets from hatching to 5 wk age.


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We investigated the effects of fiber inclusion in the diet on growth performance and digestive traits in pullets from hatching to 17 wk of age. The control diets of the 3 feeding periods (0 to 5 wk, 5 to 10 wk, and 10 to 17 wk) were based on corn and soybean meal and did not include any additional fiber source. The experimental diets included 2 or 4% of cereal straw or sugar beet pulp (SBP) at the expense (wt:wt) of the control diet. From 0 to 5 wk of age, fiber inclusion did not affect pullet performance. From hatch to 17 wk of age, the inclusion of straw had little effect on pullet performance but the inclusion of 4% SBP reduced (ADG) (P < 0.05) and reduced feed conversion ratio (FCR; P < 0.001). Pullets fed straw had greater ADG (P < 0.05) and better energy conversion ratio (P < 0.01) than pullets fed SBP. An increase in fiber from 2 to 4% reduced FCR (P < 0.05). Body weight uniformity was not affected by diet. Fiber inclusion increased the relative weight (% BW) of the gizzard at 5 wk (P = 0.056) and 10 wk (P < 0.01) of age, but no differences were detected between fiber sources. At same ages, the relative length (cm/kg BW) of the pullets (P = 0.058 and P < 0.01, respectively) and tarsus (P = 0.079 and P < 0.05, respectively) was higher in pullets fed SBP than in pullets fed straw. Fiber inclusion, however, did not affect any of these traits at 17 wk of age. In summary, the inclusion of 2% straw at the expense (wt:wt) of the whole diet did not affect pullet performance at 17 wk of age. An increase in the level of straw from 2 to 4% reduced FCR but did not affect ADG. The inclusion of SBP, however, reduced pullet growth, with effects being more pronounced at the higher level.


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En el complejo de plagas que atacan a los principales cultivos hortícolas protegidos, destacan principalmente los Hemípteros, y dentro de estos los pulgones, dada su importancia como vectores de virus que provocan considerables daños y pérdidas económicas. Debido a que la dispersión de la mayoría de los virus de plantas puede ser eficaz con densidades bajas de vectores y su control es muy complicado al no existir métodos curativos para su control, es necesario generar nuevos conocimientos sobre las interacciones virus-vector con el fin de desarrollar nuevas y eficaces estrategias de control. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta Tesis ha sido conocer el efecto de la infección viral (directo-mediado por la presencia del virus en el vector- e indirecto-mediado por las alteraciones físico-químicas que se originan en la planta como consecuencia de la infección viral-) sobre el comportamiento y eficacia biológica del vector Aphis gossypii Glover y sus posibles repercusiones en la epidemiología de virosis de transmisión no persistente (Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV, Cucumovirus) y persistente (Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus, CABYV, Polerovirus). El primer objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral, se centró en el estudio del efecto indirecto del virus de transmisión no persistente CMV sobre el comportamiento alimenticio y la preferencia del pulgón A. gossypii en el cultivo de pepino. Los ensayos de despegue y aterrizaje mostraron que los pulgones que fueron liberados en las plantas de pepino infectadas con CMV tuvieron una mayor propensión en migrar hacia las plantas no infectadas (60, 120 y 180 minutos después de la liberación) que aquellos que fueron sometidos al tratamiento contrario (planta no infectada hacia planta infectada con CMV). El estudio de preferencia y asentamiento mostró que el vector A. gossypii prefiere asentarse en plantas infectadas con CMV en una etapa temprana de evaluación (30 minutos después de la liberación). Sin embargo, este comportamiento se revirtió en una etapa posterior (4 y 48 horas después de la liberación), donde los pulgones se asentaron más en las plantas no infectadas. A través de la técnica de Gráficos de Penetración Eléctrica (EPG) se observó un efecto indirecto del virus CMV, revelado por un cambio brusco en el comportamiento de prueba del pulgón a lo largo del tiempo, cuando éstos fueron expuestos a las plantas infectadas con CMV. Los primeros 15 minutos de registro EPG mostraron que los pulgones hicieron un número mayor de punciones intracelulares (potencial drops - pds) y pruebas en las plantas infectadas con CMV que en las plantas no infectadas. Por otra parte, la duración de la primera prueba fue más corta y la duración total de las pds por insecto fue mucho más larga en las plantas infectadas con CMV. Se observaron diferencias significativas en el tiempo transcurrido desde el final de la última pd hasta el final de la prueba, siendo ese tiempo más corto para los pulgones que estaban alimentándose en plantas infectadas con CMV. En la segunda hora de registro los pulgones rechazaron las plantas infectadas con CMV como fuente de alimento, permaneciendo menos tiempo en las fases de prueba en floema (fase de salivación – E1 y fase de ingestión del floema – E2). El comportamiento alimenticio observado sobre las plantas infectadas con CMV favorece la adquisición y posterior transmisión de los virus de transmisión no persistente, los cuales son adquiridos e inoculados durante la realización de pruebas intracelulares en las primeras pruebas de corta duración. En el segundo objetivo de la Tesis se evaluó el efecto directo e indirecto del virus de transmisión persistente CABYV en el comportamiento alimenticio y preferencia del pulgón A. gossypii en cultivo de pepino, especie susceptible al virus, y algodón, especie inmune al virus. No se observó un efecto directo del virus relevante en el comportamiento alimenticio del vector, ya que los resultados obtenidos a nivel floemático en plantas de pepino no se observaron en plantas de algodón, inmune al virus CABYV. Esto sugiere que los resultados obtenidos en pepino, pueden deberse a un “posible efecto indirecto” originado por la infección de las plantas susceptibles al virus durante la realización del ensayo, lo que indirectamente puede modificar el comportamiento del pulgón durante la fase de evaluación. Sin embargo, el virus CABYV modificó indirectamente el comportamiento alimenticio de su vector a través de cambios en la planta infectada. Los pulgones tardaron menos tiempo en llegar al floema, realizaron un mayor número de pruebas floemáticas y permanecieron durante más tiempo en actividades floemáticas en plantas infectadas con CABYV. El comportamiento observado sobre las plantas infectadas con CABYV favorece la adquisición de virus persistentes, los cuales son adquiridos durante la alimentación sostenida en floema. El estudio de preferencia y asentamiento de A. gossypii mostró que los pulgones virulíferos prefieren asentarse en plantas no infectadas a corto y largo plazo de evaluación (2, 4 y 48 horas después de la liberación). Los ensayos de despegue y aterrizaje mostraron que los pulgones virulíferos que fueron liberados en las plantas de pepino infectadas con CABYV tuvieron una mayor propensión en migrar hacia las plantas no infectadas (3, 6, 24 y 48 horas después de la liberación) que aquellos que fueron sometidos al tratamiento contrario (planta no infectada hacia planta infectada con CABYV). Sin embargo, los pulgones no virulíferos no mostraron preferencia por plantas de pepino no infectadas o infectadas con CABYV en ninguno de los ensayos (preferencia o despegue) o periodos evaluados (corto y largo plazo). Los resultados indican que el virus CABYV es capaz de modificar indirectamente el comportamiento alimenticio de su vector a través de cambios en la planta infectada, favoreciendo su adquisición por su principal vector, A. gossypii. Una vez que los pulgones tienen capacidad de transmitir el virus (virulíferos) se produce un cambio en su comportamiento prefiriendo asentarse sobre plantas no infectadas optimizándose así la dispersión viral. El tercer objetivo de la Tesis, fue evaluar los efectos directos e indirectos del virus CABYV así como los efectos indirectos del virus CMV en la eficacia biológica del vector A. gossypii. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos realizados con el virus persistente CABYV indican que el virus parece no modificar directamente ni indirectamente la eficacia biológica del vector en plantas de pepino o algodón, no observándose diferencias estadísticas en ninguno de los parámetros poblacionales evaluados (tiempo de desarrollo, tasa intrínseca de crecimiento, tiempo generacional medio, tasa media de crecimiento relativo y ninfas totales). En cuanto a los ensayos realizados con el virus no persistente, CMV, los resultados muestran un efecto indirecto del virus sobre la biología del vector. Así resultó que tanto la tasa intrínseca de crecimiento natural (rm) como la tasa media de crecimiento relativo (RGR) fueron más altas para pulgones crecidos sobre plantas infectadas con CMV que sobre plantas no infectadas, favoreciendo la reproducción y crecimiento poblacional del vector sobre plantas infectadas con CMV. Los resultados obtenidos en la presente Tesis, ofrecen un ejemplo de como los virus de plantas pueden manipular directa e indirectamente a su vector, maximizando así su dispersión entre las plantas. Esos nuevos conocimientos generados tienen implicaciones importantes en la transmisión, dispersión y en la epidemiología de los virus y deben ser considerados para diseñar o ajustar los modelos de simulación existentes y patrones de dispersión que describen las epidemias de estos virus. ABSTRACT The main objective of this Thesis has been to understand the effect of the viral infection (direct-mediated by the presence of the virus in the vector and indirect mediated by the chemical and physical changes originated in the plant as a consequence of the viral infection) on the behaviour and biological efficacy of the vector Aphis gossypii Glover and its consequences in the epidemiology of two viral diseases, one with non-persistent transmission (Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV, Cucumovirus) and another with persistent transmission (Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus, CABYV, Polerovirus). The first objective of this Thesis was the study of the indirect effect of the nonpersistent virus CMV on the feeding behaviour and preference of the aphid A. gossypii in cucumber plants. The results of the alighting and settling behaviour studies showed that aphids exhibited no preference to migrate from CMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants at short time intervals (1, 10 and 30 min after release), but showed a clear shift in preference to migrate from CMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants 60 min after release. Our free-choice preference assays showed that A. gossypii alates preferred CMV-infected over mockinoculated plants at an early stage (30 min), but this behaviour was reverted at a later stage and aphids preferred to settle and reproduce on mock-inoculated plants. The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique revealed a sharp change in aphid probing behaviour over time when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At the beginning (first 15 min) aphid vectors dramatically increased the number of short superficial probes and intracellular punctures when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At a later stage (second hour of recording) aphids diminished their feeding on CMV-infected plants as indicated by much less time spent in phloem salivation and ingestion (E1 and E2). This particular probing behaviour including an early increase in the number of short superficial probes and intracellular punctures followed by a phloem feeding deterrence is known to enhance the transmission efficiency of viruses transmitted in a NP manner. We conclude that CMV induces specific changes in a plant host that modify the alighting, settling and probing behaviour of its main vector A. gossypii, leading to optimum transmission and spread of the virus. The second objective of this work was to evaluate the effects that the persistently aphid transmitted Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV) can induce directly and indirectly on the alighting, settling and probing behaviour activities of the cotton aphid A. gossypii. Only minor direct changes on aphid feeding behaviour was observed due to CABYV when viruliferous aphids fed on mock-inoculated plants. However, the feeding behaviour of non-viruliferous aphids was very different on CABYV-infected than on mockinoculated plants. Non-viruliferous aphids spent longer time feeding from the phloem when plants were infected by CABYV than on mock-inoculated plants, suggesting that CABYV indirectly manipulates aphid feeding behaviour through its shared host plant in order to favour viral acquisition. The vector alighting and settling preference was compared between nonviruliferous and viruliferous aphids. Viruliferous aphids showed a clear preference for mockinoculated over CABYV-infected plants at short and long time, while such behaviour was not observed for non-viruliferous aphids. Overall, our results indicate that CABYV induces changes in its host plant that modifies aphid feeding behaviour in a way that virus acquisition from infected plants is enhanced. Once the aphids become viruliferous they prefer to settle on healthy plants, leading to optimize the transmission and spread of the virus. The third objective was to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of CABYV and indirect effects of the CMV on the A. gossypii fitness. Obtained results for the persistent virus CABYV showed that the virus did not modify the vector fitness in cucumber or cotton plants. None of the evaluated variables was statistically significant (development time (d), intrinsic growth rate (rm), mean relative growth rate (RGR) and total number of nymphs). On the other hand, data obtained for the non-persistent virus (CMV) showed an indirect effect of the virus on the vector fitness. Thus, the rm and RGR were higher for aphids grown on CMV-infected plants compared to aphids grown on mock-inoculated plants. Overall, the obtained results are clear examples of how plant viruses could manipulate directly and indirectly vector behaviour to optimize its own dispersion. These results are important for a better understanding of transmission, dispersion and epidemiology of plant viruses transmitted by vectors. This information could be also considered to design or adjust simulation models and dispersion patterns that describe plant virus epidemics.


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The effect of type of fiber, site of fermetation, method for quantifying insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, and their correction for intestinal mucin on fiber digestibility were examined in rabbits. Three diets differing in soluble fiber were formulated (8.5% soluble fiber, on DM basis, in the low soluble fiber [LSF] diet; 10.2% in the medium soluble fiber [MSF] diet; and 14.5% in the high soluble fiber [HSF] diet). They were obtained by replacing half of the dehydrated alfalfa in the MSF diet with a mixture of beet and apple pulp (HSF diet) or with a mix of oat hulls and soybean protein (LSF diet). Thirty rabbits with ileal T-cannulas were used to determine ileal and fecal digestibility. Cecal digestibility was determined by difference between fecal and ileal digestibility. Insoluble fiber was measured as NDF, insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), and in vitro insoluble fiber, whereas soluble fiber was calculated as the difference between total dietary fiber (TDF) and NDF (TDF_NDF), IDF (TDF-IDF), and in vitro insoluble fiber (TDF-in vitro insoluble fiber). The intestinal mucin content was used to correct the TDF and soluble fiber digestibility. Ileal and fecal concentration of mucin increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (P < 0.01). Once corrected for intestinal mucin, ileal and fecal digestibility of TDF and soluble fiber increased whereas cecal digestibility decreased (P < 0.01). Ileal digestibility of TDF increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (12.0 vs. 28.1%; P < 0.01), with no difference in the cecum (26.4%), resulting in a higher fecal digestibility from the LSF to the HSF diet group (P < 0.01). Ileal digestibility of insoluble fiber increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (11.3 vs. 21.0%; P < 0.01), with no difference in the cecum (13.9%) and no effect of fiber method, resulting in a higher fecal digestibility for rabbits fed the HSF diet compared with the MSF and LSF diets groups (P < 0.01).Fecal digestibility of NDF was higher compared with IDF or in vitro insoluble fiber (P < 0.01). Ileal soluble fiber digestibility was higher for the HSF than for the LSF diet group (43.6 vs. 14.5%; P < 0.01) and fiber method did not affect it. Cecal soluble fiber digestibility decreased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (72.1 vs. 49.2%; P < 0.05). The lowest cecal and fecal soluble fiber digestibility was measured using TDF-NDF (P < 0.01). In conclusion, a correction for intestinal mucin is necessary for ileal TDF and soluble fiber digestibility whereas the selection of the fiber method has a minor relevance. The inclusion of sugar beet and apple pulp increased the amount of TDF fermented in the small intestine.


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The effects of fiber inclusion, feed form, and energy concentration of the diet on the growth performance of pullets from hatching to 5 wk age were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, there was a control diet based on cereals and soybean meal, and 6 extra diets that included 2 or 4% of cereal straw, sugar beet pulp (SBP), or sunflower hulls (SFHs) at the expense (wt/wt) of the whole control diet. From hatching to 5 wk age fiber inclusion increased (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI, and improved (P < 0.05) energy efficiency (EnE; kcal AMEn/g ADG), but body weight (BW) uniformity was not affected. Pullets fed SFH tended to have higher ADG than pullets fed SBP (P = 0.072) with pullets fed straw being intermediate. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better (P < 0.05) with 2% than with 4% fiber inclusion. In Experiment 2, 10 diets were arranged as a 2×5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of AMEn (2,850, 2,900, 2,950, 3,000, and 3,050 kcal/kg). Pullets fed crumbles were heavier and had better FCR than pullets fed mash (P < 0.001). An increase in the energy content of the crumble diets reduced ADFI and improved FCR linearly, but no effects were detected with the mash diets (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 for the interactions). Feeding crumbles tended to improve BW uniformity at 5 wk age (P = 0.077) but no effects were detected with increases in energy concentration of the diet. In summary, the inclusion of moderate amounts of fiber in the diet improves pullet performance from hatching to 5 wk age. The response of pullets to increases in energy content of the diet depends on feed form with a decrease in feed intake when fed crumbles but no changes when fed mash. Feeding crumbles might be preferred to feeding mash in pullets from hatching to 5 wk age.


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This research studied the effects of additional fiber in the rearing phase diets on egg production, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) traits, and body measurements of brown egg-laying hens fed diets varying in energy concentration from 17 to 46 wk of age. The experiment was completely randomized with 10 treatments arranged as a 5 × 2 factorial with 5 rearing phase diets and 2 laying phase diets. During the rearing phase, treatments consisted of a control diet based on cereals and soybean meal and 4 additional diets with a combination of 2 fiber sources (cereal straw and sugar beet pulp, SBP) at 2 levels (2 and 4%). During the laying phase, diets differed in energy content (2,650 vs. 2,750 kcal AMEn/kg) but had the same amino acid content per unit of energy. The rearing diet did not affect any production trait except egg production that was lower in birds fed SBP than in birds fed straw (91.6 and 94.1%, respectively; P < 0.05). Laying hens fed the high energy diet had lower feed intake (P < 0.001), better feed conversion (P < 0.01), and greater BW gain (P < 0.05) than hens fed the low energy diet but egg production and egg weight were not affected. At 46 wk of age, none of the GIT traits was affected by previous dietary treatment. At this age, hen BW was positively related with body length (r = 0.500; P < 0.01), tarsus length (r = 0.758; P < 0.001), and body mass index (r = 0.762; P < 0.001) but no effects of type of diet on these traits were detected. In summary, the inclusion of up to 4% of a fiber source in the rearing diets did not affect GIT development of the hens but SBP reduced egg production. An increase in the energy content of the laying phase diet reduced ADFI and improved feed efficiency but did not affect any of the other traits studied.


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Sugar beet pulp was digested in vitro using protease and pancreatin and the final residue (with no filtering) was fermented in vitro using three different ileal and caecal inocula (each one combining the digesta of three 70 d ols rabbits), respectively. In vitro gas production was measured and modeled using single and dual pool models (logistic and Groot model).