40 resultados para Azuki -- Storage.


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The application of the response of fruits to low energy for mechanical impacts is described, for evaluation of post-harvest ripening of avocadoes of the variety "Hass". An impactor of 50g of weight, provided with an accelerometer, and free-falling from a height of 4 cm, is used; it is interfaced to a computer and uses a special software for retrieving and analyzing the deceleration data. Impact response parameters of individual fruits were compared to firmness of the pulp, measured by the most used method of double-plate puncture, as well as to other physical and physiological parameters: color, skin puncture ethylene production rate and others. Two groups of fruits were carefully selected, stored at 6º C (60 days) and ripened at 20ºC (11 days), and tested during the storage period. It is shown that, as in other types of fruits, impact response can be a good predictor of firmness in avocadoes, obtaining the same accuracy as with destructive firmness measurements. Mathematical and multiple regression models are calculated and compared to measured data, with which a prediction of storage period can be made for these fruits.


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Geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been proposed as a viable means for reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Once injection begins, a program for measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) of CO2 distribution is required in order to: a) research key features, effects and processes needed for risk assessment; b) manage the injection process; c) delineate and identify leakage risk and surface escape; d) provide early warnings of failure near the reservoir; and f) verify storage for accounting and crediting. The selection of the methodology of monitoring (characterization of site and control and verification in the post-injection phase) is influenced by economic and technological variables. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) refers to a methodology developed for making decisions in the presence of multiple criteria. MCDM as a discipline has only a relatively short history of 40 years, and it has been closely related to advancements on computer technology. Evaluation methods and multicriteria decisions include the selection of a set of feasible alternatives, the simultaneous optimization of several objective functions, and a decision-making process and evaluation procedures that must be rational and consistent. The application of a mathematical model of decision-making will help to find the best solution, establishing the mechanisms to facilitate the management of information generated by number of disciplines of knowledge. Those problems in which decision alternatives are finite are called Discrete Multicriteria Decision problems. Such problems are most common in reality and this case scenario will be applied in solving the problem of site selection for storing CO2. Discrete MCDM is used to assess and decide on issues that by nature or design support a finite number of alternative solutions. Recently, Multicriteria Decision Analysis has been applied to hierarchy policy incentives for CCS, to assess the role of CCS, and to select potential areas which could be suitable to store. For those reasons, MCDM have been considered in the monitoring phase of CO2 storage, in order to select suitable technologies which could be techno-economical viable. In this paper, we identify techniques of gas measurements in subsurface which are currently applying in the phase of characterization (pre-injection); MCDM will help decision-makers to hierarchy the most suitable technique which fit the purpose to monitor the specific physic-chemical parameter.


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Europe needs to restructure its energy system. The aim to decrease the reliance on fossil fuels to a higher dependence on renewable energy has now been imposed by The European Commission. In order to achieve this goal there is a great interest in Norway to become "The Green Battery of Europe". In the pursuit of this goal a GIS-tool was created to investigate the pump storage potential in Norway. The tool searches for possible connections between existing reservoirs and dams with the criteria selected by the user. The aim of this thesis was to test the tool and see if the results suggested were plausible, develop a cost calculation method for the PSH lines, and make suggestions for further development of the tool. During the process the tool presented many non-feasible pumped storage hydropower (PSH) connections. The area of Telemark was chosen for the more detailed study. The results were discussed and some improvements were suggested for further development of the tool. Also a sensitivity test was done to see which of the parameters set by the user are the most relevant for the PSH connection suggestion. From a range of the most promising PSH plants suggested by the tool, the one between Songavatn and Totak was chosen for a case study, where there already exists a power plant between both reservoirs. A new Pumped Storage Plant was designed with a power production of 1200 MW. There are still many topics open to discussion, such as how to deal with environmental restrictions, or how to deal with inflows and outflows of the reservoirs from the existing power plants. Consequently the GIS-tool can be a very useful tool to establish the best possible connections between existing reservoirs and dams, but it still needs a deep study and the creation of new parameters for the user.


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Solar thermal power plants are usually installed in locations with high yearly average solar radiation, often deserts. In such conditions, cooling water required for thermodynamic cycles is rarely available. Moreover, when solar radiation is high, ambient temperature is very high as well; this leads to excessive condensation temperature, especially when air-condensers are used, and decreases the plant efficiency. However, temperature variation in deserts is often very high, which drives to relatively low temperatures during the night. This fact can be exploited with the use of a closed cooling system, so that the coolant (water) is chilled during the night and store. Chilled water is then used during peak temperature hours to cool the condenser (dry cooling), thus enhancing power output and efficiency. The present work analyzes the performance improvement achieved by night thermal cool storage, compared to its equivalent air cooled power plant. Dry cooling is proved to be energy-effective for moderately high day–night temperature differences (20 °C), often found in desert locations. The storage volume requirement for different power plant efficiencies has also been studied, resulting on an asymptotic tendency.


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Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.


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Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture that combines the sensation of a disaggregated tissue with the sensation of lack of juiciness. Since January 1996, a wide EC Project entitled : "Mealiness in fruits. Consumers perception and means for detection'" is being carried out. Within it, three sensory panels have been trained at : the Institute of Food Research (IFR, United Kingdom), the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos (IATA, Spain) and the Institut voor Agrotechnologisch Onderzoek (ATO-DLO, Netherlands) to assess mealiness in apples. In all three cases, mealiness has been described as a multidimensional sensory descriptor capable of gathering the loss of consistency (of crispness and of hardness) and of juiciness. Also within the EC Project several instrumental procedures have been tested for mealiness assessment. In this sense the Physical Properties Laboratory (ETS1A-UPM) has focused its aims in a first stage on performing instrumental tests for assessing some textural descriptors as crispiness, hardness and juiciness. The results obtained within these tests have shown to correlate well with the sensory measurements (Barreiro et Ruiz-Altisent, 1997) in apples, but also have succeed when trying to generate several texture degradation levels on peaches from which mealiness appears to be the last stage (Ortiz et al. 1997).


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Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness decrease in the total amount of of water content of tissues. Peach mealy textures are known as \ and leatheriness. Besides the lack of juiciness and flavour, that characterises mealy fruits, in associated with internal browning near the stone and an incapacity of ripening although there i ripe appearance. It is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits probably < unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage. Since January 1996, a wide EC Project entitled: "Mealiness in fruits. Consumer perception and i detection" is being carried out. Within it, the Physical Properties Laboratory (ETSIA-UPM) working to develop instrumental procedures to detect mealiness in different types of fruits (s contributions by Barreiro to AgEng). The results obtained have shown to correlate well with \ measurements in apples (Barreiro et al), also we have succeeded in identifying individual mealy j the basis of instrumental measurement in peaches. The definition of these texture categories will be used in further studies as a base for new individual classification.


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The self-ignition of all kind of powdery substances is a topic studied over the years, especially if the dusty substance is coal or substances related with coal because it may be a cause of energetic materials and human losses. But it is important to note that this is not the only risk in industrial plants that generate or store solid substances. Every combustible powders are potentially explosive and they may cause serious consequences if all the necessary factors are developed. Due to this potentially risk, it is essential a good characterization and knowledge of all the parameters involved in those processes.


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For the decades to come can be foreseen that electricity and water will keep be playing a key role in the countries development, both can be considered the most important energy vectors and its control can be crucial for governments, companies and leaders in general. Energy is essential for all human activities and its availability is critical to economic and social development. In particular, electricity, a form of energy, is required to produce goods, to provide medical assistance and basic civic services in education, to assure availability of clean water, to create conducive environment for prosperity and improvement, and to keep an acceptable quality of life. The way in which electricity is generated from different resources varies through the different countries. Nuclear energy controlled within reactors to steam production, gas, fuel-oil and coal fired in power stations, water, solar and wind energy among others are employed, sometimes not very efficiently, to produce electricity. The so call energy mix of an individual country is formed up by the contribution of each resource or form of energy to the electricity generation market of the so country. During the last decade the establishment of proper energy mixes for countries has gained much importance, and energy drivers should enforce long term plans and policies. Hints, reports and guides giving tracks on energy resources contribution are been developed by noticeable organisations like the IEA (International Energy Agency) or the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and the WEC (World Energy Council). This paper evaluates energy issues the market and countries are facing today regarding energy mix scheduling and panorama. This paper revises and seeks to improve methodology available that are applicable on energy mix plan definition. Key Factors are identified, established and assessed through this paper for the common implementation, the themes driving the future energy mix methodology proposal. Those have a clear influence and are closely related to future environmental policies. Key Factors take into consideration sustainability, energy security, social and economic growth, climate change, air quality and social stability. The strength of the Key Factors application on energy system planning to different countries is contingent on country resources, location, electricity demand and electricity generation industry, technology available, economic situation and prospects, energy policy and regulation


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In the framework of a global investigation of the Spanish natural analogues of CO2 storage and leakage, four selected sites from the Mazarrón?Gañuelas Tertiary Basin (Murcia, Spain) were studied for computing the diffuse soil CO2 flux, by using the accumulation chamber method. The Basin is characterized by the presence of a deep, saline, thermal (?47 ?C) CO2-rich aquifer intersected by two deep geothermal exploration wells named ?El Saladillo? (535 m) and ?El Reventón? (710 m). The CO2 flux data were processed by means of a graphical?statistical method, kriging estimation and sequential Gaussian simulation algorithms. The results have allowed concluding that the Tertiary marly cap-rock of this CO2-rich aquifer acts as a very effective sealing, preventing any CO2 leak from this natural CO2 storage site, being therefore an excellent scenario to guarantee, by analogy, the safety of a CO2 storage.


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Polymer modified bitumens, PMBs, are usually prepared at high temperature and subsequently stored for a period of time, also at high temperature. The stability of PMBs, in these conditions, has a decisive influence in order to obtain the adequate performances for practical applications. In this article the attention is focused in the analysis of the factors that determine the stability of styrene–butadiene–styrene copolymer (SBS)/sulfur modified bitumens when the mixtures are maintained at high temperature. Bitumens from different crude oil sources were used to prepare SBS/sulfur modified bitumens. Changes in the values of viscosity, softening point, as well as in the morphology of PMB samples, stored at 160 °C, were related to the bitumen chemical composition and to the amount of asphaltene micelles present in the neat bitumen used in their preparation El trabajo se centra en el estudio de la influencia de la estructura /composición del betún sobre la compatibilidad del sistema betún/SBS. Cuatro betunes provenientes de dos crudos distintos se seleccionaron y sus mezclas se utilizaron para preparar betunes modificados con contenidos de SBS del 3% en peso


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This paper presents the theoretical analysis of a storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) system operating in steady state. These systems combine thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology and high temperature thermal storage phase-change materials (PCM) in the same unit, providing a great potential in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and storage energy density. The main attraction in the proposed system is its simplicity and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. This is mainly due to the absence of moving parts. In this paper we analyze the use of Silicon as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon is an excellent candidate because of its high melting point (1680 K) and its very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg, which is about ten times greater than the conventional PCMs like molten salts. For a simple system configuration, we have demonstrated that overall conversion efficiencies up to ?35% are approachable. Although higher efficiencies are expected by incorporating more advanced devices like multijunction TPV cells, narrow band selective emitters or adopting near-field TPV configurations as well as by enhancing the convective/conductive heat transfer within the PCM. In this paper, we also discuss about the optimum system configurations and provide the general guidelines for designing these systems. Preliminary estimates of night time operations indicate it is possible to achieve over 10 h of operation with a relatively small quantity of Silicon.


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Two experiments were conducted to determine the influence of duration of storage of soybean meal (SBM) on variables that define the quality of the protein fraction. Urease activity, protein dispersibility index (PDI), KOH protein solubility (KOHsol), and trypsin inhibitor activity were determined. In experiment 1, 8 samples of SBM, ranging in CP content from 55.4 to 56.5% DM, were collected from a US crushing plant at weekly intervals and analyzed at arrival to the laboratory and after 30, 60, 90, and 120 d of storage. In experiment 2, 7 samples of SBM, ranging in CP content from 49.0 to 55.0% DM, were collected from different Argentinean crushers and analyzed at arrival and after 24, 48, 80, and 136 wk of storage. In both experiments, samples were stored in hermetic glass containers in a laboratory room at 12 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 70 ± 3%. Duration of storage did not affect urease activity or trypsin inhibitor activity values in either of the 2 experiments. However, PDI values decreased linearly with time of storage in both experiments (P menor que 0.001). Also, KOHsol decreased linearly (P menor que 0.05) with duration of storage in experiment 2 (long-term storage) but not in experiment 1(shorter term storage). Therefore, PDI values might not be adequate to compare protein quality of commercial SBM samples that have been stored for different periods of time. The KOHsol values are less affected by length of storage of the meals under current commercial practices.


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The decision to select the most suitable type of energy storage system for an electric vehicle is always difficult, since many conditionings must be taken into account. Sometimes, this study can be made by means of complex mathematical models which represent the behavior of a battery, ultracapacitor or some other devices. However, these models are usually too dependent on parameters that are not easily available, which usually results in nonrealistic results. Besides, the more accurate the model, the more specific it needs to be, which becomes an issue when comparing systems of different nature. This paper proposes a practical methodology to compare different energy storage technologies. This is done by means of a linear approach of an equivalent circuit based on laboratory tests. Via these tests, the internal resistance and the self-discharge rate are evaluated, making it possible to compare different energy storage systems regardless their technology. Rather simple testing equipment is sufficient to give a comparative idea of the differences between each system, concerning issues such as efficiency, heating and self-discharge, when operating under a certain scenario. The proposed methodology is applied to four energy storage systems of different nature for the sake of illustration.


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Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) is carrying out a project of geological storage of CO2, where CO2 injection tests are planned in saline aquifers at a depth of 1500 m for scientific objectives and project demonstration. Before any CO2 is stored, it is necessary to determine the baseline flux of CO2 in order to detect potential leakage during injection and post-injection monitoring. In November 2009 diffuse flux measurements of CO2 using an accumulation chamber were made in the area selected by CIUDEN for geological storage, located in Hontomin province of Burgos (Spain). This paper presents the tests carried out in order to establish the optimum sampling methodology and the geostatistical analyses performed to determine the range, with which future field campaigns will be planned.