94 resultados para Automatic checkout equipment


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El presente trabajo describe una nueva metodología para la detección automática del espacio glotal de imágenes laríngeas tomadas a partir de 15 vídeos grabados por el servicio ORL del hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid con luz estroboscópica. El sistema desarrollado está basado en el modelo de contornos activos (snake). El algoritmo combina en el pre-procesado, algunas técnicas tradicionales (umbralización y filtro de mediana) con técnicas más sofisticadas tales como filtrado anisotrópico. De esta forma, se obtiene una imagen apropiada para el uso de las snakes. El valor escogido para el umbral es del 85% del pico máximo del histograma de la imagen; sobre este valor la información de los píxeles no es relevante. El filtro anisotrópico permite distinguir dos niveles de intensidad, uno es el fondo y el otro es la glotis. La inicialización se basa en obtener el módulo del campo GVF; de esta manera se asegura un proceso automático para la selección del contorno inicial. El rendimiento del algoritmo se valida usando los coeficientes de Pratt y se compara contra una segmentación realizada manualmente y otro método automático basado en la transformada de watershed. SUMMARY: The present work describes a new methodology for the automatic detection of the glottal space from laryngeal images taken from 15 videos recorded by the ENT service of the Gregorio Marañon Hospital in Madrid with videostroboscopic equipment. The system is based on active contour models (snakes). The algorithm combines for the pre-processing, some traditional techniques (thresholding and median filter) with more sophisticated techniques such as anisotropic filtering. In this way, we obtain an appropriate image for the use of snake. The value selected for the threshold is 85% of the maximum peak of the image histogram; over this point the information of the pixels is not relevant. The anisotropic filter permits to distinguish two intensity levels, one is the background and the other one is the glottis. The initialization is based on the obtained magnitude by GVF field; in this manner an automatic process for the initial contour selection will be assured. The performance of the algorithm is tested using the Pratt coefficient and compared against a manual segmentation and another automatic method based on the watershed transformation.


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In order to properly understand and model the gene regulatory networks in animals development, it is crucial to obtain detailed measurements, both in time and space, about their gene expression domains. In this paper, we propose a complete computational framework to fulfill this task and create a 3D Atlas of the early zebrafish embryogenesis annotated with both the cellular localizations and the level of expression of different genes at different developmental stages. The strategy to construct such an Atlas is described here with the expression pattern of 5 different genes at 6 hours of development post fertilization.


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This work explores the automatic recognition of physical activity intensity patterns from multi-axial accelerometry and heart rate signals. Data collection was carried out in free-living conditions and in three controlled gymnasium circuits, for a total amount of 179.80 h of data divided into: sedentary situations (65.5%), light-to-moderate activity (17.6%) and vigorous exercise (16.9%). The proposed machine learning algorithms comprise the following steps: time-domain feature definition, standardization and PCA projection, unsupervised clustering (by k-means and GMM) and a HMM to account for long-term temporal trends. Performance was evaluated by 30 runs of a 10-fold cross-validation. Both k-means and GMM-based approaches yielded high overall accuracy (86.97% and 85.03%, respectively) and, given the imbalance of the dataset, meritorious F-measures (up to 77.88%) for non-sedentary cases. Classification errors tended to be concentrated around transients, what constrains their practical impact. Hence, we consider our proposal to be suitable for 24 h-based monitoring of physical activity in ambulatory scenarios and a first step towards intensity-specific energy expenditure estimators


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A framework for the automatic parallelization of (constraint) logic programs is proposed and proved correct. Intuitively, the parallelization process replaces conjunctions of literals with parallel expressions. Such expressions trigger at run-time the exploitation of restricted, goal-level, independent and-parallelism. The parallelization process performs two steps. The first one builds a conditional dependency graph (which can be implified using compile-time analysis information), while the second transforms the resulting graph into linear conditional expressions, the parallel expressions of the &-Prolog language. Several heuristic algorithms for the latter ("annotation") process are proposed and proved correct. Algorithms are also given which determine if there is any loss of parallelism in the linearization process with respect to a proposed notion of maximal parallelism. Finally, a system is presented which implements the proposed approach. The performance of the different annotation algorithms is compared experimentally in this system by studying the time spent in parallelization and the effectiveness of the results in terms of speedups.


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This paper proposes a diagnosis algorithm for locating a certain kind of errors in logic programs: variable binding errors that result in abstract symptoms during compile-time checking of assertions based on abstract interpretation. The diagnoser analyzes the graph generated by the abstract interpreter, which is a provably safe approximation of the program semantics. The proposed algorithm traverses this graph to find the point where the actual error originates (a reason of the symptom), leading to the point the error has been reported (the symptom). The procedure is fully automatic, not requiring any interaction with the user. A prototype diagnoser has been implemented and preliminary results are encouraging.


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Abstract is not available.


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This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of global analysis in the parallelization of logic programs using strict independence. A number of well-known approximation domains are selected and tlieir usefulness for the application in hand is explained. Also, methods for using the information provided by such domains to improve parallelization are proposed. Local and global analyses are built using these domains and such analyses are embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler. Then, the performance of the domains (and the system in general) is assessed for this application through a number of experiments. We argüe that the results offer significant insight into the characteristics of these domains, the demands of the application, and the tradeoffs involved.


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This paper presents a study of the effectiveness of three different algorithms for the parallelization of logic programs based on compile-time detection of independence among goals. The algorithms are embedded in a complete parallelizing compiler, which incorporates different abstract interpretation-based program analyses. The complete system shows the task of automatic program parallelization to be practical. The trade-offs involved in using each of the algorithms in this task are studied experimentally, weaknesses of these identified, and possible improvements discussed.


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Andorra-I is the first implementation of a language based on the Andorra Principie, which states that determinate goals can (and shonld) be run before other goals, and even in a parallel fashion. This principie has materialized in a framework called the Basic Andorra model, which allows or-parallelism as well as (dependent) and-parallelism for determinate goals. In this report we show that it is possible to further extend this model in order to allow general independent and-parallelism for nondeterminate goals, withont greatly modifying the underlying implementation machinery. A simple an easy way to realize such an extensión is to make each (nondeterminate) independent goal determinate, by using a special "bagof" constract. We also show that this can be achieved antomatically by compile-time translation from original Prolog programs. A transformation that fulfüls this objective and which can be easily antomated is presented in this report.


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The Andorra family of languages (which includes the Andorra Kernel Language -AKL) is aimed, in principie, at simultaneously supporting the programming styles of Prolog and committed choice languages. On the other hand, AKL requires a somewhat detailed specification of control by the user. This could be avoided by programming in Prolog to run on AKL. However, Prolog programs cannot be executed directly on AKL. This is due to a number of factors, from more or less trivial syntactic differences to more involved issues such as the treatment of cut and making the exploitation of certain types of parallelism possible. This paper provides basic guidelines for constructing an automatic compiler of Prolog programs into AKL, which can bridge those differences. In addition to supporting Prolog, our style of translation achieves independent and-parallel execution where possible, which is relevant since this type of parallel execution preserves, through the translation, the user-perceived "complexity" of the original Prolog program.


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There has been significant interest in parallel execution models for logic programs which exploit Independent And-Parallelism (IAP). In these models, it is necessary to determine which goals are independent and therefore eligible for parallel execution and which goals have to wait for which others during execution. Although this can be done at run-time, it can imply a very heavy overhead. In this paper, we present three algorithms for automatic compiletime parallelization of logic programs using IAP. This is done by converting a clause into a graph-based computational form and then transforming this graph into linear expressions based on &-Prolog, a language for IAP. We also present an algorithm which, given a clause, determines if there is any loss of parallelism due to linearization, for the case in which only unconditional parallelism is desired. Finally, the performance of these annotation algorithms is discussed for some benchmark programs.


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Irregular computations pose some of the most interesting and challenging problems in automatic parallelization. Irregularity appears in certain kinds of numerical problems and is pervasive in symbolic applications. Such computations often use dynamic data structures which make heavy use of pointers. This complicates all the steps of a parallelizing compiler, from independence detection to task partitioning and placement. In the past decade there has been significant progress in the development of parallelizing compilers for logic programming and, more recently, constraint programming. The typical applications of these paradigms frequently involve irregular computations, which arguably makes the techniques used in these compilers potentially interesting. In this paper we introduce in a tutorial way some of the problems faced by parallelizing compilers for logic and constraint programs. These include the need for inter-procedural pointer aliasing analysis for independence detection and having to manage speculative and irregular computations through task granularity control and dynamic task allocation. We also provide pointers to some of the progress made in these áreas. In the associated talk we demónstrate representatives of several generations of these parallelizing compilers.


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We present new algorithms which perform automatic parallelization via source-to-source transformations. The objective is to exploit goal-level, unrestricted independent andparallelism. The proposed algorithms use as targets new parallel execution primitives which are simpler and more flexible than the well-known &/2 parallel operator, which makes it possible to generate better parallel expressions by exposing more potential parallelism among the literals of a clause than is possible with &/2. The main differences between the algorithms stem from whether the order of the solutions obtained is preserved or not, and on the use of determinacy information. We briefly describe the environment where the algorithms have been implemented and the runtime platform in which the parallelized programs are executed. We also report on an evaluation of an implementation of our approach. We compare the performance obtained to that of previous annotation algorithms and show that relevant improvements can be obtained.


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Lpdoc is an automatic program documentation generator for (C)LP systems. Lpdoc generates a reference manual automatically from one or more source files for a logic program (including ISO-Prolog, Ciao, many CLP systems, ...). It is particularly useful for documenting library modules, for which it automatically generates a description of the module interface. However, lpdoc can also be used quite successfully to document full applications and to generate nicely formatted plain ascii "readme" files. A fundamental advantage of using lpdoc to document programs is that it is much easier to maintain a true correspondence between the program and its documentation, and to identify precisely to what version of the program a given printed manual corresponds. The quality of the documentation generated can be greatly enhanced by including within the program text: • assertions (types, modes, etc. ...) for the predicates in the program, and • machine-readable comments (in the "literate programming" style). The assertions and comments included in the source file need to be written using the Ciao system assertion language. A simple compatibility library is available to make traditional (constraint) logic programming systems ignore these assertions and comments allowing normal treatment of programs documented in this way. The documentation is currently generated in HTML or texinf o format. From the texinf o output, printed and on-line manuals in several formats (dvi, ps, info, etc.) can be easily generated automatically, using publicly available tools, lpdoc can also generate 'man' pages (Unix man page format) as well as brief descriptions in html or emacs info formats suitable for inclusion in an on-line index of applications. In particular, lpdoc can create and maintain fully automatically WWW and info sites containing on-line versions of the documents it produces. The lpdoc manual (and the Ciao system manuals) are generated by lpdoc. Lpdoc is distributed under the GNU general public license. Note: lpdoc is fully supported on Linux, Mac OS X, and other Un*x-like systems. Due to the use of several Un*x-related utilities, some documentation back-ends may require Cygwin under Win32. This documentation corresponds to version 3.0 (2011/7/7, 16:33:15 CEST).