126 resultados para Aperture antennas.
This paper presents ASYTRAIN, a new tool to teach and learn antennas, based on the use of a modular building kit and a low cost portable antenna measurement system that lets the students design and build different types of antennas and observe their characteristics while learning the insights of the subjects. This tool has a methodology guide for try-and-test project development and, makes the students be active antenna engineers instead of passive learners. This experimental learning method arises their motivation during the antenna courses.
Arrays of coherently driven photomixers with antenna (antenna emitter arrays, AEAs) have been evaluated as a possibility to overcome the power limitations of individual conventional photomixers with antenna (?antenna emitters?, AEs) for the generation of continuous-wave (CW) THz radiation. In this paper, ?large area emitters? (LAEs) are proposed as an alternative approach, and compared with AEAs. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in favorable radiation profiles without side lobes. Moreover, the achievable THz power is expected to outnumber even large AEAs. Last not least, the technological challenge of fabricating LAEs appears to be significantly less demanding.
Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna.
Two design procedures for Radial Line Slot Antennas (RLSAs) with circular polarization and either maximum gain or an arbitrary shaped pattern are proposed. Firstly, a method to design a RLSA with any desired pattern is presented. It is based on an optimization algorithm and some measures to ensure its fast convergence and stability need to be taken. Secondly, a fast technique to calculate the length and the position of every slot in a high gain RLSA with uniform field distribution is described. Both procedures are vali dated with the design of three antennas with different characteristics.
Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) radar systems were introduced in 1960, and have been constantly improved by several organizations since that time. The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) approaches for this application has important advantages, due to the need for high resolution in two dimensions. The design of this type of systems, however, includes some complications that are not present in standard SAR systems. FOPEN SAR systems need to operate with a low central frequency (VHF or UHF bands) in order to be able to penetrate the foliage. High bandwidth is also required to obtain high resolution. Due to the low central frequency, large integration angles are required during SAR image formation, and therefore the Range Migration Algorithm (RMA) is used. This project thesis identifies the three main complications that arise due to these requirements. First, a high fractional bandwidth makes narrowband propagation models no longer valid. Second, the VHF and UHF bands are used by many communications systems. The transmitted signal spectrum needs to be notched to avoid interfering them. Third, those communications systems cause Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) on the received signal. The thesis carries out a thorough analysis of the three problems, their degrading effects and possible solutions to compensate them. The UWB model is applied to the SAR signal, and the degradation induced by it is derived. The result is tested through simulation of both a single pulse stretch processor and the complete RMA image formation. Both methods show that the degradation is negligible, and therefore the UWB propagation effect does not need compensation. A technique is derived to design a notched transmitted signal. Then, its effect on the SAR image formation is evaluated analytically. It is shown that the stretch processor introduces a processing gain that reduces the degrading effects of the notches. The remaining degrading effect after processing gain is assessed through simulation, and an experimental graph of degradation as a function of percentage of nulled frequencies is obtained. The RFI is characterized and its effect on the SAR processor is derived. Once again, a processing gain is found to be introduced by the receiver. As the RFI power can be much higher than that of the desired signal, an algorithm is proposed to remove the RFI from the received signal before RMA processing. This algorithm is a modification of the Chirp Least Squares Algorithm (CLSA) explained in [4], which adapts it to deramped signals. The algorithm is derived analytically and then its performance is evaluated through simulation, showing that it is effective in removing the RFI and reducing the degradation caused by both RFI and notching. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to the importance of each one of the problems in SAR system design.
La presente tesis doctoral con título "Contribution to Active Multi-Beam Reconfigurable Antennas for L and S Bands" ha sido desarrollada por el investigador ingeniero de telecomunicación estudiante de doctorado Javier García-Gasco Trujillo en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Pérez y José Manuel Fernández González. Durante décadas, el desarrollo de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico ha estado limitado al área militar. Su alto coste y su gran complejidad eran los mayores obstáculos que frenaban la introducción de esta tecnología en aplicaciones comerciales de gran escala. La reciente aparición de componentes de estado sólido prácticos, fiables, y de bajo coste ha roto la barrera del coste y ha reducido la complejidad, haciendo que las antenas reconfigurables de apuntamiento electrónico sean una opción viable en un futuro cercano. De esta manera, las antenas phased array podrían llegar a ser la joya de la corona que permitan alcanzar los futuros retos presentes en los sistemas de comunicaciones tanto civiles como militares. Así pues, ahora es el momento de investigar en el desarrollo de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico de bajo coste, donde los nuevos componentes de estado sólido comerciales forman el núcleo duro de la arquitectura. De esta forma, el estudio e implementación de estos arrays de antenas activas de apuntamiento electrónico capaces de controlar la fase y amplitud de las distintas señales implicadas es uno de los grandes retos de nuestro tiempo. Esta tesis se enfrenta a este desafío, proponiendo novedosas redes de apuntamiento electrónico e innovadores módulos de transmisión/recepción (T/R) utilizando componentes de estado sólido de bajo coste, que podrán integrar asequibles antenas activas reconfigurables multihaz en bandas L y S. En la primera parte de la tesis se realiza una descripción del estado del arte de las antenas phased array, incluyendo su base teórica y sus ventajas competitivas. Debido a que las contribuciones obtenidas en la presente tesis han sido realizadas dentro de distintos proyectos de investigación, donde se han manejada antenas de simple/doble polarización circular y simple/doble banda de trabajo, se describen detenidamente los dos proyectos más relevantes de la investigación: el radar de basura espacial de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), Space Situational Awareness (SSA); y la estación base de seguimiento y control de satélites de órbita baja, GEOdesic Dome Array (GEODA). Sin lugar a dudas, los dispositivos desfasadores son uno de los componentes clave en el diseño de antenas phased arrays. Recientemente se ha observado una gran variación en el precio final de estos dispositivos, llegando en ocasiones a límites inasequibles. Así pues, se han propuesto distintas técnicas de conformación de haz alternativas a la utilización de componentes desfasadores comerciales: el desfasador de líneas conmutadas, la red de haz conmutado, y una novedosa red desfasadora divisora/combinadora de potencia. Para mostrar un uso práctico de las mismas, se ha propuesto el uso de las tres alternativas para el caso práctico del subarray de cinco elementos de la celda GEODA-SARAS. Tras dicho estudio se obtiene que la novedosa red desfasadora divisora/combinadora de potencia propuesta es la que mejor relación comportamiento/coste presenta. Para verificar su correcto funcionamiento se construye y mide los dos bloques principales de los que está compuesta la red total, comprobando que en efecto la red responde según lo esperado. La estructura más simple que permite realizar un barrido plano es el array triangular de tres elementos. Se ha realizado el diseño de una nueva red multihaz que es capaz de proporcionar tres haces ortogonales en un ángulo de elevación _0 y un haz adicional en la dirección broadside utilizando el mencionado array triangular de tres elementos como antena. En primer lugar se realizar una breve introducción al estado del arte de las redes clásicas multihaz. Así mismo se comentan innovadores diseños de redes multihaz sin pérdidas. El estudio da paso a las redes disipativas, de tal forma que se analiza su base matemática y se muestran distintas aplicaciones en arrays triangulares de tres elementos. Finalmente, la novedosa red básica propuesta se presenta, mostrando simulaciones y medidas de la misma para el caso prácticoo de GEODA. También se ha diseñado, construido y medido una red compuesta por dos redes básicas complementarias capaz de proporcionar seis haces cuasi-ortogonales en una dirección _0 con dos haces superpuestos en broadside. La red propuesta queda totalmente validada con la fabricación y medida de estos con prototipos. Las cadenas de RF de los módulos T/R de la nueva antena GEODA-SARAS no son algo trivial. Con el fin de mostrar el desarrollo de una cadena compleja con una gran densidad de componentes de estado sólido, se presenta una descripción detallada de los distintos componentes que integran las cadenas de RF tanto en transmisión como en recepción de la nueva antena GEODA-SARAS. Tras presentar las especificaciones de la antena GEODA-SARA y su diagrama de bloques esquemático se describen los dos bloques principales de las cadenas de RF: la celda de cinco elementos, y el módulo de conversión de panel. De la misma manera también se presentará el módulo de calibración integrado dentro de los dos bloques principales. Para comprobar que el funcionamiento esperado de la placa es el adecuado, se realizará un análisis que tratará entre otros datos: la potencia máxima en la entrada del transmisor (comprobando la saturación de la cadena), señal de recepción mínima y máxima (verificando el rango de sensibilidad requerido), y el factor G/T (cumpliendo la especificación necesaria). Así mismo se mostrará un breve estudio del efecto de la cuantificación de la fase en el conformado de haz de RF. Los estudios muestran que la composición de las cadenas de RF permite el cumplimiento de las especificaciones necesarias. Finalmente la tesis muestra las conclusiones globales del trabajo realizado y las líneas futuras a seguir para continuar con esta línea de investigación. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis named "Contribution to Active Multi-Beam Reconfigurable Antennas for L and S Bands", has been written by the Electrical Engineer MSc. researcher Javier García-Gasco Trujillo in the Grupo de Radiación of the Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones from the ETSI de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. For decades, the implementation of electronically steerable phased array antennas was confined to the military area. Their high cost and complexity were the major obstacles to introduce this technology in large scale commercial applications. The recent emergence of new practical, low-cost, and highly reliable solid state devices; breaks the barrier of cost and reduces the complexity, making active phased arrays a viable future option. Thus, phased array antennas could be the crown jewel that allow to meet the future challenges in military and civilian communication systems. Now is time to deploy low-cost phased array antennas, where newly commercial components form the core of the architecture. Therefore, the study and implementation of these novel low-cost and highly efficient solid state phased array blocks capable of controlling signal phase/amplitude accurately is one of the great challenges of our time. This thesis faces this challenge, proposing innovative electronic beam steering networks and transmitter/ receiver (T/R) modules using affordable solid state components, which could integrate fair reconfigurable phased array antennas working in L and S bands. In the first part of the thesis, a description of the state of art of phased array antennas, including their fundamentals and their competitive advantages, is presented. Since thesis contributions have been carried out for different research projects, where antennas with single/double circular polarization and single/double working frequency bands have been examined, frameworks of the two more important projects are detailed: the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme from the European Space Agency (ESA), and the GEOdesic Dome Array (GEODA) project from ISDEFE-INSA and the ESA. Undoubtedly, phase shifter devices are one of the key components of phased array antennas. Recent years have witnessed wide fluctuations in commercial phase shifter prices, which sometimes led to unaffordable limit. Several RF steering technique alternatives to the commercial phase shifters are proposed, summarized, and compared: the switched line phase shifter, the switched-beam network, and the novel phase shifter power splitter/combiner network. In order to show a practical use of the three different techniques, the five element GEODA-SARAS subarray is proposed as a real case of study. Finally, a practical study of a newly phase shifter power splitter/combiner network for a subarray of five radiating elements with triangular distribution is shown. Measurements of the two different phase shifter power splitter/combiner prototypes integrating the whole network are also depicted, demonstrating their proper performance. A triangular cell of three radiating elements is the simplest way to obtain a planar scanner. A new multibeam network configuration that provides three orthogonal beams in a desired _0 elevation angle and an extra one in the broadside steering direction for a triangular array of three radiating elements is introduced. Firstly, a short introduction to the state of art of classical multi-beam networks is presented. Lossless network analysis, including original lossless network designs, are also commented. General dissipative network theory as well as applications for array antennas of three radiating elements are depicted. The proposed final basic multi-beam network are simulated, built and measured to the GEODA cell practical case. A combined network that provides six orthogonal beams in a desired _0 elevation angle and a double seventh one in the broadside direction by using two complementary proposed basic networks will be shown. Measurements of the whole system will be also depicted, verifying the expected behavior. GEODA-SARAS T/R module RF chains are not a trivial design. A thorough description of all the components compounding GEODA-SARAS T/R module RF chains is presented. After presenting the general specifications of the GEODA-SARAS antenna and its block diagrams; two main blocks of the RF chains, the five element cell and the panel conversion module, are depicted and analyzed. Calibration module integrated within the two main blocks are also depicted. Signal flow throw the system analyzing critical situations such as maximum transmitted power (testing the chain unsaturation), minimum and maximum receiving signal (verifying sensitivity range), maximum receiver interference signals (assuring a proper reception), and G/T factor (fulfilling the technical specification) are evaluated. Phase quantization error effects are also listed. Finally, the manuscript contains the conclusions drawn of the present research and the future work.
El presente proyecto parte de un programa utilizado en las prácticas de laboratorio en la asignatura Antenas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética del sexto semestre llamado SABOR, que pretende ser actualizado para que en las nuevas versiones de los sistemas operativos ofrecidos por la compañía Windows pueda ser operativo. El objetivo principal será diseñar e implementar nuevas funcionalidades así como desarrollar mejoras y corregir errores del mismo. Para su mejor entendimiento se ha creado una herramienta en entorno MATLAB para analizar uno de los tipos más comunes de Apertura que se utilizan actualmente, las bocinas. Dicha herramienta es una interfaz gráfica que tiene como entradas las variables elementales de diseño de la apertura como por ejemplo: dimensiones de la propia bocina o los parámetros generales comunes a todas ellas. A su vez, el software nos genera algunos de los parámetros de salida fundamentales de las antenas: Directividad, Ancho de haz, Centro de fase y Spillover. Para el correcto desarrollo del software se ha realizado numerosas pruebas con el fin de depurar y corregir errores con respecto a la anterior versión del SABOR. Por otra parte se ha hecho también hincapié en la funcionalidad del programa para que sea más intuitivo y evitar complejidades. El tipo de antena que se pretende estudiar es la bocina que consiste en una guía de onda en la cual el área de la sección se va incrementando progresivamente hasta un extremo abierto, que se comporta como una apertura. Se utilizan extensamente en satélites comerciales para coberturas globales desde órbitas geoestacionarias, pero el uso más común es como elemento de radiación para reflectores de antenas. Los tipos de bocinas que se van a examinar en la herramienta son: Sectorial H, Sectorial E, Piramidal, Cónica, Cónica Corrugada y Piramidal Corrugada. El proyecto está desarrollado de manera que pueda servir de información teórico-práctico de todo el software SABOR. Por ello, el documento además de revisar la teoría de las bocinas analizadas, mostrará la información relacionada con la programación orientado a objetos en entorno MATLAB cuyo objetivo propio es adquirir una nueva forma de pensamiento acerca del proceso de descomposición de problemas y desarrollo de soluciones de programación. Finalmente se ha creado un manual de autoayuda para dar soporte al software y se han incluido los resultados de diversas pruebas realizadas para poder observar todos los detalles de su funcionamiento, así como las conclusiones y líneas futuras de acción. ABSTRACT This Project comes from a program used in the labs of the subject Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility in the sixth semester called SABOR, which aims to be updated in order to any type of computer running a Windows operating systems(Windows 7 and subsequent versions). The main objectives are design and improve existing functionalities and develop new features. In addition, we will correct mistakes in earlier versions. For a better understanding a new custom tool using MATLAB environment has been created to analyze one of the most common types of apertura antenna which is used for the moment, horns. This tool is a graphical interface that has elementary design variables as a inputs, for example: Dimensions of the own horn or common general parameters of all horns. At the same time, the software generate us some of the fundamental parameters of antennas output like Directivity, Beamwidth, Phase centre and Spillover. This software has been performed numerous tests for the proper functioning of the Software and we have been cared in order to debug and correct errors that were detected in earlier versions of SABOR. In addition, it has also been emphasized the program's functionality in order to be more intuitive and avoiding unnecessary barriers or complexities. The type of antenna that we are going to study is the horn which consists of a waveguides which the section area has been gradually increasing to an open-ended, that behaves as an aperture. It is widely used in comercial satellites for global coverage from geostationary orbits. However, the most common use is radiating element for antenna reflectors. The types of horns which is going to be considered are: Rectangular H-plane sectorial, Rectangular E-plane sectorial, Rectangular Pyramidal, Circular, Corrugated Circular and Corrugated Pyramidal. The Project is developed so that it can be used as practical-theorical information around the SABOR software. Therefore, In addition to thoroughly reviewing the theory document of analyzed horns, it display information related to the object-oriented programming in MATLAB environment whose goal leads us to a new way of thinking about the process of decomposition of problems and solutions development programming. Finally, it has been created a self-help manual in order to support the software and has been included the results of different tests to observe all the details of their operations, as well as the conclusions and future action lines.
During the last years many researchers have been working on the active matching or on non-Foster matching networks for one- and two-port electrically small antennas (ESAs). A new parameter on the sensitivity of the two-port electrically small antenna when loaded with a non-F oster network is presented. This sensitivity analysis will allow us to choose what kind of antennas can be properly matched with non-Foster networks and their position in order to optimi ze the performance of the design. Then, a typical high Q two-port antenna will be harder to match over a broad bandwidth, since |S21| is very small and only agrees with |S11| over very small frequency bands, yielding very large sensitivity values. However, for these two-port antennas, if high levels of coupling can be engineered for a high Q multiple-port antenna, the return and insertion losses can be similar over larger bandwidths and, hence, the sensitivity can be kept low over larger bandwidths, enabling broader impedance matched bandwidths to be achieved, even for highly resonant antennas.
MIMO techniques allow increasing wireless channel performance by decreasing the BER and increasing the channel throughput and in consequence are included in current mobile communication standards. MIMO techniques are based on benefiting the existence of multipath in wireless communications and the application of appropriate signal processing techniques. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is a popular signal processing technique which, based on the perfect channel state information (PCSI) knowledge at both the transmitter and receiver sides, removes inter-antenna interferences and improves channel performance. Nevertheless, the proximity of the multiple antennas at each front-end produces the so called antennas correlation effect due to the similarity of the various physical paths. In consequence, antennas correlation drops the MIMO channel performance. This investigation focuses on the analysis of a MIMO channel under transmitter-side antennas correlation conditions. First, antennas correlation is analyzed and characterized by the correlation coefficients. The analysis describes the relation between antennas correlation and the appearance of predominant layers which significantly affect the channel performance. Then, based on the SVD, pre- and post-processing is applied to remove inter-antenna interferences. Finally, bit- and power allocation strategies are applied to reach the best performance. The resulting BER reveals that antennas correlation effect diminishes the channel performance and that not necessarily all MIMO layers must be activated to obtain the best performance.
Las comunicaciones inalámbricas han transformado profundamente la forma en la que la gente se comunica en el día a día y es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las tecnologías de nuestro tiempo que más rápidamente evoluciona. Este rápido crecimiento implica retos enormes en la tecnología subyacente, debido y entre otros motivos, a la gran demanda de capacidad de los nuevos servicios inalámbricos. Los sistemas Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) han despertado mucho interés como medio de mejorar el rendimiento global del sistema, satisfaciendo de este modo y en cierta medida los nuevo requisitos exigidos. De hecho, el papel relevante de esta tecnología en los actuales esfuerzos de estandarización internacionales pone de manifiesto esta utilidad. Los sistemas MIMO sacan provecho de los grados de libertad espaciales, disponibles a través del entorno multitrayecto, para mejorar el rendimiento de la comunicación con una destacable eficiencia espectral. Con el fin de alcanzar esta mejora en el rendimiento, la diversidad espacial y por diagrama han sido empleadas tradicionalmente para reducir la correlación entre los elementos radiantes, ya que una correlación baja es condición necesaria, si bien no suficiente, para dicha mejora. Tomando como referencia, o punto de partida, las técnicas empleadas para obtener diversidad por diagrama, esta tesis doctoral surge de la búsqueda de la obtención de diversidad por diagrama y/o multiplexación espacial a través del comportamiento multimodal de la antena microstrip, proponiendo para ello un modelo cuasi analítico original para el análisis y diseño de antenas microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y reconfigurables. Este novedoso enfoque en este campo, en vez de recurrir a simulaciones de onda completa por medio de herramientas comerciales tal y como se emplea en las publicaciones existentes, reduce significativamente el esfuerzo global de análisis y diseño, en este último caso por medio de guías de diseño generales. Con el fin de lograr el objetivo planteado y después de una revisión de los principales conceptos de los sistemas MIMO que se emplearán más adelante, se fija la atención en encontrar, implementar y verificar la corrección y exactitud de un modelo analítico que sirva de base sobre la cual añadir las mejoras necesarias para obtener las características buscadas del modelo cuasi analítico propuesto. Posteriormente y partiendo del modelo analítico base seleccionado, se exploran en profundidad y en diferentes entornos multitrayecto, las posibilidades en cuanto a rendimiento se refiere de diversidad por diagrama y multiplexación espacial, proporcionadas por el comportamiento multimodal de las antenas parche microstrip sin cargar. Puesto que cada modo de la cavidad tiene su propia frecuencia de resonancia, es necesario encontrar formas de desplazar la frecuencia de resonancia de cada modo empleado para ubicarlas en la misma banda de frecuencia, manteniendo cada modo al mismo tiempo tan independiente como sea posible. Este objetivo puede lograrse cargando adecuadamente la cavidad con cargas reactivas, o alterando la geometría del parche radiante. Por consiguiente, la atención en este punto se fija en el diseño, implementación y verificación de un modelo cuasi analítico para el análisis de antenas parche microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y cargadas que permita llevar a cabo la tarea indicada, el cuál es una de las contribuciones principales de esta tesis doctoral. Finalmente y basándose en el conocimiento adquirido a través del modelo cuasi analítico, se proporcionan y aplican guías generales para el diseño de antenas microstrip multipuerto, multimodo y reconfigurables para sistemas MIMO, con el fin de mejorar su diversidad por diagrama y/o su capacidad por medio del comportamiento multimodal de las antenas parche microstrip. Se debe destacar que el trabajo presentado en esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a una publicación en una revista técnica internacional de un alto factor de impacto. De igual manera, el trabajo también ha sido presentado en algunas de las más importantes conferencias internacionales en el ámbito de las antenas ABSTRACT Wireless communications have deeply transformed the way people communicate on daily basis and it is undoubtedly one of the most rapidly evolving technologies of our time. This fast growing behaviour involves huge challenges on the bearing technology, due to and among others reasons, the high demanding capacity of new wireless services. MIMO systems have given rise to considerable interest as a means to enhance the overall system performance, thus satisfying somehow the new demanding requirements. Indeed, the significant role of this technology on current international standardization efforts, highlights this usefulness. MIMO systems make profit from the spatial degrees of freedom available through the multipath scenario to improve the communication performance with a remarkable spectral efficiency. In order to achieve this performance improvement, spatial and pattern diversity have been traditionally used to decrease the correlation between antenna elements, as low correlation is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Taking as a reference, or starting point, the techniques used to achieve pattern diversity, this Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) arises from the pursuit of obtaining pattern diversity and/or spatial multiplexing capabilities through the multimode microstrip behaviour, thus proposing a novel quasi analytical model for the analysis and design of reconfigurable multimode multiport microstrip antennas. This innovative approach on this field, instead of resorting to full-wave simulations through commercial tools as done in the available publications, significantly reduces the overall analysis and design effort, in this last case through comprehensive design guidelines. In order to achieve this goal and after a review of the main concepts of MIMO systems which will be followed used, the spotlight is fixed on finding, implementing and verifying the correctness and accuracy of a base quasi analytical model over which add the necessary enhancements to obtain the sought features of the quasi analytical model proposed. Afterwards and starting from the base quasi analytical model selected, the pattern diversity and spatial multiplexing performance capabilities provided by the multimode behaviour of unloaded microstrip patch antennas under different multipath environments are fully explored. As each cavity mode has its own resonant frequency, it is required to find ways to displace the resonant frequency of each used mode to place them at the same frequency band while keeping each mode as independent as possible. This objective can be accomplished with an appropriate loading of the cavity with reactive loads, or through the alteration of the geometry of the radiation patch. Thus, the focus is set at this point on the design, implementation and verification of a quasi analytical model for the analysis of loaded multimode multiport microstrip patch antennas to carry out the aforementioned task, which is one of the main contributions of this Ph.D. Finally and based on the knowledge acquired through the quasi analytical model, comprehensive guidelines to design reconfigurable multimode MIMO microstrip antennas to improve the spatial multiplexing and/or diversity system performance by means of the multimode microstrip patch antenna behaviour are given and applied. It shall be highlighted that the work presented in this Ph.D. has given rise to a publication in an international technical journal of high impact factor. Moreover, the work has also been presented at some of the most important international conferences in antenna area.
Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, es una herramienta didáctica la cual es utilizada en los laboratorios de la escuela para realizar prácticas de la asignatura Antenas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, esta herramienta da a los alumnos una visión gráfica de lo que se enseña en clase de teoría de lo que son los campos en las aperturas de los reflectores. El proyector pretende sustituir al primer Sabor , ya que se queda obsoleto debido al sistema operativo, ya que funciona solo para Windows XP y con ordenadores de 32 bits, y también realizar mejoras y corregir errores de la versión anterior. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en Matlab que es un software matemático con grandes ventajas en cuanto a cálculo, desarrollo gráfico, y a la creación de nuevos algoritmos en su propio lenguaje y además está disponible para las plataformas Unix, Windows, Mac OSX y GNU/Linux. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido implementar, al igual que las versiones anteriores, cinco tipos de reflectores, como son: Parabólico, Offset, Cassegrain y los dos Dobles Offset, Cassegrain y Gregorian, y han sido analizados con un alimentador ideal ,cos-q, y por último los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con las versiones anteriores de Sabor, como son Sabor 3.0 y el primer Sabor. El proyecto consta de partes muy bien diferencias como son : La interpretación correctas de las formulas que se han utilizado para la realización de este proyecto ,dichas formulas han sido las dadas por el proyecto fin de carrera titulado Sabor3.0 de Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, con el que se creó: GUI, graphical user interface, que es la parte de Matlab dedicada a crear interfaces de usuario , herramienta utilizada para crear nuestras distintas ventanas dedicadas para la obtención de datos para analizar los distintos reflectores y para mostrar por pantalla los distintos resultados. Programación Orientada a Objetos de Matlab y sus distintas propiedades como son la herencia lo cual es muy útil para ocupar menos memoria ya que con un único método podemos realizar distintos cálculos con los distintos reflectores, objetos, solo cambiando las propiedades de cada objeto Y por último ha sido la realización de validación de los resultados con la ayuda de las versiones anteriores de Sabor, que están detallados en el capítulo 5 y la unión con bocinas del proyecto fin de carrera Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab de Javier Montero. Por otra parte tenemos las mejoras realizadas a las antiguas versiones como son: realización de registros que el usuario puede guardar y cargar con las distintas variables, también se ha realizado un fichero .txt en el que consta la amplitud del campo con su respectiva theta para que el usuario pueda visualizarlo en cualquier plataforma gráfica de datos como por ejemplo exel. ABSTRACT. Sabor, Software de Análisis de BOcinas y Reflectores, is a teaching tool, which is used to do laboratory practice in the subject of Antennas y Compatibilidad Electromagnética, this tool gives students a graphic view of the knowledge that are given in theory class in regard to aperture field of reflectors. This project intend to replace the first Sabor, because it is outdated, due to the operating system, because Sabor works only with Widows XP and computer with 32 bits, and to make improves and correct errors that were detected in the last version of Sabor too. This project has been carried out in Matlab, which is a mathematical software with high-level language for numerical computation, visualization and application development, and furthermore it is available to different platforms such as Unix, Windows ,Mac OSX and GNU/Linux This project has focused on implementing, the same as last versions, five kind of reflectors, such as : Parabolic, Offset, Cassegrain and two offset dual reflector Cassegrain y Gregorian ,and these were analysed with a cos-q ideal feed, and finally the results were checked with the versions of Sabor, as well as Sabor 3.0 and the first Sabor. This project consist of four parts: The correct interpretation of the formulas , which were used to do this project, from the final project Sabor3.0 by Francisco Egea Castejón. GUIDE, the graphical user interface development environment, tool that was used to create : GUI, graphical user interface, part of Matlab dedicated to create user interface. Object Oriented Programming of Matlab and different properties like inheritance, that is very useful for saving memory space because with only one method we can analyse different kind of reflectors, object, only change the properties of the object. At finally, the results were contrasted with the results from the previous versions and the link reflectors with horns from the final project Análisis de Bocinas en Matlab by Javier Montero. On the other hand, we have the improvements such as: registers and .txt file. The registers are used by user to save and load different variables and .txt file is useful because it allows to the user plotting in different platforms for example exel.
A reflectarray antenna with improved performance is proposed to operate in dual-polarization and transmit-receive frequencies in Ku-band for broadcast satellite applications. The reflectarray element contains two orthogonal sets of four coplanar parallel dipoles printed on two surfaces, each set combining lateral and broadside coupling. A 40-cm prototype has been designed, manufactured, and tested. The lengths of the coupled dipoles in the reflectarray cells have been optimized to produce a collimated beam in dual polarization in the transmit and receive bands. The measured radiation patterns confirm the high performance of the antenna in terms of bandwidth (27%), low losses, and low levels of cross polarization. Some preliminary simulations at 11.95 GHz for a 1.2-m antenna with South American coverage are presented to show the potential of the proposed antenna for spaceborne antennas in Ku-band.
This doctoral thesis explores some of the possibilities that near-field optics can bring to photovoltaics, and in particular to quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs). Our main focus is the analytical optimization of the electric field distribution produced in the vicinity of single scattering particles, in order to produce the highest possible absorption enhancement in the photovoltaic medium in their surroundings. Near-field scattering structures have also been fabricated in laboratory, allowing the application of the previously studied theoretical concepts to real devices. We start by looking into the electrostatic scattering regime, which is only applicable to sub-wavelength sized particles. In this regime it was found that metallic nano-spheroids can produce absorption enhancements of about two orders of magnitude on the material in their vicinity, due to their strong plasmonic resonance. The frequency of such resonance can be tuned with the shape of the particles, allowing us to match it with the optimal transition energies of the intermediate band material. Since these metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are to be inserted inside the cell photovoltaic medium, they should be coated by a thin insulating layer to prevent electron-hole recombination at their surface. This analysis is then generalized, using an analytical separation-of-variables method implemented in Mathematica7.0, to compute scattering by spheroids of any size and material. This code allowed the study of the scattering properties of wavelengthsized particles (mesoscopic regime), and it was verified that in this regime dielectric spheroids perform better than metallic. The light intensity scattered from such dielectric spheroids can have more than two orders of magnitude than the incident intensity, and the focal region in front of the particle can be shaped in several ways by changing the particle geometry and/or material. Experimental work was also performed in this PhD to implement in practice the concepts studied in the analysis of sub-wavelength MNPs. A wet-coating method was developed to self-assemble regular arrays of colloidal MNPs on the surface of several materials, such as silicon wafers, amorphous silicon films, gallium arsenide and glass. A series of thermal and chemical tests have been performed showing what treatments the nanoparticles can withstand for their embedment in a photovoltaic medium. MNPs arrays are then inserted in an amorphous silicon medium to study the effect of their plasmonic near-field enhancement on the absorption spectrum of the material. The self-assembled arrays of MNPs constructed in these experiments inspired a new strategy for fabricating IBSCs using colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). Such CQDs can be deposited in self-assembled monolayers, using procedures similar to those developed for the patterning of colloidal MNPs. The use of CQDs to form the intermediate band presents several important practical and physical advantages relative to the conventional dots epitaxially grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method. Besides, this provides a fast and inexpensive method for patterning binary arrays of QDs and MNPs, envisioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, in which the MNPs act as antennas focusing the light in the QDs and therefore boosting their absorption
The antenna presented in this article will be developed for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, this terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (14.7% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (7.25 - 7.75 GHz) and transmission (7.9 - 8.4 GHz), are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, and it has a radiation pattern with a beamwidth smaller than 10° and a dual circular polarization. The antenna has the capability to steer in elevation from 90° to 40° electronically and 360° in azimuth with a motorized junction.
We describe a compact lightweight impulse radar for radio-echo sounding of subsurface structures designed specifically for glaciological applications. The radar operates at frequencies between 10 and 75 MHz. Its main advantages are that it has a high signal-to-noise ratio and a corresponding wide dynamic range of 132 dB due mainly to its ability to perform real-time stacking (up to 4096 traces) as well as to the high transmitted power (peak voltage 2800 V). The maximum recording time window, 40 ?s at 100 MHz sampling frequency, results in possible radar returns from as deep as 3300 m. It is a versatile radar, suitable for different geophysical measurements (common-offset profiling, common midpoint, transillumination, etc.) and for different profiling set-ups, such as a snowmobile and sledge convoy or carried in a backpack and operated by a single person. Its low power consumption (6.6 W for the transmitter and 7.5 W for the receiver) allows the system to operate under battery power for mayor que7 hours with a total weight of menor que9 kg for all equipment, antennas and batteries.