25 resultados para 1137


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Olor a mar. Sobre la galería "My name is Lolita" de Martín Lejarraga en Murcia


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La luz es materia y material (de la esencialidad de la luz)


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In this paper we consider a system of three parabolic equations modeling the behavior of two biological species moving attracted by a chemical factor. The chemical substance verifies a parabolic equation with slow diffusion. The system contains second order terms in the first two equations modeling the chemotactic effects. We apply an iterative method to obtain the global existence of solutions using that the total mass of the biological species is conserved. The stability of the homogeneous steady states is studied by using an energy method. A final example is presented to illustrate the theoretical results.


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Se analiza el concepto de género lingüístico contrastándolo con el de tipo de texto. Se describen las características de los géneros científicos y se relacionan y comentan los más frecuentemente utilizados por la comunidad científica. Se detallan los aspectos organizativos de cada género de acuerdo con las convenciones establecidas por la comunidad discursiva a la que se alude.This paper deals with the concepts of discourse, text, text-type and genre within the context of English for Science and Technology. There is an attempt to establish their boundaries, at times unclear, with the purpose of their clarification, following contextual reference and conventional aspects of the discourse community. Examples of the use of these terms by different authors are discussed, reaching the conclusion that texts are the material realisation of discourse whereas genre represents the pragmatic dimension of a type of text, constructed according to the purpose assigned to it by the discourse community. Taking into account the communicative purpose of the text producer and the scientific community where they occur, several genre texts are described, which should be of interest for the teaching of English in academic settings.


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(ENG) IDPSA (Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Assessment) is a family of methods which use tightly coupled probabilistic and deterministic approaches to address respective sources of uncertainties, enabling Risk informed decision making in a consistent manner. The starting point of the IDPSA framework is that safety justification must be based on the coupling of deterministic (consequences) and probabilistic (frequency) considerations to address the mutual interactions between stochastic disturbances (e.g. failures of the equipment, human actions, stochastic physical phenomena) and deterministic response of the plant (i.e. transients). This paper gives a general overview of some IDPSA methods as well as some possible applications to PWR safety analyses (SPA)DPSA (Metodologías Integradas de Análisis Determinista-Probabilista de Seguridad) es un conjunto de métodos que utilizan métodos probabilistas y deterministas estrechamente acoplados para abordar las respectivas fuentes de incertidumbre, permitiendo la toma de decisiones Informada por el Riesgo de forma consistente. El punto de inicio del marco IDPSA es que la justificación de seguridad debe estar basada en el acoplamiento entre consideraciones deterministas (consecuencias) y probabilistas (frecuencia) para abordar la interacción mutua entre perturbaciones estocásticas (como por ejemplo fallos de los equipos, acciones humanas, fenómenos físicos estocásticos) y la respuesta determinista de la planta (como por ejemplo los transitorios). Este artículo da una visión general de algunos métodos IDSPA así como posibles aplicaciones al análisis de seguridad de los PWR.


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Theoretical models for the thermal response of vertical geothermal boreholes often assume that the characteristic time of variation of the heat injection rate is much larger than the characteristic diffusion time across the borehole. In this case, heat transfer inside the borehole and in its immediate surroundings is quasi-steady in the first approximation, while unsteady effects enter only in the far field. Previous studies have exploited this disparity of time scales, incorporating approximate matching conditions to couple the near-borehole region with the outer unsteady temperatura field. In the present work matched asymptotic expansion techniques are used to analyze the heat transfer problem, delivering a rigorous derivation of the true matching condition between the two regions and of the correct definition of the network of thermal resistances that represents the quasi-steady solution near the borehole. Additionally, an apparent temperature due to the unsteady far field is identified that needs to be taken into account by the near-borehole region for the correct computation of the heat injection rate. This temperature differs from the usual mean borehole temperature employed in the literatura.


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.


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En estudios previos desarrollados en la central Nuclear de cofrentes (Valencia) se ha observado que los microorganismos presentes en las aguas radiactivas de las piscinas de almacenamiento de combustible nuclear gastado son capaces de colonizar las superficies metálicas de las paredes y conducciones y formar biopelículas sobre éstas. Estas biopelículas retienen los radionúclidos de las aguas contributyendo a su descontaminación. En este proyecto se ha diseñado una planta piloto para la biodescontaminación de las aguas radiactivas. Actualmente el agua radiactiva procedente de las piscinas de combustible se hace pasar por resinas de intercambio iónico que posteriormente tienen que ser gestionadas como residuos radiactivos. En este proyecto, el agua se hace pasar por un biorreactor que contiene ovillos de acero inoxidable capaces de ser colonizados por los microorganismos existentes en dichas aguas. A su paso por el biorreactor, el agua entra en contacto con el material del ovillo, formándose una biopelícula que retiene los radioisótopos presentes en el agua. La biopelícula es fácilmente eliminada por cualquier procedimiento convencional de descontaminación radioquímica de materiales y los radionúclidos se pueden concentrar en un volumen pequeño de eluyente para su recuperación, disposición final o contención. A continuación, el material del biorreactor puede ser gestionado como material no radiactivo.


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.


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1D and 2D patterning of uncharged micro- and nanoparticles via dielectrophoretic forces on photovoltaic z-cut Fe:LiNbO3 have been investigated for the first time. The technique has been successfully applied with dielectric micro-particles of CaCO3 (diameter d = 1-3 ?m) and metal nanoparticles of Al (d = 70 nm). At difference with previous experiments in x- and y-cut, the obtained patterns locally reproduce the light distribution with high fidelity. A simple model is provided to analyse the trapping process. The results show the remarkably good capabilities of this geometry for high quality 2D light-induced dielectrophoretic patterning overcoming the important limitations presented by previous configurations.