237 resultados para neuromyelitis optica


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Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.


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Current QKD designs try to keep the quantum channel as error free as possible by using a separate physical medium for this purpose. In the most common case, this means the exclusive use of an optical fiber for the quantum channel, precluding its use for any other purpose. In current optical networks, the fiber is the single most expensive element and this poses a major problem from a cost and availability point of view. Sharing the fiber is thus mandatory for the widespread adoption of QKD. The objective of this communication is to propose a general scheme and present some preliminary measurements of a metropolitan area network (MAN) designed to multiplex of the order of 64 addressable quantum channels and the associated QKD classical service signals on a single dark fibre. It uses as much existing components and infraestructure as possible in an attempt to simultaneously lower most of the practical barriers for the adoption of QKD.


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Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is maturing quickly. However, the current approaches to its network use require conditions that make it an expensive technology. All the QKD networks deployed to date are designed as a collection of dedicated point-to-point links that use the trusted repeater paradigm. Instead, we propose a novel network model in which QKD systems use simultaneously quantum and conventional signals that are wavelength multiplexed over a common communication infrastructure. Signals are transmitted end-to-end within a metropolitan area using optical components. The model resembles a commercial telecom network and takes advantage of existing components, thus allowing for a cost-effective and reliable deployment.


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The ability to generate entangled photon-pairs over a broad wavelength range opens the door to the simultaneous distribution of entanglement to multiple users of a network using a single source and wavelength-division multiplexing technologies. Here we show the design of a metropolitan optical network made of tree-type access networks where entangled photon-pairs are distributed to any pair of users, independently of their location. The resulting network improves the reach, number of users and capabilities of existing proposals. Moreover, it is made up of typical commercial components and uses the existing infrastructure, which allows for moderate deployment costs. Finally, we develop a channel plan and a network design that allow direct optical communications, quantum and classical, between any pair of users. Therefore, multiple quantum information technologies can make use of this network.


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Los pseudo-despolarizadores espaciales, entre los que se encuentran los denominados prismas despolarizadores, son dispositivos ópticos capaces de modificar el estado de polarización en cada punto del plano transversal de los haces de luz, obteniendo un continuo de estados de polarización y por tanto un grado de polarización estándar próximo a cero. En la literatura, en reiteradas ocasiones se utilizan estos prismas asumiendo la aproximación de que en su cara oblicua no existe doble reflexión. En el presente trabajo se investigan en detalle las características de polarización locales y globales de haces monocromáticos planos a la salida de un prisma despolarizador teniendo en cuenta la doble reflexión y se comparan los resultados con el caso de despreciar esta doble reflexión. Como consecuencia se obtienen las condiciones bajo las cuales el efecto de la doble reflexión puede ser despreciable. ABSTRACT: Spatial pseudo-depolarizers are optical devices that modify the polarization state along the transverse plane of a light beam in such a way that a continuum of polarization states are obtained. Consequently, a standard degree of polarization near to zero is reached when average over the whole beam section is taken. Depolarizing prism is an example of spatial pseudo-depolarizer. Double reflection effects are usually not considered in literature for such devices. In the present work, the polarization properties at the exit of a depolarizing prism are studied taking into account the effect of double reflection and the results are compared to those obtained when double reflection is neglected. Conditions under which the double reflection effect may be negligible on depolarizing action of this class of prisms are obtained.


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In the field of dimensional metrology, the use of optical measuring machines requires the handling of a large number of measurement points, or scanning points, taken from the image of the measurand. The presence of correlation between these measurement points has a significant influence on the uncertainty of the result. The aim of this work is the development of an estimation procedure for the uncertainty of measurement in a geometrically elliptical shape, taking into account the correlation between the scanning points. These points are obtained from an image produced using a commercial flat bed scanner. The characteristic parameters of the ellipse (coordinates of the center, semi-axes and the angle of the semi-major axis with regard to the horizontal) are determined using a least squares fit and orthogonal distance regression. The uncertainty is estimated using the information from the auto-correlation function of the residuals and is propagated through the fitting algorithm according to the rules described in Evaluation of Measurement Data—Supplement 2 to the ‘Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’—Extension to any number of output quantities. By introducing the concept of cut-off length, it can be observed how it is possible to take into account the presence of the correlation in the estimation of uncertainty in a very simple way while avoiding underestimation.


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Both in industry and research, the quality control of micrometric manufactured parts is based on the measurement of parameters whose traceability is sometimes difficult to guarantee. In some of these parts, the confocal microscopy shows great aptitudes to characterize a measurand qualitatively and quantitatively. The confocal microscopy allows the acquisition of 2D and 3D images that are easily manipulated. Nowadays, this equipment is manufactured by many different brands, each of them claiming a resolution probably not in accord to their real performance. The Laser Center (Technical University of Madrid) has a confocal microscope to verify the dimensions of the micro mechanizing in their own research projects. The present study pretends to confirm that the magnitudes obtained are true and reliable. To achieve this, a methodology for confocal microscope calibration is proposed, as well as an experimental phase for dimensionally valuing the equipment by 4 different standard positions, with its seven magnifications and the six objective lenses that the equipment currently has, in the x–y and z axis. From the results the uncertainty will be estimated along with an effect analysis of the different magnifications in each of the objective lenses.


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The analysis of the interference modes has an increasing application, especially in the field of optical biosensors. In this type of sensors, the displacement Δν of the interference modes of the transduction signal is observed when a particular biological agent is placed over the biosensor. In order to measure this displacement, the position of a maximum (or a minimum) of the signal must be detected before and after placing the agent over the sensor. A parameter of great importance for this kind of sensors is the period Pν of the signal, which is inversely proportional to the optical thickness h0 of the sensor in the absence of the biological agent. The increase of this period improves the sensitivity of the sensor but it worsens the detection of the maximum. In this paper, authors analyze the propagation of uncertainties in these sensors when using least squares techniques for the detection of the maxima (or minima) of the signal. Techniques described in supplement 2 of the ISO-GUM Guide are used. The result of the analysis allows a metrological educated answer to the question of which is the optimal period Pν of the signal. El análisis del comportamiento de los modos de interferencia tiene una aplicación cada vez más amplia, especialmente en el campo de los biosensores ópticos. En este tipo de sensores se observa el desplazamiento Δν de los modos de interferencia de la señal de transducción al reconocer un de-terminado agente biológico. Para medir ese desplazamiento se debe detectar la posición de un máximo o mínimo de la señal antes y después de dicho desplazamiento. En este tipo de biosensores un parámetro de gran importancia es el periodo Pν de la señal el cual es inversamente proporcional al espesor óptico h0 del sensor en ausencia de agente biológico. El aumento de dicho periodo mejora la sensibilidad del sensor pero parece dificultar la detección del mínimo o máximo. Por tanto, su efecto sobre la incertidumbre del resultado de la medida presenta dos efectos contrapuestos: la mejora de la sensibilidad frente a la dificultad creciente en la detección del mínimo ó máximo. En este trabajo, los autores analizan la propagación de incertidumbres en estos sensores utilizando herramientas de ajuste por MM.CC. para la detección de los mínimos o máximos de la señal y técnicas de propagación de incertidumbres descritas en el suplemento 2 de la Guía ISO-GUM. El resultado del análisis permite dar una respuesta, justificada desde el punto de vista metrológico, de en que condiciones es conveniente o no aumentar el periodo Pν de la señal.


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Fresnel lenses used as primary optics in concentrating photovoltaic modules may show warping produced by lens manufacturing or module assembly (e.g., stress during molding or weight load) or due to stress during operation (e.g., mismatch of thermal expansion between different materials). To quantify this problem, a simple method called “checkerboard method” is presented. The proposed method identifies shape errors on the front surface of primary lenses by analyzing the Fresnel reflections. This paper also deals with the quantification of the effects these curvatures have on their optical performance and on the electrical performance of concentrating modules incorporating them. This method can be used to perform quality control of Fresnel lenses in scenarios of high volume production.


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1D and 2D patterning of uncharged micro- and nanoparticles via dielectrophoretic forces on photovoltaic z-cut Fe:LiNbO3 have been investigated for the first time. The technique has been successfully applied with dielectric micro-particles of CaCO3 (diameter d = 1-3 μm) and metal nanoparticles of Al (d = 70 nm). At difference with previous experiments in x- and y-cut, the obtained patterns locally reproduce the light distribution with high fidelity. A simple model is provided to analyse the trapping process. The results show the remarkably good capabilities of this geometry for high quality 2D light-induced dielectrophoretic patterning overcoming the important limitations presented by previous configurations.


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En el estudio de la propagación transversal de una radiación luminosa a través de un capilar con cristal líquido nemático, y cuyas moléculas se encuentran orientadas homeotrópicamente con respecto a las paredes internas de dicho capilar es necesario conocer de forma exacta la distribución espacial del director de cada una de las moléculas contenidas en el mismo. Esta distribución ha sido obtenida de forma empírica por Scudieri interpretando los resultados mediante la suposición de "lente delgada". Experimentalmente, mediante técnicas interferométricas, se obtienen dos grupos de franjas correspondiendo uno al índice de refraccción ordinario y siendo el otro función del ordinario y del extraordinario. El análisis de estas franjas es de una gran importancia a la hora de aplicar estructuras como la presente en Optica Integrada, ya que de ellas se puede inferir cuál es la respuesta de las moléculas de cristal líquido frente a campos externos, conocidos los valores del índice de refracción.


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Estos apuntes de Procesado Cuántico de la Información, escritos por Francisco José Rodríguez Fortuño, están basados en las clases y el material aportado por el Prof. Miguel Angel Muriel Fernández.