339 resultados para Altarpieces -- Spain -- Zamora


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El Transportation Research Board es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte. Aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. This paper focuses on the implementation of safety based incentives in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to evaluate whether PPPs lead to an improvement in road safety, when compared with other infrastructure management systems. Second, is to analyze whether the incentives to improve road safety in PPP contracts in Spain have been effective at improving safety performance. To this end, negative binomial regression models have been applied using information from the Spanish high-capacity network covering years 2007-2009. The results showed that even though road safety is highly influenced by variables that are not manageable by the private concessionaire such as the average annual daily traffic, the implementation of safety incentives in PPPs has a positive influence in the reduction of accidents.


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- Context: Pinus pinea L. presents serious problems of natural regeneration in managed forest of Central Spain. The species exhibits specific traits linked to frugivore activity. Therefore, information on plant–animal interactions may be crucial to understand regeneration failure. - Aims: Determining the spatio-temporal pattern of P. pinea seed predation by Apodemus sylvaticus L. and the factors involved. Exploring the importance of A. sylvaticus L. as a disperser of P. pinea. Identifying other frugivores and their seasonal patterns. - Methods: An intensive 24-month seed predation trial was carried out. The probability of seeds escaping predation was modelled through a zero-inflated binomial mixed model. Experiments on seed dispersal by A. sylvaticus were conducted. Cameras were set up to identify other potential frugivores. - Results: Decreasing rodent population in summer and masting enhances seed survival. Seeds were exploited more rapidly nearby parent trees and shelters. A. sylvaticus dispersal activity was found to be scarce. Corvids marginally preyed upon P. pinea seeds. - Conclusions: Survival of P. pinea seeds is climate-controlled through the timing of the dry period together with masting occurrence. Should germination not take place during the survival period, establishment may be limited. A. sylvaticus mediated dispersal does not modify the seed shadow. Seasonality of corvid activity points to a role of corvids in dispersal.


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The Cultural Heritage constitutes a way to generate social identities and play an important role in the development of the Spanish Mediterranean cities that opt to sustainable quality tourism. The reflection on the necessity of intervention on this heritage, in addition to establishing what should be done, brings up the need to define the reasons for taking action, why and what-for. These decisions are essential to establish if its maintenance and recovery are economically sustainable. The Project "Cartagena Port of Cultures", with support from the European Union, is an example of effective instrument for ensuring the sustainability of our built heritage conservation. Its main objective was to enable sustainable development of tourism in Cartagena based on sustainability and seasonality. This was achieved through a process of recovery of heritage resources and their optimum promotion and marketing.


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The objective of this paper is the development of a building cost estimation model whose purpose is to quickly and precisely evaluate rebuilding costs for historic heritage buildings affected by catastrophic events. Specifically, this study will be applied to the monumental buildings owned by the Catholic Church that were affected by two earthquakes on May 11, 2011 in the town of Lorca. To estimate the initial total replacement cost new, calculation model will be applied which, on the one hand, will use two-dimensional metric exterior parameters and, on the other, three-dimensional interior cubic parameters. Based on the total of the analyzed buildings, and considering damage caused by the seismic event, the final reconstruction cost for the building units ruined by the earthquakes can be estimated. The proposed calculation model can also be applied to other emergency scenarios and situations for the quick estimation of construction costs necessary for rebuilding historic heritage buildings which have been affected by catastrophic events that deteriorate or ruin their structural or constructive configuration.


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The Partido Stream is a small torrential course that flows into the marsh of the Doñana National Park, an area that was declared a World Heritage Site in 1994. Before 1981, floods occurred, and the stream overflowed onto a floodplain. As an old alluvial fan, the floodplain has its singular orography and functionality. Fromthe floodplain, several drainage channels, locally called caño, discharged into themarsh. The Partido Streamhad themorphology of a caño and covered approximately 8 km from the old fan to the marsh. The stream was straightened and channelised in 1981 to cultivate the old fan. This resulted in floods that were concentrated between the banks in the following years, which caused the depth of water and the shear stress to increase, thus, scouring the river bed and river banks. In this case, the eroded materials were carried towards the marsh where a new alluvial fan evolved. Control measures on the old fan were implemented in 2006 to stop the development of the new alluvial fan downstream over the marsh. Thus, the stream would partially recover its original behaviour that it had before channelisation, moving forwards in a new, balanced state. The present study describes the geomorphological evolution that channelisation has caused since 1981 and the later slow process of recovery of the original hydraulic-sedimentation regime since 2006. Additionally, it deepens the understanding of the original hydraulic behaviour of the stream, combining field data and 2D simulations.


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Natural cement was patented in 1796 but it didn’t arrive in Spain until 1835. No one knows exactly where the production started in Spain, because it emerged independently at the same time in many places. Most of these outbreaks are concentrated in the north and northwest of Spain: Basque Country (Zumaya and Rezola) and Catalonia (San Celoní and San Juan de las Abadesas).Natural cement was extensively used to decorate historical buildings during the nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century in Madrid. It was the building material which realised the architects and builders dreams of mass-produced cast elements in a wide variety of styles. Its arrival replaced traditional materials that were used previously (lime, gypsum and hydraulic limes). However, its use was not extended in time, and soon it was replaced by the use of artificial Portland cements. During 20th century this building material disappeared from use. What remains is it’s memory, in thousands and thousands of “stone witnesses” in our cities. Final properties of the cement largely depend on raw materials used and its combustion temperature. However, it was characterised by an easily implementation on facade masonry, fast-setting (about 15 minutes), good resistance , an agreeable structural consistency and colour.This article aims to show first steps, evolution and decay of Natural Cement Industry in Spain and its application in Madrid.


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The general aim of this study can be summarized in contributin gempirical evidence on the existence, design, fabrication and functioning of the crossing trellis vaults asa constructive expression of the Spanish renaissance moved to the New Spain, today México, and their mutual relation.


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In his retreat in Alicante, where he gives calm and deliverate classes at the city's new architecture school , ALFREDO PAYA ls a serene and centered architect who transmits these qualities through the buildings he constructs .


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In Spain, natural zeolites have been only found in the volcanic areas of Canary Islands (San Gil, M.M., 1959). However, several years ago the study of the South Eastern region of continental Spain (Cabo de Gata) revealed the presence of a deposit of mordenite being industrially commercialized as bentonite. The deposit San José-Los Escullos is located in the concession registered as Los Murcianos, managed by Bentonitas Especiales, S.A. (BENESA) who was extracting bentonite while ignoring the presence of the zeolite. The name San José-Los Escullos refers to the discovery of mordenite in this deposit. The deposit is located in a volcanic area, constituted by pyroxenic andesites, breccias, tuffs, pyroclasts with andesitic and dacitic composition, largely altered by the hydrothermal solutions. The recent discovery of this zeolite with mordenite content up to 97%, has changed the initial vision about that deposit, and new possible uses of this mineral in the pozzolanic cement industry are foreseen. This work intends to give preliminary data on the characterization of this zeolite according to X-ray diffraction (XRD), ICP analyses, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as to emphasize the pozzolanic properties of this material, using both chemical and mechanical tests.


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Economic growth has traditionally been linked to road freight transport demand, leading to a steady rise in social and environmental impacts. Concern about this problem has caused the EU to promote a decoupling strategy aimed at boosting sustainable development in European countries by improving the efficiency of transport systems without curbing economic growth. Over the last few years empirical evidence in some countries such as the United Kingdom has shown an increase in GDP while the volume of road freight traffic has remained stable or even decreased. This paper compares recent decoupling trends by analyzing the evolution of road tonne-kms/GDP relationship in the United Kingdom and Spain from 1999 to 2007. This comparison seeks to identify the main differences and key drivers of decoupling in both countries. We first provide an overview of the divergences between both economic structures and levels of road transport intensity. Then we conduct a decomposition analysis in order to identify the variables that explain the evolution of truck traffic per unit of GDP in each country. The results show that the increasing share of services in GDP has substantially contributed to decreasing road transport demand in both cases. Changes in road transport intensity due to improvements in logistic and supply chain management have been more successful in the UK than in Spain.


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Se cuantifican las descargas subterráneas de un acuífero a un río que lo atraviesa utilizando correlaciones estadísticas. El río Duero, España, incrementa su caudal base en varios m3/s, al atravesar unos afloramientos carbonatados mesozoicos en un pequeño tramo de su cabecera; esto es de especial importancia en época de estiaje, cuando la mayor parte del caudal base del río procede de manantiales que allí se sitúan. Dichos afloramientos corresponden a uno de los dos acuíferos calcáreos confinados, que se desarrollan en paralelo y están hidráulicamente desconectados por una capa impermeable, que forman el sistema acuífero de los manantiales de Gormaz. Este sistema se encuentra en estado de régimen natural y está apenas explotado. Se define el modelo conceptual de funcionamiento hidrogeológico, considerando el papel hidrogeológico de la falla de Gormaz, situada en la zona de descarga del sistema. Analizando información geológica antecedente y la geofísica exploratoria realizada, se obtuvo un mejor conocimiento de la geometría y los límites de los acuíferos, definiéndose un sistema acuífero con una zona de recarga en el sur, correspondiente a los afloramientos calcáreos, los cuales se confinan hacia el norte bajo el Terciario, hasta intersecar con la falla normal de Gormaz. El salto de falla genera una barrera para las formaciones permeables situadas al extremo norte (margen derecha del río Duero); a su vez, el plano de falla facilita el ascenso del agua subterránea del sistema acuífero en estudio y pone en conexión hidráulica los dos acuíferos. Se estimaron, además, los parámetros hidráulicos de los acuíferos en los alrededores de la falla. La buena correlación entre los niveles piezométricos y las descargas subterráneas al río Duero han permitido la reconstrucción del hidrograma de los manantiales de Gormaz en el periodo 1992-2006. Se calcula así que la contribución subterránea al río Duero es de 135.9 hm3/año, que supone el 18.9% de la aportación total del río. In a short stretch of its headwaters, the base flow of the River Duero increases by several m3/s as it traverses some Mesozoic carbonate outcrops. This is of special importance during the dry season, when the majority of the base flow of the river proceeds from springs in this reach. The outcrops correspond to one of two confined calcareous aquifers that developed in parallel but which are not hydraulically connected because of an impermeable layer. Together, they constitute the aquifer system of the Gormaz Springs. The system is still in its natural regime and is hardly exploited. This study defines the conceptual model of hydrogeological functioning, taking into consideration the role of the Gormaz Fault, which is situated in the discharge zone of the system. Analysis of both antecedent geological information and geophysical explorations has led to a better understanding of the geometry and boundaries of the aquifers, defining an aquifer system with a recharge zone in the south corresponding to in the calcareous outcrops. These calcareous outcrops are confined to the north below Tertiary formations, as far as their intersection with the normal fault of Gormaz. The throw of the fault forms the barrier of the permeable formations situated in the extreme north (right bank of the River Duero). In turn, the fault plane facilitates the upflow of groundwater from the aquifer system and creates hydraulic connection between the two aquifers. In addition, the study estimated the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer around the fault. The close correlation between piezometric levels and the groundwater discharges to the River Duero has enabled the reconstruction of the hydrogram of Gormaz springs over the period 1992-2006. By this means, it is calculated that the groundwater contribution to the River Duero is 135.9 hm3/year, or 18.9% of the total river inflow.


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Se define este icnogénero en el yacimiento paleontológico citado perteneciente al grupo Oncala de la facies Weald de la Cuenca de Cameros. El yacimiento de Las Cuestas I (Soria, España) es uno de los mayores del Grupo Oncala. Hasta el momento, se han catalogado en él casi 600 pisadas de ornitópodos, terópodos y, sobre todo, de saurópodos. Las huellas de ornitópodos son similares a las utilizadas para definir el icnogénero Iguanodontipus (Sarjeant et al., 1998) del Berriasiense de Dorset (Inglaterra), por lo que se incluyen en el mismo. Huellas semejantes a las descritas en este yacimiento se pueden ver en muchos otros del Grupo Oncala, tanto conocidos como inéditos. El análisis de los posibles icnopoyetas, autores de las huellas, indica que pudieron pertenecer a la familia Camptosauridae (Camptosaurus, Draconyx) o superfamilia Iguanodontoidea, de pequeño tamaño. Las Cuestas I (Soria, Spain) is one of the biggest tracksite in Oncala Group. Until the moment, it has been catalogued almost 600, ornithopod, theropod and mainly sauropod tracks. The ornithopod tracks are similar to those used to define the Iguanodontipus ichnogener (Sarjeant et al., 1998) from the Berriasian in Dorset (England), that is why they are also included.Very similar footprints to those described in this tracksite can be seen a lot of tracksites in Oncala Group, both known and unknown. They analysis of the potential trackmakers the tracks owners, reveals that they could belong to the family of Camptosauridae (Camptosaurus, Draconyx) or superfamily Iguanodontoidea, of small size.