512 resultados para Baeza
Al igual que la poesía necesita de la materialidad de la palabra para llegar a conmovernos en lo más hondo, la luz, el material central de la arquitectura necesita de la gravedad, de la masa, para poder ser atrapada por ella y mover el corazón de los hombres.
Spain on Spain : debates sobre la arquitectura contemporánea = debates on contemporary architecture
El siglo xx ha sido testigo en España de profundas transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas. Ha sido, además, espejo de los cambios que experimentaron las diversas corrientes arquitectónicas que discurrieron a lo largo de este periodo por Europa y el resto del mundo. Este libro constituirá seguramente una sorpresa para muchos, pues presenta un animado fresco de estilos a través de su recorrido por los edificios más singulares y creativos de todos los puntos de nuestro país, sin ideas preconcebidas, de iglesias a mercados; de edificios archiconocidos hasta pequeñas joyas escondidas.
El pájaro posado en la colina Sobre el edificio TITSA en Tenerife de NTRES arquitectos (Arsenio Pérez Amara/, Antonio Corona Bosch y Eustaquio Martínez García)
When I flrst encountered the architecture of Manuel and Francisco AIRES MATEUS, I was reminded of a Nazarlte proverb that provides a lyrical recipe for construction. "To make a house," lt directs, "you grab a handful of alr and hold lt together wlth a few walls." I have come to realize that thls ls precisely what these Portuguese brothers do ln all their buildings.
Readlng Italo Calvlno's book of llterary medltatlons, Six Memos for the Next Millennium, I was remlnded of the young Spanlsh archltect JESUS APARICIO. Calvlno descrlbes a story from Boccacclo's Decameron and attrlbutes a vlrtue - lntellectual gravlty - to lts protagonlst, the poet Guldo Cavalcantl. The vlrtue of profundlty ls, for Calvlno, cause for hope ln the future.
I still remember the first time I saw photos of Marc Barani's Saint Pancrace Cemetery. ATELIER BARANI's project made such a lasting impression on me that I have followed hls work closely ever slnce. For the past six years, Barani has taught ln dlfferent places, most recently at the Speclal School of Architecture in Parls.
"Serene" would be the most appropriate adjective to describe the architecture of Dermot Boyd and Peter Cody. BOYD CODY ARCHITECTS ls part of a close-knit group of young architects - all of them aggressive and belligerent proponents of modern forms - that make up the vibrant core of contemporary Irish architecture .
Seeking insplratlon to wrlte about the Stockholm-based studio founded by Marten Claesson, Eero Kolvisto, and Ola Rune, I plck up the cutting board they designed for Boffi.
When I lncluded the then very young Emilio Tunon ln the book Young Spanish Architecture twenty years ago, he had just built a beautlful chapel in Alcala. Some people criticized this vote of confidence, as they saw it as a bit premature.
In his retreat in Alicante, where he gives calm and deliverate classes at the city's new architecture school , ALFREDO PAYA ls a serene and centered architect who transmits these qualities through the buildings he constructs .
Juan Carlos Sancho and Sol Madridejos are at the forefront of Madrid's contemporary architectural scene.
I have always been impressed by the clear and precise work of STEPHANE BEEL ARCHITECTS, which is tremendous in quality , if not abundant in quantity. Beel creates what I would call silent architecture - silent ln the way of a Mies buildlng, all clarity and logic.
Some people call Tony Fretton an artist, but I prefer to see him as a unique visionary whose reserved character suits the architecture he makes.
Looking at the Sky